Clasa A 9-A Locala 2013 - Olimpiada Engleza

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points) You are in London and have just seen a thing you have always wanted. It is quite expensive, but of high quality. Write an informal letter of 120 - 150 words to your parents, trying to convince them to send you the necessary sum of money. Subject II (50 points) A. Read the text below and decide which option, A, B, C or D, best fits each space. (10 points) Fans of the young star, Todd Parker, are in for a treat with his next film when, for the (1) .. time, he appears in a role that he wrote himself. He plays a (2) businessman who has made his (3) .. in the oil industry. In a sudden change of (4) .., the businessman decides that he has had enough of the (5) world and (6) to the conclusion that he still has a lot to learn about life. He (7) . on a round-the-world trip, disguised as a tramp. (8) the idea that money equals happiness, the film follows the businessman as he crosses national (9) .. and meets ordinary people. Bearing in (10) . that this is Parkers first attempt at writing, he should win himself new fans with this performance. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) A first A valuable A profit A route A commercial A reaches A settles in A Holding A limits A thought B starting B dear B fortune B way B co-operative B comes B turns up B Questioning B lines B brain C initial C wealthy C finances C movement C commencing C ends C puts out C Refusing C borders C head D original D expensive D cash D direction D co-ordinated D arrives D sets off D Leaving D edges D mind (10 points)

B. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense and voice.

Karen sat at her desk. She couldnt concentrate on her work because she 1) (think) about Dave. They 2) (work) together for three years and she had always liked him more than any of her colleagues. They 3) . (be able to) talk about anything together work matters or things that 4) (affect) their private lives at the time. But now she felt that Dave 5) (be) very strange. 6) (he / have) some terrible secret? She decided to speak to him about it. She got straight to the point. 7) .. (I / do) something to upset you? Dave said nothing at first. He 8) (sit) there in silence. Then he leaned forward and whispered, No, you 9) (do) anything wrong. Its me. For the past couple of months, I 10) . (do) something I shouldnt. But I cant tell you about it now. And then he got up and left. As he disappeared, Karen wondered what on earth it could be.

Clasa a IX-a


C. Read the text below and use the word given in capitals on the right to form words that fit in the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them. (10 points) GETTING AHEAD IN BUSINESS Your chances of success can be (0) greatly increased if you follow a few simple rules in your working life. First of all, remember that your (1) wants you to do well thats what you are being paid for. Many companies choose (2) .. young people to work for them and provide a lot of (3) . to their workers. Working for a large, international company may provide job (4) . . On the other hand, a smaller company might give you the chance to use your (5) more. Secondly, remember that any experience you gain will always (6) .. your position in the company. The company wants (7) . that you want to get to the top. Take any opportunity you get to go on (8) .. courses related to your work. The more (9) .. you are, the better chance you have of being promoted. Finally, dont give up, even when you are (10) . Stick with it and youll get there in the end. (0) GREAT (1) EMPLOY (2) AMBITION (3) ENCOURAGE (4) SECURE (5) IMAGINE (6) STRONG (7) PROVE (8) TRAIN (9) QUALIFY (10) SUCCESS

D. Complete the second sentence in each of the pairs below so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. (20 points) 1. My grandmother became deaf when she was about 60. SINCE My grandmother . she was about 60. 2. Id rather not go out this afternoon. FEEL I out this afternoon. 3. She will only phone if she gets lost. UNLESS She will lost. 4. The computer was cheaper than I expected. AS The computer was I expected. 5. She found the photographs when she was cleaning her room. CAME She when she was cleaning her room. 6. Jim and Peter will probably start their own business soon. LIKELY Jim and Peter .. their own business soon. 7. It wasnt a good idea for you to delete that file. SHOULD You that file. 8. That coat is too expensive for me to buy. AFFORD I that coat. 9. Could you speak up because I cant hear you properly? MIND Would . up because I cant hear you properly? 10. We didnt manage to get to Chicago by midnight. SUCCEED We .. to Chicago by midnight.

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru : 2 ore. Nu se acord puncte din oficiu. Clasa a IX-a

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