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Linguistics 420 Fall 2007 MW 2:30 - 4 pm

#28208 373 Lorch

Word and Metaphor Prof. John Lawler

Semantics is the study of meaning. Lexical semantics is the study of the meaning of words. This differs from formal propositional and predicate calculi, which deal mostly with the meanings of sentences. The ultimate object of this course is to understand metaphor, but since metaphor is exemplified in words, we must first understand words. Thus the course is concerned largely with language at the word level, but we will deal occasionally with logic and pragmatics, since language, like the human mind, is a living thing, and therefore is not divided neatly into functional subroutines like a well-designed computer program. We begin by making sure that we are all on the same page, epistemologically speaking, by going over some basic scientific presuppositions, as discussed by Bateson, and then proceed to an elementary statement of the cognitive metaphor theory of Lakoff and Johnson, in part 1 of the coursepack, at Excel. Next we study some basic concepts of word semantics, the ontological and epistemological categories they express in human languages, and the relevance of these to metaphor, as well as to grammar, pragmatics, and logic, in the first textbook (Levin, English Verb Classes and Alternations), and Parts 24 of the coursepack. To solidify your knowledge, a paper (of 5-10 pages) presenting an elementary analysis of some natural class of English words, will be due October 17th (after Study Days). Finally, we spend the rest of the term investigating metaphor and its cognitive and cultural extensions (fields, schemata, images, symbolism, iconicity, ideas, memes, conventions, rituals, myths) and other issues in lexical semantics (like phonosemantics), in the second textbook (Kveces, Metaphor) and in Parts 57 of the coursepack. You will begin to compose drafts of your term project, the final, revised, improved, and polished version of which is due on December 10th, the last day of class. Extensions cannot be granted for this deadline. The course is open to graduate students as well as undergraduates. The prerequisite is completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, either one course in syntax (such as Ling 315 or 515) or one course in semantics (such as Ling 316 or 514). Prof. Lawler is also teaching a Freshman Seminar on Metaphor this term, and there may be opportunities for interaction with projects.

Word and Metaphor

Coursepack Contents

Excel, 1117 So. University

Part 1 (also Part I for Ling 102-002, Metaphors We Live By Fall 2007 #28140) 1) Introduction, Chapters I-IV, Appendix A (Time is Out of Joint), and Glossary from Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity, by Gregory Bateson, 1979. 2) Chapters 110 from Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, University of Chicago Press, 1980. 3) Review of Lakoff and Johnson (1980), by John Lawler. Language 59:1, 1983. 4) Making the Point with Metaphors: Not Just for Poets, by John Lawler. The Editorial Eye 28: 4, April 2005. Part 2 1) Chapters 3 (Entities), 4 (Events), and 10 (Modification) from Linguistic Semantics, by William Frawley, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992. Part 3 1) The Grammar of Hitting and Breaking, by Charles J. Fillmore, from Readings in English Transformational Grammar, Jacobs and Rosenbaum (eds), Ginn, 1970. 2) Santa Cruz Lectures on Deixis 1971, by Charles J. Fillmore. 3) Topics in Lexical Semantics, by Charles J. Fillmore, from Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, R. Cole (ed), Indiana University Press, 1977. 4) Lexical Semantics in the Commercial Transaction Frame: Value, worth, price, and cost, by John Lawler. Studies in Language 13:2, 1989. Part 4 1) Chapters 2 (From Wittgenstein to Rosch). 6 (Radial Categories), and 17 (Cognitive Semantics) from Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things, by George Lakoff, University of Chicago Press, 1987. Part 5 1) A note on a Walbiri tradition of antonymy by Ken Hale, from Semantics, Steinberg & Jakobovits (eds), Cambridge University Press, 1971. 2) A method of semantic description, by R. M. W. Dixon, ibidem. 3) Semantic Typology and Spatial Conceptualization by Pederson, Danziger, Wilkins, Levinson, Kita, & Senft. Language 74:3, 1998. Part 6 1) The Conduit Metaphor, by Michael J. Reddy, from Metaphor and Thought, Ortony (ed), Cambridge University Press, 1979. 2) Mimicry in Natural Language, by John Lawler, from Papers from the 15th Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 15), 1979. 3) TIME IS MONEY: The Anatomy of a Metaphor, by John Lawler, 1988. Part 7 1) World Order, by William Cooper & Hj Ross, from Functionalism (Paravolume to CLS 11), Chicago Linguistic Society, 1975. 2) Athematic Metaphors (1981), by Richard Rhodes and John Lawler, CLS 17, 1979. 3) Style Stands Still, by John Lawler. Style 37:2, 2003. 4) The Psychological Reality of the Phonaestheme, by Benjamin Bergen. Language 80:2, 2004. 5) The Data Fetishists Guide to Rime Coherence, by John Lawler, Style 40:1-2, 2006.

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