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Walkthrough by Shotgunnova
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over The Nexus on
\/ \/ \ ( ) / \ \ / / \ / _ ) () ( ) | | | | | | ( (_) ) __| [\___/ \_____/ /'/ )\_/''\_/( / ,'\_/ /\ \ /\ /| ( ( \_/ ) ( ) ( { | | ___ | | | | ( | ( ( ) ( ( ) ) '. | | ,'\ ) ( \ \ / /| \ | ( \/\ ( | | \ \/ / ) (\ \ ( (_____) )|_| \ / |_| ) ) \_____,_/ \/ /_/ World Championship 2011: "OVER THE NEXUS" FAQ/Walkthrough by Shotgunnova (P. Summers) For hosting permission and all that jazz, check bottom of the guide. Thankee-sai!

I. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNTR II. TH' BASICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THBS How to Play ...................................................... Types of Cards ................................................... Types of Summons ................................................. Duel Minigame .................................................... Tips N' Tricks ................................................... HWTP CRDS SMNS DLMN TPST

III. WALKTHROUGH (CHAPTERS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLKT 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) ~The Beginning~ The Frontier Lands, Crash Town ............... ~The Encounter~ Team Satisfaction ............................ ~The Turning Point~ Just Me and My Duel Runner ............... ~Completion~ New Friends, New Partnerships ................... ~Going Home~ Memories Long Past and a Hand of Hope ........... ~Changes~ Preparing for the Tournament and a Looming Shadow .. WK01 WK02 WK03 WK04 WK05 WK06

IV. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPN Banlist .......................................................... Duel Bonuses ..................................................... NPC Duel Rewards ................................................. Pack List ........................................................ Sidequests ....................................................... Structure Deck List .............................................. Unlockables ...................................................... BNLS DLBN NPCD PCKL SDQS STRC UNLC

V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAQZ VI. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT VII. LEGALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT _______________________________________________________________________________ I. CONTROLS [CNTR] _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________ | ______________ | D-PAD : Navigating menus, moving around | |||| | START : --| || TOP || | SELECT: Toggle cards' Sets to manual (in-duel) | || SCREEN || | X-BTTN: Opens main menu | ''' || || ''' | Y-BTTN: --| ''' ||____________|| ''' | A-BTTN: "Action" button for menus, speaking, etc. |_ _| B-BTTN: "Cancel" button for menus

| ______________ | L-SHLD: Use boosters (during duel runner trials) | |||| | R-SHLD: Use boosters (during duel runner trials) | | || BOTTOM || X | | -+- || SCREEN || Y A | The stylus can also double as the A-button for | | || || B | most purposes. There's no option to change the | ||____________||Start| controller config beyond what's listed, though, | Select| unfortunately. _______________________________________________________________________________ II. TH' BASICS [THBS] _______________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO PLAY [HWTP] I'll just give the gist of things for the uninitiated. Those who want some full in-depth coverage can actually just check the game's tutorial, which is pretty useful for anyone looking to learn the rules or just brush up on the basics. --Both players start with 8000 life points (LP) and five cards from their deck. The most common objective to winning a duel is reducing an opponent's LP to 0 by dealing battle damage (attacking with monster cards), although there are some instant win conditions available, such as the effect of "Final Countdown" or collecting all 5 Exodia pieces in one's hand. Each turn, a player is alloted one (1) Normal Summon and any number of Special Summons. A Normal Summon takes place when a monster in the Hand is summoned in face-up Attack Position. A Normal "Set" is putting a monster from the hand in face-down Defense Position, and counts towards the Normal Summon quota. A Special Summon is pretty much any other type of summon, including Fusion, Ritual, and commonly, Synchro Summons. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Draw Phase: cards are drawn here Standby Phase: generally applies to cards' maintenance costs Main Phase 1: Can Normal Summon and use cards in hand/field/etc. Battle Phase: Use own cards to attack Main Phase 2: Like Main Phase 1, but used to prepare for next turn, mostly End Phase: the turn is ending (applies to some card effects, too).

Each "phase" happens once per turn, in the given order. Some even have stipulations, like Main Phase 2 -- it can't occur without Main Phase 1 first occuring. Some cards can make a player skip/end phases, typically the Battle Phase (where a majority of the action happens). The Battle Phase is one of the most important phases. Here, monsters can attack to destroy the opponent's monsters. If one launches an attack while the opponent controls no monsters, it's considered a "direct attack" -- a free assault on one's LP. [Some monsters can attack directly innately, too.] Each monster card has an ATK and DEF value. The ATK is the strength of the card, while the DEF is the card's damage threshold while in defense position. Example: Thunder King Rai-Oh (1900 ATK) attacks an attack-position Kunoichi (1800 ATK); this destroys Kunoichi since its ATK is lower. Now, let's say Thunder King Rai-Oh attacks a defense position Obsidian Dragon (2100 DEF). Since Rai-Oh's ATK is lower, it can't defeat Obsidian Dragon, and the attacking card's owner actually incurs damage equal to the difference in ATK and DEF -- in this case, 200 damage (2100 DEF - 1900 ATK = 200). If an attack goes through, it's considered to be "damage calculation".

Card effects come into play as well. If Rai-Oh attacks an attack position Black Stego (1200 ATK), Black Stego's effect switches it to defense position (2000 ATK) before damage calculation. Again, Rai-Oh's controller would suffer battle damage. Some cards can destroy monsters with their own effect rather than deal damage. Example: Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke attacks Black Stego in face-up defense position. Sasuke's ATK (1800) is lower, but using its effect, Black Stego is destroyed anyway. Other monsters have ways of defeating face-up and face-down monsters immediately, such as Ally of Justice Catastor and Search Striker, respectively. Some monsters deal "piercing damage." For example: Spear Dragon (1900 ATK) attacks a defense position Marshmallon (300 DEF). Marshmallon's effect won't let it be destroyed by battle, but Spear Dragon still deals damage since it's ATK is higher than the opponent's DEF (1900 ATK - 300 DEF = 1600 damage). This all sound confusing? The tutorial and first-hand experience can soon change that. It's not all so frustrating or difficult once it's had time to sink in. TYPES OF CARDS [CRDS] Essentially, there's three types of cards one can put in their deck. MONSTER: Monster cards are placed in the monster zones. They contain ATK and DEF values, and fight during the Battle Phase. These cards come in many colors: yellow (Normal), orange (Effect), blue (Ritual), white (Synchro), and Fusion (Purple). When Exceed/Xyz monsters come out, they'll have a black background. SPELL -: These are colored green and come in three types: Normal, Continuous, and Quickplay. Normal and Continuous Spells can be Set and activated in the same turn; Quickplay Spells can't. Spells carry effects that can destroy monsters, increase ATK or DEF, or even give supplemental effects. Since they can be played instantly (almost always), they have a large role in the game. Two other kinds of Spells: Ritual Spells are used to summon Ritual Monsters, and Equip Spells are equipped to face-up monsters and remain on the field like Continuous Spells. TRAP --: These are colored red and are placed in the Spell/Trap zone beneath the monster zones. Traps carry many of the same roles as spells, but are meant for anticipatory play -- that is, trapping the opponent. Example: if the opponent summons a monster, you can use Solemn Warning to negate that summon and destroy the monster. Sucks for them! Unlike Spells, Traps cannot be used in the turn they are Set, and there are few circumstances that break this rule. There's also such a thing as a "trap monster" -- when activated, the trap can be Special Summoned to a monster zone and used in battle. However, a trap monster wastes a Spell/Trap zone while summoned, and being treated as a monster AND trap means its susceptibilities increase, too. Additionally, there are "Counter Traps" meant to specifically counter certain situations. Counter Traps are the fastest cards in the game, meaning other cards cannot be chained to them (except other Counter Traps). TYPES OF SUMMONS [SMMN] Here's a little rundown on types of summons. NORMAL SUMMON: A normal summon occurs when a player summons a monster from the hand in face-up Attack Position, generally during the Main Phase 1 or 2.

One can also "Set" a card -- i.e. place it in face-down defense position -instead. Only one of these can be used per turn by default. Whether or not a monster can be Set is specified in the card text. Example: Rare Metal Dragon cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, even though it's a Level 4 card; this is done to offset its high ATK (2400!). TRIBUTE SUMMON: [This is also considered a normal summon.] Some monsters' levels are high enough that they can't be summoned without first tributing -- or sacrificing one's monsters already on the field. Tribute summons can be done in face-up Attack Position or in face-down defense position (called a "tribute set"). Some monsters specify conditions in which they can be tributed, even. Monsters of Level 4 and lower do not need tributes; monsters of levels 5 & 6 need 1 tribute typically; monsters of higher levels need two minimum, unless their effects specify differently. SPECIAL SUMMON: These can be performed any number of times per turn, and during either player's turn, too. Types of Special Summons: Fusion, Synchro, Ritual. Additionally there are special summons that are just "general," and don't fall under any of those categories. Example: Cyber Dragon can Special Summon itself if its owner doesn't control a monster but the opponent does. FUSION SUMMON: A type of Special Summon that summons a Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck. Fusion Monsters have monsters listed on their text -- these are considered "Fusion Material" monsters. There's two basic ways to Fusion Summon: (1) by means of a general card, like Polymerization, or a specialty card for archetypes, like Dark Fusion or Pyroxene Fusion (2) Contact Fusion, which requires the Fusion Material monsters to be on the field; the monsters are then sent to the Graveyard without use of a "catalyst" card. Note that Special Summoning a Fusion Monster by means OTHER than a Fusion Summon does make a difference: only properly summoned Fusion Monsters can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard! SYNCHRO SUMMON: Like Fusion Monsters, Synchro Monsters have requirements listed on their card. I'll just do an example: let's say you wanted to summon Ally of Justice Catastor, a Level 5 Synchro. This requires having a Tuner and another monster(s) on the field, then sending 'em to the Graveyard to Special Summon the Synchro Monster. The catch is the monsters sent have to be equal to Synchro Monster's Level. Example: Dark Resonator (LV3) and Quillbolt Hedgehog (LV2) can summon Catastor since LV3 + LV2 = LV5. Some Synchro Monsters require specific Tuners. Moon Dragon Quilla (LV6) requires the Supay (LV1) tuner. Let's say you use Dark Resonator (LV3) and Dandylion (LV3) and try to Synchro Quilla -- it won't work, even though the levels add up correctly. [Like Fusion and Ritual Summons, a generic Special Summon of a Synchro Monster means that monster can't be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. Example: the Starlight Road trap will Special Summon "Stardust Dragon"; however, if Stardust Dragon's negation effect activates, it won't be able to return during the End Phase, since it wasn't properly Synchro Summoned.] RITUAL SUMMON: Ritual summons require having a Ritual Monster and Ritual Spell Card in hand. If one activates a Ritual Spell card while having the proper summoning Spell Card, one must also tribute monsters -- from one's hand or own field -- before that Ritual Monster can be summoned. Example: you want to summon the LV6 "Hungry Burger" using the "Hamburger Recipe" Ritual Spell. First, you need both of those cards in the hand; then, you need monsters on the field/hand whose level(s) add up to LV6 or greater. Some monsters, like Ritual Raven, have effects that allow them to be used as an entire Ritual tribute, bypassing some of the annoyances. XYZ (EXCEED) SUMMON: These aren't present in the game, but I figure I'd go over 'em anyway. An Exceed Summon is similar to a Synchro Summon, but

in this case, it simply requires having monsters of the same level on the field. Example: Black Ray Lancer requires having 2 Level 3 monsters on one's own field. Instead of sending those cards to the Graveyard to summon, like in a Synchro Summon, those 2 Level 3 monsters are placed underneath the Exceed Monster. Cards placed underneath like this are considered "Exceed Material" monsters, and are removed by the Exceed Monster's effect to fuel its abilities. [NOTE: Xyz is the official name of these monsters, but they were first known as Exceeds, which translates better in English; call 'em Xyz if you want, though...even though it's kinda dumb...] DUEL MINIGAME [DLMN] After (manually) initiating a duel and defeating the opponent in battle, one gets to do a little minigame to earn rewards. It's essentially a matching game on a 3x3 grid. Each game contains 3 pairs of present cards, 1 helpful card, 1 DP prize, and 1 bad card. Each NPC has six (6) winnable cards available, and by playing that NPC early, one can often acquire cards not yet found in packs or structure decks. _______ ___________________________________________________________________ | ICON | EFFECT GIVEN | ||| | Akiza | Temporarily reveals 1 card on the sheet | | Arrow | Shuffles face-down cards around | | Card | Present card; match 2 to obtain the shown card | | Crow | Temporarily reveals 3 cards on the sheet | | DP | Earns duel points (DP) to buy cards with | | Eye | Resets sheet; all prizes and DP are forfeited | | Flag | Ends game; all prizes and DP won are retained | | Jack | Destroys all bad/traps on the sheet | | Luna | Allows 1 free miss on the sheet | | Skull | Ends game; all prizes and DP won are forfeited | | Yusei | Doubles any received card prizes earned on that sheet | |_______|___________________________________________________________________| An NPC opponent's star ranking starts at LV1 and, after the player beats that NPC five times, the ranking goes up by 1 level (max: 5). The higher an NPC's star ranking, the better chance of receiving rare cards and finding better miscellaneous cards in the puzzle. For instance, after an NPC reaches LV2, that annoying white flag card can be replaced with the shuffle card, which is a nuisance but doesn't end the game automatically. TIPS N' TRICKS [TPST] This section's mostly geared towards those still learning the ropes or not yet familiarized with this game. Got a good tip? Send it in and I'll probably stick it here! A deck must have at least 40 cards, but there's no reason for it to contain the maximum of 60. It may seem like having more cards would equal better results, but in reality, it just dilutes the deck's searching power. In essence, your hand will be coming up short more often than naught, and that simply won't do. Try to keep a deck to a minimum of 40-43 cards for best effect. Try to save a recipe just containing staple cards -- cards that fit well into any deck. Examples: Call of the Haunted, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Torrential Tribute, Giant Trunade, Bottomless Trap Hole, Dimensional Prison, etc. If you save a recipe like this, that way, you can just load it up, add in/remove cards to make a new deck, and save it under a different name. This method cuts down on a lot of time, not to mention works better than simply memorizing everything.

Many archetypes aren't properly supported at the beginning of the game, so try dueling town NPCs for better cards. Additionally, CPU opponents are available, too, and often contain hard-to-get cards or cards that aren't readily available in current packs. Structure decks also contain cards of this nature. Remember: by constantly dueling everyone and everything (and racking up 3 wins apiece), new packs or CPU opponents are unlocked, thus helping one's card situation. [Progressing through the story unlocks things as well.] Part card pool some of the fun of dueling is just knowing what cards to look for and effects -- this helps with deckbuilding and, well, increasing one's of knowledge helps. Look up cards at, or try reading of card game specialty sites, like

Netdecking is the practice of copying other people's decks and using them as your own. While this practice is looked down upon in general, for new players, it can serve as a stepping stone, not just for learning basics, but for having fun with a deck's revolving theme. So, if you're having trouble building a Synchro, Turbo, Blackwing, etc. deck, just try looking around for someone else's, and work off that. [Just don't go around talking about how great your netdecking prowess is, unless you've got a king-sized flame shield, heh heh...] _________________________ /\/\_____________________________________________/ III. WALKTHROUGH [WLKT] |_ //\\\\ / \//// 01) ~THE BEGINNING~ THE FRONTIER LANDS, CRASH TOWN [WK01] \ / /_________________________________________________________________________ \/\/ Once all the nationality-type info is put in, the player is automatically put in the shoes of the avatar they made. You can take a peek at your default deck before starting the first chapter properly, too: MONSTERS [22] 1 - Alien Shocktrooper 1 - Anarchist Monk Ranshin 1 - Armored Bee 1 - Chiron the Mage 1 - Des Koala 1 - Exploder Dragon 1 - Frostosaurus 2 - Gem-Knight Garnet 2 - Giant Rat 1 - Mobius the Frost Monarch 3 - Naturia Cherries 1 - Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter 1 - Super-Nimble Mega Hamster 2 - Trident Warrior 1 - Winged Rhynos 1 - X-Saber Airbellum 1 - Zaborg the Thunder Monarch SPELLS [11] 1 - Axe of Despair 2 - Fissure 1 - Hammer Shot 1 - Intercept Wave 1 - Lucky Iron Axe 1 - Monster Reincarnation 1 - Shield Crush EXTRA DECK [4] 1 - Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth 1 - Lightning Warrior 1 - Magical Android 1 - X-Saber Wayne SIDE DECK [15 - 5/5/5] 1 - Consecrated Light 1 - Delg the Dark Monarch 1 - Magna Drago 1 - Reese the Ice Mistress 1 - Saber Beetle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Double Cyclone Foolish Return Heat Wave Twister Warrior Elimination Chaos Trap Hole Crevice Into the Different Dimension Dust Tornado Light-Imprisoning Mirror Trap Jammer

2 - Shrink 1 - Twister TRAPS [7] 1 - Dust Tornado 1 - Limit Reverse 1 - Raigeki Break 2 - Seven Tools of the Bandit 2 - Trap Hole Once the menu is left, the player is treated to some scenes involving a stadium and some weirdos standing atop pillars. Those who've followed the 5D's anime should already be intimately familiar with all these events and characters. In any case, the game reminds newcomers to check out the Tutorial (accessible from menu) to get the hang of things. ===== After awakening in Crash Town, claim your deck from the table -- it's the one mentioned above. The bookshelf shares its wisdom as well: one can find glittering (and sometimes invisible) objects laying around, or just by rooting around containers. These objects can be cards or DP, the latter being the "currency" used to buy things in this game, namely packs of cards. That green diamond thing is the savepoint, but it doesn't take a genius to figure that out, eh? Outside, our hero/ine meets up with West and Nico, two duelists who happen to be brother and sister. West says the card shop opens today and runs off to "the hideout," which is the northernmost shack in town. With no bothersome NPCs to speak with, we're free to explore this dusty burg. Here's a list of stuff to loot. STAR CHIP: SW STAR CHIP: In 43 DP: Screen HANEWATA: Red corner of town, by fence flower shop planter, left side between town crossroads and hideout; left side (visible) chest near hideout

Note that until you meet West & Nico, none of the shops will be open, and you (still) can't exit town. You can try your hand at battling some of the local NPCs, but their decks are liable to eat you up and spit you out, especially Minegishi's beatdown deck filled with popular monsters and traps. It's almost cruel putting him so early in the game! Visit the kids in the northern shack to learn about a forthcoming surprise... that isn't ready yet. West challenges the player as a way to pass the time, and talks about the "Crash Town Style" of determining who goes first. Unlike rock-paper-scissors in previous games, here, a player can go first by speedily (and correctly) pressing the button prompts on the screen. Not only is this often easy to win at, but those who want to go 2nd can also do so at their leisure. Sure beats any ol' game of chance, huh? Note that in Crash Town, this style is MANDATORY, so try to get good at it. Save before taking West up on his challenge. ________________________________________________ ________________________/ PLOT DUEL #01: West [My Almighty Legend - 750] |_ | | | | | 1 Copycat | 1 Fissure | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 3 Cyber Valley | 1 Limiter Removal | 3 Limit Reverse | | 3 Darksea Rescue | 2 Machine Duplication | 1 Raigeki Break | | 1 Emes the Infinity | 1 One for One | | | 3 Jester Confit | 1 Scapegoat | |

| 3 Mecha Bunny |_______________________|_____________________________| | 3 Quick-Span Knight | | 1 Searchlightman | Assessment: A deck geared towards getting out low| 2 Swift Scarecrow | -attack monsters, clogging up the field in an effort | 3 Tuningware | to make Synchros or serve as tributes for "Emes the | 3 Turbo Booster | Infinity," the trump card. This coterie of weaklings | 3 Turbo Rocket | can be steamrolled with the player's default deck |---------------------| rather easily, although Turbo Cannon's ability to | 3 Armory Arm | destroy a face-up monster and inflict effect damage | 3 Turbo Cannon | to its controller can be problematic at times. Without |_____________________| cards that negate your own, his kamikaze style of play typically works against him. Since this is the first battle of the game, you'll get a crapload of bonus DP, about 3000+. West coughs up his Spore tuner as a reward for beating him. Spore has become a staple in plant-themed decks, and is good to have on-hand if you plan to use one. Nico will have to be fought next to progress the plot, so retool your deck if needed before then. _______________________________________________ ________________________ / PLOT DUEL #02: Nico [Pretty & Prettier - 780] |_ | | | | 2 Botanical Girl | 2 Book of Moon | | 3 Cherry Inmato | 2 Miracle Fertilizer | | 1 Dandylion | 1 One for One | | 1 Gigaplant |--------------------------------------------------| | 1 Glow-Up Bulb | 2 Limit Reverse | | 3 Hedge Guard | 2 Plant Food Chain | | 3 Inmato | 1 Torrential Tribute | | 1 Level Eater | 1 Return from the Different Dimension | | 3 Naturia Beans | 2 Wall of Thorns | | 3 Naturia Cherries |__________________________________________________| | 3 Spore | | 2 Sweet Corn | Assessment: Nico's plant-themed deck is actually | 1 Twilight Rose Knight | rather competent, although by focusing on cutesy |------------------------| cards instead of powerhouses, like Botanical Lion | 2 Magical Android | or Black Rose Dragon, she gimps her offense a bit. | 2 Queen of Thorns | Still, her offense will be more prominent than her |________________________| bro's, with cards like Cherry Inmato and Gigaplant able to keep her field filled via Special Summons, and traps like Wall of Thorns able to wipe your minions out. The player's default deck still does well, however, as its monsters are inherently tougher and it has more countermeasures against the opponent's destructive powers. Example: Nico has no means of destroying your backrow, while you can use "Seven Tools of the Bandit" to defeat her traps 100% of the time. This also means she has no way of forcing your hand in playing those Spells/Traps, so you can build up a large back row from the get-go. Her best monster is Gigaplant, a 2400-ATK monster that can Special Summon Plant (and Insect, not that it matters much) monsters from her Graveyard or Hand. Nico's reward for defeating her is Krebons, a tuner monster that can negate any attack on itself for an 800 LP fee. Pretty good in any deck, really. The "fun" continues as the siblings announce they've created duel puzzles for the player to solve; completing three will earn a prize! And, yes, this too is mandatory... Essentially, duel puzzles are staged situations that test a player's knowledge of abilities and tactics. Here's the solutions so you can bypass all this crap and get to the good stuff! [Failing earns hints, also.] DUEL PUZZLE 1 [Bonus: 200 DP] 01) Use Raigeki Break: discard Steelswarm Caucastag to destroy Gravity Bind 02) Use Recurring Nightmare: select Steelswarm Sentinel & Steelswarm Caucastag

03) 04) 05) 06)

Use Double Summon Normal Summon Steelswarm Sentinel Tribute Summon Steelswarm Caucastag; destroy all other monsters on field Attack directly to win

DUEL PUZZLE 2 [Bonus: 400 DP] 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) Discard Gishki Vanity by its own effect Use Gishki Ceremonial Mirror: select Evigishki Soul Ogre Use Gishki Abyss and Evigishki Mind Augus as the tributes Soul Ogre effect: discard Gishki Erial, send Scrap Goblin back to deck Attack directly to win

DUEL PUZZLE 3 [Bonus: 600 DP] 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) Normal Summon Gusto Gulldo Activate Thunder Crash Use Gulldo's ability to Special Summon Gusto Skwirl from your deck Activate the 2nd Thunder Crash Use Skwirl's ability to Special Summon "Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto" Activate Limit Reverse to resurrect Gusto Skwirl Use Reeze's ability to switch control of Archfiend Zombie-Skull & Skwirl Attack with Archfiend Zombie-Skull and Reeze to win

DUEL PUZZLE 4 [Bonus: 800 DP] 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) Equip Supervise to Gigaplant Activate Fine: select Spore and Naturia Bamboo Shoot as discard targets Chain Naturia Rock's Special Summon ability to Fine's activation Gigaplant: Special Summon Naturia Bamboo Shoot from the Graveyard Genex Ally Birdman: Special Summon by returning N. Bamboo Shoot to hand Tribute Summon Naturia Bamboo Shoot using Naturia Rock Spore: Special Summon from Graveyard by removing from play Cursed Fig Synchro Summon Red Dragon Archfiend using Gigaplant and Spore Gigaplant will be Special Summoned back due to Supervise's effect Attack with Red Dragon Archfiend (destroys all Marshmallons) Attack w/ Genex Ally Birdman, N. Bamboo Shoot and Gigaplant to win

DUEL PUZZLE 5 [Bonus: 1000 DP] 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Activate Aegis of Gaia Normal Summon Gale Dogra Use Gale Dogra's effect to send Shooting Star Dragon to Graveyard Activate Miracle Fusion to Fusion Summon Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste Burial from Another Dimension: target Scrap Goblin, Scrap Beast, S.S. Drgn Pot of Benevolence: return Scrap Goblin and Scrap Beast to your deck Draco-Equiste: target Shooting Star Dragon in Graveyard with its effect Draco-Equiste: use Shooting Star Dragon's effect to reveal deck's 5 cards Activate Emergency Teleport to summon Psychic Commander Activate Soul of the Pure Activate Instant Fusion to Special Summon Flower Wolf Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon using Psychic Commander and Flower Wolf Scrap Dragon effect: destroy Gale Dogra and Gravity Bind Attack with Draco-Equiste (five times) and Scrap Dragon to win

NOTE: If you want to unlock the "Steelswarm's Invasion!!" pack when it comes out later on, do all the duel puzzles now. ==== After winning thrice, the kids reward the effort with the Enemy Controller

card. The ability to create one's own duel puzzles is given, too, by going into the duelist menu. At this point, Toru, a teen with a coif that could drill through metal, debuts; his appearance is cut short by the card shop's opening, though. Head south to find West's entered a Rental Deck Tournament, which is a deck made from the card shop's original recipes. What this means for the player is the decks used in the tournament (which you automatically sign up for when the shop is entered) CANNOT be purchased like other structure decks. In any case, the following decks are available by default (check pack listing for full details): Dark Beginning 1 Dark Beginning 2 Dark Revelation Volume 1 Dark Revelation Volume 2 Synchro Awaken!! Invasion of Worms!! Justice Strikes Back!!

Those unfamiliar with how card shops work shouldn't find it too hard. Packs are open by default, but more can be unlocked by completing chapters or by dueling people certain amounts of time (example: winning three duels against all the townspeople). Structure decks, the ones that cost 2000 DP right off the bat, contain ready-made decks and will often have a couple unique cards that can't be obtained from packs. Structure decks will automatically change after every 10 duels. NOTE: You can use the Password option, available under the Duelist Menu, to obtain multiple copies of cards. This can be done easily by obtaining the card in-game; if you don't have the card, you need to obtain 80% completion of the pack(s) it appears in first. Cards typically range from double digits up to several thousand. As for what packs to purchase, the first two (Dark Beginnings) contain a lot of fundamental cards, plus a lot of crappy ones you'll probably never use. Example: Mirror Force can only be obtained from the Dark Beginning 2 pack. The Dark Revelations boast a better selection and give better support to some archetypes such as Gravekeeper's. "Synchro Awaken!!" contains cards relating to facilitation of Synchro Monsters; since they're a gigantic part of this game's strategy, this would be a good starting point. "Invasion of Worms!!" contains surprisingly little support for Worm decks, instead offering extra support for X-Saber and Ally of Justice archetypes. It's also a very small deck size so reaching 80% would probably be simple. "Justice Strikes Back!!" offers Worm, Ally of Justice, Ice Barrier and Naturia support, among other things. Again, check the pack listings if you're looking for a particular card...too many to sum up in one paragraph! PROTIP: You can win decent cards by completing NPCs' post-battle minigames, and some of these aren't available until later on. For instance, Minegishi carries the fan-favorite "Dark Armed Dragon", Nico carries the awfully rare "X-Saber Faultroll" and West has "Dandylion". But that's just in-game NPCs! You can also win cards from opponents in CPU Duel (listed under "Free Duel" in menu) and get even more! You can go around town dueling the denizens to earn DP if needed -- there's no rush. Speak with Iranami at the card shop to start the tournament. __________________________________ / PLOT DUEL #03: West [??? - 1000] | / PLOT DUEL #04: Nico [??? - 1000] | _____________________________________/ PLOT DUEL #05: Narumi [??? - 1000] |_

There's really not much to say for these duels, since the opponent picks a random deck each time. If you've played previous games' rental battles, you may find these decks are actually quite good, particularly the Lightsworn ("Lightsworn Judgment"), Blackwing ("Blackwing Frenzy"), Six Samurai ("Six Samurai Clan") and X-Saber ("X-Sabers, Assemble!") decks. They all involve swarming with Special Summons and should be formidable as-is. Heck, I swept the tourney the first time through with the Six Samurai deck; you don't even have to switch up between fights. Note that the enemy can pick the same decks as you -- it's not a first-come, first-serve thing. In any case, winning isn't mandatory, and the prize is determined on one's finishing rank. Runner-up gets a "The Fabled Cerburrel," while the winner (which requires beating everyone) earns a "Dark End Dragon". The crowd will split up afterwards, leaving our hero/ine to walk around town. (Iranami can now be dueled. NOTE: Doing the duel tournament unlocks the following structure decks in the shop, although they still appear randomly: Spellcaster's Judgement, Warrior's Triumph, Invincible Fortress and Fury from the Deep. Remember that some cards are only available from these decks, and you can always get doubles of good cards already obtained, too. _________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #06: Bronson [Wasteland Blokes - 820] |_ | | | | 1 Breaker the Magical Warrior | 1 Burial from a Different Dimension | | 2 Crusader of Endymion | 2 Gemini Spark | | 3 Dawnbreak Gardna | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 2 Elemental Hero Neos Alius | 1 Reinforcement of the Army | | 3 Energy Bravery | 2 Supervise | | 3 Freed the Brave Wanderer | 1 Super Double Summon | | 3 Future Samurai | 2 Symbols of Duty | | 2 Gemini Soldier | 1 The Warrior Returning Alive | | 3 Marauding Captain | 1 Unleash Your Power! | | 2 Rocket Warrior |-------------------------------------------| | 1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter | 1 Raigeki Break | | | 2 Wild Tornado | |_______________________________|___________________________________________| Assessment: Bronson's deck is a Warrior-themed Gemini deck. For those unfamiliar with Geminis, they're a type of monster initially classified as a Normal Monster; however, when normal summoned a 2nd time, they gain a unique and often powerful effect. It doesn't take a genius to spot the fatal flaw in this deck -- it's just very slow. Bronson uses Supervise and Super Double Summon to get his monsters' effects out, but all it takes is flipping the monster face down (Book of Moon, Morphing Jar #2) or removing it from the field (Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier; Compulsory Evacuation Device) to thwart his plans. Most of his Spells are Gemini-themed as well, and become worthless without proper targets on his field. Combine that with his dearth of Trap Cards, and that he has to use Equip Cards to Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard, and it should be easy to maintain field advantage. [You can use "Seven Tools of the Bandit," "Solemn Judgment" and "Magic Drain" to decimate his backrow, too.] With Bronson's ire cooled, he forks over a "Soul Taker" Spell as recompense and can become a regular duel target (good cards he carries: Elemental Hero Stratos, Kuraz the Light Monarch, Card Destruction). Return back home to learn Klaus is heading into Satellite the next day, and the protagonist is coming along! Speak with him to rest up and start the next chapter, or just screw around dueling the good citizens of Crash Town to your heart's content.

/\/\_________________________________________________________________________ //\\\\ / \//// 02) ~THE ENCOUNTER~ TEAM SATISFACTION [WK02] \ / /_________________________________________________________________________ \/\/ The "Dinosaur's Rage" and "Machine Re-Volt" structure decks are unlocked, and can be purchased at the store (although Satellite has no store, so you have to use the "Get Cards" option under Deck Construction). The "Soul of the Duelist" pack is also unlocked, and contains a lot of LV cards like the Mystic Swordsman and Armed Dragon types. Those looking to build a lockdown deck with Jinzo/Horus the Black Flame Dragon cards should check it out! The "Flaming Eternity" pack is unlocked around this time, too; if it's not out immediately, duel for a bit and recheck. It centers around Fusion- and LV-related cards. Before leaving Dullsville..err, Crash Town, Toru gives over a list for parts and the covering costs. In Satellite, Klaus comments that the neighborhood isn't safe, and promptly leaves our hero/ine alone -- what if we wake up in any icy bathtub with no kidney, Klaus!? Regardless, the industrial town is explorable. South of there, meet Lilie, a little girl looking for Crow, an orange-haired dude with a big mouth. Head east (the only direction possible) to find the guy. Naturally, there's a contrivance to have you duel him! ______________________________________________ __________________________/ PLOT DUEL #07: Crow [Ascending Legend - 920] |_ | | | | 1 Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake | 1 Black-Winged Strafe | | 2 Blackwing - Bora the Spear | 1 Black Whirlwind | | 1 Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp | 2 Dark Eruption | | 2 Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 1 Blackwing - Elphin the Raven | 2 Raptor Wing Strike | | 1 Blackwing - Etesian of Two Swords | 1 Smashing Ground | | 2 Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain |---------------------------------| | 1 Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky | 1 Blackwing - Backlash | | 3 Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield | 1 Blackwing - Boobytrap | | 2 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame | 1 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse | | 1 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn | 1 Ebon Arrow | | 2 D.D. Crow | 2 Fake Feather | |-----------------------------------------| 1 Icarus Attack | | 3 Blackwing Armor Master | 2 Trap Stun | |_________________________________________|_________________________________| Those familiar with the anime know Crow's Blackwing deck can hit hard and fast, with plentiful Special Summons and specialized Spell/Trap support. One look at the above deck confirms it to a degree, although there's quite a bit of fat (Mistral, Jestream, Etesian) and some key cards (Blizzard the Far North, Blackwing Armed Wing) are missing entirely. Still, this deck's nothing to snuff at, and is more than capable of capitalizing on a player who's overextended (that is, put too many cards on the field). Much of Crow's destructive power is found in his Trap arsenal, and negating their activation goes a long way towards victory. Seven Tools of the Bandit and Solemn Judgment are all available by this time, as well as the monster Jinzo, which can negate all Traps' effects and activations. In the end, this deck might pose a problem for those still using the starter deck, but veterans who've created their own should be able to exploit Crow's weaknesses without too much hassle. Beating Crow earns the stupendous, fantabulous "Blizzard the Far North" tuner, one of the foundations of a good Blackwing deck. Unfortunately there's little

to no Blackwing cards available (curse you, Konami!) so it'll be shelved for awhile. Anyway, some new NPCs can be fought. Masaki uses a Heart of the Underdog-run Exodia deck, and has useful prizes in Deep Diver and Solemn Judgment. Hayakawa uses a Monarch-themed deck, and has the Thought Ruler Archfiend Synchro as his best reward. Those are the only ones available right now, though. Speak with Gordon in the SW alley to kickstart the next event. He'll lead the team to the slum bike shop, now populated by Kumoe, who'll hook the player up with Toru's parts. On the way back, Gordon'll steal your parts and run off to the tenament in the screen just east of there. Following a scene with Team Satisfaction, check the right-hand room to corner the perp...naturally there is only one way to settle a disagreement... ____________________________________________ ____________________________/ PLOT DUEL #08: Gordon [Gotham World - 870] |__ | | | | 1 Caravan of the Ice Barrier | 1 Cold Wave | | 2 Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier | 1 Forbidden Chalice | | 2 Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier | 1 Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier | | 3 Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier | 3 Medallion of the Ice Barrier | | 3 Defender of the Ice Barrier | 2 Moray of Greed | | 2 Dewdark of the Ice Barrier | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 1 General Gantala of the Ice Barrier | 2 Salvage | | 1 General Raiho of the Ice Barrier |-------------------------------------| | 2 Geomancer of the Ice Barrier | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 1 Medium of the Ice Barrier | 1 Torrential Tribute | | 1 Numbing Grub of the Ice Barrier |_____________________________________| | 2 Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier | | 1 Samurai of the Ice Barrier 1 Strategist of the Ice Barrier | | 2 Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier 1 Warlock of the Ice Barrier | | 2 Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 2 Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier | | 2 Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier | |____________________________________________________________________________| Assessment: Most Ice Barrier monsters have effects that apply when other Ice Barrier monsters are face-up, giving it lockdown potential if one's not fast to establish field dominance. Just looking at the deck shows an overwhelming amount of monsters (most of which weaklings), no Counter Traps and only 1 Spell with a destruction effect. In short, if you can get a monster with 1800-1900 ATK out immediately, you might be able to keep it out the entire duel! If you've played World Championship 2010, you'll find this deck is a step back from Gordon's previous incarnation, which at least had "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" as a trump card. NOTE: Dueling Gordon (apparently) unlocks the "Curse of Darkness" and "Surge of Radiance" structure decks. The former contains a key Zombie card (Goblin Zombie). After reclaiming Toru's parts, it'll be time to get a refund from that crook Kuroe (this is done automatically). The next step is thanking Jack, who's up north by the defunct card shop's savepoint. __________________________________________________ ______________________/ PLOT DUEL #09: Jack Atlas [Dragons' Lair - 1020] |_ | \| | | 2 Battle Fader ) 1 Giant Trunade | 2 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 3 Blizzard Dragon | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | 1 Dark Bribe | | 2 Dark Resonator | 1 Scapegoat | 3 Prideful Roar |

| 2 Debris Dragon | 1 Smashing Ground | 2 Raigeki Break | | 2 Luster Dragon | 2 Stamping Destruction | 1 Shadow Spell | | 2 Magna Drago | | 1 Torrential Tribute | | 3 Masked Dragon |__________________________|________________________| | 3 Strong Wind Dragon | | 2 Trigon | Assessment: Jack's Dragon-themed deck boasts an | 3 Vice Dragon | arsenal of firepower, with many cards capable of |-----------------------| Special Summoning (Debris Dragon, Vice Dragon, | 3 Exploder Dragonwing | Masked Dragon) and better traps than most of the |_______________________| other scrubs have been using. One of Jack's most common tactics is Tribute Summoning a Strong Wind Dragon, which gets additional ATK based on the Dragon used to tribute it. Surprisingly, you may find that Jack's Special Summoning ways often deplete his hand. Jack gives a "Vice Dragon" as a reward for shaming him, and the duel catches Kalin's eye. Guess who the next fight's with? [You can save in-between.] _________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #10: Kalin [The Enforcing Ones - 940] |_ | | | | 2 Archfiend General | 1 Allure of Darkness | | 3 Archfiend Soldier | 1 Axe of Despair | | 1 Battle Fader | 2 Falling Down | | 2 Desrook Archfiend | 2 Fires of Doomsday | | 2 Gene-Warped Werewolf | 1 Gold Sarcophagus | | 3 Giant Germ | 3 Pandemonium | | 1 Sangan | 2 Terraforming | | 2 Skull Archfiend of Lightning |------------------------------------------| | 2 Terrorking Archfiend | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 1 Tragoedia | 3 Hate Buster | | 2 Wall of Illusion | 1 Mirror Force | | 2 Vorse Raider |__________________________________________| |________________________________| Assessment: Kalin's DARK-themed deck is often beatdown-oriented, with cards like "Skull Archfiend of Lightning" and "Terrorking Archfiend" able to negate effects that target them, while cards like "Fires of Doomsday" and "Giant Germ" help ensure there's always a card to be used for their Tribute Summons. However, Archfiend monsters also have a stiff price: during each of Kalin's Standby phases, he has to pay a fee in life points, often 800-900 per each! This is why there's 3 "Pandemonium" and cards (Archfiend General, Terraforming) that search it out -- it makes it so he doesn't have to pay the upkeep costs! Repeatedly destroying Pandemonium will also make the aforementioned searchers in his hand nigh useless. Don't forget that stall tactics could lead to Kalin's Archfiend costs eating up his LP, too. Overall, it's not as difficult as the circumstances could allow...if your deck's up to par. With Kalin satisfied, our hero/ine earns the "Vorse Raider" card. Sure it's already available, but it's a decent vanilla beatdowner. Now, Yusei will want to have a duel. Make sure to check the "Get Cards" option to see what new packs and decks are available, if y'want -- Cybernetic Revolution, which has a lot of Spellcaster and Machine types, should be released by now. ________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #11: Yusei [Rallying Warriors - 980] |_ | | | | | 2 Dandylion | 2 Battle Waltz | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 1 Fortress Warrior | 1 Dark Eruption | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 2 Junk Warrior | 1 Fighting Spirit | 1 Defense Draw | | 1 Level Eater | 1 Giant Trunade | 1 Graceful Revival | | 1 Level Warrior | 1 Lightning Vortex | 1 Limit Reverse | | 3 Quickdraw Synchron | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | 1 Mirror Force |

| 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog | 2 Pot of Avarice | 1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow | | 2 Shield Warrior | 1 Smashing Ground | 1 Spirit Force | | 2 Speed Warrior | 2 Tuning | | | 2 Synchron Explorer |__________________________|________________________| | 1 Tuningware | |----------------------| Assessment: Although Yusei's deck has more Spells & | 2 Armory Arm | Traps than monsters, this works perfectly for him. | 1 Drill Warrior | His strategy is to use low-level, low-ATK monsters | 2 Junk Archer | and Special Summon them (from Graveyard or hand) as | 1 Junk Destroyer | Synchro fodder. Yes, he's got a full Extra Deck, the | 2 Junk Gardna | first one seen in a plot battle so far. | 2 Junk Warrior | | 2 Nitro Warrior | Battling his strategy can sometimes be as simple as | 1 Road Warrior | outmuscling him; after all, his cards can be pretty | 2 Turbo Warrior | wimpy. You can also limit his Special Summoning |______________________| ability with Royal Oppression or other traps that counter such things, like "Black Horn of Heaven" or "Solemn Judgment." Additionally, since much of his strategy requires monsters to be summoned from the Graveyard, cards like Necrovalley (field spell) can throw a wrench in his plans. Note that, like Jack, Yusei's Special Summoning can take its toll on his hand, and constantly fouling up his plans can leave him with little to work with. As those before him, Yusei gives a card (Junk Synchron) as his reward for a good match. Team Satisfaction will stick around, but can't be re-dueled. On the flipside, Gordon can be. Useful cards he carries: Marshmallon, Bottomless Trap Hole, Glow-Up Bulb. A new NPC (Reimi) also appears by the northern exit, and can be dueled normally, too. Prizes to keep an eye out for: Naturia Rock, Cyber End Dragon, Armageddon Knight. She uses a Dark World deck, so be mindful of using effects that discard from her hand! Speaking with Klaus by the north exit ends the chapter, but the neighborhood has a little loot to snatch first: Goblin Attack Force - on incomplete eastern bridge (visible) 1500 DP - by tires in Kumoe's shop /\/\_________________________________________________________________________ //\\\\ / \//// 03) ~THE TURNING POINT~ JUST ME AND MY DUEL RUNNER [WK03] \ / /_________________________________________________________________________ \/\/ Two new packs are unlocked now. "Power of the Duelist" doesn't really have a specific theme, but caters to Roid, Alien and Destiny Hero archetypes. "Shadow of Infinity" generally supports Ancient Gear and Sacred Beast archetypes, with some Insect and Fusion stuff in there as well. On that note, the "The Dark Emperor" and "Rise of the Dragon Lords" structure decks are available, too. The former in particular can be useful as it contains that synch up with banishing strategies, which many future players' decks have a hard time battling. Now that the fun in the big city's over, it's time to return Toru's junk... err, special duel runner parts. He's the next-door neighbor, so the walk's pretty short. Visit him, then West & Nico at the northern hideout, then back to the entrance by your house. Toru'll give a little exhibition, and even let our hero/ine drive! This'll be the introduction into racing, a relatively small facet of the game that has nothing to do with dueling. The controls are relatively simple, and you'll have a time limit to complete the course, usually about 2:00-3:00. The

courses always have obstacles of some sort: fallen rocks, oil slicks, gaps, overpass holes, etc. Occasionally you can pick up (read: run into) DP codes and cards; finishing the race will obtain them. This course is rotund and not very challenging, so don't be surprised to finish in half the time limit. Just be careful at the end where y'can fall through the highway! A few time skips later, it'll be time to find Nico at the hideout. There'll be numerous annoyances along the way due to the Malcolm-Ramon turf war breaking out, though. The first annoyance ends up being... ___________________________________________________ ______________________/ PLOT DUEL #12: Virgil [Angel's Bitter Dart - 940] |_ | | | | 3 Airknight Parshath | 2 Cards from the Sky | | 2 Arcana Force 0 - The Fool | 2 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation | 2 Gellenduo | 1 My Body as a Shield | | 2 Hecatrice | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Herald of Orange Light | 1 Smashing Ground | | 2 Honest | 3 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen | | 2 Hyper Synchron |-------------------------------------------| | 1 Marshmallon | 1 Mirror Force | | 2 Neo-Parshath the Sky Paladin | 2 Solemn Warning | | 3 Nova Summoner | 1 Torrential Tribute | | 2 Shining Angel |___________________________________________| | 2 Soul of Purity and Light | |--------------------------------| Assessment: Virgil's LIGHT Fairy deck has a | 3 Avenging Knight Parshath | lot of synergy, and it can be a real pain |________________________________| for those using a patchwork deck. For one, he has a lot of cards (Gellenduo, Arcana Force 0, Marshmallon) that can't be destroyed by battle, and two searchers (Nova Summoner, Shining Angel) that can keep his field clogged. He'll use this, and Valhalla, to Tribute or Special Summon his Parshath cards, which inflict piercing damage and allow their controller to draw 1 card when they do. Taking out Valhalla goes a long way in reducing his attack force, but it doesn't do everything -- cards with indiscriminate destruction (Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Lightning Vortex) tend to work very well, just as those with piercing abilities (Spear Dragon, for example) do. Since his can't-be-destroyed-by-battle monsters will be in defense position, you can use cards like Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke to destroy them immediately. Traps like Light-Imprisoning Mirror can negate LIGHT monsters' effect activations on the field, too. Fortunately, Virgil cares more about monsters than an adequate backrow, so the typical Counter Traps and Quickplay Spells (Shrink, MST, etc.) can be very useful. Virgil runs off afterwards, and we can continue towards the hideout. Check your menu to see if any new packs unlocked; if they did, "Strike of Neos" should be available. It provides Neos, basic Six Samurai, Dark World, and some Ritual support. Try to pass the crossroads and another lackey will pick up the challenge. ______________________________________________ __________________________/ PLOT DUEL #13: Jemma [Bone Destroyer - 1020] |_ | | | | 2 Bone Crusher | 3 Book of Life | | 2 Don Zaloog | 1 Monster Reborn | | 1 Mezuki | 1 My Body as a Shield | | 3 Mystic Tomato | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 1 Plaguespreader Zombie | 1 Smashing Ground | | 3 Pyramid Turtle | 3 Zombie World | | 3 Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower |---------------------------------------------| | 2 The Lady in Wight | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 3 Zombie Master | 1 Hallowed Life Barrier |

|-----------------------------| 2 Limit Reverse | | 3 Archfiend Zombie-Skull | 1 Mirror Force | | 3 Revived King Ha Des | 1 Solemn Warning | |_____________________________| 1 Torrential Tribute | | 3 Zoma the Spirit | |_____________________________________________| Assessment: Jemma uses a fun Zombie deck, and most of his monsters, spells, and traps are meant to facilitate getting them out onto the field. [Zombies are this author's personal favorite, by the way!] However, this deck type has a number of flaws that can be easily exploited: (1) banishing zombies makes them nigh useless, and while cards like Macro Cosmos aren't available, there are other solutions, like Chaos Sorcerer (2) preventing Special Summoning itself, as by Royal Oppression, or normal summoning, as by Consecrated Light (3) a card like Rivalry of Warlords prevents Jemma from having more than one Type on the field, hampering his offense a bit (4) finally, preventing 90% of resurrections from the Graveyard, as by Necrovalley, goes a long way in maintaining field control. It's also worth mentioning that while Jemma can handle himself decently in the Spell/Trap department, it can't change the fact his monsters just aren't that strong. His best is Archfiend Zombie-Skull, a Synchro that prevents Zombies from being destroyed by card effects...and also a rather hard one to get out, as it needs Plaguespreader Zombie + Two Zombies whose total levels equal 4! Bringing the smackdown early and often might be all that's needed! Just be mindful of Zombie World -- if active, you can't tribute summon monsters except Zombie-Type ones! [Like others, Jemma's Special Summoning often depletes his hand quickly.] After reaching the hideout, escort Nico back towards home. The third stooge automatically initiates battle en route! ________________________________________________ ________________________/ PLOT DUEL #14: Scotch [Rotten Recycler - 1080] |__ | || | | 3 Giant Rat | 1 Allure of Darkness | 1 Call of the Haunted| | 2 Goblin Zombie | 3 Book of Life | 1 Fiendish Chain | | 1 Mezuki | 1 Monster Reborn | 1 Mirror Force | | 3 Mystic Tomato | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | 1 Solemn Warning | | 1 Necroface | 1 Smashing Ground | 1 Torrential Tribute | | 1 Plaguespreader Zombie | 3 Zombie World | 1 Zoma the Spirit | | 3 Pyramid Turtle |__________________________|______________________| | 2 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon | | 2 Ryu Kokki | Assessment: What's this? Another Zombie deck so | 3 Shutendoji | soon? Amazing. Unlike Jemma, this guy knows how | 3 Zombie Master | to abuse Pyramid Turtle's searching ability (as |--------------------------| it seeks out DEF-related monsters, not ATK-based | 3 Archfiend Zombie-Skull | ones) to bring out Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and Ryu | 3 Revived King Ha Des | Kokki, two Zombies with 2400 ATK. To boot, eleven |__________________________| of his twenty-four monsters search out others in his deck, typically keeping his field occupied. Most of the same weaknesses (banishing, Necrovalley preventing resurrections from Graveyard, etc.) still apply, but given his amount of searchers, you might want to try negating effects of destroyed monsters. Monsters equipped with the "Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou" will gain this effect, while some monsters (Terrorking Archfiend for one) are already imbued with this effect. Since Zombie World makes all monsters on the field Zombie-Type, and Revived King Ha Des makes his controller's monsters negate opponent's effect monsters when they're destroyed by battle, stealing that Ha Des can give you a huge boost as well. With Scotch sent home to his mommy, we can finally get home to see grandpa! Klaus will end up wanting to duel, too.

_________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #15: Klaus [My Eyes Are Clear - 1140] |_ | | | | 2 Cloudian - Acid Cloud | 3 Cloudian Squall | | 3 Cloudian - Altus | 1 Giant Trunade | | 3 Cloudian - Cirrostratus | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 2 Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon | 2 Salvage | | 1 Cloudian - Nimbusman | 1 Swords of Revealing Light | | 2 Cloudian - Sheep Cloud | 2 The Sanctuary in the Sky | | 3 Cloudian - Smoke Ball |-----------------------------------------| | 2 Cloudian - Turbulence | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 1 Mermaid Archer | 1 Dimensional Prison | | 3 Mother Grizzly | 2 Magic Cylinder | |_________________________________| 1 Mirror Force | | 2 Spirit Barrier | |_________________________________________| Assessment: Klaus uses a Cloudian deck, whose members are WATER Fairy-Types with low ATK, AND most can't be destroyed by battle. Yes, all of 'em. They do have a severe downside, though: if they're in defense position, they're automatically destroyed. This means (1) low ATK monsters forced into attack position can result in some easy battle damage (2) cards like Stumbling, which force monsters into defense position when they're summoned, cripples the entire archetype. Klaus will use "The Sanctuary in the Sky" and "Spirit Barrier" to eliminate battle damage to him entirely, but eliminating those will really put his back to the wall. Klaus' trump card, Eye of the Typhoon, changes the battle position of all non-Cloudian monsters when it attacks, allowing it to eliminate your arsenal with pinpoint precision. However, it can still fall prey to normal Traps and stuff, so keep your back row intact, eh? Without EOTT, his offense tends to be very subpar. Klaus' reward is the "Beast King Barbaros" card, a pretty awesome beatstick card that works well in Skill Drain decks (or any deck that temporarily negates its effect or removes it from play, really). In a weird whirlwind of information, Klaus decides to pack up and move to the city, then gives our hero/ine a free duel runner! [NOTE: The "Rise of Destiny" pack seems to open after this event. It has a couple more LV type monsters, plus "The Creator" as well.] Anyway, visit the northern hideout to say goodbyes, then return to Klaus. He reminds one there's time to dawdle, which is just the game's way of saying to duel people and win their card prizes. Additionally, there's an item to find around town: 42 DP - next to eastern bar (visible) But yeah, when ready to leave, confirm it with Klaus. We won't be able to come back until chapter after next, so be prepared. The fact that Jemma, Virgil and Scotch can't be re-dueled now makes the decision easier... =( /\/\_________________________________________________________________________ //\\\\ / \//// 04) ~COMPLETION~ NEW FRIENDS, NEW PARTNERSHIPS [WK04] \ / /_________________________________________________________________________ \/\/ New packs unlocked! "Tactical Evolution" focuses on Geminis and Reptiles, and contains the nigh-indestructible "Vennominaga, the Deity of Poisonous Snakes". For Zombie lovers like me, Zombie Master is available here. Frost and Flame Dragon can be obtained here as well. "Phantom Darkness" contains, unsurprisingly, a lot of Dark monsters: Dark Armed Dragon, Imprisoned Queen

Archfiend, Yubel types, and Rainbow Dark Dragon, among others. Dark Illusion (trap) and Gigaplant (monster) are available here, plus a couple "Gladiator Beasts"! Structure deck-wise, Zombie World is finally accessible. It has a lot of the best Zombie cards, particularly the titular field spell, Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon, Paladin of the Cursed Dragon, and Malevolent Mech Goku En. Alright, we finally reached the big city! Klaus' first order is to explore. There'll be various NPCs around, and I'll list some of the better prizes they carry. [NPCs encountered later are included; don't worry, no spoilerific people.] Remember: in the city, people don't use the Crash Town Style, so it's boring old rock-paper-scissors from now on... Angie: Card Trooper, Mist Wurm, Black Salvo Blister: Machina Fortress, Limiter Removal, Machina Force Bolt Tanner: Tragoedia, Giant Trunade, Jirai Gumo Corse: Herald of Purple Light, Herald of Green Light, Gather Your Mind Facility Chief: Prime Material Dragon, Iron Chain Dragon Figaro: Elemental Hero Ocean, D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Helio: Machina Gearframe, UFO Turtle Honda: Ehren, Lightsworn Monk; Geartown, Solar Recharge Klaus: Trap Stun, Burial from a Different Dimension, Magic Drain Kazuhiro: Burden of the Mighty, Shutendoji, Treeborn Frog Misaki: Wattchimera, Watthydra, Wattgiraffe, Wattberyx, Wattmole, Watthopper Nelson: Magic Drain, Gravekeeper's Guard, Reinforcement of the Army Toru: Atomic Scrap Dragon, Scrap Twin Dragon, Scrap Golem, Scrap Chimera Yagiura: Cunning of the Six Samurai, Miracle Fusion, Mind Master

Head along the east road until a scene with Misaki, a weird chick who won't reveal her identity without a duel! ____________________________________________ __________________ _________/ PLOT DUEL #16: Misaki [Electrikiss - 1220] |_ | | | | | 2 Honest | 2 Mystical Space Typhoon | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 2 Shining Angel | 1 Smashing Ground | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 1 Wattberyx | 1 Swords of Revealing Light | 2 Sakuretsu Armor | | 1 Wattbetta | 3 Wattcastle | 2 Threatening Roar | | 3 Wattdragonfly | 1 Wattcine | 2 Wattkeeper | | 2 Wattfox | 1 Wattcube |__________________________| | 2 Wattgiraffe | 1 Wattjustment | | 2 Watthopper |_____________________________| | 2 Wattkiwi | | 1 Wattmole | Assessment: Misaki's Watts at LIGHT Thunder-Types, and | 2 Wattpheasant | have outrageous effects at the expense of having very | 2 Wattwoodpecker | low ATK. Seriously, on even ground, any monster you have |------------------| could probably destroy EVERY monster in the archetype. | 2 Wattchimera | However, it's those effects that are a problem. For | 2 Watthydra | instance, Wattgiraffe, one of the best in the group, can |__________________| prevent all your card effects from activating for the turn's duration, just by inflicting direct damage. Did I mention it (and most others) can attack directly? Yeah. Putting a few "Light-Imprisoning Mirrors" in your deck sufficiently hamstrings the deck, although effects that activate in the Graveyard, like Wattdragonfly's, still apply. A fun thing to do is prevent Misaki's direct attacks with cards like "Staunch Defender," which forces her monster(s) to attack one of yours. Overall, a fun challenge, but one that's not too difficult. [Tip: She uses her searchers to maintain field presence, and summons Wattgiraffe when your last monster's attacked. Very easy to spot. Also beware her summoning a weak monster in attack position; it usually means she has an Honest in hand, and will kill whatever attacks it. You can pick a weak monster to bait it, though, heh...]

Misaki'll donates a "Des Wombat" to our hero/ine's cause before leading the way to Toru's garage. Looking over the new duel runner, it's decided it'll need a new CPU, engine and frame. Because the bike shop is closed for holiday (Harley Davidson Day? Haha...) we'll need to speak with the owner of Bootleg, the local bar. It's just east of the garage, by the intersection. The owner is Oswald Cobblepot (just kidding!) and is poised to give out some info...but first he demands we complete more duel puzzles! Yes, I can hear your screams from my house. Like before, three of five must be completed, so here's their solutions: DUEL PUZZLE 1 - [Reward: 1200 DP] Activate Raigeki Break (discard Quillbolt Hedgehog) to destroy Mirror Force Normal Summon Junk Synchron (Special Summon Speed Warrior from Graveyard) Special Summon Quillbolt Hedgehog from Graveyard in Attack Position Synchro Summon Junk Warrior using Junk Synchron and Speed Warrior Attack Goyo Guardian with Junk Warrior Attack directly with Quillbolt Hedgehog

DUEL PUZZLE 2 - [Reward: 1400 DP] Activate Junk Archer's ability (banish Stardust Dragon) Activate Turbo Cannon's ability (destroy Red Dragon Archfiend) Activate Scrap Dragon's ability (destroy Turbo Cannon & Black Rose Dragon) Attack directly with Junk Archer and Scrap Dragon

DUEL PUZZLE 3 - [Reward: 1600 DP] Activate Double Summon Normal Summon Naturia Butterfly Activate Give and Take (target Naturia Beans and Naturia Butterfly) Normal Summon Naturia Pumpkin (Special Summon Naturia Dragonfly, ATK Postn) Activate Smashing Ground Synchro Summon Naturia Leodrake using Naturia Butterfly & Naturia Pumpkin Attack directly with Naturia Leodrake and Naturia Dragonfly

DUEL PUZZLE 4 - [Reward: 1800 DP] Use Brain Control on XX-Saber Gottoms (MUST be put in defense position) Use Foolish Revival to Special Summon Shiny Black "C" to opponent's side Use Karma Cut (discard Fabled Lurrie as cost) on Shiny Black "C" Use Emergency Teleport to Special Summon Krebons Normal Summon Synchro Fusionist Synchro Summon Magical Android (using Krebons, Synchro Fusionist, Fabled L.) Use Synchro Fusionist ability to add "Miracle Synchro Fusion" to hand Use Miracle Synchro Fusion (Magical Android + Krebons) for Ultimate Axon K. Attack Black-Winged Dragon with Ultimate Axon Kicker Main Phase 2: Use Dimension Fusion to Special Summon Krebons & Magical Andr. Synchro Summon Dark Strike Fighter (Magical Android + Krebons) Use D.S.F.'s effect on other XX-Saber G. & U.A.K., with himself being last Use Wicked Rebirth on Dark Strike Fighter Use D.S.F.'s effect to tribute himself again

DUEL PUZZLE 5 - [Reward: 2000 DP] Use Limit Impulse (discard Dandylion/A.O.J. Core Destroyer) - Put in ATK Ps. Use Nightmare Archfiends (tribute 1 'Fluff Token') Use Enemy Controller (tribute 1 'Fluff Token') to steal a Nightmare A. Token Activate Allure of Darkness (banish Gravi-Crush Dragon) Special Summon Spell Striker with its own effect in Attack Position

Activate Escape from the Dark Dimension (target Gravi-Crush Dragon) Special Summon Lava Golem by tributing enemy's Nightmare Archfiend Tokens Equip Scroll of Bewitchment to Lava Golem (select LIGHT attribute) Activate Leeching the Light on Lava Golem Use Gravi-Crush Dragon's effect (destroy The Dark Door, then Lava Golem) Attack w/ Gravi-Crush Dragon, Spell Striker and the three tokens

NOTE: If you complete all 5 duel puzzles, and completed all 5 of Nico's as well, the "Steelswarm's Invasion!!" pack is unlocked. It offers some Vylon, Gusto, and Steelswarm support. Completing the test earns a "Letter from the Owner," which is meant for a man (Blister) on the 4th floor of the apartment complex. Speak with him to get a free CPU, and learn the underground duel arena SE of Bootleg might have some more leads. You can also duel Blister's Machina deck, which has a lot of Machina cards to win, plus Limiter Removal, too. Anyway, the duel arena (which was locked before now) can be accessed, so get over there. Go downstairs and speak with Figaro, which spawns an "Engine" by some crates. That's right -- someone hauled an entire engine down there. It's perfectly explainable! Afterwards, Figaro and her beau Corse are duelable. With the Engine in hand, return to the garage to learn Misaki saw a frame in the plaza nearby. The south exit is a no-go at this time, forcing the player to go upstreet and see a scene where Blister enters the fenced-off area. Follow 'em for an introduction to Bolt Tanner, the guy who owns all that junk ...and also the frame within it. [Yes, this is Misaki's "plaza."] Naturally, nothing's for free and Bolt suddenly wants to duel for it. The only difference is it's gonna be a tag duel! Bolt'll go over the rules if y'need it. _____________________________________________________ ___________________/ PLOT DUEL #17: Blister [Blister's Machiners - ####] |_ | || | | 3 Commander Covington | 1 Fairy Meteor Crush | 2 Confusion Chaff | | 2 Kinetic Soldier | 3 Machina Armored Unit | 2 Malfunction | | 3 Oilman | 3 Machina Assembly Line | 1 Trap Hole | | 1 Machina Cannon | 2 Magical Mallet |________________________| | 2 Machina Defender | 2 Mist Body | | 2 Machina Force | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 1 Machina Fortress | 2 Ruthless Denial | | 2 Machina Gearframe |__________________________| | 1 Machina Peacekeeper | | 1 Machina Sniper | Assessment: One may have played this guy already to | 2 Machina Soldier | find his machine-themed deck really isn't that good. |_______________________| Its star card, Machina Force, needs the stars to align in order to get out, and it's ridiculously easy to stop the threat from occuring. His Spells and Traps are mostly nothing to worry about -- with few exceptions, they're designed to help with field presence, not destruction. There's only 1 Machina Fortress in the deck, and that's really the more annoying card one may see, given its easy Special Summoning conditions and nasty on-field effects. Try to banish it if possible. So, how does this deck mesh with Bolt's? His stall tactics may give it a bit more life than normal, so be on your best behavior, eh? _________________________________________________________ _______________/ PLOT DUEL #17: Bolt Tanner [Ex-Champion's Glory - 1100] |_ | | | | 2 Bee List Soldier | 1 Double Summon | | 2 Dark Spider | 1 Intercept Wave | | 1 Grasschopper | 2 Nightmare's Steelcage | | 2 Ground Spider | 2 Rush Recklessly | | 3 Howling Insect | 1 Spider Web |

| 2 Jirai Gumo | 2 Twister | | 2 Mother Spider |---------------------------------------------------| | 3 Relinquished Spider | 2 Interdimensional Matter Transporter | | 1 Saber Beetle | 3 Lair Wire | | 3 Spyder Spider | 2 Spider Egg | | 1 Tragoedia | 2 Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane | |_______________________|___________________________________________________| Assessment: Bolt's deck is mostly Insect-themed, with special attention paid to "Spider" cards. With cards like Nightmare's Steelcage, Spider Web, Spider Egg and Spiritual Earth Art (to bring back Howling Insect), he has a lot of stall tactics befitting his theme. However, he doesn't really bring as much "oomph" to the table in terms of firepower, at least compared to his beatdown deck in YGO!2010, meaning he has to rely on cards like Tragoedia and his searchers to avoid being wiped out easily. Other than that, he's got no Synchros to worry about; Intercept Wave will affect Misaki (and maybe your character's) Synchros, however. So how does this deck mesh with Blister's? The answer: it doesn't. They're really incompatible monster-wise, but with enough stall tactics, the two might be able to get out their best monsters (Machina Force, Mother Spider) and do some stompin'. Tag duels are pretty easy to understand -- it's just both teams alternating turns. However, whereas the opponents may not have any decent chemistry monster-wise, having the same situation with your tag partner (Misaki in this case) can make battles long and boring. Tag duels can already be long due to the amount of participants and processing the AI has to do, so try not to gimp your partner's chances! An example of good playing would be, say, using a Thunder- or LIGHT-type deck with Misaki. This facilitates her strategies & Synchro Summoning. You'll find that some aspects of tag dueling can really grate, like one's cards being sent back to the hand/deck during the ally's turn; in this case, they'd end up in the ally's hand/deck, not the original owner's. Awful news for Gladiator Beast fans, for instance. Annnnyyway, with the first tag duel squared away, the "Frame" is received, plus Bolt's reward: a "Sangan" generic searcher monster! Unfortunately, only one can be in the deck and it's been available since forever. Thanks, bro... Now that the duel runner's shipshape, everyone decides to break 'til the morrow. Quite a few things are unlocked at this time, including CPU tag duels and the ability to customize the duel runner. Misaki and Toru can now be dueled normally, too, if y'want a headstart on Watt and Scrap-themed decks, respectively. And now's a good time to recap all the slum's junk so far: STAR CHIP: left of apartment entrance, near Kazuhiro (visible) Leo's Custom Disk: in front of Securities building (N of apartment complex) 36 DP: In front of Securities building (") STAR CHIP: barrel by (exterior) entrance to underground dueling arena STAR CHIP: barrels in underground dueling arena STAR CHIP: Behind portrait hanging in 4F Apartment hallway, by Blister's 2000 DP: box in Blister's apartment 1500 DP: box in fenced-in area by card shop (where duel runner frame is)

Note that, if one's protagonist is female, "Luna's Custom Disk" is found in place of Leo's. Also, for reference, the duel runner's default parts: Frame : Alpha Frame I Engine: DWE-L100 CPU --: KPC-200 Return to the apartment to get some shuteye. Klaus will give the "Riding Suit"

outfit at this time; outfits can be worn in the "Change Image" section of User Settings. Visit the garage to learn the duel shop's opened, and the inaugural test drive is gonna take place on the mountain pass! Everyone automatically goes there. To work out the kinks, the race will be a turbo duel with Toru. Feel free to visit the duel runner shop (located conveniently nearby) to upgrade parts n' whatnot. NPC Richard is also duelable there, and carries Royal Decree and Amazoness Sage, among others. ____________________________________________ ____________________________/ PLOT DUEL #18: Toru [Thanks, Scrap - 1160] |_ | | | | 3 Scrap Beast | 1 Speed Spell - Creature Swap | | 3 Scrap Chimera | 1 Speed Spell - Hammer Shot | | 3 Scrap Goblin | 2 Speed Spell - Magical Mallet | | 1 Scrap Golem | 1 Speed Spell - Monster Reborn | | 2 Scrap Hunter | 1 Speed Spell - Monster Reincarnation | | 2 Scrap Orthros | 2 Speed Spell - Pot of Avarice | | 1 Scrap Searcher | 1 Speed Spell - Scapegoat | | 2 Scrap Shark | 3 Speed Spell - Scrapstorm | | 1 Scrap Soldier | 1 Speed Spell - Shield Crush | | 2 Scrap Worm | 1 Speed Spell - Smashing Ground | |-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------| | 2 Atomic Scrap Dragon | 3 Scrap Crash | | 2 Scrap Dragon | 3 Scrap Rage | | 2 Scrap Twin Dragon |___________________________________________________| |_______________________| Assessment: Toru's turbo Scrap deck isn't that far removed from his normal deck, and mostly focuses on getting out Scrap Dragon to cause havoc. He packs a little more heat with cards like "Hammer Shot," "Smashing Ground" and "Creature Swap," but like most Speed Spells, they now have costs and can't be used immediately, which may cause him to miss an advantageous play. Naturally, the same goes for the player. (The default deck is basically a souped-up version of the regular default deck, but may get stomped if left as-is -- try to make a new turbo deck, using the sum of the great cards obtained since the game started.) As for combating Scrap Dragon, which Special Summons another non-Synchro Scrap when destroyed, there's a few ways: (1) banishing it not only avoids its aftereffect, but prevents Toru from adding it back to the deck with Pot of Avarice (2) negating the Synchro Summon means the summon didn't count, i.e. its effect can't activate and it can't be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. (3) banish the crucial tuners, like Scrap Goblin, or key cards like Scrap Chimera, to help in the long run. This is easiest done with Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and similar cards. After an odd scene with the Magic 8-Ball Gang, Misaki gives our hero/ine the Gene-Warped Werewolf card. It's a 4-star vanilla card with 2000 ATK, so it's not too shabby. Soon after, a pushy doofus (Breo) demands the crew leaves so he can have the practice space. This will be an actual race, so buy all the best parts from the duel runner shop beforehand (one can buy more than just frames now!). Also: the "Acceleration 1st Gear" card pack is unlocked, and contains a bunch of Speed Spells for turbo duels. The race itself is 90% preparation, 10% driving. If you bought a bunch of adjuncts your frame can't handle, its performance will be so severe, there's no chance at winning. A good setup would be the Gamma Frame with the basic CPU/Engine upgrades available, but nothing else. As for the driving portion, don't be surprised when Breo pulls out to an early lead -- his bike is quick and accelerates well, but plateaus after awhile, letting your vehicle pull ahead (but only if the player hugs the inside curve and avoids obstacles, like mud slicks and those blue-block things). With the above setup, it's not too hard to pull ahead by the northern section; it's all downhill from there

(literally) which can help acceleration. There's also some prizes to be had, and they can be collected by running 'em down; they seem to be randomized, however, or perhaps time-based. (The cards are all Speed Spell types, usually rare/useful ones.) Afterwards, there'll be some scenes, eventually leading to an urgent return to Crash Town. The prodigal son (or daughter) returns! /\/\_________________________________________________________________________ //\\\\ / \//// 05) ~GOING HOME~ MEMORIES LONG PAST AND A HAND OF HOPE [WK05] \ / /_________________________________________________________________________ \/\/ The "Crossroads of Chaos" pack has been unlocked now, and supports Plants and Morphtronics, including the Black Rose Dragon Synchro. Plaguespreader Zombie appears here, too, as does most of the Synchros (Doomkaiser Dragon, Revived King Ha Des). Psychics get support, too, in Psychic Lifetrancer, Psychokinesis, and a few others. The "Spellcaster's Command" and "Machina Mayhem" structure decks are available now, also. Hooray! This begins what's probably the most fulfilling chapter in the entire game. First things first, find the kids at the hideout. If you explore town a bit, you'll find that some new NPCs are available -- rather, the ones who forced the player to fight 'em are. I'll just list the NPCs' best rewards: Jemma: XX-Saber Emmersblade, Allure of Darkness Malcolm: Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress; Return from the Different Dimension Seluga: Honest, Ultimate Axon Kicker, Virgil: Rekindling, Return from the Different Dimension, Back to Square One

The east part of town starts out off-limits, for reference. Speak with the kids to learn Malcolm, the "ruler" of the west side of town, might know something about the disappearances. Speak with Seluga at the bar -- he has Malcolm's whereabouts, but won't give 'em up without a fight. Oy vey... _________________________________________________ ______________________/ PLOT DUEL #19: Seluga [Silent Swordsman - 1210] |_ | | | | 2 Cyber Dragon | 3 Book of Moon | | 2 D.D. Warrior Lady | 3 Enemy Controller | | 2 Defender, the Magical Knight | 1 Lightning Vortex | | 2 Doomcaliber Knight | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 2 Honest | 1 Pot of Avarice | | 3 Shining Angel | 1 Scapegoat | | 3 Silent Swordsman LV3 | 1 Smashing Ground | | 2 Silent Swordsman LV5 | 1 Swords of Revealing Light | | 2 Silent Swordsman LV7 |-----------------------------------------| | 3 Thunder King Rai-Oh | 1 Limit Reverse | | | 3 Royal Decree | |________________________________|_________________________________________| Assessment: Seluga runs an offensive LIGHT Monster deck, based off of the "Silent Swordsman" series of LV monsters. His arsenal revolves around negation and limitation, with Thunder King Rai-Oh (Special Summons), Silent Swordsmen types (Spells), Doomcaliber Knight (Monster effects) and Royal Decree (Traps) all playing a big part. Seluga will also use Shining Angel, either to get out Silent Swordsman LV3 during a final attack, or D.D. Warrior Lady as a kamikaze banisher. Honest needs no introduction, of course. Since all his monsters save Doomcaliber are LIGHT Attribute, there are a few ways to even the odds: (1) Light-Imprisoning Mirror strips a lot of force out from his monsters, as most have trigger activations (2) Gozen Match slows

down Seluga's advancement, since his monsters have a vast array of Types despite their shared Attribute; naturally it helps to use a deck that uses only one type, thus (3) Use "Ally of Justice Catastor", which is a staple in plenty of decks for good reason: it kills non-DARK monsters instantly, before damage calculation. That means it gets around D.D. Warrior Lady, Honest, and just about all of Seluga's other cards (although its summoning can still be negated). My personal favorite method is using a Zombie World deck, which not only lets allows many of his beatsticks to be revived by Paladin of the Cursed Dragon and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon, but prevents him from getting rid of those Cyber Dragons/Silent Swordsman tributers sitting in his hand. It's also very easy to just negate defeated monsters effects' thanks to Revived King Ha Des. Once the meathead tastes defeat, the mad skillz on display catch Malcolm's eye, and he wants to duel, too. But, in the spirit of human progress, he won't do anything until he gets a duel, too! _________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #20: Malcolm [The Secret of X - 1280] |_ | | | | 2 Giant Rat | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter | 3 Saber Slash | | 3 X-Saber Airbellum | 1 Scapegoat | | 2 X-Saber Palomuro | 1 Smashing Ground | | 2 X-Saber Pashuul | 1 Swords of Revealing Light | | 3 XX-Saber Emmersblade |-----------------------------------------------| | 3 XX-Saber Faultroll | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 3 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight | 2 Gottoms' Emergency Call | | 2 XX-Saber Gardestrike | 1 Mirror Force | | 2 XX-Saber Garsem | 2 Saber Hole | | 3 XX-Saber Ragigura |_______________________________________________| |---------------------------| | 2 X-Saber Urbellum | Assessment: X-Sabers are swarmers, and once | 2 X-Saber Wayne | one's on the field, there's often a way to get | 2 XX-Saber Gottoms | more, such as Special Summoning (Faultroll) or | 3 XX-Saber Hyunlei | traps (Gottoms' Emergency Call). Most of their |___________________________| specialized Spells/Traps require a face-up X-Saber, however, so the name of the game is stifling their advance by whatever means necessary: if it's not outright destruction or banishing, cards that simply return cards to the deck (Raiza the Storm Monarch, Back to Square One) or hand (Compulsory Evacuation Device) will suffice. Negating traps outright (Jinzo, Sky Scourge Invincil, Royal Decree) helps, but playing off the fact that Sabers' are a ragtag band of marauders may work best -- Rivalry of Warlords makes their Special Summoning ability dead in the water. That said, get rid of Faultroll and Fulhelmknight in particular, as they're the most annoying (Faultroll can't be summoned from the Graveyard, but Fulhelmknight is brought back at every convenience). Like most people playing these popular archetypes, Malcolm has no way to return banished cards back to play, so a deck revolving around Macro Cosmos (etc.) can make a killing. Make no mistake, this fight might be the hardest one yet, especially if one's deck is ramshackle or using an archetype whose full support hasn't been gotten yet. Rivalry of Warlords helps tons, though. (In fact, I got Malcolm to do a Palomalu loop 16-18 times -- hilarious.) Winning the duel means winning Malcolm's interest, and he agrees to divulge Sergio's whereabouts if the next day's duel is won. Return to the hideout to pass the time, c ________________________________________________________ __________________/ PLOT DUEL #21: Kalin Kessler [Master of Demise - 1360] |_ | || | | 3 Infernity Archfiend | 1 Dark Hole | 2 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 2 Infernity Avenger | 1 Foolish Burial | 1 Call of the Haunted |

| 1 Infernity Beast | 1 Forbidden Chalice | 1 Dimensional Prison | | 3 Infernity Beetle | 1 Infernity Launcher | 1 Divine Wrath | | 1 Infernity Destroyer | 1 Lightning Vortex | 1 Dust Tornado | | 1 Infernity Dwarf | 1 Monster Reborn | 1 Full Salvo | | 3 Infernity Guardian | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | 1 Infernity Break | | 3 Infernity Mirage | 1 ZERO-MAX | 1 Infernity Force | | 3 Infernity Necromancer |__________________________| 1 Infernity Inferno | |-------------------------| | 1 Infernity Reflector | | 3 Infernity Doom Dragon | | 1 Torrential Tribute | |_________________________| |________________________| Assessment: Befitting his there's-nothing-left attitude, Kalin's Infernities gain their awesome effects when he has no cards in his hand. He accomplishes this via mass discarding (Full Salvo, Infernity Reflector) and intentional overextending. Naturally, cards that annihilate his hand will work against a player here, particularly where Infernity Archfiend and Infernity Necromancer are concerned. Still, there's a number of weaknesses in Kalin's deck that fluctuates his effectiveness: (1) no corrective strategies to banishing (2) negating his traps undercuts almost all of his defense; the highest DEF his his non-Synchros hve is Necromancer's 2000 (3) preventing resurrections from the Graveyard, a la Necrovalley, makes Infernity Necromancer and Mirage mere meat shields (4) cards that hamper DARK effects on the field, such as Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror or the monster Consecrated Light cut Kalin's deck off at the knees (5) forcing Kalin to have cards in hand, as by Morphing Jar, will foul up his plans (6) preventing discarding altogether, as by Goblin of Greed, also takes the bite out of Infernities. In short, Kalin REALLY needs to have an empty hand to put up a real fight; without it, he's just got a bunch of halfway decent monsters and a back row desperately trying to keep 'em on the field. [Kalin's overextending can backfire if his back row gets too full; then, he's forced to keep Spells/Traps in hand.] After the events, everyone vacations at the scenic Crash Town Mine. Exit through the west tunnel to revisit that dusty burg. Save at Klaus' old house and head towards the central crossroads. Here, no one passes without first defeating... _______________________________________________ __________________________/ PLOT DUEL #22: Ramon [Treasure Digger - 1320] |_ | | | | 2 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth | 3 Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins | | 2 Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat | 3 Burden of the Mighty | | 1 Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle | 3 Crystal Abundance | | 3 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise | 2 Crystal Blessing | | 2 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle | 1 Dark Hole | | 3 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus | 1 Rare Value | | 3 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger | 1 Smashing Ground | | 3 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder |----------------------------------------| | 1 Mist Valley Soldier | 1 Crystal Raigeki 1 Dimensional Prison | |___________________________________| 1 Crystal Pair 1 Solemn Warning | | 1 Dark Bribe 1 Torrential Tribute | Assessment: Crystal Beasts have an |________________________________________| unusual effect: if destroyed while in a Monster Zone, the monster can be placed face-up in the Spell/Trap Zone instead of being sent to the Graveyard. They have no inherent effect while placed this way, but all the "Crystal" Support Cards are dependent on them being there. Additionally, "Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins" gets multiple effects depending on how many Crystal Beasts are treated as Continuous Spells. Ramon's 4000-ATK trump card (Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder) isn't part of the archetype, but works well with it -- he can only be Special Summoned by sending 3 face-up Continuous Spells to the Graveyard. That said, without Hamon's frightful presence, or Synchro summons for variety, Ramon's deck can actually be quite tolerable. Cards that inflict burn damage based on field cards, such as "Princess of Tsurugi" or "Ceasefire" are especially

useful. Other than that, Ramon's deck falls prey to some of the other big-name archetypes' weaknesses, namely banishing and returning to the hand. Cards like "Compulsory Evacuation Device" and "Mist Worm" can waste Ramon's precious time while a player snipes at his open field. Finally, cards that restrict the opponent's Monster or Spell/Trap Zones (Spatial Collapse, Ground Collapse, Ojama King, Ojama Knight) or waste their zones' space (Cursed Fig, Ojama Trio) work well; Gozen Match helps, too. [Note that the "put in Spell or Trap Zone" effect goes before Special Summoning effects like Goyo Guardian or Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon's.] Overall, it usually takes a few turns before there's enough Continuous Spells to use "Crystal" cards' effects, giving plenty of time for swarmers to beatdown -- this is where a lack of traps'll come back to bite Ramon. A little further north, there's another problem. This will be the last battle in the chapter, so here's a recap of all the chapter's items: GRAVE OF THE SUPER ANCIENT ORGANISM: By Malcolm's bar (after beating him) NECKLACE OF COMMAND: Near western town exit (after beating Malcolm?) SPELL SHATTERING ARROW: Table in Malcolm's bar SMASHING GROUND: downstairs toolbox in protagonist's old house STAR CHIP: On shelf in Toru's old house STAR CHIP: In mine tunnel area VANITY'S EMPTINESS: By Malcolm's bar (after beating him)

Save in the card shop before fighting... _______________________________________________ ________________________/ PLOT DUEL #23: Lawton [Combat Realist - 1400] |_ | | | | | 1 Cannon Soldier | 2 Chain Strike | 1 Ceasefire | | 3 Cyber Valley | 1 Dark Room of Nightmare | 2 Chain Detonation | | 2 Des Koala | 3 Hinotama | 2 Fire Darts | | 3 Fire Trooper | 2 Meteor of Destruction | 1 Judgment of Anubis | | 1 Morphing Jar | 1 Ookazi | 1 Magical Explosion | | 1 Phantom Skyblaster | 3 Poison of the Old Man | 1 Meteor Flare | | 1 Volcanic Queen | 1 Soul of Fire | 2 Secret Barrel | |______________________| 2 Sparks |________________________| | 1 Tremendous Fire | | 2 Wave-Motion Cannon | |__________________________| Assessment: There's some creedence to why players find this one of the toughest battles in the game: Lawton, who uses a burn (effect damage) deck, starts with 10 cards, which he thinks is only fair since this is a tag team fight with Kalin. This is especially hard to combat if the player doesn't go first, so that should be top priority -- remember, going last in a tag duel doesn't mean 2nd, it means last out of EVERYONE (in this case, third). Secondly, no preparation makes this fight beastly. There are some key cards that can turn this fight around single-handedly: (1) Prime Material Dragon, which makes effect damage heal instead of hurt, and it offers some decent damage protection, too (2) Heavy Slump, a trap that's normally unwieldy, but in this case, forces Lawton to discard his entire 10-card hand and draw just two cards. Needless to say, this pretty much wins the duel. (3) Des Wombat, which negates effect damage to its controller (4) Secret Village of the Spellcasters, a field spell that prevents the opponent from using Spells if the field spell's controller has a Spellcaster on the field. Lawton doesn't have any of that kind, so this effect would make much of his hand worthless. (5) the Rainbow Life trap allows any kind of damage to heal during that turn, which can certainly be a stall tactic until one draws into a card listed above. /\/\_________________________________________________________________________

//\\\\ / \//// 06) ~CHANGES~ PREPARING FOR THE TOURNAMENT AND A LOOMING SHADOW [WK06] \ / /_________________________________________________________________________ \/\/ NOTE: This last chapter is going to be LOOOOOOONG, like ridiculously so. The "Duelist Genesis" and "Acceleration 2nd Gear" packs are now available. The former contains tons of Psychic, Gladiator Beast and Spirit monster support, including Synchros and Stardust Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend; the latter contains more Speed Spells. Also, two new structure decks have unlocked: Lost Sanctuary and Dragunity Legion. Now that all the duel runners are in order, it's time to pick an official (premade) name. Yusei will have left his tools at the garage, so they'll need to be returned -- his garage is in the Plaza, an area accessible from the world map. Crash Town and the Mine can be revisited as well (the latter only has Siegel, half-hidden on the upper-right side of the first screen). Here's a list of new NPCs' prizes from those two areas (plus Rossi in DAIMON Area): Barbara: Icarus Attack, Splendid Rose, Card Destruction Kalin: Infernity Doom Dragon, Infernity Launcher, Infernity Archfiend Rossi: Cyber Eltanin, Dimensional Prison, Cloudian - Cirrostratus Scotch: Cold Wave, G.B. Hunter, Dark Valkyria, D2 Shield Siegel: Herald of Perfection, X-Saber Palomuro, Threatening Roar

"The Lost Millennium" pack is unlocked by defeating all the gang subordinates (Minegishi, Seluga, Bronson, Jemma, Virgil, Clint, Scotch) thrice. It has some basic Elemental Hero cards, Ancient Gear support, King of the Skull Servants, and assorted Charmers. "Force of the Breaker" unlocks by dueling the DAIMON Area kids thrice, that is, the five at street level (Kazuhiro, Honda, Helio, Yagiura, Rossi) and the four in the duel arena (Angie, Nelson, Figaro, Corse). If a player's been diligent, then Rossi might be the last stop left -- he's at the duel runner shop. "Force of the Breaker" heavily supports Crystal Beasts, and also includes the Field Spell searchers like Gravekeeper's Commandant and Harpie Queen. === Visiting the Plaza opens up some more duel opponents. As usual, here's their best prizes: Carly: Future Visions, Future Fusion, Fortune Lady Dark, Fortune Lady Light Dexter: Avenging Knight Parshath, Ancient Sacred Wyvern Stephanie: Chaos King Archfiend, Creation Resonator, Barrier Resonator Sumetana: Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World; Silva, Warlord of Dark World

At the garage, speak with Yusei to learn there's a rogue turbo duelist known as "Ghost," challenging people and bumping them off the road. Interesting... Before leaving, speak with Sumetana in the alley behind Yusei's for a weird guessing game. Pick any box to obtain the "Lucky Item," a key for an unknown lock. It actually unlocks the DAIMON Area apartment's 4F suite, which holds a few items: 2 Star Chips, Suit Style (outfit), Shield Wing (card), and KPC-000 (duel runner CPU). That CPU in particular is amazing, and should be put on the vehicle immediately. NOTE: Talking with Klaus at this time can initiate a little sidequest that opens up the apartment's 4F floor. Head up and do the mandatory fight with Lenny (bug user), then visit the next-door apartment for a small scene. Tell

Klaus of the goings-on to get a DWE-CG duel runner engine. Doing this li'l quest seems to unlock the "Extra Pack" at the card shop, which contains a lot of Gemini cards, plus some Gladiator Beast/Pyro support. [Finishing this event lets Lenny, Lug and Larry be normal duel opponents.] Larry: Dark End Dragon, Gravekeeper's Commandant, Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru Lenny: Mist Wurm, Dragunity Arma Leyvaten, Dark Bribe Lug: Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier; Teleport, Double Summon Report back to Toru to initiate "combat training" -- this will take place in the Outer Rim, a location now unlocked on the world map. Speak with Toru to start, and wouldn't y'know it, Ghost attacks! ________________________________________ _________________________________/ PLOT DUEL #24: Ghost [GHOST-01 - ????] |_ | | | | 3 Ally of Justice Core Destroyer | 2 Speed Spell - Allure of Darkness | | 1 Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway | 3 Speed Spell - Book of Moon | | 1 Ally of Justice Cycle Reader | 1 Speed Spell - Heavy Storm | | 1 Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher | 2 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 2 Ally of Justice Garadholg | 1 Speed Spell - Shrink | | 3 Ally of Justice Nullifier | 1 Speed Spell - Special Hurricane | | 3 Ally of Justice Quarantine | 2 Speed Spell - The End of the Storm | | 1 Ally of Justice Thunder Armor |----------------------------------------| | 3 Ally of Justice Unlimiter | 2 Destruct Potion | | 1 Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher | 3 DNA Transplant | | 3 Ally Salvo |________________________________________| | 3 Meklord Emperor Wisel | |___________________________________| NOTE: Ghost always goes first... =/ Assessment: Ally of Justice cards are meant to combat LIGHT monsters, and they have the ability to stop special summons (Quarantine), destroy without damage calculation (Core Destroyer), and banish (Unknown Crusher). However, the turbo deck isn't without its faults -- AOJs are all DARK Machine-Types, meaning cards like Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror and Consecrated Light, or even unassuming monsters like Magnetic Mosquito, can rip holes in his strategy. Ghost will use DNA Transplant to make all field monsters LIGHT attribute, too, a safeguard against his opponent having no LIGHT monsters. However, as most of Ghost's monsters are completely wimpy, he uses his Meklord Emperor as a failsafe. Said monster can only be Special Summoned when a monster he controls is destroyed by a card effect, and once on the field, can use its effect to equip your Synchro monsters as Equip Spells, increasing its own attack. However, when on the field, only Wisel can attack, meaning Ghost's offense typically goes down, not up. [Wisel can also negate a Spell's activation once per turn.] Combating Wisel is really the "hardest" part, but really only takes a Bottomless Trap Hole (etc.) to get rid of. And, like many others before him, his Special Summoning tactics typically leave his hand very small, so this fight isn't as hard as it possibly could be. Note that, if you beat Ghost without letting him summon Wisel, the fight will repeat. [This is what his opening line meant, even if came out all wrong... thanks translators!] Back at the garage, Crow and Akiza will show up. One thing leads to another, and it's another fight at the Outer Rim. _____________________________________________ ____________________________/ PLOT DUEL #25: Akiza [Feel the Wind - 1420] |_ | | | | 2 Blue Rose Dragon | 2 Speed Spell - Creature Swap | | 3 Botanical Lion | 1 Speed Spell - Harpie's Feather Duster | 1 Dandylion | 1 Speed Spell - Monster Reborn | | 2 Gigaplant | 2 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon| | 1 Glow-Up Bulb | 1 Speed Spell - Smashing Ground | | 1 Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose |---------------------------------------|

| 2 Lord Poison | 2 Blossom Bombardment | | 2 Lonefire Blossom | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 3 Naturia Cherries | 2 Dimensional Prison | | 1 Naturia Rosewhip | 1 Mirror Force | | 2 Revival Rose | 1 Proof of Powerlessness | | 1 Spore | 1 Seven Tools of the Bandit | | 2 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias | 1 Torrential Tribute | | 1 Twilight Rose Knight |_______________________________________| |------------------------------------| | 3 Black Rose Dragon | Assessment: For fans of the 5D's show, | 2 Queen of Thorns | it's no surprise that Akiza uses a | 3 Splendid Rose | hard-hitting plant deck, or that it's |____________________________________| star card is Black Rose Dragon, widely considered to be an annoying "nuke" card. Akiza's deck uses a few combos, notably Lonefire Blossom tributing a monster (usually itself) for Tytannial, or Gravirose using its effect to dump tuners like Spore and Glow-Up Bulb into the Graveyard. As before, decks themed around banishing or Special Summon prevention typically work well, and traps like Gozen Match and Rivalry of Warlords can even see a little use (although not much). If one can manage Tytannial and Gigaplant -- which have 2800 and 2400 ATK, respectively -- then that just leaves Synchro Summoning, which can be handled with cards like Discord or the aforementioned banishing strategies. Other than that, be careful not to overextend in case Black Rose Dragon nukes the field; or, have precautions ready (Divine Wrath, Forbidden Lance, Fiendish Chain) that can prevent its effect. Remember that it can only destroy the field when it's Synchro Summoned, not in any other manner. Unlike other players reliant on Special Summoning and Synchros, Akiza's plants have such good chemistry, her hand might not deplete that much throughout the duel...without a little help, of course. Winning the fight is optional, but doing so earns the "Glow-Up Bulb" tuner from Akiza. While the other two are hitting the highway, Crow gets an itch that can only be scratched by dueling! __________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #26: Crow [Driven on Blackwing - 1410] |_ | | | | 3 Blackwing - Bora the Spear | 1 Speed Spell - Angel Baton | | 3 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North | 1 Speed Spell - Book of Moon | | 1 Blackwing - Calima the Haza | 1 Speed Spell - Giant Trunade | | 1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind | 1 Speed Spell - Monster Reborn | | 1 Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow | 1 Speed Spell - Mystical Space T. | | 3 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow | 1 Speed Spell - Speed Force | | 1 Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak |-----------------------------------| | 3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame | 1 Blackback | | 3 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn | 2 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 1 Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite | 2 Delta Crow - Anti Reverse | | 1 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor | 2 Dimensional Prison | |----------------------------------------| 2 Icarus Attack | | 3 Black-Winged Dragon | 1 Mirror Force | | 3 Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant | 2 Trap Stun | | 3 Blackwing Armed Wing |___________________________________| | 3 Blackwing Armor Master | |________________________________________| Assessment: Compared to his regular deck, this one's a vast improvement, and has most of the essential monsters, plus all of the Synchros together. However, it's not without some fluff (Kochi, Jin, Calima). One thing about this deck is how much destructive Crow's traps are, Icarus Attack and Delta Crow in particular. Being able to factor those out of the battle goes a long way in winning this fight -- remember that none of them are Counter Traps, so you can use Trap Stun to negate any of them (this is particularly useful against Icarus Attack which requires the Tribute to activate). Royal Decree

and Jinzo also work, if one prefers. Other than that, limiting Crow's Special Summoning (Royal Surrender, Vanity's Emptiness) is really all one needs to defang his primary strength. And, like 90% of opponents, banishing strategies kill. I know that's the millionth time I've said it, but a deck based solely around banishing throws a curveball to just about everyone! Like the last fight, winning isn't mandatory, but does net one a card reward: in this case, "Blackwing - Elphin the Raven". The final step of training will be a time attack run on the highway system. If a player's gotten used to driving and upgraded the duel runner accordingly -- especially with that KPC-000 CPU from the Lucky Item sidequest -- then this should be a cinch. As before, collecting items on the racetrack can earn random Speed Spells and DP. Just watch out for the drop-off points in the latter half of the track, as they lead to tedious detours and will hurt the overall time. It shouldn't endanger the 3:00 limit, though, unless your duel runner's slower than a rickshaw with square wheels. ;) Time automatically advances a bit, and it'll be time to visit the garage. Do so and learn someone stole Toru's bike. Misaki suggests getting Yusei's help, and over at his place, apparently someone's swiped Jack's runner, too. Trudge thinks Satellite's chop-shopping has a connection; said location is unlocked on the world map. As usual, here's a list of new NPCs' goodies: Bass: Mist Wurm, Red-Eyes Wyvern, Gishki Ceremonial Mirror/Steelswarm Caller Hakamada: Avenging Knight Parshath, Laval Miller, Gem-Knight Emerald Kuroe: Mind Control, Arcana Force 0 - The Fool, Blessings for Gusto Lilie: Arcanite Magician, The Immortal Bushi, Hecatrice, Psychokinesis

Note that most of the NPCs from "old Satellite" will be here, and all the wins/losses racked up against 'em still count. A few people (like Lilie) are now normal duelists. Importantly, there's a free "Solemn Warning" Counter Trap in the west part of town, and it has the ability to negate summons or cards that Special Summon at the cost of 2000 life points. Most people run two of these (the maximum), and many of the higher-ranking duelists will have some as well, so why not have use your own? Anyway, the goal is to find Kuroe in the last remnants of the slum: the duel runner shop. His lips are sealed without a duel, though. __________________________________________________ ______________________/ PLOT DUEL #27: Kuroe [Masterful Magician - 1370] |_ | | | | 3 Apprentice Magician | 1 Arcane Barrier | | 1 Breaker the Magical Warrior | 3 Magican Citadel of Endymion | | 3 Crusader of Endymion | 2 Magical Dimension | | 1 Defender, the Magical Knight | 1 Monster Reborn | | 2 Frequency Magician | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 2 Geomancer of the Ice Barrier | 3 Spell Power Grasp | | 3 Magical Exemplar | 3 Toon Table of Contents | | 3 Night's End Sorcerer |------------------------------------------| | 3 Old Vindictive Magician | 1 Magical Explosion | | 1 Toon Gemini Elf | 1 Magician's Circle | |--------------------------------| 2 Pitch-Black Power Stone | | 3 Arcanite Magician |__________________________________________| | 3 Tempest Magician | |________________________________| Assessment: Not much to say about Kuroe's Magician deck, as it focuses more on generating Spell Counters than it does with preparing an adequate defense (hence the lack of worthwhile Traps). But that doesn't mean it should be taken too lightly -- Magical Citadel of Endymion will collect the counters of all destroyed Magicians, and if he gets out his trump Synchros, they'll have a large pool to draw from. Besides that, most of his monsters are pretty

wimpy, with 1900 ATK or less. Some have destructive effects (Breaker, Old Vindictive Magician) but most are meant to Special Summon other Magicians or facilitate Synchros/Spell Counters. Note that the effect of "Magical Citadel of Endymion" that allow a spell counter to be removed to prevent destruction does NOT prevent its inherent destruction when a new Field Spell is played. If you can get control of your opponent's Tempest Magician (Creature Swap, Zombie World tactics, Monster Reborn, etc.) you can use its effect to remove your opponent's Spell Counters he's stocked up, since the card text doesn't specify. Also, Kuroe uses so many cards in his pursuit of spell counters, he can often decimate his hand on his first turn. D'oh! Defeated, Kuroe coughs up the info: a dealer named Syd sold him the parts, and his base of operations is at the northern port. [NOTE: You can now play Kuroe as a regular duelist, and if you've fought everyone else in town three times, he should be the last step to unlocking the "Enemy of Justice" pack, which contains a lot of Destiny Hero support cards.] Anywho, once the Port's visited from the world map, head east to eavesdrop on the two lackeys, Ida and Kameno. Jack will make a surprise appearance and it turns into a 2-on-2 battle. _________________________________________ _______________________________/ PLOT DUEL #28: Ida [Ida Dragons - 1390] |_ | \ | | 3 Dragunity Arma Leyvaten ) 1 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon | | 3 Dragunity Darkspear | 3 Dragon Ravine | | 3 Dragunity Dux | 1 Giant Trunade | | 1 Dragunity Javelin | 1 Monster Reborn | | 3 Dragunity Legionnaire | 1 Monster Reincarnation | | 1 Dragunity Militum | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Dragunity Phalanx |------------------------------------------| | 3 Masked Dragon | 3 Dragon's Rage | | 3 Prime Material Dragon | 2 Seven Tools of the Bandit | |--------------------------------| 1 Solemn Warning | | 2 Dragunity Knight - Barcha |__________________________________________| | 2 Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg | | 2 Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg | Assessment: Dragunity decks revolve around | 1 Dragunity Knight - Trident | equipping Winged Beast monsters with low| 2 Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana | -level Dragon types; most of their effects |________________________________| are given when equipped in this way, or by discarding the attached card. This deck is a little unstable without "Dragon Ravine," however -- it allows its user to discard 1 card (typically a LV3 or lower Dragon) to add 1 "Dragunity" card from the deck (typically a Winged Beast type). The card allows Ida "toolbox" -- or select cards based on current circumstances -- and retaliate with some force. Needless to say, without Dragon Ravine, Ida has to rely on topdecking good cards, and his strategies move at glacial speeds. ___________________________________________________ _____________________/ PLOT DUEL #28: Kameno [Lucky Turtle Shell - 1390] |_ | | | | 3 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise | 3 Gem-Knight Fusion | | 3 Gem-Armadillo | 2 My Body as a Shield | | 3 Gem-Knight Sapphire | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Gem-Knight Tourmaline |----------------------------------------| | 3 Gem-Turtle | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 3 Mask of Darkness | 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device | | 2 Solar Flare Dragon | 2 D2 Shield | | 2 UFO Turtle | 1 Drastic Drop Off | |----------------------------------| 3 Jar of Greed | | 3 Gem-Knight Aquamarine | 2 Mask of Weakness | | 3 Gem-Knight Citrine | 2 Pyroxene Fusion | | 3 Gem-Knight Prism Aura |________________________________________| | 3 Gem-Knight Topaz |

|__________________________________| Assessment: Kameno's deck has received a facelift since the last YGO game, and now stars Gem-Knights, a series of EARTH monsters that can Fusion Summon very fast (thanks to Gem-Knight Fusion, which can return itself to the hand by banishing 1 Gem-Knight in the Graveyard). However, his deck doesn't have much horsepower in it, with Gem-Knight Prism Aura having the highest ATK at 2450. A card like "Burden of the Mighty" makes any of the opponent's monsters a tolerable level, save perhaps the 2100-DEF Gem-Knight Sapphire. Still, this deck is mostly supposed to work with Ida's beatdown-style deck, and provide extra defensive measures (like "My Body as a Shield") to work with Prime Material Dragon. Monster-wise, this deck has little in common with Ida's, so expect situations where you kill Ida's "Masked Dragon" during Kameno's turn (or Kameno's "UFO Turtle" during Ida's turn) and they'll have nothing to Special Summon. Luckily, Jack's ace monster "Red Dragon Archfiend" murders those who rely on defensive tactics, and can clear the opponent's field of any defense position monsters after attacking. This is one situation where it might not matter too much what deck the player has; Jack's is pure offense, and it shows. Afterwards, the boss shows up... ____________________________________________ ____________________ _______/ PLOT DUEL #29: Syd [Breaking Wheel - 1460] |_ | | | | | 3 Giant Germ | 1 Book of Moon | 3 Imperial Custom | | 3 Green Gadget | 2 Dark Room of Nightmare | 2 Mask of Restrict | | 1 Machina Fortress | 2 Enemy Controller | 2 Metal Reflect Slime | | 1 Mask of Darkness | 1 Forbidden Chalice | 3 Nightmare Wheel | | 3 Red Gadget | 1 Giant Trunade | 2 Tuner's Scheme | | 3 Stealth Bird | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | 2 Zoma the Spirit | | 3 Yellow Gadget | 1 Swords of Revealing Light |________________________| |____________________|_____________________________| Assessment: Syd uses a stall/burn deck, which isn't that difficult on paper but can become more than the sum of its parts. Syd uses Trap Monsters (Zoma the Spirit, Metal Reflect Slime) and prevents their destruction with Imperial Custom, which gives plenty of time for him to build up his hand with Gadgets or buy time with his other time-wasting tactics. This is a great fight to pack Trap Stun in -- not only does it negate Imperial Custom's effect for a turn, but active Trap Monsters affected by it become useless, even after the effect's passed. This can clog up Syd's Spell/Trap zones and play off his deck's low amount of monsters. Other than that, Syd uses his Gadgets to keep summoning Machina Fortress; however, he only has one, and removing it from play puts the kibosh on his offense, pretty much. Following, the bikes are reclaimed and everyone has cake. Just one has cake... But, Akiza does come over and suggests Bruno help Misaki with her programming. [You can also visit the Port again to duel with Hana and Natsumi. They don't count towards unlocking packs, though...] Visit Yusei's garage to meet Luna and Leo, the latter of which is itching for a duel...and he won't let the protagonist exit without one! Kids these days... ______________________________________________ __________________________/ PLOT DUEL #30: Leo [Equipped! Click! - 1290] |_ | | | | 3 Morphtronic Boarden | 1 Break! Draw! 1 Power Pickaxe | | 3 Morphtronic Boomboxen | 2 Double Tool C&D 1 Rocket Pilder | | 3 Morphtronic Celfon | 2 Mage Power 2 United We Stand | | 2 Morphtronic Magnen | 2 Morphtronic Accelerator | | 3 Morphtronic Radion |-------------------------------------------------| | 1 Morphtronic Remoten | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 3 Morphtronic Scopen | 1 Mirror Force |

| 2 Morphtronic Vacuumen | 2 Morphtronic Bind | | 1 Morphtronic Videon | 1 Morphtronic Forcefield | |-------------------------| 2 Morphtronics, Scramble! | | 3 Power Tool Dragon | 1 Solemn Warning | |_________________________|_________________________________________________| Assessment: Leo uses Machine-Type "Morphtronics," whose effects depend on their face-up battle position. Each Morphtronic is pretty weak, but when a bunch get together, they can become quite a nuisance. Leo's trump card is "Power Tool Dragon," which allows him to search for Equip Spell cards, which not only power PTD up but extend its lifespan -- he can send one to the Graveyard to negate its destruction. Using cards that remove from the field without destroying (Dimensional Prison, Compulsory Evacuation Device, etc.) can work reasonably well. Trap Stun can get around any annoying stall tactics (Morphtronic Bind) he has, too. Winning this duel is completly optional, but if one desires a prize (United We Stand) he has to be. The kids can now be regular duel opponents, too. Luna has the "Ancient Fairy Dragon" prize, while Leo has "Power Tool Dragon" and a couple Morphtronics/Equip Spells. On the way out, Jack suggests checking in on the progress at Toru's garage; doing so unlocks the Bay Parking spot on the world map. Anyway, the test drive is basically meant to show a player how to do start dash. Pretty simple, actually -- hold the A-button when the second-to-last light brightens. The track itself bifurcates a few times, but it's mostly flat and not very challenging. In fact, if it takes more than 1:00 to get through, it might be time to upgrade or go back to driving school. ;p Afterwards, Jack (!?) will show up and immediately challenge the player to a duel. This starts automatically; there's no prep time to change decks or to save. _____________________________________________ _________________________ _/ PLOT DUEL #31: Jack [Tyrant's Reign - 1420] |_ | | | | 1 Archfiend Interceptor | 1 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 2 Battle Fader | 1 Speed Spell - Power Baton | | 1 Big Piece Golem | 1 Speed Spell - Smashing Ground | | 3 Blizzard Dragon | 2 Speed Spell - Stamping Destruction | | 2 Dark Resonator |-------------------------------------------------| | 2 Dread Dragon | 2 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 1 Flare Resonator | 2 Fiendish Chain | | 1 Lancer Archfiend | 1 Lineage of Destruction | | 2 Luster Dragon | 1 Mirror Force | | 1 Mad Archfiend | 1 Prideful Roar | | 1 Mist Valley Soldier | 1 Solemn Warning | | 1 Power Giant | 1 Torrential Tribute | | 1 Sangan |_________________________________________________| | 2 Strong Wind Dragon | | 1 Synchro Magnet | Assessment: Jack's previous deck was a lot more | 1 Trap Eater | concise, with its monster pool having a better | 3 Vice Dragon | ratio of Dragons to non-Dragons, and a slightly |-------------------------| more destructive back row. The "Tyrant's Reign" | 3 Exploder Dragonwing | deck aims to be even more destructive, and it | 3 Red Dragon Archfiend | certainly has the potential; however, by diluting |_________________________| the Dragon deck with a bunch of non-Dragons, and simply having too many monsters (twenty-six!), it walks the thin line between success and failure every turn. I would highly recommend running a few Trap Stuns here, as Jack can't do anything to block 'em (only preempt). Cards that prevent Special Summoning, such as Royal Oppression or Archlord Kristya, will also help cripple this fool, as his entire deck is based around that whizbang, hit-'em-hard-and-fast style of

gameplay. Forcing him to slow down usually works in a player's favor. [This fight is mandatory to win, also.] There'll be a time finally arrive! MC the opening match. should be unlocked support for Alien, skip once the "fake Jack" event finishes, and the WRGP'll will announce that Toru's team will fight Team Unicorn in [The "Acceleration Finish" and "Crimson Crisis" packs now. The former contains new Speed Spells; the latter has Assault Mode, Blackwing and Psychic types.]

Talking to Toru will start the first match. Before then, however, let's recap all the items thus far in this longtastic chapter. [Items found after this point will be recapped towards the end.] 47 DP: On ground at Bay Parking, west side 1000 DP: box in Satellite's SW sector 1500 DP: box in Crash Town's eastern bar 1500 DP: box at Satellite's port CYBERNETIC HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY: Under Crash Town hideout (visible) DWE-CG: Do Klaus' miniquest to get this reward (see above) HEAVY MECH SUPPORT PLATFORM: Fountain Plaza, left-hand side (visible) KPC-000: In locked DAIMON Area 4F suite (see above) LEATHER TOP AND BOTTOM SET: Box behind Yusei's garage LION ALLIGATOR: Under bed in DAIMON Area 3F room (see above) LUCKY ITEM: Do Sumetana's event behind Yusei's garage (see above) MIST VALLEY FALCON: Box on Mountain Pass' sidewalk MYSTICAL SPACE TYPHOON: Box in DAIMON Area 3F room (see above) REVIVED KING HA DES: In magazine in DAIMON Area 4F suite (see above) ROSE, WARRIOR OF REVENGE: Box at Outer Rim RYKO, LIGHTSWORN HUNTER: On Mountain Pass' sidewalk SEVEN TOOLS OF THE BANDIT: Outer Rim area (after finishing time attack) SHIELD WING: In locked DAIMON AREA 4F suite (see above) SOLEMN WARNING: In a box by west part of Satellite SOLIDARITY: Outside Satellite duel runner shop (after beating Kuroe) STAR CHIP: Ground in front of DAIMON Area Securities building (invisible) STAR CHIP: Under table in Bootleg bar STAR CHIP: Upper-right corner of entrance to Facility (invisible) STAR CHIP: Fountain Plaza's plaza fountain! STAR CHIP: Underneath Yusei's garage's interior stairway (hidden) STAR CHIP: In locked DAIMON Area 4F suite (see above) STAR CHIP: In locked DAIMON Area 4F suite (see above) STAR CHIP: Under bench at Outer Rim STAR CHIP: Hidden behind SWmost pillar at Bay Parking SUIT STYLE: In locked DAIMON Area 4F suite (see above) SUPER-NIMBLE MEGA HAMSTER: Box by Fountain Plaza vendor THE AGENT OF CREATION - VENUS: On ground at the Port (after beating Syd)

As far as preparations go, there's a billion and one ways to get through the tourney. General advice is to open up more packs of cards, always buy the new structure decks (some have cards unique to those decks), and don't forget to do CPU duels! "World Championship" packs unlock based on how many CPU duel opponents are available, and this can count for CPU Tag Duels, Turbo Duels, and so on. Not only are "World Championship" packs chock full of good stuff, but the CPU opponents also have good cards to win. Some archetypes might not be fully supported via buyable decks, so this can be a good way to get some extra firepower. When ready, hit up Toru and face off against Team Unicorn at the Stadium (now unlocked from World Map). This will be a 3-on-3 match, with the team order being Toru -> Misaki -> Player. These battles aren't too hard to understand. When a player loses, the next person in line fills in; they start with 8000 LP and have their own hand. All cards on the field in-between that time will

remain, but the Graveyard of the losing team resets. It's actually possible to roam around before the match, and even leave the location. The mountain pass's duel runner shop, and Crash Town's card shop, have permanently relocated to the stadium grounds, too. Finally, new places equal new opponents carrying good prize cards! Alvaro: Darklord Desire, Jinzo, Flamvell Firedog, The Fabled Catsith Lazar: Armityle the Chaos Phantom, Imperial Custom, Discord, Jester Confit MC: Skill Drain, Birthright Seria: Darklord Asmodeus, Mask Change, Steelswarm Moth

Now, onto the tournament -- speak with Toru to get started. Each team will knock out the first contestant, and eventually it'll be the player against the final two bozos...err, respectable competitors. ____________________________________________________ ____________________/ PLOT DUEL #32: Andre [One Horn, One Strike - 1500] |_ | | | | 1 Behemoth, the King of All Animals | 1 SS - Dash Pilfer | | 2 Egotistical Ape | 2 SS - Instant Fusion | | 2 Elephun | 1 SS - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Giant Rat | 1 SS - One for One | | 1 Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest | 2 SS - Speed Energy | | 2 Key Mouse | 1 SS - The End of the Storm | | 3 Nimble Momonga |----------------------------------| | 2 Playful Possum | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter | 2 Dimensional Prison | | 2 Scrap Beast | 2 Horn of the Phantom Beast | | 2 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster | 1 Mirror Force | | 2 X-Saber Airbellum | 1 Solemn Warning | |----------------------------------------| 1 Torrential Tribute | | 3 Flower Wolf |__________________________________| | 3 Fusionist | | 3 Naturia Leodrake | Assessment: Andre -- and all of | 3 Thunder Unicorn | Team Unicorn, for that matter -|________________________________________| uses Beast-Type monsters, most of which have searching or Special Summoning effects for other Beasts. This keeps his field clogged up enough to Synchro Summon Thunder Unicorn (which has an ATK-reducing effect) or the 3000-ATK beatstick Naturia Leodrake. Luckily, Misaki took a bite out of him beforehand and he's starting with a mere 2000 LP and almost half his deck in the Graveyard! She also left two Set cards (One for One, Mystical Space Typhoon), common cards that can supplement one's own deck. Andre's field'll consist of a face-up Thunder Unicorn and a face-down Playful Possum; the latter'll get used as Synchro Material for Naturia Leodrake during the ensuing turn if it's not taken care of! Other than that, remember that one's field, Graveyard, and LP total carries over to the next fight, so try to end in tiptop shape! Try to eliminate any of the opponent's tuners before winning so they don't end up used in the next fight. Immediately afterwards, one faces off with... __________________________________________________ ______________________/ PLOT DUEL #33: Jean [Call of the Trihorn - 1530] |_ | | | | 2 Delta Flyer | 1 Speed Spell - Dash Pilfer | | 2 Egotistical Ape | 2 Speed Spell - Instant Fusion | | 2 Elephun | 1 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Giant Rat | 1 Speed Spell - One for One | | 2 Hypnocorn | 2 Speed Spell - Speed Energy | | 2 Key Mouse |-----------------------------------------------------| | 3 Nimble Momonga | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole 1 Mirror Force |

| 3 Rhinotaurus | 1 Barrier Wave 1 Reanimation Wave | | 2 Trident Warrior | 1 Chain Whirlwind 1 Solemn Warning | | 2 X-Saber Airbellum | 1 Dimensional Prison 1 Torrential Tribute | |---------------------| 2 Horn of the Phantom Beast | | 3 Flower Wolf |_____________________________________________________| | 3 Fusionist | | 3 Lightning Tricorn | Assessment: Like his compatriots, Jean uses Beast | 3 Thunder Unicorn | monsters and facilitates his Synchro Summoning via | 3 Voltic Bicorn | inherent monster searchers (Key Mouse, Giant Rat, |_____________________| Nimble Momonga) and similar Spell Cards (Instant Fusion, One for One). His deck really isn't that much different than Andre's except he's got more Unicorn-themed Synchros, and more traps. However, despite any advantages he may have on paper, it doesn't change the fact that the player's already had time to setup a (massive?) field, and planned ahead for this fight, so it should be more of a cinch than anything. Remember that if a Synchro Summon is negated, as with "Black Horn of Heaven" or "Solemn Warning," that monster didn't count as being properly summoned, and thus can't be Special Summoned from the Graveyard! Following the win, the next opponent's revealed: Team Catastrophe! Report to the Stadium's pit in the morning to continue the fights. [For me, after a few more fights, the "Duelist Revolution" pack unlocked. It contains some Watt, Scrap, Amazoness, and generic Beast support. Scrap Dragon, Ultimate Axon Kicker and Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste are found here, too.] The order will be changed this time, with the player going 2nd, before Misaki. Toru'll win the first match, but then it's time for... _________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #34: Hermann [Nightmare Clown - 1570] |_ | | | | 3 Adhesive Explosive | 1 SS - Book of Moon 3 SS - Ignition | | 3 Black Salvo | 1 SS - Enemy Controller 3 SS - Book of Moon | | 3 Blade Rabbit |----------------------------------------------------| | 3 Blast Sphere | 1 Call of the Haunted 3 Labyrinth of Nightmare | | 3 Dream Clown | 1 Fiendish Chain 3 No Entry!! | | 2 Mechanicalchaser | 2 Limit Reverse 3 Zero Gravity | | 3 Phantom Skyblaster |----------------------------------------------------| |______________________| 3 Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" | |____________________________________________________| Assessment: Hermann uses a "Clown Control" deck, which is based upon "Dream Clown" and "Blade Rabbit," whose effects destroy monsters when changed from Attack Position to Defense Position. Almost all of his traps will force this situation, creating an irritating mass-destruction situation. However, there are plenty of solutions: (1) Final Attack Orders prevents face-up monsters from going to defense position, stripping the deck's heart out (2) Jinzo or Trap Stun will screw up a carefully laid back row, none Counter Traps, to push ahead and put him on the defensive (3) King Tiger Wanghu destroys all monsters with 1400 ATK or less when they're Normal/Special Summoned, which also forces Hermann to Set his monsters. (4) Weed Out will destroy all LV3 or lower monsters on the field. (5) Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror negates Dream Clown and a few others' effects. Hermann has no repercussions against those Continuous Traps/Spells, so a little preparation can junk his chances easily. Any continuous Traps he has will benefit the next player, too, so make sure they're destroyed before finishing! [Toru's Set cards: Smashing Ground, Pot of Avarice. Hermann has 4000 LP.] After Hermann, it's the final member... __________________________________________________ _______________________/ PLOT DUEL #35: Nicolas [Karakuri Squared - 1620] |_ | | |

| 1 Cyber Dragon | 2 SS - Angel Baton | | 3 Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 "Muzanichiha" | 1 SS - Enemy Controller | | 2 Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 "Inashichi" | 1 SS - Giant Trunade | | 3 Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick" | 2 SS - Ignition | | 2 Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank" | 1 SS - Limiter Removal | | 3 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu" | 1 SS - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 2 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" | 1 SS - Speed Energy | | 3 Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan" | 1 SS - Speed Storm | | 1 Machina Fortress |-------------------------------| | 1 Machina Gearframe | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | |--------------------------------------------| 1 Call of the Haunted | | 1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon | 2 Karakuri Trick House | | 3 Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" | 1 Labyrinth of Nightmare | | 3 Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00x "Bureido" | 1 Mirror Force | |____________________________________________| 1 Self-Destruct Button | | 1 Zero Gravity | Assessment: Nicolas uses a Karakuri deck, a |_______________________________| group of EARTH Machine monsters forced to switch to defense position when attacked -- this doesn't just protect them at times, but prevents any battle damage from taking place (unless the attacker has piercing effects). Since Nicolas also depends on changing his positions, some of the same strategies used on Hermann can work: (1) Final Attack Orders keeps his Karakuris in place, which also makes "Karakuri Trick House" unable to work (2) Magnetic Mosquito will kill all his monsters, as they're all Machine-Type (3) one can use his own Cyber Dragon and Machine monsters to summon "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" (4) Special Summoning preventers like "Royal Oppression" or "Vanity's Emptiness" foils a lot of Karakuri's tactics, as all their Synchros can Special Summon another one from their deck. Since Nicolas loves to Synchro Summon, he often will often use up his field/hand; negating that Synchro Summon with the usual cards leaves his field empty(er). Also, Nicky might not make the smartest plays anyway, as he'll use Nisamu to Special Summon Muzanichiha, which has awful defense. For some reason, losing this fight treats the entire match as a loss, even though Misaki was the anchor. Back at the garage, our blue-haired gal orders practice with Crow at Bay Parking. [If one's wondering about fighting Team Unicorn and Catastrophe in the downtime, they disappear until the post-game, sorry!] Anyway, the "race" with Crow is really just a lap around that last track (the one with a figure-eight portion in the middle). That part's easy, and no one really cares about strategy. Following, the "Blank Card" key item is obtained via a weird vision. Return back to the DAIMON Area for a time skip, then exit the apartment to learn Toru wants to meet up at the Outer Rim. Once there, save and accept his proposition. This time, the "intensive training" goes awry, and Ghosts from all over will start chasing the protagonist. This starts a "minigame" of sorts, where one has to dodge the Ghosts' projectiles in "Battle Royale Mode". The prize? Not dying. The easiest way to do it is to stay on one side of the highway, lag a little to draw most of the projectile fire, and zoom to the other side. Rinse, repeat. Going slowly through the middle can be a mixed bag, and may end up with the Ghosts bracketing the area, making it harder to evade. Green arrows signify an item (DP, Card) coming up. Survive for 1:00 to finish. [Getting hit once loses, however, so this section can be quite annoying. Thanks for nothing, duel runner shields! Crashing into the wall too many times also results in failure.] This ends in a duel with... _____________________________________________ ___________________________/ PLOT DUEL #36: Primo [Meklord Ruler - 2500] |_ | | |

| 3 Archfiend General | 1 Speed Spell - Book of Moon | | 3 Elemental Hero Captain Gold | 2 Speed Spell - Enemy Controller | | 3 Meklord Emperor Wisel | 1 Speed Spell - Forbidden Chalice | | 3 Playful Possum | 1 Speed Spell - Giant Trunade | | 3 Reptilianne Servant | 1 Speed Spell - Gold Sarcophagus | | 3 Scrap Shark | 1 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Thunder Nyan Nyan | 1 Speed Spell - Smashing Ground | |_______________________________| 1 Speed Spell - The End of the Storm | |-------------------------------------------| Assessment: Primo's deck bases | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole 1 Gravity Bind | itself around Meklord Emperor | 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Mirror Force | Wisel, which can summon itself | 3 Fiendish Chain 2 Waboku | from the hand when a monster's |___________________________________________| destroyed by a card effect. This makes his monster selection more useful: almost all of his cards will instantly destroy themselves due to inherent limitations (Archfiend General, Captain Gold, Thunder Nyan Nyan, Reptilianne Servant) or can self-destroy under other conditions (Playful Possum, Scrap Shark). However, the text specifies "destroyed AND sent to the Graveyard" -- this means a deck using banishing cards (Banisher of the Light, Macro Cosmos, Dimensional Fissure, etc.) makes the deck almost worthless. Additionally, although Wisel has some great abilities, like once-per-turn Spell negation and equipping opponent's Synchros to increase its ATK, while face-up, it's the only monster that can attack; and, it can't be Special Summoned except from the hand. Even 1 Royal Oppression can be enough to nix this deck -- I beat him on Turn 5 with my Zombies; imagine what a Dragon deck could do, for instance. [NOTE: Wisel is LV1, meaning it's not affected by Gravity Bind -- watch out!] When the dust settles, most of the duelists will have sustained injuries, except for Yusei, Jack and the player. Thus, they'll form the final tag team for the final stretch of the tourney. Head to the Stadium and agree to fight the penultimate squad, Team Sherry. ___________________________________________________ _____________________/ PLOT DUEL #37: Elsworth [Chivalric Keeper - 1590] |_ | | | | 3 Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak | 1 Speed Spell - My Body as a Shield | | 2 Koa'ki Meiru War Arms | 2 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Marauding Captain | 2 Speed Spell - Speed Energy | | 3 Mataza the Zapper | 1 Speed Spell - Smashing Ground | | 3 Rose, Warrior of Revenge |----------------------------------------------| | 3 Samurai Sword Baron | 2 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 3 Sword Master | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 1 The Immortal Bushi | 3 Dimensional Prison | | 3 Twin-Sword Marauder | 2 Rivalry of Warlords | |----------------------------| 2 Solemn Warning | | 3 Colossal Fighter |______________________________________________| | 3 Driven Daredevil | |____________________________| Assessment: Elsworth uses a Warrior beatdown deck, and supplements it with familiar traps like "Rivalry of Warlords" to penalize an opponent's deck that uses many different monster types. His ultimate card is "Colossal Fighter," a Synchro who gets additional power from Warriors in the Graveyard, and can Special Summon one from there (including himself) when destroyed by battle. This deck is really nothing special, and in fact, leaving Rivalry of Warlords on the field for the next fight will be detrimental to the next player. Elsworth does start with a Driven Daredevil Synchro, but his hand is pretty small and shouldn't mount a proper counterattack once DD's dead. Plus, he only starts with 6000 LP. [Cards Yusei set: Bottomless Trap Hole, Angel Baton, Starlight Road] Like before, losing this fight loses the entire match, even though Jack's

still left. The final step in the two-man group is... ____________________________________________________ _____________________/ PLOT DUEL #38: Sherry [Flower of Vengeance - 1680] |_ | | | | 2 Dandylion | 2 Speed Spell - Instant Fusion | | 3 Defender, the Magical Knight | 1 Speed Spell - Overboost | | 3 Fleur Synchron | 1 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Marauding Captain | 1 Speed Spell - Speed Energy | | 1 Marie the Fallen One | 1 Speed Spell - Speed Fusion | | 3 Quickdraw Synchron | 1 Speed Spell - Smashing Fusion | | 3 Rose, Warrior of Revenge | 2 Speed Spell - Tuning | | 3 Sacred Knight Joan |----------------------------------------| | 1 The Forgiving Maiden | 2 Bottomless Trap Hole | |-----------------------------------| 1 Call of the Haunted | | 3 Avenging Knight Parshath | 3 Dimensional Prison | | 3 Chevalier de Fleur | 2 Liberty at Last! | | 2 Dragoness the Wicked Knight | 1 Solemn Warning | | 2 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth |________________________________________| | 2 Giltia the D. Knight | | 2 Karbonala Warrior | Assessment: Sherry's deck is a weird | 1 St. Joan | mishmash of Warrior, Plant, and Machine |___________________________________| Types, which can certainly work against her if Elsworth left a "Rivalry of Warlords" on the field for her. Her strategies often involve reusing cards with "Sacred Knight Joan," which also dumps cards into her Graveyard; or, capitalizing on a growing monster field with "Liberty at Last!" which sends 2 face-up monsters back to the Deck. Her trump card is "Chevalier de Fleur," which can negate a Spell or Trap once per each of her turns. Her other monsters, however, are very wimpy, and without Synchro Summons or Traps to screw around, just about any deck can penetrate 'em. And, since Elsworth's defeat, one's own field is probably packed with monsters and the advantage should be to oneself. [Since Sherry focuses on Synchro/Fusion Summoning without harnessing her Graveyard, she tends to exhaust her hand pretty fast, so that helps.] With Team Sherry outta the ballgame, it's on to another match. Like usual, go to the Stadium pit and talk to Yusei to continue. Note that all three matches must be won to before, the game just considers Yusei to have lost afterwards. ______________________________________________ __________________________/ PLOT DUEL #39: Dragan [Thor's Hammer - 1840] |_ | | | | 3 Garmr of the Nordic Beasts | 1 Burial from a Different Dimension | | 3 Giant Rat | 2 Instant Fusion | | 3 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts | 2 Gold Sarcophagus | | 1 Mad Dog of Darkness | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Nimble Momonga | 1 Scapegoat | | 3 Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts | 1 Speed Energy | | 3 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts | 1 Speed Force | |------------------------------------| 1 Smashing Ground | | 2 Charubin the Fire Knight |--------------------------------------| | 2 Kamionwizard | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 2 Kaminari Attack | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 3 Thor, Lord of the Aesir | 2 Dimensional Prison | |____________________________________| 1 Divine Relic Mjollnir | | 1 Horn of the Phantom Beast | Assessment: Dragan's Beast deck is | 1 Nordic Relic Brisingamen | about swarming the field to Synchro | 1 Solemn Authority | his ace, "Thor, Lord of the Aesir." | 2 Solemn Warning | And he already has, thanks to the |______________________________________| incompetence of Jack Atlas. Thor's

main ability is reviving itself from the Graveyard by removing a "Nordic Beast" tuner. Naturally, this raises two weakpoints, ones that'll also work on the future opponents: (1) he has to be in the Graveyard to revive itself (2) he has to have a Nordic Beast in the Graveyard to revive itself. Dragan realizes the disadvantage and includes a "Burial from a Different Dimension" to return his banished tuners, but by then, hopefully it'll be too late. [He starts with 4000 LP. Jack's Set cards: Prideful Roar, Mystical Space Typhoon, The End of the Storm, Ultimate Offering] Note that Thor is an EARTH Beast-Warrior type, while most of his other monsters are Beasts, so with "Rivalry of Warlords" on the field, it becomes an permanent "Discord" that can carry over into the next fight, too. Monsters like "Ally of Justice Catastor" or "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" deal with Thor very easily; the latter is particularly good as it returns Synchros to the deck, and only cards on the field are passed on to the next duelist. Cha-ching! _____________________________________________ ___________________________/ PLOT DUEL #40: Brave [Loki's Tricks - 1900] |_ | | | | 2 Cyber Dragon | 1 Burial from a Different Dimension | | 1 Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant | 1 Fires of Doomsday | | 3 Mystic Tomato | 2 Gold Sarcophagus | | 3 Dverg of the Nordic Alfar | 2 Instant Fusion | | 2 Level Eater | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar | 1 Smashing Ground | | 1 Spell Striker | 1 Speed Energy | | 3 Svartalf of the Noric Alfar | 1 Speed Force | | 3 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts |--------------------------------------| |------------------------------------| 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 2 Charubin the Fire Knight | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 2 Kaminari Attack | 2 Dimensional Prison | | 3 Kamionwizard | 2 Nordic Relic Laevateinn | | 3 Loki, Lord of the Aesir | 2 Solemn Warning | | | 1 The Golden Apples | |____________________________________|______________________________________| Assessment: Despite the name, Brave doesn't run many new tricks. He uses Tanngrisnir to generate tokens upon death, Instant Fusion to summon crappy Synchro Material monsters, and Laevateinn to destroy his opponent's monsters who battle (without repercussion!). Other than that, Brave might have a hard time getting his strategies off the ground, if one's adequately prepared. Traps like "Gozen Match" and "Rivalry of Warlords" take advantage of his deck's patchwork structure, and screw him over big time. Should he get out his star Synchro, it can be rather formidable, with a once-per-turn Spell or Trap negation (battle phase only) and a self-resurrection ability. But, he can only resurrect with Nordic Alfar tuners, and he'll start the fight with an empty Graveyard -- d'oh! Like before, cards that instantly destroy (Catastor), return to hand (Brionac) or simply can't be destroyed by battle (Blackwing Armored Wing) generally do well in this fight. Trap Stuns help, too, and if one's lucky, Brave'll carve his own LP using Solemn Warnings. Finally... _____________________________________________ ___________________________/ PLOT DUEL #41: Harald [Odin's Spear - 1990] |_ | | | | 2 Cyber Dragon | 1 Burial from a Different Dimension | | 2 Level Eater | 1 Fires of Doomsday | | 3 Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant | 2 Gold Sarcophagus | | 2 Shining Angel | 2 Instant Fusion | | 2 Spell Striker | 1 Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts | 1 Smashing Ground | | 1 The Tricky | 1 Speed Energy | | 3 Tyr of the Nordic Ascendant | 1 Speed Force | | 3 Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant |--------------------------------------|

|------------------------------------| 1 Bottomless Trap Hole | | 2 Charubin the Fire Knight | 1 Call of the Haunted | | 2 Kaminari Attack | 2 Dimensional Prison | | 2 Kamionwizard | 1 Nordic Relic Gungnir | | 3 Odin, Father of the Aesir | 1 Nordic Relic Laevateinn | |____________________________________| 2 Solemn Warning | | 1 The Golden Apples | Assessment: Look familiar? The deck |______________________________________| is awfully similar to Brave's, just with a couple tweaks and Nordic Ascendant cards included. "Odin's Spear" is highly dependant on Special Summoning, with easy-to-summon cards like "The Tricky" and "Spell Striker" included. It's all to facilitate summoning "Odin, Father of the Aesir". Unlike the other Aesirs, Odin actually has an amazing effect: it can make itself unaffected by Spells/Traps until its player's End Phase. Plus, when it self-revives, its controller draws a card. With 4000 ATK, it's pretty formidable, too. However, for the losing team, a drawn-out match means the opponent's had plenty of time to prepare defenses, and by now, one's either got great defenses (Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, Gozen Match, Rivalry of Warlords, Royal Decree, etc.) or awful defenses that are barely holding back a loss. There's really not much to say, except negating Odin's Special Summon (Solemn Warning, Black Horn of Heaven, etc.) factors out a lot of Harald's offense, forcing him to rely on 2000ish-ATK cards like Cyber Dragon, The Tricky, and Tyr of the Nordic Ascendant (the latter of which destroys itself without another N.A. present). Beating the Nords is like winning the Yu-Gi-Oh Triple Crown, eh? The finals matchup is now secured, and everyone automatically goes to the Stadium again. Before I forget, here's the final set of items available in normal gameplay: 1500 DP: Box in Stadium interior (right room) CHIRON THE MAGE: Stadium, by Team Unicorn's computers (after beating them) STAR CHIP: Flowerpot, Stadium interior (left room) Starting up the final match sees the other deadweight...err, allies fail immediately, once again shouldering the player with all the duels in the match. LAAAME! However, the "Blank Card" key item changes into three Synchros at this time: Ally of Justice Decisive Armor, Trident Dragion, and Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Only the last one is probably worth splashing in a random deck, though. [One can tweak the deck at this point.] _____________________________________________ ___________________________/ PLOT DUEL #42: Primo [Meklord Ruler - 2500] |_ | | | | 3 Archfiend General | 1 Speed Spell - Book of Moon | | 3 Elemental Hero Captain Gold | 2 Speed Spell - Enemy Controller | | 3 Meklord Emperor Wisel | 1 Speed Spell - Forbidden Chalice | | 3 Playful Possum | 1 Speed Spell - Giant Trunade | | 3 Reptilianne Servant | 1 Speed Spell - Gold Sarcophagus | | 3 Scrap Shark | 1 Speed Spell - Mystical Space Typhoon | | 3 Thunder Nyan Nyan | 1 Speed Spell - Smashing Ground | |_______________________________| 1 Speed Spell - The End of the Storm | |-------------------------------------------| Assessment: No giant strategy | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole 1 Gravity Bind | should be needed for a deck we | 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Mirror Force | already kicked around. Primo | 3 Fiendish Chain 2 Waboku | does start the battle with his |___________________________________________| ace monster already out and equipped with Jack's awesome "Red Nova Dragon," increasing its ATK to 6000. [Jack's cards: Sangan, Synchro Material] Nothing that can't be solved with a destructive card (Smashing Ground, Fissure) or something like Book of Moon, which destroys the equipped Synchro. If one starts with a Tuner in hand, activate Synchro Material and use Wisel & Sangan to get out something

awesome -- child's play. Add in the fact that Wisel has no backup cards and Primo's hand is empty, and this should be more of a cakewalk than a heated duel. [This also sends Red Nova Dragon to the player's Graveyard, even though it's Jack's card...awesome. If you have Dark Armed Dragon in the deck, this is good news.] Afterwards, it's time to tango with... ____________________________________________ _____________________________/ PLOT DUEL #43: Lester [Sky Meklord - 2750] |_ | ) | | 3 Cloudian - Acid Cloud | 1 Book of Moon 1 Mystical Space Ty. | | 3 Cloudian - Altus | 1 Enemy Controller 1 Smashing Ground | | 3 Arcana Force 0 - The Fool | 1 Forbidden Challice 1 Summon Close | | 3 Cloudian - Cirrostratus | 1 Giant Trunade | | 1 Marshmallon |----------------------------------------------| | 3 Meklord Emperor Skiel | 1 Bottomless Trap Hole 1 Spirit Barrier | | 2 Naturia Beans | 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Torrential Tribute | | 1 Reese the Ice Mistress | 2 Fiendish Chain 1 Trap Stun | | 1 Spirit Reaper | 1 Gravity Bind 1 Tuner's Scheme | |_____________________________| 1 Mirror Force 2 Waboku | |______________________________________________| Assessment: Just looking at this idiot's monsters, it's easy to tell what to expect: monsters that can't be destroyed by battle, clogging up the field and staying there (since their controller has no Synchros or Tribute Summoners). Yes, it's just meant to be a time-waster, none of the monsters being difficult at all. The Cloudians in Lester's deck provide a twofold strategy: they can clog up the field and keep themselves alive with Spirit Barrier, and can self-destruct to bring out Skiel. Skiel is the weakest of all the Meklords, but can expend equipped Synchros to attack directly, and doesn't prevent other cards from attacking either. Overall, not that difficult for those with piercing damage or generally destructive cards. Just try not to let any Spirit Barriers carry over to the final fight, as they'll help protect the final Meklord. [Again, the Rivalry of Warlords/Gozen Match strategies clamp down on these mixed-up decks. I probably don't have to even recommend this anymore.] At long last, the game's final boss will appear. ____________________________________________ ____________________________/ PLOT DUEL #44: Jakob [Land Meklord - 3000] |_ | \ | | 3 Berserk Gorilla ) 1 Speed Spell - Book of Moon | | 3 King Tiger Wanghu | 2 Speed Spell - Gold Sarcophagus | | 3 Meklord Emperor Granel | 1 Speed Spell - Monster Reincarnation | | 1 Meklord Emperor Skiel | 1 Speed Spell - Pot of Avarice | | 2 Meklord Emperor Wisel | 1 Speed Spell - Wild Nature's Release | | 3 Nimble Momonga |---------------------------------------------| | 3 Playful Possum | 1 Aegis of Gaia | | 3 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter | 2 Destruct Potion | | 3 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster | 2 Draining Shield | | 2 Vampire Koala | 3 Limit Reverse | |_____________________________|_____________________________________________| Assessment: Do my eyes deceive me? Is this a Beast-themed LP-increaser deck? However, such a weaksauce strategy plays right into Jakob's hand. Why? His Meklord Granel's ATK is equal to half his LP! That means right at the start, he could break out a 4000-6000 ATK behemoth, and that's not counting its awesome effect: it can Special Summon the Synchros it hijacks, AND it doesn't prevent its other monsters from attacking like Wisel. And that's not even mentioning the other Meklords Jakob has. Still, despite the hefty amount of firepower, a deck with adequate defenses can still pierce through, mostly because Jakob's confident enough to exclude staple Spells/Traps. No BTH? No

Dimensional Prison? He's too great for 'em! Cards that take advantage of high-ATK monsteres can simply murder Jakob. Magic Cylinder? If Jakob's left to his own devices, it could probably one-shot him! Other than his Meklords, he often relies on flip effect monsters for instant destruction or to keep his field fattened, so negating destroyed monsters' effects can pay plenty of dividends, too. And that's all she wrote! After the credits, hit "Continue" to do all the post-game jazz. This opens up the tag-team service at Bootleg, and other assorted things. Check out the Sidequest section for a full overview. [NOTE: The Synchro summons obtained from the Blank Card disappear afterwards, so they'll have to be found again.] _______________________ ||______________________________________________/ IV. APPENDICES [APPN] |_ |||| ||___|| BANLIST [BNLS] | |________________________________________________________________________ |_____| A banlist is the overall rulings of what cards cannot be used in any Yu-Gi-Oh duels, as well as rulings that ensure only certain amounts are used per deck. Some cards on the list were alright back in the olden days but are too over-powered now, while some cards are simply too good -- or give one archetype a ridiculous advantage -- to _not_ be limited. The list has three tiers: Forbidden ---- 0 copies of this card can be used Limited ------ 1 copy of this card can be used Semi-Limited - 2 copies of this card can be used Note that, after obtaining 90% of all cards, it's possible to unlock a new "banlist" that allows for 1 Forbidden card per Deck. Banlists of any kind can be checked/toggled under the Duel menu. ________________________ | Total Cards: 132 SEPTEMBER 2010 BANLIST |-----------------------------------------------------________________________| Unlock: none (default banlist) FORBIDDEN [47] Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Cyber Jar Cyber-Stein Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Strike Fighter Destiny Hero - Disk Commander Fiber Jar Magical Scientist Magician of Faith Makyura the Destructor Rescue Cat Sinister Serpent Substitoad Thousand-Eyes Restrict Tribe-Infecting Virus Tsukuyomi

Victory Dragon Witch of the Black Forest Yata-Garasu Brain Control Butterfly Dagger - Elma Card of Safe Return Change of Heart Confiscation Delinquent Duo Dimension Fusion Graceful Charity Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Last Will Metamorphosis Mirage of Nightmare Painful Choice Pot of Greed Premature Burial Raigeki Snatch Steal Temple of the Kings The Forceful Sentry Crush Card Virus Exchange of the Spirit Imperial Order Last Turn Ring of Destruction Sixth Sense Time Seal LIMITED [67] Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Card Trooper Dark Armed Dragon Elemental Hero Stratos Exodia the Forbidden One Gladiator Beast Bestiari Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Goyo Guardian Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Marshmallon Mezuki Mind Master Morphing Jar Necro Gardna Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Night Assailant Plaguespreader Zombie Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Sangan Spirit Reaper Summoner Monk

Tragoedia Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Advanced Ritual Art Allure of Darkness Black Whirlwind Burial from a Different Dimension Card Destruction Charge of the Light Brigade Cold Wave Dark Hole Destiny Draw Emergency Teleport Foolish Burial Future Fusion Giant Trunade Infernity Launcher Level Limit - Area B Limiter Removal Megamorph Mind Control Monster Gate Monster Reborn One for One Overload Fusion Reasoning Reinforcement of the Army Scapegoat Swords of Revealing Light Call of the Haunted Ceasefire Gravity Bind Magical Explosion Mind Crush Mirror Force Return from the Different Dimension Royal Oppression Solemn Judgment The Transmigration Prophecy Torrential Tribute Trap Dustshoot Wall of Revealing Light SEMI-LIMITED [18] Chaos Sorcerer Dandylion Destiny Hero - Malicious Honest Judgment Dragon Lonefire Blossom Snipe Hunter Demise, King of Armageddon Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Chain Strike Gold Sarcophagus Magical Stone Excavation Mystical Space Typhoon

Bottomless Trap Hole Magic Cylinder Ojama Trio Skill Drain Ultimate Offering ____________________ | Total Cards: 140 MARCH 2011 BANLIST |---------------------------------------------------------____________________| Unlock: downloaded from Wi-Fi. FORBIDDEN [50] Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Cyber Jar Cyber-Stein Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Strike Fighter Destiny Hero - Disk Commander Fiber Jar Goyo Guardian Magical Scientist Magician of Faith Makyura the Destructor Rescue Cat Sinister Serpent Substitoad Thousand-Eyes Restrict Tribe-Infecting Virus Tsukuyomi Victory Dragon Witch of the Black Forest Yata-Garasu Brain Control Butterfly Dagger - Elma Card of Safe Return Change of Heart Cold Wave Confiscation Delinquent Duo Dimension Fusion Graceful Charity Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Last Will Mass Driver Metamorphosis Mirage of Nightmare Painful Choice Pot of Greed Premature Burial Raigeki Snatch Steal Temple of the Kings The Forceful Sentry Crush Card Virus

Exchange of the Spirit Imperial Order Last Turn Ring of Destruction Sixth Sense Time Seal LIMITED [65] Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Dandylion Dark Armed Dragon Elemental Hero Stratos Exodia the Forbidden One Gladiator Beast Bestiari Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Honest Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Marshmallon Mezuki Mind Master Morphing Jar Necro Gardna Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Night Assailant Plaguespreader Zombie Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Sangan Summoner Monk Tragoedia Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Advanced Ritual Art Allure of Darkness Black Whirlwind Book of Moon Burial from a Different Dimension Card Destruction Charge of the Light Brigade Dark Hole Destiny Draw Emergency Teleport Foolish Burial Future Fusion Gateway of the Six Giant Trunade Infernity Launcher Level Limit - Area B Limiter Removal Mind Control Monster Gate Monster Reborn One for One Reasoning Reinforcement of the Army Scapegoat

Swords of Revealing Light Call of the Haunted Ceasefire Gravity Bind Magical Explosion Mind Crush Mirror Force Return from the Different Dimension Royal Oppression Solemn Judgment The Transmigration Prophecy Torrential Tribute Trap Dustshoot Wall of Revealing Light SEMI-LIMITED [25] Archlord Kristya Card Trooper Chaos Sorcerer Debris Dragon Destiny Hero - Malicious Judgment Dragon Lonefire Blossom Snipe Hunter Spirit Reaper Demise, King of Armageddon Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Chain Strike Gold Sarcophagus Magical Stone Excavation Megamorph Mystical Space Typhoon Overload Fusion Royal Tribute Bottomless Trap Hole Icarus Attack Magic Cylinder Ojama Trio Skill Drain Solemn Warning Ultimate Offering ||________________________________________________________________________ |||| ||___|| DUEL BONUSES [DLBN] | |________________________________________________________________________ |_____| Bonuses are obtained by accomplishing certain feats in duels, whether it's simply winning on the opponent's turn or summoning a hard-to-summon monster. There's little else bonuses accomplish besides LP, although unlocking 50% of them opens "Thestalos the Flame Monarch" as a CPU Duel opponent. Bonuses can be checked from the "Duel Record" section of "Records" (at the very bottom). Most of these bonuses are also self-explanitory. If anyone wants clarification on how to get a bonus, write in and I'll add in a note about it. 001) Egyptian God Finish Bonus

002) 003) 004) 005) 006) 007) 008) 009) 010) 011) 012) 013) 014) 015) 016) 017) 018) 019) 020) 021) 022) 023) 024) 025) 026) 027) 028) 029) 030) 031) 032) 033) 034) 035) 036) 037) 038) 039) 040) 041) 042) 043) 044) 045) 046) 047) 048) 049) 050) 051) 052) 053) 054) 055) 056) 057) 058) 059) 060) 061) 062)

Sacred Beast Finish Bonus The Wicked Finish Bonus Exodia Finish Bonus Destiny Board Finish Bonus No More Cards Bonus Final Countdown Finish Bonus Skull Servant Finish Bonus (win by attacking with Skull Servant) Sparks Finish Bonus Vennominaga Finish Bonus (win using Vennominaga's instant win condition) Exodius Finish Bonus Quick Finish Bonus Reversal Finish Bonus Opponent's Turn Finish Bonus Low LP Bonus Extremely Low LP Bonus No Damage Bonus Over 20000 LP Bonus Low Deck Bonus Extremely Low Deck Bonus Spell Card Bonus Trap Card Bonus No Spell Cards Bonus No Trap Cards Bonus Fusion Summon Bonus Ritual Summon Bonus Tribute Summon Bonus Synchro Summon Bonus Normal Summon or Set Bonus Special Summon Bonus No Special Summon Bonus Chain Bonus Graveyard Activation Bonus Max ATK Bonus Max Damage Bonus LP Differential Bonus Max Reflected Damage Bonus Exactly 0 LP Bonus Battle Damage Only Bonus Effect Damage Only Bonus Destroy in Battle Bonus Battle Reversal Bonus Destroy by Effect Bonus Removed from Play Bonus Hand Destruction Bonus Deck Destruction Bonus Return to Hand Bonus First Damage Bonus Key Card Bonus Luck Bonus (win three straight coinflips) Spell Counter Bonus Union Bonus LV Monsters Bonus Position Change Bonus Gemini Bonus Alien Bonus (have 3 Alien Counters on opponent's monster) Crystal Beast Bonus Max Speed Bonus (reach 12 speed counters in a Turbo or Tag Turbo Duel) Same Card Bonus All Monster Card Zone Bonus All Spell & Trap Card Zone Bonus No Monster Card Zone Bonus (block all 5 of opponent's monster card zones)

063) 064) 065) 066) 067) 068) 069) 070) 071) 072) 073) 074) 075) 076) 077) 078) 079) 080) 081) 082) 083) 084) 085) 086) 087) 088) 089) 090) 091) 092) 093) 094) 095) 096) 097) 098) 099) 100) 101) 102) 103) 104) 105) 106) 107) 108) 109) 110) 111) 112) 113) 114) 115) 116) 117) 118) 119) 120) 121) 122) 123)

Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth Wall Shadow Gate Guardian Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Metalzoa Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Obelisk the Tormentor Slifer the Sky Dragon The Winged Dragon of Ra Valkyrion the Magna Warrior Dark Sage XYZ-Dragon Cannon Exodia Necross Ojama King Mokey Mokey King Spirit of the Pharaoh Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Cyber End Dragon Water Dragon Elemental Hero Tempest Armed Dragon LV10 Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Cyber Laser Dragon Elemental Hero Electrum Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill Cyberdark Dragon The Wicked Dreadroot The Wicked Avatar The Wicked Eraser Destiny Hero - Dogma Destiny Hero - Plasma Winged Kuriboh LV10 Arcana Knight Joker VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon D.3.S. Frog Volcanic Doomfire Sky Scourge Enrise Sky Scourge Norleras Rainbow Dragon Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes Elemental Hero Chaos Neos Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler Armityle the Chaos Phantom Five-Headed Dragon Mirage Knight Berserk Dragon Theinen the Great Sphinx Sorcerer of Dark Magic Machina Force Princess Pikeru Princess Curran Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union Elemental Hero Marine Neos Elemental Hero Magma Neos Rainbow Dark Dragon Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare Elemental Hero Storm Neos Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler

124) 125) 126) 127) 128) 129) 130) 131) 132) 133) 134) 135) 136) 137) 138) 139) 140) 141) 142) 143) 144) 145) 146) 147) 148) 149) 150) 151) 152) 153) 154) 155) 156) 157) 158) 159) 160) 161) 162) 163) 164) 165) 166) 167) 168) 169) 170) 171) 172) 173) 174) 175) 176) 177) 178) 179) 180)

Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem Road Warrior Neos Wiseman Elemental Hero Divine Neos Flying Fortress SKY FIRE Archfiend Zombie-Skull Majestic Star Dragon Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant Jurrac Meteor Majestic Red Dragon Chaos Goddess Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste Ultimate Axon Kicker Malefic Truth Dragon Supreme Arcanite Magician Gaia Drake, the Universal Force Shooting Star Dragon Red Nova Dragon Vision Hero Trinity Meklord Emperor Wisel Meklord Emperor Granel Meklord Emperor Skiel Thor, Lord of the Aesir Loki, Lord of the Aesir Odin, Father of the Aesir Atomic Scrap Dragon Steelswarm Hercules Vylon Omega Mega Ton Magical Cannon Yu-Jo Friendship Dark Scorpion Combination Ojama Delta Hurricane!! Blasting the Ruins The Law of the Normal Inferno Tempest Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan Elemental Burst HERO Flash!! Flash of the Forbidden Spell Miraculous Rebirth Straight Flush Accumulated Fortune Vanity's Call Crystal Abundance Assault Mode Activate Crimson Fire Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier Mirror of the Ice Barrier Six Strike - Triple Impact No Monsters Deck No Forbidden Cards Deck No Limited/Semi-Limited Cards Deck 1 Copy per Card Deck Limited Type Deck (All monsters in deck are of same type) Limited Attribute Deck (All monsters in deck are of same attribute) All Monster Levels Deck (Winning deck contained monsters from LV1 to LV12) Level 1 Monsters Deck

||________________________________________________________________________ |||| ||___|| NPC DUEL REWARDS [NPCD]

| |________________________________________________________________________ |_____| When NPCs are fought, afterwards there's a minigame to win more cards. These suckers often carry cards not yet available, so playing someone 10-20 times can actually be worthwhile in the end. Example: Nico has XX-Saber Faultroll. Anyway, to avoid confusion, they'll be listed in the same order as they are in-game (in "Duel Statistics") in the same descending manner. NOTE: Some duelists open Fusion monsters, such as proper summon. Ex: Don't card, or it won't unlock up by summoning a certain card. In the case of "Gaia Drake, the Universal Force," this must be a use "The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion" for the above the opponent!

Also: wondering how to unlock so-and-so as a tag duelist? It's pretty easy to find out who's eligible: checking their duel statistics will have a "tag duel" counter. If they don't have that counter, they're ineligible. Beating a person with that counter three times (in all categories listed in the duel statistics section) should unlock them as a tag partner, although for some of the generic NPC partners, they just require tag duel wins. [NOTE: You can't tag/turbo tag duel without a partner who can do those things. Make sure the person you select in Bootleg's capable!] 01) Lenny [Bug Stampede/930] Found: DAIMON Area 3F, after Klaus' noise complaint quest Mist Wurm Dragunity Arma Leyvaten Dark Bribe Harpies' Hunting Ground Generation Shift Chainsaw Insect

02) Tetsu Trudge [Tetsu's Justice/1380] Found: Post-game, Outer Rim Dark End Dragon Tragoedia Stygian Sergeants Stygian Security Stygian Street Patrol Montage Dragon

03) Bolt Tanner [Ex-Champion's Glory/1100] Found: DAIMON Area 4F, Blister's room Giant Trunade Tragoedia Jirai Gumo Spider Web Spyder Spider Informer Spider

04) Facility Chief [The Facility/1240] Found: DAIMON Area, in front of the Facility Prime Material Dragon Fiendish Chain Iron Chain Dragon Iron Chain Repairman Iron Chain Snake

Iron Chain Coil 05) Hunter Pace (TD) [Burning Speed/1340] Found: Post-game, in front of Stadium Mirror Force Archfiend Zombie-Skull Doomkaiser Dragon Skull Flame Supersonic Skull Flame Burning Skull Head

06) Greiger (TD) [Firebomber/1480] Found: Post-game, in front of Stadium Dark Flattop Armageddon Knight Breaker the Magical Warrior Intercept Wave Darksea Rescue Darksea Float

07) Kuroe [Masterful Magician/1370] Found: Satellite duel runner shop (playable in Ch. 6+) Mind Control Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen Arcana Force 0 - The Fool O - Oversoul Blessings for Gusto Warrior Lady of the Wasteland

08) Hakamada (TD) [Boneyard Battle/1170] Found: Near Satellite's east entrance Avenging Knight Parshath D.D. Crow The Agent of Mystery - Earth Fairy Wind Laval Miller Gem-Knight Emerald

09) Lug [The Sea's Torment/830] Found: DAIMON Area Apartment 3F, during Klaus' noise complaint quest Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Double Summon Hunter Dragon Teleport Master Kyonshee Mask of Darkness

10) Larry [Cc: Sea Hunter/850] Found: DAIMON Area Apartment 3F, during Klaus' noise complaint quest Dark End Dragon Gravekeeper's Commandant The Transmigration Prophecy Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru Inmato The Calculator

11) Blister [Blister's Machiners/1100] Found: DAIMON Area Apartment 4F (Ch. 4+) Machina Limiter Machina Machina Machina Machina Fortress Removal Force Armored Unit Peacekeeper Defender

12) Randsborg [Knight's Oath/1380] Found: Post-game, Stadium's left-hand room Silent Swordsman LV7 Silent Swordsman LV5 Silent Swordsman LV3 Level Up! Raigeki Break Waboku

13) Hayakawa [Dandy Deck/770] Found: Satellite's west district Thought Ruler Archfiend Super Polymerization Mage Power Ookazi Nightmare's Steelcage Obsidian Dragon

14) Reimi [Chums of Dark World/750] Found: Satellite (end of Ch. 2+) Cyber End Dragon Armageddon Knight Naturia Rock Domino Effect Poison of the Old Man Kinka-byo

15) Kyono [Today's Guard/1170] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area's Facility Naturia Barkion Dragon's Mirror Exiled Force System Down Enlightenment Drillroid

16) Fudagawa [Remove from Fray/1200] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area's Facility Monster Reborn Reptilianne Gardna Reptilianne Naga Dragon Mastery Conscription Armed Sea Hunter

17) Kazuhiro [Want a Star?/800] Found: DAIMON Area, westernmost screen [Ch. 4+] Treeborn Frog Shutendoji Burden of the Mighty Umiiruka Counter Counter Symphonic Warrior Piaano

18) Seria [Auction Price!/1250] Found: Stadium interior (Ch. 6+) Darklord Asmodeus Mask Change Steelswarm Moth Lighten the Load Fox Fire Bubonic Vermin

19) Figaro [Classic Deck/880] Found: DAIMON Area Underground Arena [Ch. 4+, after Blister's tipoff] Card Trooper Elemental Hero Ocean Swift Birdman Joe D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Interdimensional Matter Transporter Cactus Bouncer

20) Rossi [Duel Catenaccio/850] Found: DAIMON Area duel runner shop (Ch. 6+) Cyber Eltanin Dimensional Prison Instant Fusion Miracle Fertilizer Royal Magical Library Cloudian - Cirrostratus

21) Narumi [Colorful Jurrac/1330] Found: Post-game, Stadium card shop Creature Swap Supervise Gemini Spark Summoner's Art Rite of Spirit Morphing Jar #2

22) Salida Noula [Picture Musketeers/1240] Found: Post-game, Stadium card shop Allure of Darkness Deep Sea Diva Mermaid Archer Smoke Grenade of the Thief Doom Shaman The Six Samurai - Yariza

23) Grammy [Endymion's Award/1280]

Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area card shop Burial from a Different Dimension Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis One for One Stamping Destruction Security Orb Elemental Hero Marine Neos

24) Alina Noula [Where's the Arcana?/1300] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area card shop Naturia Bamboo Shoot Defender, the Magical Knight Magical Citadel of Endymion Thousand Knives Malevolent Catastrophe Goblin Elite Attack Force

25) Iranami [Iranami's Temptation/720] Found: Crash Town card shop (Ch. 1-5), Stadium card shop (Ch. 6+) Naturia Bamboo Shoot The White Stone of Legend Fiendish Chain D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Dark Spirit Art - Greed Hane-Hane

26) Globe [Growing Up!/1310] Found: Post-game, Stadium duel runner shop Soul Exchange Fabled Kushano Violet Witch Chorus of Sanctuary Metal Shooter Shien's Footsoldier

27) Lagoon Noula [Arcana Presence/1260] Found: Post-game, Stadium duel runner shop Light and Darkness Dragon Assault Beast Night Wing Sorceress Graceful Dice Shadowpriestess of Ohm Warrior of Atlantis

28) Oscar [Gladiators Award/1320] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area duel runner shop Thunder King Rai-Oh Koa'ki Meiru Valafar Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand Warrior Elimination Electric Virus Diabolos, King of the Abyss

29) Kalisse Noula [The Samurai/1290] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area duel runner shop

Avenging Knight Parshath Dragon's Mirror The Wicked Dreadroot Skyscraper A Rival Appears! D.D. Crazy Beast

30) Masaki [MA-SA-KI/790] Found: Satellite (Ch. 2+) Solemn Judgment Deep Diver Fog King Jurassic World Cup of Ace Worm Zero

31) MC [Fight! Impact!/1280] Found: Stadium interior (Ch. 6+) Call of the Haunted Skill Drain Gene-Warped Warwolf Birthright Gladiator Beast Andal Luster Dragon

32) Ida [Ida Dragons/1390] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility Dandylion Dust Tornado Hunter Dragon Double Summon Karakuri Trick House Elemental Hero Wildheart

33) Kameno [Lucky Turtle Shell/1390] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility Thunder King Rai-Oh Gladiator Beast Bestiari Dark Bribe Good Goblin Housekeeping Horn of the Phantom Beast Familiar-Possessed - Eria

34) Helio [The Prime Dragons/830] Found: DAIMON Area card shop (Ch. 4+) Machina Gearframe Herald of Creation Trade-In Soul Release UFO Turtle Muka Muka

35) Honda [Fresh Catch/820] Found: DAIMON Area, western street (Ch. 4+)

Solar Recharge Geartown Ehren, Lightsworn Monk Snake Rain Treacherous Trap Hole Destructotron

36) Natsumi [Unimpeded Fruit/940] Found: Satellite's Port (Ch. 6+, after finishing events there) Scrap Dragon Royal Decree Super Polymerization Intercept Wave Metalmorph Musician King

37) Sumetana [Fermentation/1320] Found: Fountain Plaza, alley behind Yusei's garage (Ch. 6+) Future Fusion Silva, Warlord of Dark World Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World Trap Hole Fiend Comedian Volcanic Shell

38) Bass (TD) [Bass/Assault Mode, 1130] Found: Satellite (Ch. 6+) Mist Wurm Giant Trunade Red-Eyes Wyvern Gishki Ceremonial Mirror Skill Successor Steelswarm Caller

39) Angie [Underground Darkness/900] Found: DAIMON Area Underground Arena (Ch. 4+, after Blister's tipoff) Mist Wurm Royal Decree Black Salvo Molten Destruction Vengeful Shinobi Shining Angel

40) Corse [Modern Deck/870] Found: DAIMON Area Underground Arena (Ch. 4+, after Blister's tipoff) Swords of Revealing Light Herald of Purple Light Herald of Green Light Gather Your Mind Big Bang Shot Magna Drago

41) Graton [Fallen Light/1290] Found: DAIMON Area Apartment 2F (Post-game, after Angie's event) Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

Blast with Chain Mage Power Broken Bamboo Sword Destructive Draw Gravitic Orb

42) Lazar [Court Jester/1320] Found: Stadium's right-side room (Ch. 6+) Armityle the Chaos Phantom Imperial Custom Discord Spirit Burner Jester Lord Jester Confit

43) Nelson [Earth's New Light/880] Found: DAIMON Area Underground Arena (Ch. 4+, after Blister's tipoff) Reinforcement of the Army Magic Drain Phantom of Chaos Dragon Capture Jar Gravekeeper's Guard Cursed Fig

44) Carly [Fortunetelling/1160] Found: Fountain Plaza (Ch. 6+) Future Fusion Future Visions Red Screen Fortune Lady Light Fortune Lady Fire Fortune Lady Dark

45) Kalin (Past) [The Enforcing Ones/940] Found: Post-game, Satellite duel runner shop computer [Has no minigames] 46) Richard [Richard's Gishki/840] Found: Mountain Pass duel runner shop (Ch. 4), Stadium runner shop (Ch. 6+) Royal Decree Amazoness Sage Double Cyclone Doriado's Blessing Limit Reverse Zombie Warrior

47) Bronson [Wasteland Blokes/820] Found: Crash Town, southern street (Ch. 1+) Elemental Hero Stratos Kuraz the Light Monarch Card Destruction Dimensionhole Jar of Greed Marauding Captain

48) Regulus [Lion King's Pride/1460] Found: Post-game, Spirit World (see sidequests) Marshmallon Ancient Sacred Wyvern Magical Android Horn of the Phantom Beast Regulus X-Saber Airbellum

49) Hana [Wandering Naturia/860] Found: Satellite's Port (Ch. 6+, after finishing events there) Demise, King of Armageddon The Fabled Cerburrel Fabled Krus Saber Slash Needle Ceiling Two-Pronged Attack

50) Yusei (Past) [Rallying Warriors/980] Found: Post-game, Satellite duel runner shop computer [Has no minigame] 51) Jack (Past) [Dragons' Lair/1020] Found: Post-game, Satellite duel runner shop computer [Has no minigame] 52) Crow (Past) [Ascending Legend/920] Found: Post-game, Satellite duel runner shop computer [Has no minigame] 53) Dexter [Angel Inside/980] Found: Fountain Plaza (Ch. 6+) Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin Avenging Knight Parshath Ancient Sacred Wyvern Airknight Parshath Herald of Purple Light Layard the Liberator

54) Akiza [Queen of Roses/1630] Found: Post-game, Outer Rim Black Rose Dragon Tytannial, Princess of Camellias Fallen Angel of Roses Mark of the Rose Lonefire Blossom Witch of the Black Forest

55) Akiza (TD) [Feel the Wind/1420] Found: Post-game, Outer Rim Black Rose Dragon Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis Fallen Angel of Roses

Mark of the Rose Spore Witch of the Black Rose 56) Gordon [Gotham World/870] Found: Satellite (Ch. 2+) Marshmallon Bottomless Trap Hole Glow-Up Bulb Chain Summoning Xing Zhen Hu Minefieldriller

57) Torunka [Legendary Magician/1350] Found: Post-game, Spirit World (see sidequests) Mirror Force Tempest Magician Breaker the Magical Warrior Skilled Dark Magician Magical Exemplar Defender, the Magical Knight

58) Lilie [Nurse's Medicine/760] Found: Satellite (Ch. 6+) Arcanite Magician The Immortal Bushi Hecatrice Psychokinesis Blast Sphere Ojama Blue

59) Alvaro [Thrilling Twin Attack/1220] Found: Stadium (Ch. 6+) Darklord Desire Flamvell Firedog Jinzo Windstorm of Etaqua Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon The Fabled Catsith

60) Yagiura [Bending Willow/810] Found: DAIMON Area, east street (Ch. 4+) Miracle Fusion Zoma the Spirit Cunning of the Six Samurai The World Tree By Order of the Emperor Mind Master

61) Morrison [Forsaken Light/1290] Found: DAIMON Area Apartment 2F (Post-game, after Angie's event) Evil Hero Dark Gaia Swallow's Nest Vampire Lord Card Trader

Mystical Wind Typhoon Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard 62) Klaus [My Eyes Are Clear/1140] Found: DAIMON Area Apartment 2F (Ch. 4+) Burial from a Different Dimension Oyster Meister Magic Drain Gaia Power Backup Power Trap Stun

63) Toru [Scrap Garage/980] Found: DAIMON Area Garage (Ch. 4+) Atomic Scrap Dragon Scrap Twin Dragon Scrap Golem Scrapyard Scrap Chimera Scrap Searcher

64) Toru (TD) [Thanks, Scrap/1160] Found: DAIMON Area Garage (Ch. 4+) Atomic Scrap Dragon Scrap Twin Dragon Scrap Golem Scrapyard Scrap Chimera Scrap Searcher

65) Misaki [Electrikiss/1220] Found: DAIMON Area Garage (Ch. 4+) Watthydra Wattchimera Wattgiraffe Wattberyx Wattmole Watthopper

66) Misaki (TD) [Electrikiss Plus/1450] Found: DAIMON Area Garage (Ch. 4+) Watthydra Wattchimera Wattgiraffe Wattberyx Wattmole Watthopper

67) Yusei [Awakened Mind/1800] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Shooting Star Dragon Majestic Star Dragon Stardust Dragon Nitro Synchron Stronghold Guardian

Big One Warrior 68) Yusei (TD) [Full-Steam Synchro/1800] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit; also available from Yusei's garage computer Shooting Star Dragon Majestic Star Dragon Stardust Dragon Nitro Synchron Stronghold Warrior Big One Warrior

69) Jack [Burning Inferno/1770] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Red Nova Dragon Red Dragon Archfiend Exploder Dragonwing Mad Archfiend Lancer Archfiend Barrier Resonator

70) Jack (TD) [Speeding Inferno/1770] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit; also available on Yusei's garage computer Red Nova Dragon Red Dragon Archfiend Exploder Dragonwing Mad Archfiend Lancer Archfiend Barrier Resonator

71) Crow [Rise, Blackwing!/1680] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Black-Winged Dragon Blackwing Armed Wing Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant Cards for Black Feathers Fake Feather Blackwing - Aurora of the Northern Lights

72) Crow (TD) [Driven on Blackwing/1410] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit; also available on Yusei's garage computer Black-Winged Dragon Blackwing Armed Wing Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant Cards for Black Feathers Fake Feather Blackwing - Aurora of the Northern Lights

73) Primo (TD) [Meklord Ruler/2500] Found: Post-game, Stadium right-side room's computer [Has no minigame] 74) Lester (TD) [Sky Meklord/2750] Found: Post-game, Stadium right-side room's computer [Has no minigame]

75) Jakob (TD) [Land Meklord/3000] Found: Post-game, Stadium right-side room's computer [Has no minigame] 76) Kalin Kessler [Master of Demise/1360] Found: Crash Town, protagonist's old house [Ch. 6+] Infernity Infernity Infernity Infernity Infernity Infernity Doom Dragon Launcher Archfiend Inferno Beetle Mirage

77) Sherry (TD) [Flower of Vengeance/1680] Found: Post-game, Bay Parking Chevalier de Fleur Liberty at Last! Fleur Synchron Sacred Knight Joan Guardian Angel Joan St. Joan

78) Elsworth (TD) [Chivalric Keeper/1590] Found: Post-game, Bay Parking Driven Daredevil Armed Samurai - Ben Kei Kagemusha of the Six Samurai Samurai of the Ice Barrier The Immortal Bushi The Six Samurai - Kamon

79) Ramon [Treasure Digger/1320] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility Dimensional Prison Good Goblin Housekeeping Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Koa'ki Meiru Initialize! Wild Tornado Codarus

80) Malcolm [The Secret of X/1280] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress Return from the Different Dimension Divine Wrath Cemetary Bomb Barrier Statue of the Inferno Pitch-Black Warwolf

81) Lawton [Combat Realist/1400] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility Monster Reborn Secret Village of the Spellcasters

Prime Material Dragon Dark Illusion Scrap Crash Gundari

82) Barbara [Nasty Cyber Lady/920] Found: Crash Town flower shop (Ch. 6+) Splendid Rose Icarus Attack Card Destruction Pestilence Worm Tentacles Hedge Guard

83) West [My Almighty Legend/750] Found: Crash Town hideout (Ch. 1+) Dandylion Majestic Mech - Ohka Cyber Valley Swing of Memories Tornado Crystal Seer

84) Nico [Pretty & Prettier/780] Found: Crash Town hideout (Ch. 1+) Scapegoat XX-Saber Faultroll Instant Fusion Restructer Revolution Darksea Rescue Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers

85) Sergio [Dad's Revolver/1320] Found: Crash Town, northern street (see sidequests) Archlord Kristya Gallis the Star Beast Tragoedia Diffusion Wave-Motion Hero's Rule 2 Harpie Queen

86) Andre (TD) [One Horn, One Strike/1500] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Thunder Unicorn Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest Monoceros Howl of the Wind D.D. Unicorn Knight Unibird

87) Breo (TD) [Card-piercing Bihorn/1460] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Voltic Bicorn Wild Nature's Release Bicorn Re'em

Beast Rising Battle Instinct Mine Mole 88) Jean (TD) [Call of the Trihorn/1530] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Lightning Tricorn Royal Decree Trident Warrior Horn of the Phantom Beast Delta Flyer Rhinotaurus

89) Hermann (TD) [Nightmare Clown/1570] Found: Post-game, Mountain Pass Ally of Justice Catastor Ultimate Axon Kicker Dark Valkyria Big Wave Small Wave Frost and Flame Dragon Dream Clown

90) Nicolas (TD) [Karakuri Squared/1620] Found: Post-game, Mountain Pass Karakuri Karakuri Karakuri Karakuri Karakuri Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick" Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank" Showdown Castle Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu" Bushi mdl 6318 "Muzanichiha"

91) Hans (TD) [Stealth Blaster/1540] Found: Post-game, Mountain Pass Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union Pot of Avarice Stealth Bird Tremendous Fire Evil Hero Malicious Fiend Vortex Trooper

92) Harald [Odin's Spear/1990] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Odin, Father of the Aesir Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant Odin's Eye Tyr of the Nordic Champions Solemn Judgment

93) Dragan (TD) [Thor's Hammer/1840] Found: Post-game, Stadium pit Thor, Lord of the Aesir Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts Solemn Authority

Garmr of the Nordic Beasts Malevolent Catastrophe 94) Brave (TD) [Loki's Tricks/1900] Found: Post-game, Stadium Pit Loki, Lord of the Aesir Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar The Golden Apples Nordic Relic Laevateinn Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar Solemn Warning

95) Stephanie [Fresh Blue-Eyes/1090] Found: Fountain Plaza (Ch. 6+) Chaos King Archfiend Red Screen The White Stone of Legend D - Time Creation Resonator Barrier Resonator

96) Virgil [Angel's Bitter Dart/940] Found: Crash Town (Ch. 5+) Rekindling Return from the Different Dimension Double Cyclone The A. Forces Back to Square One Flying Kamikari #1

97) Clint [Sparking Flint/750] Found: Crash Town (Ch. 1, Ch. 5+) Necrovalley Zoma the Spirit Black Salvo Synthesis Spell Limit Reverse The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion

98) Scotch [Rotten Recycler/1080] Found: Crash Town (Ch. 5+) Cold Wave The Big March of Animals Dark Valkyria Ballista of Rampart Smashing D2 Shield G.B. Hunter

99) Jemma [Bone Destroyer/1020] Found: Crash Town (Ch. 5+) Allure of Darkness XX-Saber Emmersblade Behemoth the King of All Animals Insect Neglect Offering to the Snake Deity

Fusionist 100) Minegishi [Minegishi: Scorpio/760] Found: Crash Town (Ch. 1+) Dark Armed Dragon Vortex Trooper X-Saber Airbellum Unstable Evolution Eternal Rest Acid Trap Hole

101) Seluga [Silent Swordsman/1210] Found: Crash Town (Ch. 4+) Honest Ultimate Axon Kicker Justi-Break Tokkosho of Ghost Destroying Forced Ceasefire Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

102) Siegel [Laval Lover/880] Found: Crash Town Mine (Ch. 5+) Herald of Perfection Threatening Roar X-Saber Palomuro Pot of Generosity Graverobber Jowls of Dark Demise

103) Guard Robot [Lock 'n' Burn X/1210] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility Light and Darkness Dragon Messenger of Peace Level Limit - Area B Negate Attack Magic Jammer Malfunction

104) Leo [Equipped! Click!/1290] Found: Fountain Plaza, Yusei's garage (Ch. 6+) Power Tool Dragon Limiter Removal Megamorph Morphtronic Accelerator Morphtronic Radion Double Tool C&D

105) Luna [Inverse Order/1290] Found: Fountain Plaza, Yusei's garage (Ch. 6+) Dark Hole Ancient Fairy Dragon Regulus Kuribon Sunny Pixie Bad Reaction to Simochi

106) Fake Jack Atlas (TD) [Tyrant's Reign/1420] Found: DAIMON Area, in front of Securities building (see sidequests) Exploder Dragonwing Vice Dragon Trap Eater Archfiend Interceptor Medium Piece Golem Big Piece Golem

107) Syd [Breaking Wheel/1460] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility Kasha Gladiator Beast War Chariot Geartown Nightmare Wheel Golden Gearbox Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

108) Mina [Hidden Feelings/1170] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Securities Building Advanced Ritual Art Evigishki Tetrogre Divine Grace - Northwemko Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands Senju of the Thousand Hands Sonic Bird

109) Ghost (TD) [GHOST-01/1440] Found: Post-game, Satellite slums (see sidequests) Ally Ally Ally Ally Ally Ally of of of of of of Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice Catastor Field Marshal Light Gazer Core Destroyer Quarantine Thunder Armor

110) Duel Bot (TD) [GHOST-02/1440] Found: Post-game, DAIMON Area Facility (see sidequests) Ally Ally Ally Ally Ally Ally of of of of of of Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice Catastor Core Destroyer Quarantine Thunder Armor Reverse Break Unlimiter

-----------------Tagteams are available in the post-game. To challenge a tagteam, make sure to have a tagteam partner capable of playing the opponent. For instance, Kalin can't do tag turbo duels because he doesn't have a turbo deck. Similarly, the tagteam can't be fought if a member of that tagteam is absent (i.e. in your own tagteam). 110) Rush & Crush [Misaki/Toru tagteam]

Watthydra Wattchimera Scrap Twin Dragon Wattcastle Wattjustment Scrap Beast

111) Fated Pair [Yusei/Jack tagteam] Shooting Star Dragon Red Dragon Archfiend Formula Synchron Junk Synchron Dark Synchron Flare Resonator

112) Power Cuties [Nico/West tagteam] Arcanite Magician Aqua Spirit Divine Wrath Shrink The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension Naturia Butterfly

113) Celebrity Twins [Luna/Leo tagteam] Power Tool Dragon Ancient Fairy Dragon Regulus Morphtronic Engine Morphtronic Datatron Morphtronic Boomboxen

114) Jack's Fan Club [Carly/Stephanie tagteam] Future Fusion Vice Dragon Red Screen Fortune Lady Light Fortune Lady Fire Dark Resonator

115) A Duel of Men [Blister/Bolt Tanner tagteam] Machina Fortress Tragoedia Machina Gearframe Machina Armored Unit Dark Spider Ground Spider

116) Light & Darkness [Angie/Nelson tagteam] Beast King Barbaros Zoma the Spirit Prime Material Dragdon Spell Economics Begone, Knave! King of the Skull Servants

117) New Old Lesson [Figaro/Corse tagteam] Archlord Kristya Dark Bribe Glow-Up Bulb Amazoness Village Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier Aussa the Earth Charmer

118) Bad End Boys [Morrison/Graton tagteam -- see sidequests] Machina Gearframe Dragunity Knight - Barcha Dragon Ravine Soul Taker Thunder of Ruler Granmarg the Rock Monarch

119) Ocean Folk [Larry/Lug tagteam -- see sidequests] Soul Exchange D.D. Crow Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Ante Overpowering Eye Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu

120) Familial Bonds [Hana/Natsumi tagteam] Monster Reborn Elemental Hero Prisma Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest Special Hurricane Tower of Babel Harpie Lady 3

121) DragonATK, TurtleDEF [Kameno/Ida tagteam] Thunder King Rai-Oh Bottomless Trap Hole Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Wattcube Gravekeeper's Priestess Naturia Mantis

122) Rush & Crush [Misaki (TD)/Toru (TD) tagteam] Watthydra Wattchimera Scrap Twin Dragon Wattcastle Wattjustment Scrap Beast

123) Fated Pair [Yusei (TD)/Jack (TD) tagteam] Shooting Star Dragon Red Dragon Archfiend Formula Synchron Junk Synchron Dark Resonator

Flare Resonator 124) Justice Roses [Akiza (TD)/Trudge (TD) tagteam] Black Rose Dragon Queen Angel of Roses Stygian Sergeants Stygian Street Patrol Twilight Rose Knight Witch of the Black Rose

125) Team Sherry [Sherry (TD)/Elsworth (TD) tagteam] Chevalier de Fleur Liberty at Last! Fleur Synchron Sacred Knight Joan Guardian Angel Joan St. Joan

126) Horned Masters [Andre (TD)/Jean (TD) tagteam] Lightning Tricorn Thunder Unicorn Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Mine Mole D.D. Unicorn Knight Unibird

127) Double Dirty [Nicolas (TD)/Hermann (TD) tagteam] Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank" Foolish Return Karakuri Gold Dust Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick"

128) Aesirs in Conflict [Harald (TD)/Dragan (TD) tagteam] Light and Darkness Dragon Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts Odin's Eye Tyr of the Nordic Champions Garmr of the Nordic Beasts

-----------------------------------[CPU DUEL]---------------------------------01) Moja [Dingy Daredevil/680] Unlock: Available by default Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Fires of Doomsday Black Salvo Warrior Elimination Dopplewarrior Genetic Woman

02) Cherry Inmato [Tomato Alliance/680] Unlock: Available by default

Tytannial, Princess of Camellias Reinforcement of the Army Quickdraw Synchron E - Emergency Call Leeching the Light Drill Synchron

03) Hypnocorn [Hip Hypnocorn/680] Unlock: Available by default Ancient Fairy Dragon Bottomless Trap Hole Glow-Up Bulb Polymerization Metaphysical Regeneration Mother Grizzly

04) Naturia Cherries [Organic Cherries/680] Unlock: Available by default Naturia Beast Naturia Cliff Card Trooper Rush Recklessly Ancient Rules Anarchist Monk Ranshin

05) Wattmole [Watt's Up?/680] Unlock: Available by default Junk Destroyer Scapegoat Parallel World Fusion Cursed Armaments Different Dimension Ground Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective

06) Tiki Curse [Statues: Standby/780] Unlock: Available by default Ally of Justice Catastor Zoma the Spirit Tiki Soul Blind Spot Strike Power Frame Enraged Battle Ox

07) Tender of the Laval Volcano [Laval-Pattern Burn/780] Unlock: Complete Chapter 2 Mirror Force Cold Wave Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar Shrink Cards of Sacrifice Shining Angel

08) Gishki Erial [Ritua Poor/780] Unlock: Complete Chapter 2

Dandylion Evigishki Mind Augus Deck Devastation Virus Two-Man Cell Battle Fortune Lady Dark Giant Soldier of Stone

09) Genex Ally Axel [Accelerating Genex/780] Unlock: Complete Chapter 2 Locomotion R-Genex Dark Grepher Swords of Revealing Light Mist Body Hand Destruction Genex Ally Birdman

10) Gem-Knight Prism Aura [Sparkling Knights/780] Unlock: Complete Chapter 2 Lightning Warrior Majestic Mech - Ohka Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Ally of Justice Light Gazer Lightsworn Barrier Lightwave Tuning

11) Thunder Unicorn [Unicorn Grit/880] Unlock: Complete Chapter 2 Dark End Dragon Sakuretsu Armor Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast Lightning Vortex A Legendary Ocean Sangan

12) Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto [Me Gusto/880] Unlock: Complete Chapter 2 Torrential Tribute Diagusto Eguls Daigusto Gulldos Mystical Space Typhoon Gusto Thunbolt Gusto Egul

13) Masked Hero Vapor [Masked Hero/880] Unlock: Complete Chapter 3 Effect Veiler Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Psychic Lifetrancer Amazoness Trainee Night Wing Sorceress Botanical Girl

14) King Tiger Wanghu [Wonderful Wanghu/880] Unlock: Complete Chapter 3 Thought Ruler Archfiend

Royal Decree Debris Dragon Spell Reproduction A/D Changer Greenkappa

15) Wightmare [Skull Savant/880] Unlock: Complete Chapter 3 Splendid Rose Return from the Different Dimension Bottomless Trap Hole Forbidden Graveyard The Warrior Returning Alive Pitch-Black Warwolf

16) Amazoness Queen [Amazoness Law/980] Unlock: Complete Chapter 3 Monster Reborn Pot of Avarice Spore End of the World King Pyron Elemental Hero Glow Neos

17) Reptilianne Vaskii [Reptilian Wrecker/980] Unlock: Complete Chapter 3 Cyber End Dragon Cyber Eltanin Cyber Valley Cyber Shark Cyberdark Keel Cyber Summon Blaster

18) Great Maju Garzett [I am the Great Maju!/980] Unlock: Complete Chapter 3 Elemental Hero Absolute Zero Swallow's Nest Cyber Dragon Stumbling Drop Off Ronintoadin

19) Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" [Karakuri Kamakazi/980] Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" Level Limit - Area B Magic Cylinder Monster Reincarnation Nobleman of Crossout Testudo erat Numen

20) Needle Burrower [Manly Burrower/980] Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Icarus Attack

Fiendish Chain Shrink Liberty at Last! Gemini Elf

21) Magical Merchant [Plateful of Monsters/1080] Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Dark Armed Dragon Magical Merchant Mist Valley Falcon Double Cyclone Dark Dust Spirit Biofalcon

22) Legendary Jujitsu Master [Supple Beats Strong/1080] Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Future Fusion Legendary Jujitsu Master Giant Trunade Into the Void Samsara Trident Warrior

23) Ronintoadin [Swamp Concert/1080] Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Mist Wurm Honest Instant Fusion Emergency Teleport Dark Cure Archfiend Interceptor

24) Vylon Omega [Mega Omega/1080] Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Vylon Omega Dimensional Prison Card Destruction Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade Des Lacooda Dark Verger

25) Naturia Bamboo Shoot [Bamboo Shoot Forest/1080] Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Naturia Bamboo Shoot Vice Dragon Smashing Ground Dark Room of Nightmare Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru Synchro Fusionist

26) Wattchimera [Watt Killers/1080] Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Armory Arm Watthydra Wattchimera

The Dark Door Mystik Wok Alien Overlord 27) Fabled Ragin [Cry of the Fabled/1180] Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Arcanite Magician Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress Night Wing Sorceress Magician's Circle Magician's Valkyria Tuned Magician

28) Worm Illidan [A Worm Feeling/1180] Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite Creature Swap Call of the Haunted Autonomous Action Unit Psychic Jumper Dark Elf

29) Koa'ki Meiru Maximus [Feeling Koa'ki/1180] Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Elemental Hero Stratos Doomcalibur Knight Royal Oppression Ground Collapse Chain Energy Supay

30) Gravekeeper's Visionary [Graveyard Closed!/1180] Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Necrovalley D.D. Scout Plane Gravekeeper's Spy Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick" Hiro's Shadow Scout Scarr, Scout of Dark World

31) Herald of Perfection [Herald Generation/1280] Unlock: Complete Chapter 6 Herald of Perfection Royal Decree Spirit Reaper Dragged Down into the Grave Offering to the Snake Deity Swift Scarecrow

32) Flamvell Baby [True Flame Backdraft/1280] Unlock: Complete Chapter 6 Rekindling Flamvell Firedog Junk Synchron Emergency Provisions

Megamorph Faustian Bargain 33) Scrap Twin Dragon [Ruin & Renewal/1280] Unlock: Complete Chapter 6 Scrap Scrap Scrap Scrap Scrap Scrap Dragon Lube Chimera Hunter Golem Sheen

34) Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu [Unbound Immortal/1280] Unlock: Complete Chapter 6 Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu Earthbound Whirlwind Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu Earthbound Revival Earthbound Linewalker Self-Destruct Button

35) Steelswarm Caucastag [Steelswarm Space/1280] Unlock: Complete Chapter 6 Steelswarm Girastag Steelswarm Scout Tragoedia Fossil Dig Nightmare Wheel Dragunity Corsesca

36) Deep Sea Diva [Diva of the Dead/1380] Unlock: Complete Chapter 6 Light and Darkness Dragon Fires of Doomsday Destiny Hero - Plasma Contract with the Abyss Success Probability 0% Koa'ki Meiru Urnight

37) Master Hyperion [Galaxy Master/1380] Unlock: Defeat "Tiki Curse" thrice Master Hyperion The Agent of Miracles - Earth The Agent of Mystery - Jupiter Celestial Transformation Terraforming Shining Angel

38) Power Tool Dragon [Vidi! Geri! Vici!/1380] Unlock: Defeat "Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto" thrice Power Tool Dragon United We Stand Mage Power Big Bang Shot Psychic Sword

Broken Bamboo Sword 39) Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode [Assault Academy/1380] Unlock: Defeat "Great Maju Garzett" thrice Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode Assault Mode Activate! Jinzo Heat Wave Nutrient Z Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman

40) Dark Simorgh [Mist Vale Blackwings/1380] Unlock: Defeat "Vylon Omega" thrice Allure of Darkness Dimensional Prison Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Offerings to the Doomed Nobleman of Crossout Lyna the Light Charmer

41) Thunder King Rai-Oh [Gemini of Light/1480] Unlock: Defeat "Gravekeeper's Visionary" thrice Thunder King Rai-Oh Watthopper Batteryman Fuel Cell Morphtronic Radion Elemental Hero Voltic Thunder Dragon

42) Bountiful Artemis [Counter Angel/1480] Unlock: Defeat "Deep Sea Diva" thrice Black Rose Dragon Solemn Judgment Widespread Ruin Wiseman's Chalice Psychic Soul Genex Ally Birdman

43) Queen Angel of Roses [Such a Fallen Angel/1480] Unlock: Defeat "Flamvell Baby" thrice Queen Angel of Roses Lonefire Blossom Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Justi-Break Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Fairy Archer

44) Meklord Emperor Granel [Meklord Summon Works/1480] Unlock: Defeat "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" thrice Dark Hole Smashing Ground Fissure Tribute to the Doomed Trap Hole Raigeki Break

45) Archlord Kristya [Archangel's Advent/1480] Unlock: Defeat "Guardian Eatos" thrice Archlord Kristya Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen Giant Trunade Summoning Curse Core Blast Gene-Warped Warwolf

46) Evil Hero Dark Gaia [Gaia Impact/1580] Unlock: Reach 50 hours playtime Evil Hero Dark Gaia Dark Calling Starlight Road End of the World Morphtronic Remoten Flying Kamakiri #1

47) Guardian Eatos [Dimensional Love/1580] Unlock: Reach 100 hours playtime Beast King Barbaros D.D. Survivor Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Autonomous Action Unit Harvest Angel of Wisdom Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer

48) Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch [Frog Kaiser/1580] Unlock: Achieve 50% of all duel bonuses Caius the Shadow Monarch Treeborn Frog Smashing Ground Gottoms' Emergency Call Queen's Pawn Mother Grizzly

49) Gladiator Beast Gyzarus [Gladiator Gradation/1580] Unlock: Win 10 straight duels Gladiator Beast Gyzarus Gladiator Beast Bestiari Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo Naturia Forest Embodiment of Apophis The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion

50) X-Saber Souza [X-Soul Successor/1580] Unlock: Have 10,000 max damage. You can check your maximum damage under the "Duel Record" in the "Records" section. XX-Saber Gottoms XX-Saber Hyunlei XX-Saber Emmersblade Darkworld Shackles Synchro Gift XX-Saber Ragigura

51) Infernity Doom Dragon [Infinite Inferno/1680] Unlock: Win duel by effect of "Final Countdown" Infernity Doom Dragon Infernity Launcher Scapegoat Hero's Bond Cactus Bouncer Earthquake Giant

52) Junk Destroyer [Hunk of Junk/1680] Unlock: Summon "Shooting Star Dragon" Tuning Tuningware Junk Archer Swallow's Nest Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru Destiny Hero - Malicious

53) Malefic Paradox Dragon [Malefic Planet/1680] Unlock: Summon "Malefic Paradox Dragon" Malefic Stardust Dragon Malefic World Royal Oppression Fusion Recovery Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Steelswarm Moth

54) Ehren, Lightsworn Monk [Ehren There/1680] Unlock: Summon "Judgment Dragon" Charge of the Light Brigade Solar Recharge Red Dragon Archfiend Scrapstorm Des Croaking Jurrac Velphito

55) Dragunity Arma Leyvaten [Dragon-Riding Beasts/1680] Unlock: Summon 666+ times Dragunity Arma Leyvaten Dragunity Phalanx Call of the Haunted Polymerization Serpent Suppression Mystic Tomato

56) Elemental Hero The Shining [Time of Heroes/1780] Unlock: Summon "Vylon Omega" Goyo Guardian Miracle Fusion Super Polymerization Supervise Descending Lost Star Swift Scarecrow

57) Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon [Dr. RED, M.D./1780] Unlock: Summon "Red Nova Dragon" Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Red-Eyes Wyvern Colossal Fighter Soul Taker Dimension Wall Injection Fairy Lily

58) Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite [Blackwing Elite/1780] Unlock: Summon "Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant" Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame Demotion Overwhelm Elemental Hero Air Neos

59) Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En [Six Samurai Spirits/1780] Unlock: Summon "Gladiator Beast Heraklinos" Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan Gateway of the Six Stumbling Wicked Rebirth Battle Fader

60) Machina Fortress [Mobile Cog Fortress/1780] Unlock: Summon "Odin, Father of the Aesir" Pot of Duality Machina Gearframe Ancient Ritual Art Synchron Explorer Proof of Powerlessness Sea Dragon Lord Gilshilodon

--------------------------------[CPU TURBO DUEL]------------------------------01) The Little Swordsman of Aile [Aile Be Back/1220] Unlock: Available by default Dark Armed Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Arcane Barrier Pyramid Turtle Dewdark of the Ice Barrier

02) Dragon Manipulator [Dragon Dash/1220] Unlock: Available by default Dark Hole Hundred Eyes Dragon D.D. Crow Symphonic Warrior Basses Symphonic Warrior Drumss Symphonic Warrior Piaano

03) Steamroid [Runway Train/1220] Unlock: Available by default Black Rose Dragon Tempest Magician Magic Cylinder First Step Towards Infestation Needlebug Nest Lava Golem

04) Psychic Commander [Psychic Sidekick/1320] Unlock: Available by default Raiza the Storm Monarch Blackwing Armor Master Hyper Psychic Blaster Psychic Commander Psychic Snail Telekinetic Shocker

05) Naturia Dragonfly [Naturunner/1320] Unlock: Available by default Torrential Tribute Elemental Hero Prisma Parallel World Fusion Naturia Mosquito Naturia Beans Iron Chain Dragon

06) Dokurorider [Skel's Angels/1320] Unlock: Available by default Naturia Barkion Ancient Sacred Wyvern Swords of Revealing Light Monster Reincarnation Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Diskblade Rider

07) Mefist the Infernal General [Mefast Mefist/1420] Unlock: Available by default Monster Reborn Dragunity Knight - Barcha Dragon Ravine Release Restraint Wave Forgotten Temple of the Deep Mist Valley Baby Roc

08) Delta Tri [Dragon Racer/1420] Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Demise, King of Armageddon Zeman the Ape King Tragoedia Brain Research Lab Vanity's Emptiness Wightmare

09) Vylon Sigma [Sigmax Speed/1420] Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Goyo Guardian Royal Oppression Turbo Warrior Verdant Sanctuary Vylon Tetrah Vylon Stella

10) Ally of Justice Searcher [In Justice's Name/1520] Unlock: Complete Chapter 6 Dandylion Chaos King Archfiend Zombie World Koa'ki Ring Dragonic Tactics At One With the Sword

11) Kasha [Vile Deeds/1520] Unlock: Defeat "Mefist the Infernal General" thrice Allure of Darkness Kasha Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor Raging Mad Plants Ojama Red Ojama Blue

12) Destiny Hero - Dasher [Dashing Dasher/1520] Unlock: Defeat "Delta Tri" thrice Darklord Zerato Red-Eyes Wyvern Advanced Ritual Art Mist Body The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep Reptilianne Hydra

13) Gaia Drake, the Universal Force [Gaia's Sunrise/1620] Unlock: Defeat "Vylon Sigma" thrice Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Honest Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth Karakuri Anatomy Book of Eclipse Powered Tuner

14) Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo [Fissile Fossil/1620] Unlock: Defeat "Ally of Justice Searcher" thrice Archlord Kristya Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Fossil Dyno Pachycephalo Worm Victory Worm Xex Worm Yagan

15) Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg [Dragunity Storm/1620]

Unlock: Perform 200 Synchro Summons Scrap Dragon Dragunity Phalanx Deck Devastation Virus Medallion of the Ice Barrier Trap Hole UFO Turtle

16) Formula Synchron [Full Throttle!/1720] Unlock: ??? Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Formula Synchron Red Dragon Archfiend Advance Draw X-Saber Pashuul Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield

17) Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu [Nazca Liner/1720] Unlock: ??? Beast King Barbaros Pot of Avarice Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Battle Waltz Cyborg Doctor Reptilianne Medusa

18) Judgment Dragon [Lightsworn Runner/1720] Unlock: Achieve the "Max Speed Bonus" (max speed counters in a Turbo Duel) Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress Scrap Twin Dragon Jain, Lightsworn Paladin Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon

19) Machina Fortress [Superspeed Fortress/1820] Unlock: Summon "Machina Force" Pot of Duality Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan Super Polymerization Telekinetic Power Well Pyramid Turtle Jester Confit

20) Malefic Stardust Dragon [Transcendental Evil/1820] Unlock: Summon "Evigishki Soul Ogre" Stardust Dragon Majestic Star Dragon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Mark of the Rose Shield Wing Shiny Black "C"

---------------------------------[CPU TAG DUEL]--------------------------------

01) Harmonic Resonators Creation Resonator/Barrier Resonator Unlock: Available by default Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Psychic Lifetrancer System Down Helios - The Primordial Sun Shadowpriestess of Ohm

02) Shallow Eon Leaders Oshaleon/Majioshaleon Unlock: Available by default Archlord Kristya Fishborg Blaster Card Trooper Ancient Rules Vampire's Curse Megarock Dragon

03) Comers & Goers Gundari/Yaksha Unlock: Available by default Dark End Dragon Enishi, Shien's Chancellor Fabled Krus Intercept Wave Machina Armored Unit Ojama Blue

04) Dark Fighting Spirit Frozen Fitzgerald/Dark Diviner Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Torrential Tribute Light-Imprisoning Mirror Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Savage Colosseum Magic Drain Drillroid

05) Downy Duo Watapon/Spore Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Cold Wave Dark Grepher Widespread Ruin Arcane Barrier Cactus Fighter Overdrive Teleporter

06) Fool Around Get Hurt Masked Chopper/KA-2 Des Scissors Complete: Complete Chapter 6 The Fabled Cerburrel Darklord Asmodeus

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Saber Slash Sword of Sparkles Widespread Dud

07) Forbidding Fellows Angel O7/Naturia Bamboo Shoot Unlock: Defeat "Downy Duo" thrice XX-Saber Gardestrike Flamvell Firedog Junk Synchron Gateway to Dark World Batteryman AAA Batteryman Fuel Cell

08) Burn Girls Nurse Reficule the Fallen One/Fire Princess Unlock: Defeat "Fool Around Get Hurt" thrice Ally of Justice Catastor Creature Swap Call of the Haunted Crevice into the Different Dimension Neo Flamvell Origin Neo Flamvell Hedgehog

09) 100-Monster Parade Swift Scarecrow/Gallis the Star Beast Unlock: ??? Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman Armageddon Knight Trade-In Moja Ancient Gear Golem Elemental Hero Necroshade

10) Terrorizing Tyrants Terrorking Salmon/Terrorking Archfiend Unlock: Single Duel two hundred (200) times Dark Hole Prime Material Dragon Decoy Dragon Discord Gemini Scorpion Metabo-Shark

11) Alien Meets Snake Reptilianne Viper/Alien Kid Unlock: Play 100 Tag Duels Dragunity Arma Mystletainn Burden of the Mighty Gottoms' Emergency Call Viper's Rebirth Jurrac Protops Rocket Warrior

12) Stardust Battle

Formula Synchron/Shooting Star Dragon Unlock: Turbo Duel fifty (50) times Celestia, Lightsworn Angel Dimensional Prison Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Tuner's Scheme Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

13) Samurai Twelve Shien's Squire/Shien's Footsoldier Unlock: Tag Turbo Duel twenty-five (25) times Light and Darkness Dragon Phantom Skyblaster Gladiator Beast Bestiari Naturia Stinkbug Naturia Mantis Divine Dragon Aquabizzare

14) Girls-Only Duel Harpie Girl/Amazoness Trainee Unlock: Summon "Five-Headed Dragon" Darklord Zerato Great Shogun Shien Deck Devastation Virus Updraft Magical Hats Slate Warrior

15) Dark Sea Ritual Demise, King of Armageddon/Evigishki Soul Ogre Unlock: Win duel by attacking with Skull Servant ("Skull Servant Finish") Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En Tragoedia Darkblaze Dragon Warrior Elimination Morphtronic Forcefield Ojama Red

16) Flash! Fusion! Elemental Hero Prisma/Gem-Knight Emerald Unlock: Summon "Koa'ki Meiru Maximus" Allure of Darkness Icarus Attack Fiendish Chain Contract with the Abyss Success Probability 0% Ko'aki Meiru Urnight

17) Sky Masters Mist Valley Baby Roc/Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow Unlock: Summon "Gaia Drake, the Universal Force" Arcanite Magician Eradicator Epidemic Virus Spell Striker

The Fabled Kokkator Brain Golem Jurrac Monoloph 18) Dimension Walkers D.D. Scout Plane/D.D. Survivor Unlock: Summon "Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste" Steelswarm Caucastag Royal Decree Super Polymerization Intercept Wave Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World D.3.S. Frog

19) Queen's Collection Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings/Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus Unlock: Summon "Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings" Elemental Hero Absolute Zero Dark Calling Spell Striker Ojamagic Majestic Mech - Goryu Elemental Hero Mariner

20) Moon & Sun Moon Dragon Quilla/Sun Dragon Inti Unlock: Summon "Steelswarm Hercules" Pot of Duality Pot of Avarice Glow-Up Bulb Creature Seizure Magical Explosion Delg the Dark Monarch

--------------------------------[CPU TURBO TAG]-------------------------------01) Riding Cycles D.D. Trainer/Unicyclar Unlock: Available by default Blackwing Armed Wing Solemn Judgment Fiendish Chain Pseudo Space The Fabled Catsith XX-Saber Garsem

02) Sonic Sprint Sonic Chick/Sonic Duck Unlock: Available by default Underground Arachnid Swords of Revealing Light Dragon Ravine Spiritual Eart Art - Kurogane Harpie Lady 1 Koa'ki Meiru Drago

03) Sort of Wild Charge Abare Ushioni/Mad Sword Beast Unlock: Available by default Junk Destroyer Quickdraw Synchron D.D. Crow Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi Harpie Lady 2 Koa'ki Meiru Ice

04) Food Chain Friends Super-Nimble Mega Hamster/Gilasaurus Unlock: Complete Chapter 4 Driven Daredevil Dragunity Phalanx Debris Dragon Spiritual Water Art - Aoi Harpie Lady 3 Koa'ki Meiru Doom

05) Down to the Sea Shark Cruiser/The Legendary Fisherman Unlock: Complete Chapter 5 Evil Hero Dark Gaia Elemental Hero Prisma Cyber Valley Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai Harpie Girl Koa'ki Meiru Crusader

06) We're On a Mission Chaosrider Gustaph/Diskblade Rider Unlock: Defeat "Sonic Sprint" thrice Locomotion R-Genex Royal Oppression XX-Saber Hyunlei Alien Grey Alien Mars Alien Warrior

07) Underworld Cops Stygian Street Patrol/Stygian Sergeants Unlock: Defeat "Food Chain Friends" thrice Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite Tuningware Card Trooper Gemini Spark Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate XX-Saber Faultroll

08) Unified in Darkness Dark Blade the Dragon Knight/Reaper on the Nightmare Unlock: Defeat "Down to the Sea" thrice Thunder King Rai-Oh Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

Dewloren, Horus the Horus the Horus the

Tiger Black Black Black

King of the Ice Barrier Flame Dragon LV4 Flame Dragon LV6 Flame Dragon LV8

09) Hurricane Regiment Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite/Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon Unlock: Summon "Ultimate Axon Kicker" Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Gateway of the Six Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor Gravekeeper's Stele Pot of Benevolence Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!

10) You-Go! Elemental Hero Flame Wingman/Supply Unlock: Summon "Scrap Twin Dragon" Beast King Barbaros Great Shogun Shien Junk Synchron Elemental Hero Avian Gem-Knight Sapphire Final Psychic Ogre

||________________________________________________________________________ |||| ||___|| PACK LIST [PCKL] | |________________________________________________________________________ |_____| All decks cost 150 DP and contain five cards: four commons and a rare, super rare, or ultra rear. (Typically, anyway.) Buying cards adds 1 copy of each of those cards to the overall amount the player has, and new cards increase the deck's completion rating. Reaching 80% allows one to use passwords to get any remaining cards not yet found, and unlocks the pack in the 'Card List' to see what's left. Rarities are how cards are noted when buying packs (this is shown nowhere else, mind you) -- just look at the cards' onscreen appearances. Common cards are unadorned and have nothing special about 'em. Rare cards have a shimmer effect, super rares have a sparkle effect, and Ultra Rares have both of those effects at once. [I checked and rechecked a lot of the pack info, but there still might be some errors present, probably in the Common section(s), so if y'see any, drop me a note and I'll update! Thanks!] 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) Dark Beginning 1 ................................................... Dark Beginning 2 ................................................... Dark Revelations Volume 1 .......................................... Dark Revelations Volume 2 .......................................... Soul of the Duelist ................................................ Rise of Eternity ................................................... Flaming Eternity ................................................... The Lost Millennium ................................................ Cybernetic Revolution .............................................. Elemental Energy ................................................... DC01 DC02 DC03 DC04 DC05 DC06 DC07 DC08 DC09 DC10

11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60)

Shadow of Infinity ................................................. Enemy of Justice ................................................... Power of the Duelist ............................................... Cyberdark Impact ................................................... Strike of Neos ..................................................... Force of the Breaker ............................................... Tactical Evolution ................................................. Gladiator's Assault ................................................ Phantom Darkness ................................................... Light of Destruction ............................................... The Duelist Genesis ................................................ Crossroads of Chaos ................................................ Crimson Crisis ..................................................... Raging Battle ...................................................... Ancient Prophecy ................................................... Stardust Overdrive ................................................. Absolute Powerforce ................................................ The Shining Darkness ............................................... Duelist Revolution ................................................. Starstrike Blast ................................................... Storm of Ragnarok .................................................. Synchro Awaken!! ................................................... Invasion of Worms!! ................................................ Justice Strikes Back!! ............................................. Revival of the Fableds!! ........................................... Ruler of Chaos!! ................................................... Whirlwind of Dragunity!! ........................................... Genex's Onslaught!! ................................................ Pulse of Trishula!! ................................................ Vylon's Descent!! .................................................. Steelswarm's Invasion!! ............................................ Omega's Judgement!! ................................................ Extra Pack ......................................................... Extra Pack 2 ....................................................... Extra Pack 3 ....................................................... World Championship Edition 1 ....................................... World Championship Edition 2 ....................................... World Championship Edition 3 ....................................... World Championship Edition 4 ....................................... World Championship Edition 5 ....................................... World Championship Edition 6 ....................................... World Championship Edition 7 ....................................... World Championship Edition 8 ....................................... World Championship Edition 9 ....................................... World Championship Edition 10 ...................................... World Championship Edition 11 ...................................... Acceleration 1st Gear .............................................. Acceleration 2nd Gear .............................................. Acceleration Finish ................................................ All at Random ......................................................

DC11 DC12 DC13 DC14 DC15 DC16 DC17 DC18 DC19 DC20 DC21 DC22 DC23 DC24 DC25 DC26 DC27 DC28 DC29 DC30 DC31 DC32 DC33 DC34 DC35 DC36 DC37 DC38 DC39 DC40 DC41 DC42 DC43 DC44 DC45 DC46 DC47 DC48 DC49 DC50 DC51 DC52 DC53 DC54 DC55 DC56 DC57 DC58 DC59 DC60

______________________ | Total Cards: 238 [DC01] 01: Dark Beginning 1 |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Available by default Ultra Rares [15] Big Shield Gardna Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Change of Heart Dark Magician Dark Sage Exodia the Forbidden One Imperial Order Jinzo Mage Power Monster Reborn Raigeki Snatch Steal Thousand-Eyes Restrict Torrential Tribute United We Stand Super Rare [20] B. Skull Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Buster Blader Call of the Haunted Ceasefire Dark Hole Delinquent Duo Exchange Goblin Attack Force Makyura the Destructor Megamorph Mystical Space Typhoon Nobleman of Crossout Pot of Greed Premature Burial Red-Eyes B. Dragon Relinquished Summoned Skull Swords of Revealing Light The Masked Beast Rare [30] Axe of Despair Black Pendant Cyber Jar Dust Tornado Fairy Meteor Crush Fissure Flame Swordsman Gaia the Dragon Champion Gaia the Fierce Knight Gearfried the Iron Knight Giant Rat Giant Trunade Hayabusa Knight Jar of Greed Limiter Removal Mad Sword Beast Magic Drain Magical Hats Magician of Faith Man-Eater Bug Morphing Jar #2 Mystic Tomato

Nimble Momonga Spellbinding Circle The Fiend Megacyber The Forceful Sentry The Legendary Fisherman Toon Summoned Skull Trap Hole Tribute to the Doomed Common [173] 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom Amazoness Archer Ameba Amphibian Beast Aqua Madoor Armed Ninja Armored Lizard Armored Zombie Attack and Receive Backup Soldier Banisher of the Light Beaver Warrior Big Eye Bombardment Beetle Bubonic Vermin Burning Land Card of Safe Return Celtic Guardian Ceremonial Bell Chain Destruction Chain Energy Chorus of Sanctuary Chosen One Cocoon of Evolution Confiscation Cure Mermaid Curse of Dragon Curse of the Masked Beast Dancing Fairy Dimensionhole DNA Surgery Dragon Capture Jar Drill Bug Elegant Egotist Enchanted Javelin Eternal Rest Fairy Box Fairy's Hand Mirror Fake Trap Feral Imp Final Destiny Fire Princess Flame Manipulator Flash Assailant Flying Kamakiri #1 Forced Requisition Gaia Power Gamble Giant Germ Giant Soldier of Stone

Gift of the Mystical Elf Gradius Grand Tiki Elder Gravekeeper's Servant Graverobber Gravity Bind Ground Collapse Hane-Hane Harpie Lady Harpie Lady Sisters Headless Knight Hinotama Hiro's Shadow Scout Hitotsu-Me Giant Horn of Light Horn of the Unicorn Humanoid Slime Humanoid Worm Drake Hysteric Fairy Infinite Cards Infinite Dismissal Insect Barrier Invader of the Throne Jam Breeding Machine Jam Defender Jinzo #7 Kazejin Kojikocy Kotodama Labyrinth Wall Larvae Moth Left Arm of the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Light of Intervention Lightforce Sword Lightning Blade Luminous Spark Maha Vailo Malevolent Nuzzler Mammoth Graveyard Manga Ryu-Ran Marie the Fallen One Masaki the Legendary Swordsman Mask of Brutality Mask of Darkness Mask of Dispel Mask of Restrict Mask of the Accursed Mask of Weakness Masked Sorcerer Melchid the Four-Face Beast Messenger of Peace Minar Minor Goblin Official Mirror Wall Molten Destruction Monster Recovery Mother Grizzly Mystic Plasma Zone Mystical Elf Nobleman of Extermination

Numinous Healer Nuvia the Wicked Painful Choice Parasite Paracide Penguin Knight Petit Moth Polymerization Rain of Mercy Reaper of the Cards Red Archery Girl Red Medicine Red-Moon Baby Respect Play Return of the Doomed Revival Jam Right Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Rising Air Current Rush Recklessly Sanga of the Thunder Scroll of Bewitchment Senju of the Thousand Hands Shadow of Eyes Shift Shining Abyss Shining Angel Silver Fang Skull Invitation Skull Servant Slot Machine Solemn Wishes Sonic Bird Soul Release Spirit of the Breeze St. Joan Stop Defense Suijin Swordsman of Landstar Tailor of the Fickle The Cheerful Coffin The Earl of Demise The Eye of Truth The Forgiving Maiden The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams The Portrait's Secret The Reliable Guardian The Shallow Grave Thousand-Eyes Idol Time Seal Toll Toon Mermaid Toon World Tornado Wall Type Zero Magic Crusher UFO Turtle Umi Umiiruka Upstart Goblin Uraby White Magical Hat Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1

Worm Drake ______________________ | Total Cards: 226 [DC02] 02: Dark Beginning 2 |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Available by default Ultra Rare [14] Barrel Dragon *********************** Blade Knight *********************** Dark Necrofear *********************** Dark Ruler Ha Des *********************** Freed the Matchless General *********************** Guardian Sphinx *********************** Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Injection Fairy Lily *********************** Insect Queen *********************** Obnoxious Celtic Guard *********************** Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth *********************** Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight *********************** Tyrant Dragon *********************** Vampire Lord *********************** Super Rare [17] Airknight Parshath *********************** Book of Life *********************** Cannon Soldier *********************** Catapult Turtle *********************** Command Knight *********************** Creature Swap *********************** Don Zaloog *********************** Heavy Storm *********************** Magic Jammer *********************** Mirror Force *********************** Royal Decree *********************** Seven Tools of the Bandit *********************** Solemn Judgment *********************** Spear Dragon *********************** The Last Warrior from Another Planet *********************** Time Wizard *********************** Yamata Dragon *********************** Rare [30] Bazoo the Soul-Eater *********************** Blast with Chain *********************** Cyber-Stein *********************** Dark Balter the Terrible *********************** Emergency Provisions *********************** Fiber Jar *********************** Fiend Skull Dragon *********************** Fusion Gate *********************** Graceful Charity *********************** Horn of Heaven *********************** Jowgen the Spiritualist *********************** Kuriboh *********************** Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer *********************** Last Turn ***********************

Marauding Captain *********************** Morphing Jar *********************** Penguin Soldier *********************** Pyramid Turtle *********************** Reinforcement of the Army *********************** Ring of Magnetism *********************** Riryoku Field *********************** Royal Command *********************** Royal Oppression *********************** Ryu Senshi *********************** Sangan *********************** Sasuke Samurai *********************** Spiritualism *********************** Statue of the Wicked *********************** Thunder Nyan Nyan *********************** Witch of the Black Forest *********************** Common [165] A Legendary Ocean A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon After the Struggle Aqua Spirit Array of Revealing Light Arsenal Bug Asura Priest Axe Raider Baby Dragon Bad Reaction to Simochi Bark of Dark Ruler Battle Steer Birdface Black Illusion Ritual Blackland Fire Dragon Bladefly Blind Destruction Block Attack Book of Moon Book of Taiyou Bottomless Shifting Sand Bottomless Trap Hole Bubble Crash Burst Breath Call of the Mummy Convulsion of Nature Crass Clown Curse of Royal Cyclon Laser Dark Coffin Dark Dust Spirit Dark Scorpion Burglars Dark Spirit of the Silent Dark-Piercing Light De-Fusion Destiny Board Destruction Punch Dice Jar Disappear Double Snare Dragon Manipulator Dragon Piper

Dragon Seeker Dragon's Gunfire Dragon's Rage Dream Clown Drop Off Ekibyo Drakmord Exiled Force Fatal Abacus Fusion Sage Fusion Sword Murasame Blade Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts Gemini Elf Gilasaurus Goddess with the Third Eye Gora Turtle Gradius' Option Graverobber's Retribution Great Moth Greenkappa Heart of Clear Water Hoshiningen Illusionist Faceless Mage Inaba White Rabbit Jirai Gumo Jowls of Dark Demise Kaiser Sea Horse King of Yamimakai King Tiger Wanghu Kryuel Launcher Spider Little Chimera Luminous Soldier Luster Dragon #2 Machine King Magic Reflector Magical Thorn Maharaghi Maiden of the Aqua Maryokutai Mechanicalchaser Milus Radiant Miracle Dig Mirage of Nightmare Moisture Creature Mucus Yolk Muka Muka Mysterious Guard Mystic Horseman Needle Ceiling Needle Wall Needle Worm Ominous Fortunetelling Ordeal of a Traveler Otohime Patrician of Darkness Pharaoh's Treasure Princess of Tsurugi Pyramid Energy Rabid Horseman Reckless Greed Restructer Revolution

Robbin' Goblin Ryu-Kishin Powered Saggi the Dark Clown Second Coin Toss Serpentine Princess Shadow Ghoul Shadow Tamer Share the Pain Shield & Sword Skull Lair Smoke Grenade of the Thief Soul Demotion Soul of Purity and Light Soul of the Pure Spirit Message "A" Spirit Message "E" Spirit Message "H" Spirit Message "T" Spirit's Invitation Spiritual Energy Settle Machine Spring of Rebirth Stamping Destruction Star Boy Super Rejuvenation Swarm of Locusts Swarm of Scarabs The A. Forces The Bistro Butcher The Dark Door The Dragon's Bead The Emperor's Holiday The Immortal of Thunder The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler The Rock Spirit The Secret of the Bandit The Statue of Easter Island The Unhappy Maiden The Warrior Returning Alive The Wicked Worm Beast Thousand Dragon Thunder Dragon Tiger Axe Timidity Toon Cannon Soldier Toon Defense Toon Gemini Elf Toon Goblin Attack Force Toom Masked Sorcerer Toon Table of Contents Tornado Bird Trap Dustshoot Tremendous Fire Tutan Mask Twin-Headed Behemoth Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Two-Headed King Rex Vengeful Bog Spirit Wattkid Witch's Apprentice Woodland Sprite Yata-Garasu

Zombyra the Dark ______________________________ | Total Cards: 243 [DC03] 03: Dark Revelation Volume 1 |-----------------------------------------------______________________________| Unlock: Available by default Ultra Rare [14] Blast Held by a Tribute Breaker the Magical Warrior Byser Shock Cost Down Dark Paladin Diffusion Wave-Motion Double Spell Interdimensional Matter Transporter Judgment of Anubis Lava Golem Nightmare Wheel Skull Archfiend of Lightning Spell Canceller XYZ-Dragon Cannon Super Rare [20] Amazoness Archers Amazoness Swords Woman Berserk Dragon Chaos Command Magician Coffin Seller D.D. Warrior Lady Dark Flare Knight Dark Master - Zorc Different Dimension Dragon Exodia Necross Helpoemer Mirage Knight Mystical Knight of Jackal Necrovalley Paladin of White Dragon Question Reflect Bounder Shinato, King of a Higher Plane Spell Shield Type-8 Terrorking Archfiend Rare [26] Barrel Behind the Door Big Bang Shot Butterfly Dagger - Elma Dark Jeroid Des Koala Different Dimension Gate Dramatic Rescue Gravekeeper's Chief Magical Scientist Mudora Newdoria

Pandemonium Reaper on the Nightmare Rope of Life Skill Drain Skilled Dark Magician Skilled White Magician Spell Vanishing Spirit Reaper Tribe-Infecting Virus X-Head Cannon XY-Dragon Cannon XZ-Tank Cannon Y-Dragon Head YZ-Tank Dragon Z-Metal Tank Common [183] A Cat of Ill Omen A Deal with Dark Ruler A Man with Wdjat Acrobat Monkey Adhesion Trap Hole Agido Aitsu Altar for Tribute Amazoness Blowpiper Amazoness Fighter Amazoness Paladin Amazoness Spellcaster Amazoness Tiger An Owl of Luck Ante Anti-Spell Apprentice Magician Archfiend Soldier Archfiend's Oath Archfiend's Roar Armor Exe Arsenal Robber Arsenal Summoner Autonomous Action Unit Banner of Courage Battle Footballer Battle-Scarred Blindly Loyal Goblin Burning Beast Buster Rancher Card Shuffle Cat's Ear Tribe Cestus of Dagla Charm of Shabti Checkmate Cliff the Trap Remover Cobra Jar Combination Attack Continuous Destruction Punch Contract with Exodia Contract with the Abyss Contract with the Dark Master Curse of Aging

Cyber Raider D. Tribe D.D. Crazy Beast Dark Blade Dark Cat with White Tail Dark Core Dark Designator Dark Room of Nightmare Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn Dark Scorpion Combination Dark Snake Syndrome Darkbishop Archfiend Demotion Des Dendle Despair from the Dark Desrook Archfiend Dice Re-Roll Different Dimension Capsule Dimension Jar Disarmament Disturbance Strategy Dragged Down into the Grave Emblem of Dragon Destroyer Exhausting Spell Fairy of the Spring Falling Down Final Attack Orders Final Countdown Formation Union Freezing Beast Frontline Base Frozen Soul Gagagigo Gather Your Mind Giant Orc Goblin of Greed Gravekeeper's Assailant Gravekeeper's Cannonholder Gravekeeper's Curse Gravekeeper's Guard Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier Gravekeeper's Spy Gravekeeper's Vassal Gravekeeper's Watcher Gravity Axe - Grarl Great Angus Great Maju Garzett Great Phantom Thief Gyaku-Gire Panda Helping Robo for Combat Hidden Book of Spell Hieroglyph Lithograph Infernalqueen Archfiend Inpachi Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu Jar Robber Kabazauls Kaiser Colosseum Kelbek

Kiryu Kishido Spirit Koitsu Little-Winguard Luster Dragon Magical Marionette Magical Merchant Magical Plant Mandragola Mass Driver Master Kyonshee Mefist the Infernal General Mega Ton Magical Cannon Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite Metamorphosis Meteorain Miracle Restoring Morale Boost Mustering of the Dark Scorpions My Body as a Shield Narrow Pass Neko Mane King Nightmare Horse Non Aggression Area Non-Spellcasting Area Ojama Green Ojama Trio Old Vindictive Magician Outstanding Dog Marron Pandemonium Watchbear Physical Double Pigeonholing Books of Spell Pineapple Blast Pitch-Black Power Stone Pitch-Dark Dragon Pixie Knight Poison of the Old Man Precious Cards from Beyond Raigeki Break Raregold Armor Ray of Hope Really Eternal Rest Reasoning Remove Brainwashing Reversal Quiz Rite of Spirit Rivalry of Warlords Rod of Silence - Kay'est Rod of Mind's Eye Roulette Barrel Royal Magician Library Royal Tribute Sakuretsu Armor Sasuke Samurai #2 Second Goblin Secret Barrel Senri Eye Shadowknight Archfiend Shinato's Ark Shooting Star Bow - Ceal Sonic Duck Spell Reproduction

Staunch Defender Terraforming The Spell Absorbing Life Thunder of Ruler Token Thanksgiving Trap of Board Eraser Tribute Doll Tsukuyomi Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce Ultimate Obedient Fiend Union Rider Vampire Orchis Wave-Motion Cannon White Dragon Ritual Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou Winged Sage Falcos Yomi Ship Zolga ______________________________ | Total Cards: 189 [DC04] 04: Dark Revelation Volume 2 |-----------------------------------------------______________________________| Unlock: Available by default Ultra Rare [12] Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Black Tyranno Blowback Dragon Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Dark Magician Attack Dark Magician of Chaos Ghost Knight of Jackal Insect Princess Levia-Dragon - Daedalus Spirit of the Pharaoh Strike Ninja The End of Anubis Super Rare [20] Big Burn Burst Stream of Destruction Chaosrider Gustaph Curse of Anubis D.D. Designator Dark Mirror Force Dedication Through Light and Darkness Dimension Fusion Emissary of the Afterlife Enemy Controller Freed the Brave Wanderer Gear Golem the Moving Fortress Guardian Angel Joan Legacy Hunter Manticore of Darkness Reload Ryu Kokki The Agent of Judgment - Saturn The First Sarcophagus

Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Rare [29] Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 Amplifier Berserk Gorilla Chain Disappearance Compulsory Evacuation Device Curse of Darkness D.D. Scout Plane Des Counterblow Double Coston Draining Shield Drillago Fenrir Lekunga Level Limit - Area B Mataza the Zapper Mermaid Knight Needle Burrower Night Assailant Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness Protector of the Sanctuary Robbin' Zombie Soul Resurrection Special Hurricane Spell Economics Stealth Bird Stone Statue of the Aztecs Stray Lambs Trap Jammer Wild Nature's Release Common [128] 7 A Hero Emerges Absorbing Kid from the Sky Arcane Archer of the Forest Armor Break Aswan Apparition Backfire Beckoning Light Begone, Knave! Big Koala Blasting the Ruins Blazing Inpachi Blessings of the Nile Bowganian Cannonball Spear Shellfish Chaos End Chaos Greed Chaos Necromancer Chaos Sorcerer Chopman the Desperate Outlaw Crimson Ninja Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell D.D. Borderline Dark Driceratops Delta Attacker

Des Kangaroo Desert Sunlight Destruction Ring Dimension Distortion DNA Transplant Dora of Fate Dust Barrier Earth Chant Earthquake Elephant Statue of Blessing Elephant Statue of Disaster Enchanting Fitting Room Energy Drain Enraged Battle Ox Fiend's Hand Mirror Fuhma Shuriken Gale Lizard Getsu Fuhma Giga Gagagigo Gigantes Gigobyte Goblin King Goblin Thief Gogiga Gagagigo Granadora Grave Protector Gren Maju Da Eiza Gryphon's Feather Duster Heart of the Underdog Human-Wave Tactics Hyper Hammerhead Inferno Jade Insect Whistle Judgment of the Desert KA-2 Des Scissors King of the Swamp Labyrinth of Nightmare Lady Ninja Yae Legendary Jujitsu Master Light of Judgment Lord Poison Mad Dog of Darkness Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands Man-Thro' Tro' Micro Ray Mokey Mokey Molten Zombie Monster Gate Multiplication of Ants Mystical Shine Ball Mystik Wok Neo Bug Ninjitsu Art of Transformation Ojama Black Ojama Delta Hurricane!! Ojama Yellow Opti-Camouflage Armor Order to Charge Order to Smash Pinch Hopper Primal Seed

Recycle Regenerating Mummy Sacred Crane Salvage Sasuke Samurai #3 Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness Self-Destruct Button Silpheed Skull-Mark Ladybug Smashing Ground Solar Flare Dragon Solar Ray Sonic Jammer Soul Absorption Soul Reversal Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower Spatial Collapse Spirit of the Pot of Greed Stumbling Sword of the Soul-Eater The Agent of Creation - Venus The Agent of Force - Mars The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury The Kick Man The Law of the Normal The Sanctuary in the Sky The Second Sarcophagus The Thing in the Crater The Third Sarcophagus The Unhappy Girl Thousand Energy Thunder Crash Torpedo Fish Tower of Babel Triangle Power Ultra Evolution Pill Vampire Lady Wall of Revealing Light Weapon Change White Magician Pikeru Yellow Luster Shield Zero Gravity _________________________ | Total Cards: 52 [DC05] 05: Soul of the Duelist |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Chapter 2 Ultra Rare [4] Armed Dragon LV7 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 Inferno Fire Blast Mystic Swordsman LV4 Super Rare [6] Ectoplasmer Greed Hallowed Life Barrier

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 Mobius the Frost Monarch Null and Void Rare [13] Armed Dragon LV5 Charcoal Inpachi Dark Mimic LV3 Enervating Mist Hammer Shot Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 Master of Oz Mind on Air Mystic Swordsman LV2 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke Ojama King Spirit Barrier Ultimate Insect LV1 Common [29] Absolute End Abyssal Designator Armed Dragon LV3 Big Wave Small Wave Cemetary Bomb Dark Factory of Mass Production Dark Mimic LV1 Element Dragon Enraged Muka Muka Fusion Weapon Gorgon's Eye Heavy Slump Howling Insect Level Up! Malice Doll of Demise Masked Dragon Mind Crush Mind Wipe Neo Aqua Madoor Ninjitsu Art of Decoy Red-Eyes B. Chick Ritual Weapon Skull Dog Marron Taunt The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension The Trojan Horse Two-Man Cell Battle Ultimate Baseball Kid Unshaven Angler _____________________ | Total Cards: 53 [DC06] 06: Rise of Destiny |--------------------------------------------------------_____________________| Unlock: Single Duel fifty (50) times Ultra Rare [4] Mystic Swordsman LV6

Perfect Machine King Silent Swordsman LV3 The Creator Super Rare [6] Divine Wrath Monster Reincarnation Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Tragedy Triangle Ecstacy Spark Rare [14] A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit Chain Burst Covering Fire Dark Blade the Dragon Knight Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive Flint Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective Machine Duplication Necklace of Command Rare Metalmorph Sasuke Samurai #4 Serial Spell Ultimate Insect LV3 Common [29] Astral Barrier Back to Square One Ballista of Rampart Smashing Big Core Creeping Doom Manta Fox Fire Fruits of Kozaky's Studies Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan Harpie Girl Harpie Lady 1 Harpie Lady 2 Harpie Lady 3 Harpies' Hunting Ground Heavy Mech Support Platform Homunculus the Alchemic Being Lighten the Load Malice Dispersion Mind Haxorz Mirage Dragon Mokey Mokey King Mokey Mokey Smackdown Nightmare Penguin Pitch-Black Warwolf Raging Flame Sprite Roc from the Valley of Haze Spell Purification The Creator Incarnate Woodborg Inpachi Xing Zhen Hu

______________________ | Total Cards: 51 [DC07] 07: Flaming Eternity |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Chapter 2 Ultra Rare [4] Gatling Dragon Gearfried the Swordmaster Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Silent Swordsman LV5 Super Rare [7] A Feather of the Phoenix Behemoth the King of All Animals Blast Magician Deck Devastation Virus Granmarg the Rock Monarch King Dragun Lightning Vortex Rare [12] Assault on GHQ Brain Jacker Chiron the Mage Cross Counter Forced Ceasefire Meteor of Destruction Penalty Game! Phoenix Wing Wind Blast Spell Absorption Spiral Spear Strike Swords of Concealing Light Ultimate Insect LV5 Common [28] Armed Samurai - Ben Kei Beast Soul Swap Blade Rabbit Catnipped Kitty Centrifugal Field D.D. Dynamite Divine Dragon Ragnarok Elemental Burst Flame Ruler Fulfillment of the Contract Golem Sentry Good Goblin Housekeeping Hand of Nephthys Hyena Insect Knight Maji-Gire Panda Mecha-Dog Marron Poison Fangs Re-Fusion Release Restraint

Rescue Cat Space Mambo The Big March of Animals The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion Threatening Roar Whirlwind Prodigy _________________________ | Total Cards: 52 [DC08] 08: The Lost Millennium |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Defeat Bronson, Clint, Jemma, Minegishi, Scotch, Seluga, and Virgil thrice. [Earliest this can be done is Chapter 6.] Ultra Rare [4] Ancient Gear Golem Elemental Hero Flame Wingman Elemental Hero Thunder Giant Reshef the Dark Being Super Rare [6] Brain Control Card of Sanctity Hieracosphinx Megarock Dragon Ultimate Insect LV7 Winged Kuriboh Rare [10] Ancient Gear Beast Criosphinx D.D. Survivor Elemental Mistress Doriado Hero Signal Koazky's Self-Destruct Button Nitro Unit Royal Surrender Spell-Stopping Statute Token Feastevil Common [32] Ancient Gear Soldier Aussa the Earth Charmer Battery Charger Batteryman AA Des Wombat Doriado's Blessing Double Attack Dummy Golem Elemental Hero Avian Elemental Hero Burstinatrix Elemental Hero Clayman Elemental Hero Sparkman Eria the Water Charmer Final Ritual of the Ancients Gift of the Martyr

Grave Lure Guardian Statue Hiita the Fire Charmer Impenetrable Formation King of the Skull Servants Level Conversion Lab Lost Guardian Medusa Worm Mine Golem Minefield Eruption Mispolymerization Moai Interceptor Cannon Pikeru's Second Sight Rock Bombardment Shifting Shadows White Ninja Wynn the Wind Charmer ___________________________ | Total Cards: 55 [DC09] 09: Cybernetic Revolution |--------------------------------------------------___________________________| Unlock: Chapter 2 Ultra Rare [4] Cyber End Dragon Power Bond UFOroid Fighter Winged Kuriboh LV10 Super Rare [5] Cyber Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon Goblin Elite Attack Force Skyscraper UFOroid Rare [13] Bubble Shuffle D.D. Trap Hole D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master Dimension Wall Elemental Hero Bubbleman Fire Darts Magical Explosion Miracle Fusion Rising Energy Spark Blaster System Down Transcendent Wings Wroughtweiler Common [33] A Rival Appears! B.E.S. Crystal Core Batteryman C Conscription

Cyber Archfiend Cybernetic Magician Des Croaking Des Frog Doitsu Dragon's Mirror Drillroid Ebon Magician Curran Fusion Recovery Giant Kozaky Gyroid Jerry Beans Man Jetroid Mad Lobster Mechanical Hound Patroid Poison Draw Frog Pot of Generosity Prepare to Strike Back Shien's Spy Soitsu Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai Spiritual Water Art - Aoi Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi Steam Gyroid Steamroid T.A.D.P.O.L.E. Tyranno Infinity ______________________ | Total Cards: 58 [DC10] 10: Elemental Energy |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Single Duel a hundred (100) times Ultra Rare [4] Elemental Elemental Elemental Elemental Hero Hero Hero Hero Rampart Blaster Shining Flare Wingman Tempest Wildedge

Super Rare [6] Cyber Blader Elemental Hero Bladedge Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World Pot of Avarice VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon Water Dragon Rare [13] Armed Charger Broww, Huntsman of Dark World Brron, Mad King of Dark World Chthonian Alliance Chthonian Blast Feather Shot Hero Barrier

Jack's Knight King's Knight Level Limit - Area A Queen's Knight Rapid-Fire Magician Sillva, Warlord of Dark World Common [35] B.E.S. Tetran Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World Blade Skater Bonding - H20 Boss Rush Branch! Chthonian Polymer Dark Deal Dark World Lightning Elemental Hero Wildheart Etoile Cyber Familiar-Possessed - Aussa Familiar-Possessed - Eria Familiar-Possessed - Hiita Familiar-Possessed - Wynn Feather Wind Gateway to Dark World Hydrogeddon Level Modulation Nanobreaker Non-Fusion Area Ojamagic Ojamuscle Oxygeddon Reborn Zombie Roll Out! Scarr, Scout of Dark World Simultaneous Loss The Forces of Darkness The League of Uniform Nomenclature V-Tiger Jet VW-Tiger Catapult Weed Out W-Wing Catapult Zure, Knight of Dark World ________________________ | Total Cards: 48 [DC11] 11: Shadow of Infinity |-----------------------------------------------------________________________| Unlock: Chapter 3 Ultra Rare [4] Cyber Laser Dragon Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Super Rare [4] Ancient Gear Castle

Damage Condenser Demise, King of Armageddon Ruin, Queen of Oblivion Rare [12] Adhesive Explosive Chainsaw Insect Cyclone Boomerang Doom Dozer Goblin Out of the Frying Pan Karma Cut Malfunction Memory Crusher Option Hunter Phantasmal Martyrs Proto-Cyber Dragon Treeborn Frog Common [28] Ancient Gear Ancient Gear Cannon Ancient Gear Drill Ancient Gear Factory Anteatereatingant B.E.S. Covered Core Beelze Frog D.3.S. Frog Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman End of the World Full Salvo Generation Shift Gokipon Hero Heart Hero Kid Magnet Circle LV2 Miracle Kids Next to be Lost Photon Generator Unit Princess Curran Princess Pikeru Saber Beetle Samsara Sand Moth Success Probability 0% Super Junior Confrontation Symbol of Heritage Trial of the Princesses ______________________ | Total Cards: 55 [DC12] 12: Enemy of Justice |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Defeat Gordon, Hayakawa, Kuroe, Masaki, Lilie, and Reimi thrice. [Earliest possible unlock: Chapter 6] Ultra Rare [4] Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

Voltanis the Adjudicator Super Rare [6] Clock Tower Prison Cyber Phoenix Elemental Hero Wild Wingman Majestic Mech - Goryu Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon Victory Viper XX03 Rare [12] Banisher of the Radiance D - Time Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude Destruction of Destiny Elemental Absorber Forced Back Guard Penalty Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon HERO Flash!! Life Equalizer Majestic Mech - Ohka Miraculous Descent Common [33] Avalanching Aussa Batteryman D Blazing Hiita Bountiful Artemis Celestial Transformation Cyber Tutu D - Shield Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious Destiny Hero - Doom Lord Destiny Signal Dimensional Fissure E - Emergency Call Elemental Hero Mariner Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman Elemental Recharge Grand Convergence Guard Dot H - Heated Heart Herald of Green Light Herald of Purple Light Icarus Attack Layard the Liberator Macro Cosmos Misfortune O - Oversoul Power Capsule R - Righteous Justice Raging Eria Royal Knight Searchlightman Shattered Axe Storming Wynn Swift Birdman Joe

__________________________ | Total Cards: 55 [DC13] 13: Power of the Duelist |---------------------------------------------------__________________________| Unlock: Chapter 3 Ultra Rare [4] Chimeratech Overdragon Elemental Hero Aqua Neos Elemental Hero Dark Neos Elemental Hero Flare Neos Super Rare [7] Destiny Hero - Dogma Destiny Hero - Double Dude Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill Ultimate Tyranno Rare [14] Alien Mother Alien Warrior Cosmic Horror Gangi'el Cyber Summon Blaster Cyclone Blade D - Chain Dark City Destiny Hero - Dasher Future Fusion Neo Space Overload Fusion Spell Calling Submarineroid Supercharge Common [30] Alien Grey Alien Hunter Alien Skull Babycerasaurus Bitelon Black Ptera Black Stego Brainwashing Beam Crysalis Dolphin Common Soul Contact Crop Circles D - Spirit Destiny Hero - Blade Master Destiny Hero - Defender Destiny Hero - Fear Monger Destiny Mirage Elemental Hero Neos

Fake Hero Flying Saucer Muusik'i Fossil Excavation Mausoleum of the Emperor Miracle Jurassic Egg Orbital Bombardment Rallis the Star Bird Royal Writ of Taxation Sabersaurus The Paths of Destiny Vehicroid Connection Zone Wonder Garage ______________________ | Total Cards: 49 [DC14] 14: Cyberdark Impact |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Single Duel two hundred (200) times Ultra Rare [4] Allure Queen LV7 Cyber Ogre 2 Cyberdark Dragon Dark Lucius LV8 Super Rare [5] Cyber Shadow Gardna Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark Horn Cyberdark Keel Trojan Blast Rare [10] Allure Queen LV5 Black Horn of Heaven Blasting Fuse Dark Lucius LV6 Degenerate Circuit Dimensional Inversion Flash of the Forbidden Spell Miraculous Rebirth Vanity's Fiend Vanity's Ruler Common [30] Accumulated Fortune Alien Infiltrator Alien Mars Allure Queen LV3 Barrier Statue of the Barrier Statue of the Barrier Statue of the Barrier Statue of the Barrier Statue of the Barrier Statue of the Blast Asmodian Byroad Sacrifice Chain Detonation

Abyss Drought Heavens Inferno Stormwinds Torrent

Chain Healing Chain Strike Corruption Cell "A" Counter Cleaner Cyber Ogre Dark Lucius LV4 Instant Fusion Justi-Break Level Down!? Linear Acceleration Cannon Mystical Wind Typhoon Queen's Bodyguard Ritual Foregone Senet Switch Snipe Hunter Straight Flush Vanity's Call ____________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC15] 15: Strike of Neos |---------------------------------------------------------____________________| Unlock: Chapter 3 Ultra Rare [4] Elemental Hero Air Neos Elemental Hero Glow Neos Elemental Hero Grand Neos Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World Super Rare [7] Birthright Card Trader Dark World Dealings Gene-Warped Warwolf Great Shogun Shien Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird Skyscraper 2 - Hero City Rare [12] Ancient Rules Cloak and Dagger D.D. Crow Eliminating the League Frostosaurus Hero Medal Neos Force Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Pulling the Rug Spiral Serpent The Transmigration Prophecy Twister Common [27] "A" Cell Scatter Burst Advanced Ritual Art Alien Psychic

Anti-Fusion Device Change of Hero - Reflector Ray C Chulainn the Awakened Electric Virus Emblem of the Awakening Flashbang Gren, Tactician of Dark World Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World Legendary Ebon Steed Lycanthrope Marionette Mite Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Return of the Six Samurai Ritual Sealing Shien's Castle of Mist Shien's Footsoldier Swift Samurai Storm! Synthesis Spell The Six Samurai - Irou The Six Samurai - Kamon The Six Samurai - Nisashi The Six Samurai - Yaichi The Six Samurai - Yariza The Six Samurai - Zanji __________________________ | Total Cards: 56 [DC16] 16: Force of the Breaker |---------------------------------------------------__________________________| Unlock: Defeat Angie, Corse, Figaro, Helio, Honda, Kazuhiro, Nelson, Rossi, and Yagiura thrice. [The earliest unlocking point: Chapter 6] Ultra Rare [4] Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus Elemental Hero Captain Gold Rare Value Volcanic Doomfire Super Rare [7] Radiant Mirror Force Raiza the Storm Monarch Sky Scourge Enrise Sky Scourge Invicil Sky Scourge Norleras Soul of Fire Tri-Blaze Accelerator Rare [14] Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins Archfiend General Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger Destroyersaurus Firewall Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja Gravekeeper's Commandant Harpie Queen Lucky Iron Axe Triggered Summon Volcanic Shell

Volcanic Slicer Warrior of Atlantis Zeradias, Herald of Heaven Common [31] "A" Cell Breeding Device Backs to the Wall Blaze Accelerator Breakthrough! Crystal Abundance Crystal Beacon Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle Crystal Blessing Crystal Promise Crystal Raigeki Field Barrier Gem Flash Energy Gravi-Crush Dragon Hard-sellin' Goblin Hard-sellin' Zombie Introduction to Gallantry Last Resort Magna-Slash Dragon Mass Hypnosis Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Otherworld - The "A" Zone Secrets of the Gallant Terrible Deal Tornado Volcanic Hammerer Volcanic Recharge Volcanic Scattershot ________________________ | Total Cards: 77 [DC17] 17: Tactical Evolution |-----------------------------------------------------________________________| Unlock: Chapter 4 Ultra Rare [5] Elemental Hero Magma Neos Elemental Hero Neos Alius Mirror Gate Rainbow Dragon Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes Super Rare [8] Aquarian Alessa Chthonian Emperor Dragon Cyberdark Impact! Doom Shaman Elemental Hero Darkbright Frost and Flame Dragon Lucky Pied Piper

Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes Rare [18] Amulet of Ambition Common Charity Counter Counter Creature Seizure Double Summon Elemental Hero Marine Neos Fifth Hope Grasschopper Hunter Dragon Necro Gardna Neo Space Pathfinder Shadow Delver Snake Deity's Command Snake Rain Spell Reclamation Summoner's Art Trap Reclamation Zombie Master Common [46] Alien Shocktrooper Ambush Fangs Broken Bamboo Sword Crysalis Chicky Crysalis Larva Crysalis Mole Crysalis Pantail Crysalis Pinny Cocoon Party Cocoon Rebirth Cocoon Veil Convert Contact Crystal Seer Damage = Reptile Dark Effigy Dawnbreak Gardna Desert Twister Destructive Draw Flint Lock Flint Missile Gift Card Gravitic Orb Hero Counterattack King Pyron Light Effigy Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin NEX Ojama Knight Phalanx Pike Razor Lizard Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World Reverse of Neos Rise of the Snake Deity Ritual Raven Shield Spear Snake Whistle

Strike Slash Symbols of Duty The Gift of Greed Venom Boa Venom Burn Venom Cobra Venom Serpent Venom Shot Venom Snake Venom Swamp _________________________ | Total Cards: 79 [DC18] 18: Gladiator's Assault |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Defeat Hunter, Larry, Lenny, Lug & Randsborg thrice. [Earliest possible unlock: Post-Game] Ultra Rare [5] Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon Elemental Hero Chaos Neos Evil Hero Inferno Wing Gladiator Beast Alexander Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Super Rare [9] Dark Fusion Elemental Hero Plasma Vice Energy-Absorbing Monolith Enishi, Shien's Chancellor Evil Hero Dark Gaia Evil Hero Malicious Edge Gladiator Beast Spartacus No Entry!! Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union Rare [17] Alien Telepath Ancient Gear Knight Cell Explosion Virus Cloudian - Altus Cloudian - Cirrostratus Cloudian - Sheep Cloud Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts Evil Hero Infernal Gainer Evil Hero Lightning Golem Expressroid Gladiator Beast Laquari Gladiator Beast Murmillo Goblin Black Ops Release from Stone Stealthroid Truckroid Updraft Common [48] "A" Cell Incubator Alien Hypno

An Unfortunate Report Chamberlain of the Six Samurai Cloudian - Acid Cloud Cloudian - Ghost Fog Cloudian - Nimbusman Cloudian - Poison Cloud Cloudian - Smoke Ball Cloudian - Turbulence Cloudian - Squall Contact Out Cunning of the Six Samurai Detonator Circle "A" Diamond-Dust Cyclone Disarm Double-Edged Sword Technique Fog Control Foolish Revival Gladiator Beast Bestiari Gladiator Beast Dimacari Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz Gladiator Beast Hoplomus Gladiator Beast Secutor Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica Gladiator Beast's Respite Gladiator's Return Infinity Dark Interdimensional Warp Light-Imprisoning Mirror Lucky Cloud Magical Reflect Slime Natural Disaster Over Limit Parry Rain Storm Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword Spirit of the Six Samurai Summon Cloud Super Double Summon Superally Beast Raptinus Swiftstrike Armor Swing of Memories Test Ape Witch Doctor of Sparta ______________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC19] 19: Phantom Darkness |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Chapter 4 Ultra Rare [5] Dark Horus Elemental Hero Storm Neos Rainbow Dark Dragon Rainbow Neos Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare

Super Rare [9] Cyber Valley Dark Nephthys Dark Spirit Art - Greed Dimension Explosion Field-Commander Rahz Hate Buster Super Polymerization Volcanic Counter Yubel - Terror Incarnate Rare [18] Armageddon Knight Armored Cybern Blue Thunder T-45 Cry Havoc! Cybernetic Hidden Technology Dark Armed Dragon Dark Eruption Drastic Drop Off Fire Trooper Future Samurai Mirage Tube Rainbow Life Rainbow Veil The Beginning of the End The Calculator The Dark Creator The Immortal Bushi Vicious Claw Common [48] Acidic Downpour Alchemy Cycle All-Out Attacks Atlantean Pikeman Black Veloci Cannon Soldier MK-2 Chain material Chain Summoning Cyber Ouroboros Cybernetic Zone Dark Crusader Dark Illusion Dark World Grimoire Destiny Hero - Departed Destiny Hero - Dunker Doomsday Horror Double Tag Team Earth Effigy Escape from the Dark Dimension Fine Fires of Doomsday Gemini Lancer Gemini Trap Hole Gigaplant Gladiator Beast Andal Gladiator Beast Darius

Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield Gladiator Proving Ground Imprisoned Queen Archfiend Instant Neo Space Magnetic Mosquito Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss Obsidian Dragon Offering to the Snake Deity Rainbow Path Regenerating Rose Samsara Lotus Sea Koala Shadowpriestess of Ohm Sinister Seeds Six Samurai United Spell Chronicle Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth Transmigration Break Unleash Your Power! Vengeful Shinobi Wind Effigy Yubel __________________________ | Total Cards: 79 [DC20] 20: Light of Destruction |---------------------------------------------------__________________________| Unlock: Defeat Elsworth, Lazar & Sherry thrice (it can only be unlocked in Post-Game) Ultra Rare [5] Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler Destiny End Dragoon Honest Judgment Dragon Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem Super Rare [9] Arcana Force XXI - The World Celestia, Lightsworn Angel Diskblade Rider DUCKER Mobile Cannon Jinzo - Lord Light of Redemption Limit Reverse Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress Phantom Dragon Rare [17] Arcana Force XIV - Temperance Batteryman Industrial Strength Batteryman Micro-Cell D - Fortune Dark Valkyria Demise of the Land Destruction Jammer Froggy Forcefield Hero Blast Jinzo - Returner

Light Barrier Realm of Light Reversal of Fate Short Circuit Simorgh, Bird of Ancestry Substitoad Summon Limit Common [48] Arcana Call Arcana Force 0 - The Fool Arcana Force I - The Magician Arcana Force III - The Empress Arcana Force IV - The Emperor Arcana Force VI - The Lovers Arcana Force VII - The Chariot Arcana Force XVIII - The Moon Batteryman Charger Cloudian - Storm Dragon Cross Porter Cup of Ace D - Formation Deck Lockdown Destiny Hero - Dread Servant Dice Try! Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior Gladiator Beast Gyzarus Gladiator Lash Glorious Illusion Golden Bamboo Sword Golden Ladybug Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon Hero Mask Interplanetary Invader "A" Jain, Lightsworn Paladin Level Tuning Light Spiral Lucky Chance Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Miracle Flipper Mystical Cards of Light Portable Battery Pack Quick Charger Raging Cloudian Rainbow Gravity Ribbon of Rebirth Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Sanguine Swamp Solar Recharge Space Gift Spell Gear The Lady in Wight Tour of Doom Unifrog Volcanic Queen Wetlands Wulf, Lightsworn Beast ___

| Total Cards: 80 [DC21] 21: THE DUELIST GENESIS |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Chapter 6 Ultra Rare [5] Goyo Guardian Nitro Warrior Red Dragon Archfiend Stardust Dragon Thought Ruler Archfiend Super Rare [9] Big Piece Golem Defense Draw De-Synchro Graceful Revival Montage Dragon Multiple Piece Golem Nitro Synchron Quillbolt Hedgehog Sinister Sprocket Rare [18] Destructotron Doctor Cranium Domino Effect Fighting Spirit Handcuffs Dragon Intercept Junk Barrage Medium Piece Golem Mind Master Psi-Impulse Psychic Overload Psychic Snail Shield Warrior Spacegate Synchro Deflector Twin-Barrel Dragon Unstable Evolution Yamato-no-Kami Common [48] Battle Tuned Beast of the Pharaoh Book of Eclipse Broken Blocker Dark Hunter Dark Resonator Dharc the Dark Charmer Emergency Teleport Equip Shot Fish Depth Charge Geartown Ghost Gardna Gladiator Beast Equeste

Gladiator Beast War Chariot Gonogo Izanagi Jenis, Lightsworn Mender Judgment of Thunder Jutte Fighter Kinka-byo Krebons Kunoichi Lightsworn Barrier Lightsworn Sabre Lightwave Tuning Magical Android Mecha Bunny Mind Over Matter Mind Protector Mirror of Yata Needlebug Nest Noisy Gnat Orb of Yasaka Overworked Oyster Meister Power Filter Psi-Station Psychic Commander Psychic Rejuvenation Recycling Batteries Remote Revenge Silent Strider Small Piece Golem Sword of Kusanagi Telekinetic Shocker Telepathic Power Turbo Booster Twin-Shield Defender _________________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC22] 22: CROSSROADS OF CHAOS |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Chapter 5 Ultra Rare [5] Black Rose Dragon Doomkaiser Dragon Revived King Ha Des Turbo Warrior Urgent Tuning Super Rare [9] Black Garden Hanewata Lineage of Destruction Mark of the Rose Psychic Trigger Queen of Thorns Storm Caller Tiger Dragon Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

Rare [18] Battle Mania Botanical Girl Everliving Underworld Cannon Gadget Driver Iron Chain Dragon Iron Chain Snake Jade Knight Mad Archfiend Morphtronic Accelerator Morphtronic Boomboxen Morphtronic Cameran Plaguespreader Zombie Prideful Roar Psychic Lifetrancer Psychokinesis Search Striker Secret Village of the Spellcasters Zombie Mammoth Common [48] Bamboo Scrap Card Rotator Comrade Swordsman of Landstar Confusion Chaff Copy Plant Cursed Fig DNA Checkup Doppelganger Factory of 100 Machines Fragrance Storm Gadget Hauler Giant Trap Hole Gigantic Cephalotus Goblin Decoy Squad Gozen Match Healing Wave Generator Horseytail Iron Chain Blaster Iron Chain Coil Iron Chain Repairman Miracle Fertilizer Morphtransition Morphtronic Celfon Morphtronic Clocken Morphtronic Cord Morphtronic Datatron Morphtronic Engine Morphtronic Magnen Morphtronic Monitron Morphtronic Radino Nettles Omega Goggles Paralyzing Chain Plant Food Chain Poison Chain Pollinosis Power Injector

Psychic Jumper Pursuit Chaser Revival Gift Seed of Deception Synchro Strike Teleport The White Stone of Legend The World Tree Trap of the Imperial Tomb Turbo Synchron Wall of Ivy ____________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC23] 23: CRIMSON CRISIS |---------------------------------------------------------____________________| Unlock: Chapter 6 Ultra Rare [5] Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode Blackwing Armor Master Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode Super Rare [9] Arcanite Magician B.E.S. Big Core MK-2 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar Dark Strike Fighter Hyper Psychic Blaster Shining Silver Force Turret Warrior Twilight Rose Knight Rare [18] Alien Ammonite Alien Overlord Assault Beast Assault Mode Activate Assault Teleport Black Salvo Debris Dragon Dupe Frog Flying Fortress SKY FIRE Lifeforce Harmonizer Planet Pollutant Virus Psychic Tuning Raptor Wing Strike Scanner Spirit Force Star Blast Super Solar Nutrient Wall of Thorns Common [50]

Arcane Apprentice Arcane Barrier Assault Counter Assault Mercenary Assault Overload Assault Revival Assault Slash Bee List Soldier Blackwing - Bora the Spear Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind Cross-Sword Beetle Dark Tinker Descending Lost Star Desert Protector Dimension Fortress Weapon Ebon Arrow Fake Explosion Flip Flop Frog Gladiator Beast Samnite Half or Nothing Hydra Viper Hyper Synchron Indomitable Gladiator Beast Inmato Ivy Shackles Metaphysical Regeneration Morphtronic Boarden Morphtronic Forcefield Morphtronic Map Morphtronic Mix-Up Morphtronic Rusty Engine Morphtronic Slingen Mysterious Triangle Night Wing Sorceress Nightmare Archfiends Prevention Star Psychic Sword Seed Cannon Six Scrolls of the Samurai Spell Reactor RE Summon Reactor SK Telekinetic Power Well Trap Eater Trap Reactor Y FI Trojan Gladiator Beast Twin-Sword Marauder Vengeful Servant Verdant Sanctuary ___________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC24] 24: RAGING BATTLE |----------------------------------------------------------___________________| Unlock: Defeat Team Satisfaction in Kuroe's Satellite computer (must be done in post-game). Ultra Rare [5] Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu Earthbound Immoral Ccapac Apu Exploder Dragonwing Power Tool Dragon

Trident Dragion Super Rare [9] Blackwing - Elphin the Raven Blackwing Armed wing Forbidden Chalice Grave of the Super Ancient Organism Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand Koa'ki Meiru Valafar Rockstone Warrior Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon Strong Wind Dragon Rare [18] Against the Wind Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow Brain Golem Calming Magic Dark Verger Deep Sea Diva Delta Crow - Anti Reverse Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru Junk Box Koa'ki Meiru Ice Level Warrior Magic Planter Morphtronic Remoten Morphtronic Repair Unit One for One Swallow Flip Torapart Trap Stun Common [48] Alien Dog Attack of the Cornered Rat Automatic Laser Black Whirlwind Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame Bone Temple Block Crimson Fire Double Tool C&D Emissary from Pandemonium Evil Thorn Fake Feather G.B. Hunter Gadget Arms Gigastone Omega Hedge Guard Iron Core Immediate Disposal Koa'ki Meiru Doom Koa'ki Meiru Drago Koa'ki Meiru Guardian Lava Dragon Level Returner Master Gig Mermaid Archer

Mind Trust Minoan Centaur Miracle Locus Mirror of Oaths Morphtronic Bind Morphtronic Scopen Morphtronic Videon Natural Tune Overdoom Line Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis Phoenixian Seed Proof of Powerlessness Psychic Path Reckoned Power Reinforced Human Psychic Borg Rose Tentacles Spined Gillman Supremacy Berry Thorn of Malice Tuner Capture Urgent Synthesis Vanguard of the Dragon Wicked Rebirth Wonder Clover ______________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC25] 25: ANCIENT PROPHECY |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Defeat Regulus & Torunka thrice (in post-game) Ultra Rare [5] Ancient Fairy Dragon Archfiend Zombie-Skull Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua Earthbound Immortal Cusillu XX-Saber Gottoms Super Rare [9] Ancient Sacred Wyvern Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor Discord Future Visions Jester Confit Koa'ki Meiru Crusader Minefieldriller Skill Successor Turbo Cannon Rare [18] Ancient Forest Core Compression Cyborg Doctor Fairy Wind Falchion Beta Flamvell Firedog Fortune Lady Fire Fortune Lady Light

Iron Core Luster Koa'ki Meiru Hydro Barrier Koa'ki Meiru Tornado Kuribon Magicat Reinforce Truth Release Restraint Wave Slip of Fortune Turbo Rocket Water Hazard Common [48] A Major Upset Advance Draw Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord Ancient Crimson Ape Ancient Leaf Armed Sea Hunter Armored Axon Kicker At One with the Sword Battle of the Elements Battle Teleportation Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield Brain Research Lab Core Blaster Core Reinforcement Damage Translation Darksea Float Darksea Rescue Depth Amulet Divine Dragon Aquabizarre Emergency Assistance Fishborg Blaster Flamvell Counter Fossil Dig Genetic Woman Hydro Pressure Cannon Imperial Custom Infernity Beast Jester Lord Koa'ki Meiru Boulder Koa'ki Meiru Speeder Morphtronic Magnen Bar Pixie Ring Psychic Soul Rekindling Saber Slash Scary Moth Shark Cruiser Shiny Black "C" Silver Wing Solidarity Spirit Burner Sunlight Unicorn Sunny Pixie Sword of Sparkles White Potan XX-Saber Faultroll XX-Saber Ragigura

________________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC26] 26: STARDUST OVERDRIVE |-----------------------------------------------------________________________| Unlock: Defeat Yusei's WRGP team on his garage's computer (must be done post-game) Ultra Rare [5] Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua Earthbound Immortal Uru Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca Majestic Star Dragon Super Rare [9] Black Brutdrago Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate Crusader of Endymion Divine Grace - Northwemko Explosive Magician Koa'ki Meiru Rooklord Max Warrior Reptilianne Hydra Seal of Wickedness Rare [18] Fortune Lady Dark Fortune Lady Earth Fortune Lady Water Fortune Lady Wind Gemini Counter Gemini Spark Koa'ki Meiru Sea Panther Level Eater Lord British Space Fighter Majestic Dragon Mother Spider Nega-Ton Corepanel Preparation of Rites Raging Mad Plants Reptilianne Gorgon Savage Colosseum Slip Summon Spyder Spider Common [38] Appointer of the Red Lotus Attack Pheromones Bending Destiny Dark Spider Djinn Presider of Rituals Djinn Releaser of Rituals Earthbound Wave Earthbound Whirlwind Energy Bravery Enlightenment Faustian Bargain

Fortune's Future Gemini Booster Ground Spider Herculean Power Infernity Force Infernity Necromancer Inherited Fortune Insect Neglect Iron Core Armor Knight of the Red Lotus Limit Impulse Molting Escape Moray of Greed Oshaleon Quickdraw Synchron Regulus Relinquished Spider Reptilianne Medusa Reptilianne Scylla Reptilianne Spawn Reptilianne Viper Ritual Buster Ritual of Grace Roar of the Earthbound Solitaire Magician Spider Egg Spider Web Stardust Xiaolong Stygian Dirge Swap Frog Synchro Barrier Time Passage Tuned Magician Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Woodland Archer Zero Gardna _________________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC27] 27: ABSOLUTE POWERFORCE |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Defeat Team New world on Lazar's computer at the Stadium (must be done post-game). Ultra Rare [5] Drill Warrior Majestic Red Dragon Moon Dragon Quilla Sun Dragon Inti XX-Saber Hyunlei Super Rare [9] Cards of Consonance Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings Fiendish Chain Garlandolf, King of Destruction Gravekeeper's Visionary Koa'ki Meiru Urnight Oracle of the Sun Reptilianne Vaskii

Witch of the Black Forest Rare [18] Codarus Cyber Dragon Zwei Dark Bug Drill Synchron Forgotten Temple of the Deep Gravekeeper's Descendant Gundari Iron Core Specimen Lab Lair Wire Magic Hole Golem Offering to the Immortals Pandaborg Power Invader Power Pickaxe Reptilianne Rage Shreddder Synchro Control XX-Saber Garsem Common [48] Advance Force Alien Brain Apocatequil Ascending Soul Battle Fader Bicular Black Potan Break! Draw! Call of the Reaper Changing Destiny Consecrated Light Core Blast Destruct Potion Djinn Cursenchanter of Rituals Djinn Prognosticator of Rituals Fire Ant Ascator Gravekeeper's Stele Informer Spider Inverse Universe Machine Assembly Line Machine King - 3000 B.C. Meteor Flare Nature's Reflection Ogre of the Scarlet Sorrow Oilman Pot of Benevolence Power Supplier Psi-Curse Reptilianne Gardna Reptilianne Naga Reptilianne Servant Ritual Cage Ritual of Destruction Rocket Pilder Rose Fairy Saber Hole

Serpent Suppression Spiders' Lair Supay Sword Master Temple of the Sun Tricular Tuner's Scheme Unicycular Variety Comes Out Viper's Rebirth Weeping Idol Widespread Dud __________________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC28] 28: THE SHINING DARKNESS |---------------------------------------------------__________________________| Unlock: Defeat Barbara, Kalin, Nico, Sergio and West thrice (earliest possible unlock: post-game). Ultra Rare [5] Black-Winged Dragon Chaos Goddess Chaos King Archfiend Infernity Doom Dragon Splendid Rose Super Rare [9] Bird of Roses Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr Damage Gate Herald of Perfection Intercept Wave Magidog Power Frame Trust Guardian Wattgiraffe Rare [18] Batteryman Fuel Cell Blackwing - Gust the Backblast Card Breaker Cards for Black Feathers Cherry Inmato Crevice into the Different Dimension Delta Tri Dread Dragon Forbidden Graveyard Guard Mines Infernity Avenger Infernity Inferno Into the Void Koa'ki Meiru Sandman Morphtronic Vacuumen Revival Rose Ronintoadin ZERO-MAX Common [48]

Ally of Justice Core Destroyer Archfiend Interceptor Assault Spirits Batteryman AAA Biofalcon Black Thunder Blackwing - Backlast Blackwing - Bombardment Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind Black-Winged Strafe Blossom Bombardment Changer Synchron Chaos Trap Hole Corridor of Agony Dawn of the Herald Dragon Laser Electromagnetic Shield Fariy Archer Flare Resonator Hunter of Black Feathers Infernity Beetle Infernity Break Infernity Launcher Infernity Mirage Infernity Randomizer Infernity Reflector Key Mouse Koa'ki Meiru Initialize! Koa'ki Meiru Shield Leeching the Light Lyna the Light Charmer Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier Memory Crush King Morphtronics, Scramble! Phantom Hand Power Break Pyramid of Wonders Second Boost Spore Synchro Ejection Synchro Magnet Testudo erat Numen The Fountain in the Sky Trigon Wattcube Wattfox Wattwoodpecker Worm Call ________________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC29] 29: DUELIST REVOLUTION |-----------------------------------------------------________________________| Unlock: Chapter 6 Ultra Rare [5] Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste Lightning Tricorn Scrap Dragon

Voltic Bicorn Wattchimera Super Rare [9] Amazoness Queen Chivalry Effect Veiler Naturia Bamboo Shoot Pot of Duality Scrap Chimera Thunder Unicorn Trident Warrior Ultimate Axon Kicker Rare [18] Amazoness Village Amazoness Willpower Ambitious Gofer Anti-Magic Prism D.D. Unicorn Knight Delta Flyer Egotistical Ape Horn of the Phantom Beast Hypnocorn Landoise's Luminous Moss Monoceros Parallel Selection Reanimation Wave Scrap Beast Scrap Golem Scrapstorm Synchro Fusionist Wiseman's Chalice Common [48] A/D Changer Amazoness Fighting Spirit Amazoness Sage Amazoness Trainee Barrier Wave Battle Instinct Beast Rage Beast Rising Bicorn Re'em Blind Spot Strike Chain Whirlwind Cursed Armaments Damage Eater Dash Warrior Desperate Tag Double Cyclone Earthquake Giant Elephun Final Psychic Ogre Howl of the Wild Light of Destruction Lock Cat Mine Mole

Miracle Synchro Fusion Naturia Beans Naturia Forest Naturia Mosquito Paradox Fusion Pestilence Playful Possum Queen's Pawn Rhinotaurus Scrap Goblin Scrap Hunter Scrap Rage Scrap Sheen Scrapyard Solemn Warning Stronghold Guardian Summoning Curse Unibird Unicorn Beacon Uni-Horned Familiar Wattbetta Wattcannon Wattcine Wattlemur Wattpheasant ______________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC30] 30: STARSTRIKE BLAST |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Defeat Yusei, Jack, and Crow thrice in Single, Tag and Tag Turbo duels (whichever apply; done in the post-game). Ultra Rare [5] Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" Red Nova Dragon Scrap Twin Dragon Shooting Star Dragon Supreme Arcanite Magician Super Rare [9] Anarchist Monk Ranshin Delg the Dark Monarch Different Dimension Ground Formula Synchron Gaia Drake, the Universal Force Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank" Power Breaker Power Giant Tuning Rare [18] Blackback Blackwing - Abrolhos the Megaquake Blackwing - Aurora the Northern Lights Chain Dog Creation Resonator Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier Gravity Collapse

Heat Wave Karakuri Bushi mdl 6318 "Muzanichiha" Karakuri Merchant mdl 177 "Inashichi" Karakuri Showdown Castle Lancer Archfiend Mirror of the Ice Barrier Naturia Cherries Scrap Soldier Tokkosho of Ghost Destroying Tyrant's Temper Wattsquirrel Common [48] Attack Gainer Axe of Fools Barkion's Bark Blackwing - Boobytrap Blackwing - Etesian of Two Swords Cursed Bill D2 Shield Dark Trap Hole Darkworld Shackles Defenders Intersect Exterio's Fang Extra Veiler Glow-Up Bulb Golden Gearbox Half Counter Karakuri Anatomy Karakuri Klock Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu" Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" Karakuri Trick House Koa'ki Ring Leodrake's Mane Medallion of the Ice Barrier Mirror Ladybug Naturia Pumpkin Naturia Stag Beetle Necro Linker Needle Soldier Powersink Stone Red Screen Reed Butterfly Rescue Warrior Scrap Crash Scrap Lube Scrap Searcher Star Siphon Swift Scarecrow Synchro Soldier Vanity's Emptiness Vice Berserker Wattcastle Wattdragonfly Watthopper Wattjustment Wattkeeper Wattkiwi White Elephant's Gift

Wightmare _______________________ | Total Cards: 80 [DC31] 31: STORM OF RAGNAROK |------------------------------------------------------_______________________| Unlock: Defeat Brave, Harald & Dragan in Turbo and/or Tag Turbo duels (whichever apply; done in post-game) Ultra Rare [5] Atomic Scrap Dragon Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido" Loki, Lord of the Aesir Odin, Father of the Aesir Thor, Lord of the Aesir Super Rare [9] D.D. Sprite Forbidden Lance Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En Stardust Shimmer The Golden Apples Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant Watthydra Rare [18] Asceticism of the Six Samurai Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp Doppelwarrior Dverg of the Nordic Alfar Foolish Return Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts Hope for Escape Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki Musakani Magatama Nordic Relic Gungnir Scrap Worm Shien's Smoke Signal Stardust Phantom Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts Tyr of the Nordic Champions Wattberyx Common [48] Barrier Resonator Blackboost Blackwing - Brisote the Tailwind Blackwing - Calima the Haze Cosmic Compass Divine Relic Mjollnir Divine Wind of Mist Valley Garmr of the Nordic Beasts Gotterdammerung Kagemusha of the Six Samurai

Karakuri Cash Cache Karakuri Gold Dust Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick" Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan" Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar Majioshaleon March Towards Ragnarok Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant Nordic Relic Brisingamen Nordic Relic Draupnir Nordic Relic Laevateinn Odin's Eye Resonator Engine Scrap Shark Shien's Scheme Shien's Squire Six Strike - Triple Impact Solemn Authority Symphonic Warrior Basses Symphonic Warrior Drumss Symphonic Warrior Piaano Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts Temple of the Six Terminal World tiki Curse Tiki Soul Token Stampede Token Sundae Top Runner Tyrant's tirade Vylon Matter Wattkey Wattmole Xing Zhen Hu Replica Yaksha Zero Force ______________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC32] 32: SYNCHRO AWAKEN!! |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Available by default Ultra Rare [4] Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Mist Wurm Wrath of Neos X-Saber Urbellum Super Rare [6] Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier Blue-Eyes White Dragon Commander Gottoms, Swordmaster Mist Valley Shaman Worm Erokin X-Saber Airbellum

Rare [10] Ally of Justice Catastor Burst Stream of Destruction Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier Cyber Dragon Dark Magician Elemental Hero Neos Evolution Burst Flamvell Uruquizas Inferno Fire Blast Red-Eyes B. Dragon Common [30] Ally of Justice Clausolas Ally of Justice Garadholg Ally of Justice Rudra Berserker Crush Blizzard Warrior Buster Blader Dark Magic Attack Detonate Dust Tornado Flamvell Dragnov Flamvell Guard Flamvell Magician Kuriboh Magic Jammer Malevolent Nuzzler Mask of Weakness Mist Valley Soldier Mist Valley Thunderbird Negate Attack Nobleman of Extermination Ojama Yellow Reinforcements Soul Exchange Winged Kuriboh Worm Apocalypse Worm Barses Worm Cartaros Worm Dimikles X-Saber Axel X-Saber Uruz _________________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC33] 33: INVASION OF WORMS!! |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Available from beginning Ultra Rare [4] Ally of Justice Light Gazer Hydro Genex Worm King X-Saber Wayne Super Rare [6]

Flamvell Fiend Genex Undine Goyo Guardian Nitro Warrior Royal Knight of the Ice Barrier Worm Illidan Rare [10] Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher Ally Salvo Big Piece Golem Flamvell Poun Genex Controller Mist Condor Nitro Synchron Numbing Grub in the Ice Barrier Worm Jetelikpse X-Saber Galahad Common [30] Adhesion Trap Hole Ally of Justice Thousand Arms Black Horn of Heaven Black Pendant Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus Crystal Raigeki Dark Resonator Fairy Meteor Crush Flamvell Archer Genex Power Planner Genex Searcher Genex Worker Ghost Gardna Handcuffs Dragon Harpie Lady 1 Michizure Mist Valley Watcher Mist Valley Windmaster Mystical Space Typhoon Reese the Ice Mistress Riryoku Shadow of Eyes Share the Pain Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight Worm Falco Worm Gulse Worm Hope X-Saber Anu Piranha X-Saber Palomuro X-Saber Pashuul ____________________________ | Total Cards: 53 [DC34] 34: JUSTICE STRIKES BACK!! |-------------------------------------------------____________________________| Unlock: Available from beginning Ultra Rare [7]

Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator Ally of Justice Field Marshal Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Fabled Raven Genex Neutron Naturia Beast Thermal Genex Super Rare [6] Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway Barrel Dragon Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier Genex Solar Geo Genex Naturia Guardian Rare [10] Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher Ally of Justice Searcher Ally of Justice Thunder Armor Drillroid Enemy Controller Flamvell Grunika Genex Furnace Genex Turbine Shield Crush Worm Noble Common [30] 7 Completed A Hero Emerges Acid Rain Ally Mind Ally of Justice Nullifier Earthquake Flamvell Baby Gadget Hauler Genex Doctor Genex Gaia Genex Spare Light of Intervention Mad Archfiend Magical Arm Shield Medium of the Ice Barrier Metalmorph Mist Valley Baby Roc Mist Valley Executor Morphtransition Morphtronic Celfon Naturia Beetle Naturia Rock Naturia Vein No Entry!! Offerings to the Doomed Straight Flush Trap Jammer Turbo Synchron Worm Linx

Worm Millidith ______________________________ | Total Cards: 51 [DC35] 35: REVIVAL OF THE FABLEDS!! |-----------------------------------------------______________________________| Unlock: Defeat Carly, Mina and Stephanie thrice in Single and/or Tag Duels (whichever applies; done in post-game). Ultra Rare [5] Black Rose Dragon Fabled Valkyrus Jurrac Giganoto Mist Valley Thunder Lord Windmill Genex Super Rare [6] Card Trooper Fabled Grimro Genex Army Jurrac Tyrannus Naturia Leodrake Worm Queen Rare [10] Ally of Justice Reverse Break Dark Necrofear Fabled Gallabas Jurrac Velo Mark of the Rose Mist Valley Apex Avian Montage Dragon Naturia Rosewhip Ultimate Tyranno Worm Opera Common [30] Ally of Justice Unlimiter Axe of Despair Big Evolution Pill Destruction Punch Fabled Kushano Fabled Lurrie Genex Blastfan Genex Recycled Geomancer of the Ice Barrier Goblin Zombie Hammer Shot Hyper Synchron Infernal Dragon Ivy Shackles Jurrac Monoloph Jurrac Protops Magical Mallet Mist Valley Falcon Morphtronic Boomboxen Mystic Box Naturia Antjaw

Naturia Cosmobeet Naturia Spiderfang Panther Warrior Pilgrim of the Ice Barrier Prideful Roar Trap Hole Twilight Rose Knight Worm Prince Worm Rakuyeh ______________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC36] 36: RULER OF CHAOS!! |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Defeat Hans, Hermann & Nicolas thrice in Turbo and/or Tag Turbo (whichever applies; done in post-game) Ultra Rare [4] Fabled Leviathan Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Locomotion R-Genex Naturia Barkion Super Rare [6] Burial from a Different Dimension Fabled Soulkius Jurrac Velphito Lava Golem Naturia Cliff Worm Victory Rare [10] Dark Paladin Fabled Krus Junk Synchron Jurrac Iguanon Jurrac Spinos R-Genex Overseer Samurai of the Ice Barrier Smashing Ground Threatening Roar Worm Solid Common [30] Blackwing - Bora the Spear Caravan of the Ice Barrier Compulsory Evacuation Device Damage Condenser Dewdark of the Ice Barrier Elemental Hero Flame Wingman Elemental Hero Prisma Fabled Miztoji Fabled Topi Fabled Urustos Jurrac Brachis Jurrac Ptera Naturia Dragonfly Naturia Sunflower

Naturia Tulip Newdoria Nobleman of Crossout R-Genex Crusher R-Genex Magma R-Genex Turbo Rush Recklessly Shadow Spell Shock Troops of the Ice Barrier Spell of Pain Time Wizard Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem Vorse Raider Widespread Ruin Worm Tentacles Worm Ugly ______________________________ | Total Cards: 57 [DC37] 37: WHIRLWIND OF DRAGUNITY!! |-----------------------------------------------______________________________| Unlock: Defeat Akiza, Leo, Luna, and Trudge in Single Duel, Tag Duel, Turbo Duel and/or Tag Turbo Duel (whichever applies; do in post-game) Ultra Rare [5] Ally of Justice Decisive Armor Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg Fabled Ragin Vindikite R-Genex Super Rare [6] Ally of Justice Omni-Weapon Dragunity Dux Fabled Ashenveil General Grunard of the Ice Barrier Jurrac Titano Worm Zero Rare [14] Ally of Justice Cycle Reader Ancient Fairy Dragon Book of Moon Dragunity Phalanx Dragunity Tribus Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman Elemental Hero Stratos Naturia Horneedle Power Tool Dragon R-Genex Ultimum Red Dragon Archfiend Stardust Dragon Ultimate Offering Worm Warlord Common [32] Ally of Justice Quarantine Archfiend of Gilfer

Brain Control Cyber Twin Dragon Debris Dragon Destiny Draw Destiny Hero - Malicious Dragunity Darkspear Dragunity Legionnaire Fabled Dyf Fabled Oltro Golden Ladybug Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest Jurrac Guaiba Jurrac Stauriko Kuribon Naturia Fruitfly Naturia Hydrangea Night Assailant Offering to the Snake Deity Pixie Ring R-Genex Accelerator R-Genex Oracle Shield Wing Skill Drain Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier The Shallow Grave United We Stand Vice Dragon Waboku Worm Xex Worm Yagan _________________________ | Total Cards: 53 [DC38] 38: GENEX'S ONSLAUGHT!! |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Defeat Facility Chief, Lawton, Malcolm, Ramon and Syd thrice (must be done in post-game). Ultra Rare [7] Dragunity Knight - Trident Dragunity Knight - Vajrayana Genex Ally Duradark Genex Ally Triarm Jurrac Meteor Naturia Landoise The Fabled Rubyruda Super Rare [6] Dragunity Primus Pilus General Raiho of the Ice Barrier Genex Ally Powercell The Fabled Cerburrel The Fabled Unicore White Night Dragon Rare [10] Arcana Knight Joker Blade Knight Defender of the Ice Barrier

Dragunity Militum Elemental Hero Necroshade Genex Ally Remote Icarus Attack Jurrac Herra Naturia Butterfly The Fabled Catsith Common [30] Botanical Lion Cyberdark Horn Different Dimension Dragon Discord Divine Wrath Dragunity Brandistock Dragunity Javelin Elemental Hero Darkbright Genex Ally Changer Genex Ally Solid Genex Ally Volcannon Jester Lord Jurrac Aeolo Jurrac Dino Jurrac Gallim Limiter Removal Megamorph Naturia Ladybug Naturia Strawberry Nightmare Penguin Polymerization Rigorous Reaver Royal Oppression Sacred Spirit of the Ice Barrier The Fabled Chawa The Fabled Ganashia The Fabled Nozoochee The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh Warlock of the Ice Barrier Warrior Lady of the Wasteland _________________________ | Total Cards: 51 [DC39] 39: PULSE OF TRISHULA!! |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Duel against all (128) duelists in storyline mode. (Can only unlock in post-game) Ultra Rare [5] Ancient Flamvell Deity Genex Ally Axel Genex Ally Triforce Naturia Exterio Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Super Rare [6] Dragunity Knight - Barcha General Gantala of the Ice Barrier Genex Ally Receiver Naturia White Oak

Neo Flamvell Sabre The Fabled Kudabbi Rare [10 Anti-Spell Fragrance Assault Armor Dragunity Pilum Elemental Hero Terra Firma Elemental Hero Woodsman Fabled Dianaira Genex Ally Bellflame Grave Squirmer Neo Flamvell Hedgehog The Fabled Kokkator Common [30] Alligator's Sword Dragon Cyberdark Edge De-Fusion Dragunity Angusticlavii Dragunity Corsesca Dragunity Partisan Exploder Dragon Genex Ally Birdman Genex Ally Chemistrer Genex Ally Crusher Hate Buster Infernity Necromancer Instant Fusion King of the Swamp Masked Dragon Monster Reincarnation Naturia Mantis Naturia Ragweed Naturia Stinkbug Neo Flamvell Garuda Neo Flamvell Origin Neo Flamvell Shaman Phoenix Wing Wind Blast Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier Snipe Hunter Strategist of the Ice Barrier The Fabled Peggulsus Trap Dustshoot Wall of Illusion _______________________ | Total Cards: 55 [DC40] 40: VYLON'S DESCENT!! |------------------------------------------------------_______________________| Unlock: Defeat all shopkeepers (including Iranami) and duel runner clerks thrice. This can only be done in the post-game. Ultra Rare [4] Gem-Knight Ruby Gem-Knight Topaz Lavalval Dragon Vylon Epsilon

Super Rare [6] Gem-Knight Alexandrite Gem-Knight Aquamarine Laval Judgment Lord Laval the Greater Tualatin Vylon Sigma Rare [15] Cyber End Dragon Gandora the Dragon of Destruction Gem-Armadillo Gem-Enhancement Laval Miller Laval Warrior Majestic Red Dragon Majestic Star Dragon Rainbow Dragon Silent Swordsman LV3 Soaring Eagle Above the Searing Land Summoned Skull Vylon Cube Vylon Material Vylon Soldier Common [30] Aussa the Earth Charmer Card Ejector Cyberdark Keel D.D. Crow Elemental Hero Ocean Foolish Burial Gellenduo Gem-Knight Fusion Gem-Knight Garnet Gem-Knight Sapphire Gem-Knight Tourmaline Gem-Merchant Kayenn, the Master Magma Blacksmith Kunai with Chain Laval Burner Laval Forest Sprite Level Eater Magflare the Molten Swordsman Maha Vailo Molten Whirlwind Wall My Body as a Shield Necro Gardna Nimble Momonga Searing Fire Wall Skill Successor Slate Warrior Spear Cretin Trap Stun Vylon Charger Vylon Vanguard _____________________________

| Total Cards: 58 [DC41] 41: STEELSWARM'S INVASION!! |------------------------------------------------_____________________________| Unlock: Complete all 10 duel puzzles (5 at Nico and West's Hideout, 5 at Bootleg in DAIMON Area) Ultra Rare [8] Daigusto Eguls Evigishki Soul Ogre Gem-Knight Emerald Laval Twin Slayer Steelswarm Caucastag Steelswarm Girastag Vylon Delta Vylon Ohm Super Rare [6] Caam, Serenity of Gusto Daigusto Gulldos Evigishki Mind Augus Gishki Chain Silent Swordsman LV5 Thought Ruler Archfiend Rare [14] Armed Dragon LV10 Armed Dragon LV7 Ceremonial Mirror Meditation Contact with Gusto Cyberdark Dragon Gishki Marker Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 Infestation Wave Steelswarm Caller Steelswarm Moth Steelswarm Scout Tyrant Dragon Windaar, Sage of Gusto XYZ-Dragon Cannon Common [30] Black Salvo Blast Held by a Tribute Blessings for Gusto Cyberdark Impact! Emperor Sem First Step Towards Infestation Gishki Abyss Gishki Ceremonial Mirror Gishki Erial Gishki Shadow Gishki Vanity Gusto Egul Gusto Gulldo Gusto Thunbolt Karma Cut Kelbek Krebons

Magical Android Puppet Master Senju of the Thousand Hands Sonic Bird Star Blast Steelswarm Cell Steelswarm Gatekeeper Steelswarm Mantis The Tricky Volcanic Counter Volcanic Rocket Wynn the Wind Charmer Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto _________________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC42] 42: OMEGA'S JUDGEMENT!! |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Defeat Klaus, Misaki, and Toru thrice in Single Duel, Tag Duel, Turbo and Tag Turbo Duels (whichever apply). Ultra Rare [4] Evigishki Tetrogre Steelswarm Hercules Vylon Alpha Vylon Omega Super Rare [6] Daigusto Sphreeze Gem-Knight Citrine Gem-Knight Prism Aura Laval Stannon Silent Swordsman LV7 Steelswarm Longhorn Rare [10] Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler Gem-Knight Crystal Gishki Noelia Gusto Skwirl Laval Cannoneer Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys Steelswarm Needle Vylon Hapt Vylon Prism Vylon Sphere Common [30] Advanced Ritual Art Arcana Force 0 - The Fool Athena Battle Fader Copycat Drastic Drop Off Elemental Hero Gaia Elemental Hero Voltic Eria the Water Charmer Forbidden Arts of the Gishki

Freed the Brave Wanderer Future Fusion Gishki Eater Guardian Angel Joan Hand of Nephthys Infestation Ripples Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands Means of Infestation Mystic Tomato Pyroxene Fusion Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto Steelswarm Genesoid Steelswarm Sentinel Tender of the Laval Volcano Timeater Vylon Component Vylon Element Vylon Stella Vylon Tetrah Wall of Revealing Light ________________ | Total Cards: 32 [DC43] 43: EXTRA PACK |-------------------------------------------------------------________________| Unlock: Do Klaus' apartment sidequest (available Ch. 6+) Ultra Rare [2] Darklord Zerato Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Super Rare [4] Allure of Darkness Gladiator Beast Octavius Prime Material Dragon Royal Firestorm Guards Rare [5] Blazewing Butterfly Darknight Parshath Lonefire Blossom Skreech Test Tiger Common [21] Abyssal Kingshark Aztekipede, the Worm Warrior Cranium Fish Dark Grepher Deepsea Macrotrema Defensive Tactics Dragon Ice Fossil Tusker Gemini Summoner Gladiator Beast Torax Golden Flying Fish Il Blud

Metabo Globster Mormolith Ocean's Keeper Phantom Dragonray Bronto Security Orb Thousand-Eyes Jellyfish Tongue Twister Veil of Darkness Volcanic Rocket __________________ | Total Cards: 40 44 [DC44] 44: EXTRA PACK 2 |-----------------------------------------------------------__________________| Unlock: Make Toru your tag partner and revisit Crash Town for some scenes (post-game only; requires doing Sergio's amnesia sidequest first) Ultra Rare [2] Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode Guardian of Order Super Rare [4] Avenging Knight Parshath Ehren, Lightsworn Monk Rose, Warrior of Revenge Tempest Magician Rare [6] Charge of the Light Brigade Dark Voltanis Herald of Orange Light Magical Exemplar Super-Ancient Dinobeast Synchro Change Common [28] Alien Kid Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid Bone Crusher Cactus Fighter Code A Ancient Ruins Counselor Lily Cyber Shark Dark General Freed Flame Spirit Ignis Gladiator Beast Retiari Grapple Blocker Hand of the Six Samurai Izanami Maiden of the Macabre Maniacal Servant Night's End Sorcerer Nimble Musasabi Overdrive Teleporter Prime Material Falcon Rai-Jin Rai-Mei Royal Swamp Eel

Seed of Flame Submarine Frog Telekinetic Charging Cell Totem Dragon Treacherous Trap Hole Vanquishing Light __________________ | Total Cards: 40 [DC45] 45: EXTRA PACK 3 |-----------------------------------------------------------__________________| Unlock: Complete Misaki's Spirit World event (requires unlocking Spirit World first; see sidequests section) Ultra Rare [2] Battlestorm XX-Saber Gardestrike Super Rare [4] Card Guard Gateway of the Six Koa'ki Meiru Maximus Swallow's Nest Rare [6] Gravekeeper's Priestess Hardened Armed Dragon King of the Beasts Revival of the Immortals XX-Saber Emmersblade Yellow Baboon, Archer of the Forest Common [28] Alchemist of Black Spells Beast Striker Berserking Cactus Bouncer Core Transport Unit Djinn Disserere of Rituals Dragonic Guard Earthbound Linewalker Earthbound Revival Flamvell Commando Gemini Scorpion Greed Grado Immortal Ruler Koa'ki Meiru Beetle Koa'ki Meiru Ghoulungulate Koa'ki Meiru Gravirose Koa'ki Meiru War Arms Metabo-Shark Moja Overwhelm Pseudo Space Psychic Emperor Reptilianne Poison Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue Shire, Lightsworn Spirit

Super-Nimble Mega Hamster The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep XX-Saber Fulhelmknight __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC46] 46: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 1 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Defeat first 6 CPU duel opponents ("Moja" through "Tiki Curse") thrice. Ultra Rare [4] Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Sinister Serpent Sorcerer of Dark Magic Super Rare [6] Elemental Hero Electrum Mind Control Silent Swordsman LV7 Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord Victory Dragon Violet Witch Rare [12] Abyss Soldier Copycat Deep Diver Elemental Hero Necroshade Exarion Universe Gilford the Lightning Kinetic Soldier Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Satellite Cannon Toon Dark Magician Girl Watapon Winged Rhynos Common [42] Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness Armor Breaker Battle Warrior Beast Fangs Beastking of the Swamps Beautiful Headhuntress Book of Secret Arts Bubble Blaster Bubble Illusion Burst Return Clay Charge Clown Zombie Cockroach Knight Dark Artist Dark Energy Darkfire Dragon Dragon Treasure Dragoness the Wicked Knight

Electro-Whip Elf's Light Faith Bird Insect Armor with Laser Cannon Invigoration Kaibaman Laser Cannon Armor Legendary Sword Lord of D. Mysterious Puppeteer Mystical Moon Petit Dragon Prevent Rat Protector of the Throne Pumpking the King of Ghosts Rare Fish Silver Bow and Arrow Steel Shell The Flute of Summoning Dragon The Little Swordsman of Aile Trap Master Versago the Destroyer Vile Germs Violet Crystal __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC47] 47: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Obtain 34 CPU Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Destiny Hero - Plasma Elemental Hero Divine Neos Harpie's Feather Duster Super Rare [6] Arcana Knight Joker Dandylion Destiny Hero - Malicious Dimensional Prison Elemental Hero Stratos Hidden Armory Rare [12] Dark Calling Dark Magician Girl Destiny Draw Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy Evil Hero Infernal Sniper Evil Hero Malicious Fiend Evil Hero Wild Cyclone Gaia Plate the Earth Giant Gate Guardian Magician of Black Chaos Sauropod Brachion Unity

Common [42] Acid Trap Hole Amazon of the Seas Beastly Mirror Ritual Bickuribox Black Luster Ritual Black Luster Soldier Black Magic Ritual D - Counter Dark Magic Curtain Dark Rabbit Dragonic Attack Eatgaboon Eternal Dread Fiend's Mirror Giltia the D. Knight Goblin Fan Hamburger Recipe Harpie's Pet Dragon House of Adhesive Tape Hungry Burger Judgment of Pharaoh Kanan the Swordmistress Kunai with Chain Labyrinth Tank Magical Labyrinth Man-eating Black Shark Millennium Shield Mystical Sheep #1 Over Destiny Parrot Dragon Pendulum Machine Reverse Trap Revoke Fusion Rude Kaiser Sage's Stone Thousand Knives Toon Alligator Wall Shadow Weather Report Yu-Jo Friendship Zera Ritual Zera the Mant __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC48] 48: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 3 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Obtain 48 CPU Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Last Will Tualatin White-Horned Dragon Super Rare [6]

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Dragon Master Knight Five-Headed Dragon Light and Darkness Dragon Scapegoat Splendid Venus Rare [12] Armoroid Belial - Marquis of Darkness Carrierroid Elemental Hero Inferno Fiendish Engine Omega ("Omega" denotes the symbol, not the word "Omega") Gaap the Divine Soldier Inferno Reckless Summon Owner's Seal Phantom Skyblaster Puppet Master The Big Saturn Union Attack Common [42] Alligator's Sword Berfomet Blast Sphere Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast Collected Power Cyber-Tech Alligator Dungeon Worm Elemental Hero Heat Elemental Hero Lady heat Elemental Hero Voltic Firewing Pegasus Fortress Whale Fortress Whale's Oath Garma Sword Garma Sword Oath Germ Infection Graceful Dice Gruesome Goo Invitation to a Dark Sleep Jigen Bakudan Meteor B. Dragon Molten Behemoth Monster Tamer Mountain Multiply Mystical Refpanel Neo the Magic Swordsman Paralyzing Potion Robotic Knight Ryu-Ran Salamandra Skull Dice Spear Cretin Steel Ogre Grotto #2 Sword of Deep-Seated Swordstalker Three-Headed Geedo

Time Machine Wall of Illusion Warrior Elimination Wasteland Whiptail Crow __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC49] 49: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 4 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Obtain 7 CPU Tag Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Dark Simorgh Gold Sarcophagus Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest Kuraz the Light Monarch Super Rare [6] Armed Dragon LV10 D.D. Assailant Doomcaliber Knight Fog King Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo Necrophace Rare [12] Anti-Spell Fragrance Blizzard Dragon Hunter Owl Inferno Tempest Masked Chopper Metal Shooter Terra Firma Gravity The Tricky Tricky Spell 4 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior Vortex Trooper Winged Kuriboh LV9 Common [42] Alligator's Sword Dragon Alpha the Magnet Warrior Amazoness Chain Master Ancient Lamp Archfiend of Gilfer Beta the Magnet Warrior Boneheimer Brain Crusher Call of the Earthbound Cyber Harpie Lady Cyber Shield Earthshaker Electormagnetic Bagworm Embodiment of Apophis Fairy King Truesdale Flame Dancer

Gadget Soldier Gamma the Magnet Warrior Garuda the Wind Spirit La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Legacy of Yata-Garasu Magic Formula Makiu, the Magical Mist Masked Beast Des Gardius Ready for Intercepting Rigorous Reaver Rocket Warrior Seal of the Ancients Servant of Catabolism Shapesnatch Souleater Spirit of Flames Summoner of Illusions Sword of Dark Destruction Sword of Dragon's Soul The Illusory Gentleman The Mask of Remnants Timeater Vorse Raider Windstorm of Etaqua Wolf Axwielder Zoma the Spirit __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC50] 50: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 5 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Obtain 12 CPU Tag Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Athena Temple of the Kings Tethys, Goddess of Light Tragoedia Super Rare [6] Armityle the Chaos Phantom Elemental Hero Prisma Marshmallon The Wicked Avatar The Wicked Dreadroot The Wicked Eraser Rare [12] Elemental Hero Ocean Elemental Hero Terra Firma Elemental Hero Woodsman Evil Dragon Ananta Fiend's Sanctuary Gallis the Star Beast Hecatrice Magician's Valkyria Mystical Beast of Serket Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard

Phantom Beast Thunder-Pegasus Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen Common [42] A Feint Plan Ancient Telescope Baron of the Fiend Sword Blue Medicine Burning Spear Castle Walls Cloning Curse of Fiend Darkness Approaches Deal of Phantom De-Spell Exile of the Wicked Fengsheng Mirror Fiend Comedian Gilgarth Grappler Gravedigger Ghoul Gust Gust Fan Hidden Soldiers Jellyfish Kairyu-Shin Krokodilus Last Day of Witch Man-Eating Treasure Chest Marshmallon Glasses Megazowler Nutrient Z Raimei Relieve Monster Remove Trap Silent Doom Snake Fang Sorcerer of the Doomed Soul Rope Spell of Pain Stim-Pack The Inexperienced Spy The Selection Trap of Darkness Two-Pronged Attack Viser Des __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC51] 51: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 6 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Obtain 16 CPU Tag Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Alector, Sovereign of Birds Angel O7 Beast King Barbaros Ring of Destruction

Super Rare [6] Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler Beast Machine King Barbaros r Burial from a Different Dimension Dark Bribe Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord Phantom of Chaos Rare [12] Genesis Dragon Golden Homunculus Helios - The Primordial Sun Helios Duo Megistus Helios Trice Megistus Hero's Bond Legendary Fiend Machine Lord r Metal Reflect Slime Mezuki Shutendoji The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh Common [42] Appropriate Armored Glass Battle Ox Castle of Dark Illusions Crawling Dragon Dark Chimera Dian Keto the Cure Master Dragon Zombie Driving Snow Elemental Hero Knospe Elemental Hero Mudballman Elemental Hero Poison Rose Elemental Hero Steam Healer Final Flame Goblin's Secret Remedy Gyakutenno Megami Hero Ring Hero Spirit Horn Imp Inspection Judge Man Karbonala Warrior Koumori Dragon Major Riot Metal Guardian Mooyan Curry Ookazi Prohibition Ring of Defense Rock Ogre Grotto #1 Rose Bud Sogen Solomon's Lawbook Sparks The Grave of Enkindling

The Regulation of Tribe The Snake Hair Treasure Map Tyhone Yami Zanki Zombie Warrior __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC52] 52: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 7 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Obtain 12 CPU Turbo Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Elemental Hero Absolute Zero Exchange of the Spirit Ice Queen White Night Queen Super Rare [6] Dark End Dragon Destiny Hero - Disk Commander Light End Dragon Nurse Reficule the Fallen One Thunder King Rai-Oh White Night Dragon Rare [12] Botanical Lion Burden of the Mighty Chaos Burst Cold Enchanter Dark Cure Darkness Destroyer Emperor Sem Grave Squirmer Grinder Golem Mad Reloader Victoria Voltic Kong Common [42] Aqua Dragon Bait Doll Bracchio-raidus Brutal Potion Crimson Sunbird Crystal Counter Crystal Pair Crystal Release Crystal Tree Damage Polarizer Dark Elf Edge Hammer Flame Cerebrus Follow Wind

Forest Fusion Guard Gale Dogra Giant Red Seasnake Goddess of Whim Hand Destruction Hero's Rule 2 Kid Guard Lava Battleguard Light Laser Machine Conversion Factory Mech Bass Metal Detector Metalzoa Mushroom Man Mystic Probe Power of Kaishin Raise Body Heat Return Soul Rogue Doll Ruthless Denial Ryu-Kishin Skelengel Steel Scorpion Swamp Battleguard Sword Arm of Dragon World Suppression Zoa __________________________________ | Total Cards: 64 [DC53] 53: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 8 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Obtain 16 CPU Turbo Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Armory Arm Shield Wing Sixth Sense Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode Super Rare [6] Fortress Warrior Ido the Supreme Magical Force Neos Wiseman Red-Eyes Wyvern Tuningware Vice Dragon Rare [12] Assault Armor Card Ejector Chaos-End Master Elemental Hero Gaia Elemental Hero Ice Edge Evil Blast Exploder Dragon Kasha

Machina Force Red Ogre Spell Striker Sphere of Chaos Common [42] Anti Raigeki Basic Insect Big Insect Breath of Light Call of Darkness Call of the Grave Chakra Commander Covington Cosmo Queen Crawling Dragon #2 Dangerous Machine Type-6 Eradicating Aerosol Eternal Drought Fiend Kraken Garoozis Giant Flea Give and Take Gokibore Great White Griffore Gryphon Wing Hercules Beetle Insect Imitation Killer Needle Life Absorbing Machine Limiter Overload Machina Defender Machina Sniper Machina Soldier Meteor Dragon Miniaturize Pyro Clock of Destiny Resurrection of Chakra Sengenjin Shadow Spell Shine Palace Torike Tri-Horned Dragon Ushi Oni Virus Cannon White Hole Wolf __________________________________ | Total Cards: 68 [DC54] 54: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 9 |-------------------------------------------__________________________________| Unlock: Get 8 CPU Tag Turbo Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Colossal Fighter Elemental Hero Great Tornado Junk Gardna

Lightning Warrior Super Rare [6] Darkness Neosphere Elemental Hero The Shining Guardian Eatos Junk Archer Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak The Tyrant Neptune Rare [12] Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite Elemental Hero Neos Knight Elemental Hero Nova Knight Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth Orichalcos Shunoros Parallel World Fusion Road Warrior Scarred Warrior Seven Swords Warrior Snowman Eater Vision Hero Adoration Vision Hero Trinity Common [46] A Hero Lives Andro Sphinx Backup Warrior Barox Black Feather Beacon Black Return Blackwing - Jetstream the Blue Sky Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak Burning Skull Head Charubin the Fire Knight Clear Vice Dragon Clear World Deepsea Shark Elemental Hero Flash Flame Ghost Frequency Magician Fusionist Gottoms' Emergency Call Junk Blader Junk Collector Junk Defender Junk Forward Kaminari Attack Kamionwizard Magna Drago Mask Change Masked Hero Goka Masked Hero Vapor Mavelus Miracle's Wake Phantom Magician Pride of the Weak

Pyramid of Light Quick-Span Knight Road Synchron Skull Conductor Skull Flame Sonic Chick Sphinx Teleia Supersonic Skull Flame Synchro Blast Wave Synchronized Realm Theinen the Great Sphinx Tune Warrior Water Spirit ___________________________________ | Total Cards: 68 [DC55] 55: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 10 |------------------------------------------___________________________________| Unlock: Get 9 CPU Tag Turbo Duel opponents Ultra Rare [4] Hundred Eyes Dragon Stygian Sergeants Underground Arachnid Zeman the Ape King Super Rare [6] Armored Bee Cyber Eltanin Justice Bringer Poseidon Giant Beetle Stygian Security The Atmosphere Rare [10] Coat of Justice Darklord Asmodeus Darklord Desire Darklord Edeh Area Darklord Superbia Frozen Fitzgerald Infernity Destroyer Lion Alligator Starlight Road Transforming Sphere Common [48] Ape Fighter Ape Magician Amphibious Bugroth Battle Waltz Big One Warrior Blizzard Princess Boost Warrior Bri Synchron Card of Sacrifice Closed Forest

Cyber Larva Cyber Saurus Dark Diviner Dark Flattop Dokurorider Dragonic Tactics Eccentric Boy Flower Wolf Gauntlet Warrior Golem Dragon Happy Lover Ice Master Infernity Archfiend Infernity Dwarf Infernity Guardian Lancer Lindwurm Marine Beast Musician King Ojama Blue Ojama Country Ojama Red Pragtical Regretful Rebirth Revival of Dokurorider Roaring Earth Samurai Sword Baron Scrubbed Raid Shield Worm Spawn Alligator Spirit of the Harp Stygian Street Patrol Synchro Gift Synchro Material Troposphere Tuner's Barrier Vermillion Sparrow Warm Worm Worm Bait ___________________________________ | Total Cards: 67 [DC56] 56: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 11 |------------------------------------------___________________________________| Unlock: Obtain other 10 World Champ. packs Ultra Rare [4] Malefic Meklord Meklord Meklord Paradox Emperor Emperor Emperor Dragon Granel Skiel Wisel

Super Rare [6] Chevalier de Fleur Malefic Cyber End Dragon Malefic Stardust Dragon Malefic Truth Dragon Sorciere de Fleur X-Saber Souza

Rare [12] Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird Crimson Mefist Dark Highlander Driven Daredevil Fallen Angel of Roses Ignition Beast Volcannon Koalo-Koala Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Malefic Rainbow Dragon Queen Angel of Roses Z-ONE Common [45] Blockman Blue Rose Dragon Castle Gate Cyber Dinosaur Danipon Dreamsprite Dust Lord Ash Gash Emes the Infinity Familiar Knight Fleur Synchron Gem-Turtle Gishki Beast Gladiator Beast Lanista Goka, the Pyre of Malice Greed Quasar Inferno Hammer Laval Lancelord Liberty at Last! Machina Cannon Malefic Claw Stream Malefic Parallel Gear Malefic Red-Eyes B. Dragon Malefic World Meklord Fortress Mosaic Manticore Naturia Eggplant Necro Fleur Peten the Dark Clown Phantom Beast Cross-Wing Phantom Beast Wild-Horn Puppet King Rancer Dragonute Rare Metal Dragon Rose Witch Sacred Knight Joan Scrap Orthros Sergeant Electro Snap Dragon Supply Sweet Corn The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave The Unfriendly Amazon Tree Otter Twinheaded Beast

Vampire Koala ___________________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC57] 57: ACCELERATION 1ST GEAR |--------------------------------------------------___________________________| Unlock: Chapter 4 Ultra Rare [4] Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Angel Baton Reinforcement of the Army Soul Release The End of the Storm

Super Rare [6] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Emergency Teleport Gap Storm Shift Down Silver Contrails Smashing Ground Vision Wind

Rare [12] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Acceleration Limiter Accelerator Draw Dash Pilfer Final Attack Fissure Mind Control Mystical Space Typhoon Scapegoat Speed Energy Speed Fusion Tremendous Fire Tribute to the Doomed

Common [28] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Back to Square One Bait Doll Book of Moon Chaos End Dark Core De-Fusion Double Summon Final Destiny Gold Sarcophagus Hammer Shot Instant Fusion Magical Mallet Mystic Box Nobleman of Crossout Nobleman of Extermination Offerings to the Doomed Overboost Reload Riryoku Shield Crush

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell

Soul Exchange Soul Taker Special Hurricane Stray Lambs The Shallow Grave The Warrior Returning Alive Tornado Twister

___________________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC58] 58: ACCELERATION 2ND GEAR |--------------------------------------------------___________________________| Unlock: Chapter 6 Ultra Rare [4] Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Miracle Fusion Monster Reborn Power Baton Summon Close

Super Rare [6] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Book of Life Card Destruction Foolish Burial Limiter Removal Monster Reincarnation Speed Storm

Rare [12] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon Allure of Darkness Charge of the Light Brigade Creature Swap Destiny Draw Enemy Controller Giant Trunade Insect Imitation My Body as a Shield One for One Overload Fusion Shrink

Common [28] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Ancient Leaf Ancient Rules Battle Tuned Count Up Dark Factory of Mass Production Diffusion Wave-Motion Earthbound Whirlwind Faustian Bargain Fiend's Sanctuary Fires of Doomsday Gladiator Proving Ground Moray of Greed Pot of Avarice

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell

Rapid Shotwing Reactor Pod Recycling Batteries Saber Slash Salvage Slowdown Machine Solar Recharge Sonic Buster Stamping Destruction Summon Speeder Summoner's Art Swing of Memories Tail Swipe Trade-In Wild Nature's Release

_________________________ | Total Cards: 50 [DC59] 59: ACCELERATION FINISH |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: Chapter 6 Ultra Rare [4] Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Confiscation Painful Choice The Forceful Sentry Tyrant Force

Super Rare [6] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Cold Wave Curse of Fate Heavy Storm Metamorphosis Pot of Duality Speed Jammer

Rare [12] Acceleration Zone Des Accelerator Full Throttle Slip Stream Slowdown Trap Speed Booster Speed Edge Speed Spell - Brain Control Speed Spell - Final Countdown Speed Spell - Half Seize Speed Spell - Last Will Speed Spell - Tuning Common [28] Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Advanced Ritual Art Burial from a Different Dimension Cards of Consonance Chain Strike Contract with the Abyss Dawn of the Herald

Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed

Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell

Earth Chant Forbidden Chalice Forbidden Lance High Speed Crash Ignition Inferno Reckless Summon Miracle Synchro Fusion Overtune Preparation of Rites Psychokinesis Rekindling Scrapstorm Speed Force Star Force Stardust Shimmer Swallow's Nest Synchro Defuse Synchro Return Telekinetic Power Well Tune Up 123 Upstart Goblin Zero Reverse

___________________ | Total Cards: All [DC60] 60: ALL AT RANDOM |----------------------------------------------------------___________________| Unlock: Obtain all other packs + find 95% of all cards All at Random is essentially all other card packs and structure decks rolled into one. Rarities stay the same, though. There is no "All at Random" entry for the in-game Card List. ||________________________________________________________________________ |||| ||___|| SIDEQUESTS [SDQS] | |________________________________________________________________________ |_____| Lawd, what a long chapter. Well, now that the plot's over, there's a lot of little miniquests and such that can be done. The first thing Toru & Misaki'll say is that Bootleg's Tag-Team service is open, and allows the player (and his/her tag partner) to tag duel teams around the game. 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Amnesia ........................................................... Cipher Madness .................................................... Dexter's Dilemma .................................................. I Ain't Lion ...................................................... Jack's Slacks ..................................................... Journey Home ...................................................... Luck Key .......................................................... Mina's Machines ................................................... Power of Love ..................................................... Satellite Scraps .................................................. Star Chips ........................................................ The Spirit World .................................................. Upstairs .......................................................... Wait for Me! ...................................................... White Knight ...................................................... Zero Admittance ................................................... SQ01 SQ02 SQ03 SQ04 SQ05 SQ06 SQ07 SQ08 SQ09 SQ10 SQ11 SQ12 SQ13 SQ14 SQ15 SQ16

_______________________ AMNESIA [SQ01] _______________________ Available: Post-Game Visit the Mine to find our ol' pal Sergio! Turns out he didn't plummet to his death, but instead just hit his noggin' and got amnesia. [Seriously, he probably fell 2 feet off-screen and got brained on a rock!] After talking to him, tell West & Nico of the news for a touching reunion scene. Speak with Sergio once more, then fetch [Sergio's Pendant] in the next-door tunnel. This will make him remember, etc., and he'll become a regular duelist, after he's relocated to Satisfaction Town (in-between crossroads and hideout). There's no actual reward. _______________________ CIPHER MADNESS [SQ02] _______________________ Available: Post-Game Enter Blister's room to start the event. Both men will have made a cipher (a type of poetic code) and want the protagonist to solve 'em. These appear as key items in the form of "Bolt's Cipher" and "Blister's Cipher," naturally. Bolt's riddle: "An early afternoon coffee break. Amidst all the happy couples, it's always a table for one." That's simple: it's the Fountain Plaza table near the coffee shop. Blister's riddle: "The difference between rivals on the field was using their names at the shop. In town, only names remain." That one's a bit harder: it's the "Ramon's Diner" sign in Satisfaction Town. The rewards are Reinforced Human Psychic Borg and Trap Stun, respectively. Return to the two, tell whose was harder (it matters not), and get the final cipher, appropriately named "Cipher of Blister and Bolt". It reads: "If you don't follow in someone else's tracks, you might tip over and mess yourself up." This riddle's a bit more abstract, but one might be able to piece it together. The answer? The overturned cart in the mine, which contains the "Dark Grepher" card. That pretty much ends the further reward. _______________________ DEXTER'S DILEMMA [SQ03] _______________________ Available: Start of Chapter 6 In the Fountain Plaza, a little nerdling...I mean, smart kid (Dexter) will S reveal -- if talked to -- that he's researching cards. Basically, he'll say the name of a card, and once one is shown to him (i.e. it's in the player's possession), he'll give a reward. Here's the order, card wanted, and card given, in that order: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Dark Grepher --------------------> Revived King Ha Des -------------> Speed Spell - Enemy Controller --> Dimensional Prison --------------> Speed Spell - Deceased Synchron -> D.D. Warrior Lady Creature Swap D.D. Crow Swift Scarecrow Synchron Explorer

Most of these cards are pretty easy to get (check pack list). There's a free "Revived King Ha Des" in the DAIMON Area's locked 4F apartment, but requires the Luck-Key sidequest to be done. Additionally, finishing the Spirit World quest earns a free Dimensional Prison, although it's available earlier (Rossi in the DAIMON duel runner shop has it as a prize); it's also in the "World Championship Edition 2" pack. The hardest might be the Deceased Synchron Speed Spell, which isn't available in any pack. Instead, it's available on the "Highway" map accessible from duel runner shops' computer. It doesn't unlock until that part in Chapter 6 is completed though, and going through Survival repeatedly to pick up cards can try one's patience. Anyway, besides the prizes, he doesn't give anything worthwhile, so...yeah. _______________________ I AIN'T LION [SQ04] _______________________ Available: Post-Game This quest has two prerequisites besides finishing the plot: (1) Misaki can't be the tag partner (2) one must have unlocked the Spirit World already. With those done, speak to Misaki at Toru's garage to learn her deep dark wish: to meet a lion. Now, make her the tag partner and find Regulus at the Spirit World. This starts a fairly hilarious exchange between the predator and the prey, and results in one having to duel Regulus as a stall tactic. [This starts automatically.] The reward for this wish fulfillment is the "Naturia Barkion" LV6 Synchro. Misaki automatically leaves as tag partner, too, for some reason. Finishing this event should unlock the "Extra Pack 3" pack. _______________________ JACK'S SLACKS [SQ05] _______________________ Available: Post-Game Speak with Jack at the Stadium to learn he's trying his hand at fashion designing (!?), and wants the protagonist to spread the word about his clothes. The "King Replica Model" outfit is obtained at this time, and must be worn to complete this event. [NOTE: If player's character is female, the "Witch's Dress" is obtained in place of the KRM.] Jack wants opinions from people who wear...overalls. That's right! Speak to the following people at these locations: Bass (Satellite) Rossi (DAIMON Area duel runner shop) Corse (DAIMON Area Underground Arena) Return to Jack for the compensation: the DWE-X engine, which probably blows the other engines out of the water. And, the outfit gets to be kept, too. _______________________ JOURNEY HOME [SQ06] _______________________ Available: Post-Game To unlock this event, first do Sergio's amnesia event. Once done, speak with Toru to learn he's itchin' to return to his hometown. Make him the tag partner

and revisit the place; after a little reminiscing, it'll be a tag duel against West and Nico. Most unfair duel in the game? Yeah. The kids are gonna get spanked, although Toru's AI is so fixated on summoning Scrap Dragon, he may screw up field advantage. To commemorate the visit, the children give a gift of the "Cards of Consonance" Spell. This crappy event actually unlocks the "Extra Pack 2" pack at the card shop, though, so it's worthwhile. _______________________ LUCK KEY [SQ07] _______________________ Available: Chapter 6+ This event can be done as soon as the Fountain Plaza's available. Once inside Yusei's garage, exit into the alley (north door) to find Sumetana. Speak with him for a "minigame" regarding three chests; pick any of 'em to automatically get the "Lucky Item," a key to somewhere. Well, it unlocks the DAIMON Area apartment's 4F suite, which contains a few items: 2 Star chips, Suit Style (outfit), KPC-000 (duel runner CPU) and Shield Wing (card). The CPU in particular outclasses what's available at the time, so be sure to equip it! _______________________ MINA'S MACHINES [SQ08] _______________________ Available: Post-Game Misaki must be the tag partner to continue the sidequest (Mina hints at her involvement). Visit the Securities building -- which is the exit right near the DAIMON Area apartment -- and speak to our blue-haired lass to start the event. Misaki'll ask for the J-ACK-A parts, which should be at any junk shop; she'll then disband the tag team. Visit the Satellite duel runner shop and tell Kuroe about the parts to get 'em for free. Make sure to pick the correct option, or Misaki (at the garage) will send the player back to exchange 'em. Once the right ones are brought, the reward soon becomes evident: Mina's repaired the broken Fake Jack Atlas robot, which can now be a regular duel opponent. Mina also gives the Lambda Frame for duel runners -- it's pretty competitive with the other ones. _______________________ POWER OF LOVE [SQ09] _______________________ Available: Post-Game To start this event, first Tag Duel Angie/Nelson (DAIMON Area's underground arena) thrice. At Bootleg, select Angie as your tag partner and leave the run into her ex-boyfriend, Morrison! [Remember him from the last game? Weird age difference...] Morrison and Graton will initiate an immediate tag duel -- they use the LIGHT Fabled and Lightsworn archetypes, and can be a handful. If the event is lost, Angie leaves as tag partner (don't worry, the event can be replayed). If the event's won, Nelson gives the player a prize: Hardened Armed Dragon! Additionally, this event is the only way to unlock Morrison and Graton as normal duelists -- they can be found at the DAIMON Area apartment complex henceforth. _______________________

SATELLITE SCRAPS [SQ10] _______________________ Available: Post-Game To see this event, Misaki must be the tag partner. In the slum section of Satellite, there's a defunct Ghost moping around. Normally he does nothing; however, with Misaki's intervention, she'll fix that bad boy up. He'll then appear in the southern district as a gatekeeper/watchdog. The reward for this good deed: the Duel Phantom, a sweet-looking duel runner frame. _______________________ STAR CHIPS [SQ11] _______________________ Available: Chapter 4+ Near the duel runner shop is Kazuhiro, a blonde-haired NPC carrying on his sister's quest of collecting Star Chips. Remember all those things found on the ground or won in CPU duels? Yeah, this guy wants 'em. He'll allow the player to exchange them for cards with alternate pictures, outfits, duel disks and even a duel runner frame. Note that most of the best stuff isn't available until the post-game, so...yeah. ____ ______________________________________________________________________ | ## | PRIZE OBTAINED | ||| | 05 | Alternate Picture Card Set 1 (Blue-Eyes White Dragon) | | 05 | Alternate Picture Card Set 2 (Dark Magician) | | 05 | Alternate Picture Card Set 3 (Red-Eyes B. Dragon) | | 05 | Alternate Picture Card Set 4 (Dark Magician Girl) | | 05 | Alternate Picture Card Set 5 (Gilford the Lightning) | | 05 | Alternate Picture Card Set 6 (Cyber Dragon) | | 05 | Alternate Picture Card Set 7 (Cyber End Dragon) | | 10 | Alternate Picture Card Set 8 (Kuriboh) | | 10 | Alternate Picture Card Set 9 (Dark Magician) | | 10 | Wild Style (outfit) | | 10 | The Enforcers (outfit) | | 15 | Dark Signer (outfit) | | 05 | K.C. Mass Production Disk (duel disk) | | 05 | Academia Disk (Red) (duel disk) | | 10 | Dark Signer Disk (duel disk) | | 05 | Custom Color: Blue (duel disk) | | 25 | Omega Hawk (duel runner frame) | |____|______________________________________________________________________| _______________________ THE SPIRIT WORLD [SQ12] _______________________ Available: Post-Game When strolling through the scenic Fountain Plaza, one may have wondered what that weird northern door is for. It's locked and has seemingly no way to open it! Well, it can only be opened after beating the WRGP tournament (post-game) and with a little work. First thing, that door takes three keys to unlock. These are obtained in the following places in any order:

Stadium's right-hand room (speak with Lazar) --> Fight: Team New World Satellite duel runner shop (speak with Kuroe) -> Fight: Team Satisfaction Yusei's Garage (speak with Bruno) -------------> Fight: Yusei's WRGP Team Speak with the computer's owner, then inspect the gadget itself to initiate a 3- or 4-round fights with opponents past. These are not tournament-style duels, though, and each duel in the series starts anew (i.e. no cards carry over in-between fights) EXCEPT for LP totals. That's probably to make it more of an endurance challenge. Beating each trial earns a "key" card: Mind Control (Stadium), Torrential Tribute (Satellite), and Gold Sarcophagus (the Garage). NOTE: Doing Lazar's computer event unlocks the "Absolute Powerforce" pack. Doing Yusei's computer event unlocks the "Stardust Overdrive" pack. Doing Kuroe's computer event unlocks the "Raging Battle" pack. Once all three "keys" are collected, the door will open --IF-- you notified the owners about the weird duels. Otherwise, that sucker's clamped shut. In the dark room beyond, there's an invisible Star Chip on the right-hand side, plus a weird letter that says: "The people managed the unstoppable flow by dividing it into '12'. The path to take is the path at hand. Any mistakes shall return to the beginning. 9, 0, 3, 0, and finally 12. There you will find a world that defies all reason." The reference might be a little too obvious, eh? Through the crevice into the dork dimension (hurrr!), one arrives at bizzaro Crash Town. Here, one must use the clue to reach the final screen; any others reset it. Of course, the "unstoppable flow" is that of "time," and the numbers reference the hours. So, to solve the puzzle, head: West, North, East, North, North. [Luckily, this only has to be done once.] At the end is the Spirit World, the place featured in the last Yu-Gi-Oh game. The wise sage Torunka appears in his kid form, and congratulates the player on arriving. His reward? The "Dimensional Prison" card. Always a good trap to have, but it's been available for awhile now...still, good to get a free one. Additionally, beating Torunka in a duel gives the option to change one's facial features "permanently"...that is, until the next time one wants to. Completely random, but some people like that jazz. Torunka and Regulus will become regular duel opponents at this point. Don't forget to loot the chests almost hidden in the south part of the area! They contain: Giant Trunade, Missing Ring (duel disk), Stuffed Collar Uniform, 5730 DP, and a Star Chip. NOTE: If you're playing as a female, the Sailor Uniform will replace the Stuffed Collar Uniform as a prize. _______________________ UPSTAIRS [SQ13] _______________________ Available: Chapter 6+ Speak with Klaus to learn there's some weird noise happening upstairs, and it's got him a bit miffed. This dialogue opens up the apartment's 3F. Visit the floor and duel Lenny, who won't let anyone past 'til they beat him. Then, simply enter the left-hand room to find Larry and Lug; a bit of discourse'll make them quieter. Klaus' reward is the DWE-CG engine, which outclasses all the stuff available at that time, and even afterwards it ain't too shabby. _______________________ WAIT FOR ME! [SQ14]

_______________________ Available: Post-Game Initiate this quest by speaking to Stephanie in the Fountain Plaza. Apparently the coffee shop's in a crisis and Steph needs the player to pass out coffee coupons to rich people in suits. Such people are: Alvaro (Stadium) Mina (DAIMON Area Securities Bldg.) Nelson (DAIMON Area underground duel arena) Seria (Stadium)

Return to Stephanie to obtain the "Waiter Tuxedo". _______________________ WHITE KNIGHT [SQ15] _______________________ Available: Post-Game This event is available after beating Sherry three times in a Turbo Duel (seemingly). Speak with Randsborg at the Stadium and he'll want to meet her to educate her in knightly ways. Unfortunately, he doesn't have his own duel runner, so Sherry decides to duel the player in Randsborg's stead. Winning the duel earns the "Golden Shield Disk" from Randsborg, a replica of his own. [Losing allows the event to be replayed.] _______________________ ZERO ADMITTANCE [SQ16] _______________________ Available: Post-Game I guess this could be considered a "sidequest". Visit the Facility, north of Bootleg, to find the entrance blocked by a Guard Robot and the Facility Chief nowhere in sight. For some reason, the player'll have to duel the robot to gain entrance. (It uses a lockdown/burn deck...yawn.) Once defeated, a "D.D. Assailant" is earned from the head honcho. Now one can explore the facility and find new jailers to duel, as well as duel those who got locked up earlier (Malcolm, Lawton, Syd, etcetera). ||________________________________________________________________________ |||| ||___|| STRUCTURE DECK LIST [STRC] | |________________________________________________________________________ |_____| As said elsewhere, structure decks are available at shops, offering a premade deck for 2000 DP. The store changes SDs every 10 duels, cycling through to the other SDs that haven't yet been purchased. To see an SD overview, one must go to: Duelist Menu -> Deck Construction -> Upper-Left Button -> Read Recipe -> Sample Recipe. Whew. [Also found are non-SD premade decks, such as those found in rental duels.] Note that most decks contain forbidden cards, so they often can't be used as-is. 01) 5D's Starter Deck ................................................. SD01 02) Blaze of Destruction .............................................. SD02

03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21)

Curse of Darkness ................................................. Dinosaur's Rage ................................................... Dragon's Roar ..................................................... Dragunity Legion .................................................. Fury from the Deep ................................................ Invincible Fortress ............................................... Lord of the Storm ................................................. Lost Sanctuary .................................................... Machina Mayhem .................................................... Machine Re-Volt ................................................... Rise of the Dragon Lords .......................................... Spellcaster's Command ............................................. Spellcaster's Judgment ............................................ Surge of Radiance ................................................. The Dark Emperor .................................................. Warrior's Strike .................................................. Warrior's Triumph ................................................. Zombie Madness .................................................... Zombie World ......................................................

SD03 SD04 SD05 SD06 SD07 SD08 SD09 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21

______________________ | [SD01] 01) 5D's STARTER DECK |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Available from beginning MONSTERS [20] Battle Footballer Blazing Inpachi Crimson Ninja Frequency Magician Giga Gagagigo Goblin Attack Force Hayabusa Knight Hyper Synchron Junk Synchron Level Warrior Marauding Captain Powered Tuner Quillbolt Hedgehog Rapid Warrior Speed Warrior Synchron Explorer Tune Warrior Turret Warrior Warrior Lady of the Wasteland Water Spirit SPELLS [10] Banner of Courage Enemy Controller Half Shut Hammer Shot Monster Reincarnation Reinforcement of the Army Synchron Boost The Warrior Returning Alive Twister Unstable Evolution

TRAPS [10] Defense Draw Dust Tornado Graceful Revival Limit Reverse Magic Jammer Raigeki Break Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Secret Barrel Trap Hole Wild Tornado EXTRA DECK [3] Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth Junk Destroyer Junk Warrior _________________________ | [SD02] 02) BLAZE OF DESTRUCTION |----------------------------------------------------_________________________| Unlock: ??? MONSTERS [18] Blazing Inpachi Fox Fire Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective Great Angus Infernal Flame Emperor Inferno (2) Little Chimera Molten Zombie Raging Flame Sprite Solar Flare Dragon (2) Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch UFO Turtle (3) Ultimate Baseball Kid (2) SPELLS [15] Dark Room of Nightmare Heavy Storm Level Limit - Area B (2) Meteor of Destruction Molten Destruction (2) Mystical Space Typhoon Necklace of Command Nobleman of Crossout Pot of Greed Premature Burial Reload Snatch Steal Tribute to the Doomed TRAPS [7] Backfire (2)

Call of the Haunted Dust Tornado (2) Jar of Greed Spell Shield Type-8 ______________________ | [SD03] 03) CURSE OF DARKNESS |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Chapter 2 (after dueling Gordon) MONSTERS [18] Axe Dragonute (2) Diabolos, King of the Abyss Giant Orc (3) Goblin Zombie Lich Lord, King of the Underworld Malice Doll of Demise (2) Mask of Darkness Mist Archfiend Mystic Tomato Plague Wolf Prometheus, King of the Shadows Spirit Reaper Stealth Bird (2) SPELLS [13] Ectoplasmer (2) Giant Trunade Heavy Storm Magical Mallet Megamorph Mystical Space Typhoon Nightmare's Steelcage Nobleman of Crossout Pot of Avarice Recurring Nightmare Shield Crush Sword of Dark Rites TRAPS [9] Crush Card Virus Dark Mirror Force Deck Devastation Virus (2) Dimension Wall (2) Eradicator Epidemic Virus Just Desserts Magic Cylinder ____________________ | [SD04] 04) DINOSAUR'S RAGE |---------------------------------------------------------____________________| Unlock: Start of Chapter 2 MONSTERS [19] Babycerasaurus

Black Ptera Black Stego Black Tyranno Dark Driceratops Gilasaurus (2) Hydrogeddon (2) Hyper Hammerhead (2) Kabazauls Mad Sword Beast Miracle Jurassic Egg Oxygeddon Sabersaurus Super Conductor Tyranno Tyranno Infinity Ultimate Tyranno SPELLS [12] Big Evolution Pill Heavy Storm Jurassic World Lightning Vortex Magical Mallet (2) Megamorph Mesmeric Control Mystical Space Typhoon Riryoku Sebek's Blessing Tail Swipe TRAPS [9] Fossil Excavation Goblin Out of the Frying Pan Hunting Instinct Magical Arm Shield Malfunction Negate Attack Seismic Shockwave Survival Instinct Volcanic Eruption __________________ | [SD05] 05) DRAGON'S ROAR |-----------------------------------------------------------__________________| Unlock: ??? MONSTERS [14] Armed Dragon LV3 (2) Armed Dragon LV5 (2) Element Dragon Luster Dragon (2) Masked Dragon (3) Red-Eyes B. Chick Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon Red-Eyes B. Dragon Twin-Headed Behemoth SPELLS [16]

Creature Swap (2) Heavy Storm Mystical Space Typhoon Nobleman of Crossout (2) Pot of Greed Premature Burial Reload (2) Snatch Steal Stamping Destruction (3) Swords of Revealing Light The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension TRAPS [10] Call of the Haunted Ceasefire Curse of Anubis Dragon's Rage (2) Interdimensional Matter Transporter Reckless Greed The Dragon's Bead Trap Jammer _____________________ | [SD06] 06) DRAGUNITY LEGION |--------------------------------------------------------_____________________| Unlock: Chapter 6 MONSTERS [20] Armed Dragon LV3 Armed Dragon LV5 Dragunity Aklys Dragunity Arma Leyvaten Dragunity Arma Mystletainn Dragunity Brandistock Dragunity Darkspear Dragunity Dux Dragunity Javelin Dragunity Legionnaire Dragunity Militum Dragunity Primus Pilus Dragunity Tribus Flying Kamakiri #1 Garuda the Wind Spirit Hunter Owl Masked Dragon (2) Mist Valley Falcon Red-Eyes Wyvern SPELLS [10] Card Destruction Creature Swap Dragon Mastery Dragon Ravine Dragon's Gunfire Foolish Burial Mage Power

Monster Reincarnation Ruthless Denial Stamping Destruction TRAPS [10] Bottomless Trap Hole Dragon's Rage Icarus Attack Legacy of Yata-Garasu Malevolent Catastrophe Mirror Force Relieve Monster Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi The Selection Windstorm of Etaqua _______________________ | [SD07] 07) FURY FROM THE DEEP |------------------------------------------------------_______________________| Unlock: Chapter 1 (after doing duel tournament) MONSTERS [17] 7 Colored Fish Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 Creeping Doom Manta Fenrir (2) Levia-Dragon - Daedalus Mermaid Knight Mobius the Frost Monarch Mother Grizzly (3) Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness Space Mambo Star Boy Tribe-Infecting Virus Unshaven Angler SPELLS [15] A Legendary Ocean (3) Big Wave Small Wave Creature Swap Hammer Shot Heavy Storm Mystical Space Typhoon Pot of Greed Premature Burial Reload (2) Salvage (2) Snatch Steal TRAPS [8] Call of the Haunted Dust Tornado Gravity Bind (2) Spell Shield Type-8 Tornado Wall

Torrential Tribute Xing Zhen Hu ________________________ | [SD08] 08) INVINCIBLE FORTRESS |-----------------------------------------------------________________________| Unlock: Chapter 1 (after doing duel tournament) MONSTERS [19] Criosphinx Exxod, Master of the Guard Giant Rat (3) Gigantes (2) Golem Sentry Great Spirit Guardian Sphinx Guardian Statue Hieracosphinx Maharaghi Medusa Worm Megarock Dragon Moai Interceptor Cannons Sand Moth Stone Statue of the Aztecs SPELLS [11] Brain Control Canyon Ectoplasmer Hammer Shot Magical Mallet Mystical Space Typhoon Premature Burial Shield & Sword (2) Shifting Shadows Swords of Revealing Light TRAPS [10] Compulsory Evacuation Device (2) Magic Drain (2) Ordeal of a Traveler (2) Reckless Greed Robbin' Goblin Ultimate Offering Waboku ______________________ | [SD09] 09) LORD OF THE STORM |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Chapter 2 MONSTERS [19] Birdface Bladefly Flying Kamakiri #1

Harpie Girl Harpie Lady 1 Harpie Lady 2 Harpie Lady 3 Harpie Lady Sisters Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon Lady Ninja Yae Roc from the Valley of Haze Silpheed Simorgh, Bird of Divinity Slate Warrior Sonic Duck Sonic Shooter Swift Birdman Joe SPELLS [11] Card Destruction Elegant Egotist (2) Harpies' Hunting Ground (2) Heavy Storm Lightning Vortex Mystical Space Typhoon Nobleman of Crossout Reload Triangle Ecstacy Spark TRAPS [10] Aqua Chorus Call of the Haunted Dark Coffin Dust Tornado Hysteric Party Icarus Attack Magic Jammer Ninjitsu Art of Transformation Reckless Greed Sakuretsu Armor ___________________ | [SD10] 10) LOST SANCTUARY |----------------------------------------------------------___________________| Unlock: Chapter 6 MONSTERS [22] Airknight Parshath Archlord Kristya Consecrated Light Hanewata Hecatrice Honest Marshmallon Master Hyperion Mystical Shine Ball Nova Summoner Shining Angel Soul of Purity and Light Splendid Venus

Tethys, Goddess of Light The Agent of Creation - Venus The Agent of Force - Mars The Agent of Judgment - Saturn The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter The Agent of Mystery - Earth The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury Victoria Zeradias, Herald of Heaven SPELLS [11] Burial from a Different Dimension Cards from the Sky Celestial Transformation Mausoleum of the Emperor Smashing Ground Solidarity Terraforming The Fountain in the Sky The Sanctuary in the Sky (2) Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen TRAPS [7] Beckoning Light Divine Punishment Miraculous Descent (2) Return from the Different Dimension Solemn Judgment Torrential Tribute ___________________ | [SD11] 11) MACHINA MAYHEM |----------------------------------------------------------___________________| Unlock: Chapter 5 MONSTERS [20] Armored Cybern Blast Sphere Commander Covington Cyber Dragon Cyber Valley Green Gadget Heavy Mech Support Platform (2) Kinetic Soldier Machina Defender Machina Force Machina Fortress Machina Gearframe Machina Peacekeeper Machina Sniper Machina Soldier Proto-Cyber Dragon Red Gadget Scrap Recycler Yellow Gadget SPELLS [11]

Card Trader Combination Attack Frontline Base Hand Destruction Inferno Reckless Summon Machina Armored Unit Machine Duplication Prohibition Shrink Swords of Revealing Light Wave-Motion Cannon TRAPS [9] Ceasefire Compulsory Evacuation Device Dimensional Prison Formation Union Metalmorph Rare Metalmorph Roll Out! (2) Time Machine ____________________ | [SD12] 12) MACHINE RE-VOLT |---------------------------------------------------------____________________| Unlock: Chapter 2 MONSTERS [18] Ancient Gear Ancient Gear Beast (2) Ancient Gear Cannon Ancient Gear Engineer Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon Ancient Gear Golem Ancient Gear Soldier Boot-Up Soldier - Dread Dynamo Cannon Soldier Gear Golem the Moving Fortress Green Gadget Heavy Mech Support Platform (2) Mechanicalchaser Red Gadget Yellow Gadget SPELLS [14] Ancient Gear Castle Ancient Gear Drill Ancient Gear Explosive Ancient Gear Factory Ancient Gear Fist Ancient Gear Tank Ancient Gear Workshop Enemy Controller Heavy Storm Limiter Remover

Machine Duplication Mystical Space Typhoon Pot of Avarice Weapon Change TRAPS [8] Covering Fire Micro Ray Rare Metalmorph Roll Out! Sakuretsu Armor (2) Stronghold the Moving Fortress Ultimate Offering _____________________________ | [SD13] 13) RISE OF THE DRAGON LORDS |------------------------------------------------_____________________________| Unlock: Chapter 3 MONSTERS [19] Darkblaze Dragon Decoy Dragon Different Dimension Dragon Felgrand Dragon Flame Ruler Guardian Angel Joan Herald of Creation Kaiser Sea Horse (2) Majestic Mech - Goryu Masked Dragon (2) Morphing Jar Night Assailant Spirit Reaper The Creator The Creator Incarnate Tyrant Dragon Yamata Dragon SPELLS [14] A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon Card of Safe Return Foolish Burial Lighten the Load Lightning Vortex Mausoleum of the Emperor (2) Mystik Wok Premature Burial Riryoku Terraforming The Shallow Grave Trade-In Twister TRAPS [7] Call of the Haunted Good Goblin Housekeeping (2)

Interdimensional Matter Transporter Judgment of Anubis Magic Jammer Malevolent Catastrophe __________________________ | [SD14] 14) SPELLCASTER'S COMMAND |---------------------------------------------------__________________________| Unlock: Chapter 5 MONSTERS [20] Apprentice Magician Blast Magician Breaker the Magical Warrior Crystal Seer Dark Red Enchanter Defender, the Magical Knight Disenchanter Endymion, the Master Magician Hannibal Necromancer Magical Marionette Magical Plant Mandragola Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Mythical Beast Cerberus Old Vindictive Magician Royal Magical Library Silent Magician LV4 Silent Magician LV8 Skilled Dark Magician Skilled White Magician Summoner Monk SPELLS [12] Fissure Giant Trunade Mage Power Magical Blast Magical Citadel of Enymion Magical Dimension Magicians Unite Mega Ton Magical Cannon Mist Body Spell Power Grasp Terraforming Twister TRAPS [8] Anti-Spell Black Horn of Heaven Hidden Book of Spell Magic Cylinder Magician's Circle Pitch-Black Power Stone (2) Tower of Babel ___________________________ | [SD15]

15) SPELLCASTER'S JUDGMENT |--------------------------------------------------___________________________| Unlock: Chapter 1 (after doing duel tournament) MONSTERS [19] Apprentice Magician (2) Blast Magician Breaker the Magical Warrior Chaos Command Magician Chaos Sorcerer Dark Eradicator Warlock Dark Magician Ebon Magician Curran Gemini Elf Magician of Faith Mythical Beast Cerberus Rapid-Fire Magician Royal Magical Library Skilled Dark Magician (2) Tsukuyomi White Magician Pikeru SPELLS [16] Dark Magic Attack Diffusion Wave-Motion Heavy Storm Lightning Vortex Mage Power Magical Blast Magical Dimension (2) Mystic Box Mystical Space typhoon Nightmare's Steelcage Nobleman of Crossout Premature Burial Reload Spell Absorption Swords of Revealing Light TRAPS [5] Call of the Haunted Divine Wrath Magic Cylinder Pitch-Black Power Stone Spell Shield Type-8 ______________________ | [SD16] 16) SURGE OF RADIANCE |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Chapter 2 (after dueling Gordon) MONSTERS [20] Absorbing Kid from the Sky Airknight Parshath (2) Bountiful Artemis Dunames Dark Witch

Freya, Spirit of Victory Gellenduo Guardian Angel Joan Harvest Angel of Wisdom Layard the Liberator Meltiel, Sage of the Sky Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin Nova Summoner Radiant Jeral Royal Knight Shining Angel (2) Soul of Purity and Light The Agent of Force - Mars Voltanis the Adjudicator SPELLS [11] Cestus of Dagla Heavy Storm Lightning Vortex Magical Mallet Mystical Space Typhoon Nobleman of Crossout Premature Burial Swords of Revealing Light Terraforming The Sanctuary in the Sky (2) TRAPS [9] Aegis of Gaia Beckoning Light Divine Wrath Magic Jammer Negate Attack (2) Seven Tools of the Bandit Solemn Judgment Widespread Ruin _____________________ | [SD17] 17) THE DARK EMPEROR |--------------------------------------------------------_____________________| Unlock: Chapter 3 MONSTERS [18] Banisher of the Light Banisher of the Radiance Caius the Shadow Monarch Chaosrider Gustaph D.D. Scout Plane (2) D.D. Survivor (2) D.D. Warrior D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master Dimensional Alchemist Granmarg the Rock Monarch Lady Assailant of Flames Mobius the Frost Monarch Raiza the Storm Monarch Samsara Kaiser

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Zaborg the Thunder Monarch SPELLS [14] Big Bang Shot Brain Control Card of Sanctity D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Dimension Distortion Dimensional Fissure Enemy Controller Nobleman of Crossout Shrink Soul Absorption Soul Exchange Soul Release Tornado TRAPS [8] By Order of the Emperor Counter Counter Dust Tornado Macro Cosmos Return from the Different Dimension Skull Lair Solemn Judgment Statue of the Wicked _____________________ | [SD18] 18) WARRIOR'S STRIKE |--------------------------------------------------------_____________________| Unlock: Chapter 4 MONSTERS [20] Blazewing Butterfly (2) Card Trooper D.D. Warrior D.D. Warrior Lady Dark Valkyria Divine Knight Ishzark Evocator Chevalier Exiled Force Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord Featherizer Field-Commander Rahz Freed the Matchless General Future Samurai Gemini Soldier Gemini Summoner Kuraz the Light Monarch Marauding Captain Phoenix Gearfried Spell Striker SPELLS [14] Big Bang Shot

Burden of the Mighty Dark Factory of Mass Production Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade Double Summon Hidden Armory Mind Control Reinforcement of the Army Ribbon of Rebirth Silent Doom Supervise Swing of Memories Symbols of Duty Unleash Your Power! TRAPS [6] Birthright Dark Bribe Gemini Trap Hole Justi-Break Kunai with Chain Sakuretsu Armor ______________________ | [SD19] 19) WARRIOR'S TRIUMPH |-------------------------------------------------------______________________| Unlock: Chapter 1 (after doing duel tourmanent) MONSTERS [19] Armed Samurai - Ben Kei Command Knight D.D. Warrior Lady Dark Blade Exiled Force Gearfried the Iron Knight (2) Gearfried the Swordmaster Gilford the Legend Goblin Attack Force Marauding Captain (2) Mataza the Zapper Mystic Swordsman LV2 Mystic Swordsman LV4 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke Obnoxious Celtic Guard Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight Warrior Lady of the Wasteland SPELLS [17] Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade Fairy of the Spring Fusion Sword Murasame Blade Giant Trunade Heavy Storm Lightning Blade Lightning Vortex Mystical Space Typhoon Reinforcement of the Army (2) Release Restraint

Reload (2) Snatch Steal Swords of Concealing Light The Warrior Returning Alive Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou TRAPS [4] Blast with Chain Call of the Haunted Magic Jammer Royal Decree ___________________ | [SD20] 20) ZOMBIE MADNESS |----------------------------------------------------------___________________| Unlock: Available by default (?) MONSTERS [17] Dark Dust Spirit Despair from the Dark (2) Double Coston Master Kyonshee Pyramid Turtle (3) Regenerating Mummy (2) Ryu Kokki (2) Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower Spirit Reaper Vampire Genesis Vampire Lady Vampire Lord SPELLS [16] Book of Life (2) Call of the Mummy (3) Card of Safe Return Creature Swap (2) Giant Trunade Heavy Storm Mystical Space Typhoon Nobleman of Crossout Pot of Greed Reload (2) Snatch Steal TRAPS [7] Compulsory Evacuation Device (3) Dust Tornado Magic Jammer Reckless Greed Torrential Tribute _________________ | [SD21] 21) ZOMBIE WORLD |------------------------------------------------------------_________________| Unlock: Chapter 4

MONSTERS [18] Blood Sucker Des Lacooda Gernia Malevolent Mech - Goku En Marionette Mite (2) Paladin of the Cursed Dragon Patrician of Darkness Pyramid Turtle (2) Reborn Zombie Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Red-Moon Baby Regenerating Mummy Ryu Kokki Vampire's Curse Zombie Master (2) SPELLS [14] Book of Life Call of the Mummy Card Destruction Card of Safe Return Cold Wave Creature Swap Different Dimension Capsule Field Barrier Magical Stone Excavation Overpowering Eye Pot of Avarice Soul Taker Spell Shattering Arrow Zombie World TRAPS [8] Bottomless Trap Hole Dark Mirror Force Imperial Iron Wall Interdimensional Matter Transporter Magical Arm Shield Mask of Restrict Tutan Mask Waboku _______________________________________________________________________________ UNLOCKABLES [UNLC] _______________________________________________________________________________ Just a list of unlockable stuff. Outfits, discs, and duel runner stuff can all be changed in the "User Settings" main menu option. Asterisked (*) things mean it's only unlocked post-game. ____________________________ ______________________________________________ | OUTFIT | UNLOCK | ||| | Bloody Kiss | Win 10 Turbo Tag Duels vs. Misaki/Toru* | | Cowboy Style | Default |

| Dark Magician | Defeat all shopkeepers once (male-only)* | | Dark Magician Girl | Defeat all shopkeepers once (female-only)* | | Dark Signer | Purchase from Kazehiro in DAIMON Area | | Delta Eagle | Win 10 Turbo Tag Duels vs. Misaki/Toru* | | Duel Academia Uniform | Win 10 Tag Duels against Luna & Leo | | King Replica Model | Obtain from Jack (male-only)* | | Leather Top and Bottom Set | In alley behind Yusei's garage | | Sailor Suit | Found in the Spirit World (female-only)* | | Stuffed Collar Uniform | Found in the Spirit World (male-only)* | | Suit Style | DAIMON Area Apartment 4F (needs Lucky Item) | | Tag Force Set | Default | | Team 5D's Crew | Win 10 Tag Duels against Yusei and Jack* | | Waiter Tuxedo | Finish Stephanie's sidequest* | | Witch's Dress | Obtain from Jack (female-only)* | |____________________________|______________________________________________| ____________________ ______________________________________________________ | DISK | UNLOCK | ||| | 5D's Standard Disk | Complete plot (Chapter 6) | | Golden Shield Disk | Complete Randsborg's sidequest* | | Gunman's Disk | Default | | Leo's Custom Disk | Box near DAIMON Area Securities Bldg. (male-only) | | Luna's Custom Disk | Box near DAIMON Area Securities Bldg. (female-only) | | Missing Ring | Found in a Spirit World Chest* | |____________________|______________________________________________________| DUEL RUNNER PARTS __________________ _______ ________________________________________________ | FRAME | RANK | SPECIAL UNLOCK CONDITION? | |||| | Alpha Frame I | * | ---------------------------------------------- | | Alpha Frame II | *** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Alpha Frame III | **** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Beta Frame I | ** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Beta Frame II | *** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Beta Frame III | **** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Gamma Frame I | ** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Gamma Frame II | *** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Gamma Frame III | **** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Lambda Frame | ***** | Complete Mina's sidequest* | | Yusei Frame | ***** | S-Rank all Time Trial races | | Wheel of Fortune | ***** | S-Rank all Battle races | | Blackbird | ***** | S-Rank all Battle Royal difficulties | | Omega Hawk | ***** | Purchase from Kazehiro (25 Star Chips)* | | Duel Phantom | ***** | Do Ghost/Misaki sidequest* | | Junk Frame | ***** | ---------------------------------------------- | |__________________|_______|________________________________________________| __________ _______ ________________________________________________________ | ENGINE | RANK | SPECIAL UNLOCK CONDITION? | |||| | DWE-L100 | * | ------------------------------------------------------ | | DWE-1000 | * | ------------------------------------------------------ | | DWE-2000 | ** | ------------------------------------------------------ | | DWE-3000 | *** | ------------------------------------------------------ | | DWE-4000 | **** | ------------------------------------------------------ | | DWE-X | ***** | Complete Jack's sidequest* | | DWE-CG | ***** | Complete Klaus' apartment sidequest | |__________|_______|________________________________________________________|

__________ _______ ________________________________________________________ | CPU | RANK | SPECIAL UNLOCK CONDITION | |||| | KPC-200 | * | ------------------------------------------------------ | | KPC-200x | * | ------------------------------------------------------ | | KPC-450 | ** | ------------------------------------------------------ | | KPC-450x | *** | ------------------------------------------------------ | | KPC-900 | **** | ------------------------------------------------------ | | KPC-000 | ***** | Located in DAIMON Area's locked 4F apartment | |__________|_______|________________________________________________________| __________________ _______ ________________________________________________ | FRONT | RANK | INFORMATION | |||| | Frame Shield I | ** | Frame shields protect from general collisions | | Frame Shield II | *** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Frame Shield III | **** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Wheel Shield I | ** | Wheel shields protect from obstacles like oil | | Wheel Shield II | *** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Wheel Shield III | **** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Full Shield I | ** | Basically frame shield & wheel shield in one | | Full Shield II | *** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Full Shield III | **** | ---------------------------------------------- | | Overheat | *** | Increases speed but puts heavy burden on frame | | Cool Down | *** | Recovers durability but limits frame's output | | S Force I | ** | Press X-button to attack during races | | S Force II | *** | ---------------------------------------------- | | S Force III | **** | ---------------------------------------------- | |__________________|_______|________________________________________________| _________________ _______ _________________________________________________ | CENTER | RANK | INFORMATION | |||| | Wing I | ** | Wings improve acceleration and max speed | | Wing II | *** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Side Armor I | ** | Side Armor increases duel runner's endurance | | Side Armor II | *** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Side Armor III | **** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Feather I | *** | Feathers increase duel runner's acceleration | | Feather II | **** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Feather III | ***** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Follow Sail I | *** | Follow Sails improve acceleration & max speed | | Follow Sail II | **** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Follow Sail III | ***** | ----------------------------------------------- | |_________________|_______|_________________________________________________| ________________ _______ __________________________________________________ | R PARTS | RANK | INFORMATION | |||| | Booster I | ** | Temporarily increase speed (limited # of uses) | | Booster II | *** | ------------------------------------------------ | | Booster III | **** | ------------------------------------------------ | | Hi-Booster I | ** | Temporarily increase speed but lower handling | | Hi-Booster II | *** | ------------------------------------------------ | | Hi-Booster III | **** | ------------------------------------------------ | | Turbo Jet I | *** | Increases dash plate acceleration time | | Turbo Jet II | **** | ------------------------------------------------ | | Turbo Jet III | ***** | ------------------------------------------------ | | Over Boost I | *** | Uses huge power boost; performance suffers after | | Over Boost II | **** | ------------------------------------------------ |

| Over Boost III | ***** | ------------------------------------------------ | |________________|_______|__________________________________________________| _________________ _______ _________________________________________________ | INTERIOR | RANK | INFORMATION | |||| | Accelerator I | ** | Increases acceleration | | Accelerator II | *** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Accelerator III | **** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Turbo Chip I | ** | Increases max speed | | Turbo Chip II | *** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Turbo Chip III | **** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Balancer I | ** | Improves duel runner's handling | | Balancer II | *** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Balancer III | **** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Quick Chip I | *** | Overlimits Accel/MaxSPD for first ten seconds, | | Quick Chip II | **** | but duel runner's performance suffers afterward | | Quick Chip III | ***** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Rapid Chip I | *** | Ups acceleration for easier start dashes | | Rapid Chip II | **** | ----------------------------------------------- | | Rapid Chip III | ***** | ----------------------------------------------- | |_________________|_______|_________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS [FAQZ] _______________________________________________________________________________ [Q] - Duel statistics list Tag Duels. Why can't I tag duel!? [A] - It's not available until the post-game, just as it was in YGO!2010. [Q] - Why don't my passwords work? I double-checked 'em. [A] - In an effort to curb people from just using the best cards from the get-go, there are restrictions on passwords: [1] you need to find the card in-game to get more copies this way, OR [2] you need 80% completion for the pack(s) the card is found in. A similar setup was found in the previous World Championship DS game. [Q] - How do I get in the 4F room in the DAIMON Area apartment? [A] - In Chapter 5, the Fountain Plaza area is unlocked. Speak with Sumetana behind Yusei's garage for a little "game," which rewards the player with a "Lucky Item" (actually a key). It unlocks that apartment, which has a few Star Chips, an amazing duel runner CPU, and the Shield Wing/Revived King Ha Des cards. I believe this is a throwback reference to the last game, where two Arcadia students stayed there. [Q] - Any point in playing the races on the duel runner shop computers? [A] - Sure. They're a free way of obtaining Speed Spells and DP, plus some things can only be unlocked through 'em. Obtaining all S-Ranks in the maps' battle races unlocks Jack's "Wheel of Fortune" frame; obtaining all S-Ranks in the Time Attacks unlocks Yusei's "Yusei-Go" frame. And, finally, S-Ranking all maps' Battle Royale stages unlocks Crow's "Blackbird" frame. How to unlock each map's sections? Easy: S-rank the available stage(s) to unlock the next. [Q] - I beat someone but couldn't access their minigame? [A] - This is often the case with mandatory battles where the NPCs aren't unlocked as normal duelists until later. [Q] - What's a start dash?

[A] - In a duel runner race/time trial, when the lights flash prior to the race's beginning, hold the acceleration button on the penultimate (second-to-last) light. Do it right and you'll get a boost of speed to start the race. [Q] - How do I get "Speed Spell - Deceased Synchron"? [A] - It's not available in any packs or structure decks. It's a random prize in the Battle Royale mode of the duel runner computer maps. It's only unlocked in Chapter 6, too, to make things more annoying. Look for blue cards! [Equipping the DWE-CG -- gotten from Klaus -- can help obtain rarer cards, mind you.] [Q] - How do I unlock recipe duels? [A] - Collect 90% of all cards. The option'll then unlock from the CPU Duel area in the main menu. [Q] - How do put Forbidden cards in my deck? [A] - First, obtain 90% of all cards in the game -- naturally this is done in the post-game. Then, go into "Duelist Menu" and find the Forbidden & Limited option. Hit the icon of two papers switching and select the appropriate option (September 2010 Banlist is the default). This will allow a player to use up to 1 Forbidden card per deck -- so if you want to rock casbahs with Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, have fun! [Try not to use 'em online, though...not everyone has unlocked the ability to have their own!] _______________________________________________________________________________ VI. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTORS [UPDT] _______________________________________________________________________________ 06-02-11 -------------------------+ Started walkthrough 06-27-11 -------------------------+ Finished walkthrough 07-01-11 -------------------------+ Added banlist & pack list THANKS TO... Sailor/Ceej, for hosting my junk all these years Yugioh Wiki, for most of the deck layouts c0rps3 & the OTN GFaqs board, for some of the weird pack unlock requirements NOTES TO SELF Klaus' apartment sidequest available earlier than Chapter 6? Only 10 CPU Tag Turbo duelists? Do downloadable puzzle solutions maybe? I dunno. Any suggestions from readers on what to add might help, too. _______________________________________________________________________________ VII. LEGALITY [LGLT] _______________________________________________________________________________ This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the author (P. Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit, and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights are reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Those who find this document on sites not listed below should e-mail the author (me). Thanks for reading this, and thanks for respectin' FAQ authors.

Allowed Sites:

Disallowed Sites:

E-mail me for permissions ~ shotgunnova (a+) gmail (d0t) com.

_____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY READING _____________________ Yu-Gi-Oh Wiki ( Contains a large compendium of cards, and other things that would pertain to those interested in the game, especially those playing or thinking about playing it in real life. A pretty good resource overall. Pojo ( A lot of people flock to this site for info and articles on Yu-Gi-Oh's metagame, or just for discussions in general. Some people don't like the site, but reading it can't hurt, eh? Dueling Network ( An online dueling site based off up-to-date YGO cards. It's pretty popular among players, although it seems to have had some legal troubles lately... But, it's still going, so might want to check it out. _______________________________________________________________________________ DON'T EVER Document Shotgunnova, 1997-2011 (and countin'!) TRUST THE NEEDLE Yu-Gi-Oh! namesake respective owners IT LIES! E N D O F D O C U M E N T

Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

Tag Turbo Duelists in Free Duel

Perform the following actions to unlock Turbo Duelists in Free Duel

Hurricane Regiment - Summon Ultimate Axon Kicker Underworld Cops - Defeat Food Chain Friends 3 times Unified in Darkness - Defeat Down to the Sea 3 times We're on a Mission - Defeat Sonic Sprint 3 times You-Go! - Summon Scrap Twin Dragon Destiny Hero - Dasher - Defeat Delta Tri 3 times Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg - Perform at least 200 synchro summons Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu - Perform at least 573 total special summons Formula Synchron - Activate a total of 100 speed spells Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo - Defeat Ally of Justice Searcher 3 times

Gaia Drake, the Universal Force - Defeat Vlyon Sigma 3 times Judgment Dragon - Have 12 Speed Counters in one turbo duel Kasha - Defeat Mefist the Infernal General 3 times Machina Fortress - Summon Machina Force

Tag Duel Opponents in Free Duel

Perform the following actions to unlock Tag Duel Opponents in Free Duel

100-Monster Parade - Activate 200 Total Spells and Traps Alien Meets Snake - Compete in 100 tag duels total Burn Girls - Defeat Fool Around Get Hurt 3 times Dark Sea Ritual - Win a duel by attacking with Skull Servant Dimension Walkers - Summon Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste Flash! Fusion! - Summon Koa'ki Meiru Maximus Forbidding Fellows - Defeat Downy Duo 3 times Girls-Only Duel - Summon Five Headed Dragon Moon & Sun - Summon Steelswarm Hercules Queen's Collection - Summon Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings Samurai Twelve - Duel in 25 tag turbo duels total Sky Masters - Summon Gaia Drake, the Universal Force Stardust Battle - Duel in 50 turbo duels total Terrorizing Tyrants - Duel in 200 total single duels malefic Stardust Dragon - Summon Evigishki Soul Ogre

Structure Decks
Fulfill the following conditions to unlock different structure decks in the game.

Curse of Darkness - Duel Gordon in Chapter II Dinosaur's Rage - Begin Chapter II Dragunity Legion - Begin Chapter VI Fury From The Deep - Compete in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I Invincible Fortress - Compete in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I Lord of the Storm - Begin Chapter II Lost Sanctuary - Begin Chapter VI Machina Mayhem - Begin Chapter V Machine Re-Volt - Begin Chapter II Rise of the Dragon Lords - Begin Chapter III Spellcaster's Command - Begin Chapter V Spellcaster's Judgment - Compete in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I Surge of Radiance - Duel Gordon in Chapter II The Dark Emperor - Begin Chapter III Warrior's Strike - Begin Chapter IV Warrior's Triumph - Compete in the Rental Deck Tournament in Chapter I Zombie World - Begin Chapter IV


Recipe Duel

Collect 90% of the cars to unlock Recipe Duel which allows you to play against the computer. Submitted by:IGN_Cheats


5D's Standard Disk - Complete the Game Blackbird - S Rank on all Battle Royale Different Facial Expressions - Duel Torunka and Win Duel Phantom (Duel Runner Frame) - Talk to the broken Ghost with Misaki as your partner DWE-CG - Talk to Klaus post-game DWE-X - Talk to Jack and complete his event Golden Shield Disk - Talk to Ransborg post-game, and complete his event King Replica Model - Talk to Jack Post-game KPC-000 - 4th Floor of Apartment, must have Lucky Key Lambda Frame - Talk to Mina with Misaki as your partner and complete her event postgame Leather Top and Bottom Set (Yusei's Outfit) - Found behind Team 5D's Garage Leo's Custom Disk - Outside of Sector Security Lucky Key - Talk to the guy behind Team 5D's garage and choose the right box Missing Ring - See Spirit World Speed Spell - Deceased Synchron - Can be found as a Blue card on Battle Royal Race Stuffy Collar Shirt - See Spirit World Suit Style - 4th Floor of Apartment, must have Lucky Key The Spirit World - To Access the Spirit World, Duel all 3 Computer Ghosts Waiter Outfit - Talk to Stephanie and complete her event Wheel of Fortune - S Rank on all Battle Races Yusei-Go - S Rank on all Time Races

Perform the following actions to unlock computer controlled opponents.

Archlord Kristya - Beat Guardian Eatos 3 times Blackwing- Zephyrus the Elite - Summon Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant Bountiful Artemis - Beat Deep Sea Diva 3 times Dark Simorgh - Beat Vylon Omega 3 times Dragunity Arma Leyvaten - Have 666 Total Summons Ehren, Lightsworn Monk - Summon Judgment Dragon Elemental Hero The Shining - Summon Vylon Omega Evil Hero Dark Gaia - 50 Hours Total Play Time Gladiator Beast Gyzarus - Have 10 Consecutive Wins Guardian Eatos - 100 Hours Total Play Time Infernity Doom Dragon - Win with Final Countdown's effect Junk Destroyer - Summon Shooting Star Dragon Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En - Summon Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Machina Fortress - Summon Odin, Father of the Aesir Malefic Paradox Dragon - Summon Malefic Paradox Dragon Master Hyperion - Beat Tiki Curse 3 times Meklord Emperor Granel Infinity - Beat Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu 3 times Power Tool Dragon - Beat Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto 3 times

Queen Angel of Roses - Beat Flamvell Baby 3 times Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon - Summon Red Nova Dragon Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode - Beat Great Maju Garzett 3 times

Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch - Have 50% of all Bonuses Thunder King Rai-Oh - Beat Gravekeeper's Visionary 3 times X-Saber Souza - Have 10000 Max Damage

The DeSmuMe Emulator, so save and do the steps : Config > Emulation Setting > Check Use 8MB debugger mode when starting execution and Click Ok To make DeSmuMe faster : Config > 3D Settings > SoftRasterizer, Check Edge Making, Fog and uncheck Unrealistically > Okay Config > Sound Settings > Synchronization Mode choose Synchronous and choose N or Z or P > Interpolation None or Linear Config > Frame Skip > Uncheck Limit Framerate > (For faster speed) > Auto Skip or Fixed Skip > Adjust to 1 to 3 or higher [Note: Lower is smooth and Higher is Choppy]

Recommended cards
Monster Cards


Elemental HERO Woodsman Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest Yellow Baboon, Archer of the Forest Sea Koala Honest Key Mouse Junk Synchron Shining Angel Ojama Black Ojama Blue Ojama Green Ojama Red Ojama Yellow Regulus The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts Egotistical Ape

Truckroid Rescue Rabbit

Extra Deck


Ancient Fairy Dragon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Frozen Fitzgerald Junk Archer Junk Warrior Ojama King Ojama Knight Red Dragon Archfiend Stardust Dragon Lightning Tricorn Thunder Unicorn Voltic Bicorn Gachi Gachi Gantetsu Tiras, Keeper of Genesis

Spell Cards


White Elephant's Gift Dark Factory of Mass Production Enchanting Fitting Room Foolish Burial Fusion Recovery Future Fusion Fusion Weapon Ground Collapse Instant Fusion Ojama Country Ojama Delta Hurricane!! Ojamagic Ojamuscle Polymerization Solidarity Spiritual Forest Terraforming United We Stand Cursed Armaments Natural Tune Sword of the Soul-Eater Dark World Grimoire Dark World Lightning Dark World Dealings Magical Mallet

Poison Fangs Tri-Wight

Trap Cards


Just Desserts Super Rush Recklessly Beast Soul Swap Broken Blocker Chain Material Gravity Bind Justi-Break Limit Reverse Ojama Trio Order to Smash The League of Uniform Nomenclature Xing Zhen Hu Xing Zhen Hu Replica Dark Deal Howl of the Wild Common Charity Horn of the Phantom Beast Ultimate Offering (Swarming)

Optional support cards


Beckoning Light - Since all "Ojamas" have LIGHT Attribute. Pixie Ring - Since all "Ojamas" share the same ATK and DEF this card will prevent your opponent from attacking. Elemental HERO Woodsman - This card, while face-up on the field, allows you to quickly grab "Polymerization" and fuse your "Ojamas" for "Ojama King" or "Ojama Knight". When "Elemental HERO Woodsman" used while "Ojama Country" is active it gives you a 2000 ATK beatstick. Solidarity - All "Ojamas" share the same Type so this card can give your "Ojamas" a nice 800 ATK boost. Backup Soldier - Since "Ojama Yellow", "Ojama Black", and "Ojama Green") are Normal Monsters this card allows you to quickly return them from your Graveyard to your hand. Limit Reverse and Graceful Revival - These cards allow you to Special Summon one of the lower Level "Ojamas" in Attack Position to your side of the field fraom the Graveyard. Attack of the Cornered Rat allows you to pay Life Points to make sure that your lower Level "Ojamas" aren'tdestroyed by battle. If your opponent plays "Honest" as a chain to this card's activation, you could lose a lot of Life Points. Debris Dragon - This card can Special Summon any "Ojama" from the Graveyard, when having high DEF to abused with "Ojama Country". Being a Tuner monster, it also can be tuned to Synchro Summon any Level 6 Dragon Synchro Monster (like "Iron Chain Dragon"). Snipe Hunter - You can discard "Ojamagic" for the effect of "Snipe Hunter", then use the three "Ojamas" you get from "Ojamagic" to discard for the effect of "Snipe Hunter" three more times. Honest - Since all "Ojama" monsters are LIGHT Attribute, running a few copies of "Honest" would be a good idea. He will give the "Ojamas" enough power to at least match your opponent's attacking monster. Be warned though, that if you do use "Honest", you may lose the ATK boost from "Solidarity".

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter - It's a Beast-Type monster, so if you're running a Beast-only "Ojama" Deck, this card won't affect "Solidarity", and you can easily Summon "Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest" if sent to the Graveyard by Ryko's mill effect, not to mention that one card on the field gets destroyed. No Entry!! - If "Ojama Country" gets destroyed, DEF will return to monsters and ATK will be 0 again, so this card prevents receiving a lot of damage. Starlight Road - Since they tend to swarm. Key Mouse - "Sangan" replacement. Super-Nimble Mega Hamster - "Shining Angel" replacement. Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler Spirit Barrier - Prevents you from taking damage from battles. Super Polymerization - Useful with swarming tactics and strategies with "Magical Hats" and "Ojama Trio". You can fuse "Ojama Tokens" or copies of "Ojamagic" placed on the field by "Magical Hats" for "Ojama Knight". You will either inflict burn damage to your opponent, or be able to add up to six cards to your hand (or both if you draw multiple copies of any of the previously listed cards). This card can also allow monsters that have already attacked be used as fusion material during the battle phase and the summoned Fusion Monster will be able to attack also. Sword and Shield - Might help when someone destroys "Ojama Country" before or during your Battle Phase. Inverse Universe - Might help when someone destroys "Ojama Country" before or after your opponent's Battle Phase. Spiritual Forest - For stall; an "Ojama" monster will need two attacks to be destroyed (This card is not recommended if you're trying to suicide "Ojama Blue" for its effect). Tragoedia - To compliment the fact of hand advantage in "Ojama" Decks. Also, can help with Synchro Summoning. Tri-Wight- Special Summon "Ojama Black", "Ojama Green" and "Ojama Yellow" easily, so you can use "Ojama Delta Hurricane!!", and you gain access for Rank 2 Xyz Monster (like "Gachi Gachi Gantetsu"). "Enchanting Fitting Room" is also a good card which enables you to swarm the field with Ojamas which then enables you to use "Ojama Delta Hurricane!!.



A Cat of Ill Omen Battle Fader Dark Resonator Destiny Hero - Defender Krebons Maharaghi Marshmallon Mask of Darkness Necro Gardna Nimble Momonga Obnoxious Celtic Guard Prime Material Falcon Shield Wing Spirit Reaper

Swift Scarecrow The Unhappy Girl Zero Gardna



Final Countdown Gold Sarcophagus Magical Stone Excavation Messenger of Peace Mystical Space Typhoon Nightmare's Steelcage Spirit Message "I" Spirit Message "N" Spirit Message "A" Spirit Message "L" Swords of Revealing Light



Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell Good Goblin Housekeeping Fake Trap The Transmigration Prophecy Trap Reclamation Destiny Board Solemn Judgment Threatening Roar Waboku Torrential Tribute Hidden Spellbook

Neo-Spacian Draw Engine


While the original purpose of the "Neo-Spacians" is to Contact Fusion with "Neos", with cards like "Convert Contact", "Cross Porter" and "Space Gift" they've become an interesting Draw Engine, Deck Thinner and Graveyard Filler disregarding "Neos". The "Chrysalis" archetype could help in this, but they are very likely to be Dead draws, so it's usually better just to avoid them. "Convert Contact" is the key card, thinning you deck by 3 cards and sending two monsters to the graveyard (one of your choice) without making you lose hand advantage. The other key card, "Cross Porter" can be used to keep hand advantage, as it can be easily send to the graveyard with cards like "Armageddon Knight", "Foolish Burial", "Dark World Dealings" or "Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin". If revived (even with cards like Junk Synchron) it can provide an extra NeoSpacian.

Once in the graveyard, these monsters can then be used for different purposes, like the Special Summon of "Dark Simorgh"/"Chaos Sorcerer" or using cards like "The Beginning of the End". Since both, "Cross Porter" and "Armageddon Knight" are low-level Dark Warrior monsters, and there is one Dark Neo Spacian and one Warrior Neo Spacian, cards that support dark monsters (like "Dark Eruption"/"Allure of Darkness") and warrior monsters (like "Reinforcement of the Army") work quite well. The first known competitive deck to use this Engine was Junk and Debris Deck.


Edit Edit

Traditional Neo-Spacian

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Neo Space Pathfinder Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Cross Porter Elemental HERO Neos Elemental HERO Neos Alius Elemental HERO Prisma Elemental HERO Stratos Elemental HERO Necroshade

Foolish Burial Convert Contact E - Emergency Call Ancient Rules Neo Space O - Oversoul Neos Force Instant Neo Space Miracle Fusion Miracle Contact (for quick contact fusions/ triple contact fusions) Terraforming Premature Burial NEX Lightning Vortex Polymerization (For non-Neos Fusions) Super Polymerization Enemy Controller

Dark Bribe Ultimate Offering Safe Zone

Hero Blast Mirror Force

Extra Deck

Elemental HERO Grand Neos Elemental HERO Flare Neos Elemental HERO Magma Neos Elemental HERO Chaos Neos Elemental HERO Divine Neos Elemental Hero Storm Neos Elemental HERO Glow Neos Elemental HERO Dark Neos Elemental HERO Great Tornado (With "Stratos") Elemental HERO Gaia Elemental HERO The Shining Elemental HERO Escuridao Elemental HERO Nova Master Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss

Neo-Spacian Draw Engine

Usual Draw Engine



Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (staple) Neo-Spacian Dark Panther (staple) Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin (staple) Neo-Spacian Glow Moss (not staple, for Stall or Chaos summon) Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab (not staple) Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird (not staple, for Dark Simorgh summon) Armageddon Knight Cross Porter Chaos Sorcerer Dark Armed Dragon Dark Simorgh

Pot of Duality Dark World Dealings Convert Contact Creeping Darkness Dark Eruption Allure of Darkness Reinforcement of the Army Space Gift One Day of Peace



See: Junk and Debris Deck

Exodia OTK Edit See: Neo-Spacian Exodia OTK


Edit Edit

Traditional Neo-Spacian

The main weakness of the "Neo-Spacians" is that their Fusion Monsters return to the Extra Deck during the End Phase of the turn. Relying on Field and Equip Cards to keep monsters on the field can be easily thwarted with cards such as "Dust Tornado" and "Mystical Space Typhoon". Also, Neo-Spacians a fairly weak on their own, with no specific support cards. Their Chrysalis forms have plenty of methods for special summoning Neo-Spacians, but if you dead draw, with no way to summon Neos, your opponent can lay into you right off the bat.

Neo-Spacian Draw Engine

completely shut this deck down.


The main weakness of this deck is how much it depends on the graveyard. Cards that banish monsters from deck can Twilight is a term used by players to refer to a Deck that uses a combination of both Lightsworn and DARKmonsters. Twilight mainly focuses on milling the Deck to use Lightsworn monsters and Summon "Judgment Dragon", while at the same time placing DARK monsters in the Graveyard in order to Summon "Dark Armed Dragon". Since the milling effect can place vital monsters in the Graveyard Twilight decks make use of Graveyard control cards such as "Monster Reincarnation", "Necro Gardna" and "Plaguespreader Zombie" to make sure they get the cards required in the hand and Graveyard. With the high amounts of DARK and LIGHT monsters being sent to the Graveyard, "Chaos Sorcerer" can work very well in Twilight decks due to the mix of LIGHT and DARK monsters in this deck. This deck became more powerful with the September 2011 limiting of "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" and unlimiting of "Judgment Dragon". "Gorz the Emissary of Darkness" and "Tragoedia" are important monsters for the deck, offering protection fromOTKs, versatility as a Synchro Material and the potential to become a huge beatstick, provided the player has enough cards in his/her hand. "Chaos Hunter", a TCG Exclusive from Storm of Ragnarok, provides extra defense against Decks that Special Summon a lot, while at the same time discarding cards that work better in the Graveyard. Unlike normal Lightsworn Decks, which utilize "Celestia, Lightsworn Angel", Twilight may instead use "Caius the Shadow Monarch" because Lightsworn monsters won't be seen on the field as often for use with Celestia. Other DARK monsters that are used include "D.D. Crow", for more control over the Graveyards, and "Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind", for Synchro potential and offensive support.

Typical cards [hide]

Monsters Black

Spells Charge

Traps Royal Decree Beckoning Light

Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Dark Armed Dragon Chaos Sorcerer Judgment Dragon Honest Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

of the Light Brigade Solar Recharge Monster Reincarnation Allure of Darkness Foolish Burial Gold Sarcophagus Heavy Storm

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Necro Gardna Wulf, Lightsworn Beast Plaguespreader Zombie Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Tragoedia Blackwing - Gale the

Whirlwind D.D. Crow Caius the Shadow Monarch Chaos Hunter Extra Deck
Ally of Justice Catastor Colossal Fighter Black Rose Dragon Thought Ruler Archfiend Dark End Dragon Ancient Sacred Wyvern Brionac, Dragon of the Ice

Barrier Stardust Dragon

Read more

"Different Dimension (D.D.)", often abbreviated "D.D.", is a name given to a series of cards that focus on banishing cards, often on their demise, thus sending them to a 'different dimension' rather then simply destroying the other monster. They can use those monsters to get more powerful or gain special effects. Although they were released in different sets, a large amount of 'Different Dimension' monsters were released in Structure Deck: The Dark Emperor.Nelson Andrews used some D.D. cards in the ZEXAL anime. "D.D." cards are great for cards that revolve around banishing cards, such as "Golden Homunculus", "Gren Maju Da Eiza", the "Helios" cards, "Graverobber's Retribution", "Caius the Shadow Monarch", etc. There are also cards that help removing at the same time that represent a defense for you as "D.D. Trap Hole", "D.D. Survivor", "D.D. Scout Plane", etc. These cards are not without their weakness however. "Imperial Iron Wall" will effectively shut down all D.D. cards (with the exception of a small few like "Different Dimension Dragon".) The second strongest monster overall is "ESPer Star Sparrow" with 3000 ATK, and the strongest monster is Dimensional Jet Iron, with 4000 ATK- however, beyond them, Different Dimension monsters tend to be rather weak in terms of offense, with no other monsters in their family having ATK higher than 1800. As a result it is hard to create a Deck filled with nothing but D.D. cards, so in Decks these are normally used as a sub-type (mostly in Banish Decks).

However, it is possible to have a sound D.D primary deck, for cards such as "Golden Homunculus", "Gren Maju Da Eiza", and the "Helios", gain attack and defense points multiplied by a certain number to your/both your and your opponent's banished cards. In a "D.D" Deck that focuses only on Banish cards, these monsters can become a massive threat to your opponent, continually gaining in power. Also, "Imperial Iron Wall" can be remedied by running Spell/Trap Cards that destroy other Spell and Trap Card, such as "Mystical Space Typhoon", "Dust Tornado", etc. Not only that, but "Monarch" monsters help greatly by destroying your opponent's cards and, if the proper card is present; ie, "Dimensional Fissure", and "Macro Cosmos", also Banish them, and possibly damaging your opponent in the process with cards such as, "Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch", "Caius the Shadow Monarch", and the worth mentioning (however not a Monarch, "Super Conductor Tyranno", with which you can keep recycling "D.D. Survivor" and/or "D.D. Scout Plane" to damage your opponent each turn. (Nevertheless, pure D.D cards are weak and should be used as back up to the previously mentioned non-D.D cards.)


Play styles
Macro Burn/Mill

Edit Edit

In this kind of deck you use cards from the Mill Deck, along with Macro Cosmos and Banisher of the Light andBanisher of the Radiance, Graverobber's Retribution and D.D. Dynamite. It focuses on removing your opponent's cards from play by milling them. Winning will require you to either mill the opponent out completely or burn theirLife Points with D.D. Dynamite and Graverobber's Retribution. This deck also works well with the Iron Chain cards. Also to speed up this deck you can also add the Shadowpriestess of Ohm and D.D. Survivor combo to inflict some extra burn damage.

Macro Monarch Deck


Macro Decks are usually run as a hybrid for Monarchs so usually decks like this will be run as Macro Monarchs; there is another deck with tuners named : Macro Synchro Deck, using the tuners Krebons and Rose, Warrior of Revenge to tune with the returning D.D. Survivor(s) to get out high powered Synchro Monsters.

Monster Cards Edit Caius the Shadow Monarch Golden Homunculus Gren Maju Da Eiza Mobius the Frost Monarch Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch D.D. Survivor D.D. Scout Plane D.D. Warrior Lady D.D. Assailant Dimension Jar Dark Necrofear Cyber Valley

Bazoo the Soul-Eater Banisher of the Light Chaosrider Gustaph Gandora the Dragon of Destruction The Wicked Dreadroot Necro Gardna A/D Changer Lesser Fiend Stygian Street Patrol Trance Archfiend Dark Armed Dragon

Spell Cards Edit Soul Absorption Soul Exchange Swords of Revealing Light Dimensional Fissure D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Reinforcement of the Army Chaos Zone Trap Cards Edit Macro Cosmos Dimensional Prison

Macro Beatdown Deck


The main purpose of the Macro beatdown deck is to remove from play as many of both you and your opponents cards as possible In order to power up the Helios monsters, Gren Maju Da Eiza, and Golden Homunculus.Necroface can become very powerful if used correctly and Bazoo the Soul-Eater gets more powerful by removing cards from play. One popular combo is to remove as many cards as possible and use Return from the Different Dimension to bring back Gren Maju Da Eiza, Golden Homunculus and Helios Trice Megistus to attack for game.

Monster Cards Edit Card Trooper D.D. Survivor D.D. Assailant D.D. Warrior Lady Gren Maju Da Eiza Helios - The Primordial Sun Helios Duo Megistus Helios Trice Megistus Golden Homunculus Bazoo the Soul-Eater Necroface D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master D.D. Crow Divine Knight Ishzark

Banisher of the Light Banisher of the Radiance Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Spell Cards Edit Chaos End Chaos Greed Grand Convergence Dimension Distortion Dimensional Fissure D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Nobleman of Crossout Soul Release Soul Absorption Gold Sarcophagus Trap Cards Edit Skull Lair Bottomless Trap Hole Karma Cut D.D. Dynamite Macro Cosmos Graverobber's Retribution Return from the Different Dimension Big Burn Raigeki Break Dimensional Prison

Macro Beatstick Deck


The macro beatstick deck is a more fine tuned version of the beatdown deck seen above. It is built to be able to take down weak, strong, and even large groups of monsters by the means of kill cards and increasingly strong monsters such as Golden Homunculus and Gren Maju Da Eiza.

Monster Cards Edit D.D. Survivor Banisher of the Radiance D.D. Guide Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer D.D. Assailant D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master Diskblade Rider Bazoo the Soul-Eater D.D. Warrior Lady Golden Homunculus Chaosrider Gustaph Cannon Soldier Dimensional Alchemist

D.D. Warrior Exiled Force Morphing Jar Golden Ladybug Gren Maju Da Eiza

Spell Cards Edit Enemy Controller Dimensional Fissure Lightning Vortex Light of Redemption D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Dark Core Reinforcement of the Army Emergency Provisions Nobleman of Crossout Soul Release Trap Cards Edit Doppelganger Karma Cut D.D. Dynamite Sakuretsu Armor Dust Tornado Destruction Jammer Magic Cylinder

D.D. Flood


The D.D. Flood Deck is a more powerful, refined form of the Macro Burn/Mill Deck below and is designed toremove as many cards from play as fast as possible in order to gain life through Soul Absorption, burn throughD.D. Dynamite and to power up Gren Maju Da Eiza. The deck accomplishes this by abusing Necroface's effect as much as possible by constantly removing it from play and then re-summoning it, repeating the process over and over. This should be one of the most dangerous D.D. Deck out of them all. The deck is dangerous for both players because the removing cards effect of Necroface can remove cards both player needs to win the duel. This deck decreased in destructive power when the March 2010 banlist placed Necroface as Limited. This deck is still highly capable, however, of milling out your opponent's deck, and removing those cards from play to prevent your opponent's access to them.

Monster Cards Edit Banisher of the Radiance Caius the Shadow Monarch D.D. Scout Plane D.D. Survivor D.D. Warrior Lady Gren Maju Da Eiza Necroface

Helios - The Primordial Sun D.D. Assailant Bazoo the Soul-Eater Banisher of the Light Delg the Dark Monarch

Spell Cards Edit Allure of Darkness D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Different Dimension Gate Dimensional Fissure Gold Sarcophagus Soul Absorption Soul Release Trap Cards Edit D.D. Dynamite Escape from the Dark Dimension Macro Cosmos Return from the Different Dimension Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

D.D. Mill/Burn


Different Dimension Mill/Burn deck revolves around removing Necroface a fast as possible through Armageddon Knight with either Macro Cosmos or Dimensional Fissure, or Armageddon Knight with Prometheus, King of the Shadows. Then hitting your opponent with D.D. Dynamite and a powered up Gren Maju Da Eiza. This deck is considered dead due to the moving of Necroface to limited status.

Monsters Edit Armageddon Knight Caius the Shadow Monarch Cyber Valley D.D. Assailant D.D. Survivor Dark General Freed Gorz the Emissary of Darkness Gren Maju Da Eiza Morphing Jar Necroface Prometheus, King of the Shadows Snipe Hunter Spell Cards Edit Allure of Darkness D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Dimensional Fissure Gravekeeper's Servant

Lightning Vortex Reinforcement of the Army Spell Chronicle Soul Release Swords of Revealing Light Burial from a Different Dimension Gold Sarcophagus

Trap Cards Edit D.D. Dynamite Dark Illusion Escape from the Dark Dimension Macro Cosmos Magic Cylinder Negate Attack Raigeki Break Transmigration Break

D.D. Macro Eatos


The D.D. Macro Eatos deck focuses on flooding the field with powerful monsters while maintaining advantage and preserving Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure to lockdown your opponents combos. While a closer variance to the Macro Monarch build, this deck also uses Guardian Eatos which serves as a 2500 attack point Special Summon during any stage of the game. While Monarchs control the field with their effects, Necroface andGuardian Eatos serve as the Beatsticks. While the deck works against most of the mainstream decks, (locking down Lightsworn, Blackwings and Zombies), its main flaw comes in losing its control of Dimensional Fissure orMacro Cosmos leaving Guardian Eatos as a dead draw for the rest of the game, while still useful with Return from the Different Dimension. However, a saving grace is in the decks ability to function quite well without these RFG staples, with Krebons, Card Guard and Brain Control useful for Monarch tributes.

Monsters Edit Guardian Eatos Caius the Shadow Monarch Raiza the Storm Monarch Mobius the Frost Monarch D.D. Warrior D.D. Scout Plane D.D. Warrior Lady Necroface Card Guard Breaker the Magical Warrior Plaguespreader Zombie Morphing Jar D.D. Assailant D.D. Survivor

Spells Edit Reinforcement of the Army Allure of Darkness Dimensional Fissure Gold Sarcophagus Emergency Teleport Traps
Edit Dark Bribe Macro Cosmos Return from the Different Dimension

D.D. Defense Life Line


Different Dimension Defense Wall deck is using the biggest defense while remove cards from play. This combo might help you to get the card(s) you need. With this combo, you protect and gain life points while your Gren Maju Da Eiza, Helios Trice Megistus, or Golden Homunculus get power up. This combo works better with Synchron Monsters. You need at least a D.D. Scout Plane or a D.D. Survivor in your fields with Dimensional Fissure, Soul Absorption, and a Scrubbed Raid. You are going to need some Traps and Magic to protect those cards. While the combo is in play you can draw D.D. Dynamite to finish your opponent.

Monsters Edit Banisher of the Radiance Bazoo the Soul-Eater Caius the Shadow Monarch Dark Resonator D.D. Assailant D.D. Crazy Beast D.D. Scout Plane D.D. Survivor D.D. Warrior D.D. Warrior Lady D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master Dimension Jar Gren Maju Da Eiza Golden Homunculus Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Mobius the Frost Monarch Umbral Soul White-Horned Dragon Spell Cards Edit Axe of Despair Big Bang Shot Dark Core D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation Dimensional Fissure

Different Dimension Capsule Inferno Tempest Lightning Vortex Soul Absorption Soul Release Chaos Zone Allure of Darkness Foolish Burial

Trap Cards Edit Chaos Burst Dark Bribe D.D. Dynamite Defense Draw Escape from the Dark Dimension Karma Cut Magic Cylinder Negate Attack Return from the Different Dimension Bottomless Trap Hole Trap Jammer

Banished Spirit Deck


This deck normally runs by using D.D. Scout Plane and D.D. Survivor as tribute monsters to repetively summon Spirits from the hand, or other monsters whos effects are are activated when they are summoned, and bringing the tribute summoned monsters to use again for later. Cards like Fenghuang and Dark Dust Spirit work especially well in this deck since Fenghuang will wipe out all your opponents set traps and spells and Dark Dust Spirit will wipe out all face up monsters. when dark dust wipes out all face up monsters, banishing all your opponents monsters and yours. When D.D. Scout Plane and D.D. Survivor are banished they will return to the feild at the end phase to be reused. if you combo this with Soul Absorption and Chaos Zone you will gain an increadible amount of counters on Chaos Zone and a large some of life as well. If you run Dark Dust Spirit in the deck you will have trouble runningBanisher of the Light and Banisher of the Radiance because of Dark Dust Spirit's effect. Anouther problem with this deck is your hand may fill up alot if you run spirits. If you run Ultimate offering in this deck you can Normal Summon during your opponents battle phase as much as you want and if you tribute summon while Soul Absorption is out it pretty much nulls the cost to nothing. If you use Dark Dust Spirit with this effect then your opponent wount be able to attack because all Face-up monsters are destroyed.



Cyber Valley D.D. Assailant D.D. Scout Plane D.D. Survivor D.D. Warrior Lady Dark Dust Spirit Fenghuang Golden Homunculus Great Long Nose

Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Yamata Dragon



Chaos Zone Dimensional Fissure Gold Sarcophagus Soul Absorption Soul Release



Dark Bribe Different Dimension Ground Divine Wrath Macro Cosmos

Card Tips:Neos Wiseman

Neos Wiseman

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This card must be in the hand before you can Special Summon it, so you'll need to use something like "Gold Sarcophagus", "Different Dimension Capsule" or "Deep Diver" to search it out before any of the below methods for summoning its components will pay off. Activate "Safe Zone" and select "Neos Wiseman" for a truly invincible monster. Even if "Safe Zone" leaves the field, "Neos Wiseman" will not be destroyed by the effect of "Safe Zone". "Safe Zone" will also protect"Neos Wiseman" from effect that target. Equip "Mist Body" to "Neos Wiseman" to make this card virtually invincible. Equip "Fighting Spirit" to "Neos Wiseman" to increase the attack by 300 for each of your opponent's monsters. If "Neos Wiseman" were to be destroyed by battle, you can destroy "Fighting Spirit" instead. Although this card cannot be destroyed by a card effect, it can still be removed from the field by another card's effect. Such examples would be "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier", "Caius the Shadow Monarch", "Chaos Sorcerer", "Compulsory Evacuation Device", "D.D. Warrior Lady", "Dimensional Prison", "Penguin Soldier", "Raiza the Storm Monarch", "Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" and "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning". In the above situations of the threat of being Banished can be taken out with "Imperial Iron Wall". Use "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" to save this card from being returned to your hand or deck or sent to the Graveyard by a card effect. This can also be used to avoid battle with your opponent's monster with a higher ATK. If "Elemental HERO Neos" is in your Graveyard, "O - Oversoul", "Call of the Haunted", "Soul Resurrection", "Birthright", "Silent Doom" and "Monster Reborn" can Special Summon him. If he is in your hand, "Fake Hero" or "Ancient Rules" can summon him, and he can also be Normal Summoned by paying 2000 Life Points using

"Mausoleum of the Emperor" or pay 1500 Life Points using "Star Blast". If he is in your Deck, "E - Emergency Call" or "Elemental HERO Stratos" can search him out. Another trick is "Elemental HERO Neos Alius" with either "Unleash Your Power!" or "Supervise" Use the effect of "Elemental HERO Prisma" to transform him into an "Elemental HERO Neos" just show to your opponent any other "Neos" fusion. "Hero Mask" also works. "Yubel" can searched out by ramming a "Mystic Tomato" into a stronger opponent's monster, or by taking damage and using "Damage Condenser". Combined with "Elemental HERO Neos", this can enable you to summon "Neos Wiseman" in your Main Phase 2. "Yubel" can also be Special Summoned from theGraveyard using conventional means (i.e "Monster Reborn" or "Limit Reverse"). If you can't bring "Yubel" back from the Graveyard, you can use "Phantom of Chaos" effect and transform it into "Yubel". "Yubel" can be summoned from the deck by the effect of "Chaos-End Master". Use "Hero Mask" on "Chaos-End Master" to summon "Neos Wiseman" and avoid the tribute effect of "Yubel". "Neos Wiseman" is a Level 10 Spellcaster-Type monster. This means that you can wait until your opponent fills their field up with monsters, then activate "Diffusion Wave-Motion" to do some serious damage and negate their monsters' effects. Since "Neos Wiseman" has "Neos" in its name, it can be used to Fusion Summon "Elemental HERO Divine Neos", who can gain its effects for one turn. If you plan on using this card, you may also want to run the upgraded forms of "Yubel" alongside it. This card can't be destroyed by card effects, your own included, so at the end of each of your turns, "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" can wipe out the field except for itself and "Neos Wiseman". Your opponent will eventually run out of monster cards and this card will be able to attack directly (and in the meantime, any monster cards they do put out will still cause them to take damage due to the burn effect of "Wiseman".) Another field-wiping card that can be easily used alongside "Neos Wiseman" is "Wrath of Neos". First use "Foolish Burial", or a similar card, to send "Yubel" to the Graveyard. Then, summon "Debris Dragon", and Special Summon "Yubel" with its effect. Next, use "Tribute Doll", tributing "Debris Dragon" to summon "Elemental HERO Neos". Finally, sacrifice both "Neos" and "Yubel" to summon this card. With the addition of "Elemental HERO Escuridao" you can fuse "Elemental HERO Neos" and "Yubel", then activate "De-Fusion" to bring them out on the field easier.

General Rush


One of the most common "Ice Barrier" Decks, the General Rush has two distinct styles: one focuses on using "Magic Triangle of the Ice Barrier" to Special Summon "General Grunard of the Ice Barrier," and then using his effect to swarm the field. The other makes heavy use of "Prior of the Ice Barrier's" effect to revive Generals, to the same ends. Both variants are capable of Synchro Summoning anything from Level 5 to Level 10 through the use of "Dewdark," "Geomancer," and "Cryomancer," though this should not be the main focus of the Deck.

Typical Cards


Recommended cards [hide]


Spells Magic

Traps Seven

Effect Monsters Prior of the Ice Barrier General Grunard of the

Triangle of the Ice Barrier Medallion of the Ice

Tools of the

Bandit Reckless Greed

Ice Barrier Dai-sojo of the Ice Barrier Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier Samurai of the Ice Barrier Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier Dewdark of the Ice Barrier Geomancer of the Ice Barrier Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier General Raiho of the Ice Barrier General Gantala of the Ice Barrier

Barrier Trade-In Book of Moon Salvage Demotion

HERO Barriers


This deck is designed to create an OTK with the swarming capabilities of the "Ice Barrier" Generals and the rapid Fusion engine of "Elemental HERO" monsters. This Deck is heavy on Spells and Graveyard manipulation, and fuses largely from the hand. Ideally, "Mask Change" is chained to "Elemental HERO Absolute Zero's" Summon in order to bring out "Masked HERO Acid," effectively opening an opponent's field up for massive damage, depending on the number or strength of other monsters on the player's side of the field.

Recommended Cards


Recommended cards


Spells Umiiruka Miracle Fusion Dark Hole Medallion of the


Effect Monsters Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier Treeborn Frog Dai-Sojo of the Ice Barrier Medium of the Ice Barrier Caravan of the Ice Barrier General Grunard of the Ice Barrier General Raiho of the Ice Barrier General Gantala of the Ice Barrier Samurai of the Ice Barrier Elemental HERO Ocean Dewdark of the Ice Barrier King of the Swamp Royal Knight of the Ice Barrier Deep Sea Diva Spined Gillman Strategist of the Ice Barrier Geomancer of the Ice Barrier Elemental HERO Stratos Elemental HERO Ice Edge Preacher of the Ice Barrier Fusion Monsters Elemental Hero Absolute Zero Masked HERO Vapor Masked HERO Acid Synchro Monsters Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier(Traditional Format only)


Barrier Enemy Controller De-Fusion Mask Change Polymerization

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