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Objectives Wordle image will be displayed with objectives and will be a lead-in to the vocabulary.

Students will do the following: 1.Discuss how to solve word problems involving time and money Work as a class to solve word problems focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and 2. simple fractions Work with a partner to make up their own word problems 3.

Throughout this lesson individual progress will be monitored through observation by teacher walking through the classroom as students work individually or in pairs.

Materials The class will need the following: Overhead projector with transparencies and pens Paper clocks, paper money, ELMO, and smartboard.


Begin the lesson by asking students to think about how time and money are used in their daily lives. Students may suggest the following: 1. Amount of time it takes to get to soccer practice Amount of time they are supposed to practice their musical instrument The times school starts and ends How much money they earn for allowance or receive as gifts How much money they need to save to buy a new toy

Explain to students that they use math every time they figure out how much time or money they have, spend, or need. During this lesson, students will be working together to apply the math skills they already know (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and fractions) to solve real-life problems about money and time. They will begin by working as a class to solve word problems 2. about money and time. After practicing, students will work with partners to apply the same writing and math skills as they prepare their own word problems involving either time or money. Distribute paper clocks and paper money. Show examples of currency from other countries using the ELMO. Write the following problem on the board or on an overhead transparency: Use smartboard Your teacher told you to buy a notebook, a ruler, a pencil, and an eraser for math class. The notebook costs $3.00, the ruler $1.50, the pencil $.20, and the eraser $.40. What is the total amount of money you need to buy these items? Ask students how they would solve this problem. First, discuss which operation they should use.

Point out that the term "the total amount" usually indicates addition is called for. Use the smartboard pen to circle/highlight key words (total amount) Go through the following steps with your students to solve this problem: To find out how much money you need, add up the following: Have students work out problem by using paper money as well as writing it out.

$3.00 $1.50 $0.20 3. +$0.40 ______ $5.10 You would need to take $5.10 to the store to have enough money to buy the supplies. Ask students how they would solve the problem if the teacher asked them to get three pencils and three erasers. Explain that when they hear the word each, they know that they will likely have to multiply. - have students use ELMO to show how they would solve the problem instead of simply stating To find out how much money you would need now, begin by multiplying: $.20 ? 3 = $.60 $.40 ? 3 = $1.20 Then add those totals to the other expenses for single items:

$3.00 $1.50 $0.60 +$1.20 ______ $6.30 Now work on this problem with the class: Create a flipchart with the following question (page 1): Sophie has soccer practice at 3: 45 p.m. If it takes one hour to drive there, plus an additional 15 minutes during rush hour, what time do she and her mother leave to get there on time? Discuss the way to solve the problem with the class. What operation must they use? Have students identify words that express operations by circling the words on the smartboard. Have them identify the need to use subtraction to determine that one hour earlier than 3: 45 would be 2: 45. Subtracting another 15 minutes would bring the time to 2: 30. To get to practice on time, Sophie and her mom must leave at 2: 30. Have a student volunteer to come to the smartboard and work out the problem with help from the class. Ask students how they would figure out how much total time Sophie would be gone from home, including travel time to and from practice and actual practice time (which is 1 hour and 30 minutes). Tell them to try to use fractions in solving this problem. In this case, they would need to determine that 1 hour and 15 minutes is the same as 1? hours and that 1 hour and 30 minutes is the same as 1? hours. Then they would add the travel time to the practice time and the travel time home:

4. 1 ? hours 1 ? hours +1 ? hours _________ 4 hours You may want to use a circle graph like this one to illustrate this information. The quarter of the pie missing represents 15 minutes, or one-quarter of an hour. Have students use paper clocks at their desks to move the hands to represent different times and fractions of hours. pie figure

Use flipchart to create an interactive pie chart that represents fractions of an hour and have students come to board and determine different fractions of hours (quarter, half). Give students one final problem to work on as a class: Jimmy's neighbors asked him to rake their leaves. They offered to pay him $5 an hour. How many hours must he work to earn $20? To solve the problem, suggest that students set up the following equation: $5 ? number of hours = $20. You may choose to set up a table such as this one to illustrate how Jimmy earns money for each hour worked. 5. No. of hours 1 2 3 4 Money earned $5 $10 $15 $20

If they know their multiplication tables, they will see that $5 x 4 hours = $20. If students have learned how to divide, they can divide $20 by 5 to get 4 hours. Ask students if they understand how they use math all the time. Have them pick partners. Then have each pair make up one word problem focusing on time or money. The problems should give students practice working on addition, subtraction, multiplication, or fractions. Have students write their problems on a piece of paper or on a transparency so they can present to the class. After they have written the problems, have them prepare their own solution in the form 6. of an equation or equations, as well as a written explanation of the steps they used to solve the problem. Have each pair present its problem to the class. Have the presenting pair lead a discussion about the steps needed to solve the problem. Then they can reveal their own solutions. Have each pair of students present their problems on the smart board. Discussion Questions -This will become the exit slip. Students will be reminded that this

will be collected for a grade.

Which words in a word problem usually mean that addition is the correct operation to use? Which words usually indicate that subtraction should be used? Give two examples of problems about money or time that came up in your everyday life. Were 2. you able to solve them? Take one of the problems presented by your classmates and add a sentence to it that requires using another mathematical operation to find the solution. (They might ask them to figure out how much time is needed each week, if the activity was only for one day. Or, they might ask how much change they would get back for their purchase, if they gave the cashier a $20 bill for a 3. smaller amount.) 1. These questions will be presented on the ELMO as well as read allowed to use multiple means of representation. The students will write their responses on a sheet of paper and hand it to the teacher as they exit the room at the end of class. Evaluation Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate how well students listened in class, participated in class discussions, and were able to apply what they learned to write their own word problems. Three points: very attentive during class; actively participated in class discussions; and applied what they learned to write accurate, interesting word problems. Two points: somewhat attentive during class; showed some involvement during class discussions; and applied what they learned to write satisfactory word problems. One point: not attentive during class; showed little involvement during class discussions; and had difficulty applying what they learned to write their own word problems. Extensions Tips for Solving Problems Divide students into groups of three or four. Based on what they learned during class, have each group write a chart of at least three tips for other students on how to solve word problems. The chart should encourage students to do the following when solving word problems: Read the problem very carefully. Point out key words that signify which operation to use. Discuss the importance of showing the steps involved in solving a problem. Students can be as creative as they want in developing their posters and can use symbols, drawings, or problems to express their ideas. If time permits, have students share their posters. Then display them in the classroom Suggested Readings Numbers (Math Matters series, vol. 1) Grolier Educational, 1999. This is a clear introduction to the world of math and numbers. Lots of cartoon drawings explain the history of numbers, number places, minus numbers, fractional numbers, and numbers on graphs, and a lot more. Good examples accompany all the information. This is the first title in an excellent series to introduce young people to math concepts. Telling Time: How to Tell Time on Digital and Analog Clocks!

Jules Older. Charlesbridge Publishing, 2000. This is a colorful and cheerful introduction to telling time for young children. In addition to describing in detail how to tell time on both analog and digital clocks, the concept of time is covered. Lots of examples are found on every page and a poem at the end will help children remember how long things take! Vocabulary This will be moved to the beginning of the lesson and used to activate prior knowledge. Information will be presented via PowerPoint or smartboard. Decimal Definition: A fraction (as .25 = 25/100 or .025 = 25/1000) or mixed number (as 3.025 = 325/1000) in which the denominator is a power of 10 usually expressed by use of the decimal point. Context: We use decimals when we count money. Elapsed time Definition: The actual time taken to complete a task. Context: The amount of time it takes to complete a project is known as elapsed time. Equation Definition: A mathematical statement of equality. Context: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be used in solving equations. Fraction Definition: A numerical representation of a portion of a whole. Context: One-fourth (1/4) and one-half (1/2) refractions. Operation Definition: The practical application of principles or processes; in mathematics, this refers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Context: When solving word problems, the first step in finding the answer is determining which operation to use. Standards This lesson adheres to standards from the National Council on the Teaching of Mathematics: Numbers and Operations Problem Solving Credit Marilyn Fenichel, freelance writer and curriculum developer. This lesson was developed in consultation with Dianne Hoffman, consulting teacher in Montgomery County, Maryland.

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