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Examiners Report June 2012 GCE Biology 6BI02 01

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GCE Biology 6BI02 01

There were some very good responses seen to all the questions set in this summers paper, demonstrating accuracy and appropriate levels of detail. However, poor communication skills, particularly with regard to clarity of expression, cost many candidates marks. Knowledge of the topics covered in this exam was generally good, especially with regard to the process of protein synthesis and the structure of gametes; however, poor spelling of vital vocabulary and lack of depth in descriptions was also evident. Questions on concepts such as double fertilisation or experimental procedure proved to discriminate between those with a sound understanding of the subject matter and those with only a superficial grasp of the AS course. Consequently, this paper did result in a wide range of total scores, reflecting the range in aptitude of the candidates, not only in Biology, but in their ability to write clearly in examination situations.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 1 (a)
The majority of candidates were able to identify the structures on the drawing; virtually all correctly identified the rER and mitochondrion. The spelling of nucleus and nucleolus were critical to success; a good few candidates fell at this hurdle, writing nucleous which was marked as incorrect.

Examiner Comments

This candidate has made sure of the first mark by writing RER and the full name of the organelle RER on its own would have gained the mark here.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

Rough ER is sufficient for the mark - endoplasmic reticulum on its own would not have been. Common mistake for C - nucleous - frequently seen and not awarded a mark.

Examiner Tip

Learn how to spell biological terms such as nucleus and nucleolus - they are different things and mixing up the two words is not going to gain any marks.

Question 1 (b)
The main error made here was giving the name of the organelle instead of the letter. Care must be taken to follow the instructions in questions.

Question 1 (c)
As with 1b, the main mistake made here was writing the name of the organelle instead of the letter. The aim of this question was to test that candidates could identify, from a diagram, organelles from descriptions of how they behave during cell division.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 2
This type of question often appears relatively easy, but candidates lose marks as a result of failing to read through the whole passage and guessing instead of deducting which words should go in the gaps. Many students gained all available marks; others gave glycosidic instead of hydrogen bonds because they associated them with polysaccharides. Virtually all candidates gained the first mark, and most the next two, although pits and plasmodesmata were frequently the wrong way round if known at all.

Examiner Comments

This candidate got 3/5 marks. If they had thought carefully before switiching pits and plasmodesmata they could have gained all 5.

Examiner Tip

Think before changing your answers - panic can lead to correct answers being crossed out.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This candidate has not read the entire sentence before guessing what to put in the second blank space. They have tried 'carbohydrates', 'microfibrils' and settled for '1-4 glycosidic chains' - all of which are wrong. The polysaccharide found in plant cell walls is cellulose something all AS Biology candidates should know.

Examiner Tip

Read through the whole passage before filling in the gaps -don't just put in the first word that comes to mind. Read the context and then put in words that completes the sentences sensibly!

GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 3 (a) (i)

All three marking points were seen, but sometimes the mark was lost for stating 'reduced genetic variation', when clearly there should be 'no variation'. There were also numerous unqualified references to a 'fair test', an inadequately vague response at this level. Too many answers explained why different plants were not used and fewer why the same plant was used.

Examiner Comments

This response begins with a confused statement - a 'control variable' being a cross between a 'control' and a 'controlled variable' which are two different things. A control allows for comparisons to be made and a controlled variable ensures that results are reliable. This example gains the mark for making it clear that the reason for using fibres from the same plant was to 'ensure ...genetic variation between different plants does not affect' the results.

Examiner Tip

This candidate has added a statement to make their answer clearer - if you think you can do this, do it! It can help the examiner work out what you actually mean and can make the difference between getting the mark or not getting it.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

The first statement does not gain a mark - it is too vague. Making the fibres identical is also insufficient for the mark. However, the mark was given for 'genetically identical' especially as the candidate makes it clear that the reason is to make sure only environmental factors vary.

Examiner Comments

This is an alternative, but also acceptable, answer.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 3 (a) (ii)

Most candidates were able to score two marks, although occasionally the word size was used to describe an aspect of the fibre. However, there were examples where it appeared students had not read the second half of the question and started stating general factors such as room temperature and humidity. For most this was straightforward; many clearly drew on experience of similar experiments.

Examiner Comments

A nice clear answer - sticking to one factor per line!

Examiner Comments

Unfortunately this candidate has crossed out two correct responses and replaced them with incorrect answers. These two factors would need to be kept the same when carrying out the investigation - but they are not factors to be kept constant when 'selecting the 10 fibres'.

Examiner Tip

Always check the context of the question it is vital for achieving full marks.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 3 (a) (iii)

Poor grammar sometimes made it difficult to understand the point that was being made by the candidates, although many were able to make the point that temperature is, itself, a variable. Again many answers dealt with reasons the fibres were not kept at different temperatures, rather than reasons for keeping them at the same temperature.

Examiner Comments

Good, clear answer - makes it clear that the candidate knows that temperature has to be a controlled variable, necessary for producing reliable results.

Examiner Comments

Another example of a good answer, clearly recognising the need to make sure temperature did not affect the strength of the fibres or the results.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 3 (b)
The vast majority realised that there were aspects to the investigation that could cause damage to the eyes which accounted for the need to wear safety goggles.

Question 3 (c) (i)

Most correctly stated that greater force was needed to break the wet fibres, but fewer were able to back it up with correctly calculated evidence with units. A few didnt pay attention to the word 'mean' in the question and compared other values in the table.

Examiner Comments

This candidate gains the first mark easily - stating clearly that the mean force need to break the wet fibres is higher/greater. Then the second mark is also awarded for correctly calculating the difference and giving units.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

Although this answer gains the first mark, that is all it gets. This is an example of where someone has quoted the figures from the table but then failed to do anything else with them. A vague statement of 'over 1000 arbitrary units' is not good enough not when a simple subtraction gives 1100 au.

Examiner Tip

It is always a good idea to underline key words and figures from tables - which this candidate has done.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 3 (c) (ii)

This question was generally well understood. However, a few thought they had to name the samples that were unreliable rather than the set. Most gained 2/3 marks, but others noticed the anomalous result and stopped there, not realising that it was not enough for three marks. Most candidates understood the concept of a wide range showing unreliability but many had difficulty expressing their ideas clearly, the most common error was for candidates to refer to higher or lower range rather than wider or narrower. Some also incorrectly described variation in data rather than range, whereas both sets of data had the same variation, 4 different values for each. Many candidates quoted figures from the data without any manipulation and appeared to assume that this was the same as stating which was larger. There were also mistakes made with basic subtraction, many giving incorrect figures for ranges of 1000 for wet fibres and/or 200 for the dry fibres. Many were quite proficient at using the term anomaly, or outlier, but didnt always link this to the value 3100 or sample 5. Some students remarked on the absorption of water by the fibres and the inaccuracies this would result in, describing reasons for the unreliability of the data, rather than reasons for selecting a particular set as unreliable.

Examiner Comments

This gains 3 marks - the first mark for wet fibres, the second for noting the difference in range, the third for calculating the relative ranges. This candidate also clearly described the anomaly at 3100 for the 5th wet fibre value.

Examiner Tip

Check how many marks are available - in this case there were 3 - that gives you an idea of how many points need to be made. This candidate has separated the points which helps set out the answer.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This answer gets 2 marks - one for identifying the 'wet fibre' set of data as less reliable and one for correct calculation of the ranges for each. However, it does not state that the range for the wet fibres was more than that for dry fibres. The wider range does not necessarily mean the data was 'less precise'- that would be a consequence of the equipment used to make the measurements.

Examiner Tip

Remember - the obvious must be stated, examiners cannot give marks for something that has not been written.

Examiner Comments

This response only gets one mark - for stating that the wet fibre data is less reliable. However, this answer then tries to explain why the data would be less reliable, instead of giving reasons for selecting that set as the least reliable.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 3 (d) (i)

Unfortunately this was poorly attempted, with many vague answers, this question required careful study of the data. Many stated that '3, 4 and 5 were lower than 1 and 2', despite the fact that the value for sample 5 was the same as that for sample 1. Few were able to analyse the results to answer this question correctly, those that did gave simple, concise answers.

Examiner Comments

This gets the mark for clearly stating that 3 and 4 break at lower values than 1 and 2, which have no knots.

Examiner Comments

This answer does not get the mark because it states that 1 and 2 took more force to break than '3, 4, and 5'.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This answer shows evidence of the candidate having checked what they've written and crossed out '5' - this has saved them the mark.

Examiner Tip

It always pays to check what you've written.

Question 3 (d) (ii)

Many were able to answer this simple question correctly. However, a surprising number of candidates thought that the sequence in the table, samples 1-5, had some significance and looked for increases or decreases in the force down the table.

Examiner Comments

This is typical of the answers given to this question - for some reason it proved easier for candidates than 3di.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 4 (a) (i)

Many candidates made reference to human body temperature, but only some made reference to a control. Good answers did describe the reason for having a control for comparison. Its essential that candidates appreciate the difference between a control and a controlled variable.

Examiner Comments

Straightforward answer clearly stating the purpose of incubating some of the egg cells at 37oC throughout.

Examiner Comments

A typical incorrect response stating that 37oC is human body temperature. This does not answer the question - all of the egg cells were returned to 37oC, but only some were kept at this temperature throughout.

Examiner Tip

Read all of the question - many answered this as if they'd only read the first line and were answering the question: 'Suggest why some of the egg cells were incubated at 37oC'.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 4 (a) (ii)

Candidates had difficulty expressing themselves when answering this question, a straightforward question requesting a description of data from a table. Many simply indicated that there was positive correlation between temperature and numbers of cells showing spindle fibre formation, without giving a ceiling of 33oC, although a large proportion noted that there was no change at temperatures above 33 oC. Few candidates managed to show sufficient distinction between spindle fibre formation at different temperatures and the number of egg cells showing spindle fibre formation to achieve any marks; this appeared to indicate a lack of knowledge of the process of nuclear division. A large number of candidates simply quoted figures from the table rather than actually interpreting them to describe a trend. Some did a partial calculation, but did not state x degree rise in temperature caused y increase in cells showing spindle fibre formation.

Examiner Comments

This answer demonstrates some of the poor phrasing which makes it difficult to determine whether or not to award a mark. 'Spindle fibre formation in egg cells' is not the same as 'number of egg cells showing spindle fibre formation'. However, there is an appropriate manipulation of the data for one mark, referring to numbers of egg cells. A mark was also given for the fact that there was no change above 33oC.

Examiner Tip

To make sure you get the marks on data analysis questions, refer directly to the information or units provided in the headings of the tables of data.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Examiner Comments

This shows how confusing some responses can be - 'as the temperature decreases' is too vague - temperatures should be quoted. 'The number of spindle fibres forming becomes less and less' - there is no data given on number of spindle fibres. 'At 33oC and 37oC all 5 eggs showed 5 fibres' - again, where is this figure of 5 fibres coming from?

Examiner Tip

Take care with how you express yourself - check that you're referring to the right units from tables or graphs.

Examiner Comments

Examiner Tip

This is a much clearer answer - easily gaining 2 marks. Although it does not refer to 'egg cells' but to 'cells' the stem of the question refers to 'human egg cells', so the context can be assumed.

Keep to short sentences that make sense - that way both you and the examiner can be sure of the marks.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 4 (b) (i)

Most candidates identified the fact that only the 35oC statement was correct but could not clearly explain why. Others made a good start but then went on to explain how the 31oC statement was also true. A significant number of candidates appeared not have read the question thoroughly and didnt realise that the statement said all 5 cells would have shown spindle fibre formation, and assumed it referred to any spindle formation. There were also incomplete answers provided, with no clear statement as to which temperature was being discussed, candidates expecting the examiner to obtain it by implication from the answer please note, the examiner cannot give marks for points not clearly stated.

Examiner Comments

A nice clear response gaining both marks.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 4 (b) (ii)

This question should have given a clue to the correct response for the previous question as it implied that one of the temperatures could not be supported. Yet again, the explanation was often lacking for a second mark. Many assumed linear proportionality between 25oC to 28oC, so predicted that a change in temperature from 28oC to 31oC would give increase of 2 cells with no reference to the result at 33oC. It would help if candidates structured their answers clearly, e.g. 31oC cannot be supported because.

Examiner Comments

This is the type of answer given when a candidate has not thought through their response before starting to write. There is repetition of 'at 28oC only 2 showed spindle fibre' and much rambling. It does score 2 marks, one for implying that not all egg cells would show spindle fibres at 31oC, although it is not clearly stated; the second mark for the idea that there could be 3 or 4 eggs showing spindle fibres.

Examiner Tip

Think through what you're trying to say before setting pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) - it helps you and the examiner!


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This answer has been logically thought through and the original mistake concerning 'number of spindle fibres formed' has been spotted and corrected.

Examiner Comments

This response gains two marks - one for recognising that the data does not support the statement for 31oC and the other for suggesting the number of egg cells showing spindle formation would be 3 or 4, and not 5.

Examiner Tip

Bullet points help set out the answer clearly.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 4 (c)
There were many marking points available for this question and many detailed and well explained responses were seen, showing that candidates know this well and have practised explaining the adaptations of the sperm cell. In some cases, though, only one of a pair of answers was accepted because of poor expression, e.g. the streamlined shape of the sperm head was linked to swimming more efficiently or faster, rather than just giving it low resistance in the fluid. As this was a QWC question, spelling was important and there were many candidates that could not spell flagellum or zona pellucida correctly and others seemed unaware of plurals such as flagella, mitochondria and nuclei this was of particular importance with reference to a sperm cell having one flagellum, one nucleus and many mitochondria. Many failed to score a mark for mitochondria as they failed to qualify the reference, some even referring to a single mitochondrion. Confusion also arose where some candidates referred to the acrosome as being the enzyme, rather than being a vesicle containing enzymes. On the whole, this was a well answered question where marks were lost due to inadequate expression rather than a lack of knowledge.

Examiner Comments

This is a good answer - containing plenty of relevant details to score full marks. This reflects the depth of knowledge the examiners expect for questions asking for descriptions and explanations.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This response gains the mark for describing the acrosome releasing digestive enzymes, but nothing for explaining its function, as the candidate does not mention the break down or digestion of the zona pellucida - 'burrow through' is not specific enough for the mark (mp4). Another mark is given for mitochondria providing the energy for the flagellum, but their number or location is not described, so that mark (mp7) cannot be awarded. Then two marks are given for describing and explaining the purpose of the flagellum. This response gained 4/6.

Examiner Tip

Use biological terms to make sure you get the marks.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Examiner Comments

This answer may appear to be a good one, but there are not enough details to score highly. Two marks are given for 'flagellum' and 'enables it to swim'. Nothing can be given for 'acrosome' as there is no mention of the enzymes it contains or what their function is - instead it suggests that the acrosome itself dissolves the 'jelly-like substance'. The only other mark that can be awarded is the one for stating that the mitochondria provide energy for the sperm to swim. Total = 3/6

Examiner Tip

Make sure your answers have the right level of detail - but always try to write something. Although this candidate's knowledge lacks depth, they have still picked up 3 marks.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 5 (a)
This was a poorly answered question, with few managing to give a precise definition of a haploid nucleus. Some attempted to describe haploid number rather than refer to the nucleus, whilst others discussed the role of the haploid gametes allowing the restoration of the diploid number following fertilisation. The vast majority of answers referred to half the number of chromosomes, this is not sufficient, there has to be reference to which cell has the full number i.e. somatic cells. Better answers referred to only one set of chromosomes, or to only one from each homologous pair. A large number of candidates referred to 23 and 46 chromosomes, seemingly unaware that chromosome number differs between species. Hardly any candidates provided a description of the nucleus as an organelle containing the chromosomes.

Examiner Comments

This is a good answer - the candidate refers to 'only one set of chromosomes' which is worth a mark on its own. They then go on to say 'half the normal amount of chromosomes in a body cell' which is an alternative way of saying the same thing. Then they gain a second mark for noting that haploid nuclei are found in gametes.

Examiner Tip

When asked for a definition, starting your answer with a phrase like 'A haploid nucleus is a ...' helps keep your answer on track.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Stating 'half the number of chromosomes' is too imprecise for AS Biology - it fails to make the distinction that only one chromosome from each homologous pair ends up in the haploid nucleus. For example, half the number of chromosomes in a human gamete could mean that one gamete has a pair of each chromosome from number 1-11 and a single sex chromosome - this is obviously not the case! That is why examiners will not accept answers that lack precision when describing the haploid condition. Also, a 'normal cell' is not the same as a 'somatic cell'.

Examiner Comments

This candidate has straightaway shown that they are not answering the question asked. They are trying to describe what is meant by 'haploid number'. Then they cross out the one word that would have allowed this response to gain one mark - 'somatic' is the perfect way to describe a 'normal body cell'.

Examiner Tip

Read the question carefully - don't assume it's the same as one you've seen before doing practice papers. It may be similar - but there's a difference between 'haploid number' and 'haploid nucleus'.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 5 (b)
Most candidates gained one mark for recognising that the pH increased and then decreased, although there were many vague answers stating incorrectly that pH went down towards the tip, not noting the increase half way down. Several, aware that the answer required something more for the second mark, just repeated the values given in the diagram. Not many correctly manipulated the figures; it appears that candidates are often able to quote data directly, but fail to state differences between data. There were also some who attempted to give reasons for this change in pH, therefore failing to identify the command word as describe rather than explain.

Examiner Comments

This is typical of the type of answer given to this question - but it only gains one mark as there is no manipulation of the data provided.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 5 (c)
Many candidates scored well on this question, giving credible and logical accounts of the fate of absorbed amino acids. There were a lot of marking points available for this question and those with an understanding of protein synthesis and transport found it easy to gain the 5 marks. The most common omission was the folding and forming of secondary and tertiary structure in the rER. Often there was no statement about the progression from amino acids to polypeptide to protein to enzyme. Some had amino acids being packaged in vesicles and eventually being passed out into the style. Meanwhile, some provided full descriptions of transcription and translation, rather than starting with the transport of the amino acids to the ribosomes. Although the majority of candidates scored highly, there were also some disappointing responses which demonstrated confusion over the process of protein synthesis, e.g. amino acids carrying the code from the nucleus and ribosomes being packaged into vesicles in the Golgi. There were also many incorrect references to exocytosis for vesicles being formed in the cytoplasm by the rER or the Golgi apparatus, as well as reference to vesicles bonding or binding instead of fusing. This question really did discriminate between those who could describe the processes involved and those who could not apply that aspect of the specification to the context of enzyme production by pollen tubes. There were many excellent answers to this question, easily gaining full marks.

Examiner Comments

Full marks given as follows:- ribosome involvement (mp2); packaging of protein in vesicle by rER (mp5); vesicle fuses with Golgi (mp6); protein modified by Golgi (mp7); Golgi packages enzyme in vesicle (mp8); enzymes released by exocytosis (mp9).


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

Full marks again. Awarded as follows:- ribosome involvement (mp2); vesicles move to the Golgi (mp6); Golgi modifies protein (mp7); proteins in secretory vesicles (mp8); exocytosis (mp9). Note - mp5 not given as the answer does not make it clear that it is rough ER

Examiner Tip

Note use of bullet points ('stars'!) to separate the different points. Make sure you refer to rough endoplasmic reticulum when describing protein synthesis.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 5 (d)
Although there were many examples showing a clear grasp of the process of double fertilisation, many lost marks through imprecise expression. When it comes to this process it is important to distinguish between nucleus and nuclei (AS Biology candidates are expected to know the difference). In flowering plants, one of the male nuclei fertilises the egg cell nucleus, not the ovum; the other fuses with the two polar nuclei (not polar bodies, these are found in the production of ova in animals).

Examiner Comments

A good answer clearly showing that this candidate knows the difference between 'nucleus' and 'nuclei' and understands the process of double fertilisation in flowering plants.

Examiner Comments

This answer just gains the mark for describing the fusion of one of the male nuclei with the egg cell. However, the other mark is lost as a result of referring to 'polar bodies' instead of 'polar nuclei'.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 6 (b)
Most candidates stated that 'C' represented phase 3 but said that it was because it was a 'large' group, rather than the 'largest' group. Many candidates worked too hard here. Instead of responding to the question and checking the data, they launched into long expositions of the various stages of drug testing and the reasons for them, this was because they misread the question and gave a reason for C needing a large sample size instead of giving a reason why C represented phase 3 of testing.

Examiner Comments

This answer gains two marks. One for giving the correct letter and the second for explaining that it was the largest segment in the pie chart. This candidate goes on to state that phase 3 requires the most people - this was not required for the mark, but shows that the candidate was covering all the bases to make sure they got the marks.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Examiner Comments

A good answer, clearly explaining the reason for selecting C.

Examiner Comments

This answer only gains one mark for C. The answer provided describes why there are a large number of people tested in phase 3 instead of explaining why C was chosen as the part of the pie-chart representing phase 3.

Examiner Tip

Read the questions really carefully - make sure that your answers fit the question.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 6 (c)
This question scored quite well, although candidates often failed to gain more than 3 of the 4 available marks. Most commented that the mean improvement of P was greater than Q. A significant number of candidates misinterpreted the heading in the table as age range instead of range and consequently discussed the effect of the treatments on patients of different ages. This is a careless error and comes from looking back through the data searching for answers rather than reading the data first. A further complication arose when candidates described lower and higher ranges, rather than narrower and wider. Once again there was often no idea about using the term range and what it meant. Not many made the link between the size of the range and reliability or consistency. Realising that more statements were required to gain the marks many wrote about costs and side effects, disregarding the instruction in the question regarding using information in the table. There were also many irrelevant discussions of the placebo effect. It is important that candidates use the mark allocation as an indication of the depth of answer required and stick to the instructions given in the question.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Examiner Comments

This example gains full marks. In fact, all 4 marks are given for the first two bullet points.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This answer got 3/4 marks. The first mark was given for 'mean percentage improvement ... for drug P is greater than ... Q'. However, the next mark was lost as this candidate quoted 49% and 46%, but failed to work out the difference. The other marks were gained for stating that the range was smaller for P and that this indicated greater reliability.

Examiner Tip

Don't just copy figures from tables do something with them!

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Examiner Comments

This example gained 2/4 marks - one for 'highest mean percentage improvement' and the other for 'smaller range' for drug P.

Question 6 (d)
The majority of candidates got all 3 marks for this question. It was good to see so many following the instructions and using both ticks and crosses. There were also far fewer hybrid tick/crosses which are always marked as incorrect.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 7 (a)
Many candidates had learnt a standard definition for tissue, they wrote it down and scored both marks competently. However, others floundered constructing a definition from scratch, sometimes failing to make it clear that there are numbers of each cell type present, which is not the same as numbers of different cell types. This proved to be more challenging than expected, again as a consequence of poor expression rather than lack of knowledge.

Examiner Comments

A good clear definition of the term 'tissue'. This response gains full marks. The candidate clearly understands what is meant by 'explain'.

Examiner Comments

This response gains just one mark for 'group of similar cells'. Although the candidate has written that they 'work together', there is no mention of a function.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 7 (c) (i)

Many candidates scored well on this question, although some stated that the plastic film would stop pathogens from growing on the agar, rather than prevent them from entering or leaving the beaker. The main problem here arose from a false conception that agar always contains bacteria, or that it is a dangerous substance. The other main difficulty here and in 7cii was the muddling of the concept of a precaution and a variable. So prevention of entry of bacteria was claimed to be to make the experiment reliable, or a fair test. There was also a common lack of understanding of what plant growth substances were, many candidates evidently believed them to be food supplies, or present in large quantity and therefore toxic to humans.

Examiner Comments

This answer gained two marks - one for preventing entry of bacteria and the other for realising that the safety reason (as underlined by the candidate!) concerned the fact that the bacteria could be harmful to humans.

Examiner Tip

When 'safety' is mentioned in a question it usually refers to the safety of the humans conducting the experiment.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This is an example of a common answer provided referring to the dangers of plant growth substances. It scored no marks.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 7 (c) (ii)

Many candidates disregarded the context here and failed to realise that the transparency of the film was important, in order to let light through. Amazingly few mentioned photosynthesis. The phrase other than safety was also either missed or misunderstood, leading to answers concerning contamination, which were accepted if related to the entry of organisms affecting the growth of the plant tissue. Surprisingly, very few answers did refer to light being able to enter for photosynthesis. Many seemed to forget that plant tissue culture is about growing plants!

Examiner Comments

A rare example of the answer expected for this question!


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 7 (c) (iii)

Many candidates gained all three marks on this question. Many correctly identified tissue R as xylem and recognised that it was dead, unable to divide and already differentiated. Many also used the term totipotency and could explain why xylem tissue could not be used to develop a plant. A few incorrectly referred to the tissue as being phloem or sclerenchyma.

Examiner Comments

There were lots of good answers like this one - clearly using the knowledge of the topics studied to explain why tissue R could not be used for tissue culture.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 8 (a) (i)

This was an easy mark for most. Some set about detailed explanation, despite the hint of only one mark being available and only limited space provided. Others seemingly decided the question expected complex reasoning and tried to balance germination success against size of seed, suggesting that smaller seeds would save space in a seed bank, and opted for seed sizes such as 3.5mm.

Examiner Comments

A good answer - providing a sound reason for selecting seeds of 7mm.

Examiner Comments

This candidate made the assumption that seeds with a lower germination success would be better to store - possibly thinking that the others would germinate whilst in storage.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Question 8 (a) (ii)

Many candidates apparently had no idea at all how to calculate a percentage increase, although a large number had identified the correct values from the graph. Some then went on to carry out the correct subtraction, but the majority could not take it any further, many divided 16 by 20, instead of by 4, not realising that they had to divide the difference by the original value to find the percentage difference. The mathematics involved was extremely easy and could be done without the use of a calculator, but unfortunately many had no idea how to work out the percentage. It is vital to practise these and similar calculations.

Examiner Comments

Clearly set out - a good grasp of the mathematics involved. Full marks here.

Examiner Comments

This is an example of where someone has the right answer, panics, crosses it out and replaces it with one that is wrong. They still got one mark for getting 20 and 4 from the graph and correctly working out the difference between the two figures. They then got the right formula set out to calculate % change, but then, for reasons unfathomable, changed the figures and lost the final mark. It was lucky for them that they had not crossed 20-4=16!

Examiner Tip

Learn how to work out % change and practice the calculation - You are expected to be able to do this.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 8 (a) (iii)

Many candidates appeared to think that the question was about the seeds in storage having a better chance of surviving or ability to germinate. Few candidates scored full marks, the most common correct mark being given for mentioning genetic diversity. Most were aware of the fact that different size seeds would increase genetic diversity, but there was less evidence that they knew why genetic diversity would be an advantage. Some candidates did manage to explain that increased genetic diversity would lead to an increased chance of survival if conditions changed. This is another example of the type of question where poor expression hindered candidates, preventing them from achieving marks.

Examiner Comments

This answer nearly scored full marks - but not quite. The first mark can be given for 'maintain genetic diversity' and then the second for clearly describing the concept of beneficial alleles. Although the candidate refers to changes in the environment, they have not stated that the greater genetic diversity, or beneficial alleles, will increase the chance of survival.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

This answer gains one mark for 'increase genetic variation' - however, despite mention of 'natural selection', the candidate does not appear to understand how increased genetic variation would be an advantage.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Question 8 (b)
Some candidates had obviously learned this material, whilst others appeared to simply make sensible suggestions, so that drying the seeds and storing them at low temperatures appeared often. However, there were some that seemed to believe that 25oC constitutes a low temperature. Many candidates mentioned dry and sterile conditions of storage, but failed to state that the seeds needed to be dried and their surfaces sterilised. The candidates were very confused about the regular testing for viability and the subsequent action. Most did not know that seeds were collected only if germination rate is low. There were also a large number of answers referring to: education, breeding programmes and reintroduction to the wild; many using learnt responses to questions regarding conservation of species, not appreciating that there are distinct differences to how animals and plants are conserved, seeds and plants do not need protection from predators and poachers!

Examiner Comments

This example gained full marks as follows:- cleaning seeds (mp2); drying of seeds (mp3); X-ray to assess viability (mp1); -20oC (mp4); checking viability (mp6).

Examiner Tip

Bullet points are a good approach to multi-mark questions like this. It's also a good idea to list more points than there are marks, in case one is wrong.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Examiner Comments

Remember it's only the surface of the seed that gets sterilised - not the whole seed - that would kill it! This answer gains full marks for washing, X-raying, drying and then keeping the seeds at -20oC.

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Paper Summary
In order to improve their performance candidates should:-

read all of the details in the questions carefully making sure that they consider the context before writing their answers; develop a familiarity with the terminology encountered at this level and learn how to define key phrases accurately; review all of the recommended core practicals with particular reference to laboratory procedures; gain practice at interpreting information presented graphically and in tables; practice simple mathematical calculations subtractions, and % differences; practice hand writing responses to questions to develop better skills at expressing themselves.


GCE Biology 6BI02 01

Grade Boundaries
Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this link:

GCE Biology 6BI02 01


Further copies of this publication are available from Edexcel Publications, Adamsway, Mansfield, Notts, NG18 4FN Telephone 01623 467467 Fax 01623 450481 Email [email protected] Order Code US031773 June 2012 For more information on Edexcel qualifications, please visit Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828 with its registered office at Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE

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