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6th Edition Tyranid Codex Review: Hive Tyrants Overview:

Hive Tyrants in 6th edition have changed more than most units. Because of this, my review is sure to be long-winded (but hopefully pretty thorough). Ive broken it up into sections and tried to stick to reviewing only the things that have changed since 5 th edition. That way, if you have questions on a particularly subject, you can hopefully find the answer quickly. If you find something Ive written in error, please let me know and Ill change it. Likewise, if you think Ive missed something significant, speak up and Ill add that as well. Either way, Ill credit you with the information.

Where possible, I tried to quote where I got each of the rules with abbreviations. These follow the format (NAME-##) where NAME is the name of the source and ## is the page number. The abbreviations I used for source names are:

DEX = Tyranid Codex RB = 6th Edition Rulebook TFAQ = Tyranid FAQ (the theory would be that I might reference other FAQs eventually) Each rule should be on (or about) the page I referenced. Hopefully that helps. Also, before I begin, I wanted to thank Cole (formerly of the 08ak1 blog) for proof-reading and coming up with some great tips. Without his help, Id surely look like an ass

That said, onto the Hive Tyrant Review!

Weapon Options: To save time, Ill just go over the weapons that have been changed (or affected by changes) in the new codex.

Lashwhip: As a set-value modifier, this happens last in the order of applied modifiers. Because of this, (RB-2 / TFAQ-5)your opponents will almost universally be at I1 when fighting against lash whips. These are practically mandatory on assault units. Boneswords: Per the codex, these arent power weapons, so they didnt get reduced to AP3 like power weapons did. Instead, no armor saves can be taken against wounds inflicted in close combat by a Tyranid with a bonesword (DEX-83). While these didnt get any more powerful (especially on MCs, who are already AP2), they are comparatively better than power weapons now. Also, since Feel no Pain now cant be used against these as they cause Instant Death (though it can be used against other weapons that ignore armor)(RB-35). Stranglethorn Cannon / Heavy Venom Cannon: Note that blast (and other template weapons) use their full strength value when rolling to penetrate vehiclesnot just the center circle (RB-73). Blasts also cant be fired as snapshots (RB-13), which again, doesnt affect MCs much, but it does on overwatch. Pinning / Blasts. Additionally, there are now ways to remove fearless from units, to enable you to pin more targets (RB-423). Twin-linked Devourers w/ Brainleech Worms: Nothing changed on these per-se, but having 6 str6 shots with rerolls to hit isnt a bad choice due to the chances of glancing vehiclesparticularly flyers (who can only be hit on a 6 when zooming around). Im not a super-huge fan of this selection, but since Tyranids dont have much in the way of anti-air, its worth noting.In the case of the Heavy Venom Cannon, it also is noteworthy that you still must deduct -1 from the chart for penetrating hits, but it is no longer necessary to do so for glancing hits (since glances dont roll on a table anymore) (RB-74). Because of this HVCs are quite adept at knocking down armored vehicles.

Unit Upgrades:

Again, to save time and space, Im only going to go over the upgrades that changed with the new edition. Hive Commander: Since units that outflank cant charge on the turn they arrive (RB-125), you may want to reconsider this ability; however, with reserve rolls starting at 3+ on turn 2 (RB-124), giving yourself a +1 to the die roll practically guarantees you get in the units you want immediately. Indescribable Horror: This is effectively wasted, since all MCs now cause Fear (RB-48). Practically speaking, Indescribable Horror affects the unit before they charge, and Fear affects them before they attack (RB-35), so theyre not strictly incompatable, but its a minor advantage. I think the points would be better spent elsewhere. Old Adversary: This grants, all Tyrands within 6 preferred enemy, which no longer lets you reroll misses in assault. Instead, it lets you reroll all 1s in both shooting and assault. In effect, this received both a nerf and a buff at the same time, and ensures that your Tyrant can act as

a force multiplier for both shooting and assault. With this, I expect Tyranid players will be trying to make some more competitive shooty-list builds Adrenal Glands: Since these grant furious charge and that has changed (RB-37), they no longer benefit from increased initiative. The good news (particularly on smaller units) is that massive numbers of glancing hits will automatically destroy a tank due to the rules on hull points (RB-74). Acid Blood: While this ability itself didnt change, it may prove to be more valuable when assaulting walkers, as they receive a glancing hit on a 4+, since glancing hits are more effective now. Thorax Swarm Shreddershard Beetles: Well, all of the thorax weapons are somewhat interesting when youre receiving a charge because theyre template weapons and so cause an automatic D3 hits (RB-52). Shreddershard beetles are rending though, so they get an automatic +1 on the damage table for vehicles (not a big deal, but it changed!) Toxin Sacs: Granting poisoned attacks (RB-40), allows you to always wound on a 4+, unless the unit has an equal-to or lower toughness, in which case you get a re-roll. This part is the same as 5th. The big difference is now it always wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required. For MCs who have typically high strengths, this means that you still get to wound on your normal strength value vs. toughness (unless youd be better off with 4+), and you still get your re-roll (if applicable). In short, toxin sacs are a must-buy on Monstrous Creatures. Armoured Shell: Increasing your armor to a 2+ has improved vs. hand to hand attacks. Since the majority of power weapons have been decreased to AP3 (or worse), it will lend you some survivability in assault. Of course, the biggest boon to survivability then will be to get yourself a tyrant guard and use Look Out Sir (see below). Wings: These upgrade the Tyrant into a Flying Monstrous Creature (see below).

Synpase Creature: As a synapse creature, there are a few changes that need to be noted:

Shadow in the Warp is now about the best psychic defense in the game (only Eldar and Space Wolves have anything to compete with it). The rules for it havent changed (people within 12 roll 3D6), but the rules for psychic hoods have. Keep this in mind when playing the game. Fearless, which is granted to anyone within 12 of synapse,has the same upside as it used to, but the downside of taking excess wounds when losing combat is gone. Indeed, the only downside I can find for fearless is that you cant choose to fail a morale test when youre up against a model you cant hurt (RB-35). Since that already existed in the previous edition, this is a clear buff to Nidz as a whole.Edit: theGravemind also pointed out that going to ground cant be performed by fearless units (which is anything in synapse range now), so thats definitely something to consider when youre placing your synapse around the board. I think it peculiar that synpase is now in two ways considered a detriment (going to ground, and IB). Someone should do a post on whether Synpase is necessary (or even valuable) to the Tyranid force in 6th edition. Instinctive Behavior used to be something you really didnt want to happen. This was particularly true of those units that would FEED. Since feeding simply gives the unit Rage (RB-41), feeding units are now completely under your control. You can move and run them as you see fit, but just cant fire their guns (but they couldnt fire in the previous edition either). Lurk however, is unaffected by the new rules edition. This is definitely something to keep in mind when you position your units with synapse. Since rule changes for synapse got better in many regards and didnt become worse in any way, synapse is a great set of rules for us in this edition.


Perils of the warp changed in that you can no longer make invulnerable saves against it, but otherwise is unaffected. Deny the witch is a new ability that gives anyone targeted by a psychic power the ability to ignore it on a 6+. Enemy psykers can improve this to 5+, or 4+ if theyre of a higher mastery level than you are (which isnt hard, considering most Tyranids are mastery level 1). Psychic hoods (for defense) no longer can nullify all of your powers, but do allow their bearer to dispel if you target his friendly units within 6 of himso keep that in mind.

New psychic powers/abilities have been classified into several categories: Blessing, Conjuration, Malediction, & Witchfire (which have several categories) (RB-69). The categories themselves are pretty much clarification, and dont have much real bearing on the Tyranidsexcept to say that Broodlords wont be able to use any Witchfire powers (because they have no BS). One thing to note is that if you arrive from reserve on a turn you cant use Blessings, Conjurations, or Maledictions (RB-67-68). Tyranid Psykers have access to the Biomancy, Telekinesis and Telepathy special powers decks (RB418-423). Doing so, however, will force to you unlearn all of the powers the unit already knows. At first glance, Biomancy seems like the best fit for the army. Telepathy also looks good, but the two best powers are only usable by the Swarmlord (since theyre Warp Charge 2) (RB-66).

Independent Character: Being an Independent Character grants some distinct advantages including Look Out Sir (RB-16/26/64) Leadership, Precision Shots, Precision Strikes, ability to fight in challenges (all RB-64). These give him: Look Out Sir grants the ability allocate hits suffered on the character to another model in the same unit thats with 6 of the character. This works in both shooting, and assault (except when fighting in a challenge). As an Independent character, the bonus goes up from 4+ to 2+, so this is huge. Precision Shots allow you to assign the hits from shooting attacks that roll natural 6s. This will let us pick out models like special/heavy weapons, as well as characters (who still get to Look Out Sir). Note: these cant be used for snapshots. Precision Strikes allow you to assign the hits from assault attacks that roll natural 6s. This will let us pick out models like special/heavy weapons, as well as characters (who still get to Look Out Sir). Challenges are a new way to snipe enemy commanders in a unit. When you charge, your characters can issue challenges to another unit, in which any other character can choose whether or not to accept. If they accept, only they can strike each other (and Look Out Sir goes by the wayside). If they decline, they cant fight at all during the combat. This works great for high toughness characters, as they can choose to punk hidden powerfists and the like before they get a chance to strike back. Wound allocation changes in this edition also grant more durability to characters that have joined units. Since theres no rule that says characters are always a unit unto themselves, other models in base to base with the enemy can absorb wounds for them. This goes both ways though, as excess wounds done to the unit also spill onto the character.

For the record, the Tyrant is not natively an IC, but when he joins a unit of Tyrant guard, he becomes an IC and benefits from all of the same rules (TFAQ2). This, coupled with the fact that he confers Move through Cover to the unit hes in (RB-40), and they extend his durability, really makes it a no-brainer to put him with guard. Monstrous Creature: MCs had a lot of changes in the new edition. Their new special rules include Fear, Hammer of Wrath, Move through Cover, Relentless and Smash (RB48). Ill go over each briefly below: Fear causes a test at the start of assault, which can potentially make the opponent fight at WS1 for the combat round. It sounds good, but requires them to fail a leadership test first, so it likely wont happen that often. When it does, it will make most of your units more durable as well as more accurate in combat. Its a small plus, but its a positive change. Hammer of Wrath allows you to get a free AP , Initiative 10, hit on the turn you charge at your base strength (assuming you didnt multiassault). Some people are touting this as a big improvement, but it seems rather minor to me as well because it doesnt ignore armor. A free hit at high initiative is nothing to scoff at though. Move through Cover is something they had in the last edition, but its changed a bit. Whereas it previously just allowed you to roll an extra dice and pick the highest (which it still does), it now makes you immune to dangerous terrain tests as well. Im a big fan of this change. Relentless just allows him to move and shoot with heavy weapons and they can charge in the same turn that they fired them. This rule has no practical value in the Tyranid codex, as every weapon is already an Assault weapon. Smash (verses vehicles) allows you to half of your attacks characteristic (rounding up) to strike at double your strength, and allows you to reroll your armor penetration. Against other targets, smash counts as AP2. In total this is a mixed blessing. Essentially, they already had AP2 (although now, AP2 grants +1 to the damage roll vs. vehicles, so thats a plus). The question winds up being if its better to strike half as much for twice as much strength. I havent done the math myself, but Im going to guess this is going to be a slight improvement to most MCs, as they only half their Attacks characteristicnot their total number of attacks, so things like crushing claws might prove to be a huge advantage in this edition. They also arent affected by cover like they were in the previous edition as they now can receive a save for standing in area terrain, or if only 25% of the model is obscured (RB-18). This is a huge benefit to all big bugs. Some people will point out that cover saves have moved from 4+ to 5+ as a whole, but I dont agree with them, this really only affected forests and area terrain (as well as cover granted from standing behind other units), but ruins, ruined fortifications (and presumably buildings) still all grant 4+. Additionally, nothing in the book prevents MCs from going to ground for another +1 cover save (except, of course, if theyre in Synapse range, and therefore, fearless). Like in the previous edition, they can still fire two weapons each shooting phases , of course each has to be fired at the same target (RB-48). In total, I think MCs got better with the new edition.

Flying Monstrous Creatures:

With the addition of wings, the Tyrant becomes a Flying Monstrous Creature and gains an entire page full of rules. To summarize, he gets: Glide, Swoop, Hard to Hit, Dive, Vector Strike, & Grounding (RB-49). Glide is just the equivalent of moving with a jump pack. In effect, this is what a flying MC was in the previous edition. Alternately, you can forgo the jumppack movement to re-roll your assault range and ignore intervening models. So, this is a bit of a buff for the flying bugs. Swoop is a new mode of flight. Effectively this turns the model into a flyer for the turn, but has its own set of stipulations (including limited maneuverability, required move of 12-24 per turn, running 2D6 (instead of 1D6) and the inability to charge. It also conveys a couple of other rules like: Hard to Hit which simply says he can only be shot on natural 6s, unless the firer has the skyfire rule, and makes you immune to template and blast weapons. Leave Combat Airspace allows you to leave the board and enter ongoing reserves (RB-155). Particularly clever players (or those with particularly dimwitted opponents) could use this rule to kite a slow-moving enemy unit into a less desirable position, and then fly off the tableleaving them stranded). Dive gives the creature the Jink special rule (RB-38) which gives him a 5+ cover save. When combined with night-fighting, this might be pretty solid form of defense. The limitation here is that it can only make snap-shots unti l the end of its next turn. So, this cover save is probably best used on h2h based models that are trying to close with the enemy quickly. Vector Strike allows you to inflict D3+1 AP3 hits at the models strength. Since these arent in the assault phase, theyre not affected by the Smash rule (RB-43). It counts as one of your shooting attacks, but may work great for models who intend to Dive. Grounding is the one downside of FMCs. Essentially, each time you are hit from a units shooting attack, you must roll a 3+. If you dont, you fall to the ground, taking a strength9 hit with no save (which basically equates to a wound). The only good news here is the rule says one or more hits from a units shooting attack, so you dont have to roll for each lasgun that fires at you just once for the entire unit. Popular opinion now is that flying MCs are insanely powerful. While Im a bit more reserved about their power level, they certainly have some improved durability (which was drastically needed in the case of Flyrants). Time will tell just how good they are, but something tells me that even if theyre great, Demons will be benefiting from these rules far more than bugs will.

Summary: I knew it was going to be long, but I had no idea it would be that long. I think Tyrants got better with the new dex, almost universally. I intend to run mine similarly to what Ive done in the past. The following upgrades I see as great (borderline mandatory):

Tyrant Guard Bodyguard For increased durability, and inclusion of all the super rules that being an Independent Character conveys. Toxin Sacs More wounds, more fun! Venom Cannon - It was always my favorite gun before, and it only got better now. These upgrades I think are potentially good, but not necessarily game breaking:

Wings Flying MC rules are enticing, and the folks around here are giddy with how powerful they think it is. I have a feeling that it wont be as uber as they believe though. I will still use my flyrant though, because I love the model, and I think this will help increase his durability, its just not a must have. Armored Shell Depending upon what people around here start to use for weapons, this could prove to be a great upgrade, but its so expensive, and hes already so durable that Ill hold off for now. Old Adversary Not so much for assault based armies, but the thought of deploying my Tyrant surrounded by a shooty force (perhaps on a skyshield landing pad for an invulnerable save?) is pretty interesting

Psychic abilities (Biomancy) Im still pretty fond of running my Tyrant with Paroxysm & Leech Essence, but some of those Bio powers on a tyrant could be pretty sick. Iron Arm, Enfeeble, Endurance, & Warp Speed are all great. And Life Leech is just a slight downgrade from Leech Essence. Heck, with that in mind, why wouldnt I switch out his powers? Especially since I already have a chance of knocking an enemys WS down to 1 using Fear alone! Ok, maybe Ill use this more than not Thanks again to Cole for helping out with writing this. Also, I wanted to mention that this will likely count as part of the content Ill use to create my army specific page for Hive Fleet Proteus (a failed New Years resolution from 2011). Thats why Ive included pictures of my Hive Tyrant models throughout. Next up: Swarmlords! Share this:

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TheGraveMind JULY 9, 2012 @ 6:43 AM Only two things I found wrong with that analysis. Grounded is S9 and no save. Also, Fearless prevents units from going to ground, which I find huge. Over all Im interested in seeing how nids pan out in this edition. Though I dont like the new preferred enemy as much.


warhammer39999 JULY 9, 2012 @ 8:13 AM Thanks for catching those. Grounded, I meant what I said, but I just worded it very poorly (I meant to say it was AP2which would give it no savebut I instead said something completely weird). Instead, I just plugged in your wording there no save and it flows much better. The bit about fearless not being able to go to ground, thats been added (and credited) as well. I havent considered the new preferred enemy. Previously it was reroll all misses in combat, and now its just reroll 1s in shooting, right? It seems to be a bit of a washexcept it doesnt really stack with scything talons, so in some cases it can be a complete waste in assault. I can see why an assault-based player would not like it now, but then again, it does open up shooting for bugs (which needed love). It doesnt seem so bad to me.


08ak11 JULY 9, 2012 @ 8:22 AM its reroll 1s to hit and wound, in shooting and assault.

warhammer39999 JULY 9, 2012 @ 9:28 AM Gotta love having a Cole around. Ive only half-heartedly read half of the rulebook so far, so I like that you keep me straight with rules clarifications. By the way, when are you guys playing next? Tanya suggested Thursday, and I mentioned the possibilty to Tony in passing, and he seemed cool with it. Does that work for your fam?


mathhammer JULY 9, 2012 @ 7:11 AM chance to score one penetrating hit

Smash is a boon for weaker MCs against land raiders but not for them against weak armor.

Carnifex Charging 4 attacks base

Moving Vehicle (WS1)

Strength Armor 10 11 12 13 14 Normal 8 95% 87% 72% 45% 9 98% 95% 87% 72% 45% 10 99% 98% 95% 87% 72% Smash 96% 95% 93% 87% 75%



Angelic_Despot JULY 9, 2012 @ 8:31 AM A great read. Im really looking forward to hearing you go through all the Tyranids again! One thing you havent mentioned is that (I assume I dont actually have my rulebook yet) monstrous creatures lose the bonus AP dice in close combat with vehicles. This probably doesnt affect carnifexes much, as theyre so strong, but the other monstrous creatures will presumably now HAVE to use crush to stand a good chance of damaging vehicles.


warhammer39999 JULY 9, 2012 @ 9:27 AM Yeah, I figured I was going to have to do a general post on changes to the rules and how that affected the bugs, and that seemed to go in there, rather than mentioning it every time there was a MC. I could add it in both though. Really, I was thinking of you when I started this post, as youve been asking for me to redo my original assessment, and this was a good time to do it. I was just alarmed at how long this one post turned out to be. The good news is that I wrote it in a format that was easier to cut/paste snippits into future unit reviews.



Angelic_Despot JULY 9, 2012 @ 12:41 PM Right youve started now now youll have to finish! I fully expect articles of this length for every entry in the codex! Hopefully Ill have enough assembled soon to start playing with my Tyranids, and then I may even be able to offer some practical (as opposed to theoretical) comments. Doubt Ill be playing games large enough to include a Hive Tyrant and retinue any time soon though


warhammer39999 JULY 9, 2012 @ 5:05 PM Really? It doesnt take a big point game to be able to field a tyrant and guard. What are you going to use for a HQ? Alpha warriors?


Angelic_Despot JULY 10, 2012 @ 11:11 AM A Tervigon, most likely. The Internet seems desperate to get them as troops, but as primarily (formerly?) an ork player, Im in the habit of seeing every point spent in the HQ section as a waste. If I can fill that compulsory slot with something Id be wanting to take as a troops choice: brilliant! For the same reasons, Im used to thinking of HQ choices as something to try to get the most out of in support of your army, rather than as one of the main components of your army.

A Hive Tyrant and guard come to well over a quarter of the points of a 1000 point game. Even in 1500, you have to think of this unit as being one of your key units not a support/enabling element. I hope over time, and with practice, I might come to see more value in lynchpin HQ characters / units, but at the moment, when I pick an army, Im thinking mainly about what units I can get in it, not which HQs.

warhammer39999 JULY 10, 2012 @ 12:44 PM I think the key push to getting him as troops is just because you can, and technically speaking, its more valuable to have troops than HQs (since only Troops score). To my knowledge, its the only scoring MC in the game as well, so it makes for a unique niche. Of course, to make that possible, it means youd have to buy yet another HQ to meet your minimum requirements (I think the popular choice is to go with a prime, even more so now that you can use him to spread around wound allocation in units with multiple wounds).

08ak11 JULY 11, 2012 @ 9:36 AM @Rob Tervigons arent the only scoring MCs in the game.guess who has them tooooooooooooo =) its also worth noting Big guns never tire mission in 6th makes heavy slots, even vehicles, scoring. And Scouring, scourging, whatever it is makes fast attack scoring. Which is really pretty cool in my book, though it can throw a game in favor of someone based on their list.

warhammer39999 JULY 11, 2012 @ 12:19 PM Are you referring to dreadknights when that special character makes them scoring? Or is there another rule I dont know about? Good point on missions. I honestly havent gotten that far into the book (havent picked up the rules in a week to learn them, left off around page 80ish). Oddly enough, Im not super aggressive about learning the rules, but thats probably because I cant play the game right now. Perhaps in the fall, when Im more upright Until then, Ill just bounce my questions off you, Sensei.

08ak11 JULY 11, 2012 @ 1:38 PM Yeah GK Grand masters, including the 2 special character versions can make d3 units scoring, or one of 3 other rules instead. So far the missions are pretty good, all of them have night fight but you roll for whether its turn 1 like before or if that fails you start rolling turn 5 to go night fight. One of them has like 5 objectives, each secretly worth a set amount of points. . Sadly kill points still exist as a mission.


Angelic_Despot JULY 10, 2012 @ 1:38 PM Oh, yes I understand all of that. Id like to have a troop Tervigon, because, why not? But Ill sacrifice that to be able to have the model I wanted to take anyway fill a compulsory choice that is normally (for me) a pain to fill. I guess I might also consider a Prime because he makes Tyranid warriors cooler, and hes cheap (and so an alternative to the Tervigon), but also because hes easier to model. Even though Ive got the new model, Ill have to have a serious think about how to put it together (i.e. convert it) in a way Im happy with which might significantly delay my use of him. I dont think my original idea of combining it with the Arachnarok spider is going to work (plus the spider is such a cool model in and of itself Id be willing to chop it up for an awesome Tervigon conversion, but not a mediocre one).



creed of the ass lictor tyrant OCTOBER 12, 2012 @ 5:56 PM the psychic cards are childish and i feel like im reading fantasy rules. ilove nids and ig, been playing for about ten years and i just think the new rules make the game a bit childish and over complicated



creed of the ass lictor tyrant OCTOBER 12, 2012 @ 5:57 PM yes ironic name.

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