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Question-Answer of Political PartiesShort Answer Questions: Q.1: Why do we need political parties? Ans.

:-We need political parties for the following reasons: 1. Political parties are easily one of the most visible institutions in a democracy. 2. For most ordinary citizens, political parties are equal to democracy. 3. Political parties help in making public opinion and forming the government. Q.2: Describe the merits of multi party system through points. Ans.: The merits of multi-party system: 1. More than two parties have a reasonable chance of coming to power either on their own strength or in alliance with others 2. This system allows a variety of interests and opinions to enjoy political representation. 3. In India we have multi party system and the coalition government for last 15 years which benefits all sections of the population. Q.3: What are the characteristics of a political party? Ans.: The characteristics of a political party: 1. It is a group of people coming together to contest elections and share power. 2. It agrees on some policies and programmes for the society with a view to promote collective good. 3. It lends to implement these policies by viewing popular support through elections. 4. It is known by which part it stands for, which policies it supports and whose interest it upholds. Q.4: What is the role of opposition party in a democracy? Ans.: The role of opposition party in a democracy: 1. Constructive criticism of government. 2. Restriction of arbitrariness of ruling party. 3. Safeguard, liberty and rights of the people. 4. Well prepared to form government. 5. Expression of public opinion. Q.5: Give an account of the functions (any four) of political parties. Ans.: The four functions of political parties: 1. They educate the masses, through their meetings and propaganda about various problems faced by the country. 2. Helps in the formation of public opinion. 3. They contest elections and try to get the maximum number of their candidates elected. 4. They serve as a link between the government and the people. 5. The party which gets an absolute majority, forms the government, others form opposition. Q.6: The rise of political parties is linked to the emergence of representative democracies. Comment on the statement. Ans.: As a society becomes large and complex they also need some agencies together with different views on various issues and to present these to the government. They need some ways to bring various representatives together so that a responsible government can be formed. They need a mechanism to support and restrain the government make policies, justify or oppose them. Q.7: How the role of money and muscle influenced and become a cause of worry? What steps have been taken to cure it? Ans.:- The role of money and muscle power grows during elections because the focus of the parties is on winning elections, they use short cuts to win the elections. They nominate candidates who have or can raise lot of money. In some cases parties support criminals who can win elections. Thus the increasing role of rich people and big companies in democratic process had been a cause of worry.

To cure the influence of money and muscle power, the supreme court has passed an order making it mandatory for every candidate, to file an affidavit giving details of his assets and criminal cases pending against him. Q.8: Explain some measures to strengthen the election system of India. Ans.: Measures to strengthen the election system of India: 1. Many people are of the opinion that with the purpose to check the misuse of money power, provisions of state funding elements should be made. 2. Laws should be made to regulate the internal affairs of political parties to maintain a register of its members to follow its own constitution, to have an independent authority and to hold open election to the highest post. 3. Effort should be made to discourage the non serious candidates from contesting elections. Q.9: How an ordinary citizen can contribute in reforming the political parties? Ans.:The ways by which an ordinary citizen can contribute in reforming the political parties are as follows: 1. Ordinary citizens can put pressure on political parties through petitions, publicity and agitations. Pressure groups and movements can play an important role in it. 2. Learned people should join the political parties because the quality of democracy depends on the degree of public participation. 3. It is difficult to reform politics without taking part in it and simply criticizing it from outside. Q.10: When does a political party get recognition as a National party and State party? Ans.:The conditions are as follows: 1. A party that secures at least six percent of total votes in Lok Sabha elections or Assembly elections in four states and wins at least four seats in the Lok Sabha is recognized as a national party. 2. A party that secures at least six percent of the total votes in an election to the legislative assembly of state and wins at least two seats is recognized as a State party. Long Answer Questions of Political Parties: Q.1: What are the main functions of a political party? Ans.: The main functions of a political party are: 1. To contest election. 2. Forming policies and programmes. 3. Making laws. 4. Parties form and run government. 5. To play an active role of opposition. 6. Shaping public opinion. 7. Access to government machinery and welfare schemes. Q.2: What are the challenges between political parties in India? Ans.: Following points can be given with explanation as the challenges of political parties in India 1. Lack of internal democracy. 2. Lack of transparency. 3. Use of money and muscle power. 4. Not providing meaningful choice to the voter. Q.3: Mention the features of Congress party in India? Ans.: The features of Congress party are as follows: 1. Congress party was founded in 1885 and has experienced many splits since then. 2. It was a ruling party at the centre till 1977 and then in 1880-89, 2000 to till date. 3. This party supports secularism and welfare of weaker sections and minorities.

4. It supports new economic reforms but with a human face. 5. It emerged as the largest party with 145 seats in the Lok Sabha elections in 2004. 6. It currently leads the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) coalition government at the centre. Q.4: Explain the different forms of party systems existing in various countries? Ans.: There are three forms of party systems existing in the world 1. Single Party System: Under this system only one party is allowed to function. This system cannot be considered a good option because this is not a democratic option. E.g. Communist party of China. 2. Two/Bi party system: Under this system only two parties are allowed to function; one in organization and other in opposition. This system is a better option to single party system but cannot be considered perfect. E.g.U.S.A. & U.K. 3. Multi-Party System: When several parties compete for power and more than two parties have a reasonable chance of coming to power, either on their own or in alliance with others, It is called a multi party system. This system leads to political instability at the same time it allows a variety of interests and opinions to enjoy political representation. E. g. India. Read more at

Political Science Paper 1 [1] Man by nature is a social and political animal is the cornerstone of the philosophy of:Aristotle. [2] Two treatises on civil Government constitute the basic source of Political thought of :Locke. [3] Siyasatnama and Majma ul Wasaya are the two books on administration attributed to:Nizam ul Mulk Tusi. [4] Sepration of Ethics and Politics was the principle notion in the philosophy of:Machiavelli [5] Cultural Revolution in China was launched under the leadership of:Mao dzedung [6] Political Science begins and ends with the state is said by:Professor Garner [7] Karl Marx is known for his theory of :Meterialistic Interpretation of history [8] Who is called the Intellectual Father of French Revolution? J.J Rousseau [9] Marx and Engels produced the famous book Common Manifesto In:1848 [10] An essay concerning Human Understanding is written by:John Locke [11] The center of Learning to the Greeks was the city state of :Athens [12] Principle of Utility as a formula was the idea of :Jeremy Bentham [13] Dictatorship of the Proletariat is one of the concepts of:Karl Marx [14] He is known as the major theorist of bureaucracy:Max Weber [15] Collective responsibility is a feature of:Parliamentary form [16] A Bi-cameral legislature as most suited to:Federal States [17] The general Will is the political concept of:J. J. Rousseau [18] GENERAL WILL as concept was introduced by:Rousseau [19] He is famous for his work Muqaddameh:Ibn Khuldun [20] which of the thinkers is a social contractualist?Hobbes [21] The Bolshevik movement in Russia was led by:Lenin [22] Modern Political thought begins withMachiavelli [23] Decentralization is a feature of:Federal System [24] Al-Ghazzali was a philosopher of :11th century [25] Thyaul-Ulum was the chief work of:Al Ghazali

[26] The author of the Book The Laws was:Plato [27] Montesquieu by birth belonged to:France [28] Leviathan is written by:Thomas Hobbes [29] Ahya ul ulum is the work of:Al Ghazali [30] Plato was a:Idealist

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