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The Halls of Amenti

Abode of Supreme Truth, Knowledge, & Wisdom

Adam Kadmon
Adam Kadmon is the galaxy name for the human form. Nearly all extraterrestrials in this galaxy are the Adam Kadmon type, meaning you would not be aware of them moving among youwhich they very often do.

Admiral Byrds Diary

Legendary Polar Explorer U.S. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his crew accidentally flew inside Agartha in 1947 on a North Pole expedition. Admiral Byrd met the King of Agartha and witnessed countless flying saucers during his stay in Agartha. The King of Agartha warned Admiral Byrd about extreme dark times ahead for The Surface Dwellers of Earth, which he predicted would culminate in the death and destruction of most of the surface civilization (a prophesy identical to the Book of Revelations!) Thinking he had stumbled onto a monumental discovery, Admiral Byrd related the entire story to the U.S. Pentagon upon his return,
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but was shocked to discover that the U.S. Pentagon already knew about Agartha and wasnt telling anyone! The Pentagon and Admiral Byrds superiors jointly ordered Admiral Byrd to remain silent about Agartha foreveror else! (see UFO Cover-Up Policy) Admiral Byrd recorded the whole adventure in his diary which was discovered and published after his death in 1957. Read Admiral Byrds diary at

(pronounced a-dough-nigh) Adonai is the universal name for God and the standard greeting and goodbye among the Christed races of this galaxy.

Agartha Network
The network of cities in Agartha.

Ancient Christed race of beings inside the Earth. The Agarthans are a 1,000 times more advanced than the surface race, whom they refer to as The Surface Dwellers. The Agarthans look perfectly human and often move among you in small numbers gathering data and conducting benevolent research for the planet.

Growing old and feeble is unnatural and one of the many
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symptoms of a fallen race of beings. Christed beings on Christed planets do not grow old and feeble but retain their youth and vitality indefinitely. Furthermore, Christed beings on Christed planets are not required to die and reincarnate, but frequently choose to reincarnate into other worlds so as to continue the onward and upward evolution of their personal Ascension.

A confused fool.

The story that AIDS came from a monkey in Africa is a blatant lie. AIDS was intentionally created in a laboratory by The Illuminati and The Secret Government as an experimental biological weapon. The experiment quickly got out of hand and became the global AIDS epidemic which exists to this very day.

The Akashic Records

(also known as)

The Libraries of Akasha

The Earth is essentially a round magnet with a north and south pole. The electromagnetic field that runs between the north and south pole is called the plenum by your Earth scientists. However, unbeknownst to your Earth scientists, the Earths plenum contains a vast holographic electromagnetic library known as The Akashic Records. Every action which has ever taken place on Earth (no
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matter how small or large) is perfectly and permanently recorded onto the electromagnetic grid of The Akashic Records. When the electromagnetic files of The Akashic Records are opened and activated, they produce a perfect 4-dimensional holograph of the event complete with sound, visuals, pausing, and zooming capabilities, much like your computer imaging software. The Akashic Records can be accessed and read by several means including Astral Travel, Remote Viewing, and Clairvoyance.

Also known as White Magic Alchemy is the science of manipulating The Universal Substance to create or dissolve anything in existence. On dimensions 4 through 9 nearly everything is made by Alchemy.

The Halls of Amenti is a school, star gate, and cosmic energy vortex located in the exact center of the Earth on the Astral Plane. In The Halls of Amenti you will find a great assortment of Ascended Masters and Energy Beings teaching and tutoring rising Ascending Masters who have qualified for training in The Halls of Amenti. Amenti is also the supreme energy vortex of this planet and greatly sustains, upholds, and repairs the planet in every way. Students of Amenti are taught the ultimate mysteries of time, space, alchemy, and the nine dimensions. An unascended human could not enter The Halls of Amenti without being destroyed by the much higher vibrational frequency of Amenti. Thus, only the highest Ascending Humans can enter The Halls of Amenti and this serves
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as a perfect self-regulating device (which is no accident) and perfect self-regulating devices such as this exist throughout all worlds, times, planes, and dimensions of Gods Omniverse.

The AntiChrist
The Forces of Darkness opposing the Glory and Light and Earths Ascension. Embodied individually and collectively as Caligastia and all agents and allies of The Dark Lodge.

Arcturians are a highly advanced Fifth-Dimensional Christed race of Ascended Masters from the star system Arcturus. The Arcturians made friendly spiritual contact with Dr. Norma Milanovich via her home computer, and Dr. Milanovich relates the whole exciting story in her wonderful book WE, THE ARCTURIANS.

Area 51
Secret underground U.S. military base in the Nevada desert. Area 51 is a rogue military base covertly run by the Illuminati/Secret Government/Dark Lodge alliance. Area 51 is a renegade military base that secretly and illegally uses billions of U.S. tax payer dollars for the development of sinister Black Projects of the Illuminati/Secret Government/Dark Lodge alliance, and there are several more of these evil underground military bases in existence besides Area 51. Although the evil technologies of Area 51 are great by your standards, they are childish toys by Ours. Have no fears about Area 51 and the other evil underground bases. God, The Angels, The Ascended Masters, The Nature Spirits, and The
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Christed Extraterrestrials have (and will continue) to neutralize the projects of these evil underground bases one by onemaking ALL projects and efforts of these evil underground bases utterly and completely in vain.

The final battle between the sinister Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance and Gods Army for control of the Earth. Gods Army will win and all Earthlings who have either rejected or ignored God all their lives will perish in the great battle of Armageddon. Only the most spiritual people will survive the battle of Armageddon (because they will have Divine protection), and together they will establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth, with substantial help and assistance from The Agarthans and The Christed Extraterrestrials.

Ascended Master
One who has successfully passed ALL of the challenges, trials, tests, and initiations of the Seven Rays of Earth. Degrees 1 to 7 are unascended souls. Degrees 8 through 13 represent the six levels of Ascending Teachers. And degrees 14 through 76 represent the 62 levels of Ascended Masters. The 76th degree is the highest level obtainable for Ascended Masters in this galaxy.

Ascension Process
The ascension process is the sole purpose of life in the cosmos. The purpose of life is to consciously and eternally expand your
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knowledge, wisdom, power, talent, and light quotient. It is the highest insult to God to remain as you are incarnation after incarnation with no change whatsoever. That is not life, that is death. The ascension process is not so popular on Earth because this is a fallen planet ruled by ignorance and materialism, but even on a fallen planet the spiral staircase of ascension is there for those who have the courage and determination to climb it.

Astral Body
The non-physical aspect of your Soul, Mind, and Personality. Your Astral Body looks exactly like you, but is made of astral light and is completely imperishable.

Astral Plane
The plane of existence one level higher than the Physical Plane. Home to your Astral Body and all other astral entities. The Astral Plane may also be correctly called The 4th Dimension because it exists on The 4th Dimension of Time & Space.

An ingnorant fool.

Atlantis and Lemuria were the two most advanced civilizations in the history of Earth. By comparison Atlantis and Lemuria were a thousand times more advanced than the civilization of Earth today.
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However, over the passage of many millenniums the people of Atlantis and Lemuria became negatively influenced by agents and allies of The Dark Lodge and slowly integrated the ways of thoughtlessness, greed, selfishness, negative ego, plunder, insatiability, megalomania, and imbalanced living into their life and society. The decline of Atlantis and Lemuria culminated in a global thermonuclear war that destroyed Atlantis and Lemuria, caused cataclysmic Earth changes, sunk the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria into the sea, and catapulted the Earth into a sudden unnatural Ice Age virtually overnight!

The Aura is the astral glow of the Astral Body. The aura appears bright, white, and golden in a spiritual person. And the aura appears dull, gray, black, and red in an evil or materialistic person. Clairvoyants who are able to see the human aura can read everything about a persons character in a single glance.

Behold a Pale Horse

BEHOLD A PALE HORSE by William Cooper is a best-selling book by former Naval Intelligence Officer William Cooper that exposes the existence, reality, and deeds of the Secret Governments of the United States and England. William Cooper was then murdered by The Illuminati and Secret Governments that he helped to expose. William Cooper was a man of God and chose a line from The Bibles Book of Revelations as the title of this planet saving book. This book is mandatory reading for the 144,000.

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Belief vs. Truth vs. Disbelief vs. Reality

Some people believe everything on this website. Some people believe some things on this website, but not everything. And some people believe absolutely nothing that is presented on this website. What We would like everyone to know is this: Reality is not dependent upon what you believe. Gravity exists whether you believe in gravity or not. God exists whether you believe in God or not. And all the material presented on this website is true whether you believe it or not. Your beliefs and disbeliefs do not create reality. Reality exists independent of your beliefs. Meditate on that for a while.

Bimini Road
In 1968 a paved road was discovered on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Bimini Island. It became known as Bimini Road. Bimini Road is proof positive Atlantis existed. Why else would there be a road on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!

Madame Blavatsky
Madame Blavatsky was the greatest psychic of the 19th century and an early messenger of The Great White Lodge. Read a summary of Madame Blavatskys life by clicking the link below. /western_esoteric_lodge/3591-Madam-Blavatsky-and-theTheosophical-Society.html

The Brotherhood of Light

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The Great White Lodge also goes by the names The Great White Brotherhood & The Brotherhood of Light. The three names denote the same thing and may be used interchangeably.

The Bermuda Triangle

Ships & planes disappear in The Bermuda Triangle for two reasons. One, there is a huge Atlantian crystal at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean in the middle of The Bermuda Triangle. This Atlantean crystal periodically becomes re-activated due to the angle & intensity of the Suns rays. This creates a powerful anti-matter gravitational vortex that teleports the ships and planes to random Times & Dimensions throughout The Universe! That explains about half of the disappearances. The other cases were negative E.T. abductions. Both Christed & negative E.T.s use the area of The Bermuda Triangle as a common entry gate due to another electromagnetic vortex unrelated to the Atlantean crystal. The dangers and troubles of The Bermuda Triangle will be perfectly and permanently solved during the Seventh Age of Enlightenment. Until then, we strongly advise everyone to stay safely out of The Bermuda Triangle!

Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce was the greatest psychic of the 20th century. The Great White Lodge proudly endorses all of Edgar Cayces work. Read a summary of Edgar Cayces life by clicking the link below. /western_esoteric_lodge/3599-The-Sleeping-Prophet-EdgarCayce.html

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Fallen angel who is now the 3rd and current President of The Dark Lodge. Smarter and more evil than his predecessors Lucifer and Satan, Caligastia still lives and is The AntiChrist and Hidden Architect of all problems, woes, and troubles on Earth today. Once a great Angel, Caligastia is now the most evil and dreaded being in the galaxy. God has given Caligastia every opportunity to repent and come home, but Caligastia is too proud and arrogant to ever do that. At the height of Armageddon, God will order Lord Archangel Michael to arrest and destroy Caligastia. When that order is given, Caligastia will have seconds to liveand he knows it.

Cancer Conspiracy
A cure for cancer was discovered several times during the 20th century. In each case the inventor was murdered and the formula burned. The Illuminati secretly own the medical/pharmaceutical establishment and bilk patients billions of dollars annually on cancer related treatments and cancer related pharmaceuticals. A cure for cancer would reduce Illuminati profits in this area dramatically and thus all genuine cures for cancer have been historically blocked, suppressed, squashed, debunked, burned, and secretly swept under the rug by the evil Illuminati and their henchmen.

The seven spiritual centers of the Astral Body. Each of these spiritual centers is called a chakra. Each chakra corresponds to various aspects of the human Soul, Mind, and Personality. Each chakra is an astral electromagnetic vortex of energy and looks like
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a swirling ball of light.

Channeling can best be described as a phone conversation without the phone. Channels do not become possessed and taken over as many uninformed think. Channeling is simply psychic two-way communication. Clairaudient channels hear the spirits voice whereas clairsentient channels receive the communication intuitively without the need of auditory dynamics. Both forms of channeling are equally good and one form is no better than the another. Channels will be either clairaudient or clairsentient based on their natural abilities and psychic wiringso this is not really a choice. The ability to channel improves and increases as your spiritual and psychic development improves and increases. Likewise, there is no requirement that you channel at all. Channeling is simply a tool you may use and develop if you so desire.

Term used in eastern ashrams to mean student or disciple.

Evil chemical trails being placed in the skies of Earth regularly by unmarked planes of The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. It is their futile attempt to block special ascension rays the Spiritual Hierarchy is currently sending to Earth to help usher in the coming New Age. The chemical trails use to cause instant cloud clover and rain that blocked the ascension rays, but thanks to
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counter measures of The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy, the chemtrails no longer work. Despite the obvious fact that their evil chemtrails no longer work, The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance continue to lay their evil chemtrails in the skies of Earthfrightened spoiled children frantically pushing a button that no longer works. For photos and further reading on chemtrials click /wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory

Term that roughly translates to President or Head of Office.

Christed Extraterrestrials
Extraterrestrials that embody the Christ consciousness. 95% of the Extraterrestrials in this galaxy are Christed Extraterrestrials.

Christian Fallacy
There is one notable fallacy in the Christian religion, and that is the misconception that Jesus died for your sins. Lord Jesus/Sananda Himself is appalled at the idea. Jesus did not die for your sins, nor did He ever claim to. No one can die for your sins. It is not cosmically possible for anyone to die for your sins. You are responsible for your own karma. You are responsible for your own self-improvement. You are responsible for your own Ascension. Many people are spiritually lazy because they think Jesus died for their sins so they dont need to ever improve themselves. The misconception that Jesus died for your sins is discussed at length in the Urantia Book (see Urantia Book).
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The CIA and FBI are not benevolent agencies. Quite the contrary. The CIA and FBI are nothing more than henchmen that carry out the evil plans of the Illuminati and Secret Government.

The Cold War

The Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union was an elaborate hoax orchestrated by The Illuminati who secretly own and control both countries. In reality, both countries were secretly operating as one entity throughout The Cold War. The truth of this was known only to a handful of insiders at the time. The Illuminati secretly own and operate the Military Industrial Complex, and the purpose of the hoaxed Cold War was to extort trillions and trillions of dollars from taxpayers on both sides via the mass production of nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles for a Cold War that was not even real!

Cosmic Avatar
Any of the great beings who have already achieved the highest level of ascension possible in the cosmos! A Cosmic Avatar plays with Time & Space the way a child plays with bubbles. With a single thought a Cosmic Avatar could very easily have Mt. Everest and The Golden Gate Bridge trade positions on Earth. Wouldnt that be an interesting news day!

Cosmic Great White Lodge

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The Cosmic Great White Lodge is our galaxy Headquarters which is located in the star system Sirius. The Great White Lodge of Earth is a branch of The Cosmic Great White Lodge on Sirius, and there are thousands of these branches spread throughout the galaxy.

Cosmic Law
The collective Laws of God, the Celestial Hosts, and the Lords of Karma. Although The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy have the power to correct any situation in the Universe, Cosmic Law often prevents Us from doing so. If We applied corrective force to every negative situation in the Universe, We would usurp and undermine the dynamics of Free Will which lay at the heart of the Ascension Process. There is no Ascension without Free Will, and so We must frequently do nothing and allow beings and races enmeshed in evil and negativity to work out their own Karma, at their own pace, in their own way. But there are limits and deadlines to everything in the Cosmos. God has given the race of Earth X amount of time to get their act together and rejoin the Brotherhood of Planets of their own volition. But that deadline is rapidly coming to a close. And what the race of Earth does not correct on their own, Gods Army will soon correct by force through Armageddon.

Cosmic Law 13
Comic Law 13 states, Ignorance is its own destruction, and a natural safeguard to the welfare of the Cosmos.

Cosmic Mirror
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An astral Magic Mirror that Saint Germain, Lord Sananda, Master Kuthumi, El Morya, and other Ascended Masters materialize out of thin air to show their Chelas and Messengers their entire past life history quickly and easily via a 4-dimensional hologram inside the mirror! A totally cool, mind-blowing, life-changing experience! You may request to receive The Cosmic Mirror Dispensation from The Ascended Masters at any timebut They will only give it to you: 1) If They feel it serves some much needed purpose. 2) They feel you are truly ready for it. 3) You qualify for it based on your karma, dharma, mission, and selfless service work on Earth!

The Counterfeit Race

For many centuries the members of The Dark Lodge have interbred with the women of Earth, and over the passage of time this has slowly but surely created a counterfeit race of Soulless Ones who are wholly devoid of the Divine and who are wholly antithetical to God and Gods Plan. The Soulless Ones will continue to thrive and proliferate on Earth until they all perish in the great battle of Armageddon.

Deneb is the star system of The Dark Lodge. Just as you have the bad part of town, Deneb is the bad part of the galaxy. If planet Earth sides with the Light and enters the New Age as planned, the balance of energies in this galaxy will shift to the extent that the entire Deneb star system will be expelled from the galaxy and every Denebian will perish. You can well imagine eons of Denebian efforts to keep Earth in darkness. Denebians were largely behind the Men in Black phenomenon. Most of the Men in Black were Denebians
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and Denebian androids, both of which look perfectly human. More about the Men in Black in the Men in Black section.

A morally and physically degenerate race of beings that inhabit the caverns, catacombs, and tunnels of Earths crust. They routinely kidnap surface dwellers, especially runaway children, and transport their victims back to their underground lairs, where their victims are forced into intoxication, sexually molested, tortured for sport and pleasure, then blood-sacrificed and eaten by the Deros, who sustain themselves on the blood of others. Most of the children on the back of milk cartons have suffered the aforementioned fate, and that explains why their bodies were never found. And through their advanced malevolent psychic machinery, The Deros are also able to malevolently control the minds of many weak-minded Earthlings, causing murders, wars, injustices, addictions, domestic violence, plane crashes, and more. Cosmic Law prevents Us from doing much about the Deros, who basically prey on the misguided Lost Souls of Earth. Not to worry, the Deros will be eliminated during Armageddon, or the arrival of the New Age, whichever comes first. Do not confuse The Hallow Earth with the crust of Earth. They are different places. The Hollow Earth is a purely Christed realm inhabited by purely Christed beings. However, for eons the catacombs of Earths crust have been a dark sanctuary for several evil races. Not surprisingly, The Dark Lodge maintains their Headquarters and outposts in the crust of Earth.

DISCLOSURE by Dr. Steven M. Greer, M.D., is a fascinating book that contains hundreds of pages of testimony under oath from U.S.
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military personnel, NASA employees, commercial airline pilots, and FAA flight controllers, who have all seen UFOs and Flying Saucers in the skies of Earth, and who further state that the U.S. government is willfully and knowingly keeping the existence of UFOs and Flying Saucers a secret (see UFO Cover-Up Policy). Visit Dr. Greers awesome website at

Dr. M. Doreal
Great U.S. metaphysician, occultist, psychologist, scholar, teacher, and messenger of The Great White Lodge. In a former embodiment Dr. Doreal was one of the highest priests of Atlantis. As a child Dr. Doreal could mysteriously read and write many languages without training--including Atlantian! Dr. Doreal translated THE EMERALD TABLETS from Atlantian to English in 1925 (see Emerald Tablets).

A school God created for training 3rd Dimensional beings in 3rd Dimensional lessons. That is the only reason for Earths existence. Earth is a colonized planet. There are no indigenous Earthlings. All races of Earth were brought in from other parts of the galaxy. This explains the many different races of Earth, differences that could not possibly be explained by climate alone. It also explains why Earth scientists have not found (and will never find) the so-called missing link between humans and apes. The missing link does not exist because Earth is a colonized planet.

A psychological delusion whereby most Earthlings absurdly believe that they are either the most advanced lifeforms in the Universe or
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the only lifeforms in the Universe! The term also denotes a related delusion whereby most Earthlings absurdly believe that the conditions required for life on Earth must be the same conditions required for life on other planetsa lame assumption that is categorically false. However, the arrogance, egotism, and stupidity of the average Earthling can be humorously tolerated and excused for a race of beings who not too long ago believed the Earth was flat and the center of the Universe!

Energy Beings in the form of small Balls of Light. God created elementals and endowed them to perform countless tasks throughout The Universe. The powers and abilities of an elemental are staggering and far beyond your comprehension. Unlike angels, elementals have no gender, no personality, no emotions, and no free will. Elementals obey Gods commands mechanically and can roughly be considered the probes and robots of God.

Emerald Tablets
Ancient scripture inscribed onto 15 large green metallic looking tablets. The tablets themselves are actually an alchemical substance produced by alchemyand completely imperishable by any means on Earth. You could drop an atomic bomb on The Emerald Tablets and when the dust cleared the tablets would be found in perfect condition right where they wereuntouched, unscathed, unharmed. The Emerald Tablets were written and alchemically produced in 36,000 B.C. by Thoththe greatest King of Atlantis. The original Emerald Tablets still exist and are safely hidden within
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a secret chamber inside The Great Pyramid of Egypt. For those who can understand them, The Emerald Tablets contain a comprehensive treaty on Alchemy, White Magic, Astral Travel, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Healing, Remote Viewing, Time Travel, Teleportation, Prophesy, and The Nine Dimensions of Time & Space. The Emerald Tablets were translated from Atlantian to English by Dr. M. Doreal. The Emerald Tablets are mandatory reading for the 144,000.

Etheric Cities
Not all cities of Earth exist in a solid 3rd dimensional matrix. There are many Etheric Cities both above and below the Earth. Shamballa, for example, is an Etheric City. The Astral Etheric cities are not visible to normal human sight because they exist on an etheric plane whose vibrational frequency is beyond the limits of standard human sight. However, many clairvoyants and psychics of Earth can see these etheric cities with their Third Eye, either directly or via what is commonly called in occult circles, Remote Viewing. There are many Etheric Cities throughout the Omniverse.

Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels are the angels that sided with Lucifer in The Great Rebellion in Heaven that took place 200,000 years ago (as time is measured on Earth). Although Fallen Angels are fallen, they still retain all of their powers and are therefore the most dreaded and mightiest warriors of The Dark Lodge. Not to worry, Fallen Angels are no match for Christed Angels, and every time Fallen Angels and Christed Angels do battle the Christed Angels win handily. Many Fallen Angels reside on Earth and covertly overshadow, possess,
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and control the minds and souls of many KEY economic, political, and military leaders of Earth. Dont worry about that, a small band of rebel angels cannot triumph against God and Gods Army!

Fallen Planet
Any of the 37 planets of this galaxy that sided with Lucifer in The Great Rebellion. Earth was one of the 37 planets that sided with Lucifer in The Great Rebellion and ever since then the Earth has been a fallen planet. Life on a fallen planet is characterized by toil, suffering, disease, dread, fear, greed, exploitation, selfishness, megalomania, war, and insanity. Conversely, life on a Christed planet is characterized by joy, peace, prosperity, universal respect and sharing, total allegiance to God and Gods Plan, and the highest states of advancement in art, science, culture, and civilization. Five minutes on a Christed planet and you would never want to return to Earth ever again!

The Faustian Bargain

Many people on Earth sell their soul to The Dark Lodge in exchange for great power and wealth. This is known as The Faustian Bargain. Many famous political and industrial leaders of Earth (past & present) have taken The Faustian Bargain. Those who take The Faustian Bargain are greedy short-sighted fools, for the bargain ends at death, and the bargainers find themselves in the darkest pit of hell, where the only music is the gnawing of teeth and the tearing of flesh. And since they no longer have a soul, they no longer have the ability to evolve their way out of this hell, and are stuck there for all eternity.

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Flying Saucers
Advanced Space/Time vessels of The Agarthans and The Christed Extraterrestrials.

James Forrestal 1949 U.S. Secretary of State

1949 U.S. Secretary of State, James Forrestal, was going to violate Presidential orders and tell the American People the truth about Roswell and countless other UFO/E.T. cover-ups that the U.S. military was blatantly and illegally withholding from the American people. In order to keep Secretary Forrestal from Talking, The Secret Government ordered henchmen of the CIA to throw Mr. Forrestal out a 29th floor window to his death. Secretary Forrestals murder was neatly labeled a suicide. It is standard protocol for The Secret Government to murder troublemakers and then label it a suicide or accident.

JFK Assassination
U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the evil Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. The two front men of Kennedys car were in on it and the driver of Kennedys car fired the infamous headshot. This explains why Kennedys head goes back and to the right at impact. The driver shooting Kennedy in the head is clearly visible in the original film, but the driver is always cropped out of frame by the major television networks which are owned by the Illuminati. See the driver shoot Kennedy by clicking the link below. feature=related
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Seeing the driver shoot Kennedy is proof positive that The United States of America is secretly owned and controlled by the Illuminati/Secret Government alliance and their henchmen. The Illuminati/Secret Government alliance assassinated JFK for two reasons. 1) In a few weeks, JFK was going to abolish The Illuminati owned Federal Reserve and return ownership of The United States of America to the American People. If that happened, the Illuminati would lose control of The United States of America and they would also lose trillions and trillions of dollars as well. 2) Also in a few weeks, JFK was planning to tell the American People the truth about recovered flying saucers and extraterrestrial lifeforms that were being kept secret by The Pentagon and U.S. military. (see UFO Cover-Up Policy).

Fourth Dimension
There are 9 Dimensions of Time & Space in this particular Universe. On Earth you live in the 3rd Dimension. The 4th Dimension is one vibrational octave higher than the 3rd Dimension. The 4th Dimension is quite larger in size than the 3rd Dimension. The 4th Dimension is normally invisible to human sight, but many psychics and clairvoyants can periodically peer into it. Cats by the way have very good 4th Dimensional sight. And that is why you will often see your cats staring and chasing at things you cannot see! The 4th Dimension is populated with countless planets, worlds, angels, ghosts, masters, departed pets & loved ones, spirits, elementals, disincarnate entities, and an endless variety of life and worlds that would utterly boggle your mind!

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The Frequency Barrier

Long ago Caligastia created an electromagnetic Frequency Barrier to keep Earthlings from contacting The Master Mind (see Master Mind). Caligastia created the Frequency Barrier by purposely misaligning Earths magnetic and geographic poles, which essentially put Earths electromagnetic grid out of tune with itself, making contact with the Master Mind virtually impossible. This was an ingenious ploy by Caligastia because the Frequency Barrier alone has kept Earthlings in darkness and ignorance for eons. The Great White Lodge is currently fixing the Frequency Barrier by realigning Earths magnetic and geographic poles, but We must realign the poles at an extremely slow rate of speed or massive earthquakes and cataclysms will result. As the Frequency Barrier is slowly lifted, contact with The Master Mind will become easier and easier.

Gas and Energy Shortages

For many decades The Illuminati and The Secret Government have staged several false Gas & Energy Shortages. There is no shortage of gas or energy on planet Earth. These false Gas & Energy Shortages are purposely faked and staged to skyrocket gas and energy prices and to extort billions of dollars from the unsuspecting masses of Earth.

Ghosts are souls who choose to remain on Earth after death rather than move forward to their next life. In most cases the ghost is hopelessly attached to someone or something on Earth and does not want to leave it. And many ghosts are not even aware that they
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are dead, which further compounds the problem of moving on. Most ghosts are harmless and nothing to be afraid of. But some malicious and evil ghosts will make eerie sounds, reflect their menacing face in glass or mirrors, knock small objects off tables, and generally play with your mind. Friendly ghosts should be left alone to work out their karma, at their own pace, in their own way, however long that takes, because Time as you know it does not exist on The Astral Plane. However, malicious, evil, and psychotic ghosts should be removed by asking Lord Archangel Michael to remove them.

Gods Army
Mightiest Army is the cosmos. A massive, mighty, and majestic Army of Angels, Elementals, Avatars, Ascended Masters, Christed Extraterrestrials, Starships, Flying Saucers, Galactic Battleships, and an endless assortment of Interdimensional Space/Time vessels and their crews. Gods Army has never been defeatedand never will be defeated!



that chronicles the Master/Disciple relationship between Saint Germain and one of His favored messengers, American New Age author U.S. Andersen. This book was the greatest Ascended Master dispensation of the 20th century and is mandatory reading for the 144,000.

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Great Rebellion
The great rebellion which took place in the galaxy 200,000 years ago. The jealous and power mad Archangel and Planetary Prince Lucifer turned against God and Gods Cosmic Great White Lodge and beguiled a great many angels to join him! The cause of ALL problems and woes in this galaxy. Also known as The Luciferian Rebellion.

The Great White Brotherhood

The Great White Lodge also goes by the names The Great White Brotherhood & The Brotherhood of Light. The three names denote the same thing and may be used interchangeably.

The Great White Lodge

The Great White Lodge has existed since the beginning of time. It is not a new lodge. It is not a made up lodge. It is not an imaginary lodge. And it is not some recent New Age catch phrase. Knowledge of The Great White Lodge was lost to the masses of Earth during the recent long Dark Age, during which time The Great White Lodge was known only to a few adepts and chelas working in secret and solitude to preserve the Light and Truth of The Lodge. But now that the Earth is rapidly emerging from the spiritual and intellectual slumbers of the long Dark Age, the knowledge, existence, and understanding of The Great White Lodge is rapidly coming to the masses of Earth once more, never to be lost
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Gun Control
The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government/New World Order alliance is the hidden driving force behind the global Gun Control Movement. For obvious reasons, a world of defenseless unarmed citizens is exactly what The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government/New World Order want!

The Hierarchy
Same as The Spiritual Hierarchy.

The Hippies
The Hippies of the late 1960s were the forefathers of the New Age and were dramatically changing the planet for the better. The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance saw this change, and feared the Hippies so much, that they countered the Hippie Movement by assassinating Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King the same year. These key assassinations caused the Hippie Movement to flutter and fail far short of its original dream. But you cannot defeat a superior ideology. You can only delay it. And the superior ideology of the 1960s Hippies will become a glorious reality in the coming New Age!

The Hollow Earth

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The interior of the Earth is not a solid mass of molten rock as Earth scientists believe. It is hollow and resembles a tennis ball in structure with the crust being 800 miles thick on average. At the center of the Earth is a softly glowing Sun that provides a permanent twilight atmosphere and constant 78 degrees Fahrenheit for the many Christed advanced civilizations who have lived inside The Hollow Earth for many millenniums. Indeed, nearly all planetary races live inside their planet and not on the tumultuous surface as the fallen race of Earth does. The Hollow Earth permanently resembles a semi-tropical paradise at twilight. There is no night, no wind, no rain, no snow, no cold, and no desert. All water needs are met by the countless crystal clear rivers and lakes found throughout The Hollow Earth. Many Surface Dwellers have accidentally stumbled into The Hollow Earth and met the advanced beings living there, dined with them, witnessed and experienced their incredibly advanced technology first hand, and related their adventures upon returning to the surface of Earth. Not surprisingly, most Earthlings did not believe their stories. And in ALL military cases the individual was ordered to remain silent or else! (see Admiral Byrd).

Homosexuality is a human aberration and not part of Gods Plan. Balance is the heart of Gods Plan and there is no balance when a man and a man come together or when a woman and a woman come together. Yin and Yin are not balanced. Yang and Yang are not balanced. Only Yin and Yang are balanced. Thus, there is only balance when a man and a woman come together, as further evidenced by the fact that only a man and a woman can procreate. Heterosexuality is balanced and fertile. Homosexuality is imbalanced and infertile. This is Metaphysics 101, but today many Earthlings dont have the slightest understanding of metaphysics or
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The thing that keeps you sane during the END TIMES of The Kali Yuga!

David Icke
David Icke is a leading Author/Lecturer that does a great job exposing the Global Conspiracy/ Illuminati/Secret Government alliance. David Icke is fully aligned with God and Spirit and The Great White Lodge fully endorses David Ickes books, videos, lectures, and website Watch a great interview with David Icke at /watch?v=y4UyEUldOLQ

Indigo Children
Highly psychic and spiritually advanced children who have been incarnating over the last few decades to help establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth. Many of the Indigos have had a tough time adjusting to Earth life and have been misdiagnosed as Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenic, Delusional, or mentally ill in any number of ways. The Indigos are not mentally ill, just highly advanced beings that often have a tough time fitting in and adjusting to Earth society. The salvation for these lost Indigos is
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to reject what doctors and society have labeled them, own their Indigo status fully and completely, and immerse themselves in helping the Earth transition into The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment!

Kali Yuga
Earth makes one 360 degree trip around the galaxy every 25,920 years. The complete cycle is known as a Yuga. There are four parts to the Yuga. Two parts (180 degrees) of ascending consciousness and two parts (180 degrees) of descending consciousness. This cyclic rise and fall of consciousness on Earth has been going on since its creation, and that explains the rise and fall of great civilizations on Earth. The Kali Yuga is the last quadrant of descending consciousness within the Yuga. The Earth is now at the tail end of The Kali Yuga. The Biblical name for The Kali Yuga is the END TIMES. The END TIMES will not be the end of Earth, but the end of darkness and evil on Earthand the dawn of The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment.

The 64 Keys of Enoch

The 64 Keys of Enoch are 64 Ascension Keys & Special Powers that may be requested directly from the Prophet & Ascended Master Enoch. Many of Enochs children are incarnated here now and many of them are members of the 144,000. Requesting the 64 keys does not guarantee that you will get them. You must qualify to receive the 64 Keys of Enoch by having enough Ascension Points and a high enough Light Quotient to receive them. Those who qualify for the 64 Keys of Enoch will receive them via interdimensional brain surgery which is performed by dozens of
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Gods Angels and Elementals. The interdimensional brain surgery last 4 to 5 months and is accompanied by frequent pops and raps in your walls and ceiling during sleep and near sleep. These pops and raps are the Angels and Elementals passing through your walls and ceiling. Surgery is performed when you are asleep, or near sleep, and stops when you are fully awake. Many experience painful headaches the last month of surgery. This is normal and will go away when the surgery is complete. Activation of the 64 Keys is gradual and will vary from person to person.

The Illuminati
The Illuminati is the codename for the evil controllers of Earth. The Illuminati are 13 of the worlds richest families and they are evil Dark Lodgers. The 13 Illuminati families obtained their vast wealth entirely by corruption, deception, duplicity, exploitation, force, coercion, and murder. The Illuminati were behind the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and other great men who were trying to change the world for the better. The Illuminati have not fairly earned one penny of their vast fortune, nor would they ever want to. Crime and duplicity are their basic nature, and far more agreeable to them. The 13 Illuminati families have successfully controlled world affairs for hundreds of years and insanely believe that they own the people and resources of this Earth. Dont worry about The Illuminati. The Illuminati have a date with Gods Army called Armageddon and it is not going to go well for them.

The Law of One

The first and most important law of all Christed races.
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And that law is, All for One and One for All.

Bob Lazar
U.S. propulsion physicist who worked on back engineering recovered flying saucers for the U.S. military. Mr. Lazar tells all in a DVD entitled UFO: Top Secret. All Lodge members are encouraged to rent this DVD or watch it on YouTube at /results?search_query=Bob+Lazar+Interview

Atlantis and Lemuria were the two most advanced civilizations in the history of Earth. By comparison Atlantis and Lemuria were a thousand times more advanced than the civilization of Earth today. However, over the passage of many millenniums the people of Atlantis and Lemuria became negatively influenced by agents and allies of The Dark Lodge and slowly integrated the ways of thoughtlessness, greed, selfishness, negative ego, plunder, insatiability, megalomania, and imbalanced living into their life and society. The decline of Atlantis and Lemuria culminated in a global thermonuclear war that destroyed Atlantis and Lemuria, caused cataclysmic Earth changes, sunk the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria into the sea, and catapulted the Earth into a sudden unnatural Ice Age virtually overnight!

Light Quotient
Light Quotient refers to the degree of Spiritual Light, Knowledge,
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& Wisdom a person currently embodies. A persons current spiritual level is quickly and easily known by reading their Light Quotient, which can be done by both mechanical and spiritual means.

One of many beings in charge of the ascension process for a planet, solar system, galaxy, or universe.

The Lower Astral

The Astral Plane is not one plane but many planes of consciousness. In The Upper Astral are found the highest beings of highest consciousness, and in The Lower Astral are found the lowest beings of lowest consciousness. When Earthlings talk about Hell they are really talking about The Lower Astral without knowing the difference. The Lower Astral itself is comprised of many levels to safely and accurately accommodate beings in various states of low-ness, of which there is no limit. The Lower Astral is truly a nightmare hellish place, and not a place you would ever want to visit or earn. There is no greater incentive for doing well in your Cosmic Ascension than a momentary glimpse of The Lower Astral!

Fallen angel who was the Founder and 1st President of The Dark Lodgea Lodge that is wholly antithetical to the principles of God, Light, and Ascension. God gave Lucifer every chance to repent and come home. Lucifer refused to the end. Per Gods order and decree, Lucifer was subsequently arrested and put to death by Lord
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Archangel Michael.

Luciferian Rebellion
The great rebellion which took place in the galaxy 200,000 years ago. The jealous and power mad archangel Lucifer turned against God and beguiled a great many angels to join him! The cause of ALL problems and woes in this galaxy. Also known as The Great Rebellion.

Maldec was the original 5th planet of this solar system. Like Earth, the people of Maldec sided with Lucifer in The Great Rebellion and became ruled by evil, greed, corruption, avarice, insanity, and megalomania. The race of Maldec continued to pursue Luciferian principles to the nth degree and ultimately destroyed their planet in a great nuclear holocaust. The remains of Maldec is now the Asteroid Belt found between Mars and Jupiter.

The marijuana plant is not indigenous to Earth. The marijuana plant was a gift from the Christed E.T.s long ago to help Earthlings experience God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness quickly and easily. Years of meditation and holistic living are by far the better and more lasting way to experience God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness, but occasional use of marijuana to experience for the first time, or remind yourself, what God and enlightened transcendental states of consciousness feel like, does more good than harm and is wholly endorsed by The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy. For reasons that will make perfect sense to you now, The Dark
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Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance are the hidden sinister force behind the stamp out pot movement!

The Master Mind

The Master Mind is the all-knowing Mind of God that permeates the whole of creation. In all Christed worlds it is simplicity itself to contact The Master Mind, because in Christed worlds there is no barrier to The Master Mind. Caligastia purposely severed Earths ties with The Master Mind by misaligning Earths geographic and magnetic poles. This he did by orchestrating wars and cataclysms on Earth that radically shifted the continents of Earth which misaligned the electromagnetic frequencies of Earths poles, effectively placing a Frequency Barrier between all Earthlings and The Master Mind. This was an ingenious move by Caligastia, because the Frequency Barrier alone has kept Earthlings in darkness and ignorance for eons. But now the synergistic forces of the Cosmos, The Great White Lodge, and Spiritual Hierarchy are working to realign Earths poles and correct the Frequency Barrier Caligastia created long ago. Correcting the Frequency Barrier must be done slowly to avoid earthquakes and catastrophic cataclysms. As the Frequency Barrier is slowly corrected by the Forces of Light, more and more Earthlings (especially the 144,000) will make direct contact with The Master Mind (via meditation, prayer, channeling, clairvoyance, or clairsentience) and learn everything they need to know directly from The Master Mind, which is by far the best, fastest, and easiest way to know anything about anything!

The Matrix
The Matrix is a 1999 Hollywood movie that exposes the evil
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controllers of Earth and the false paradigms of Earth. The story and contents of this movie were entirely channeled by The Great White Lodge to the screenwriters without their being aware of it. This movie is required viewing for the 144,000.

Prayer is Talking to God. Meditation is Listening to God. Meditation is simply Quieting the mind a little more than usual.

Billy Meier
Billy Meier is a Swiss farmer. Flying saucers have been landing on his farm since 1975. They are a Christed race from the star system Earth astronomers call M-45. Billy Meier has published many books with photographs documenting his experiences with his Extraterrestrial Friends. Of the many UFO contactees who have published books and photos, Billy Meiers books and photos are the absolute best! Billy Meiers best book is Through Space & Time.

Men in Black
The Men in Black were strange mysterious men in black who would warn, threaten, intimidate, and murder anyone who was talking about UFOs, government UFO cover-ups, suppressed sciences, or conspiracy theories. There were actually three types of Men in Black. 1) Some were human military operatives. 2) Some were an amoral Asian-looking race of extraterrestrials (who live in Earths crust) that were simply hired hands of the Secret Government. 3)
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But most were Denebians and Denebian androids, both of which look perfectly human (see the Deneb section for more on Deneb). The Internet put the Men in Black out of business virtually overnight. The Men in Black were hugely successful in the days when there was only a handful of people to intimidate and silence. But today--thanks to the Internet--millions and millions of people are talking about UFOs, government UFO cover-ups, suppressed sciences, and conspiracy theories. The Men in Black have no way to intimidate and silence millions and millions of people, so they have simply given up. The Internet has truly been the salvation of this planet!

Men in Black Cadillacs

The Men in Black who were from Deneb would arrive on Earth in teleportation ships specially designed to look like a black Cadillac. Once teleported to Earth, the Denebian Men in Black would drive their teleporting black Cadillacs along Earth roads and highways completely unsuspected by Earthlings. The teleporting cadillacs had solid black windows, no stering wheel, and were directed by telepathic power. For consistency, the other two varieties of Men in Black drove black Cadillacs also, but those were just normal gas guzzling Cadillacs.

Monadic Frequency
The vibration and frequency which your monad presently vibrates at. Your present Monadic Frequency completely reveals your presents state of evolution, present level of ascension, present light quotient, and all other relevant factors. The Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, and Elementals that the Spiritual Hierarchy and Great White Lodge have assigned to you scan, read, and monitor your Monadic Frequency daily, thereby they are able to keep perfect
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track of your spiritual development and therefore know what lessons, tests, trials, tribulations, and boons to send your way to further enhance and accelerate your spiritual development and personal ascension process. That is not a favor. That is their job.

None of the Christed planets have a monetary system. You will only find a monetary system on a fallen Luciferian planet such as Earth. The monetary system of Earth was jointly designed and created by The Dark Lodge and The Illuminati to better control and enslave the people of Earth. And as you can see their evil plan has worked quite well. Nearly all of humanity is a slave to money and nearly all of humanity puts money first above all other thingsincluding our beloved God. Everything about the monetary system of Earth is completely evil and unfair. The system itself is designed to keep the rich rich, the poor poor, and the middle class middle class. However, the reign of The Dark Lodge and The Illuminati is rapidly coming to a close, and as The Dark Lodge and The Illuminati disappear from this Earth forever, the evil monetary system they created will disappear from Earth as well.

The Montauk Project

The Montauk Project was a sinister Black Project of The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance that was carried out on Montauk Naval Base in the 1980s. The purpose of this evil project was to explore how teleportation and time travel could be used to facilitate the evil agenda of The Dark Lodge/Illuminati /Secret Government alliance. Lacking a full-prism Christed understanding of quantum mechanics, the project leaders could not control the times and destinations of their experiments very well,

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and succeeded only in sending a great many human guinea pigs to random times and dimensions, from which they never returned. Although it went on for years, The Montauk Project failed to produce any benefit for The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance, and the project was ultimately abandoned.

Negativity is the thought and emotion which is opposite Christed thought and emotion. Negativity is the primary thought and emotion of The Luciferian Blueprint, which is the blueprint of Lucifer and The Dark Lodge. It is not possible for a race of beings to be happy, healthy, and content following The Luciferian Blueprint because the blueprint itself makes no allowance for happiness, health, or contentment. Moreover, The Luciferian Blueprint views happiness, health, and contentment as threats to evil malevolent control of a planetary race, and will oppose happiness, health, and contentment at every turn and at all costs. Through blind ignorance and erroneous thinking, the surface race of Earth has been following The Luciferian Blueprint for thousands and thousands of years, and that explains why most Earthlings are negative unhappy people.

Negative E.T.s
95% of extraterrestrial races are friendly Christed races who worship God and help Earth all they can and are allowed to do by Cosmic Law. However, roughly 5% of E.T. races are evil Dark Lodgers who are doing the exact opposite. It is very unlikely that you will ever have to deal with a Negative E.T. in your lifetime, so Negative E.T.s are not something you should fear or dwell on. Negative E.T.s come in all shapes and sizes and emit a negative

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vibration that is easily detectable. The nice thing about the 95:5 ratio is that it clearly shows how GOOD far outnumbers EVIL in the galaxy.

Neuroses & Psychosomatic Pains

The epidemic of neuroses and psychosomatic pain on Earth is astronomical and on the rise. Earth doctors have no answer to this epidemic save for prescribing pain killers and antidepressant drugs that do nothing more than numb the patients brain and render him a zombie. The cause of all neuroses and psychosomatic pain is unnaturally high levels of stress, and there will continue to be unnaturally high levels of stress on Earth until Earth enters the New Age of Christed balanced living and Universal Brotherhood, but there is currently much resistance to Earth entering the New Age from The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance, as well as from the vast majority of Earthlings who have an innate distrust and resistance to change even when it is for the better.

New World Order

The New World Order has been in the works for many years. The New World Order is the ultimate plan of The Dark Lodge, The Illuminati, and The Secret Government for complete global control. Under the false guise of Peace and Global Unification, The New World Order is really designed and meant to be an invisible prison where the citizens of Earth are slaves, pawns, and puppets of the evil New World Order hierarchy. Only Gods Army will be able to put a stop to the malevolent plans of The New World Orderand that Gods Army will do in the great battle of Armageddon!

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Numerology is the mystical analysis of numbers. For example, in numerology, the number 132 equals 6 (1+3+2 = 6). The infamous Sign of the Beast 666 mentioned in the Bibles Book of Revelations is the numerological identity of the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ is Caligastia, but he is presently disguising himself and operating as a mortal on Earth. This mortal has a birthday (and other key dates) that numerologically equal 666. Dont worry about Caligastia. His identity, location, and plans are well known to Us and he will not succeed.

911 was an inside job by The Illuminati and The Secret Government as a means to start a false war with Iraq, steal Iraqs oil, gain control the region, inflate gas prices to record levels, and profit from the murder and suffering of thousands. Osama bin Laden had little to do with it and was the Fall Guy and Patsy the Illuminati-controlled media & Secret Government chose to pin the crime on and divert global attention from the real Masterminds of 911The Illuminati & Secret Government (see Illuminati, Secret Government).

God has created over 250 billion universes! The Omniverse is the collective name for all of the universes God has created. The universe occupied by Earth is based upon the electromagnetic properties of the atom, however, all 250 billion + universes are built upon a different matrix, as our God is infinitely creative and abhors repetition of any kind!

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The Phoenix Lights

The most witnessed UFO event in history. During the evening of March 13th 1997, two massive UFOs flew silently over the city of Phoenix Arizona and was witnessed by thousands of people on the ground including the governor of Arizona! Type Phoenix Lights on YouTube and watch The Phoenix Lights for yourself! Also type Governor Phoenix Lights on YouTube and watch former Arizona governor Fife Symington describe witnessing The Phoenix Lights first hand and his firm belief that the craft were from another world!

Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is a peanut size gland in the center of the brain. Earth scientists have no clue what it does and regard the pineal gland as a mystery. The pineal gland is the psychic gland of the body. Lack of use and improper diet have rendered the pineal gland inactive for most Earthlings. Meat, spinach, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and chocolate impede the pineal gland and diminish psychic powers. Conversely, fruits, vegetables (except spinach), nuts, and grains, facilitate the pineal gland and increase psychic powers.

Prayer is simply Talking to God, The Angels, The Ascended Masters, The Nature Spirits, & The Christed Extraterrestrials.

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Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion

The most evil document on Earth. The document was written by Caligastia and is a masterful blueprint on how to control the entire race of Earth without them even being aware of it! The document has become the Manual of The Illuminati and The Secret Government and the blueprint for The New World Order.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Egypt was not a royal tomb as most Earth scientists believe and is much older than Earth scientists believe. The Great Pyramid was fully functional from 52,000 B.C. to 12,000 B.C. and served several purposes. 1) The many chambers of the Great Pyramid served as classrooms and training areas for Ascending Masters. 2) The Great Pyramid was also a powerful radio transmitter that could communicate with races throughout the galaxy. 3) The Great Pyramid was and remains one of the main entry points to Agartha via a large tunnel which begins in the base of the pyramid (see Agartha). 4) The Great Pyramid also contains a vast Atlantian library of books, crystal storage devices, and holographic projectors, which are safely secured in a secret chamber. 5) The Great Pyramid contains a great energy crystal in its uppermost section that was a key component of the radio transmitter. 6) There is also an entrance to The Great Pyramid on the north face which you have not been told about. 7) Another secret chamber in the base of the pyramid contains a warehouse filled with Atlantian machines that were used in the construction of The Great Pyramid, and which had many other uses as well. These machines are over 52,000 years old, never wear out, and are in pristine condition to this very day. 8) The Great Pyramid also contains two massively powerful Force Projectors which are

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safely locked and sealed in two parallel secret chambers at the base of the pyramid. 9) In its golden years, the exterior of The Great Pyramid was perfectly sheathed and protected in white marble. The Great Pyramid became disabled in 12,000 B.C. and thereafter the white marble was pillaged and plundered for its value. The Great Pyramid has sat disabled, dysfunctional, and in acute disrepair for the past 12,000 years, but The Great Pyramid will be perfectly restored to its full glory and functionality in the coming Seventh Age of Enlightenment.

One of the seven rays (colors) of Time & Space associated with Earth and all spiritual development on Earth. Each ray corresponds to a unique set of lessons, laws, training, and transformation that you will only find in that particular ray. Each ray has its own Chohan who is in charge of that ray.

The average Earthling has a completely false notion of reality. This is no accident. The Dark Lodge has done everything in their power to sell Earthlings a false reality, and the majority of Earthlings (who are not terribly bright to begin with) swallowed this false reality hook, line, and sinker. And if you explain what reality is to the average Earthling, they dont believe you, think you are completely off your rocker, probably dangerous, and need to be locked up. And it is this Mass Ignorance that is the greatest obstacle and threat to the coming New Age. And if this Mass Ignorance is not sufficiently raised, and sufficiently raised soon, Cosmic Law 13 will self-activate and there will be wholesale Armageddon on this planet (see Cosmic Law 13). The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy will do everything in Their power to
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prevent the activation of Cosmic Law 13, but We cannot override the Mass Will of Earth, and ultimately it is the Collective Consciousness of all Earthlings that will determine the fate of this planet.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich

Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) was a famous psychiatrist who abandoned psychiatry in mid-career to found a new science of natural healing energy he dubbed Orgone. Dr. Reichs tests, research, and clinical studies showed that Orgone Therapy cured patients of psychosis, neurosis, cancer, and just about every mental and physical disorder known to man. Orgone Therapy was truly a powerful and natural cure-all therapy. The Illuminati secretly own and control the medical/pharmaceutical establishment and extort trillions of dollars annually from the unsuspecting masses of Earth in the form of endless pills and treatments for cancer, disease, and every disorder from A to Z. Dr. Reichs work and success with Orgone Therapy posed a serious threat to Illuminati profits, so the Illuminati did everything in their power to hinder Dr. Reichs work, and ultimately murdered Dr. Reich by covert lethal injection, which they neatly covered-up and labeled a heart attack. But Dr. Reichs genius and work shall not be in vain. Several of Our members are being called inwardly and outwardly to resurrect, restore, revitalize, augment, and improve the Orgone Therapy that Dr. Reich began, but was never allowed to finish.

The Book of Revelations is the last book in the Holy Bible. It is a prophesy by the apostle John written while he was in prison for being a disciple of Jesus. John purposely steeped the Book of
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Revelations in metaphor and symbolism so that his captors would think the book was gibberish and therefore not destroy it. In many ways the Book of Revelations is the most important book of the Bible because it is a prophesy of the time which you have now entered. In a nutshell, the prophesy predicts extreme Dark Times ahead, culminating in the final battle of Armageddon, where Gods Army will defeat the evil controllers of Earth and establish The Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment on this planet. The Book of Revelations is mandatory reading for the 144,000.

Royal Rife
Royal Rife (1888-1971) was a U.S. inventor who invented a machine that cured cancer in the 1930s. When Rifes cancercuring machines began to gain some national exposure, henchmen of The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance broke into Rifes workshop, destroyed all of Rifes cancer-curing machines, and promised to murder Rife and his wife if Rife made any more cancer-curing machines (see Cancer Conspiracy). Thereafter, Rife abandoned his work entirely and lived out his life in complete anonymity. But Rifes cancer-curing machines are destined for a glorious return. Several of Our members are now being called inwardly and outwardly to resurrect, build, mass produce, popularize, protect, and defend, the cancer-curing machines of Royal Rife.

In 1947 a flying saucer crashed near the town of Roswell, New

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Mexico. Three aliens were found in the wreckage. Two dead. One alive! Despite countless eye witness reports from civilians and military personnel on the scene, the U.S. government has covered-up the truth of this story by officially classifying the event as a downed weather balloon.

Fallen angel who was Lucifers Chief Assistant. After Lucifer was arrested by Lord Archangel Michael, Satan assumed his position and became the 2nd President of The Dark Lodge. God gave Satan every chance to repent and come home. Satan refused to the end. Per Gods order and decree, Satan was subsequently arrested and put to death by Lord Archangel Michael.

The finite attempt of man to know the infinite. Cannot succeed even in theory since to know the infinite one must become the infinite! Little or nothing in your 3rd grade science books is true. And the science of today is sure to become the fallacy of tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with true science, but there is little if any true science being practiced on Earth. Science as it is practiced on Earth is completely ignorant, lame, arrogant, blind, deaf, dumb, conceited, misguided, amoral, maniacal, profit motivated, greed propelled, and utterly and completely out of tune with God and Gods Plan.

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The Secret Government

Evil factions within The United States and English governments. These evil factions are known by several code names but are generally referred to as The Secret Government. The U.S. and English Secret Governments are owned and controlled by The Illuminati who control their government agents like puppets on a string and routinely subvert U.S. and English law to achieve their evil ends. (see Illuminati). The U.S. Secret Government was formed in 1913 when The United States Federal Reserve was illegally sold to 13 Illuminati stockholders who have secretly owned and controlled The United States government ever since. The U.S. and English Secret Governments are in league and work together as a team. In league with The Illuminati, the Secret Governments helped plan and orchestrate 911; AIDS; the Okalahoma City bombing; the JFK, RFK, & MLK assassinations; the false war in Iraq; and countless other diabolical intrigues designed solely to increase their power and wealth. Dont worry about The Illuminati and The Secret Governments. They have a date with Gods Army called Armageddon, and it is not going to go well for them.

The Great White Lodge Secret Service

The Great White Lodge has a Secret Service. Some of the 144,000 are part of the Secret Service. The purpose of The Great White Lodge Secret Service is to counter and outwit The Dark Lodge Secret Service. Have no fears. Our guys are smarter than theirs.

Sharula Dux
Priestess from Telos who came to the surface briefly to lecture and then returned to Telos. LISTEN to Sharulas lectures at
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READ Sharulas lectures at

Soul Contract
All beings incarnate with a Soul Contract. The Soul Contract states and itemizes the spiritual, mental, physical, and psychic goals which the Soul wishes to work on and achieve in this lifetime. The Soul Contract is often (if not usually) forgotten by The Conscious Mind after birth, but is fully remembered by The Subconscious Mind, The Monad, and The Soul of the person, which in turn subconsciously guide and direct the person throughout their life. The Soul Contract is negotiated with The Lords of Karma and The Angels of the Bardo prior to birth and is agreed upon by all parties concerned.

The Soulless Ones

For many centuries the members of The Dark Lodge have interbred with the women of Earth, and over the passage of time this has slowly but surely created a counterfeit race of Soulless Ones who are wholly devoid of the Divine and who are wholly antithetical to God and Gods Plan. The Soulless Ones will continue to thrive and proliferate on Earth until they all perish in the great battle of Armageddon.

The Sphinx
The Egyptian Sphinx is not what it appears to be and is thousands of years older than Earth scientists believe. The Sphinx is hollow like a chocolate Easter bunny. Inside the hollow neck is a golden

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sphere that is a Time Capsule from the period. Also inside the hollow Sphinx is a well-hidden secret doorway that can only be opened by uttering a secret word. This secret doorway opens to a spiral staircase that leads to an underground room. In this room there is a clay pot in one corner. Also in this room are three tunnels that lead out of the room. Arcane hieroglyphs on the clay pot tell you which tunnel to take and what to do. If you enter one of the two wrong tunnels, an ingenious booby trap springs and you will die a very horrible death. In the future, three people from the west will successfully read the clay pot and enter the correct tunnel unharmed. They will be the chosen three. The chosen three will then walk down a long stone hallway with 48 sacred geometric drawings on the upper left side. These 48 drawings are the 48 blueprints of the 48 chromosomes of the Christ Consciousness. Although the hallway is perfectly lit, there is no visible light source, but the chosen three will know where the light comes from. At the end of the hallway is a slight right-hand turn into a large room. This is The Hall of Records. Sitting on raised shelves in The Hall of Records is physical evidence of Earth civilizations from the last 5 million years. An emissary from The Great White Lodge will then appear to greet the chosen three and impart Special Instructions to them. Each of the chosen three will then be allowed to remove one object from the room and return with it to the surface of Earth. The chosen three will also find three golden etchings that resemble photographs resting upon a nearby stone. And the chosen three will be shocked and amazed to find pictures of themselves inside the golden frames. These are pictures of themselves in a previous embodiment thousands of years ago when they were ancient Egyptians. The names engraved on the golden frames will be different, but the likeness to the chosen three will be perfect. The chosen three will also notice a date engraved onto the golden picture frames, and the chosen three will be still further shocked and amazed to discover that the date engraved onto the golden picture frames many centuries ago is the date of that very day. And when the chosen three gaze upon their old photographs once
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again, their long cyclic journey, which began thousands of years ago, and spanned many embodiments, will now be gloriously completed, and their job well done.

Spirit Guides
When a person makes a conscious choice to enter and tread The Spiritual Path for life, The Spiritual Hierarchy becomes immediately aware of it and assigns one or more Spirit Guides to help guide and direct the person along The Path of Ascension until the person becomes an Ascended Master and no longer needs guidance. Your Spirit Guides can be Angels, Elementals, Ascended Masters, Nature Spirits, Christed Extraterrestrials, Celestial Hosts, Interdimensional Space/Time entitiesor any combination thereof. Your Spirit Guides will reveal themselves to you when you have reached a certain level of spiritual development, and this will vary from person to person.

The Spiritual Hierarchy

Name for the collective membership and hierarchical orientation of The Cosmic Great White Lodge, and all local branches of The Cosmic Great White Lodge throughout The Omniverse.

The Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem was a Christed UFO. The three wise men were looking for the space ship, which they knew would lead them to the baby Jesus. It may interest you to know that Master Kuthumi and El Morya were two of the three wise men.

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Starseeds are people whose previous incarnations were on more advanced planets. Starseeds have volunteered to incarnate on Earth in an effort to help facilitate the spiritual evolution of this planet. Starseeds have great charisma, unusually compelling eyes, a nagging sense of being from somewhere else, an urgent need to find and fulfill their mission, a chronic dull pain in the back of their neck, and chronically congested sinuses (these ailments are caused by a difference in monadic frequency between the Starseeds home planet and Earth). Starseeds also volunteer for these Foreign Missions because they earn a ton of Ascension Points for doing so, and thus greatly accelerate their own cosmic evolution as part of the bargain! The Dark Lodge is very much aware of Starseeds and does their best to hinder, block, and disable as many Starseeds as they can. For this reason, Starseeds must face and overcome many more obstacles & challenges than a normal person.

The first tenant of Buddhism is Life is suffering. That is a very Earthnocentric perspective. Life is not suffering. Life is suffering on Earth because Earth is a fallen Luciferian planet blindly following the Luciferian Blueprint, a twisted and perverted blueprint that offers nothing but suffering in various disguises. You have Our word that life is not suffering on the trillions and trillions of Christed planets of the Cosmos!

Suppressed Sciences
The cure for cancer is known. Knowledge of unlimited free clean
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energy exists. How to design cars that go 500 miles on one gallon of gas is known. How to travel anywhere in the galaxy via highly calibrated electronic quantum mechanical teleportation devices is known. Science of these things (and more) are known and being sinisterly withheld (or being used for evil purposes) by The Illuminati, The Secret Government, and Big Business.

Mechanical Teleportation
Mechanical teleportation is accomplished by highly advanced quantum mechanical machines similar in principle to the Transporter of Star Trek fame. Mechanical teleportation of this kind was common in Atlantis and Lemuria. And mechanical teleportation of this kind is common on all of the advanced planets of this galaxy.

Spiritual Teleportation
Spiritual teleportation is the ability to travel anywhere in the universe by thought alone and requires a Light Quotient of 98% or higher. Ascended Masters of the 76th degree can teleport anywhere in the universe instantly without mechanical aid of any kind.

Telos is one of the many holy cities in the Agartha Network. Telos is located directly beneath Mt. Shasta, California. The leader and High Priest of Telos is the great Avatar Lord Adama. The United States government has known about Agartha and Telos for a very long time. In the 1950s the U.S. military attempted to enter Telos
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by force and capture it, but instead, they encountered mighty powers far beyond their comprehension, fled in fear, and have never returned!

Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Starseed and Earths greatest inventor. He registered over 1,000 U.S. patents in his lifetime. Teslas ideas created or helped to create: alternating current, power generators, radio, television, radar, and all wireless communications that we have in our modern age. Tesla was a man a thousand years ahead of his time. In 1904 Tesla invented a perfect system of Unlimited Clean Free Energy that would have put Power Companies out of business by reducing everyones Power bill to zero. The Dark Lodge/Illuminati/Secret Government alliance secretly own and control the Power Industry and saw Tesla as a major threat throughout his life and did everything in their power to block, suppress, debunk, steal, pervert, and ridicule Teslas ideas, inventions, and patents. Because of this, Teslas name, work, and genius are scarcely known today. But Teslas life was not in vain. Several of Our members will be called inwardly and outwardly to study, understand, resurrect, and implement all the suppressed patents and inventions of Nikola Tesla, thereby fulfilling the prophesy of Tesla himself who said, The present is Theirs. The future is Mine.

The greatest King of Atlantis 30,000 years ago. Author of The Emerald Tablets.
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Three Days of the Condor

Three Days of the Condor is a brilliant 1975 film that does an outstanding job exposing the evil and duplicity of the CIA.

Twilight Masters
Misguided masters of genuine power who unknowingly have one foot in the White Lodge and the other foot in the Dark Lodge. The result of spirits from both Lodges vying for the masters allegiance, the masters ego contamination, and the masters inability to see and tread the path of Light consistently. Aleister Crowley is a famous example of a Twilight Master, but there have been countless others.

Advanced Space/Time vessels of The Agarthans and The Christed Extraterrestrials.

UFO Cover-Up Policy

The governments of this world are jointly engaged in covering-up the existence of UFOs and to this end absurdly call every UFO
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sighting a bird, a plane, or a weather balloon! There are two reasons for the global UFO cover-up policy. On the one hand, the governments of this world fear that disclosing the existence of UFOs would cause a global panic and a meltdown of the global economy. On the other hand, the governments of this world fear that knowledge and acceptance of UFOs would undermine their totalitarian hold over the people. But thanks to ever increasing video footage and widespread UFO facts and photos on The Internet, the truth about UFOs is now spreading across the globe like wildfire, and soon the governments themselves will be forced to come forward on International Television and acknowledge the reality of UFOs to the world.

Universal Logos
Lord Melchizedek is the Universal Logos. The Universal Logos oversees the orderly ascension process of every single being in the Universe. Your spirit guides and guardian angels make frequent reports about you to Lord Melchizedeks office. Lord Melchizedek does not work alone, but has countless Celestial Assistants that help Him in this monumental task. Thanks to the constant reports made by your spirit guides and guardian angels, Lord Melchizedeks office always knows exactly how well you are doing in your personal ascension processand based on thatThey know what experiences and lessons They should send your way to best help you along the cosmic ascension process. Lord Melchizedeks office decides what jobs you get; what people you meet; what coincidences occur in your life; as well as what challenges and rewards come your way. The entire processes of Lord Melchizedeks office are far beyond your comprehension. Have no fear. Lord Melchizedek and His Celestial Assistants have been doing this since the beginning of Time and have never once made even the slightest mistake!
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The Urantia Book

The Urantia Book is a little known book that was published in 1955 and reputedly written by some of Gods key Angels and Celestial beings of this galaxy. According to legend, the pages of The Urantia Book materialized out of thin air to the editors of the book throughout the early 1900s, and included complete instructions on how and when the book should be published and introduced to the world. From the very beginning the authenticity of The Urantia Book has been debated, many people finding the claim of Celestial authorship impossible to swallow. Not surprisingly, these naysayers are the same people who found The World is Round theory impossible to swallow incarnations ago. They havent changed. For the record, The Great White Lodge endorses The Urantia Book 100% and affirms the truth, contents, and authorship of the book. However, please be advised that The Urantia Book is some of the most advanced and difficult reading you will ever encounter. If you are not the scholarly type, the book will probably prove too much for you.

Valiant Thor
Valiant Thor is a Christed Space Commander and Ascended Master from the planet Venus who made friendly diplomatic contact with The United States government in 1957. Commander Thor resided at the U.S. Pentagon for three years, but no one there would ever listen to Him or heed His advice about anything. The Pentagon considered Commander Thor a prisoner, and treated Him as such. But after three years of futile diplomatic talks, Commander Thor spiritually teleported Himself back to Venus, which he had the power to do all along. The entire true story is chronicled in the book STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON by Dr. Frank Stranges who was
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an eye witness to the events.

The holy name and spelling of God in ancient Hebrew. Alternately pronounced Yaw-way or Yay-wah, both pronunciations being equally correct and interchangeable. Both the spelling and sound bring Gods protection and frighten all agents and allies of The Dark Lodge into cowardly retreat.

The information presented herewith is just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless more historical secrets, diabolical intrigues, unsolved mysteries, and spiritual phenomena which We could disclose here, but We are acutely aware that We have taxed your mind and emotions enough as it is, and to laden you with any more at this time would be both foolish and ill-advised. All will be revealed during the coming New Age, which is now rising in the east like an unstoppable Sun!

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