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What most affects a seamans (and your) life?

The Weather.?
2010 K M Bater

Never go to sea without a weather forecast

On land
TV National radio Local radio Newspaper Teletext Web Mobile phone Barometer
2010 K M Bater

At sea
BBC radio Coastguard VHF Metfax to PC Navtex Barometer Observation Mobile phone

The Shipping Forecast

(0048, 0535, 1201, 1754 BBC LW)

Se Iceland Faeroes

1. Gale warning summary 2. General synopsis at time of issue 3. Sea-area forecasts:

Wind direction and speed Wind later Sea state Weather (ie rain, showers) Visibility Reports from Coastal stations Gale warnings are broadcast at the first available programme break
2010 K M Bater


N Utsire S Utsire Fisher

Fair Isle

Hebrides Rockall Malin

Cromarty Forth Forties Dogger

German Bight

n Ty


Irish Sea Lundy

Humber Thames Wight Portland Dover




North Fitzroy South Fitzroy


Inshore waters forecast:

12 miles offshore of the UK coast Includes sea state + 24 hour outlook

2010 K M Bater

Shipping forecast
The shipping forecast issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, on Monday 04 February 2008 at 1130 There are warnings of gales in Viking, North Utsire, South Utsire, Forties, Cromarty, Tyne, Dogger, Fisher, German Bight, Humber, Thames, Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth, Biscay, FitzRoy, Sole, Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea, Shannon, Rockall, Malin, Hebrides, Bailey, Fair Isle, Faeroes The General synopsis at 0600 Complex low Rockall 965 expected Faeroes 972 by 0600 tomorrow. Atlantic low moving rapidly northeast expected Ireland 977 by same time The area forecasts for the next 24 hours Viking, North Utsire, South Utsire, East Forties Southeasterly 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9 except east Forties. Very rough or high becoming rough. Rain or showers. Moderate or good West Forties, Cromarty, Forth Southerly 6 or 7, occasionally gale 8 except Forth, becoming cyclonic 5 or 6 later. Moderate or rough. Showers, rain later. Good becoming moderate Tyne, Dogger Southwest backing south 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later. Moderate or rough. Showers, rain later. Good becoming moderate Fisher Southeast veering south 6 to gale 8. Rough or very rough. Rain or showers. Moderate or good German Bight, Humber, Thames, Dover South or southwest 5 or 6, increasing 7 or perhaps gale 8 later. Moderate or rough, occasionally very rough later. Showers, rain later. Moderate or good Wight, Portland, Plymouth Southwesterly 5 or 6 increasing 7 or gale 8. Moderate or rough, becoming very rough or high in Portland and Plymouth. Showers, rain for a time. Good, becoming moderate or poor

2010 K M Bater

Occluded Front Cool air Advancing cold air

Warm air
Cold Front

Warm Front

An occluded front is formed when the faster moving cold front overtakes and merges with the warm front. Typical weather is cloudy, with light rain and poor visibility BUYS-BALLOTS LAW Christoph Buys-Ballot was a 19th century Dutch meteorologist. His Law says that in the Northern Hemisphere, if you stand with your back to the wind, the area of low pressure is to your left and the high to the right. This is useful because lows bring bad weather - cloud, rain and snow - and highs usually bring sun shine and clear skies. It results from the Earth's rotation, which deflects to the right air moving from areas of high pressure to areas of low in the Northern Hemisphere, due to the Coriolis effect. In the Southern Hemisphere, the effect is reversed.

2010 K M Bater

The Beaufort Scale of Wind Force

Wind Speed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2010 K M Bater

Light airs Light breeze Gentle breeze Moderate breeze Fresh breeze Strong breeze Near gale Gale Severe gale Storm Violent Storm Hurricane
Ripples. Small wavelets Occasional crests. Frequent white horses


1-3 4-6 7 - 10 11- 16 17- 21 22 - 27 28 - 33 34 - 40 41 - 47 48 - 55 55 - 63 64 +

Moderate waves, many white crests. Large waves, white foam crests. 4m waves. Sea heaps up, spray, breaking waves, foam blows in streaks. Moderately high waves (5.5m), breaking crests. Foam blown in streaks. High waves (7m), spray affects visibility. Dense streaks of foam along the direction of wind; crests of waves begin to topple and roll over. Very high waves (9m) long breaking crests 11m waves Sea covered in foam. Visibility affected. 11m+ waves The air is filled with foam and spray; sea completely white with driving spray; visibility very seriously affected

Shipping Forecast Terms

Gale Warnings - Timing
Imminent = within 6 hours of issue Soon = within 6 - 12 hours Later = after 12 hours Slowly - up to 15 kn Steadily - 15 - 25 kn Rather quickly 25 - 35 kn Rapidly 35 - 45 kn

Pressure System - speed of movement

Veering - changing direction clockwise Backing - changing direction anticlockwise Cyclonic - rapid changes in direction Direction - where the wind comes from

Fair = No precipitation Visibility

Very poor = < 1000 metres Poor = < 2 Miles Moderate = 2 - 5 Miles Good = > 5 Miles

Pressure Tendency
Steady: < 0.1 mb in 3 hrs Slowly: 0.1 to 1.5 mb in 3 hrs Rising/Falling: 1.6 to 3.5 mb in 3 hrs Quickly: 3.6 - 6.0 mb in 3 hrs Very Rapidly: > 6.0 mb in 3 hrs = Gale
2010 K M Bater

Fundamental Cause Of 'Weather'

Hot Air Rising

Cold Air Falling Cold Air Cold Air

Cold Air Falling

2010 K M Bater


Cool area so Pressure is HIGH
North Pole

Warm area so Pressure is LOW

Cool area so Pressure is HIGH

2010 K M Bater

South Pole


Global Convection systems

2010 K M Bater

Global Wind Systems

2010 K M Bater

Wind Origins
NORTH POLE Polar Easterlies Disturbed Westerlies North East Trades Horse Latitudes

High Pressure

South East Trades Disturbed Westerlies Polar Easterlies


Low Pressure

Horse Latitudes

High Pressure


2010 K M Bater

How a Depression Forms - 1

North Pole Cold Air

Polar Front

Warm Air Equator

2010 K M Bater

How a Depression Forms - 2

Cold air undercuts


Warm air rises

1000 miles
2010 K M Bater

How a Depression Forms - 2 Warm air rises

Low Pressure 1000 miles

2010 K M Bater


Coriolis Effect (G-G Coriolis, French scientist, 1835)



Wind attempts to blow towards the low pressure but is diverted to the right. (N Hemisphere)

The earth makes one rotation per day, but the linear speed of a stationary object on the surface at the Equator is approximately 900 knots, while closer to the poles the speed of an object on the surface reduces eventually to zero. If an object is propelled northwards from the equator, it is still also travelling east at 900 knots. It arrives at point X before a stationary object starting at A travelling east at a slower speed. It thus appears to be diverted to the RIGHT compared to A-B. This why an air mass which starts as a south wind will become a south west wind, and depressions rotate anticlockwise. In the southern hemisphere, the north bound object starting at C arrives at Z after a stationary object starting at O. It thus appears to be diverted to the LEFT. Thus depressions in the S hemisphere rotate clockwise. The right hand diagram shows a similar effect for objects travelling south. Coriolis affects wind and tides; a north bound current will be deflected to the right in the N hemisphere.

2010 K M Bater

Geostrophic Wind
Wind direction if in equilibrium

Geostrophic Wind
Pressure Gradient force

1000 mb

Observed Wind 1004 mb Direction

1008 mb

Coriolis effect
1012 mb

1016 mb

Wind Air under the influence of both the pressure gradient force and Coriolis force tends to move parallel to isobars in conditions where friction is low (1000 meters above the surface of the Earth) and isobars are straight. Winds of this type are usually called geostrophic winds. Geostrophic winds come about because pressure gradient force and Coriolis force come into balance after the air begins to move

A geostrophic wind flows parallel to the isobars. In this model of wind flow in the Northern Hemisphere, wind begins as a flow of air perpendicular to the isobars (measured in millibars) under the primary influence of the pressure gradient force. As the movement begins, the Coriolis force influences the moving air causing it to deflect to the right of its path. This deflection continues until the pressure gradient force and Coriolis force are opposite and in balance with each other.
2010 K M Bater

Birds eye view of a Depression


84 9

76 9 6 8 9
60 9

Cold front

Warm front Warm sector


2010 K M Bater

Predicting wind speed

Geostrophic scales at 2 and 4mb intervals Scale A = Beaufort force Scale B = Warm front speed Scale C = Cold front and Occlusion speed Measure the distance across the isobars, then apply the dividers to Scale A for wind force (reading from the left of the scale).

84 9
Similarly if you measure the isobars along a front you can find the speed of the front.

76 9 6 8 9

60 9

Warm sector Cold front

On some synoptic charts, the wind scale is a curve for various latitudes because the wind speed varies with latitude
2010 K M Bater

Warm front


Birds eye view of a Depression


84 9

76 9 6 8 9
60 9


2010 K M Bater

Birds eye view of a Depression

Cirrus, fair Cirrostratus Altostratus Rain Wind backs Pressure falls Nimbostratus Heavy rain Poor visibility Wind increases Alto cumulus Showers Very poor vis Wind veers, steady Pressure is steady

Cumulus Showers Good visibility (not in showers) Wind veers sharply, increases Pressure rises Cumulonimbus Heavy rain Thunder Squalls

2010 K M Bater

An Atlantic Depression

wi n


War m

Fro nt

W Se ar Di re ct m ct io or n of

wi nd


Direction of travel of the depression is roughly parallel to isobars in the warm sector The wind direction is roughly parallel to the isobars around the depression, but skewed inwards by the lower pressure
2010 K M Bater

C ol

d Fr

tr a

ve l

win d


Satellite Photograph

2010 K M Bater

Passage of a Depression
1000 Miles

1:50 Cold Front

Warm Sector


Cold Air

Warm Air

rm a


Cool Air


2010 K M Bater

20,000 ft

nt o

Passage of a Depression
1000 Miles
Warm Sector Cold Front Cold Air

Rising wet warm air cools slowly and moisture condenses = cloud and rain Warm Air
m t on Fr
20,000 ft
Cool Air

Cold dry air forces violent updraughts and rapid cooling = Thunderclouds

ar W



2010 K M Bater

Passage of a Depression Cold Front

Cold Air
Cumulus West Cumulonimbus Cirrocumulus Altocumulus

Warm Sector

Cirrostratus Altostratus


Warm Air

Stratocumulus Cumulus

Cool Air

200 M

300 M

600 M


Strong gusts Rises, then stable

Veers sharply Squalls Rises quickly

Steady Steady Light rain Poor Fog Warm

Veers Steady Drizzle Poor Warm

Backs & increases


Falls Becomes heavier and prolonged Poorer

Sunny, squally Heavy rain, showers thunder, hail Good except in showers Cold Poor in rain



2010 K M Bater

20,000 ft

Nimbostratus Fractostratus

arm W

t ron F


Cirrus Stratus Cumulus Alto Nimbus

2010 K M Bater

Curl Layer Heaped High Rain bearing


Low-level clouds (base 0 - 2 km high) Stratus (S) - extensive, featureless, shallow cloud sheet, can yield drizzle or light rain Stratocumulus (Sc) - shallow cloud sheet, broken into roughly recurring masses of cumulus, may drizzle or snow Cumulus (Cu) - separate, hill-shaped puffy clouds, with level bases. Usually fair, but may bring showers after a cold front. Cumulonimbus (Cb) - very large, high (up to10km) cumulus, with dark bases and anvil shaped top. Can bring thunder, lightning, squalls and heavy rain Medium-level clouds (base 2 - 4 km high) Altocumulus (Ac) - shallow cloud sheet with roughly regular patches or ripples of small rounded clouds. Usually fair weather Altostratus (As) - featureless, thin, translucent cloud sheet. Usually fair weather. Nimbus (Ns) - extensive, very dark cloud sheet, usually yielding precipitation High clouds (base 5 -15 km high): Cirrus (Ci) - streaky, white, feather-like cloud. Indicates an approaching depression Cirrocumulus (Cc) - shallow, more or less regular patches or ripples of cloud. Fair weather. 29
2010 K M Bater

Passage of a Depression
1000 Miles

Cold Front

Warm Sector
Cumulo nimbus Alto cumulus


Cold Air
Nimbostratus Cumulus

Warm Air

rm t a n W ro F

Cool Air


2010 K M Bater

Wind Air Mass Effects on UK Weather

Polar Maritime Pm
Cool, dry

Arctic Maritime Am
Cold, moist

Polar Continental Pc
Cold, dry

Tropical Maritime Tm
Mild, moist

Tropical Continental Tc
Warm, dry

2010 K M Bater

984 992 1000 1008 1016 1024 1032

Low Pressure

High Pressure

ISOBARS CLOSE TOGETHER Steep pressure gradient Strong winds, rain

ISOBARS FAR APART Gentle pressure gradient Light winds, little cloud

2010 K M Bater

Buys Ballot's Law

992 1000 1008 1016 1024 1032

Low Pressure

High Pressure

Buys Ballot's Law In the Northern Hemisphere, if you stand with your back to the wind, the LOW PRESSURE area is to your left
High Low

2010 K M Bater

Effect Of Multiple Systems

1) 3)

Reinforce - more wind

Oppose - less wind


High Low Col (Calm)

Oppose - less wind

2010 K M Bater


Effect Of Multiple Systems

1) 3)

Reinforce - more wind

Oppose - less wind


High Low Col (Calm)

Oppose - less wind

2010 K M Bater


Effect Of Multiple Systems

2010 K M Bater

What affects Wave Height?

1. 2.

Wind speed and duration Tide speed and direction

wind against tide causes higher waves

3. 4. 5.

Depth of water - waves break in shallows Fetch - the distance over which the wind blows Swell - the wave pattern before the current

2010 K M Bater

Sea Breezes
Upper return current Cloud curtain High pressure SEA AIR Moist & cool

Offshore gradient wind

Cumulus cloud LAND AIR Dry & warm

Low pressure Sea Breeze front

Sea breezes are caused by unequal heating and cooling of adjacent land and sea surfaces. A sea breeze blows from the sea to the land as a result of this unequal heating. During the day, especially in summer, solar radiation causes the land surface to become warmer than the sea surface. The difference between land and sea surface temperatures rises during the day to a maximum around mid-afternoon. The warmed air rises over the land surface and cool air from the sea is drawn in over the land. The ascending air returns towards the sea. As the suns heating effect increases, the sea breeze gains in strength, and may reach 15 knots (Force 4). A sea breeze in early summer may extend 10 M inland during the afternoon, and under favourable circumstances the sea breeze may penetrate as much as 30M inland. The sea breeze has maritime characteristics such lower temperature and higher humidity. A land breeze develops at night as the land cools relative to the sea and an opposite circulation is set up. The temperature difference is much less than during the day and the breeze strength is much less.
2010 K M Bater


2010 K M Bater

Land (Radiation) Fog
Clear nights with little wind
Damp warm air radiates off as the ground cools at night Condensation takes place Fog forms first over valleys, water and damp vegetation

Ground cools

Thickest around dawn when air temperature is at its lowest

Heat from sun usually disperses this type of fog

Ground cools

2010 K M Bater

Sea (Advection) Fog
Tropical Maritime - warm moist wind blowing over cold sea Air cools and water vapour condenses to form fog
Force 5/6 winds will lift the fog to form low stratus cloud

Cool Sea

Cool Sea

Sun tends to thicken the fog by warming the air further

2010 K M Bater

2010 K M Bater

2010 K M Bater

2010 K M Bater

2010 K M Bater

Subtle stuff Wind during Day and Night

Why do wind speeds often decrease in the evening?
The wind at ground level is primarily affected by the wind higher up (geostrophic wind). It is also slowed by friction with the ground. During the day, the vertical mixing caused by the sun and convection transfers the wind at altitude to ground level, and increases it. In the evening, convection decreases and the ground wind slows down.

2010 K M Bater

Subtle stuff Easterlies on S edge of a High

Why are wind speeds increased on the southern edge of high pressure systems? It is all to do with the balancing out of the Coriolis force (CF1), centrifugal force (CF2) and the pressure gradient force (PGF). In the northern hemisphere the Coriolis force acts to balance out the combined effect of centrifugal force and pressure gradient force (i.e. CF1=CF2+PGF). However the centrifugal force will help a parcel accelerate into areas of low pressure and, because the forces still need to balance, this speeds up until the Coriolis force strengthens and the flow remains in balance once again. The effect of this is to make the anticyclonic flow on the southern side of an area of high pressure (which has a weaker Coriolis until it is forced to speed up) to be stronger than the equivalent cyclonic flow. Is this the reason why easterlies dont drop in the evening or is there yet another reason? Yes, as the wind inherently has more geostrophic in it, the surface layer reduction in turbulence as evening arrives is not eased as quickly and hence the wind speeds to not drop as quickly.
2010 K M Bater

Simon Keeling


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