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HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla Mobile: 09293714589, 09296605758

This paper will discuss about human resource development (HRD) in the context of the strategies followed for the development of human resource in these highly competitive world. The paper will explore human resource development in the context of the evolutionary process involving a shift from a training to a learning orientation in libraries in order to create value for the organizations stakeholders which range from students, academic and general staff, the governing council, the alumni, the community to private and government organizations. OBJECTIVES: Develop human resource of the company continuously for better performance to meet objectives. To institute and manage a process that creates an organization to meet business requirements. To implement considerable cooperation between the management and the workers of the organization. To establish quality targets which leads to a competitive advantage. Provide opportunity for development of different level of employees. Suitable need based training programs Prepare newly inducted staff to perform their work with high level of competency and excellence. Meet social obligations of industry to contribute towards the excellence of technical and management education.


Human resources are the wealth of an organization which can help it in achieving its goals. Human resource is the total knowledge, abilities, skills, talents and aptitudes of an organizations work force. Human resource management (HRM) is a management function that helps managers to recruit, select, train, and develop members for an organization and it is concerned with peoples dimensions in organizations. HRM involves the application of management functions and principles applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining and remunerating employees in organizations.


HRD is an integrated and inter-disciplinary approach to the development of human resources in the organization. HRD is the centre of HRM, so HRM is the wider term than HRD. HRD is a system and process involving organized series of learning activities designed to produce behavioral changes in human beings in such a way that they acquire desired level of competence for present or future role. There is a growing need to develop skills, talents, capabilities, potentialities of people in the organization and this task is taken up in human resource management. HRD aims to develop an individual employee in accordance with his aspirations and potentialities on one hand and the companys requirements on the other hand. So that they can contribute their best to the organization, society and nation.


HRD program is meant to sharpen the potentialities of people to perform well on their jobs. It enables employees to gain their best potential by attaining a total all- round development.


1. Performance Appraisal 2. Potential appraisal 3. Employee counseling 4. Career development and planning 5. Training 6. Organizational development


Human Resource manager as a Strategist
HR manager is expected to act as a strategist. Being a strategic partner, he or she must know answer: How to create an organization to accomplish business goals? Business objectives may be stated in several ways- as financial targets, balanced score cards, visions, intents, missions, aspiration, or goals. Regardless of the objectives form or content, an organization must be created to make it happen. When HR professional

acts as a strategic partner, he or she works with line managers to institute and manage a process that create an organization to meet business requirements. The following are the list of Strategies of HRD-

Total Quality Management

TQM aims at continuous improvement in the quality of the products, which calls for the improvement in the quality of work through training and development. The essence of TQM is the creation of an organizational system that fosters cooperation between management and workers and facilities learning to implement Total Quality. This in turn would lead to continuous improvement of processes, products and services and to employee fulfillment both of which are critical to customer satisfaction and ultimately survival and growth of the firm.

Kaizen as a Japanese word which means continuous improvement with the involvement of everybody in the organization so as to generate value for customers. The message of Kaizen strategy is that not a day should go without some kind of improvement being made somewhere in the organization. Kaizen program is divided into three segments: (i) Management Oriented Kaizen: This segment concentrates on the most strategic and logistic issues and provides the momentum to keep up progress and morale. (ii) Group Oriented Kaizen: The group oriented kaizen is a permanent approach and is represented by quality circles and other small group activities. (iii) Individual Oriented Kaizen: Individuals Oriented kaizen is manifested in the form of suggestions. It is a morale booster. There are 5 steps in Kaizen programme: (a) SEIRI: Straighten up (b) SEITON: Put things in order (c) SEISO: Clean up (d) SEIKETSU: Personal cleanliness (e) SHITSUKE: Discipline

Just in Time Production

Just in Time (JIT) production is also called hand to mouth approach to production. JIT focuses attention on eliminating waste by purchasing or manufacturing just enough of the right items just in time. JIT attacks the problem of bloated inventories that hamper productivity and profitability. The potential benefits of JIT include quality improvement, higher productivity, lower cost, less work in process, less inventory of raw materials, finished goods, saved space, increased team work, higher workers morale and

motivation. However, implementation of JIT will require considerable cooperation between the management and the workers.

This strategy is based on the philosophy that more power you give away to the lower levels the more you have in terms of productivity and performance. This technique is seen by the traditional authoritarian managers as a threat to their authority. But now a days the issue is how empowerment to workers or not, rather the issue is how empowerment should take place. Empowerment can take place when the employees are adequately trained, provided with all relevant information and the best possible tools, fully involved in key decisions and are fully rewarded for results.

Benchmarking is the practice of identifying, studying and building upon best practices in the industry or in the world. Benchmarking help establish quality targets which leads to a competitive advantage. Bench markers guide includes the following points: (i) Pick a specific area you want to improve. Study your own procedures thoroughly and choose a company or companies to benchmark that handle, the process well. (ii) Send out the people who will have to make the changes. It wont help if senior executives or consultants do the benchmarking, then come back and tell the concerned workers of a process what to do. (iii) Be prepared to exchange information (iv) Avoid legal problems (v) Respect the confidentiality of the data you obtain.

Learning Organization
Learning is the organizational capability to recognize and nurture the developments of skills, abilities and knowledge base. It is exemplified by company wide training, foundational knowledge, process knowledge, educational development, continuous self improvement and managerial learning which the well recognized mechanisms of HRD. TQM is a positive step towards developing learning organization. In todays dynamic business environment, the learning organizations alone will survive because of their competence to learn, create, codify and use knowledge faster that rivals. The future organization must be built as a complex institution in which thinking, learning and knowledge creation takes place, constantly generating ideas that will permit the transformation of the organization by its people.

HRD Strategies for long-term Planning & Growth

The major considerations in personnel policies concerning HRD strategies for lon g term planning and growth in organization are:

Recruitment of right personnel

Wellqualified and they must match with the respective corporate values and philo sophy of the Co's. For example: In Reliance Industries entrepreneurship, risk taking & the will to win personal contacts is considered while recruiting for top positions; In Hindu stan Lever the policy is to have promotions from within they emphasize on professionalis m, conventeducated and sharp dressed candidates, toppers from all IIMs and IIT'S. In Inf osys Technologies the criteria is to select candidates from middle class communities peo ple brought up in traditional, conservative homes but who have superior academic record s, technical skills and ingrained capacity for hard work. Written Tests are conducted to id entify individuals with high learnability, both interms of willingness. They tend to elimin ate over ambitions & competitive stars through the interviewing process.

Development of Personnel
The Policy Issues involved are: a) Determination of Training methods to be followed-on the job/off the job. b) Intensity of TrainingLevel of employees, Frequency, resource persons,specific traini ng(job)operational Managerial Conceptual AnalyticalSkill Training will be imparted through company's own training centres or Training Institutes.

Personnel Mobility
Moving the personnel within the organization or outside in the form of promotion, demotion, transfer, separation & deputation. Organizations have to provide a policy fram ework for this.

Major HRD Strategies

1. Communication strategy: In Todays changing scenario, it is essential to educate & train employees about the change 2. Accountability & Ownership strategy: Employees accountability& ownership leads to higher productivity & customer excellence 3. Quality strategy: Quality need to be fostered in the employees through training & development 4. Cost reduction strategy: Every employees contribution in savings in crucial as small contributions from each employee can be pooled by organizations to save substantial savings at the end of the given period and enhance its given competitive strategy

5. Intrapreneurship strategy: Every employee needs to be an independent entrepreneur, who can generate ideas & bring them to reality by using the existing resources support of the organization to create innovative &creative products & services. 6. Culture building strategy: organizations valuing its employees have a sustainable competitive edge over competitor s because employees are highly charged, motivated & commitment to the organization. 7. Systematic training strategy: The planning & organization of formal on-job training & off- Job training leads to improving vital employee characteristics, build & sustain appropriate work culture & bring more professionalism in action. 8. Learning strategy: Continuous development & learning environments promote self development of employees, of self & by self.


On one hand, a change of focus occurs in the way in which the HRD professionals carry out their more traditional roles, such as the role of the trainer, because of changes in the nature of training programmes. On the other hand, the joint responsibility for HRD brings some new tasks for HRD professionals. The two most typical tasks for HRD professionals in learning oriented companies seem to be: consulting non HRD professionals on HRD specific matters and quality control with regard to training activities carried out by line management and employees. 'Facilitating employee learning' in the broadest sense is the primary concern of HRD departments in learning oriented organizations. As such, this leads to a broadened range of interventions provided by the HRD department. The focus is on informal learning, training activities are no longer HRD's main product. Moreover, the outlook of HRD interventions changes. The interventions are specifically aimed not only at learning new qualifications, but also towards enhancing learning capacities of employees. Especially development activities, which are less formalized than training, increase in number. Though training is but one of the offered activities, it remains an important one. In many cases training remains the most suitable approach for the transfer of knowledge and certain skills. The training methods change, however. The trainee will take a more active role towards his own learning and training. The trainer explicitly teaches trainees how to learn, and how to shape their own learning activities. Also, training and work are more closely linked. Not only by creating more on-the-job training, but also by using real-life problems in training activities. Next to these changes in the nature of HRD interventions, attention is being paid to fostering learning on the job in general, by creating a work environment favorable for

learning (for example: creating a mentor system, job rotation, organizing meetings between employees with similar expertise). The most important condition for learning in the workplace, a stimulating work environment, remains mainly a responsibility of line management. HRD professionals can provide advice and assistance to line management in this respect.


Mahindra Satyam Limited offers quality services and solutions to the IT sector. Satyam is considered to be a global leader in this field catering to the Telecom-Infrastructure; Media-Entertainment-Semiconductors; Banking & Financial Service; Automotive; Manufacturing; Insurance & Healthcare industries. Mahindra Satyam Limited has established its services through various HRD strategies.

Satyam Mahindra HRD Strategies have been highlighted below:

Business Continuity Model: Utilized during natural or man-made contingencies and the services offered here are relocation models at fastest speeds; protection to assets, data and manpower; plans and preparation for all kinds of contingencies; aiming at smoothest business entity; and more. Right Sourcing: Finding best customer solutions through an innovative combination of offshore, near shore, onsite, and offsite delivery capabilities. Global Development Centers are located at Canada, Hungary, USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan and UAE. Alliances: Satyam provides the best solutions facilitated by its allied technology vendors and system integrators. The areas of alliance services are Customer relationship, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Knowledge Management, Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, and more. IT Enabled services: A wide range of inbound and outbound customer contact services, finance and accounting, technical helpdesks, finance and accounting, human resource, KPO, P2P, etc.

As part of their quality endeavors, Satyam has crossed many milestones, some of which are:

Among the first companies to have been certified ISO 27001, ISO 9001, and ISO 20000. First company in the US, Kuala Lumpur, Australia, Singapore, Shanghai, and India to have achieved the latest Information security standard, ISO 27001. The first company to get ISO 9001-2000 certified

Mahindra Satyam has been emphasizing on its social responsibility as well. This include transformation of lives of the under privileged, which has been possible through its Corporate Social Responsibility arm, called the Satyam Foundation. Mahindra Satyam Limited has thus, made a valuable contribution in the IT solutions industry, providing quality products and services to its customer; while keeping its corporate social responsibility in mind as well. Conclusion The role and function of HRD is increasingly vital at the organizational and national level as well as in the global context. Development of human resources lies at the core of the knowledge-productive organizations, like libraries and universities. The process will inevitably involve participation of all employees in developing the knowledge of the organization. The survival and success of organizations will increasingly depend on their ability to ensure that they are smart at all levels rather than only at the top. The strategies for creating and sustaining smart organizations with smart people at all levels is probably greater now than it has ever been. Todays highly competitive information market requires quite different set of attributes and skills than the current workforce and their organizational culture may possess. REFERENCES: Kaplan, R. S., Norton, David P (2004). Strategy maps: converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes. Boston, Harvard Business School Press. Johnston, R. (1999). Supporting learning in the third millenium. Human Resource Development: Learning. J. P. Wilson. Herndon, Stylus Publishing: 475-494. Kaplan, R. S., Norton, David P (2004). "Measuring the strategic readiness of intangible assets." Harvard Business Review 82(2): 52-64. Collins, C., Smith, K.G., Stevens, C.K., Knowledge-Creation Capability and Performance in HighTechnology Firms, Human Resource Practices, 2008. Delaney, J. T., Huselid, M. A., The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions oforganizational performance, Academy of Management Journal , 39, 1996. Fey, C. F., Bjorkman, I., Pavlovskaya, A., The effect of human resource management practices on firmperformance in Russia, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11, 2000.

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