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Industrial Training Guidelines

(6 months in 8th Semester)

For Final Year B.Tech Students

Industrial Training Guidelines for Final Year B.Tech Students

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ABOUT THE DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................ 1 OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 1 PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR ............................................................................................................ 1 PROJECT SUPERVISOR/MENTOR ................................................................................................ 1 CHOOSING THE RIGHT PROJECT & COMPANY ..................................................................... 2 EVALUATION CRITERION ............................................................................................................. 2 EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 2 PROJECT DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................................. 3 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9 FEASIBILITY REPORT ............................................................................................................. 3 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION .............................................................................................. 3 DESIGN SPECIFICATION ......................................................................................................... 3 PROJECT REPORT................................................................................................................... 3 SUMMARY OF DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................... 4

GRADING AND ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................ 5



Industrial Training Guidelines for Final Year B.Tech Students

1 About the Document

The Undergraduate Engineering programme of study requires that each student conducts an engineering project in their area of engineering and submits a report on it in consultation with the faculty member(s) supervising the same. The Bachelors Project is included in the curriculum with a view to synthesise the education gathered during the various courses credited by the student during the undergraduate programme of MD University. Creating a report of the project is part of the training of skill building of the student on the technical communication. This document is a record of choosing the right project, assessment and grading criterion, requirements for preparation of the Report submitted at the end of the B.Tech programme. It prescribes typical contents that a B.Tech Project Report usually should contain, and provides the format of its presentation. Some guidelines are mandatory to follow during the preparation of the report, while the others help in improving the presentation of the work accomplished in the project. All students pursuing B.Tech Projects are urged to read the contents and form of this document carefully, and prepare their B.Tech Project Report as prescribed in the template

2 Objectives
The Final semester project is by far the most important single piece of work in the engineering degree programmeme. It provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate independence and originality, to plan and organize a large project over a long period, and to put into practice some of the techniques you have been taught throughout the course. Whatever level of academic achievement you have so far, you can show your individuality and inspiration in this project. It should be the most satisfying piece of work in your degree. It is worth about final semester marks. The project is designed to satisfy the programme outcomes of the Engineering curriculum, which are the following: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems. An ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern tools necessary for engineering Practice. An ability to appreciate the impact of engineering solutions. An ability to function in a team environment. An ability to communicate effectively. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

3 Project Co-ordinator
The Project Co-ordinator is responsible for the overall organization of the final year individual projects. You can contact him whenever you have any problem with the organization of your individual project. Faculty will be the project coordinator of their respective department and HOD will be the overall supervisor. For any query students can send the email to [email protected] and cc to their respective project coordinator.

4 Project Supervisor/Mentor
Each student/ group of students are assigned project supervisor/mentor who will be a faculty member closely monitoring the progress of the student (s) on weekly basis.


Industrial Training Guidelines for Final Year B.Tech Students

5 Choosing the right Project & Company

The idea for your project may be a proposal from a member of staff or your own, or perhaps a combination of the two. Note that not every project is suitable for every student: some may be specifically tailored to a particular degree and some may only suit students with a very specific set of interests. Each proposal will indicate these constraints in order to help you to make an informed choice. Consider ideas that sound interesting because of a desire to know more about a subject, a desire to learn how to use a particular software package/ hardware/ tools, or a goal of working professionally in this area after graduation. Perhaps you would like to investigate a research idea presented in one of your classes. Whatever the reason, the project topic should be something that you and your teammates choose rather than something assigned to you The most important thing is to shortlist a set of projects that are right for you. Some students are better suited to well-defined and relatively safe projects that provide scope for demonstrating proficiency with a low risk of failure. Other students are better advised to tackle harder, riskier projects that require a high degree of original input and/or technical problem solving. If you are looking to achieve high marks in your project and, particularly, if you are hoping to win one of the illustrious projects prizes, or achieve "Distinguished Project" status, you should choose your shortlist with particular care. Remember that it is important to balance ambition and realism when making a choice. Important: Industry chosen for undergoing the training should be at least a private limited company

6 Evaluation Criterion
It is important when choosing a project to understand the way it will be assessed. A good first-class project involves a combination of sound background research, a solid implementation, or piece of theoretical work, and a thorough evaluation of the project's output in both absolute and relative terms. A good tip is to try to think of the project as an "investigation", rather than an effort to deliver a fully-functioning "product". Proper evaluation of the project is thus crucial to achieving high marks. The very best projects invariably cover some new ground, e.g. by developing a complex application which does not already exist, or by enhancing some existing application or method to improve its functionality, performance etc. A straightforward implementation project is acceptable, but you must appreciate that it is unlikely to gain high marks, regardless of how well it is done. Likewise, projects which are predominantly survey reports, unless they are backed up with experimentation, implementation, or theoretical analysis, e.g. for performing an objective comparison of surveyed methods, techniques etc. Pure survey reports, with no supporting implementation or theory, are not acceptable.

7 Equipment
You are permitted to develop software or hardware on your own equipment, provided that you can duplicate it here in Institute for the demonstration day. However, you should prepare a fallback position in case your equipment misbehaves. Note that there is no excuse for failing to keep adequate backups on your home computer. If you lose your programme or your data or your report because of a system failure you will simply lose marks. No extensions will be given at the end of the project for you to re-type a lost report, for example.


Industrial Training Guidelines for Final Year B.Tech Students

8 Project Deliverables
Following are the deliverables of the project in the VIII semester


Feasibility Report

The Feasibility Study is used to provide an analysis of the objectives, requirements, and system concepts of the proposed system, including justification, schedule, and end products. During this analysis, the objectives of the system are defined based on the needed functions described previously. Included in these system objectives are the high-level functional and performance objectives and any assumptions and constraints. When the system objectives have been identified, the various alternatives for satisfying those objectives are determined. For each alternative, the costs in time and resources are estimated. A determination is then made as to the most feasible development alternative. Note: Once the feasibility report is accepted and approved by the mentor and project coordinator students can proceed with the project and start work with other deliverables. If the feasibility report is rejected, new report must be prepared with the same or the different project incorporating the suggestions and comments given by the mentor and project coordinator.


Requirement Specification

This document describes the requirement for the software/hardware/circuit/model being made. It crisply describes each of the requirements in details against which deign will be made. This document should clearly specify the requirements planned to be developed in the project (semester VIII)


Design Specification

This document describes both high-level design and low-level design.


Project Report

The project report is an extremely important aspect of the project. It serves to show what you have achieved and should demonstrate that: You understand the wider context of computing by relating your choice of project, and the approach you take, to existing products or research. You can apply the theoretical and practical techniques taught in the course to the problem you are addressing and that you understand their relevance to the wider world of computing. You are capable of objectively criticizing your own work and making constructive suggestions for improvements or further work based on your experiences so far. As a computing professional, you can explain your thinking and working processes clearly and concisely to third parties who may not be experts in the field in which you are working.

Most of the project assessors will not have followed the project throughout and will only have a short time to listen to a presentation or see a demonstration. For this reason they will rely heavily on the report to judge the project. Also, if in the end your overall degree marks put you on a boundary between two degree classifications, the final outcome can be influenced significantly by the quality of your project. You should appreciate that the external examiners, who play a crucial role in the final recommendation, have only the report by which to judge your project performance. This report will be strictly in the project template only and include the following documents as Appendix:


Industrial Training Guidelines for Final Year B.Tech Students


Feasibility Report Requirement Specification Design Specification

- Appendix A - Appendix B - Appendix C

Separate project report must be submitted by each student irrespective of the groups. (In case many students are working on the same project in the same company). Students must submit the company where they will be doing the industrial training in the VII semester in the Institute. Once finalized NO change in the company is allowed under any circumstances. Students are required to submit 2 hard bound copies of the project.


Summary of Deliverables
Project Deliverable CSE/IT SBIT Feasibility Report Template 1.0 (CSE & IT).doc SBIT Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Template 1.0 (CSE & IT).doc SBIT Software Design Specification Template 1.0 (CSE & IT).doc Template Name

1. Feasibility Report 2. Requirement Specification

ECE SBIT Feasibility Report Template 1.0 (ECE).doc SBIT Requirement Specification Template 1.0 (ECE).doc SBIT Design Specification Template 1.0 (ECE).doc

ME SBIT Feasibility Report Template 1.0 (ME).doc SBIT Requirement Specification Template 1.0 (ME).doc SBIT Design Specification Template 1.0 (ME).doc

3. Design Specification

4. Project Report

SBIT Project Report Template 1.0.doc

Students will submit Feasibility Report, Requirement Specification & Design Specification during the evaluation of the project. Separate evaluation schedule will be displayed. Students will submit Project Report in the required template in final evaluation with above mentioned 3 documents (updated from mid evaluation) as appendix.


Industrial Training Guidelines for Final Year B.Tech Students

9 Grading and Assessment

Industrial Training Project will commence in VIII semester for min 4 months where the students will identify the Project problem, complete the design/procure the material/start the fabrication/complete the survey etc., depending upon the nature of the problem. Important: Industry chosen for undergoing the training should be at least a private limited company Following are the details of the various components in the project duration of min 4 months and their weightage. Time lines mentioned are approximate only. Detailed schedule will be informed to students. Internal Marks = 150 (50 marks from the company and 100 marks from the Institute Committee) External Marks = 150

Internal marks will be given based on the various presentations and evaluations done in front of Project Evaluation Committee of the Institute as approved by the Director. Following are the details of the various components in the project and their weightage (out of 100). Time lines mentioned are approximate only. Detailed schedule will be informed to students.



VIII Semester

Weight Marks age

5% 5




Submission of Original Confirmation Letter from Company Reporting of Joining Letter of the company and Project Finalisation 2 Feasibility Report Presentation

Should be done before VII Sem Final Exam Start

Will be done after three week of starting of Training in Campus in Original. Will be done generally at the end of first month of the Training in Campus. Weightage will be given to the way students present the idea of the project to the evaluation committee. Report must be submitted the same day. It will be returned to students after evaluation. Needs to be submitted generally at mid of the second month of the Training Needs to be submitted generally at start of the third month of the Training in Campus Report must be submitted the same day. It will be returned to students after evaluation. Project Diary (Faculty): This is the individual project diary of each student which will be maintained by the project supervisor and approved by the project coordinator. It will contain weekly update of the activities of the students. This will be updated during the entire duration of the project (4 months) in the project period allocated in the time table and will include the attendance also of various components evaluated in the campus. Project Diary (Students): This is the diary maintained by students in soft copy. It must be mailed every Friday to


10 %


4. 5.

3 Requirement Specification 4 Design Specification & Presentation

5% 5%

5 5


6 Project Diary

20 %



Industrial Training Guidelines for Final Year B.Tech Students


7 Project DemonstrationMid Evaluation

[email protected] and cc to respective project coordinator AND project mentor. This will be done generally in the middle of Training in Campus. Students need to give the demonstration of the project developed till date. Project will not be in the complete working stage but it must meet all the requirements mentioned in the report of the Requirement Specification. FINAL Reports must be submitted the same day Through Certificate and Verbal Feedback from the company during Surprise Visit This is the FINAL internal project demonstration and will be done at the end of the semester in Campus. Following must be submitted: 2 hard bound copies of the project report. 1 copy will be returned to student after evaluation CD containing the soft copy of project report and power point presentation. Name, roll no and topic should be mentioned on the CD This will generally be done in May in the presence of external examiners from University

20 %


8. 9.

Feedback From the Company 8 Project Evaluation- Final Internal

100% 30%

50 30



MM = 150

Guidelines for the project execution and evaluation for the faculty
1. 2. 3. 4. The Mid Evaluations schedule and final evaluation schedule will be put on the notice board in the beginning of the training. Each student report will be maintained in project diary in soft copy by the students All the entries will be made in the diary regularly respective by project supervisor/mentor. Every week project coordinator will review the project diaries and record their remarks. During all the project evaluation and demonstration project supervisor/mentor will record all the details in the project diary only. At the end of each evaluation project coordinator will update the required information.


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