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WHEREAS, based upon the high volume of foreclosure cases filed in the
Eleventh Judicial Circuit, it has been detennined that the implementation of standardized
procedures is necessary to achieve judicial efficiency in the management of residential
mortgage foreclosure cases; and
WHEREAS, it was determined that in the interest of judicial administration and
economy, a concerted effort to promote uniformity and establish guidelines to be
followed by the judges in the General Jurisdiction Division ("Division Judges") in
connection with motions for summary final judgment of residential mortgage foreclosure,
motions for writs of possession and emergency motions to cancel sale needs to be
implemented; and
WHEREAS, in an effort to alleviate the overwhelming judicial workload
resulting from the volume of foreclosure cases, the Foreclosure Master Calendar Court
Unit will be instituted so that Division Judges will no longer hear motions for summary
final judgment in residential mortgage foreclosure cases, motions for writs of possession
and emergency_motions to cancel sale set within 48 hours, but will continue to hear all
other motions including, motions to dismiss and discovery motions; trials in residential
mortgage foreclosure cases; all matters in commercial foreclosure cases, lien foreclosure
cases, condominium and homeowner association cases which are those cases excluded
from the Foreclosure Master Calendar. Court Unit and its procedural requirements,
specifically: non-residential foreclosures, condominium foreclosures and commercial
foreclosures, mechanics and construction lien foreclosures;
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Administrative
Judge of the General Jurisdiction Division in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida,
under Rille 2.215, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, in an effort to carry out this
effort in an effective, fair and efficient manner, the Foreclosure Master Calendar Court
Unit is hereby established and the following procedural requirements relative thereto are
hereby implemented:
A. Prerequisites to scheduling a motion for summary judgment hearing:
Pleadings should be closed, with no pending motions for extension of time, motions to
dismiss or outstanding discovery. Submission of a complete motion for summary final
judgment packet must include:
1. Foreclosure master calendar cover sheet, together with copies of the
complaint and copies of defense answers and affirmative defenses;
2. Plaintiff s certification as to residential mortgage foreclosure case status;
3. Certificate of compliance with residential mortgage foreclosure mediation
mandated by Administrative Order 10-03 Al or evidence of non- homestead
4. A copy of the motion for summary judgment of foreclosure including:
(a) copies of all defaults, and if no default has been entered, copies of service
returns, including non-military affidavits and affidavits of diligent search inquiry
in compliance with the new rules and Form 1.942, Fla. R. Civ. P. and
(b) copies of supporting affidavits of indebtedness, affidavit of costs,
affidavit of attorneys' fees, affidavit as to the reasonableness of attorneys' fees
and lost note, if applicable;
5. The original notice of hearing with the date of hearing in blank; including
sufficient copies and postage paid envelopes for all parties on the service list;
6. Full copies of the note and mortgage and as applicable, copies of the
endorsements, assignments or allonges establishing the plaintiff s status as owner
and holder of the note. (Please do not file original documents with the Clerk prior
to the hearing date; only copies of documents should be filed. Original
documents must be brought to the court at the summary judgment hearing.);
7. The approved uniform summary original final judgment of foreclosure form;
8. Plaintiff's submission of its summary judgment packet shall be in full
compliance with the requirements of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure,
including Rule 1.510, Fla. Rules ofCiv. P. (2009);
9. The complete motion for summary judgment packet should be delivered to the
Foreclosure Master Calendar Court Team, Miami-Dade County Courthouse,
73 West Flagler Street, Room 900A, Miami, Florida 33130. Courtesy copies of
pleadings or documents filed in opposition to summary judgment shall be
delivered prior to the hearing date as required by the rules; and
Upon staff review and confirmation of compliance with summary judgment prerequisites,
the motion for summary judgment will be scheduled for hearing and notices sent to all
parties on the service list. If your packet is incomplete or otherwise deficient, a rejection
notice will be mailed out and the packet will be available for Plaintiffs retrieval and no
hearing will be scheduled. Multiple rejections may constitute grounds for sanctions.
B. Prerequisites to the scheduling of a writ of possession:
I. Submission of motion for writ of possession and a copy of the certificate of title;
2. Proof of pre-eviction notice in compliance with the Protecting Tenants at
Foreclosure Act of2009, as applicable;
3. Submission of a notice of hearing with the date of hearing in blank,
together with sufficient copies and postage paid envelopes for all parties on the
service list; and
4. The complete motion for writ of possession packet should be delivered to the
Foreclosure Master Calendar Court Team, Miami- Dade County Courthouse,
73 West Fhigler Street, Room 900A, Miami, Florida 33130.
Upon confinnation of compliance with the prerequisites, the motion for writ of
possession will be scheduled for hearing and notices sent to all parties on the service list.
C. Prerequisites to emergency motions to cancel sale:
I. The motion for cancellation of sale must constitute a genuine emergency, for a
sale set within 48 hours, and be supported by meritorious reasons which fully
apprise the Court of the circumstances;
2. The motion for cancellation of sale should be supported by exhibits or
documentation establishing the grounds for cancellation; and should include a
docket of the case:
3. Successive motions to cancel sale should address a new basis for cancellation
which justifY another cancellation.
Motions for cancellation of sale will be handled on a walk-in basis for sales scheduled to
occur within 48 hours. Non-emergency motions to cancel sale will be handled by the
respective Division Judge.
Requests for cancellation should be emailed to: [email protected] and will only be
cancelled for good cause shown. Motions for cancellation of hearing must be filed within
ten (10) days of the mailing of the notice of hearing, unless there is an emergency.
Motions to cancel and/or reschedule a hearing must include sufficient copies and postage
paid envelopes for all parties on the service list. Hearings are not cancelled until you
receive a confirmation bye-mail. If you have not received a cancellation you must appear
at the scheduled hearing.
This Administrative Memorandum shall take effect on shall
remain in effect until further order of the Court.
. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Miami-Dade County, Florida, this
d.,.() day of April, 2010.
dge Jenui er D. Bailey,
General Jurisdiction Division
Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida

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