Dellis Cay Brochures

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dellis Cay

a private isl and


“The be aut y of this

isl and shall be fully
realized by the vision
of its architects and
the luxury services
of Mandarin Oriental.
This has always been
my dream. Now it is to
become a re alit y.”
Dr. Cem Kinay
Chairman and CEO of The O Propert y Collection
The islands of the Turks and Caicos represent a world Dominican Republic. The main and largest island, incomparable natural beauty of the
at one with the water with their colorful coral reefs, Providenciales, is home to a challenging golf Turks and Caicos Islands.
enchanting bays and lively harbors. course and many other local treasures.

A British Overseas Territory, the Turks and Caicos Ideally located a few miles from Providenciales
Islands offer year-round sunshine and are situated and accessible by a 20-minute boat ride, Dellis
just 575 miles southeast of Miami, 30 miles south Cay is the springboard from which you can delight
of the Bahamas, and 90 miles north of the in all the pleasures of land and sea, and the

Turks and caicos

North Caicos islands

Middle Caicos

United States
of America Atlantic ocean East Caicos

Turks and Caicos

Islands Africa
Caribbean sea
Pacific ocean
South America

Grand Turk

Salt Cay
An Aerial view
of dellis Cay
Our partnership with Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Mandarin Oriental will also manage an intimate
ensures that ownership at Dellis Cay is a pleasure in five-star luxury hotel at Dellis Cay, designed by Piero
itself. Residential owners can relax in the knowledge Lissoni. Positioned to take full advantage of the sea
that they will be permanent guests of Mandarin breezes and ocean views, it will include a restaurant,
Oriental, free to relax and enjoy every moment of bar, private dining room, boutique shop, cinema,
their day. business center, cigar room and library.
Designed by leading Japanese architect Kengo Located by a lake surrounded by nationally protected trainers, The Spa at Mandarin Oriental Dellis Cay
Kuma, renowned for his sensitive reinterpretation mangrove trees, it will share the same holistic will offer residents and their guests an experience
of traditional Japanese architecture, the 30,000 philosophy as other Mandarin Oriental spas, devoted of complete pleasure and relaxation.
square feet Spa at Mandarin Oriental Dellis Cay will to the restoration and renewal of body, mind and
offer a wide range of approaches including Shiatsu, soul. With seventeen private treatment rooms, salon
Ayurveda, reflexology, Thai massage and Tui Na. facilities and dedicated personal

Seven of the world’s foremost architects will bring Shigeru Ban

Dellis Cay to life with masterful designs that harmonize One of the world’s most innovative contemporary
with the island’s natural beauty. architects, Shigeru Ban is celebrated for his use of
unusual construction materials. Ban has designed
over 40 private villas around the world. Reworking
the classic glass pavilion and breathing new life into
the modernist aesthetic.

Shigeru Ban
David Chipperfield
Carl Ettensperger
Zaha Hadid
Kengo Kuma
Piero Lissoni
Chad Oppenheim

David Chipperfield Carl Ettensperger Zaha Hadid

British-born David Chipperfield’s sleek modernist Raised in the USA but currently based in Singapore, Visionary and futuristic, the work of Zaha Hadid
style has brought him important commissions in the Carl Ettensperger has built an unrivalled portfolio of has brought her global fame and a roster of blue-
United States, Japan and Europe, including the major designs for many of the world’s most exclusive hotels chip clients. Most recently she won an international
restoration of the Neues Museum in Berlin due for and beach resorts, making him the perfect match for competition to design the proposed Guggenheim
completion in 2009. His Shore Villas on the northern Dellis Cay. His limited collection of the Caribbean’s Hermitage Museum in Vilnius, scheduled to open
tip of Dellis Cay are among his most striking designs first Over Water Villas will follow the natural curves of in 2011. Her pivotal role at Dellis Cay includes
to date. the southern bay. overseeing the island’s masterplan and designing the Marina Villas.

Kengo Kuma Piero Lissoni Chad Oppenheim

One of the most thoughtful and historically aware Milanese architect Piero Lissoni has designed Miami-based Chad Oppenheim is known for
of contemporary architects, Kengo Kuma’s subtly everything from fashion stores and private houses his exuberantly tropical take on modernist style.
modern take on traditional wood-framed Japanese to yachts and luxury hotels, as well as working with Having transformed the Miami skyline, he brings
architecture has won him many admirers. many of the world’s leading interiors companies, such his imaginative vision to Dellis Cay designing the
The lakeside Mandarin Oriental Spa and Spa Villas, as Boffi, Cassina and Flos. His typically stylish designs stunning Treetop Villas with their “floating” swimming
Arrival Building and General Store at Dellis Cay will for Dellis Cay include The Residences at Mandarin pools and star-gazing platforms.
form a superb showcase for his work. Oriental Dellis Cay, Beach House Residences, Ocean Villas and Beach Villas.
land and sea
Dellis Cay offers unparalleled opportunities for pure and the exhilaration of world-class windsurfing to you desire. World-class facilities include tennis
relaxation; a world of endless leisure or vigorous challenge the spirit. and basketball courts, while the nature-rich island
activity depending on your mood. contains extensive, beautiful trails for hiking, cycling
Back on dry land every pursuit can be catered for, and jogging. Whether you want activity, adventure
There is a range of fishing to seduce the beginner and every activity arranged. Climate and landscape, sea or simply peace and quiet, Dellis Cay provides an
challenge the expert; diving experiences that are and sky conspire to provide an ideal environment unspoilt natural environment in which to indulge
both exciting and unexpected; sailing to satisfy for sport and leisure activity, and you are invited to yourself. You are limited only by your imagination.
the appetite of even the most seasoned navigator; participate in whatever way and at whatever level
Private island Outdoor sports Hotel services Spa
— Secluded beaches ­— Tennis — Valet guest service — Salon facilities
& gardens ­— Jogging course — Concierge — Separate men’s and
­— Gazebo / pavilion ­— Beach volleyball — 24-hour security women’s facilities
­— Swimming pools ­— Half court basketball — Business center — 17 treatment rooms
­— Promenade — Boutique — Saunas and vitality pools
­— Nature reserve / Nature activities — Cinema — Hammam
Bird sanctuary ­— Biking & hiking — Library — Steam bath &
­— Guided eco tours / — Laundry / dry cleaning experience showers
Island amenities Nature walks services — SPA boutique
­— Helipad — Shuttle throughout — Tea lounge
­— Private boat service the island
to Providenciales Fully equipped fitness center
­— Medical clinic Dining — Fitness & aerobics studio
— Kids’ club — Signature restaurant — Yoga & pilates studio
­— Gourmet shop with gourmet cuisine — Tai Chi / Chi Gong room
— Private dining
Water activities — Poolside dining
­— Certified scuba diving — Beach grill
­— Snorkeling
­— Kayaking Bars & lounges
­— Bone fishing — Cigar lounge
­— Deep sea fishing — Pool lounge
­— Hobie Cat — Bar
­— Yacht charters — Beach grill bars
­— Windsurfing

Various services and amenities described herein will not be provided or owned by the developer and may be subject to use restrictions and fees imposed by third parties. All facilities are currently proposed only and are subject to change. Obtain the
Property Report required by Federal law and read it before signing anything. No Federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity
throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.
Developer Disclaimer
The O Property Collection The O Property Collection and its affiliates are the
Created to establish the highest level of design and developers and offerors of the real property being
service across a variety of territories, The O Property offered for sale as The Residences at Mandarin
Collection concentrates on detail and pioneering Oriental Dellis Cay, Turks and Caicos (‘Residences’).
new levels of excellence in services and property Neither Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group nor any affiliate
management. It aims to become one of the most thereof (‘Mandarin Oriental’), nor their respective
admired luxury brands - irrespective of sector. In officers, directors, agents or employees are in any
1990, Dr. Cem Kinay and Mr. Oguz Serim founded the way offerors, issuers or underwriters of any offering
Magic Life Group. During its lucrative 14-year history, for sale of the Residences. Mandarin Oriental has
this group has become synonymous with ground- not assumed and shall not have any liability arising
breaking business practices in the travel and property out of the sale of the Residences, including, without
sectors. 2004 saw the sale of the Magic Life Group to limitation, any liability or any responsibility for any
TUI, one of the world’s largest tour operators, financial statements, projections or other financial
and the two immediately set about to found The information contained in any sales and marketing
O Property Collection. materials, prospectus or similar written or oral
materials. Mandarin Oriental does not guarantee or
Hotel Operator represent that all or any of the Residences will remain
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group branded as ‘Mandarin Oriental’ for any set term, since
As one of the finest luxury hoteliers in the world, the relevant license may be terminated by the parties
Mandarin Oriental is renowned for the legendary thereto at any time in accordance with its terms or at
service that is at once gracious and sincere, steeped law. This is not an offering in any jurisdiction where
in the values of the Orient. The group focuses on prior qualification is required and no marketing or
bringing ‘21st century luxury with Oriental charm’ to sales literature will be forwarded to or disseminated
a highly discriminating global clientele who seek the in such jurisdictions. Purchasers are advised to seek
ultimate in luxury and privacy in the most idyllic spots their own professional legal, financial and business
in the world. Through a provision of bespoke services advice before entering into any agreement concerning
and amenities for the residents on the island, the Residences. Plans, amenities, uses, dimensions,
Mandarin Oriental Dellis Cay will create an boundaries, locations, specifications, materials and
unparalleled experience in luxury island living. availability are subject to change without notice.
All facilities are currently proposed only. The images
The Team and floorplans depicted herein are conceptual
Architects renderings based on current development plans
Shigeru Ban, David Chipperfield, which are subject to change without notice.
Carl Ettensperger, Zaha Hadid, Kengo Kuma,
Piero Lissoni, Chad Oppenheim Obtain the property report required by federal law
and read it before signing anything.
Exclusive Global Marketing and Sales Consultant
Domineum No federal agency has judged the merits or value,
if any, of this property.
Public Relations
Nadine Johnson & Associates The complete offering terms are in offering plans
available from sponsor.
Creative Agency
Winkreative File NO-H07-0019 and CD07-0439

Dbox Inc 2006©

Dellis Cay
Telephone + 1 649 941 7201 / + 1 800 644 0533
Facsimile + 1 649 946 4825
[email protected]

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