DMCL Vs DFC Methods

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DFC Methods
Abort Acquire Addnote Addrendition Anyevents Append IDfSession :: abortTrans IDfRouter :: acquire. IDfSysObject :: addNote IDfSysObject :: addRendition IDfSysObject :: addRenditionEx IDfSession :: hasEvents IDfTypedObject :: appendBoolean IDfTypedObject :: appendDouble IDfTypedObject :: appendId IDfTypedObject :: appendInt IDfTypedObject :: appendString IDfTypedObject :: appendTime IDfTypedObject :: appendValue IDfSysObject :: appendContent IDfSysObject :: appendFile IDfSysObject :: appendPart IDfRouter :: appendTask IDfSession :: apply IDfSession :: archive IDfSysObject :: assemble IDfSysObject :: attachPolicy IDfSession :: beginTrans IDfSysObject :: bindFile IDfSysObject :: branch IDfSession :: changePassword IDfSysObject :: Checkin IDfSysObject :: CheckinEx IDfSysObject :: checkinApp IDfSysObject :: Checkout IDfSysObject :: CheckoutEx IDfCollection :: close IDfSession :: commitTrans IDfClient :: newSession IDfClient :: getSharedSession IDfTypedObject :: getAttrCount IDfSession :: newObject IDfSession :: newObjectWithType IDfTypedObject :: getAttrDataType IDfSysObject :: demote IDfSession :: dequeue IDfSession :: describe IDfPersistentObject :: destroy IDfSysObject :: disassemble IDfSession :: disconnect IDfTypedObject :: dump IDfRouter :: end IDfPersistentObject :: fetch IDfSession :: getObject IDfSession :: getObjectWithType IDfSession :: flush IDfSession :: flushCache IDfRouter :: force IDfRouter :: forward IDfSysObject :: freeze Get IDfTypedObject :: getBoolean IDfTypedObject :: getDouble IDfTypedObject :: getId IDfTypedObject :: getInt IDfTypedObject :: getString IDfTypedObject :: getTime IDfTypedObject :: getValue IDfTypedObject :: getAllRepeatingStrings IDfTypedObject :: getRepeatingBoolean IDfTypedObject :: getRepeatingDouble IDfTypedObject :: getRepeatingId IDfTypedObject :: getRepeatingInt IDfTypedObject :: getRepeatingString IDfTypedObject :: getRepeatingTime IDfTypedObject :: getRepeatingValue IDfSysObject :: getContent IDfSysObject :: getContentEx IDfClient :: getDocbaseMap IDfClient :: getDocbaseMapEx IDfClient :: getDocbrokerMap IDfClient :: getDocbrokerMapEx IDfSession :: getEvents IDfSysObject :: getFile IDfSysObject :: getFileEx IDfSession :: getLastCollection IDfSession :: getLoginTicket this happens automatically when the error occurs IDfSession :: getMessage IDfSysObject :: getPath IDfClient :: getServerMap IDfClient :: getServerMapEx IDfACL :: grant IDfSysObject :: grant IDfRouter :: halt IDfSession :: getIdByQualification IDfTypedObject :: insertBoolean IDfTypedObject :: insertDouble IDfTypedObject :: insertId IDfTypedObject :: insertInt IDfTypedObject :: insertString IDfTypedObject :: insertTime IDfTypedObject :: insertValue IDfSysObject :: insertContent IDfSysObject :: insertFile IDfSysObject :: insertPart IDfRouter :: insertTask IDfSysObject :: link IDfTypedObject :: findBoolean IDfTypedObject :: findDouble IDfTypedObject :: findId IDfTypedObject :: findInt IDfTypedObject :: findString IDfTypedObject :: findTime IDfTypedObject :: findValue IDfSysObject :: mark

Appendcontent Appendfile Appendpart Appendtask Apply Archive Assemble Attach Begintran Bindfile Branch Changepassword Checkin Checkinapp Checkout Close Commit Connect Count Create Datatype Demote Dequeue Describe Destroy Disassemble Disconnect Dump End Fetch

Getcontent Getdocbasemap Getdocbrokermap Getevents Getfile Getlastcoll Getlogin Getmessage

Getpath Getservermap Grant Halt Id Insert

Insertcontent Insertfile Insertpart Inserttask Link Locate

Flush Flushcache Force Forward Freeze


DMCL APIs vs. DFC Methods

Next Offset Pause Print Promote Prune Purgelocal Query Queue Readquery Reassign Register Reinit Remove Removecontent Removenote Removepart Removerendition Removetask Repeating Reset Restart Restore Resume Retrieve Reverse Revert Revoke Save Saveasnew Scope Set IDfCollection :: next IDfTypedObject :: findAttrIndex IDfRouter :: pause IDfSysObject :: print IDfSysObject :: promote IDfSysObject :: prune IDfSession :: purgeLocalFiles IDfQuery.execute IDfSysObject :: queue IDfQuery.execute IDfRouter :: reAssign IDfSysObject :: register IDfSession :: reInit IDfTypedObject :: remove IDfTypedObject :: removeAll IDfSysObject :: removeContent IDfSysObject :: removeNote IDfSysObject :: removePart IDfSysObject :: removeRendition IDfSysObject :: removeRenditionEx IDfRouter :: removeTask IDfTypedObject :: isAttrRepeating Happens automatically when the error occurs IDfSession :: reStart IDfSession :: restore IDfRouter :: resumeRouter IDfSysObject :: resume IDfSession :: getObjectByQualification IDfRouter :: reverse IDfPersistentObject :: revert IDfSysObject :: revertACL IDfACL :: revoke IDfSysObject :: revoke IDfPersistentObject :: save IDfSysObject :: saveLock IDfSysObject :: saveAsNew IDfSession :: setDocbaseScope IDfTypedObject :: setBoolean IDfTypedObject :: setDouble IDfTypedObject :: setId IDfTypedObject :: setInt IDfTypedObject :: setString IDfTypedObject :: setTime IDfTypedObject :: setValue IDfTypedObject :: setRepeatingBoolean IDfTypedObject :: setRepeatingDouble IDfTypedObject :: setRepeatingId IDfTypedObject :: setRepeatingInt IDfTypedObject :: setRepeatingString IDfTypedObject :: setRepeatingTime IDfTypedObject :: setRepeatingValue IDfSession :: setBatchHint IDfSysObject :: setContent IDfSysObject :: setContentEx IDfSysObject :: setIsVirtualDocument Setfile Setpath Shutdown Signoff Start Suspend Trace Truncate Type Unfreeze Unlink Unlock Unmark Unregister Updatepart Useacl Validate Values IDfSysObject :: setFile IDfSysObject :: setFileEx IDfSysObject :: setPath IDfSession :: shutdown IDfRouter :: signOff IDfRouter :: start IDfSysObject :: suspend IDfSession :: traceDMCL IDfTypedObject :: truncate IDfSession :: getTypeDescription IDfSysObject :: unfreeze IDfSysObject :: unlink IDfSysObject :: cancelCheckout IDfSysObject :: cancelCheckoutEx IDfSysObject :: unmark IDfSysObject :: unRegister IDfSysObject :: updatePart IDfSysObject :: useACL IDfRouter :: validateRouter IDfTypedObject :: getValueCount

Setbatchhint Setcontent Setdoc

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