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Respondent alleged that petitioner along with 3 others sold fake gold bars to her respondent brought petitioner to the NBI in the presence of a certain Atty. Tolentino where the parties entered into an amicable settlement in the amicable settlement, the accused waived her right to counsel despite the recital of her constitutional rights made by NBI agent Ely Tolentino in the presence of a lawyer Gordon S. Uy

respondent filed a criminal complaint against Garganta, petitioner, and three others for the crime of estafa prosecution presented as documentary evidence three (3) documents, one of which is the amicable settlement signed in the NBI, while the defense relied solely on its testimonial evidence trial court rendered a Decision convicting petitioner of the crime charged CA affirmed said conviction Petitioner ascribes error to the CA when it gave due weight and consideration to the amicable settlement with waiver of right to counsel that she signed in the NBI during the custodial investigation

She claims she executed the agreement under threat and not freely and voluntarily, in violation of Sec. 12(1)[9] of the Constitution which guarantees her rights under the Miranda Rule

ISSUE: whether or not petitioners right to counsel was violated HELD: NO

when petitioner was brought by respondent before the NBI-NCR on March 27, 1991 to be investigated, she was already under custodial investigation and the constitutional guarantee for her rights under the Miranda Rule has set in. Since she did not have a lawyer then, she was provided with one in the person of Atty. Uy, which fact is undisputed However, it can be gleaned from the amicable agreement, as aptly pointed out by the CA, that the custodial investigation on the inquiry or investigation for the crime was either aborted or did not push through as the parties, petitioner, and respondent agreed to amicably settle. Thus, the amicable settlement with a waiver of right to counsel appended was executed with both parties affixing their signatures on it in the presence of Atty. Uy and NBI agent Atty. Ely Tolentino

Petitioner's contention that her constitutional rights were breached and she signed the document under duress falls flat for the following reasons: 1) it is undisputed that she was provided with counsel, in the person of Atty. Uy petitioner could have asserted its right "to have compulsory process to secure the attendance of witnesses,"[13] for which she could have compelled Atty. Uy to testify but she did not. Basic is the principle that consultation and information between counsel and client is privileged communication and the counsel may not divulge these without the consent of the clien petitioner never raised any objection against Atty. Gordon Uy's appointment during the time she was in the NBI and thereafter, when she signed the amicable settlement. She is deemed to have engaged Atty. Uy when she conferred with him and thereafter signed the amicable settlement with waiver of right to counsel in his presence. We do not see how the answer of NBI agent Atty. Tolentino upon crossexamination about the petitioner's counsel in the NBI, could be evasive when the NBI agent merely stated the fact that an independent counsel, Atty. Uy, was provided petitioner. when petitioner engaged Atty. Uy as her lawyer, she undoubtedly executed the amicable settlement. Verily, she was provided with an independent counsel and such "right to counsel is intended to preclude the slightest coercion as would lead the accused to admit something false. The lawyer, however, should never prevent an accused from freely and voluntarily telling the truth."[ Thus, the presence of Atty. Uy safeguarded petitioner's rights even if the custodial investigation did not push through and precluded any threat of violence, coercion, or intimidation even granting arguendo that the amicable settlement is in the nature of an admission, the document petitioner signed would still be admissible since none of her constitutional rights were violated




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