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Alumni Spotlight

By Darren Mills
Rob Eberhardt graduated in 2003 with a degree in Corporate Communications. He currently works as a political consultant, which he began by being approached by a brother about an internship for the company. Rob decided to join Theta Chi because there was a lot of diver diversity, people valued getting to know you, and it was a good group of guys trying to make the most of the experience of college. As a student and brother, Rob was active with the fraternity and served as the chapters president. His favorite part of the year was OU football weekend as ar it was a great time to bond with brothers. Post Postgraduation Rob and several of the other brothers went to California for the rose bowl when Texas matched up against USC in the 2005 national championship. While out there, they were able to live it up and had a great y time hanging out with brothers and reliving their times in school with a tailgate prior to the big game. When Vince Young scored the final touchdown it was surreal, like an out of body experience and everyone was ecstatic. As for advice to the active brothers, Rob suggests that they stay involved and that the fraternity is what you make it. Make sure school is the number one priority and be sure to make the most of the experience and build connections for the future.

Presidents Address
To my esteemed alumni and readers, Were back! Most of you are aware, but many may not be, that Delta Mu Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity began its revival this past spring at the University of Texas at Austin. We began with 7 outstanding men that grew to a class of 24 initiated brothers and have now grown by 16 more exceptional new members for the fall pledge class. As a chapter, we have achieved multiple goals already, including being awarded the Top Fundraising Fraternity and Top Fundraising Team during springs rnity Race for the Cure on campus. Since then we have begun our re-establishment on campus as a recognized establishment fraternity, commenced the application process to rejoin the Inter Fraternity Council on campus and scheduled sched numerous community involvement projects for the fall semester. To ensure the maintenance of our reputation as leaders on campus we also recently began our first New Member Education Program as a chapter to educate the men that will be our future chapter leaders. chap Our work has barely begun though, despite the many hours of hard work that have already been spent, we have many more to go and with the support of our alumni, family, friends and peers we will prevail as the best fraternity this campus has yet to see. y

Sincerely, Patrick Bethea Delta Mu Chapter President | Theta Chi Fraternity

Actives corner
By Daniel Proske

our name in San Antonio, people would know who you ople were talking about. After this Sam played in his fathers band for a while just for fun as a buffer between the metal and the soulful pop alternative he plays now with the Ira Perez Band. Music can be heard on

Sam Cohn Sophomore Undeclared 20years old From San Antonio, TX

Community Service
By Alex Limas
History of past service events: Our first Philanthropy event that we participated in was American Cancer Society's Relay for Life -- a 12 hour walk-a-thon where all funds raised are donated and help thon support the fight against cancer. As a team we raised over $2000 towards our cause and won Top Overall Team and Top Overall Fraternity Team. We recently had a Habitat for Humanity Workday in South East Austin. We worked with Austin Habitat for . Humanity volunteers, other University of Texas students, Universi and the new homeowner on the final stages of the home's construction. 16 Brothers and New members participated in the workday, earning more than 120 community Service hours. We not only got to work with the homeowner and speak with her, but we also got to h the see the final product of our work -- a completed home. Upcoming Events: We are currently fund-raising and volunteering for The raising Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk - a two mile walk where all funds raised are donated and do help support the fight against blood cancers. We are, currently, over half way towards our goal of $2000. We are also, currently, one of the top three teams in the city of Austin. We are also a part of the set-up team -- we set will be working hand-in-hand with the Leukemia and hand Lymphoma Society the morning of the event preparing for the walk later on that night (October 22nd, 2011). If you would like to donate to this great cause please go to hiFraternity

AT the Delta Mu chapter of Theta Chi we take great pride in our diversity and wide range of skill sets throughout our members. Last summer Sam Cohn went on tour with the Ira Perez Band as the bands bassist. This tour included many gigs throughout Texas including stops in San Antonio, Houston, and Austin. In San Antonio the band played for o Great Day San Antonio Morning Show, which was Sams first time ever playing on TV. In Houston the band played all of the farmers markets and was actually paid to do so by city of Houston. Also they played during the Freedom Over Texas 4th of July event sponsored by Budweiser s and Great Day Houston (Sams favorite because the 100+ live audience came up and all danced during the last song). Sam met Ira Perez, the groups lead guitarist and singer, in class at the University of Texas through a mutual ough friend. Not soon after they met they began playing together and by spring semester of last year were even writing new music together. Sam decided he wanted to join Iras band and got the job after learning 28 songs in two days for a gig. Success didnt come overnight, however. Sam has played cess many musical instruments throughout his life including trombone (from 6th grade to 12th grade), guitar, and of h course bass. He began playing the bass his sophomore year of high school after meeting a group of guys who p needed a bass player for their metal band. The band broke up while recording their first CD, which was unfortunate because the band had gained quite a bit of popularity on the street. According to Sam, If you said .

October 15 Tailgate for Okahoma state game October 29 Tailgate for Kansas game November 5 Tailgate for Texas Tech game November 19 Homecoming/ Tailgate for the Kansas state game Tba Softball game for Alumni and Brothers Details for exactly what we will be doing for homecoming will be announced when they are finalized. All tailgates will be announced the week of, but we will not know the exact spot of the tailgate until the day prior to the game.

Editors letter
First off I would like to thank everyone that helped make this letter possible. Thanks to all the brothers who were involved and special thanks to Adam Dmitriev for the idea, Josh Harkins for the help building the alumni base, and Rob Eberhardt for the same help and for the time for the interview. If anyone would like to give feedback on this newsletter please email me at [email protected]. Also if you have not had the chance to join the facebook group yet and would like to please apply at and I will add you. Love and respect, Darren Mills Alumni relations chair

Interesting fact
Charlie Addams, The original creator of the Addams Family was a member of Theta Chi. He began his college life at Colgate University with the Iota chapter in 1929 and then transferred to the University of Pennsylvania and the Kappa Chapter in 1930. This may explain where the snapping in the theme song came from.

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