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Compatibility of Denagard and CTC explained

In order to resolve or eliminate health challenges, an understanding of how animal health products work, disease dynamics (e.g., disease epidemiology and pathology) and disease interaction coupled with pig flow within an operation, is needed. Scientific studies help determine the effectiveness of animal health products and allow veterinary practitioners to make educated decisions about their use to control, treat or eliminate disease. In the US (and some other regions) (tiamulin) 10 and Denagard chlortetracycline (CTC) are approved for concurrent use to provide enteric and respiratory disease coverage, respectively. The compatibility of these products is demonstrated in the following pages through an explanation of how tiamulin and CTC work at a molecular level. Several trials are reviewed to demonstrate the effectiveness of Denagard/CTC in controlling disease. In numerous situations, Denagard/CTC demonstrates broad-spectrum protection against a variety of swine pathogens. (tiamulin) 10 and Denagard chlortetracycline (CTC) are approved for concurrent use to provide enteric and respiratory disease coverage, respectively. At 35 grams of tiamulin per ton of feed, Denagard controls swine dysentery associated with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. At 400 grams of chlortetracycline per ton of feed, CTC treats enteritis caused by Escherichia coli and Salmonella choleraesuis, and bacterial pneumonia caused by Pasteurella multocida. Research shows that tiamulin concentrates well in tissues where the indicated organism resides.1 Trial results also show that tiamulin and CTC do not interfere with each other or adversely affect their ability to control and treat their indicated diseases.2

Molecular action
Understanding tiamulins molecular binding site at the ribosomal level helps explain how tiamulin interferes with the protein production of a cell. Tiamulin binds at the 50S ribosomal subunit location called the peptidyl transferase center (PTC), where amino acids are linked together to produce the primary protein structure. This binding directly inhibits peptide bond formation, and consequently, the bacterial cells ability to produce proteins. This binding inhibits cell growth because the cell cannot repair its protein structure.

In summary, tiamulin and CTC affect protein synthesis in different ways by altering the ability of micro organisms to assemble proteins.

Clinical trials involving disease treatment and control

Pasteurella multocida A trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC for controlling swine pneumonia in an induced P. multocida infection model4 (Table 1).

Table 1: Effect of medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC on the treatment of swine pneumonia (P. multocida)
Non-medicated control Pig days with coughing, (%) Pig days with dyspnea, (%) Pigs with lung lesions due to P. multocida, (%) Pigs with lung culture positive, for P. multocida, (%) Average daily gain, (lb.) Average daily feed, (lb.) Feed/gain 21.8 15.7 70.0 35.0 0.950 2.184 2.294 Medicated 4.6a 1.1a 25.0a 5.0a 1.354a 2.429a 1.792a

a. Medicated treatment significantly different from non-medicated control treatment (P < 0.05). Barrows averaging 26 lbs. body weight; five pigs/pen; four pens/treatment; 14-day trial; pigs infected three days after start of medication.

Chlortetracycline binds at the 30S ribosomal subunit, thus interfering with transfer RNA at the initiation of protein translation from the messenger RNA. This action contributes to chlortetracyclines inhibition of protein synthesis. Based on a review by Hammer, tiamulin affects a different ribosomal subunit than CTC, thus providing complementary activity at themolecular level.3 The review also states that understanding proteinsynthesis and antimicrobial interaction at the molecular level helps provide support for the ability of Denagard/CTC to improve health and performance of pigs.3

Protocol: Barrows averaging 26 lbs. were placed on non-medicated feed or medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC Three days later, the pigs received an intranasal innoculation of P. multocida Type A in broth culture

Eleven days after infection, pigs were euthanized and their lungs were examined for pneumonic lesions and cultured for P. multocida Results: The medicated feed was in controlling pneumonia P. multocida effective due to

Table 2: Effect of medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC on the control of S. choleraesuis infection
Non-medicated control Mortality, % Average daily gain, (lb.) Average daily feed, (lb.) Feed/gain 10.0 0.12 1.38 11.63 Medicated 0.0 1.06* 2.34* 2.2*

Clinical signs of pneumonia, pneumonic lesion development and number of pigs positive by culture were all reduced in the medicated group (Table 1) The results demonstrated reductions in coughing, difficulty breathing and lung lesions in the medicated group In addition, the results demonstrated improved daily weight gain (ADG), feed consumption and feed efficiency in the medicated group. By reducing the disease burden, medicated pigs were better able to perform more closely to their full potential Salmonella choleraesuis A trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC in an S. choleraesuis challenge5 (Table 2). Protocol: Pigs averaging 38.8 lbs. were started on medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC Pigs were infected with S. choleraesuis through drinking water Results: Medicated pigs outperformed the nonmedicated pigs (Table 2) The results demonstrate a lower mortality rate, as well as improved ADG, average daily feed intake and feed efficiency in the medicated group. By reducing the disease burden, medicated pigs were better able to perform more closely to their full potential Brachyspira hyodysenteriae A trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC in controlling swine dysentery (B. hyodysenteriae)6 (Table 3).

a. Medicated treatment significantly different from non-medicated control treatment (P < .05). Pigs averaging 38.8 lbs. body weight; five pigs/pen; four pens/treatment; 14-day trial.

Protocol: Pigs averaging 30.3 lbs. were placed on medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC, Denagard alone or on non-medicated feed Pigs were infected with B. hyodysenteriae Results: Treatment in all groups was limited to the first 14 days of the trial, but improvement in overall health in the group medicated with feed containing Denagard/CTC extended for the duration of the six week trial Both groups of medicated pigs had improved scores in all measured parameters including mortality rate, diarrhea score, diarrhea days and bloody feces (Table 3)

The results also demonstrate improved average daily gain and feed efficiency in the medicated groups. By reducing the disease burden, medicated pigs were better able to perform more closely to their full potential

Results from the field

Respiratory and enteric disease challenges are present in varying degrees even on the most well-managed farms. While these diseases may be subclinical much of the time, they still limit pig performance and profitability. Subclinical disease may become clinical when pigs are stressed as a result of being weaned, handled, if their environments are changed, or when they are commingled. Critical periods to monitor disease include the first two weeks

Table 3: Effect of medicated feed on swine dysentery (B. hyodysenteriae)

Non-medicated control Diarrhea score (0-3) Pig days with diarrhea, (%) Pig days with bloody feces, (%) Mortality, (%) Average daily gain, (lb.) Average daily feed, (lb.) Feed/gain 0.79a 50.5a 21.3

Denagard 0.044 3.2 0.1 0 1.25 2.99

Denagard/CTC 0.014 1.1 0.0 0 1.32 3.03 2.309

36.7a 0.32a 1.42a 4.444



a. Non-medicated control group significantly different from medicated group (P < 0.01). Pigs averaging 30.3 lbs. body weight; five pigs/pen; six pens/treatment; 42-day trial; medicated days 0-14 only.

post weaning in the nursery and the first two weeks after placement into the grow/ finish barn.7 The cited studies demonstrate that strategically using Denagard/CTC during high stress periods in the growing herd allow pigs to achieve and maintain better performance. A study by Campbell et al., emphasizes the value of utilizing antimicrobials to offer broad spectrum activity against both enteric and respiratory pathogens in weanling pigs derived from both high-health status herds and conventional health pigs8 (Table 4).

Results: Trial 1 The only treatment group to have a significant reduction in diarrhea was the group receiving medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC Trial 1 Collectively, the data demonstrates improved average daily gain in the medicated groups receiving Denagard/CTC Performance was positively impacted in all trials regardless of perceived health status

Results: The data demonstrates increased average daily gain in the medicated groups, however, pigs receiving medicated feed containing Denagard/CTC had significantly higher average daily gains compared to the pigs given carbadox or nonmedicated controls (Table 5) Only pigs receiving Denagard/CTC had improvements in feed consumption and feed efficiency, and diarrhea scores compared to non-medicated controls By reducing the disease burden, medicated pigs receiving Denagard/CTC were better able to perform more closely to their full potential

Table 4: Percent improvement in performance of average daily gain (Non-medicated control serves as a benchmark for Trials 1-4, carbadox serves as a benchmark for Trial 5)*
Trial 1 Non-medicated control Carbadox Tylosin and sulfamethazine Neomycin and oxytetracycline Denagard and CTC P value 0%a - 9.1%a NT 13%a,b 41%b < .05 Trial 2 0%a 9.1%b NT NT 36%c < .01 Trial 3 0%a 0.08%b,c 0.07%b NT 11%c < .10 Trial 4 0%a NT 0.03%a,b 0.03%a,b 0.07%b < .02 Trial 5 0%a 0%a NT -9.7%a 13%b < .06

Denagard/CTC a valuable tool for producers

Throughout these trials, there was consistent improvement in performance average daily gain, average feed intake and feed to gain ratio in medicated pigs regardless of health status. By reducing the disease burden, mediated pigs were better able to perform more closely to their full potential. Denagard/CTC offers: Powerful broad spectrum activity from two antibiotics, whose individual action complements each other Enteric and respiratory disease control, respectively Convenience of feed medication Strategic applications for cost-effective performance Strategically used during the high-stress periods such as post-weaning or at times of health challenges in a grow/finish unit, Denagard/CTC allows pigs to achieve and maintain better performance.

* Adapted from Campbell et al.8 a,b,c. Values in same column with different superscripts are significant at P < .06, with the exception of Trial 3. NT Not tested in trial.

Protocol: All five trials were conducted in the first two weeks postweaning Trial 1 Conventionally weaned pigs averaging 13.8 lbs. were placed on standard nursery diet; mild post-weaning diarrhea occurred naturally Trials 2, 3 and 4 Terminal cross barrows and gilts were weaned at 16-18 days of age and moved off-site to a nursery building; minimal clinical disease was observed Trial 5 Terminal cross pigs were weaned at 18 days of age and moved into nursery rooms on an all-in/all-out basis; natural exposure to existing enteric and respiratory pathogens occurred, but no clinical signs were observed

A trial by Anderson et al., with commingled feeder pigs was conducted to evaluate performance of pigs treated with Denagard/CTC against non-medicated pigs and pigs treated with carbadox7 (Table 5). Protocol: Feeder pigs from two sources were trucked approximately 30 and 100 miles, respectively, to the test site Three pigs from each source were allotted to each pen on the basis of weight and gender Average initial weight was 32 lbs Pigs were observed daily and rated for diarrhea Pigs were provided with feed containing carbadox, Denagard/CTC or no medication

Table 5: Summary of growth trial with feeder pigs commingled from two sources
Non-medicated control Average daily gain, (lb.) Average daily feed intake, (lb.) Feed/gain 1.982a % test days with diarrhea
a,b,c. Values in same row with different superscripts are significant at P < 0.05. Pigs averaging 32 lbs. body weight; six pigs/pen; six pens/treatment; 14-day trial; pigs commingled from two sources.

Denagard/CTC 1.422b 2.53b 1.774b 23.3b

Carbadox 1.276c 2.401a,b 1.885a,b 47.8a

1.151a 2.272a 1.982a 45.6a

Caution: Do not feed Denagard 10 undiluted. Do not use in feeds for animals other than swine. Not for use in swine weighing over 250 lbs. Contraindications: Swine being treated with Denagard (tiamulin) should not have access to feeds containing polyether ionophores (e.g., lasalocid, monensin, narasin, salinomycin and semduramicin) as adverse reactions may occur. Warning: Observe label withdrawal times. See product label for directions for use and additional information.

1. Anderson MD, Stroh SL, Rogers S. Tiamulin (Denagard) activity in certain swine tissues following oral and intramuscular administration. AASV. 1994. 2. Freedom of Information Summary, NADA 140- 011. Denagard 10; chlortetracycline premixes. August 1996. 3. Hammer M. Concurrent applications of Denagard/Tiamutin and Tetracyclines control of mycoplasmal and mixed respiratory infections in practice. IPVS. 2006. 4. Data on file. Novartis Animal Health US, Inc.

5. Data on file. Novartis Animal Health US, Inc. 6. Data on file. Novartis Animal Health US, Inc. 7. Anderson M, Campbell J, Walter D. Comparative performance of selected feed medications during critical production periods in SEW and conventional pigs. AASV. 1997. 8. Campbell J, Walter D, Prince TJ, Haydon K, Risley CR, Sweet LA, Williams N. Comparative productivity and health status of SEW nursery pigs fed different type of dietary antimicrobials. IPVS. 1998.

Denagard is a registered trademark of Novartis AG, Basel, Switzerland. 2011 Novartis Animal Health Inc.

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