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`MALOLES V PHILLIPS 324 SCRA 172 MENDOZA; Jan 31, 2000 NATURE Review on certiorari of 2 CA decisions which ruled

that petitioner has no right to intervene in the settlement of the estate of Dr. Arturo de Santos. FACTS On July 20, 1995Dr. Arturo de Santo filed a petition for probate of his will in RTC-Makati, Branch 61.He alleged that he had no compulsory heirs; that he had named in his will as sole legatee and devisee the Arturo de Santos Foundation, Inc; and that copies of said will were in the custody of the named executrix, Pacita de los Reyes Phillips. On Feb 16, 1996, Judge Gorospe issued an order granting the petition and allowing the will. Dr. De Santos died 10 days later. On April 3, 1996, Octavio S. Maloles II filed a motion for intervention claiming that, as the only child of Alicia de Santos (testator's sister) and Octavio L. Maloles, Sr., he was the sole fullblooded nephew and nearest of kin of Dr. De Santos. He likewise alleged that he was a creditor of the testator. Petitioner thus prayed for the reconsideration of the order allowing the will and the issuance of letters of administration in his name. On the other hand, Phillips, the wills designated executrix, filed a motion for the issuance of letters testamentary with Branch 61. Later, however, she moved to withdraw her motion. This was granted, while petitioner was required to file a memorandum of authorities in support of his claim that said court still had jurisdiction to allow his intervention. Petitioner filed his memorandum of authorities on May 13, 1996. Meanwhile, Phillips, who withdrew her motion for the issuance of letters testamentary, refiled a petition for the same with the Makati RTC, docketed as Sp. Proc. No. M-4343, assigned to Branch 65. Upon Phillip's motion, Judge Abad Santos of Branch 65 issued an order, dated June 28, 1996, appointing her as special administrator of Dr. De Santos's estate. Petitioner sought to intervene in M-4343 and to set aside the appointment of Phillips as special administrator. He reiterated that he was the nearest of kin of the testator; that he came to know of the existence of M-4343 only by accident; that the probate proceedings in M-4223 before Branch 61 of the same court was still pending; that Phillips misdeclared the true worth of the testator's estate; that Phillips was not fit to be the special administrator of the estate; and that petitioner should be given letters of administration for the estate of Dr. De Santos. On Aug 28, 1996, Judge Abad Santos ordered the transfer of M-4343 to Branch 61, on the ground that it is related to the case before Judge Gorospe of RTC Branch 61. It appears, however, that in M-4223, Judge Gorospe had denied on Aug 26, 1996 petitioner's motion for intervention. Petitioner brought this matter to the CA which upheld the denial of petitioner's motion for intervention. Meanwhile, Judge Gorospe issued an order, dated Sep 4, 1996, returning the records of M-4343 to Branch 65. The order states that there is no related case involving the ESTATE OF DECEDENT ARTURO DE SANTOS pending before Branch 61; there is, however, a case filed by ARTURO DE SANTOS, as petitioner under Rule 76 for the Allowance of his will during his lifetime docketed as M-4223 which was already decided on 16 Feb 1996 and has become final; after it became final, Pacita de los Reyes Phillips filed a MOTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, which was subsequently withdrawn after Branch 61 ruled that the motion could not be admitted as the subject matter involves a separate case under Rule 78, and movant withdrew her motion and filed M-4343; Octavio de Santos Maloles II filed a MOTION FOR INTERVENTION before M-4223 and this was already DENIED likewise for the same grounds that the matter is for a separate case to be filed under Rule 78. Initially, Judge Abad Santos appeared firm in his position that it would be improper for Branch 65 to hear and resolve M-4343, considering that the probate proceedings were commenced with

Branch 61. He thus ordered the transfer of the records back to the latter branch. However, he later recalled his decision and took cognizance of the case to expedite the proceedings: Considering the refusal of the Hon. Gorospe of Branch 61 to continue hearing this case notwithstanding the fact that said branch began the probate proceedings of the estate of the deceased and must therefore continue to exercise its jurisdiction to the exclusion of all others, until the entire estate of the testator had been partitioned and distributed as per Order dated 23 Sep 1996, Branch 65 shall take cognizance of the petition if only to expedite the proceedings, and under the concept that the Makati RTC is but one court. On Nov 4, 1996: Judge Abad Santos granted petitioner's motion for intervention. Phillips MFR denied by the trial court. She then filed a petition for certiorari in the CA which set aside the trial court's order on the ground that petitioner had not shown any right/interest to intervene in M-4343. ISSUES WON the petitioner has a right to intervene HELD NO. Petitioner claims the right to intervene in and oppose the petition for issuance of letters testamentary filed by private respondent. He argues that, as the nearest next of kin and creditor of the testator, his interest in the matter is material and direct. In ruling that petitioner has no right to intervene in the proceedings before Branch 65, the CA held that Maloles claim to being a creditor of the estate is a belated one, having been raised for the first time only in his reply to the opposition to his motion to intervene, and, as far as the records show, not supported by evidence; the opposition must come from one with a direct interest in the estate or the will, and Maloles has none. Moreover, the ground cited that the executrix has deliberately misdeclared the truth worth and value of the estate, is not relevant to the question of her competency to act as executor. Rule 76, sec 2 requires only an allegation of the probable value and character of the property of the estate. The true value can be determined later on in the course of the settlement of the estate. Rule 79, sec 1 provides:Opposition to issuance of letters testamentary. Simultaneous petition for administration. Any person interested in a will may state in writing the grounds why letters testamentary should not issue to the persons named therein as executors, or any of them, and the court, after hearing upon notice, shall pass upon the sufficiency of such grounds. A petition may, at the same time, be filed for letters of administration with the will annexed. Under this provision, "interested person" is one who would be benefited by the estate, such as an heir, or one who has a claim against the estate, such as a creditor, and whose interest is material and direct, not merely incidental or contingent. Even if petitioner is the nearest next of kin of Dr. De Santos, he cannot be considered an "heir" of the testator. It is a fundamental rule of testamentary succession that one who has no compulsory or forced heirs may dispose of his entire estate by will. Nor does he have any right to intervene in the settlement proceedings based on his allegation that he is a creditor of the deceased. Since the testator instituted or named an executor in his will, it is incumbent upon the Court to respect the desires of the testator. As stated in Ozaeta v. Pecson: The choice of his executor is a precious prerogative of a testator, a necessary concomitant of his right to dispose of his property in the manner he wishes. It is natural that the testator should desire to appoint one of his confidence, one who can be trusted to carry out his wishes in the disposal of his estate. The curtailment of this right may be considered a curtailment of the right to dispose. Only if the appointed executor is incompetent, refuses the trust, or fails to give bond may the court appoint other persons to administer the estate. Disposition WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the decisions of the Court of Appeals are hereby AFFIRMED.

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