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SHIT ! -

The College Edition:

a mini-manual of scams, cons,
and grifts to exploit higher

BY: DIzzIE [Dezember 2006]

With inspirational tunes by: Khan, Funker Vogt, Combichrist, Foetus and Yello

Table of Contents:
~Demand for Distribution
~Free Food
~Free Schwag
~Free Furniture, Hardware, and other Crapola
~Free Printing
~Free Photocopies
~Free Office Supplies
~Free Graphing Calculators
~Free Internet
~Free Software
~Free Miscellanea from Other Students [the joys of thievery]
~Free Money, Clothing, and Food [donation scams]
~Free Ebooks and Journals
~Free Books from the Library
~Free Textbooks
~Free Money (again) [reselling rare books]
~Free Basic Healthcare
~Free Money and Healthcare (yet again) [doing research studies]

Certain parts of this guide may deal with activities and devices which could be in violation of
various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. I, DIzzIE, do not
advocate the breaking of any law(s) :-). Bend over and obey, it’s the only way! This text file is
presented strictly for informational and entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that any
of the information contained in this file is correct, workable, or factual. None of it has been
collected through any firsthand participatory knowledge whatsoever, and is in fact all based on
hearsay and silly masturbatory speculation. The use of first and second person voice throughout
this text is just that: a narrative technique to relay fictional accounts. I am not responsible for, nor
do I assume any liability for, damages resulting from the (mis)use of any information in this file.
Please sign here __________________ stating that you understand and agree to adhere to the
terms presented in said Disclaimer before proceeding any further. You may not read the rest of
this text if you do not provide a signature written in the freshest yak blood. Amen.

Demand for Distribution

Ideas die by becoming forgotten. Post this guide on torrent trackers, usenet groups, other web
forums or old school BBSs (drop me an email if you know of any existing textfile BBS!), IRC
channels, emule and KaZaA, and so on and so forth. Print it out and pass it around in school,
leave copies in libraries and bookstores, street corners and newspaper machines. When
somebody raises questions answered here, link them and toss them to the guide.

Plagiarize, rewrite, cut and paste, have sexual intercourse with it without permission, and
otherwise modify this text. As Free once said, “it's absolutely free because it's yours. Think about
it.” And most importantly, discuss and build upon the ideas contained herein with one another.

What follows is a short compendium of scams, grifts, cons, and general recommendations for the
perpetration of blatant thievery, all centered around the exploitable playground that is the
University. Yet this isn’t a guide just for college students. On the contrary, the majority of the
tactics described herein are intended to be put at the disposal of anyone who sets foot on a
university campus, particularly if it’s for the express purpose of defraudment. One doesn’t even
have to be the exact ‘college’ age, as extended learning programs are becoming all the more
common (though naturally blending in will be a touch more difficult). At any rate, certain
credibility props such as a backpack can serve to relay the impression that you are indeed a
student at the particular college you plan to hit.

Those expecting newsworthy swindles akin to those seen in movies or sensationalist news
reports will likely be disappointed. The cons that follow aren’t grandiose grifts about how to
scam free tuition or expropriate scholarship funds. Rather, these are practical, everyday
techniques that you can use to score some free grub, get a little extra cash, or procure some free
books to read. The methods transcend the colour spectrum of legality, varying from the perfectly
above-board activities, to shady gray zones of pseudo-legit operations, all the way down to
downright illegalities.

Similarly, the cons center around the exploitation of the university system and anyone affiliated
with it. Students, professors, and other human gears of the higher education system are thus all
implicated as well. As such, you may find that some of the following methodology may conflict
with your delicate ethical palate. Fear not, the remedy is quite simple: fuck off. If you don’t
agree with anything below, don’t do it, and don’t read it. Close your eyes and pretend it doesn’t
exist. I’ve also tried to keep rants about my personal politricks to a minimum, but they inevitably
ooze in through the cracks of my mental cogency, so once again, bear with me or glaze over it if
you don’t agree with anything.

Finally, realize that I don’t fucking know you (nor do I want to), nor do I know your local
college. All of these techniques will probably not work at your local university, but some likely
will. This guide is custom tailored to the university system at large, not to your specific school.
Further, realize that scams are inherently malleable, they’re meant to be manipulated to suit your
own environment; if you blindly follow what’s written below, you’ll get your comeuppance
sooner or later. You may want to take a gander at a short little textfile called Mutatis Mutandis
( before proceeding any further.

And by the way, if you have any comments or suggestions that you want to contribute to
subsequent versions of this guide, feel free to drop me a line at xcon0 /at\ yahoo d//o/\t c\\o\\m or
give me a ring at 1-610-887-6072. And don’t forget to visit and
for more knowledge :).

All that bullshit now being out of the way, let’s get to the fucking scams already!

Free Food
Let’s start off by finding some shit to eat. If you can’t find free food on a college campus then
you really must not be keeping your eyes open. Unfortunately, all too many schools are now
forcing students into mandatory meal plans, which you can nonetheless try to weasel out of by
taking one of three usual routes: a) dietary/medical restrictions (will require detailed diet
plans/notes from a dietician/doctor), b) religio-cultural beliefs (will require letters from your
religious/cultural ‘leader’), or c) personal convictions (will require you writing a substantial
letter explaining your beliefs, as well as providing supporting letters or testaments to your
credibility/‘the strengths of your convictions’ by family members or/and former teachers). The
goal of taking the third route is to point out how the food served on campus, and thus the college
meal plan, is contradictory to your beliefs (perhaps something along the lines of you only
supporting organic, fair trade food produced by unionized workers…). Contact whoever’s
responsible for your meal plans for further college-specific information. Anyway, here are a few
tips on scoring some free grub, college style.

~Clubs. Look around any flyer boards for announcements of any upcoming club meetings.
Towards the start of the semester chances are your local college will also have a club or student
organization fair of sorts to get the new students interested in signing up for various clubs. Many
of the clubs will have email lists on their tables, and will be all too thrilled to add your name to
their spam list. Sign up for as many as possible! Each time a club meeting or activity is
announced you’ll then get email. More often than not, to entice more attendance, you’ll also see
the key words “free food.” Show up, mingle, and get some free eatin’. Colleges have hundreds of
different clubs, so don’t worry, you’ll hardly have to keep sticking to the same ones.

~Special Events. As long as you’re looking at flyers, look for some announcing any upcoming
events or speakers. Key phrases to look for include “reception to follow,” “lunch to be
provided,” “refreshments served,” and so on. Browsing to the college’s website, check the online
calendar for a complete list of upcoming events. There are many happenings each day, so
chances are you’ll stumble onto at least one that will be serving free food. Similarly, free booze
can be procured by looking around for any upcoming party flyers, or the stereotypical ‘wine and
cheese’ events (yeah, they really do have those).
~Deliveries. Doubtlessly you’ve often seen food delivery cars darting around campus from the
local eateries. You’ve also probably noticed that many times the vehicles are left empty, as the
deliver dude waits to gain entry into a dorm or is busy sprinting up the steps to the fourth floor of
wherever. Simply open the car door, grab some yet-to-be-delivered goodies and take off. Can’t
find a delivery car around anywhere when you’ve got the munchies? Then up the ante a bit by
trying the age old con (Abbie popularized this one in Steal This Book, available online at of taking the liberty of calling up an order
and giving a particularly inconvenient location (say, the top floor of the dorm furthest from the
parking lot, or/and the address of that one kid whom you don’t particularly hold in high esteem),
and then raid the (hopefully unlocked) car while your dummy order is being delivered.

~Cafeterias. Ah, college cafeterias. Who doesn’t love these delightful delicatessens serving
delectable delicacies, good not only for their free food, but for free silver and dinnerware? There
are essentially two types of cafeterias (pay as you enter and pay as you leave), and your
techniques should, as always, be custom-tailored to suit your particular environment.

-Pay as you enter: If you’re charged before you’re allowed entry into the cafeteria, the
obvious solution is to find an alternate entry point. The thing is that after eating most folks have
to be able to leave, and the exits are usually left unguarded. They may, at best, be locked to
anyone trying to open them from the outside, in which case you can just wait for someone to
come out. If you’re ever questioned, simply utter something along the lines of “I forgot my
backpack,” and keep walking without pause. Remember that pausing acknowledges and
therefore perpetuates the illusory authority of whoever’s telling you to stop in the first place…

-Pay as you leave. Much like you enter through the exit in pay as you enter eateries, with
the pay as you leave ones you can just turn right around after getting your food and leave through
the entrance. Hold an old receipt in your hand that you found lying around or in the trash as a
credibility prop, and if questioned, a simple “I already paid” retort should suffice, as you once
again keep walking without slowing down. You can also try to find alternate exits, such as
walking through the dining hall’s kitchen (don’t worry about the workers in there, they (usually)
don’t bite) into another part of the university. Look around and explore.

For both scenarios it may behoove you to find out the exact hours that the cafeteria is open, and
show up in the midst of the rush hour, so as to be able to blend in with the crowd.

~Culinary schools. OK, not exactly free, but pretty fucking cheap. Culinary schools often offer
full restaurant-quality (read: fancy as fuck), three course meals to the public for something like
less than ten dollars a meal. If your local college doesn’t have a culinary or cooking department,
look up a specialty culinary school near you at, or any other similar
directory you can find through your favourite search engine. Then just call them up and ask if
they offer meals to the public, what times, the cost, and so on.

~Gardens and Co-ops. Many colleges have student-run fruit and vegetable gardens, typically
being vaguely associated with the school’s environmental science program or whatnot. Look
around the college’s website (or just keep your eyes open on campus) to see if your local college
indeed has one, and then pay it a little after hours visit to get your fill of some fresh pickings.
Some colleges also run food collectives or co-ops that sell organic foods, and will let you buy
shit at a discount if you start volunteering for them. Though if you’re interested in genuinely free
co-op food, something that’s not strictly college-related (and so I won’t go into it in any depth),
that you could check out nonetheless, is your local Food Not Bombs collective, see for more info.

Free Schwag
Free swag (t-shirts, hats, stickers, keychains, coupons, product samples, and other crapola) can
be easily procured by writing to various companies and offering to be your local college brand
whore (‘product representative’) for their merchandise. Find a product that you have some
remote interest in, then find their contact information (written on the product, or better yet, on
their website), and write them a cock-slurping email about how you masturbate to their product
on an hourly basis (“Gee willikers, I drink ZoomZoom energy drink like all-the-time!”), and,
seeing as how you attend X university with Y amount of students, you think that it’d be a perfect
opportunity for you to help promote their product. Mention that you’d therefore be all too happy
to help propagate their brand by proudly sporting any t-shirts or other wearables they send you,
as well as hand out samples to students. Write emails to a few companies so that you’ll get more
schwag, and in case some don’t take you up on your generous offer. If you’re sent a batch of
samples to hand out, hand out a couple and snap some photos of the kids “enjoying” them to
send back to headquarters, and then ask for a new batch to hand out some more. And don’t fret,
the address you give them to send the goodies to doesn’t actually have to be on campus ;).

Free Furniture, Hardware, and other Crapola

~Dumpster Diving. Find out when the last exams are over in the summer and all the students
begin to move out. Visit the dumpsters daily that week to find heaps of discarded furniture,
hardware, and other junk. Don’t forget to check out the dumpsters in nearby apartments at the
same time as well. (If you’re interested in more info about dumpster diving, check out John
Hoffman’s classic The Art and Science of Dumpster Diving (as well as his sequel, Dumpster
Diving: The Advanced Course, or my own guide:

~Freecycling. The Freecycling Network is a series of groups around the world consisting of
folks who exchange shit that they no longer need for themselves. Members post requests or
offers via online messaging boards (e.g., ‘Free Couch – Come Get it!’) and whoever’s first to
reply and express interest can come pick up the unwanted item for free. Many students are now
setting up their own college-specific freecycle networks (or their differently-named equivalents,
as ‘freecycle’ is apparently now considered a trademark or some such douchebaggery). To find
out if there’s a freecycle group at your local college, check out If there’s not, print
out a few flyers (see the free printing/copying sections below), setup a message board (like a
free, albeit ad-laden, Yahoo Group), and start one the fuck up (though give it a different name to
avoid any legal trouble).

Free Printing
Many universities charge for printing by making you go through some bullshit third-party
program that requires you to swipe your ID card, with the program then deducting the total cost
from the account on your card. So the printing process typically looks something like this: your
computer-->third-party software/payment verification-->printer. The obvious solution is to then
cut out the middleman and make the file you want printed go straight from your computer to the
printer. This can be achieved by connecting directly to the printer in one of two ways: hooking
your laptop (or the nearest library computer) up to the printer with an Ethernet cable (the one that
looks like a slightly oversized phone cable), or by sending the data directly to the printer’s IP

Hooking your Computer up to the Printer

Chances are the big fancy university printer will have one or more Ethernet jacks for you to plug
into. Plug one end of the cord into an empty jack on the printer, and the other end into your
computer’s Ethernet port and on Windows the Add New Printer Wizard should pop up within a
few seconds. If not, proceed to play around with the printer setup features on your operating
system, as you normally would when setting up a new printer. Keep in mind that if the printer
only has one Ethernet jack, and you unplug the existing cord to put yours in, you’ll be knocking
the printer offline and therefore others won’t be able to print to it, so be sure to plug it back in
when you’re done.

Printing Directly to the Printer’s IP Address

The first thing you need to do is find the printer’s IP address. Wobble on over to the actual
printer and play around with the menu buttons on the printer until you get to a screen that says
something along the lines of ‘print printer configuration page,’ (the exact directions vary from
printer to printer, so play around with all of the menu options and you’ll find it sooner or later.
That, or you can always try going to the manufacturer’s website and get a copy of the printer
manual, which should have instructions on printing the configuration page). Once you get to the
area that has the configuration settings, select that feature and the printer will print out a page
listing all of its specifications. Somewhere on that page you’ll see the IP address. Bingo bango!

Nota Bene: Some crafty network admins (or bored students) could have password-protected the
printer’s menu options, so you won’t be able to navigate to the configuration settings area. To get
around this you can either try to reset the printer (download the printer’s manual from the
manufacturer’s website), or you could try your luck with giving the manufacturer a call and
explaining that you’re locked out of the printer, so could they be ever so kind as to guide you
though the reset process? ;)

At any rate, after you’ve got the IP the next step is to setup the printer on your (or the library’s)
computer. On Windows systems, click on Start-->then Settings-->then Printers and Faxes-->then
right-click and click on Add A Printer-->click Next-->select ‘Local printer attached to this
computer’ not ‘network printer…’, and the ‘Automatically detect and install my Plug and Play
printer’ should be unchecked as well-->select ‘Create a new port’ and under 'Type of port' pick
'Standard TCP/IP Port' and hit Next-->hit Next again (at the new ‘Add Standard TCP/IP Printer
Port Wizard’ screen)-->Enter the printer's IP where it says 'Printer Name or IP Address' and the
Port Name field should automatically be filled in-->hit Next-->hit Finish-->once the ‘Add Printer
Wizard’ pops up, select the manufacturer and model number and hit Next to install the printer
drivers-->after the drivers install, select what you want to call the printer and hit Next again--
>decide if you want to share the printer with others on the same network and hit Next-->print a
test page to make sure your setup worked, and click Next one more time-->Assuming your test
page printed, you should now see the 'you have successfully completed the Add Printer
Wizard...' screen, click Finish. Congrats, you should now be able to print directly to the printer,
bypassing any third-party payment bullshit.

You can find similar instructions for adding a printer via IP for Mac systems
(*nix systems
( or perhaps online as

If the above instructions are too long for you (awww…:(), some manufacturers have their own
specialty programs that may make the setup a wee bit easier. For instance, for HP printers you
can use their Internet Printer Connection interface, located at (it’ll require
you to have Java installed, though there is an older executable file version floating around as

Keep in mind that while your computer doesn’t need to be online on the same network whilst
you’re installing the printer/actually printing to it, you must be connected to the internet in
general in order to be able to make contact with the printer (in other words, you can do this setup
from your non-university internet connection at home, so long as you actually are connected to
the internet).

And now that you have the printer’s IP, and if the printer happens to be made by Hewlett
Packard, you can play around with a little program called Hijetter (,
which lets you mess around with the printer’s environment variables, as well as change the
message the printer displays (the Phenoelit folks recommended changing ‘Ready’ to read
something like ‘Insert game token’ :-D).

A great resource for further printer hacking (including tips on how to defeat printer passwords in
some instances, as well as further instructions on setting up your computer to print directly to the
printer’s IP) is Irongeek’s Hacking Network Printers site: Give it a look.

Finally, if can’t get the printer’s IP there may still be ways to hack the middle-man program. For
instance, sandmander describes a way to transform PrintWise stations into free release station by
clicking on the ‘G’ in the corner, entering the default login/password (admin/admin) and then
manipulating the options, more details here:
Free Photocopies
Unfortunately, there is no relatively straightforward way to obtain free copies as there is for free
printing. There are, however, various tricks folks have done to score some free copies on
different machines. Here are some hopefully helpful links and suggestions:

~ - One idea to defeat coin mechanisms is to

insert the coin, quickly press the Start button on the copy machine, and then immediately hit the
coin return knob.

~ - Another suggestion also aimed

at the coin mechanism is to short circuit the mechanism with a paperclip, MacGyver style, yo!

~ - A third option is to disable the

coin/card reading mechanism through the copier’s software configuration interface. (Note that
the interface will probably be inaccessible until you put a coin in or swipe your card the first time
to unlock it).

If playing around with the hardware (trying to disconnect the coin/card reader from the copier) or
the software (trying to disable the copier’s recognition of the reader via the configuration menus)
doesn’t work out, you could try searching the manufacturer’s website for manuals for the copier
as well as the card reader. Keep in mind that sometimes technicians leave the copier manuals
inside the copier, so don’t be afraid to take a quick look-see inside. As last ditch effort, call up
the manufacturer of the card or coin reading mechanism and explain that you’re having trouble
getting the copier to interact with the device, but when you tried to disconnect it, the copier
wouldn’t work, and so on…Though don’t expect them to just hand you the info ;).

Alternatively, if you’re still having absolutely no luck with the student copier, you could try to
locate a different and perhaps more easily exploitable copy machine. Find the locations of
various departmental offices and waltz right into one. These are surprisingly open and vacant
during regular weekday hours, and it is not all too uncommon for a lazy professor to send a
student to get some photocopying done for zir. It is further not at all uncommon for each
department to have its own photocopy machine, complete with a departmental access card that
allows for unlimited copies. Once you’re in the office, simply look around for the card, which
should be somewhere near the copier, if the department has one. You can take a quick glance at
the names of some professors in that department from the mailboxes which will probably be
nearby, so if you’re questioned you’ll be ready with “Professor … asked me to copy

Free Office Supplies

As long as you’re near the departmental offices (see the preceding section), look around for any
supply closets. You should be able to find the standard array of office supplies, along with
copier/print toner, paper, and the like. Toner for large laser (and especially colour laser) printers
can fetch quite a pretty penny ($30-100 isn’t uncommon) when put up for sale on your favourite
online auction site. Plenty of companies also buy up empty printer and toner cartridges (though
obviously for quite a smaller sum than full ones), just search around for sites akin to or

Free Graphing Calculators

To nab a gratis graphing calc you’ll have to find a course where loaner calculators are given out
if students have forgotten theirs. Get your hands on the syllabus of any relatively large
math/science/engineering course (any class that will make use of the calculators works). You can
usually get a syllabus from the course’s website, or by popping in on the first day of classes
(check the school’s calendar to find out when classes start, and the publicly accessible course
catalog to get the name of the professor teaching the course. Next, fire off an email to the
professor saying you’re having a spot of trouble seeing the proper information on the course
registration page (which you won’t be able to access if you’re not a student), so could ze please
let you know when/where the course will be meeting).

Once you’ve procured the syllabus, show up for the first quiz/test. After the papers are handed
out, just ask the professor or one of the teaching assistants if you could borrow a spare calculator.
Then just leave when most of the other kids are leaving, forgetting to return it ;). It’d be best to
do this at the start of the course, as most loan calculators tend to, ahem, magically disappear by
the end of the semester.

Free Internet
Free internet access can be procured from university libraries using at least four methods:
1) Simply find a workstation that doesn’t require a university login to access, or find one
from which the previous user forgot to log out of.
2) If all computers require a login, approach the librarian and ask for a guest
login/password. Some university libraries routinely issue temporary logins for guest
patrons, so this should be no big deal.
3) Try unplugging the Ethernet cord from one of the library computers and plugging it into
your own laptop. Alas, some universities require the registration of every new MAC
address with a student login/password before you can get on the university network.
4) If neither of the first three options work, you can always try the age-old technique of
shoulder surfing. Just lurk behind a student as ze enters his username/password, and then
login using zir credentials later on.
If you don’t want to use the library computers, and the university’s wired and wireless networks
both require the registration of each MAC address (the hardware address of your Ethernet or
wireless card) with a student’s login (and you couldn’t shoulder surf a legitimate student’s
login), what you can still do is engage in a little warwalking over by the dorm areas. Chances are
that you’ll stumble onto a local unprotected wireless router that someone has running in their
dorm room, and that you won’t need to register for, since it’ll be going through the main
computer of the student in question. For more information, or to learn about getting around
various protection schemes on wireless networks, check out

Free Software
Universities often offer students free maintenance and protection software (anti-virus programs,
firewalls, and so on), usually with the end-user agreement being modified to say that you must
uninstall the software when you cease to be a student ;). Simply browse to your college’s IT
department website, and look around for the student software section. You may have to enter
your ‘name’ and the course you plan to use this software in, though you don’t always have to
enter a username/password as long as you’re already accessing the site from within the
university’s network (i.e., from a library computer). Download the software, along with any
necessary instructions or serial numbers, and either upload it to a public file hosting site such as and then email the link to yourself, or put it on a flash drive or whatnot.

Free Miscellanea from Other Students [the

joys of thievery]
One of the juiciest cows to milk on campus is none other than the student zirself. Spoiled (if you
attend a university you are spoiled, financial aid or scholarships notwithstanding, you’re still
sucking on someone’s tit, so don’t fucking kid yourself) students often leave their belongings
unattended, ripe for the picking. Here are a few prime locales and situations to exploit:

~Libraries. Find a particularly isolated and lucrative study area where a student has that nice
laptop or mp3 player you want, and wait for zir to leave the goodies unattended. A trip to the
bathroom, a cell phone call, a study break, or even the succumbence into a dream realm (read:
taking a nap); all present the perfect opportunity to whisk away that coveted item.

~Dorm rooms. Dorm rooms are routinely left unlocked. To help assure that there will be no
occupants at your desired time of entry, gain access to a dormitory, press the fire alarm, and then
proceed to clean out the rooms, putting the gear into a backpack and leaving through a side door.
Should you actually stumble into a room that’s not empty, take on the authoritative role of a
resident assistant and chastise the students for not evacuating the room, proceeding to explain
how remaining in a room during a fire alarm is grounds for expulsion and so on and so forth in a
similar vein.
~Mass herd gatherings. Any social clustering is ripe for pillaging. Parties, athletic events,
assemblies, nightclubs, and so on, all present various opportunities to collect unattended items. A
particular item of interest to look for is the ever-present unattended purse. Take one from under
the seat in an assembly, left at the side of the table at a nightclub, or from under the bleachers at
a sporting event.

Free Money, Clothing, and Food [donation

College kids love to feel like they’re making a super duper difference in the world with a
minimal exertion of effort. As such, various donations are exceedingly popular on college
campuses. Place a few boxes around popular social gathering spots throughout campus
advertising your cause (food/clothing drive for [insert oppressed minority the student body will
be unfamiliar with but will feel some sort of vague altruistic feelings for, i.e. ‘Sudanese refugees
from Darfur’]), and pick them up in a couple weeks or so. Similar donation jars for UNICEF or
the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund can be setup near vending machines and the like.
Alternatively, if you actually see enough of these donation boxes around, don’t be shy to
reappropriate whatever’s inside yourself :).

Free Ebooks and Journals

Once you’ve successfully procured internet access (see a few sections above), you can access a
variety of online databases provided by the university. Browse to the university’s library website,
and look around for a link to see a list of available online databases. You can now
download/read/print (see the free printing section above) a slew of ‘spensive journals and
ebooks, not to mention that some of the databases also offer free access to popular magazine
articles and the like as well…

Free Books from the Library

Library books are often tagged with a thin metallic strip, typically found either betwixt the
book’s original spine and library’s cover (see the accompanying images), or glued alongside the
pages on the inside of the book, in the margins. In case of the former, jam a pen or a small Xacto
knife into the gap between the covers, and pry the strip loose. It’ll take you a couple minutes to
get the strip out of there—a set of pliers or, better yet, tweezers will also be of great help to you
in this endeavor. If, however, the strip is inside the book between the pages, chances are you’ll
have to cut out the page that the strip is attached to at the spine, and then after cutting out the
strip from the page, tape the page back in.
Here’s some eye candy outlining the aforementioned defanging process of removing the security
strip from library books:

Figure 1. Your everyday, run of the mill library book, complete with the standard library binding
glued over the book’s own cover.

Figure 2. Here you can see the metallic EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) strip between the
covers. As described above, use a pen, Xacto knife blade, pliers, or tweezers to detach it.
Figure 3. And here is the security strip, post processing. It lies naked, defeated. The book is now

To locate the strip, hold a book up to the light and pear into the gap between the cover, you
should see a small, slightly reflective strip. Alternatively, if the strip is between the pages on the
inside, look at the edge of the book and you should see that one page seems to stick out slightly.
That or simply flip through the book and look for the strip. If you feel that you’ve thoroughly
glanced over the book and still can’t find the strip, guess what, the book just might not be tagged.
Not all library books are, just like neither are all of the products in stores.

If you don’t feel like putzing around with all of this defanging business, consider simply tossing
the desired book out of the library window and then retrieving it outside. If the book is
particularly fragile, wrap it in bubble wrap and/or a towel, and use some tape to seal the deal.

Oh, and the library book may also have a barcode sticker on it for cataloguing purposes. The
barcode/sticker won’t set off the alarm by itself (that is, unless it’s got an RF tag on its back, see
Figure 4 in the following section, though that’s uncommon for library books), but you should
peel that shit off nonetheless. Fuck barcodes.

Free Textbooks
Let’s start with techniques to procure 100% free textbooks, and then move on to talking about
various penny-shaving techniques.


Review Copies. Publishers regularly send out gratis review or ‘press’ copies of books to various
periodicals so as to garner some (hopefully positive) publicity for the tome in question. After
procuring a list of required textbooks, you can then note their publishers and proceed to find out
the mailing addresses and/or fax numbers for their publicity departments (browse their websites
or call/email and ask them). For instance, Harvard University Press’ site states “if you would like
to request a review copy of one our books, please: Fax your request on your publication's
letterhead to…” (

Next, design a little logo for your periodical, and write a full
( or modified
( block letter, providing a brief
explanation of your periodical (target audience, numbers of subscribers, etc), as well as the
request for the book(s) which are to be reviewed in an upcoming issue (don’t forget to include
the ISBN in your request). Keep the letter pithy and short; it shouldn’t exceed one page.

You can then proceed to either snail-mail or fax your request to the publisher. Unless you go the
full nine yards and register a domain name that matches the name of your periodical, I wouldn’t
recommend emailing the publisher, as a request for a professional book coming from a yahoo
account may raise a few eyebrows.

After receiving your book, if you want to remain on good terms with the publisher so as to be
able to request more textbooks in the future, go ahead and write a small review of the book and
send it back to the publisher, complete with a little personal note attached saying something
along the lines of ‘here’s an advance copy of the review, it’ll appear in next quarter’s issue!’
Publishers want copies of reviews (particularly those of the positive, but not fawning, variety) to
use excerpts from them in their own publicity stunts, as well as in those ‘Praise For…’ pages oft
seen in books.

[A small aside: your review copy will come with a nifty ‘promo sheet’ providing bullet-style
points of the main features of the book. These things are literally designed for reviewers who
don’t get around to reading the full book anyway, so feel free to use these points in your own
review. In fact, if you do a search for all reviews of a particular book, you may start noticing that
many of them actually say the exact same shit verbatim…now you know why ;)].

Nota Bene: Press review copies are not the same thing as professor/instructor review copies.
Many textbook publishers also offer review copies of books to instructors who are considering
using the books for their courses (thereby, at least in theory, guaranteeing the publisher fuckloads
of that sexy green). The catch, however, is that these review copies are often time-based trials,
meaning you may have to send the book back after 60 days or so, and require you to provide all
sorts of fun info like your department/university, phone number, etc. Though if you’re interested
in testing the waters in this area, go right ahead :) (for an example of instructor review copy
offers, as opposed to the aforementioned press review copies, see

Shoplifted Copies. Stealing (err…liberating excess surplus or reasserting use value rights of
reclaimed brainwork commodities) books is easy as shit. Beginning and aspiring shoplifters
would do well to start out jacking treeware to get their game down and their confidence up.
Most books do not come with any sort of electronic article surveillance (EAS) anti-theft
measures. For the most part, they do not have tags both on the inside/outside like CDs or DVDs.
There is, however, a relatively new craze fueled by all this recent RFID noise called source-
tagging. A very small percentage of books in the market today thus potentially have a small
RFID chip imbedded in their spine. This is not the same thing as the blatantly obvious magnetic
strip found in library book spines (and discussed in the previous section). Chances are you will
not be able to determine if the book has this spine source-tagging.

The good news, though, is twofold. First of all, I have never seen or heard of a source-tagged
book being out in the wild, that is to say outside of being talked about in trade publications, these
contraptions are apparently not actually being used in books as of yet (note that I say in books,
they are certainly already being used in DVDs, CDs, and so on), but as the technology itself
exists, and is clearly being marketed for the purpose of inventory/loss prevention, this may all
change very soon. This then brings us to the second piece of good news: as these source-tags are
based on radio-frequencies, all one has to do to defeat them is wrap the book completely in a few
layers of tin foil, or place it in a bag/backpack that is also completely lined with impermeable
foil. Shoplifters call this a magic bag, physicists prefer to call it a Faraday cage. Look it up in a
physics textbook you just procured :-P. Alternatively, you can just run a knife through the tag to
break the circuit and render the tag impotent.

Aside from the 90% of books with no protection, and the 1% (I’m pulling numbers out of a
hat…which is to say my ass) of potentially source-tagged books, a small percentage of books
have a primitive stick-on RF barcode sticker. These puppies typically look like so:

Figure 4. A RF barcode sticker that functions as a security device, complete with a tank circuit
on its back. The tag can be made useless by breaking the circuit, for instance by slicing through
the sticker with a razorblade or Xacto knife.

The shiny circuit side is usually adhesive and is either stuck unto the inside/outside covers of the
book, or simply tossed betwixt the pages, without the paper from the sticky side even being
removed. In case of the former, one can easily either peel the tag off or use the aforementioned
magic bag technique. In case of the latter, simply flip through the book and toss out the tags
(keep in mind that there may be more than one in the same book), or—better yet—stick the tags
on unsuspecting consumers to help create confusion in the store as the EAS towers start beeping
each time every other shopper walks out ;).

Remove the tag (if any) or foil-wrap the tome you desire, and then simply walk out holding the
book by your side. One may wish to use a random receipt (that nonetheless obviously resembles
those given out from the store, i.e. go fish one out of the trash outside) as a credibility prop, and
either have the receipt prominently sticking out of the books, or (even better) pretend to be
carefully looking over the receipt—to make sure you didn’t get scammed by the store, of
course!—as you walk out.
Nota Bene: The advantage of lifting books from a college bookstore around the start of the
semester is that the places will be crowded as all hell. The disadvantage is that this may also be
the time the college wastes more of your tuition on hiring special loss prevention officers
(typically uniformed so as to serve as grisly, intimidating deterrents) to watch over the college
bookstore. If you’re therefore feeling particularly nervous, fuck the high-stress college scene
altogether and go over to your favourite retail chain with minimal-to-the-point-of-being-
virtually-nonexistent security (Barnes & Noble comes to mind in the US). If the retail chain store
doesn’t have the particular textbooks that you need (they probably wont), you’ll want to be sure
to go there a few weeks before you’ll actually need the books for classes or whatnot, and have
them place an order for you at the store. They’ll ask for a name/address/phone, all of which
aren’t verified, so no worries there.

‘Found’ Copies. Walk around campus. Look around cafeteria tables, libraries, student
halls/commons rooms, study kiosks, and so on. Chances are you’ll find a bunch of textbooks that
have been forgotten. Hell, why not have a try at the lost and found as well. Books from courses
you’re not taking can still be appropriated and then exchanged for cash at college book buyback
events at the ends of semesters, or sold online. Want a copy of the teacher’s version of the book?
Stop by zir office when ze’s (gotta love these ‘gender-neutralizing’ pronouns ;)) not around and
help yourself.

And yes, this involves stealing shit from your “fellow students” (all of whom are marvelous,
virtuous people, may we all be so blessed as to be given the opportunity to shower in their
shit…that surely goes without saying), so if you’ve got any moral hang-ups about this particular
technique, there’s plenty of others offered in this text. Simply gloss over this one and spend the
time fuming about it masturbating to your Mother Teresa pics instead.

Scanned Copies. Search IRC (,

Google (, and torrent sites for your
textbook. If no one has scanned in the one you’re looking for, why not scan it yourself
( and distribute it ;).

Other Digital Copies. Aside from scanned books, you can also check out projects like
Wikimedia’s Free Textbook Project (now called Wikibooks), at Most “classics” used in classes that are out of copyright are
also legally available from Project Gutenberg (, which currently has 20,000+
ebooks online. You can also take a quick look through the online databases that your school may
have access to (see the free ebooks and journals section above), on the off chance that a book
used in the course comes to mind. The NetLibrary database may be particularly handy if your
college has a subscription to it.

Now that I’ve covered a few simple methods for procuring free textbooks, there are also a couple
common sense things you can do to chop a few bucks off the cover price:
‘Missing’ Copies. After placing a bulk order from your online vendor of choice, wait a couple
days after you receive all of the package(s) for your order, and then call up customer service and
start complaining. “What kinda game are you sneaky motherfuckers trying to play here? Only 11
out of my 15 books showed up, planning on sending the others any time soon?” Obviously you
don’t want to be quite that rude, but you do want to come off as being rightly pissed off at the
merchant for fucking up your order. Adding in something along the lines of “my classes start in
two days!” will also net you free overnight shipping for the ‘missing’ copies. It should be equally
obvious that you’ll only be able to pull this con once from the same company, and that it is most
effective on bulk orders, where a certain percentage of bungling is only to be expected. You can
then return the duplicate to a bookstore for store credit, or hawk them online or to “fellow
students” (there’s that term again…) for a cheaper price in exchange for some good ol’ cashito.

Used Copies. The used textbooks at the local college bookstore are going to be overpriced as
shit, no doubt there. Visit a local used bookstore outside of the college, and you’re bound to find
some cheaper buys. The standard big wheelers like Amazon and B&N also offer used books, as
do auction sites and sites devoted to selling used books like or
But now we’re drifting off into the world of the dreadfully mundane, so time to bring this section
to a close :).

Free Money (again) [reselling rare books]

Yet another way to score some mullah is to take advantage of extensive university library
networks to resell copies of otherwise rare books. Do some research on out of print and rare book
resellers such as to find out which books are the hardest to get and also the most
expensive. Then hop on over to your local university’s library site and see if they happen to have
a copy. If they don’t, don’t despair quite yet. University libraries typically provide an interlibrary
loan service (ILL) (free to students and faculty, a small fee for everyone else) that lets you
request any titles not in the college’s own library that they will then try to get from somewhere

If the book is at your local library, merely procure it without checking it out (see the free library
books section above), remove any identifiable markings, and put the book up on a rare/used book
reseller site at a price that’s somewhat lower than the cheapest version already available.

If you can only procure the book through the interlibrary loan, proceed to make photocopies of
the book (see the free photocopies section above), and then just put those up for sale. Don’t
worry, this is not an uncommon practice for particularly rare books, just don’t forget to mention
that these are indeed “high quality” photocopies of the actual tome in your product description.

Free Basic Healthcare

Student health center offer a variety of basic healthcare services for free (‘free’ here meaning
that these fees are included in tuition). The typical freebies that can be had include condoms,
band aids, common immunizations, and over the counter meds like Tylenol. More complicated
care involving, say, x-rays or splints will require payment. Chances are, you won’t even be
asked to show any student ID, though if you are just start complaining about it being in your
dorm that’s, like, really, far away…

Free Money and Healthcare (yet again)

[doing research studies]

An absurdly easy way to make some cash or score some free healthcare is to whore yourself out
as a volunteer for various research studies. The studies are typically conducted by academic
institutions, private corporations (usually pharmaceuticals), as well as various other think-tank
organizations. The researchers will typically be testing something, such as a new drug, the
effects of heavy metal on brainwaves, group interaction under duress, and so forth, and will need
research participants (human guinea pigs) to test their theories/products on. In order to lure in
test subjects you’ll be offered a reward (also known as a dangling carrot) consisting of either free
medical treatment (if you’re doing a clinical study) or/and monetary compensation. This brief
section, written in FAQ form, will answer some general questions about where to find studies,
how much you can expect to get paid, and other jazz. (And yes, since corporate and educational
interests are so interrelated in this day and age (along with their mutually vested political
interests as well), I feel that it’s therefore within the proper bounds of a guide about scamming
universities to mention corporate sources for research studies;)).

What kinds of studies are there?

All kinds! A fucking rainbow of opportunity abounds. The studies range from the mundane drug
tests and advertisement efficacy testing to the more fun studies like the effects of psychotropic
substances and memory games, to the outright bizarre ones along the lines of going on a broccoli
sprout diet or watching nature shows while hooked up to an EEG.

A common misconception that may all too often arise from reading existing human guinea pig
guides (like Jim Hogshire’s horribly incomplete Sell Yourself to Science) is that the only studies
that are out there are drug or other medical studies. There are, however, plenty of non-intrusive
social science studies run by psychologists or business research firms which typically pay less
than the medical studies, but don’t involve any uncomfortable physical examinations.

How much do I get paid for this shit?

Compensation varies from study to study. Some don’t pay any money, but instead offer the
‘benefit’ of complementary medical treatment. For instance, if you go into a migraine study you
may be given a free month’s supply of new experimental migraine medication, but no money.
Other studies may pay anything from $5-$50 an hour for a few hours, or you may get around
$2000 for a month-long live-in study. Once you find a study, if the compensation isn’t
immediately listed, contact the study coordinator and ask what the compensation will be.
Typically, the longer and more intrusive the study is, the more you’ll get paid. That is to say, an
hour long advertising study that requires you to rate your mood after looking at some ads may
only give you $10, while a five hour study that involves an attachment of something like a
catheter ( may offer you compensation that’s more along the lines of
$200. If you’re uncomfortable with needles, probes, blood samples, and other general aspects of
medical examination, you’ll probably want to stay away from all medical studies and focus on
the business and psychological studies, which tend to pay less per study but are also generally
more pleasant.

Remember that the cheaper studies are often easier to get into as they have less stringent
requirements and an often larger desired sample size, so don’t scoff at a $10 study as not being
worth your time. $10 should be enough to feed you for a week or more, and the little studies tend
to add up to nice sums over time.

So If I don’t like needles and anal probes and all that wicked jazz, does that mean I’m
stuck doing the cheapo studies?

Not necessarily. However, there is the little matter of burning your bridges. For all studies you
will have to sign a consent form, which informs you of the risks you’ll be taking and general
legal yadda yadda to cover the sponsor’s ass. If you do read the fine print though, you’ll find that
all of these forms also say that you are under no obligation to complete the study, and will
receive full (or at times partial) payment for your participation regardless of completion. This
means that if, say, you’ve signed up for a medical study that also requires a blood test at the end,
you could, in theory, participate into the study up until the blood draw and then state that you’re
not comfortable with going any further. You will be compensated for your time, and excused
from the study, money in hand. Your partial participation, however, cannot be counted in the
study itself and thus resources will have been wasted on you.

Unofficially, what this leads to is known as blacklisting or shitlisting. When participating in

studies you’ll often have to identify yourself by the last four digits of your social security number
(which can, of course, be entirely made up), though you will most likely be remembered by your
face (identification is nearly never asked for), as the same people tend to run all of the studies at
a particular research center. What this means is that, after bailing midway through an earlier
study, if you show up for another one, don’t be surprised if you’re cordially told that “when we
contacted you we didn’t realize that we had already met our required quota, so we’re afraid your
services aren’t necessary at this point in time…”. In other words: you’ll make more money in the
long run by sticking to studies you’re comfortable with completing all the way.

Who can participate in these things?

All studies have their own unique requirements. Some will only accept smokers or pregnant 78
year old hermaphrodite albinos. Each study will have the participatory qualifications which you
should look over. If you lie chances are that the proctors will be able to detect that something
isn’t quite right and will quick you out of the study with partial or no compensation, after which
you’ll get shitlisted and won’t be invited to any more studies in that circle. If you don’t get
spotted and you’re doing some sort of medical study you also run the risk of having the
medications react with you in negative ways. While most studies will also likely have minimum
age restrictions set at about 18 or 21 years, there are some studies which focus on juveniles (with
parental consent). However, no one really checks for proof of birth date, so as long as you look
old enough everything should be honky dory.

OK, where do I find these studies already?

As most of the studies are conducted by academics, look up the phone numbers or emails for the
psychology/neurology/sociology/business/medicine departments at the local universities and call
them up/email them saying that you are interested in any present or future research study
volunteer opportunities. Some departments will have special mailing lists you can sign up for to
receive news of any upcoming studies.

While on the subject of universities, walk around a few local campuses and look at the flyers
posted around the thereabouts. Oftentimes you’ll see a few ‘research subjects wanted!’ flyers
hanging around. If you want to decrease the selection pool and therefore improve your own
chances of being selected, go ahead and either tear off the flyers, or rip off most of the available
phone stubs if there are any.

You should also look through the classifieds section of the local papers (including the free
community papers), as there are study notifications sometimes places in the ‘help wanted’

The Guinea Pigs Get Paid website (which, unfortunately, only focuses on medical studies) has a
comprehensive international directory of various medical trial centers:

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies has a list of on-going psychedelics
studies: (most of which are without compensation, though some
lucrative offers do pop up if you scrutinize the list with care).

Google also has a list of links to sites which pertain to various clinical trials:
(Google also has a listing of ‘preclinical’ studies, though those essentially mean animal testing,
and as such are of no interest to us superior Homo sapiens)

What's the etiquette for establishing contact with the study coordinators?

Essentially, there’s nothing to it. Simply email or call up the particular department and state that
you'd like to be added to any available lists which will keep you abreast of the latest studies that
are going on.

When contacting a particular study coordinator, once again, simply express your interest in the
study and request additional information. Keep in mind that spaces may be limited, so contact
the coordinator right away (don't delay!). If you're asked to fill out a pre-trial questionnaire, or
asked a few questions over the phone, it's usually best to answer truthfully with regards to any
medical studies (lying about things like allergies can have the obvious adverse consequences)
while fibbing on all other non-clinical questions (like ‘is English your first language’ if the study
calls for only ‘native English speakers’) is usually perfectly fine. If asked about background
habits like drinking (and the study is on alcohol consumption), you want to make yourself sound
a bit above average, but not so outlandish so as to be an outlier on their precious data graphs.

After the study is completed, feel free to send a thank you email. This will elevate you above the
other masses in the subject pool and will help insure placement in future studies (yes, the studies
are technically supposed to be random, but human bias, like a deadly nerve gas, always has a
tendency to leak in, hopefully to your benefit).

How should I act during the study?

You aren’t being graded on your responses (unless this is a multiple-part study and you must
qualify to proceed to the next stage), so generally you'll want to answer truthfully. That is, unless
you want to have a little fun. If you want to fuck with the researcher’s a bit (who are likely
fucking with you, as the true intention of the study isn't often revealed until the post-study
debriefing session), give insane answers to any of the free response questions. For instance, if
you’re looking at a series of pictures for various products and are asked to write down your
mood, write down ‘happy’ for all of the products, except, say, when you get to a tube of
toothpaste write down ‘very angry’. If doing some sort of medical study, break down into tears
and laughter sporadically, and so on... Though keep in mind that you don’t want to overact so
much as to be shitlisted, so restrict your monkey wrenching to a subtle level.

If you’re filling out bullshit survey answers, keep in mind that there may be one or more control
questions to which certain answers would be impossible (such as questions asking if you’ve ever
done a nonexistent drug), which are designed to weed out your malarkey.

What about selling blood/sperm/plasma/etc…?

The number of hoops you usually have to jump through to qualify for blood and sperm donation,
coupled with the low payments and time restrictions (e.g., can only donate three times a month,
etc), make most of these bodily fluid ventures highly unprofitable when compared to all of the
aforementioned research study opportunities. Nonetheless, if you are interested in this sort of
thing, check out Jim Hogshire’s Sell Yourself to Science.

Also, if you have the magical power to ovulate, and don’t mind a bit of surgery, you can fetch
around a couple thousand dollars per egg. There is a whole so-called subgenre devoted to egg
donation, though as this is outside the scope of research studies, you’re on your own to research
the matter as you please…

Well, that’s about it for this guide. If you’ve got any comments or additions that you’d like me to
include in subsequent versions, feel free to drop me a line at xcon0 /at\ yahoo d//o/\t c\\o\\m or
give me a ring at 1-610-887-6072. And don’t forget to visit and
for more knowledge :).

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