Communication Systems

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ACADEMIC REGULATIONS (M.E. M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) 1. Vision, Mission and Objectives

To inculcate a flair for research, development and entrepreneurship.

1.1 The Vision of the Institute is To make everyone a success and no one a failure. In order to progress towards the vision, the Institute has identified itself with a mission to provide every individual with a conducive environment suitable to achieve his / her career goals, with a strong emphasis on personality development, and to offer quality education in all spheres of engineering, technology, applied sciences and management, without compromising on the quality and code of ethics. 1.2 Further, the institute always strives To train our students with the latest and the best in the rapidly changing fields of Engineering, Technology, Manage ment, Science & Humanities. To develop the students with a global outlook possessing, state of the art skills, capable of taking up challenging responsibilities in the respective fields. To mould our students as citizens with moral, ethical and social values so as to fulfill their obligations to the nation and the society. To promote research in the field of science, Humanities, Engineering, Technology and allied branches.

2. Admission
2.1. The admission policy and procedure shall be decided from time to time by the Board of Management (BOM) of the Institute, following guidelines issued by Ministry of Human Resource Develop ment (MHRD). Government of India. The number of seats in each branch of the (M.E. / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) programme will be decided by BOM as per the directives from Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India and taking into account the market demands. Some seats for Non Resident Indians and a few seats for Foreign nationals shall be made available. 2.2. The selected candidates will be admitted to the (M.E. / M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) programme after he/she fulfills all the admission requirements set by the Institute and after payment of the prescribed fees. 2.3. Candidates for admission to the first semester of the Masters Degree Programme shall be required to have passed in an appropriate Degree Examination recognized by Hindustan University 2.4. In all matters relating to admission to the (M.E. / M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.). programme, the decision of the Institute and its interpretation given by the Chancellor of the Institute shall be final. 2.5. If at any time after admission, it is found that a candidate has not fulfilled any of the requirements stipulated by the Institute, the Institute may revoke the admission of the candidate with information to the Academic Council.

1.3 Our aims and objectives are focused on Providing world class education in engineering, technology, applied science and management. Keeping pace with the ever changing technological scenario to help our students to gain proper direction to emerge as competent professionals fully aware of their commitment to the society and nation.


3. Structure of the programme

3.1. The programme of instruction will have the following structure i) Core courses of Engineering / Technology / Management. ii) Elective courses for specialization in areas of students choice. 3.2. The minimum durations of the programmes are as given below: Program M.E. / M.Tech M.B.A. (Full Time) M.B.A. (Part Time) M.C.A. No. of Semesters 4 4 6 6 Program M.E. / M.Tech M.B.A. (Full time / Part time) MCA

Minimum prescribed credit range 85 90 85 - 95 110 - 115

3.5. The medium of instruction, examination and the language of the project reports will be English. 4. Faculty Advisor 4.1. To help the students in planning their courses of study and for getting general advice on the academic programme, the concerned Department will assign a certain number of students to a Faculty member who will be called their Faculty Advisor. 5. Class Committee 5.1 A Class Committee consisting of the following will be constituted by the Head of the Department for each class: (i) A Chairman, who is not teaching the class. (ii) All subject teachers of the class. (iii) Two students nominated by the department in consultation with the class. The Class Committee will meet as often as necessary, but not less than three times during a semester. The functions of the Class Committee will include: (i) Addressing problems experienced by students in the classroom and the laboratories. (ii) Analyzing the performance of the students of the class after each test and finding ways and means of addressing problems, if any.

Every (M.E./ M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) programme will have a curriculum and syllabi for the courses approved by the Academic Council. 3.3. Each course is normally assigned certain number of credits. The following norms will generally be followed in assigning credits for courses. One credit for each lecture hour per week per semester; One credit for each tutorial hour per week per semester; One credit for each laboratory practical (drawing) of three (two) hours per week per semester. One credit for 4 weeks of industrial training and One credit for 4 hours of project per week per semester 3.4. For the award of degree, a student has to earn certain minimum total number of credits specified in the curriculum of the relevant branch of study. The curriculum of the different programs shall be so designed that the minimum prescribed credits required for the award of the degree shall be within the limits specified below.


(iii) During the meetings, the members shall express the and suggestions of the class to improve the teaching / process. 6. Grading

student opinions students learning

6.4 Raw marks will be moderated by a moderation board appointed by the Vice Chancellor of the University. The final marks will be graded using absolute grading system. The Constitution and composition of the moderation board will be dealt with separately. 7. Registration and Enrollment 7.1 Except for the first semester, registration and enrollment will be done in the beginning of the semester as per the schedule announced by the University. 7.2 A student will be eligible for enrollment only if he/she satisfies regulation 10 (maximum duration of the programme) and will be permitted to enroll if (i) he/she has cleared all dues in the Institute, Hostel & Library up to the end of the previous semester and (ii) he/she is not debarred from enrollment by a disciplinary action of the University. 7.3. Students are required to submit registration form duly filled in. 8. Registration requirement 8.1. A full time student shall not register for less than 16 credits or more than 24 credits in any 12 given semester. 8.2 If a student finds his/her load heavy in any semester, or for any other valid reason, he/she may withdraw from the courses within three weeks of the commencement of the semester with the written approval of his/her Faculty Advisor and HOD. However the student should ensure that the total number of credits registered for in any semester should enable him/her to earn the minimum number of credits per semester for the completed semesters. 9. Minimum requirement to continue the programme 9.1 For those students who have not earned the minimum required credit

6.1 A grading system as below will be adhered to. Range of Marks 95-100 85 - 94 75- 84 65-74 55-64 50-54 < 50 Letter Grade S A B C D E U I (Incomplete) 6.2 GPA & CGPA GPA is the ratio of the sum of the product of the number of credits Ci of course i and the grade points Pi earned for that course taken over all courses i registered by the student to the sum of Ci for all i . That is,

Grade points 10 09 08 07 06 05 00 --

Ci i CGPA will be calculated in a similar manner, at any semester, considering all the courses enrolled from first semester onwards.
6.3. For the students with letter grades W / I in certain subjects, the same will not be included in the computation of GPA and CGPA until after those grades are converted to the regular grades S to U.


Ci Pi


prescribed for that particular semester examination, awarring letter to the concerned student and also to his parents regarding the shortage of this credit will be sent by the HOD after the announcement of the results of the university examinations. 10. Maximum duration of the programme The minimum and maximum period for the completion of various programs are given below. Program M.E . M,Tech M.B.A. (Full Time) M.B.A. (Part Time) M.C.A. Min. Max. No. of No. of Semesters Semesters 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 12

(Academic) to recommend to the Vice Chancellor the implementation of the decision. The student concerned may appeal to the Vice Chancellor whose decision will be final. The Dean (Academic) will report the action taken at the next meeting of the Council. 12.3. Ragging and harassment of women are strictly prohibited in the University campus and hostels. 13. Attendance 13.1. A student whose attendance is less than 75% is not eligible to appear for the end semester examination for that course. The details of all students who have attendance less than 75% will be announced by the teacher in the class. These details will be sent to the concerned HODs and Dean. 13.2. Those who have 75% or more attendance for the period other than their medical leave will be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance provided the overall attendance in the course including the period of illness does not fall below 65%. Application for condonation recommended by the Faculty Advisor, concerned faculty member and the HOD is to be submitted to the Dean who, depending on the merit of the case, may permit the student to appear for the end semester examination. A student will be eligible for this concession at most in two semesters during the entire degree programme. Application for medical leave, supported by medical certificate with endorsement by a Registered Medical Officer, should reach the HOD within seven days after returning from leave or, on or before the last instructional day of the semester, whichever is earlier. 13.3. As an incentive to those students who are involved in extra curricular activities such as representing the University in Sports and Games,

11. Temporary discontinuation 11.1. A student may be permitted by the Dean to discontinue temporarily from the programme for a semester or a longer period for reasons of ill health or other valid reasons. Normally a student will be permitted to discontinue from the programme only for a maximum duration of two semesters. 12. Discipline 12.1. Every student is required to observe discipline and decorous behavior both in-side and outside the campus and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the prestige of the University. 12.2. Any act of indiscipline of a student reported to the Dean (Academic) will be referred to a Discipline Committee so constituted. The Committee will enquire into the charges and decide on suitable punishment if the charges are substantiated. The committee will also authorize the Dean


Cultural Festivals, and Technical Festivals, NCC/ NSS events, a relaxation of up to 10% attendance will be given subject to the condition that these students take prior approval from the officer in-charge. All such applications should be recommended by the concerned HOD and forwarded to Dean within seven instructional days after the programme/activity. 14. Assessment Procedure 14.1. The Academic Council will decide from time to time the system of tests and examinations in each subject in each semester. 14.2. For each theory course, the assessment will be done on a continuous basis as follows:
Duration of Test / Exam 1 Period 1 Period 2 Periods 3 Hours

concerned within five days after he / she missed examination, giving reasons for absence. 15.2. Permission to appear for make-up examination/periodical test will be given under exceptional circumstances such as admission to a hospital due to illness. Students should produce a medical certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner certifying that he/she was admitted to hospital during the period of examination / periodical test and the same should be duly endorsed by parent/guardian and also by a medical officer of the University within 5 days. 15.3. The student will be allowed to make up at the most two out of three periodical tests and end semester examination. 16. Project evaluation 16.1. For Project work, the assessment will be done on a continuous basis as follows: Review / Exam First Review Second Review Third Review End semester Exam Weightage 10% 20% 20% 50%

Test / Exam First Periodical Test Second Periodical Test Third Periodical Test End Semester Examination

Weightage 15% 15% 20% 50%

14.3. For practical courses, the assessment will be done by the subject teachers as below: (i) Weekly assignment/Observation note book / lab records weightage 60%. (ii) End semester examination of 3 hours duration including viva weightage 40%. 15. Make up Examination/periodical Test 15.1. Students who miss the end-semester examinations / periodical test for valid reasons are eligible for make-up examination /periodical test. Those who miss the endsemester examination / periodical test should apply to the Head of the Department

For end semester exam, the student will submit a Project Report in a format specified by the Dean. The first three reviews will be conducted by a Committee constituted by the Head of the Department. The end semester exam will be conducted by a Committee constituted by the Controller of Examinations. This will include an external expert. 17. Declaration of results 17.1 A candidate who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for a course with a minimum of 50% of the


marks prescribed for the end semester examination shall be declared to have passed the course and earned the specified credits for the course. 17.2 After the valuation of the answer scripts, the tabulated results are to be scrutinized by the Result Passing Boards of UG and PG programmes constituted by the Vice-Chancellor. The recommendations of the Result Passing Boards will be placed before the Standing Sub Committee of the Academic Council constituted by the Chancellor for scrutiny. The minutes of the Standing Sub Committee along with the results are to be placed before the ViceChancellor for approval. After getting the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, the results will be published by the Controller of Examination/Registrar. 17.3 If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a course due to not satisfying the minimum requirement in the end semester examination, he/she shall register and reappear for the end semester examination during the following semester. However, the internal marks secured by the candidate will be retained for all such attempts. 17.4 If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a course due to insufficient internal marks though meeting the minimum requirements of the end semester examination, wishes to improve on his/her internal marks, he/she will have to register for the particular course and attend the course with permission of the HOD concerned and Dean with a copy marked to the Registrar. The sessional and external marks obtained by the candidate in this case will replace the earlier result. 17.5 A candidate can apply for the revaluation of his/her end semester examination answer paper in a theory course within 2 weeks from the declaration of the results, on payment of a prescribed fee through proper application to the

Registrar/Controller of Examinations through the Head of the Department. The Registrar/ Controller of Examination will arrange for the revaluation and the results will be intimated to the candidate concerned through the Head of the Department. Revaluation is not permitted for practical courses and for project work. 18. Grade Card 18.1. After results are declared, grade sheet will be issued to each student, which will contain the following details: (i) Program and branch for which the student has enrolled. (ii) Semester of registration. (iii) List of courses registered during the semester and the grade scored. (iv) Semester Grade Point Average (GPA) (v) Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). 19. Class / Division Classification is based on CGPA and is as follows: CGPA 8.0: First Class with distinction 6.5 CGPA < 8.0: First Class 5.0 CGPA < 6.5: Second Class. 20. Transfer of credits 20.1. Within the broad framework of these regulations, the Academic Council, based on the recommendation of the transfer of credits committee so constituted by the Chancellor may permit students to earn part of the credit requirement in other approved institutions of repute and status in the country or abroad. 20.2. The Academic Council may also approve admission of lateral entry (who hold a diploma in Engineering/ technology) candidates with advance


credit based on the recommendation of the transfer of credits committee on a case to case basis. 21. Eligibility for the award of (M.E. / M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.) Degree 21.1. A student will be declared to be eligible for the award of the (M.E. / M.Tech / M.B.A. / M.C.A.). Degree if he/she has i) registered and successfully credited all the core courses, ii) successfully acquired the credits in the different categories as specified in the curriculum corresponding to the discipline (branch) of his/her study within the stipulated time, iii) has no dues to all sections of the Institute including Hostels, and iv) has no disciplinary action pending against him/her. The award of the degree must be recommended by the Academic Council and approved by the Board of Management of the University. 22. Power to modify 22.1. Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the Academic Council has the right to modify any of the above regulations from time to time.


THEORY Sl. Course No Code 1 MA1604 2 EC1601 3 EC1602 4 5 6 7 EC1603 EC1604 EC1631 Course Title Advanced Applied Mathematics * Advanced Radiation Systems Modern Digital Communication Techniques*** Advanced Digital Signal Processing ** Optical Communication Networks *** Elective I Communication System Lab I Total * Common to M.E(AE), M.E(CCE),M.E(PC&I) **Common to M.E(AE), M.Tech (VLSI),M.Tech (ES),M.E(CCE), M.Tech (IT) *** Common to M.E(CCE) L 4 3 3 3 4 0 T 0 1 1 1 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 25 TCH 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 27


Theory Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Practical 7 EC1632 Communication System Lab II Total * Common to M.E(CCE) 0 0 3 1 25 3 27 Course Code EC1605 EC1606 EC1607 EC1608 Course Title Mobile Communication Networks Multimedia Compression Techniques Microwave Integrated Circuits Satellite Communication* Elective II Elective III L 4 4 4 4 T 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 TCH 4 4 4 4 4 4


Theory Sl. Course No Code 1 -2 3 Practical 4 --EC1633

Course Title Elective IV Elective V Elective VI Project Work (Phase I) Total

T 0

P 0 0 0 12

C 4 4 4 6 18

TCH 4 4 4 12 24

Theory Sl. No 1 Course Code EC1633 Course Title Project Work (Phase II) Total L 0 T 0 P 24 24 C 12 12 TCH 24 24


Theory Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Course Code EC1609 EC1610 EC1611 EC1612 EC1613 EC1614 EC1615 EC1616 EC1617 EC1624 CS1652 EC1622 Course Title RF System Design Advanced Microwave Systems Communication Protocol Engineering*** DSP Processor Architecture and Programming Wavelets and Multi-Resolution Processing Speech and Audio Signal Processing. Network Routing Algorithms Simulation of Communication Systems and Networks *** Global Positioning Systems High Performance Communication Networks ** Soft Computing * Digital Image Processing **** L 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 T 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0


P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

TCH 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

* Common to M.E(CSE) ** Common to M.E(A.E),M.E.(CCE) *** Common to M.E(CCE) **** Common to M.E (AE)




Theory Sl. Course No Code 1 EC1621 2 EE1603 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EC1620 CS1676 EE1615 EC1618 EE1608 EC1625 CS1663 CS1675

Course Title Digital Communication Receivers*** Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers * Errror Control Coding Internetworking Multimedia * Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility in System Design * Communication Network Security Embedded Systems * High Speed Switching Architecture Adhoc Networks * * Wireless Sensor Networks

L 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4

T 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

*Common to M.E(AE) **Common to M.E(CSE) *** Common to M.E(CCE)



SEMESTER I MA1604 - ADVANCED APPLIED MATHEMATICS L 4 AIM The course is aimed at developing the fundamental mathematical skills of graduates that are instrumental for effective understanding of advanced Engineering subjects. The topics introduced will serve as a tool for specialized studies in many Engineering fields, specifically in field theory and communication Engineering. OBJECTIVES On Completion of the course the students would be capable of formulate and interpret Random signal function for solving communication system designs. Be capable of mathematically formulate certain practical problems in terms of Partial differential equations, solve them and physically interpret the results. LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATION AND EIGEN VALUE PROBLEM 12 T 0 P 0 C 4


System of Equations Solution by Gauss Elimination, Gauss Jordan and LU decomposition method Jacobi, Gauss Seidal iteration method Eigen values of a matrix by Jacobi and Power methods. UNIT II WAVE EQUATION 12

Solution of initial and boundary value problems Characteristics DAlemberts Solution Significance of characteristic curves Laplace transform solutions for displacement in a long string a long string under its weight Longitudinal vibration of a elastic bar with prescribed force on one end free vibrations of a string. UNIT III SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 12

Bessels Equation Bessel Functions Legendres equation Legendre polynomials Rodrigues formula Recurrence relations generating functions and orthogonal property of Bessel functions and Legendre Polynomials. UNIT IV RANDOM VARIABLES 12

One dimensional Random variables Moments and MGF Binomial, Poisson, Geometrical, Uniform, Exponential, Normal and Weibull distributions Two-dimensional Random Variables Marginal and Conditional distribution Covariance and correlation coefficient Functions of onedimensional and two-dimensional Random Variables. UNIT V QUEUING THEORY 12

Single and Multiple server Markovian queuing models Steady state system size probabilities M.E. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS.

Littles formula Customer impatience Priority queues M/G/I queuing system P-K formula. L = 60, TOTAL= 60 REFERENCES 1. 2. Jain M.K., Iyengar.S.R.K & Jin.R.K, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers, 2003 Sankara Rao K, Introduction to Partial Differential Equation, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.

EC1601 - ADVANCED RADIATION SYSTEMS L 3 AIM To enable the student to understand the concepts of Radiation and to study the various types of antennas and its characteristics OBJECTIVES UNIT I To study the concepts of radiation from a current element. To study Antenna arrays. To study Aperture antennas. To study horn , microstrip , reflector antennas. To understand the polarization and its parameters. CONCEPTS OF RADIATION 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

Retarded vector potentials Heuristic approach and Maxwells equation approach. The Lorentz gauge condition. Vector potential in Phasor form. Fields radiated by an alternating current element. Total power radiated and radiation resistance. Radiation from Half wave dipole from assumed current distribution. Power radiated in the farfield. Electric vector potential F for a magnetic current source M. Far zone fields due to magnetic source M. UNIT II ANTENNA ARRAYS 9

N element linear arrays uniform amplitude and spacing. Phased arrays. Directivity of Broadside and End fire arrays. Three dimensional characteristics. Binomial arrays and DolphTchebycheff arrays. Circular array. Antenna Synthesis- Line source and discretization of continuous sources. Schelkunoff polynomial method. Fourier transform method.



Magnetic current Duality. Electric and Magnetic current sheets as sources. Huyghens source. Radiation through an aperture in an absorbing screen. Fraunhoffer and Fresnel diffraction. Cornu Spiral. Complimentary screens and slot antennas. Slot and dipoles as dual antennas. Babinets principle. Fourier transform in aperture antenna theory. UNIT IV HORN, MICROSTRIP, REFLECTOR ANTENNAS 9

E and H plane sectoral Horns. Pyramidal horns. Conical and corrugated Horns. Multimode horns. Phase center. Microstrip antennas feeding methods. Rectangular patch- Transmission line model Parabolic Reflector antennas Prime focus and cassegrain reflectors. Equivalent focal length of Cassegrain antennas. Spillover and taper efficiencies. Optimum illumination. UNIT V ANTENNA POLARIZATION 9

Simple relationship involving spherical triangles. Linear, Elliptical and circular polarization. Development of the Poincare sphere. Representation of the state of polarization in the Poincare sphere. Random polarization Stokes parameters. L=45, T=15, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Balanis, C.A., Antenna Theory Wiley,2003 Jordan, E.C., Electromagnetic waves and Radiating systems. PHI 2003

REFERENCES 1. 2. Krauss, J.D., Radio Astronomy McGraw-Hill 1966, for the last unit (reprints available) Krauss, J.D.,, Fleisch,D.A., Electromagnetics McGraw-Hill,1999

EC1602 - MODERN DIGITAL COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES L 3 AIM To introduce the basic concepts of Modern Digital Communication Techniques and to give an exposure to receiver performance and Error control coding schemes. OBJECTIVE To study the coherent and Non-coherent communication receivers and to discuss their performance analysis

T 1

P 0

C 4


To learn error control coding which encompasses techniques for the encoding and decoding of digital data streams for their reliable transmission over noisy channels. POWER SPECTRUM AND COMMUNICATION OVER MEMORYLESS CHANNEL 9


PSD of a synchronous data pulse stream; M-ary Markov source; Convolutionally coded modulation; Continuous phase modulation Scalar and vector communication over memoryless channel Detection criteria. UNIT II COHERENT AND NON-COHERENT COMMUNICATION 9

Coherent receivers Optimum receivers in WGN IQ modulation & demodulation Noncoherent receivers in random phase channels; M-FSK receivers Rayleigh and Rician channels Partially coherent receivers DPSK; M-PSK; M-DPSK-BER Performance Analysis. UNIT III BANDLIMITED CHANNELS AND DIGITAL MODULATIONS 9

Eye pattern; demodulation in the presence of ISI and AWGN; Equalization techniques IQ modulations; QPSK; QAM; QBOM; -BER Performance Analysis Continuous phase modulation; CPFM; CPFSK; MSK,OFDM. UNIT IV BLOCK CODED DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 9

Architecture and performance Binary block codes; Orthogonal; Biorthogonal; Transorthogonal Shannons channel coding theorem; Channel capacity; Matched filter; Concepts of Spread spectrum communication Coded BPSK and DPSK demodulators Linear block codes; Hamming; Golay; Cyclic; BCH ; Reed Solomon codes. UNIT V CONVOLUTIONAL CODED DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 9

Representation of codes using Polynomial, State diagram, Tree diagram, and Trellis diagram Decoding techniques using Maximum likelihood, Viterbi algorithm, Sequential and Threshold methods Error probability performance for BPSK and Viterbi algorithm, Turbo Coding. L=45, T=15, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOK 1. M.K.Simon, S.M.Hinedi and W.C.Lindsey, Digital communication techniques; Signaling and detection, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi. 1995.


Simon Haykin, Digital communications, John Wiley and sons, 1998 Wayne Tomasi, Advanced electronic communication systems, 4th Edition Pearson Education Asia, 1998 B.P.Lathi Modern digital and analog communication systems, 3rd Edition, Oxford University press 1998.


[Review of discrete-time signals and systems- DFT and FFT, Z-Transform, Digital Filters is recommended] AIM To introduce the student to advanced digital signal processing techniques. OBJECTIVE UNIT I To study the parametric methods for power spectrum estimation. To study adaptive filtering techniques using LMS algorithm and to study the applications of adaptive filtering. To study multirate signal processing fundamentals. DISCRETE RANDOM SIGNAL PROCESSING 9

Discrete Random Processes- Ensemble averages, stationary processes, Autocorrelation and Auto covariance matrices. Parsevals Theorem, Wiener-Khintchine Relation- Power Spectral Density-Periodogram Spectral Factorization , Filtering random processes. Low Pass Filtering of White Noise. Parameter estimation: Bias and consistency. UNIT II SPECTRUM ESTIMATION 9

Estimation of spectra from finite duration signals, Non-Parametric Methods-Correlation Method, Periodogram Estimator, Performance Analysis of Estimators -Unbiased, Consistent Estimators- Modified periodogram, Bartlett and Welch methods, Blackman Tukey method. Parametric Methods - AR, MA, ARMA model based spectral estimation. Parameter Estimation -Yule-Walker equations, solutions using Durbins algorithm UNIT III LINEAR ESTIMATION AND PREDICTION 9

Linear prediction- Forward and backward predictions, Solutions of the Normal equationsLevinson-Durbin algorithms. Least mean squared error criterion -Wiener filter for filtering and prediction, FIR Wiener filter and Wiener IIR filters, Discrete Kalman filter. UNIT IV ADAPTIVE FILTERS 9

FIR adaptive filters -adaptive filter based on steepest descent method-Widrow-Hoff LMS adaptive algorithm, Normalized LMS. Adaptive channel equalization-Adaptive echo cancellationAdaptive noise cancellation- Adaptive recursive filters (IIR). RLS adaptive filters-Exponentially weighted RLS-sliding window RLS.





Mathematical description of change of sampling rate - Interpolation and Decimation , Decimation by an integer factor - Interpolation by an integer factor, Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor, Filter implementation for sampling rate conversion- direct form FIR structures, Polyphase filter structures, time-variant structures. Multistage implementation of multirate system. Application to sub band coding- Wavelet transform and filter bank implementation of wavelet expansion of signals. L=45, T=15, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOK 1. Monson H.Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,Singapore, 2002.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Pearson Education, 2002. John G. Proakis,Algorithms for Statistical Signal Processing, Pearson Education, 2002. Dimitris G.Manolakis,Statistical and adaptive signal Processing, McGraw Hill, Newyork,2000. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, Inc., Second Edition, 2004.( For Wavelet Transform Topic)

EC1604 - OPTICAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS L 4 AIM To understand the new networking revolution within a revolution called Optical Communication Networks. OBJECTIVE To study the Optical network components for Optical Network communication. To study various Network architecture and topologies for optical networks. To study the issues in the network design and operation for wavelength routing in optical networks.

T 0

P 0

C 4


UNIT I OPTICAL NETWORKING COMPONENTS 12 First- and second-generation optical networks, Components: couplers, isolators, circulators, multiplexers, filters, amplifiers, switches and wavelength converters. UNIT II SONET AND SDH NETWORKS 12

Integration of TDM signals, Layers, Framing, Transport overhead, Alarms, Multiplexing, Network elements, Topologies, Protection architectures, Ring architectures, Network Management. UNIT III BROADCAST AND- SELECT NETWORKS 12

Topologies, Single-hop, Multihop, and Shufflenet multihop networks, Media-Access control protocols, Test beds. UNIT IV WAVELENGTH-ROUTING NETWORKS 12

Node designs, Issues in Network design and operation, Optical layer cost Tradeoffs, Routing and Wavelength assignment, Wavelength routing test beds. UNIT V HIGH CAPACITY NETWORKS 12

SDM, TDM, and WDM approaches, Application areas, Optical TDM Networks: Multiplexing and demultiplexing, Synchronization, Broadcast networks, Switch-based networks, OTDM test beds. L = 60, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOK 1. Rajiv Ramaswami and Kumar Sivarajan, Optical Networks: A practical perspective, Morgan Kaufmann, 1st edition, 2001.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Vivek Alwayn, Optical Network Design and Implementation, Pearson Education, 2004. Hussein T.Mouftab and Pin-Han Ho, Optical Networks: Architecture and Survivability, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Biswanath Mukherjee, Optical Communication Networks, McGraw Hill, 1997



EC1631 - COMMUNICATION SYSTEM LAB I L 0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Antenna Radiation Pattern measurement. Simulation of Modulation and Coding in a AWGN Communication Channel using Simulation Packages. Implementation of Adaptive Filters, periodogram and multistage multirate system in DSP Processor. Performance evaluation of Digital Data Transmission through Fiber Optic Link. Study of Spread Spectrum Techniques. Simulation of QMF using Simulation Packages. Implementation of Video Link using Optical Fiber. Implementation of linear and cyclic codes. TOTAL= 45 T 0 P 3 C 1



SEMESTER II EC1605 - MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS L 4 AIM To introduce the evolution and concepts of mobile communication networks, various modulation techniques, propagation models, network architecture and protocol standards. OBJECTIVE UNIT I It deals with the evolution and the fundamental cellular radio concepts. It presents different ways to radio propagation models and air protocols. It provides with various Mobile network architecture and with issues in wireless networks OPERATION OF MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Operation of first, second and third generation wireless networks: cellular systems, medium access techniques, Mobile networks, elementary Principles of cellular Telephony Channel Division Techniques (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA) Cellular Coverage Methods Network Planning and Resource Allocation, Network Dimensioning and Mobility Management Procedures. UNIT II PROPAGATION MODELS AND AIR PROTOCOLS 12 Radio propagation models, error control techniques, handoff, power control, Soft handover, Forward link - Reverse link - common air protocols (AMPS, IS-95, IS-136, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, cdma2000, etc) UNIT III MOBILE NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 12 General Architecture definition, Mobile Terminals (MT, SIM) Radio Section (BTS, BSC) Core Network (MSC, G-MSC, VLR, HLR, AuC) User and Control Plane Protocol Stack, MAP & SS#7, the Key Role of Signaling Interfaces and Network Entities Relation The Physical Channel, The Logical Channels Terminal, Call and Network Management Procedures, Network Planning. UNIT IV WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKS 12 Wireless Local Area Networks , General Characteristics of the Hyper LAN System, 802.11 Standard, Basic DCF access scheme, DCF Access Scheme with Handshaking, PCF Access Scheme, The 802.11a Standard, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing Energy Efficiency, Localization, Clustering. UNIT V SECURITY ISSUES IN WIRELESS NETWORKS 12 Security in Wireless Networks, Secure routing, Key Pre-distribution and Management, Encryption and Authentication, Security in Group Communication, Trust Establishment and Management, Denial of Service Attacks, Energy-aware security mechanisms, Location verification, Security on Data fusion. L = 60, TOTAL= 60

TEXT BOOK 1. T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles & Practice, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W. Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, Prentice Hall, 2002. V.K. Garg, IS-95 CDMA and CDMA 2000, Prentice Hall PTR, 2000. Leon-Garcia and I. Widjaja, Communication Networks, Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, McGraw-Hill, 2000. J.Schiller,Mobile Communications, Addison Wesley, 2000. Fred Halsall, Multimedia Communications, Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards, Addison Wesley, 2001. Uyless Black ,Mobile and Wireless Networks , Prentice Hall PTR, 1996.


AIM To introduce the Fundamental Concepts in Multimedia and its compression techniques and standards for transmission and storage. OBJECTIVE To study the fundamental concepts and features for multimedia applications. To study the text, Audio, image and video compression techniques and standards. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12

Special features of Multimedia Graphics and Image Data Representations Fundamental Concepts in Video and Digital Audio Storage requirements for multimedia applications -Need for Compression - Taxonomy of compression techniques Overview of source coding, source models, scalar and vector quantization theory Evaluation techniques Error analysis and methodologies UNIT II TEXT COMPRESSION 12

Compaction techniques Huffmann coding Adaptive Huffmann Coding Arithmetic coding


Shannon-Fano coding Dictionary techniques LZW family algorithms. UNIT III AUDIO COMPRESSION 12

Audio compression techniques - - Law and A- Law companding. Frequency domain and filtering Basic sub-band coding Application to speech coding G.722 Application to audio coding MPEG audio, progressive encoding for audio Silence compression, speech compression techniques Formant and CELP Vocoders UNIT IV IMAGE COMPRESSION 12

Predictive techniques DM, PCM, DPCM: Optimal Predictors and Optimal Quantization Contour based compression Transform Coding JPEG Standard Sub-band coding algorithms: Design of Filter banks Wavelet based compression: Implementation using filters EZW, SPIHT coders JPEG 2000 standards - JBIG, JBIG2 standards. UNIT V VIDEO COMPRESSION 12

Video compression techniques and standards MPEG Video Coding I: MPEG 1 and 2 MPEG Video Coding II: MPEG 4 and 7 Motion estimation and compensation techniques H.261 Standard DVI technology PLV performance DVI real time compression Packet Video. L = 60, TOTAL=60 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Khalid Sayood : Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India, 2nd Edition, 2000. David Salomon : Data Compression The Complete Reference, Springer Verlag New York Inc., 2nd Edition, 2001. Yun Q.Shi, Huifang Sun : Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering Fundamentals, Algorithms & Standards, CRC press, 2003. Peter Symes : Digital Video Compression, McGraw Hill Pub., 2004. Mark Nelson : Data compression, BPB Publishers, New Delhi,1998. Mark S.Drew, Ze-Nian Li : Fundamentals of Multimedia, PHI, 1st Edition, 2003. Watkinson,J : Compression in Video and Audio, Focal press,London.1995. Jan Vozer : Video Compression for Multimedia, AP Profes, NewYork, 1995



EC1607 - MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS L 4 AIM To enable the student to become familiar with Microwave Integrated circuits fabrication technology. OBJECTIVE To know the Integrated circuit technology for Microwave IC fabrication. To analyse the various Stiplines and waveguide structures. To design Lumped and Non-reciprocal components for Microwave applications. UNIT I TECHNOLOGY OF HYBRID MICS 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Dielectric substrates - thick film technology and materials - thin film technology and materials methods of testing encapsulation of devices for MICs mounting of active devices. UNIT II TECHNOLOGY OF MONOLITHIC MICS 12

Processes involved in fabrication epitaxial growth of semiconductor layer growth of dielectric layer diffusion-ion implantation electron beam technology. UNIT III ANALYSIS OF MICROSTRIP LINE 12

Methods of conformal transformation numerical method for analysis hybrid mode analysis coupled mode analysis- method of images losses in miscrostrips. UNIT IV COUPLED MICROSTRIPS, SLOT LINE AND COPLANAR WAVEGUIDES 12

Coupled microstrips even and odd mode analysis microstrip directional couplers branch line couplers periodic branch line couplers synchronous branch line couplers. UNIT V LUMPED ELEMENTS AND NON-RECIPROCAL COMPONENTS 12

Design and fabrication using microstrips flat resistors flat inductors interdigital capacitors sandwich capacitors ferromagnetic substrates for non-reciprocal devices microstrip circulators latching circulators isolators phase shifters. L = 60, TOTAL=60 TEXT BOOK 1. Gupta,K.C, and Amarjit singh Microwave Integrated Circuits John Wiley and sons Wiley Eastern Reprint, 1978. REFERENCE 1.

Hoffmann, R.K Handbook of Microwave Integrated Circuits Artech House,


EC1608 - SATELLITE COMMUNICATION L 4 AIM To introduce the student with the basics of orbital mechanics and the space perturbations. Various Multiple Access techniques and network aspects are also introduced. OBJECTIVE To study the orbital mechanics and space craft sub systems and earth station. To study space links for the satellite link design. To study the various multiple access techniques and network aspects for Space services and applications. UNIT I ORBITAL MECHANICS 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Keplers laws of motion, Orbits, Orbit Equations, Orbit Description, Locating the Satellite in the Orbit and with Respect to Earth, Orbital Elements-Look Angle Determination and Visibility - Orbital Perturbations, Orbit Determination, Launch Vehicles, Orbital Effects in Communication System Performance Attitude control; Satellite launch vehicles, spectrum allocations for satellite systems. UNIT II SPACECRAFT SUB SYSTEMS AND EARTH STATION 12 Spacecraft Subsystems, Altitude and Orbit Control, Telemetry and Tracking, Power Systems, Communication Subsystems, Transponders, Antennas, Equipment Reliability, Earth Stations, Example of payloads of operating and planned systems. UNIT III SPACE LINKS 12

The Space Link, Satellite Link Design - Satellite uplink -down link power Budget, Basic Transmission Theory, System Noise Temp, G/T Ratio, Noise Figure, Downlink Design, Design of Satellite Links for Specified C/N - Microwave Propagation on Satellite-Earth Paths - Interference between satellite circuits, Energy Dispersal, propagation characteristics of fixed and mobile satellite links. UNIT IV MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES AND NETWORK ASPECTS 12

Single access vs. multiple access (MA). Classical MA techniques: FDMA, TDMA. Single channel per carrier (SCPC) access - Code division multiple access (CDMA). Demand assignment techniques. Examples of MA techniques for existing and planned systems (e.g. the satellite component of UMTS) - Mobile satellite network design, ATM via satellite - TCP/IP via satellite - Call control, handover and call set up procedures - Hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks. UNIT V SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS 12

Fixed and mobile services - Multimedia satellite services - Advanced applications based on

satellite platforms - INTELSAT series - INSAT, VSAT, Remote Sensing - Mobile satellite service: GSM - GPS, INMARSAT, Navigation System, Direct to Home service (DTH), Special services, E-mail, Video conferencing and Internet connectivity. L = 60, TOTAL=60 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications, Third Edition, Mc Graw Hill International Editions, 2001 Bruce R.Elbert, The Satellite Communication Applications Hand Book, Artech House Boston,1997. Wilbur L.Pritchard, Hendri G.Suyderhood, Robert A.Nelson,Satellite Communication Systems Engineering, II Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1993 Tri T.Ha, Digital satellite communication, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, New york.1990

EC1632 - COMMUNICATION SYSTEM LAB II L 0 Simulation of Audio and speech compression algorithms 1.Simulation of EZW / SPIHT Image coding algorithm. 2.Simulation of Microstrip Antennas. 3.S-parameter estimation of Microwave devices. 4.Study of Global Positioning System. 5.Performance evaluation of simulated CDMA System. 6.Design and testing of a Microstrip coupler. 7.Characteristics of /4 and /2 transmission lines. TOTAL= 45 T 0 P 3 C 1



ELECTIVES SEMESTER I AND II EC1609 - RF SYSTEM DESIGN L 3 AIM To learn the issues in RF design and to design Active RF components, amplifiers and oscillators. OBJECTIVE To learn the fundamentals of RF design and its parameters. To study the RF filter design and implementations. To analyse and design active RF components. UNIT I RF ISSUES 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

Importance of RF design, Electromagnetic Spectrum, RF behavior of passive components, Chip components and Circuit Board considerations, Scattering Parameters, Smith Chart and applications. UNIT II RF FILTER DESIGN 9

Overview - Basic resonator and filter configuration, Special filter realizations, Filter implementations, Coupled filter. UNIT III ACTIVE RF COMPONENTS & APPLICATIONS 9

RF diodes, BJT, RF FETs, High electron mobility transistors; Matching and Biasing Networks Impedance matching using discrete components, Microstripline matching networks, Amplifier classes of operation and biasing networks. UNIT IV RF AMPLIFIER DESIGNS 9

Characteristics, Amplifier power relations, Stability considerations, Constant gain circles, Constant VSWR circles, Low Noise circuits, Broadband - high power and multistage amplifiers. UNIT V OSCILLATORS, MIXERS & APPLICATIONS 9

Basic Oscillator model, High frequency oscillator configuration, Basic characteristics of Mixers ; Phase Locked Loops ; RF directional couplers and hybrid couplers ; Detector and demodulator circuits. L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL=60 REFERENCES 1 .Reinhold Ludwig and Powel Bretchko, RF Circuit Design Theory and Applications, Pearson

Education Asia, First Edition, 2001. 2. 3. 4. 5. Joseph . J. Carr, Secrets of RF Circuit Design , McGraw Hill Publishers, Third Edition, 2000. Mathew M. Radmanesh, Radio Frequency & Microwave Electronics, Pearson Education Asia, Second Edition, 2002. Ulrich L. Rohde and David P. NewKirk, RF / Microwave Circuit Design, John Wiley & Sons USA 2000. Roland E. Best, Phase - Locked Loops : Design, simulation and applications, McGraw Hill Publishers 5th edition 2003.

EC1610 - ADVANCED MICROWAVE SYSTEMS L 3 AIM To Learn the Field analysis of planar transmission lines and waveguide structures for advance Microwave systems. Students also introduced with the microwave solid state amplifiers and periodic structures and filter design. OBJECTIVE To study the Microstrip lines and its field analysis. To Study the waveguide systems using the equivalent circuit theory concepts. To study the design and analysis of microwave solid state amplifiers. UNIT I FIELD ANALYSIS OF PLANAR TRANSMISSION LINES 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

Microstrip Transmission Lines Attenuation High frequency properties of Microstrip lines. Coupled Microstrip lines even and odd modes - Strip transmission lines Coupled strip lines Fin lines. UNIT II CIRCUIT THEORY FOR WAVE GUIDE SYSTEMS 9

Equivalent voltages and currents Impedance description of waveguide elements and circuits one port circuit - Fosters reactance theorem - N-port circuits - Two port junctions - Excitation of waveguides - Probe coupling in rectangular waveguide - Radiation from linear current elements and current loops - Waveguide coupling by apertures. UNIT III



Wave analysis of periodic structures - Periodic structures composed of Unsymmetrical two port networks - Terminated Periodic structures - Matching of Periodic structures. Floquets theorem and spatial Harmonics - Microwave Filters Image parameter method - Filter design by insertion loss method - Low pass filter design - Microstrip parallel coupled filter. UNIT IV MICROWAVE SOLID STATE AMPLIFIERS 9

S-parameters - Unilateral design of amplifiers simultaneous conjugate match. Bilateral design of amplifiers - Amplifier stability - Conditional and unconditional stability criteria - Amplifier power gain - Constant gain circles - Noise temperature concept. Noise factor and noise figure Noise temperature for cascaded stages - Constant noise figure circles - Design of single stage microwave amplifiers. UNIT V MICROWAVES AND OPTICS 9

Geometrical optics as a limiting case of wave optics - Ray matrices for paraxial ray optics Gaussian beams - Generation of Gaussian beams at microwave frequencies - The beam waist - Propagation of Gaussian beams in Homogeneous medium - Transformation of Gaussian beams with lenses. L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL=60 REFERENCES 1. 2. R.E.Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1992. Ramo, Whinnery and Van Duzer : Fields and Waves in communication electronics 3rd Edition., Wiley, 1997.

EC1611 - COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ENGINEERING L 4 AIM To learn and understand the OSI model and TCP/IP protocol suite for Communication Protocol Engineering. OBJECTIVE To study the network reference model for the communication Protocol engineering process. To study the Protocol specifications, verification and Validation process. To study the performance testing, synthesis and implementation of the Protocols.

T 0

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Communication model-software, subsystems, protocol, protocol development methods, Protocol engineering process, Layered architecture, Network services and Interfaces, Protocol functions, OSI model ,TCP/IP protocol suite. UNIT II PROTOCOL SPECIFICATIONS 12

Components of protocol, Specifications of Communication service, Protocol entity, Interface, Interactions, Multimedia protocol, Internet protocol, SDL, SDL based protocol- other protocol specification languages. UNIT III PROTOCOL VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION 12

Protocol verification, Verification of a protocol using finite state machines, Protocol validation, protocol design errors, Protocol validation approaches, SDL based protocol verification and validation. UNIT IV PROTOCOL CONFORMANCE AND PERFORMANCE TESTING 12

Conformance testing methodology and frame work, Conformance test architectures, Test sequence generation methods, Distributed architecture by local methods, Conformance testing with TTCN, systems with semi controllable interfaces - RIP,SDL based tools for conformance testing, SDL based conformance testing of MPLS Performance testing, SDL based performance testing of TCP and OSPF, Interoperability testing, SDL based interoperability testing of CSMA/CD and CSMA/CA protocol using Bridge, Scalability testing. UNIT V PROTOCOL SYNTHESIS AND IMPLEMENTATION 12

Protocol synthesis, Interactive synthesis algorithm, Automatic synthesis algorithm, Automatic synthesis of SDL from MSC, Protocol Re-synthesis; Requirements of protocol implementation, Object based approach to protocol implementation, Protocol compilers, Tool for protocol engineering. L = 60, TOTAL= 60 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pallapa Venkataram and Sunilkumar S.Manvi, Communication protocol Engineering, Eastern Economy edition, 2004 Richard Lai and Jirachiefpattana, Communication Protocol Specification and Verification, Kluwer Publishers, Boston, 1998. Tarnay, K., Protocol Specification and Testing, Plenum, New York, 1991. Mohamed G. Gouda, Elements of Network Protocol Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA, 1998 V.Ahuja, Design and Analysis of Computer Communication networks, McGraw-Hill, London, 1982. G.J.Holtzmann, Design and validation of Computer protocols, Prentice Hall, New York,1991.


EC1612 - DSP PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING L 3 AIM To introduce the students with the fundamentals of Programmable DSPs and Processors architecture and Programming skills. OBJECTIVE To study the fundamentals of Programmable DSPs. To Study the TMS320C5X and TMS320C3X processors architecture and programming. UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMABLE DSPs 9 various T 1 P 0 C 4

Multiplier and Multiplier accumulator Modified Bus Structures and Memory access in P-DSPs Multiple access memory Multi-port memory VLIW architecture- Pipelining Special Addressing modes in P-DSPs On chip Peripherals. UNIT II TMS320C5X PROCESSOR 9

Architecture Assembly language syntax - Addressing modes Assembly language Instructions - Pipeline structure, Operation Block Diagram of DSP starter kit Application Programs for processing real time signals. UNIT III TMS320C3X PROCESSOR 9

Architecture Data formats - Addressing modes Groups of addressing modes- Instruction sets - Operation Block Diagram of DSP starter kit Application Programs for processing real time signals Generating and finding the sum of series, Convolution of two sequences, Filter design. UNIT IV ADSP PROCESSORS 9

Architecture of ADSP-21XX and ADSP-210XX series of DSP processors- Addressing modes and assembly language instructions Application programs Filter design, FFT calculation. UNIT V ADVANCED PROCESSORS 9

Architecture of TMS320C54X: Pipe line operation, Code Composer studio - Architecture of TMS320C6X - Architecture of Motorola DSP563XX Comparison of the features of DSP family processors. L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL=60 REFERENCES 1. 2. B.Venkataramani and M.Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors Architecture, Programming and Applications Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi, 2003. User guides Texas Instrumentation, Analog Devices, Motorola.

EC1613 - WAVELETS AND MUTIRESOLUTION PROCESSING L 3 AIM To introduce the students with the fundamental mathematics behind the wavelets and multiresolution processing. OBJECTIVE To study the mathematical background for the wavelets. To study the Multiresolution Analysis. To study the Continuous and Discrete wavelet transforms. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

Vector Spaces - properties - dot product - basis - dimension, orthogonality and orthonormality - relationship between vectors and signals - Signal spaces - concept of Convergence - Hilbert spaces for energy signals - Generalised Fourier Expansion. UNIT II MULTI RESOLUTION ANALYSIS 9

Definition of Multi Resolution Analysis (MRA) Haar basis - Construction of general orthonormal MRA-Wavelet basis for MRA Continuous time MRA interpretation for the DTWT Discrete time MRA- Basis functions for the DTWT PRQMF filter banks. UNIT III CONTINUOUS WAVELET TRANSFORM 9

Wavelet Transform - definition and properties - concept of scale and its relation with frequency - Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) - Scaling function and wavelet functions (Daubechies Coiflet, Mexican - Hat, Sinc, Gaussian - Bi-Orthogonal) - Tiling of time -scale plane for CWT. UNIT IV DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM 9

Filter Bank and sub band coding principles - Wavelet Filters - Inverse DWT computation by Filter banks -Basic Properties of Filter coefficients - Choice of wavelet function coefficients - Derivations of Daubechies Wavelets -Mallats algorithm for DWT Multi-band Wavelet transforms. Lifting Scheme: Wavelet Transform using Polyphase matrix Factorization - Geometrical foundations of lifting scheme - Lifting scheme in Z domain. UNIT V APPLICATIONS 9

Signal Compression Image Compression techniques: EZW-SPHIT Coding - Image denoising techniques: Noise estimation - Shrinkage rules -. Shrinkage Functions - Edge detection and object

Isolation, Image Fusion, and Object Detection - Curve and Surface Editing- Variational modeling and finite element method using wavelets. L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL=60 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rao .R.M and A.S.Bopardikar, Wavelet Transforms: Introduction to theory and Applications, Pearson Education Asia Pte. Ltd., 2000. K.P.Soman and K.I.Ramachandran, Insight into Wavelets From Theory to practice, Prentice- Hall, 2004. Strang G, Nguyen T, Wavelets and Filter Banks, Wellesley Cambridge Press, 1996 Vetterli M, Kovacevic J., Wavelets and Sub-band Coding, Prentice Hall, 1995 Mallat S., Wavelet Signal Processing, Academic Press, 1996

EC1614 - SPEECH AND AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING L 4 AIM To learn the mechanics of Speech and study the time domain and frequency domain methods for analysis and processing of speech signals. OBJECTIVE To study the fundamental mechanics of speech production and the nature of the speech signals. To study the time domain and frequency domain methods for speech processing. To study the Predictive analysis of speech an the algorithm for estimation and detection. UNIT I MECHANICS OF SPEECH 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Speech production mechanism Nature of Speech signal Discrete time modelling of Speech production Representation of Speech signals Classification of Speech sounds Phones Phonemes Phonetic and Phonemic alphabets Articulatory features. Music production Auditory perception Anatomical pathways from the ear to the perception of sound Peripheral auditory system Psycho acoustics. UNIT II TIME DOMAIN METHODS FOR SPEECH PROCESSING 12

Time domain parameters of Speech signal Methods for extracting the parameters Energy,

Average Magnitude Zero crossing Rate Silence Discrimination using ZCR and energy Short Time Auto Correlation Function Pitch period estimation using Auto Correlation Function. UNIT III FREQUENCY DOMAIN METHOD FOR SPEECH PROCESSING 12

Short Time Fourier analysis Filter bank analysis Formant extraction Pitch Extraction Analysis by Synthesis- Analysis synthesis systems- Phase vocoderChannel Vocoder Homomorphic speech analysis: Cepstral analysis of Speech Formant and Pitch Estimation Homomorphic Vocoders. UNIT IV LINEAR PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH 12

Formulation of Linear Prediction problem in Time Domain Basic Principle Auto correlation method Covariance method Solution of LPC equations Cholesky method Durbins Recursive algorithm lattice formation and solutions Comparison of different methods Application of LPC parameters Pitch detection using LPC parameters Formant analysis VELP CELP. UNIT V APPLICATION OF SPEECH & AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING 12

Algorithms: Spectral Estimation, dynamic time warping, hidden Markov model Music analysis Pitch Detection Feature analysis for recognition Music synthesis Automatic Speech Recognition Feature Extraction for ASR Deterministic sequence recognition Statistical Sequence recognition ASR systems Speaker identification and verification Voice response system Speech Synthesis: Text to speech, voice over IP. L = 60, TOTAL= 60 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ben Gold and Nelson Morgan, Speech and Audio Signal Processing, John Wiley and Sons Inc. , Singapore, 2004 L.R.Rabiner and R.W.Schaffer Digital Processing of Speech signals Prentice Hall -1978 Quatieri Discrete-time Speech Signal Processing Prentice Hall 2001. J.L.Flanagan Speech analysis: Synthesis and Perception 2nd edition Berlin 1972 I.H.Witten Principles of Computer Speech Academic Press 1982



EC1615 - NETWORK ROUTING ALGORITHMS L 4 AIM To learn the various Network routing algorithms for High speed and Mobile networks. OBJECTIVE To study the circuit and packet switching networks and its routing algorithms To study the routing algorithms for High speed networks. To study the routing algorithms for mobile radio networks. To learn the communication strategies and routing algorithm for MANETs. UNIT I CIRCUIT SWITCHING NETWORKS 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

AT & Ts Dynamic Routing Network, Routing in Telephone Network-Dynamic Non Hierarchical Routing - Trunk Status Map Routing - Real Time Network Routing, Dynamic Alternative Routing Distributed Adaptive Dynamic Routing - Optimized Dynamic Routing. UNIT II PACKET SWITCHING NETWORKS 12

Distance vector Routing, Link State Routing, Inter domain Routing - Classless Interdomain routing (CIDR), Interior Gateway routing protocols (IGRP) - Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol (EGRP) - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), Apple Talk Routing and SNA Routing. UNIT III HIGH SPEED NETWORKS 12

Routing in optical networks-The optical layer, Node Designs, Network design and operation, Optical layer cost tradeoffs, Routing and wavelength assignment, Architectural variations, Routing in ATM networks-ATM address structure, ATM Routing, PNNI protocol, PNNI signaling protocol, Routing in the PLANET network and Deflection Routing. UNIT IV MOBILE NETWORKS 12

Routing in Cellular Mobile Radio Communication networks-Mobile Network Architecture, Mobility management in cellular systems, Connectionless Data service for cellular systems, Mobility and Routing in Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) network, Packet Radio Routing-DARPA packet radio network, Routing algorithms for small, medium and large sized packet radio networks. UNIT V MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKS (MANET) 12

Internet based mobile ad-hoc networking, communication strategies, routing algorithms Table-driven routing - Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), Source initiated on-demand routing- Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad-hoc On- demand Distance Vector (AODV), Hierarchical

based routing- Cluster head Gateway Switch Routing (CGSR) and Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA), Quality of Service. L = 60, TOTAL= 60

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. M. Steen strub, Routing in Communication networks, Prentice Hall International, NewYork, 1995. Internetworking Technologies Handbook, Fourth Edition, Inc. Cisco Systems, ILSG Cisco Systems, 2003. William Stallings, ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM, PHI, New Delhi, 2004. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking (3/e), TMH, 2004 William Stallings, High Speed Networks TCP/IP and ATM Design Principles, Prentice Hall International, New York, 1998. Mohammad Ilyas, The Handbook of Ad hoc Wireless Networks CRC Press, 2002. Vijay K.Garg, Wireless Network Evolution: 2G to 3G, Pearson Education, New Delhi, India, 2003. Rajiv Ramaswami and Kumar N.Sivarajan, Optical Networks,Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,1998. Sumit Kasera and Pankaj sethi, ATM Networks, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi,2001.

10. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special issue on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, Vol. 17, No.8, 1999. 11. Scott. M. Corson, Joseph P. Macker, Gregory H. Cirincione, IEEE Internet Computing Vol.3, No. 4, 1999. 12. Alder M.Scheideler.Ch. Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, ACM, NewYork 1998. 13. /



EC1616 - SIMULATION OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS & NETWORKS L 3 AIM To learn the various simulation model for the communication systems and for the communication networks. OBJECTIVE To learn the formulation of models for communication systems for simulation. To learn the estimation and queuing model for the communication networks. UNIT I MODELLING OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

Model of speech and picture signals, Pseudo noise sequences, Non-linear sequences, Analog channel model, Noise and fading, Digital channel model-Gilbert model of bursty channels, HF, Troposcatter and satellite channels, Switched telephone channels, Analog and Digital communication system models, Light wave system models. UNIT II SIMULATION OF RANDOM VARIABLES AND RANDOM PROCESS 9

Univariate and multivariate models, Transformation of random variables, Bounds and approximation, Random process models-Markov and ARMA Sequences, Sampling rate for simulation, Computer generation and testing of random numbers. UNIT III ESTIMATION OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES 9

Quality of an estimator, estimator for SNR, Probability density functions of analog communication system, BER of digital communication systems, Monte Carlo method and Importance of sampling method, estimation of power spectral density. UNIT IV COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 9

Queuing models, M/M/1 and M/M/1/N queues, Little formula, Burkes theorem, M/G/1queue, Embedded Markov chain analysis of TDM systems, Polling, Random access systems. UNIT V NETWORK OF QUEUES 9

Queues in tandem, store and forward communication networks, capacity allocation, Congestion and flow chart, Routing model, Network layout and Reliability. L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL= 60 REFERENCES 1. 2. M.C.Jeruchim,Philip Balaban and K.Sam Shanmugam, Simulation of communication systems, Plenum Press, New York,1992 A.M.Law and W.David Kelton, Simulation Modelling and analysis, Mc Graw Hill Inc., New York ,1991

3. 4.

J.F.Hayes, Modelling and Analysis of Computer Communication networks, Plenum Press, New York,1984 Jerry Banks and John S.Carson, Discrete-event System Simulation, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey,1984

EC1617 - GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS L 4 AIM To make the student to understand the principles of Global Positioning systems and its Interdisciplinary applications. OBJECTIVE To study the History of GPS and its various segments. To Study the co-ordinate system for the GPS systems. To study the navigational aids and signal processing for GPS systems. To Study the propagation media for the GPS. To learn the Inter disciplinary applications for GPS. UNIT I 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

History of GPS BC-4 System HIRAN NNSS NAVSTAR GLONASS and GNSS Systems GPS Constellation Space Segment Control Segment User Segment Single and Dual Frequency Point Relative Differential GPS Static and Kinematic Positioning 2D and 3D reporting Anti Spoofing (AS); Selective Availability (SA) DOP Factors. UNIT II 12

Coordinate Systems Geo Centric Coordinate System Conventional Terrestrial Reference System Orbit Description Keplerian Orbit Kepler Elements Satellite Visibility Topocentric Motion Disturbed Satellite Motion Perturbed Motion Disturbing Accelerations - Perturbed Orbit Time Systems Astronomical Time System Atomic Time GPS Time Need for Coordination Link to Earth Rotation Time and Earth Motion Services. UNIT III 12

C/A code; P-code; Y-code; L1, L2 Carrier frequencies Code Pseudo Ranges Carries Phases Pseudo Ranges Satellite Signal Signature Navigation Messages and Formats Undifferenced and Differenced Range Models Delta Ranges Signal Processing and Processing

Techniques Tracking Networks Ephemerides Data Combination: Narrow Lane; Wide Lane OTF Ambiguity. UNIT IV 12

Propagation Media Multipath Antenna Phase Centre Atmosphere in brief Elements of Wave Propagation Ionospheric Effects on GPS Observations Code Delay Phase Advances Integer Bias Clock Error Cycle Slip Noise-Bias Blunders Tropospheric Effects on GPS Oberservables Multipath Effect Antenna Phase Centre Problems and Correction. UNIT V 12

Inter Disciplinary Applications Crystal Dynamics Gravity Field Mapping Atmospheric Occulation Surveying Geophysics Air borne GPS Ground Transportation Space borne GPS Metrological and Climate Research using GPS. L = 60, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. A.Leick, GPS Satellites Surveying, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,NewYork,1995 B.Parkinson, J.Spilker, Jr.(Eds), GPS: Theory and Applications, Vol.I & Vol.II, AIAA, 370 LEnfant Promenade SW, Washington, DC 20024, 1996 A.Kleusberg and P.Teunisen(Eds), GPS for Geodesy, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1996 L.Adams, The GPS - A Shared National Asset, Chair, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1995 Websites: 5. 6. 7. 9.



EC1624 HIGH PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS L 4 AIM To learn the architecture and the protocol stack for High performance networks. OBJECTIVE To study the OSI and IP models for Packet switched networks. To study the ISDN and Broadband ISDN architecture and protocols. To study the ATM backbone and advanced network architecture for High performance communication networks. UNIT I PACKET SWITCHED NETWORKS 12 communication T 0 P 0 C 4

OSI and IP models, Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), Token ring (IEEE 802.5), Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11) FDDI, DQDB, SMDS: Internetworking with SMDS. UNIT II ISDN AND BROADBAND ISDN 12

ISDN - overview, interfaces and functions, Layers and services - Signaling System 7 (SS7)Broadband ISDN architecture and Protocols. UNIT III ATM AND FRAME RELAY 12

ATM: Main features-addressing, signaling and routing, ATM header structure-adaptation layer, management and control, ATM switching and transmission. Frame Relay: Protocols and services, Congestion control, Internetworking with ATM, Internet and ATM, Frame relay via ATM. UNIT IV ADVANCED NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 12

IP forwarding architectures overlay model, Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), integrated services in the Internet, Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), Differentiated services. UNIT V BLUE TOOTH TECHNOLOGY 12

The Blue tooth module-Protocol stack Part I: Antennas, Radio interface, Base band, The Link controller, Audio, The Link Manager, The Host controller interface; The Blue tooth module-Protocol stack Part I: Logical link control and adaptation protocol, RFCOMM, Service discovery protocol, Wireless access protocol, Telephony control protocol. L = 60, TOTAL= 60



TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. William Stallings,ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM, 4th edition, Pearson education Asia, 2002. Leon Gracia, Widjaja, Communication networks , Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2000. Jennifer Bray and Charles F.Sturman,Blue Tooth Pearson education Asia, 2001. Sumit Kasera, Pankaj Sethi, ATM Networks , Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2000. Rainer Handel, Manfred N.Huber and Stefan Schroder ,ATM Networks,3rd edition, Pearson education asia,2002. Jean Walrand and Pravin varaiya ,High Performance Communication networks,2nd edition, Harcourt and Morgan Kauffman,London,2000. William Stallings,High-speed Networks and Internets, 2nd edition, Pearson education Asia, 2003. Douglas E. Comer and M.S.Narayanan,Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications,4th Edition 2008. Person education.

CS1652 - SOFT COMPUTING L 4 AIM To introduce the techniques of soft computing and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inferencing systems which differ from conventional AI and computing in terms of its tolerance to imprecision and uncertainty. OBJECTIVE To introduce the ideas of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic and use of heuristics based on human experience. To become familiar with neural networks. To provide the mathematical background for carrying out the optimization associated with neural network learning. To familiarize with genetic algorithms. UNIT I ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Basic concepts-single layer perceptron-Multi layer perceptron-Adaline-Madaline-Learning


rules-Supervised learning-Back propagation networks-Training algorithm, Practical difficulties, Advanced algorithms-Adaptive network- Radial basis network-modular network-Applications. UNIT II UNSUPERVISED NETWORKS 12

Introduction- unsupervised learning -Competitive learning networks-Kohonen self organising networks-Learning vector quantisation - Hebbian learning - Hopfield network-Content addressable nature, Binary Hopfield network, Continuous Hopfield network Travelling Salesperson problem Adaptive resonance theory Bidirectional Associative Memory-Principle component Analysis. UNIT III FUZZY SYSTEMS 12

Fuzzy sets-Fuzzy rules: Extension principle, Fuzzy relation- fuzzy reasoning fuzzy inference systems: Mamdani model, Sugeno model. Tsukamoto model -Fuzzy decision making- Multiobjective Decision Making,-Fuzzy classification-Fuzzy control methods applications. UNIT IV NEURO-FUZZY MODELLING 12

Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy based inference systems classification and regression trees: decision tress, Cart algorithm Data clustering algorithms: K means clustering, Fuzzy C means clustering, Mountain clustering, Subtractive clustering rule base structure identification Neuro fuzzy control: Feedback Control Systems, Expert Control, Inverse Learning, Specialized Learning, Back propagation through Real Time Recurrent Learning. UNIT V GENETIC ALGORITHM 12

Fundamentals of genetic algorithm-Mathematical foundations-Genetic modeling-Survival of the fittest-crossover-Inversion and Deletion-mutation-reproduction-Generational cycle-rank method-rank space method- Other derivative free optimization-simulated annealing, Random search, Downhill simplex search-Application L = 60, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jang J.S.R.,Sun C.T and Mizutani E Neuro Fuzzy and Soft computing, Pearson education (Singapore) 2004 David E.Goldberg : Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Pearson Education, Asia,1996 Laurene Fauseett:Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi,1994. Timothy J.Ross:Fuzzy Logic Engineering Applications, McGrawHill, NewYork,1997. S.Rajasekaran and G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai algorithms, Prentice Hall of India,2003 Neural networks,Fuzzy logics,and Genetic

George J.Klir and Bo Yuan,Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic,Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey,1995


EC1622 - DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING L 4 AIM To introduce the student to various image processing techniques. OBJECTIVE To study the image fundamentals and mathematical transforms necessary for image processing. To study the image enhancement and restoration techniques. To study the image segmentation and recognition techniques. To study the image compression procedures. UNIT I DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS 12 Elements of digital image processing systems, Elements of visual perception, psycho visual model, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, mach band effect, Color image fundamentals -RGB,HSI models, Image sampling, Quantization, dither, Two-dimensional mathematical preliminaries. UNIT II IMAGE TRANSFORMS: 12 1D DFT, 2D transforms DFT, DCT, Discrete Sine, Walsh, Hadamard, Slant, Haar, KLT, SVD, Wavelet Transform. UNIT III IMAGE ENHANCEMENT AND RESTORATION 12 Histogram modification and specification techniques, Noise distributions, Spatial averaging, Directional Smoothing, Median, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Contraharmonic and Yp mean filters, Homomorphic filtering, Color image enhancement. Image Restoration degradation model, Unconstrained and Constrained restoration, Inverse filtering removal of blur caused by uniform linear motion, Wiener filtering, Geometric transformations spatial transformations, Gray-Level interpolation. UNIT IV IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND RECOGNITION 12 Edge detection. Image segmentation by region growing, region splitting and merging, edge linking.. Image Recognition Patterns and pattern classes, Matching by minimum distance classifier, Matching by correlation, Back Propagation Neural Network, Neural Network applications in Image Processing. UNIT V IMAGE COMPRESSION 12 Need for data compression, Huffman - Run Length Encoding, Shift codes, Arithmetic coding, Vector Quantization, Block Truncation Coding. Transform Coding DCT and Wavelet JPEG MPEG. Standards, Concepts of Context based Compression. L = 60, TOTAL= 60

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TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, Inc., Second Edition, 2004. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.

REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. David Salomon : Data Compression The Complete Reference, Springer Verlag New York Inc., 2nd Edition, 2001 Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, Steven Eddins, Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, Pearson Education, Inc., 2004. William K.Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley, NewYork, 2002. Milman Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, Brooks/Cole, Vikas Publishing House, II ed., 1999. Sid Ahmed, M.A., Image Processing Theory, Algorithms and Architectures, McGrawHill, 199 5.

ELECTIVES SEMESTER III EC1621 - DIGITAL COMMUNICATION RECEIVERS L 3 AIM To review the Digital communication techniques to the student and expose with the optimum receiver design for the noise perturbed channels. OBJECTIVE To review the digital communication techniques for the optimum receiver design for AWGN channels and Fading channels To study the synchronization techniques and adaptive equalization techniques in the receiver design. UNIT I REVIEW OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

Base band and band pass communication, signal space representation, linear and non- linear modulation techniques, and spectral characteristics of digital modulation. UNIT II



Correlation demodulator, matched filter, maximum likelihood sequence detector, Optimum receiver for CPM signals, M-ary orthogonal signals, envelope detectors for M-ary and correlated binary signals. UNIT III RECEIVERS FOR FADING CHANNELS 9

Characterization of fading multiple channels, statistical models, slow fading, frequency selective fading, diversity technique, RAKE demodulator, coded waveform for fading channel UNIT IV SYNCHRONIZATION TECHNIQUES 9

Carrier and symbol synchronization, carrier phase estimation PLL, Decision directed loops, symbol timing estimation, maximum likelihood and non-decision directed timing estimation, joint estimation. UNIT V ADAPTIVE EQUALIZATION 9

Zero forcing algorithm, LMS algorithm, Adaptive decision feedback equalizer, and equalization of Trellis-coded signals, Kalman algorithm, blind equalizers, and stochastic gradient algorithm, Echo cancellation L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Heinrich Meyer, Mare Moeneclacy and Stefan.A. Fechtel, Digital Communication Receivers, Vol I & II, John Wiley, New York, 1997 John. G. Proakis, Digital Communication, 4th ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 2001 E.A. Lee and D.G. Messerschmitt, Digital Communication, 2nd edition, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1994 Simon Marvin, Digital Communication Over Fading channel; An unified approach to performance Analysis, John Wiley, New York, 2000 Bernard Sklar, Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications, Prentice Hall, 1998.





AIM To learn the microcontrollers. OBJECTIVE To introduce the architecture and programming of various 16 bit microprocessors and microcontrollers. To introduce the concepts and architecture of RISC processor and ARM processors. To study Motorola 68HC11 Microcontrollers and PIC Micro Controller architecture and programming. UNIT I MICROPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE 9 architecture and programming of advanced microprocessors and

Instruction set Data formats Instruction formats Addressing modes Memory hierarchy register file Cache Virtual memory and paging Segmentation Pipelining The instruction pipeline pipeline hazards Instruction level parallelism reduced instruction set Computer principles RISC versus CISC RISC properties RISC evaluation On-chip register files versus cache evaluation UNIT II HIGH PERFORMANCE CISC ARCHITECTURE PENTIUM 9

The software model functional description CPU pin descriptions RISC concepts bus operations Super scalar architecture pipe lining Branch prediction The instruction and caches Floating point unit protected mode operation Segmentation paging Protection multitasking Exception and interrupts Input /Output Virtual 8086 model Interrupt processing -Instruction types Addressing modes Processor flags Instruction set -programming the Pentium processor. UNIT III HIGH PERFORMANCE RISC ARCHITECTURE :ARM 9 and

The ARM architecture ARM assembly language program ARM organization implementation The ARM instruction set - The thumb instruction set ARM CPU cores. UNIT IV MOTOROLA 68HC11 MICROCONTROLLERS 9

Instructions and addressing modes operating modes Hardware reset Interrupt system Parallel I/O ports Flags Real time clock Programmable timer pulse accumulator serial communication interface A/D converter hardware expansion Assembly language Programming





CPU architecture Instruction set - Interrupts Timers I/O port expansion I2C bus for peripheral chip access A/D converter UART L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL= 60 REFERENCES : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Daniel Tabak , Advanced Microprocessors McGraw Hill.Inc., 1995 James L. Antonakos, The Pentium Microprocessor Pearson Education, 1997. Steve Furber, ARM System On Chip architecture Addison Wesley, 2000. Gene .H.Miller. Micro Computer Engineering, Pearson Education, 2003. John .B.Peatman, Design with PIC Microcontroller, Prentice hall, 1997. James L.Antonakos, An Introduction to the Intel family of Microprocessors Pearson Education 1999. Barry.B.Breg, The Intel Microprocessors Architecture , Programming and Interfacing , PHI, 2002. Valvano Embedded Microcomputer Systems Thomson Asia PVT LTD first reprint 2001 Douglas E. Comer and M.S.Narayanan,Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications,4th Edition 2008. Person education.

Readings : Web links

EC 1620 - ERROR CONTROL CODING L 4 AIM In order to transfer data without error from source to destination, focus must be made on coding. This syllabus is highly intended to emphasize bulk and burst error- correcting codes. OBJECTIVES To understand the cyclic redundancy codes in detail. To get a clear concept of different error correcting codes and convolutional codes.

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Basics of Vector Algebra Galois Field arithmetic in detail. UNIT II BCH CODES 12

BCH codes, Decoding of BCH codes, implementation of Galois field arithmetic, Implementation of error correction, Non-binary BCH and Read Solomon codes, Weight distribution and error detection of binary BCH codes. UNIT III ERROR CORRECTING CODES 12

Burst error correcting coders, decoding of single burst error correcting cyclic codes, interleaved codes, phased burst correcting codes, Burst and random error correcting codes. UNIT IV CONVOLUTIONAL CODES 12

Convolutional codes, Maximum likelihood decoding of convolutional codes, sequential decoding of convolutional codes stack and fano algorithm, Application of viterbi decoding, Sequential decoding, majority logic decoding, Burst error correction and convolutional codes in ARQ systems. UNIT V TURBO CODES 12

Turbo codes Coding Performance BCJR algorithm Low density parity check codes Space time codes. L = 60, Total = 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Shu Lin & D.J. Costello Error Control Coding, PHI, 1983. Shu Lin Application of error control, 1974.

REFERENCE 1. Simon Haykin, Digital communication, John Wiley and Sons, 1988.



CS1676 - INTERNETWORKING MULTIMEDIA L 4 AIM To learn the Internetworking techniques and standards for the Multimedia communication across the networks. OBJECTIVE To study the Broadband network technology. To study the reliable transport protocol and its applications. To study the multimedia communication standards and its communication across networks. UNIT I MULTIMEDIA NETWORKING 12 Digital sound, video and graphics, basic multimedia networking, multimedia characteristics, evolution of Internet services model, network requirements for audio/ video transform, multimedia coding and compression for text, image, audio and video. UNIT II BROADBAND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY 12 Broadband services, ATM and IP, IPV6, High speed switching, resource reservation, Buffer management, traffic shaping, caching, scheduling and policing, throughput, delay and jitter performance - Storage and media services, voice and video over IP, MPEG-2 over ATM/IP, indexing synchronization of requests, recording and remote control. UNIT III RELIABLE TRANSPORT PROTOCOL AND APPLICATIONS 12 Multicast over shared media network, multicast routing and addressing, scaling multicast and NBMA networks, Reliable transport protocols, TCP adaptation algorithm, RTP, RTCP - MIME, Peerto-Peer computing, shared application, video conferencing, centralized and distributed conference control, distributed virtual reality, light weight session philosophy. UNIT IV MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION STANDARDS 12 Objective of MPEG- 7 standard, Functionalities and systems of MPEG-7, MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework Architecture - Content representation, Content Management and usage, Intellectual property management, Audio visual system- H322: Guaranteed QOS LAN systems; MPEG_4 video Transport across internet. UNIT V MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION ACROSS NETWORKS 12 Packet Audio/video in the network environment, video transport across Generic networksLayered video coding, error Resilent video coding techniques, Scalable Rate control, Streaming video across Internet, Multimedia transport across ATM networks and IP network, Multimedia across wireless networks. L = 60, TOTAL= 60

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TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Jon Crowcroft, Mark Handley, Ian Wakeman, Internetworking Multimedia, Harcourt Asia Pvt. Ltd. Singapore, 1998. B.O. Szuprowicz, Multimedia Networking, McGraw Hill, Newyork. 1995 Tay Vaughan, Multimedia - Making it to work, 4ed, Tata McGraw Hill , NewDelhi, 2000. K.R.Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic and Dragorad A. Milovanovic, Multimedia Communication systems, PHI , 2003

EE1615 - ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND COMPATIBILITY IN SYSTEM DESIGN L 3 AIM To learn the Electromagnetic interference concepts and standards of measurement to design the systems with Electromagnetic compatibility for applications. OBJECTIVE To study the EMI Environment and its coupling principles. To study the EMI / EMC standards and measurements for the test procedures. To design the PCBs with EMC compliance. UNIT I EMI ENVIRONMENT 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

EMI/EMC concepts and definitions, Sources of EMI, conducted and radiated EMI, Transient EMI, Time domain Vs Frequency domain EMI, Units of measurement parameters, Emission and immunity concepts, ESD. UNIT II EMI COUPLING PRINCIPLES 9

Conducted, Radiated and Transient Coupling, Common Impedance Ground Coupling, Radiated Common Mode and Ground Loop Coupling, Radiated Differential Mode Coupling, Near Field Cable to Cable Coupling, Power Mains and Power Supply coupling. UNIT III EMI/EMC STANDARDS AND MEASUREMENTS 9

Civilian standards - FCC,CISPR,IEC,EN,Military standards - MIL STD 461D/462, EMI Test Instruments /Systems, EMI Shielded Chamber, Open Area Test Site, TEM Cell, Sensors/Injectors/ Couplers, Test beds for ESD and EFT, Military Test Method and Procedures (462).



Shielding, Filtering, Grounding, Bonding, Isolation Transformer, Transient Suppressors, Cable Routing, Signal Control, Component Selection and Mounting. UNIT V EMC DESIGN OF PCBs 9

PCB Traces Cross Talk, Impedance Control, Power Distribution Decoupling, Zoning, Motherboard Designs and Propagation Delay Performance Models. L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Henry W.Ott, Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems, John Wiley and Sons, NewYork. 1988. C.R.Paul, Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility , John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1992 V.P.Kodali, Engineering EMC Principles, Measurements and Technologies, IEEE Press, 1996. Bernhard Keiser, Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Artech house, 3rd Ed, 1986.

EC1618 - COMMUNICATION NETWORK SECURITY L 4 AIM To introduce the student about the Various techniques and standards for communication network security and also introduces the system security for the Intruders. OBJECTIVE To study the Symmetric Ciphers techniques and Standards. To study the Public-Key encryption and Hash functions. To study the Network Security Practice and system security. UNIT I SYMMETRIC CIPHERS (Techniques and Standards) I 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Introduction Services, Mechanisms and Attacks, OSI security Architecture, Model for network Security; Classical Encryption Techniques- Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques, Rotor Machines, Stegnography; Block Ciphers and Data Encryption Standard- Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, Data Encryption Standard, Strength of DES, Differential and Linear Crypt Analysis, Block Cipher Design Principles, Block Cipher Modes of Operation.


SYMMETRIC CIPHERS (Techniques and Standards) II


Advanced Encryption Standard- Evaluation Criteria for AES, AES Cipher; Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers- Triple DES, Blowfish, RC5, Characteristics of Advanced Symmetric Block Ciphers, RC4 Stream Cipher; Confidentiality using Symmetric Encryption- Placement of Encryption Function, Traffic Confidentiality, Key Distribution and Random Number Generation. UNIT III PUBLIC-KEY ENCRYPTION AND HASH FUNCTIONS 12

Public Key Cryptography and RSA- Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems, RSA Algorithm; Key Management and other public key cryptosystems- Key Management, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic Curve arithmetic, Elliptic Curve Cryptography; Message Authentication and Hash Functions- Authentication Requirements, Authentication Functions, Message Authentication Codes, Hash Functions and MACs; Hash Algorithms- MD5 Message Digest Algorithm; Secure Hash Algorithm, RIPEMD 160, HMAC; Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols- Digital Signatures, Authentication Protocols, Digital Signature Standards. UNIT IV NETWORK SECURITY PRACTICE 12

Authentication Applications- Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service; Electronic Mail Security- Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME; IP Security- IP Security Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining Security Associations; Web Security- Web Security Considerations, Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction. UNIT V SYSTEM SECURITY 12

Intruders- Intruder Detection, Password Management; Malicious Software- Virus and Related Threats, Virus Counter Measures; Firewalls- Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems. L = 60, Total = 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, 3ed. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 2004 William Stallings, Network Security Essentials, 2 ed. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2004 Charlie Kaufman , Network Security: Private Communication in Public World, 2 edition. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi ,2004



EE1608- EMBEDDED SYSTEMS L 3 AIM To learn the Embedded architecture, embedded processor and the computing platform for the real-time design and applications. OBJECTIVE To study the Embedded processor and its architecture. To study the Real- time characteristics and its system design techniques. UNIT I EMBEDDED ARCHITECTURE 9 T 1 P 0 C 4

Embedded Computers, Characteristics of Embedded Computing Applications, Challenges in Embedded Computing system design, Embedded system design process- Requirements, Specification, Architectural Design, Designing Hardware and Software Components, System Integration, Formalism for System Design- Structural Description, Behavioral Description, Design Example: Model Train Controller. UNIT II EMBEDDED PROCESSOR AND COMPUTING PLATFORM 9

ARM processor- processor and memory organization, Data operations, Flow of Control, SHARC processor- Memory organization, Data operations, Flow of Control, parallelism with instructions, CPU Bus configuration, ARM Bus, SHARC Bus, Memory devices, Input/output devices, Component interfacing, designing with microprocessor development and debugging, Design Example : Alarm Clock. UNIT III NETWORKS 9

Distributed Embedded Architecture- Hardware and Software Architectures, Networks for embedded systems- I2C, CAN Bus, SHARC link p-ports, ethernet, Myrinet, Internet, NetworkBased design- Communication Analysis, system performance Analysis, Hardware platform design, Allocation and scheduling, Design Example: Elevator Controller. UNIT IV REAL-TIME CHARACTERISTICS 9

Clock driven Approach, weighted round robin Approach, Priority driven Approach, Dynamic Versus Static systems, effective release times and deadlines, Optimality of the Earliest deadline first (EDF) algorithm, challenges in validating timing constraints in priority driven systems, Off-line Versus On-line scheduling. UNIT V SYSTEM DESIGN TECHNIQUES 9

Design Methodologies, Requirement Analysis, Specification, System Analysis and Architecture Design, Quality Assurance, Design Example: Telephone PBX- System Architecture, Ink jet printerM.E. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. 53

Hardware Design and Software Design, Personal Digital Assistants, Set-top Boxes. L = 45, T = 15, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2001. Jane.W.S. Liu Real-Time systems, Pearson Education Asia, 2000 C. M. Krishna and K. G. Shin , Real-Time Systems, ,McGraw-Hill, 1997 Frank Vahid and Tony Givargi, Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, s, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

EC1625 - HIGH SPEED SWITCHING ARCHITECTURE L 4 AIM To learn the Various High speed networks and its switching architecture for the communication networks. OBJECTIVE Introduction to Various high speed networks and its standards. To study the LAN and ATM switching architecture. UNIT I HIGH SPEED NETWORK 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Introduction- LAN, WAN, Network evolution through ISDN to B-ISDN, Transfer mode and control of B-ISDN, SDH multiplexing structure, ATM standard, ATM adaptation layers. UNIT II LAN SWITCHING TECHNOLOGY 12

Switching Concepts, switch forwarding techniques, switch path control, LAN Switching, cut through forwarding, store and forward, virtual LANs. UNIT III ATM SWITCHING ARCHITECTURE 12

Switch model, Blocking networks - basic - and- enhanced banyan networks, sorting networks - merge sorting, re-arrangable networks full and partial connection networks, non blocking networks - Recursive network construction, comparison of non-blocking network, Switching with deflection routing - shuffle switch, tandem banyan. UNIT IV QUEUES IN ATM SWITCHES 12

Internal Queueing -Input, output and shared queueing, multiple queueing networks combined Input, output and shared queueing - performance analysis of Queued switches.




Addressing model, IP Switching types - flow driven and topology driven solutions, IP Over ATM address and next hop resolution, multicasting, Ipv6 over ATM. L = 60, Total = 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Achille Pattavina, Swtching Theory: Architectures and performance in Broadband ATM networks John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York. 1998 Christopher Y Metz, Switching protocols & Architectures, McGraw - Hill Professional Publishing, NewYork.1998. Rainer Handel, Manfred N Huber, Stefan Schroder, ATM Networks - Concepts Protocols, Applications III Edition, Addison Wesley, New York. 1999. John A.Chiong: Internetworking ATM for the internet and enterprise networks. McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.

CS1663 - AD HOC NETWORKS L 4 AIM To introduce the student to recent advancement in the architecture for the communication networks. OBJECTIVE To introduce concept of various existing standards and architecture for wireless networks. To introduce the protocols for the Ad Hoc networks developed from the existing protocol standards for wireless network architecture. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12 T 0 P 0 C 4

Introduction-fundamentals of wireless communication technology- the electro magnetic spectrum- radio propagation mechanisms-characteristics of wireless channel-IEEE 802.11a,b standard-origin of ad hoc - packet radio networks-technical challenges-architecture of PRNETscomponents of packet Radios- ad hoc wireless networks an ad hoc network? heterogeneity in mobile devices- wireless sensor networks-traffic profiles-Types of ad hoc mobile communicationstypes of un mobile host movements-challenges facing ad hoc mobile networks-Ad hoc wireless Internet




Introduction issues of designing a routing protocol for ad hoc networks Wireless networksclassification of routing protocolstable driven routing protocols-destination sequenced distance vector(DSDV)-wireless routing protocol(WRP)-cluster Switch Gateway routing (CSGR)-source initiated On demand approaches Ad hoc on-Demand distance vector routing (AODV)-Dynamic Source Routing(DSR)-temporary ordered routing algorithm(TORA)-signal stability routing (SSR)location- aided routing (LAR)-Power aware routing(PAR)-zone routing protocol(ZRP) UNIT III MULTICASTROUTING IN AD HOC NETWORKS 12

Issued in designing a multicast routing protocol operation of multicast routing protocols An architecture reference for model for multicast routing protocol- classifications of multicast routing protocol-tree-based multicast routing protocols-mesh based multicast routing protocol Summary of tree and Mesh based protocols-energy -efficient multicasting multicasting with quality of service guarantee- application dependent multicast routing-comparison of multicast routing protocols. UNIT IV TRANSPORT LAYER ,SECURITY PROTOCOLS 12

Introduction Issues in Designing a transport layer protocol for ad hoc wireless networks design goals of a transport layer protocol for ad hoc networks- classification of transport layer solutions TCP over ad hoc wireless networks other transport layer protocols for ad hoc wireless networks- security in wireless ad hoc networks-network security requirements-issues and challenges in security provisioning network security attacks key management secure routing in ad hoc wireless networks. UNIT V QoS AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT 12

Introduction issues and challenges in providing Qos in ad hoc wireless networks classifications of QoS solutions- Mac layer solutions Network layer solutions QoS frame works for ad hoc wireless network energy management in ad hoc wireless networks Introduction need for Energy management in ad hoc wireless networks classification of energy management schemes battery management schemes - transmission management schemes system power management scheme. L = 60, TOTAL= 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. C.Siva Ram Murthy and B.S Manoj ad hoc wireless networks :Architechtures and protocols ,Prentice hall PTR,2004. C.k toh.Ad hoc mobile wireless networks :protocols and systems ,Prentice hall PTR ,2001. charles E.Perkins ,Ad hoc networking ,Addison and Wesley ,2000



CS1675 - WIRELESS SENSOR NETWOKS L 4 AIM Introduce the student to recent advancement in the sensor networks and its Protocol design. OBJECTIVE To introduce various challenges in the sensor networks and its characteristics against the traditional data networks. To enable the student with the knowledge of hardware components and various parameters for the sensor networks. To introduce with the protocol standards for the sensor networks and its corresponding simulation tools for the design. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12 architectural T 0 P 0 C 4

Opportunities and challenges in wireless sensor networks-Next generation technologies to enable sensor networks - Difference between sensor networks and traditional data networks - A practical perspective on wireless sensor networks Characteristics, Classifications, Applications and Technical approaches. UNIT II SINGLE NODE AND NETWORK ARCHITECTURE 12

Hardware components Energy Consumption of sensor nodes Sensor network scenarios, Optimization goals and figure of merit, Design principles for WSNs , Service interfaces of WSN, gateway concepts. UNIT III OVERVIEW OF COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS 12

Introduction Application Layer Protocols, Localization Protocols, Time Synchronization Protocols, Transport Layer Protocols, Network Layer Protocols, Data Link Layer Protocols. UNIT IV LOCALIZATION AND POSITIONING 12

Properties of Localization and Positioning Procedures Approaches Mathematical Basics for the Lateration Problem Single Hop Localization Positioning in Multihop Environments Impact of Anchor Placement. UNIT V SENSOR NETWORK PLATFORMS AND TOOLS 12

Sensor Node Hardware Berkeley Motes Node Level Software Platforms Tiny OS, nesC and Tiny Gals Nodes Level Simulators ns2 and TOSSIM Examples of Sensor Nodes. L = 60, TOTAL=60

TEXT BOOK 1. Mohammed Ilyas and Imad Mhagoub Handbook of Sensor Networks Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems , CRC Press.

REFERENCES 1. 2. Holger Karl and Andreas Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Feng Zhao and Leonidas J.Guibas Wireless Sensor Networks : An Information Processing Approach , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.



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