Planescape 4e - Modrons

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Creature Incarnations

Living constructs, modrons are a manifestation of the cosmic principle of order in the universe. To be a modron is to be part of a strict hierarchy that is literally built into each one. Modrons come in many shapes, but the vast majority are regular geometric solids from which protrude arms, legs, eyes, a mouth, and sometimes wings, lenses, and other customized fittings. Common modron shapes are spherical (such as a monodrone) and square (such as a duodrone or quadrone); these two kinds are referred to as base modrons. However, modrons can appear as three-sided pyramids, metallic starfish, and other multisided or multipart (but symmetrical) shapes. The more sides or complexity of parts a modron possesses, the higher its rank in the modron hierarchy; such high-ranking modrons are sometimes called hierarchs. Most modrons have little sense of self, especially base modrons. Modrons do not mate or reproduce as standard creatures do. As living constructs of singular inheritance, they are formed from the permanent disassembly of higherranking modrons.

By Greg Bilsland and Bruce Cordell F illustration by Craig J Spearing

At Gen Con this year, I led a monster design seminar that included Bruce Cordell and Mike Mearls. At the seminar, we promised that one of several old school monsters that had not yet appeared in 4th Edition would be featured in an upcoming article. We let the seminar participants decide which monster that would be, and we spent much of the rest of the seminar discussing story and mechanical ideas for that creature. Participants overwhelmingly chose modrons, so here they are, updated to 4th Edition. Many of the ideas that ultimately made it into the article came from the seminar participants, so thank you all for your contribution. Enjoy! Greg Bilsland If you werent one of the lucky few at the seminar, you can listen to our podcast of it at

TM & 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.

J a n u a r y 2 011

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Creature Incarnations: Modrons

Resistance Fighters: As literal expressions of law, modrons are in the vanguard of the fight against universal entropy. They battle chaos and its minions (such as slaads and aberrations) wherever they find them. However, modrons are especially concerned with the proliferation of portals across the planes. They see portals as rents and weak points in the fabric of the cosmos, riddling existence like a rotten apple being consumed from within by burrowing worms. Thus, modrons have begun to appear at portal mouths to contest the passage of other creatures. Some modrons allow access if they judge the need important enough, but others adamantly refuse entry. Some contingents have started collapsing passages within and between worlds wherever they find these passages, no matter the purpose of the portal. The one question no one has yet answered with certainty: What if the modrons are right? Integrated Soldiers: Modrons fight together like a well-oiled machine. Each modron can assemble with others into a more powerful modron, and they can disassemble into separate units as the tactics of the battlefield require. A hierarch modron might take an overwhelming blow only to break apart into a scattering of less powerful but tactically important individual base modrons. Another modron might order those base modrons to create impassable terrain, have them attack specific foes, or perhaps fire them across the field like shot from a catapult. Primus: This unique individual rules the modrons; it alone understands at a visceral level the intricate structure of the entire modron race. All the modrons that currently exist are individual components of Primus. Its disassembly and renewal each cycle gives rise to thousands of new individual

modrons, replenishing those that have perished in the preceding cycle, and perhaps increasing the total number of modrons in the universe. The length of time between marches is determined by the alignment of many different cycles, all of which are tracked on a clock only Primus can read. Primuss origin is hard to know; perhaps it was a primordial, but unlike most primordials, this vast elemental machine possessed lights that blinked as it clicked, whirred, and belched forth smoke. In the present, the avatar of Primus that most visitors see is a humanoid that rises from an energy pool in its realm, which is known as Mechanus. When Primus appears, bright rainbow hues bathe one hand, and inky dark clouds cover the other hand. Although this version of its form appears relatively small, Primus is of Gargantuan size if it chooses to appear in its true aspect. Rogue Modrons: All modrons are like cells in the vast distributed body that is Primus, but as in a living body, sometimes cells go their own way and turn cancerous. When disorder strikes at the fabric of the modron hierarchy, a modron might go rogue. The act of going rogue is most common among base modrons; for a modron further up the hierarchy to go rogue, all the base modrons composing it would need to go bad simultaneously. Rogue modrons do not act in accordance with Primuss desires. They form their own goals and purposes, and they seek to divorce themselves completely from the One and the Prime. Other modrons hunt down and capture rogue modrons, which are then either destroyed or subjected to a series of experiences meant to reeducate them. Most rogues do not survive the experience, and those that do so manage it only by stripping away their memories of being an individual.

great Modron March: On a schedule known only to Primus, the Great Modron March spills out across the worlds, traveling a circuit of known existence. No one knows why they do it, but everyone stays out of their way, because when the modrons march, they trample anything without enough sense to get out of their path. The best explanation for the Great Modron March is that it has something to do with Primuss cyclic disassembly into its base parts, and its eventual renewal when a subset of the modrons that participated in the march return to Mechanus and reintegrate themselves. During such vast movement and disruption, something always goes wrong. Worlds that have felt the shudder of collective modron feet might try to prepare for the next march, but only Primus understands the numerous, interlocking cycles whose alignment determines when a march begins.

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Creature Incarnations: Modrons

Medium immortal animate, modron XP 88 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +9 AC 24, Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 20 Perception +6 Speed 5

Monodrone Brickguard

Level 8 Minion Soldier

Medium immortal animate, modron HP 54; Bloodied 27 AC 24, Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 20 Speed 5, fly 5 (clumsy)

Duodrone Marcher

Level 8 Soldier

XP 350 Initiative +10 Perception +6

Medium immortal animate, modron HP 72; Bloodied 36 AC 21, Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 21 Speed 5, fly 5 (clumsy)

Quadrone Enforcer

Level 9 Brute
XP 400 Initiative +7 Perception +6

O Deflective Defender F Aura 1 Allies have superior cover against ranged attacks while in the aura. Implacable An enemy cannot enter the brickguards space by any means.

O Ordered Defense F Aura 2 While in the aura, enemies take a 2 penalty to attack rolls against creatures other than marchers. Implacable An enemy cannot enter the marchers space by any means.

Implacable An enemy cannot enter the enforcers space by any means.

Standard Actions
m Spear (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 10 damage, and the target falls prone. Into the Fray F At-Will Effect: The enforcer slides a modron minion adjacent to it up to 5 squares to an unoccupied square adjacent to an enemy. When the minion reaches that square, it is destroyed, and one enemy adjacent to it takes 15 damage.

Standard Actions
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. Wall Tactic F At-Will Effect: Until the start of the brickguards next turn, it is immobilized and gains a +5 power bonus to all defenses. Str 16 (+7) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 14 (+6) Con 19 (+8) Int 12 (+5) Cha 12 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment short sword

Standard Actions
m Halberd (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 5 damage. If the target shifts before the start of the marchers next turn, the marcher can use this attack against it as an opportunity action.

Move Actions
Modron Shift F Encounter Effect: The marcher ends any slowing or immobilizing effect on it and shifts up to 5 squares, ignoring difficult terrain.

Move Actions
Modron Shift F Encounter Effect: The enforcer ends any slowing or immobilizing effect on it and shifts up to 5 squares, ignoring difficult terrain.

Triggered Actions
From One Come Many F Encounter Trigger: The marcher drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): The marcher is destroyed, and four monodrone brickguards appear in its space or in an unoccupied squares adjacent to it. These monodrones act on the marchers initiative and are worth no experience points. Str 17 (+7) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 15 (+6) Con 19 (+8) Int 12 (+5) Cha 13 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment halberd

Triggered Actions
From One Come Many F Encounter Trigger: The enforcer drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): The enforcer is destroyed, and four monodrone brickguards appear in its space or in unoccupied squares adjacent to it. These monodrones act on the enforcers initiative and are worth no experience points. Str 16 (+7) Dex 16 (+7) Wis 14 (+6) Con 20 (+9) Int 14 (+6) Cha 14 (+6) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment spear

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Creature Incarnations: Modrons

Large immortal animate, modron HP 131; Bloodied 65 AC 23, Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 21 Speed 5, fly 5 (clumsy) Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

Modron Hierarch

Level 9 Elite Controller

XP 800 Initiative +6 Perception +9

Triggered Actions
C Multifaceted Reflection F At-Will Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of the hierarch pushes, pulls, or slides it. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Close burst 10 (the triggering enemy); +12 vs. Reflex Hit: The hierarch ignores the forced movement and slides the target up to a number of squares equal to the triggering forced movement. From One Come Many F Encounter Trigger: The hierarch drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): The hierarch is destroyed, and either two duodrones or two quadrones appear in the hierarchs space or in unoccupied squares adjacent to it. Each duodrone or quadrone starts with hit points equal to its own bloodied value. These modrons act on the hierarchs initiative and are worth no experience points. Str 16 (+7) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 20 (+9) Con 17 (+7) Int 16 (+7) Cha 16 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment mace

All-Around Vision Enemies cant gain combat advantage by flanking the hierarch. Implacable An enemy cannot enter the hierarchs space by any means.

Standard Actions
m Mace (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage. Effect: The hierarch can slide the target 1 square. C Order from Chaos (force) F At-Will Attack: Close burst 3 (one, two, or three creatures in the burst); +12 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 4 force damage, and the hierarch slides the target up to 3 squares. Miss: The hierarch can slide the target 1 square. A Fuse Foes (force) F Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 8 force damage, and the target is restrained and takes ongoing 5 force damage (save ends both). Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 force damage (save ends).

greg Bilsland is a producer for Dungeons & Dragons at Wizards of the Coast. His design credits include the Forgotten r ealms Players Guide , Monster Manual 2, Monster Manual 3, and Vor Rukoth. His recent editing credits include Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Rules Compendium, and the Dark sun Creature Catalog . He keeps a gaming blog at and is active on Twitter (@gregbilsland). Bruce R. Cordell is an Origins and ENnie awardwinning game designer whose long list of professional credits include D&D Gamma World, Dark sun Campaign Setting, Forgotten r ealms Campaign Guide , Prince of Undeath, and Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead. Bruce is also an author of Forgotten Realms novels, including the Abolethic Sovereignty series and Sword of the Gods series. Find him online at

About the Authors

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D u n g e o n 18 6

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