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Destination B2 Revision Test 1 (1 4). A Choose the correct answer. Being a Business Traveller Are you (1)_____ of travelling?

? At first sight, having a job which (2)_____ going on long business (3)_____ looks glamorous. The reality, however, often (4)_____ from the image. Many business travellers soon (5)_____ off living out of a suitcase. As a business traveller, you often (6)_____ at a place, (7)_____ into the hotel, have your meetings and then (8)_____ immediately back to the airport. Many business travellers rarely (9)_____ time to see the (10)_____ or experience the local culture. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 C 19 20 21 A keen A contains A trips A breaks A come A arrive A check A run over A discover A sights B interested B involves B journeys B alters B go B reach B examine B pull out B find B pictures ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ C fond C occupies C travels C changes C are C get C look C set off C locate C displays D enthusiastic D needs D voyages D differs D take D make D inspect D join in D place D scenes

Match to make sentences. There is one extra half you do not need. My uncle's invited me I've been thinking Dave's competing I just had my turn so it's You should concentrate We took it in I regret not We always listen a) in the school tennis tournament. b) turns to use the skateboard. c) learning to swim when I had the chance. d) to go fishing with him next weekend. e) to what our coach tells us. f) on improving your technique. g) to taking part in the competition. h) of taking up golf. i) your go now. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that iy has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words. Head for the castle and you won't get lost. Taking a risk doesn't frighten me. How likely are you to pass the exam? direction afraid chances Go _________________________________________the castle and you won't get lost. I _________________________________________________taking a risk. What ______________________________________________passing the exam?

22 23 24 25 26 D 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Sadie is talented at telling jokes. I've finally started taking Chinese lessons. I didn't understand maths when I was at school. Living in a foreign country isn't strange to me now. I'll stop the car over there so you can get out. Choose the correct answer. How much is the bus _____ to the city. a) fee b) price c) fare

talent round used got off

Sadie _______________________________________________jokes. I've finally __________________________________________taking Chinese lessons. I _______________________________________understand maths when I was at school. I've finally _______________________________________in a foreign country. I'll _____________________________________________over there.

d) cost d) boundary d) advance d) gap d) make d) rise d) stick d) beat

It took ages to cross the _____ from Turkey to Greece. a) border b) edge c) line Make sure you book a ticket in _____. a) ahead b) forward c) before

What's the _____ between New York and Chicago? a) length b) distance c) space I don't know how you _____ up with Carl's complaining all the time. a) put b) do c) get The tower is 63m in _____. a) high b) scale I'm thinking of buying a new fishing _____. a) rod b) racket c) height c) bat

I can't believe you _____ Charlie in that chess game. a) took b) scored c) won What did you use to do on Sundays? a) go b) went

We would usually _____ to church in the morning. c) were going d) used to go d) have just been finishing d) had been

I _____ reading a wonderful book about space travel. a) just finish b) just do finish c) have just finished It was the first time we _____ to a Mexican restaurant. a) go b) went c) have been

Can you come out to play? No, we _____ dinner at the moment. a) have b) are having c) have had d) have been having How much _____ to get into the arena? a) it costs b) costs it It's only the second time I _____ a job interview. a) have b) am having c) does it cost c) have had d) does it costs d) have been having d) you had been waiting

What did you do while _____ for the others to come. a) were you waiting b) you were waiting c) had you been waiting

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