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Most books have a message. I know for certain that J.R.R Tolkiens The Hobbit does too. But greed and its devastating consequences? No. I strongly disagree that greed and its devastating consequences are the true message and meaning of The Hobbit. The dictionary describes greed as an excessive desire for something, especially wealth or possessions. In what part of The Hobbit does greed appear? What are the devastating consequences of greed? Are they, losing everything for the rest of your life? Or is it being put into jail? I believe the true message of The Hobbit is about friendship and teamwork. I remember this manga story about three ninjas trying to get two bells off their teacher. But however none of them got it. The sensei explained: One of you just stood up and was a loudmouth, another one thought the other two would get in his way and the other person was too concerned about her love for someone. You guys should quit as ninjas because the whole key to succeeding this test is teamwork. Those who dont follow the rules are considered trash, but those who dont care about their comrade are lower than trash. Here is why I think the true message of The Hobbit is about friendship and teamwork. Firstly, teamwork is crucial to the success of Bilbo and the other thirteen dwarves in reclaiming Thorin Oakenshields ancestral land. Friendship is described as a person attached to another by feelings or personal regard. Bilbo although at first could not care less about participating in their quest; he still holds a high amount of respect for the thirteen dwarves. Typical hobbits. Secondly, Bilbo Baggins shows friendship and bravery towards the dwarves when he saved them on several occasions, such as the spiders, even though the dwarves did not like him at first. Bilbo cherishes friendship and happiness over gold and wealth. Unlike that selfish Thorin, who did not realise that gold was more important than friendship. Teamwork is also a vital message in The Hobbit. Firstly, every person or group needs teamwork to thrive and prosper in any activity, whether it is football, playing in a band or even playing duck-duck-goose. Teamwork was very prominent in The Hobbit. An example of teamwork in the The Hobbit was when Bilbo and the other thirteen dwarves helped the humans, eagles, wolves and spiders in the Battle of the Five Armies. Each race aided each other in any possible way to fight Smaug, the dragon who had been terrorising Thorins ancestral land. Secondly, teamwork and bravery were also present when the thirteen dwarves were captured by the cunning spiders. They were wrapped in the web and hung on a tree. Bilbo managed to use his ring that could make him invisible and save all of them. Bilbo is a key character in all the events in The Hobbit. Thirdly, without teamwork, the quest for the reclamation of Thorins ancestral land. Thorins grandfather Thror and father Thrain were both tragically killed by Smaug when he attacked the village that they had been living in, containing gold and many other riches. Lastly, without teamwork, friendship and bravery the quest would have been no use. Think about it. Friendship was important especially when Bilbo saved the other thirteen dwarves many times, teamwork was used in the Battle of the Five Armies and bravery was needed from Bilbo to save the

thirteen dwarves. If Bilbo had not saved them, then the quest and journey to the Lonely Mountains would have been made useless. Bilbo Baggins, Thorin, Gandalf, Fili, Kili, Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur and finally Bombur were prosperous in their journey. With the help of many others such as Beorn and the Eagles, they managed to scrape through and were victorious. Nobody misused power (even though Thorin hogged the treasure). Teamwork means a co-operative or coordinated effort. Bravery means spirit and courage. Did the characters in The Hobbit show these qualities? Of course they did! Many times too! To sum up, I strongly agree that friendship, teamwork and bravery are the true message of The Hobbit, not greed and its devastating consequences. Greed and its devastating consequences do not fit in to the story. At all. Enough said.

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