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Characters: Main Character Athena Other Characters 1. Marko 2. Alessandra 3.

Sophie Setting: School Problem: She was bullied a lot when she was an elementary student. Solution: She fights back and saves persons who are in need. The Goddess of Wisdom and War
Athena is smaller than the average height of elementary students. Her grade school classmates used to call her names like dwarf and microscopic. Rumors and jokes spread that her siblings and cousins jumped over her every day since she was a baby and that she was not allowed to jump during New Years Eve celebration every year. Being the shortest student in class, Athena would always be placed first in line during flag ceremonies and seated in front of the class. Because of this, she was easily seen by everyone and they would always make fun of her. Her mischievous classmates would tear sheets from their notebooks, crumple them into a ball, and throw the paper balls at her when their teacher was not looking. She wanted to turn around just to look for the culprits, but she could not because once the teacher catches her with her back to the blackboard she would be scolded for not paying attention. One time during recess, Athena was hurrying to get first at the vending machine to buy her favorite cupcake. She skipped breakfast that morning and thought of filling herself up with this hunger-busting chocolate cupcake. The coin slot was a few inches higher that her reach. She was almost jumping just to shoot the coin inside the vending machine. Suddenly, she felt someone was standing behind her. It was her classmate Alessandra, the tallest girl in the class. Alessandra grabbed her wrist. The coin flew out of Athenas hand and was caught by Alessandras big hands. Alessandra inserted the coin, pressed the buttons for the cupcake, bumped Athena aside with her bigger hips, and snatched the cupcake. Ha-ha, this food is not for you, Alessandra taunted her, Go back to your anthill and eat breadcrumbs! The bell rang signaling that recess was over. Athena walked out of the canteen sobbing. Later, she went home very hungry and very sad. She found herself talking alone and asking, why do they do this to me? Is it fair for them to make fun of me just because Im short? When her parents arrived home from work, Athena confided with them what happened earlier in school. Her parents told her that what her classmates were doing to her was wrong and that they have no right to tease and taunt her for her height. They also told her that she should not let herself be bullied and that if she found herself in again in similar situation, she should let the teachers or the principal know.

If no adult is around, you should gather the courage to fight back, her parents advised. But dont harm them, or else you would be the bully. Remember, your school authorities should be the ones dealing with the bullies. Dont be afraid to tell your principal who are the bullies, and trust them to protect you and the rest of the students. Athena thanked her parents and vowed never to let herself be bullied again. Four years later, Athena was now in high school. She grew up several inches taller but not taller than most of her classmates. She was average in height and was more confident of herself. One day while she was eating her snack, she heard a girl crying loudly. She looked around and saw a familiar face and her classmate Marko. Marko was waving a pack of marshmallows to the little girls face. Athena instantly knew what this situation was all about and quickly walked towards Marko and the little girl. Nya-nya-nya-nya-nya! Youll never get this back cry baby! These marshmallows are mine, Athena heard Marko. Marko did not seem to notice that Athena was already standing beside her with a stern-looking face. Athena took the chance and quickly snatched the pack of marshmallows from Markos waving hands. Stop it Marko, this is not yours! Athena warned. Marko was taken aback by Athenas bravery. But being the bully that he was, Marko barked back, Dont mess with me Athena if you dont want to get hurt! Give me back the marshmallows! Athena refused and handed back the marshmallows to the little girl. Marko insisted on getting the marshmallows. He tried to pull Athenas arms, but Athena swung her arm with full force that it pushed Marko back a few steps. This is not yours, Marko! You cant always bully people to get what you want! shouted Athena. Ill report you to the principal if you dont run away this very second! Athena shouted even louder. Marko noticed that everyone in the canteen was now looking at him and that there was no way he could deny his bullying if he ever got sent to the principals office. He ran out of the canteen nervously. Not a minute had passed when a tall girl came rushing in. She saw Athena wiping the tears of the little girl Marko bullied. Sophie! What happened?!, Athena heard a loud voice. She turned around and was surprised to see Alessandra. Marko was bullying me. He snatched my marshmallows and this girl Athena helped me drive Marko away. I got my marshmallows back. Alessandras face turned red. She remembered what she did to Athena when they were in elementary. Athena was just wearing a big smile knowing that she was able to fight back a bully and show a good example to all. Thank you very much Athena, Alessandra said while trying to shake Athenas hands nervously. I dont know what to say. Im so embarrassed. I know you remember what I did to you before. Im very sorry. I hope you forgive me Alessandra confessed. Its all right Alessandra, Athena said with a sincere smile, I realized before that I should learn to fight bullies back and defend myself. I hope we all learned a lesson today. Yes, Alessandra heaved a sigh of relief, I learned that bullying is wrong. I dont want it to happen to my sister Sophie, to me, or to anyone else. Ill never bully people again. Thank you for forgiving me and for teaching me a lesson.

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