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IntroductIon ............................... 1 controls ......................................... 2 GettInG started .................... 3 MaIn Menu .......................................... 4 PlayInG the GaMe .................. 6 resource InteGratIon Gear ......................................................... 7 Bench ..................................................... 8

default controls Move Zero-G Launch Look Crouch Locator Run Roll Aim Melee Primary fire Stomp Alternate fire Select weapon Action/Open Reload Quick heal Kinesis Torque Stasis recharge Stasis Inventory/RIG Pause


X B (hold) SHIFT (hold) CTRL (double-tap) Right-click Left-click Left-click (when aiming) SPACEBAR Scroll wheel (while aiming)

Isaac Clarke returns, joined by merciless soldier John Carver, to chase a risky plan that promises to finally stop the Necromorphs. Together Clarke and Carver must explore the frozen planet of Tau Volantis and track down the secret they hope will end the Necromorph plague forever, all while overcoming avalanches, treacherous ice-climbs, and the violent wilderness. Facing deadlier evolved enemies and brutal elements, the unlikely pair must work together to save mankind from the impending apocalypse.

1/2/3 or Scroll wheel

E R Q F (while aiming) F (when available after using Kinesis) C C (while aiming) TAB ESC

GettInG started

savInG and loadInG

The Autosave feature saves your progress and inventory at checkpoints. To reload from your last checkpoint, press ESC and select CHECKPOINT RESTART.

MaIn Menu
This menu appears before you begin your current gameplay session and provides access to Solo Campaign, Co-Op Campaign, Game Modes, Settings, Downloadable Content, and Extras.
Health Stasis Upper Tool Ammo Lower Tool Ammo

solo caMPaIGn
Continue Story Chapter Select

Select to launch a single-player game, continue from your last checkpoint, or replay parts of the campaign. Continue from Last Save Play from your last checkpoint. Play from the most recent point in the story you have reached. Select a previously played chapter and choose a checkpoint to replay part of the game.

Hud BasIcs
While Isaacs Resource Integration Gear (RIG) keeps health and Stasis information in view at all times during combat, the heads-up display (HUD) lets you view how much ammo you have left without the need for a menu. The limited HUD keeps your eyes on the enemies and your environment instead of on your stats, but makes it simple to understand your current status at a glance. When you aim your weapon, a display appears beside the weapon with the number of shots you have left before you need to reload. If your weapon has an Upper and Lower Tool, youll see two numbersthe top for primary fire and the bottom for alternate fire. Reloading refills both Tools.

co-oP caMPaIGn

Select to join a public co-op game, find friends currently in-game, create a private game with friends, or launch a public game for other players to join. You must be signed into your Origin account to play co-op. Quick Match Join a public game thats currently in progress. Find Friends Games Create Private Game Create Public Game Check to see if friends are currently playing public games of Dead Space 3. Create a co-op campaign that can be joined by invitation only. Create a co-op game thats open for any player to join.

Pause Menu

Access the Pause menu to restart from your last checkpoint, invite a friend to play, adjust settings, and view achievements, progress, and unlocks. You can also choose to exit the game. Checkpoint Restart Restart from your last checkpoint. This means you will lose all progress since the last checkpoint. Invite Friend Settings Achievements Progress and Unlocks Invite a friend to your game. Adjust A/V settings, game settings, difficulty, and more. View your accomplishments in-game thus far. View difficulty levels you have completed, artifacts collected, optional quests youve finished, and logs and weapon parts youve found. Save your inventory and return to the main menu.

new GaMe+ Modes

Play Dead Space 3 in a different way from the normal campaign. Complete the game on any difficulty level to unlock these additional modes. New Game+ This game mode is locked until you complete the game once. Your inventory and weapons will carry forward, although your chapter progress will be reset. Classic Pure Survival Hardcore This game mode is in the spirit of the original Dead Space. This game mode emphasizes resource management. This game mode provides a challenge beyond even the Hard and Impossible modes.

Save and Quit


PlayInG tHe GaMe

Adding useful items, such as Med Packs, to your inventory is key to success. When you see a container or box, press SPACEBAR to stomp on it or left-click to perform a melee attack and open it. Press E to add the revealed item to your inventory. Press I to open the inventory display and view your items, consume Med Packs, and equip weapons, among other things.

Access the Settings menu to adjust screen settings, game settings, and controller settings, or to look at the controller map. A/V Settings Adjust brightness and volume settings, and turn subtitles on or off. Game Settings Controller Settings Controller Map Turn Co-op Partner Locator on or off, choose whether or not to skip tutorials, toggle vibration settings, and adjust aiming. Invert the x-axis and y-axis as desired and adjust the controller sensitivity. Look at the default controls and alternate control schemes.

When you see a ladder with blue rails, you can climb it. Press E to begin climbing and move to ascend or descend.


downloadaBle content extras

Online Pass Progress and Unlocks Previously On Credits

View a list of features and items available for purchase, including suits, weapons, resource and weapons packs, Scavenger Bot upgrades, and new episodes.


When rappelling down the side of a cliff, move to rappel and press SHIFT to jump. You can descend, move from side to side, and dodge falling rocks. You may occasionally lose your footing, but you can continue rappelling once youve regained your balance.

Access Extras to redeem a code to download new content, activate your online pass, view your progress, refresh your memory on Dead Spaces backstory, and view the credits. Redeem a code for downloadable content. Redeem Content Activate your online pass to enjoy online functionality. Browse your completion by difficulty level in each chapter, view the number of artifacts recovered, and more. Watch a video that helps catch you up on the lore and backstory of Dead Space. View the credits for Dead Space 3.


Press C while aiming to fire Stasis at your target. Stasis makes enemies slow down, leaving them vulnerable to attack. Stasis can be used in other ways while exploring, as well. Use it to slow down fans or other quick-moving obstacles.


Kinesis lets you pick up objects and throw them out of your wayor at enemies. When you see an object you want to move or throw, right-click and hold to aim at it, and press and hold F to grab and move it. Release F to drop it or left-click to throw it wherever youre aiming. You can also twist open doors and locks by using Torque on them with multiple taps of F while engaged with Kinesis.


Use resources to create weapons and craft items at the Bench. Equip Scavenger Bots to locate hidden caches of resources. When the Scavenger Bots are successful, the resources become available the next time youre at a Bench. If you choose to sell certain crafted items at the Bench, youll receive a refund of half of the resources that went into crafting the items. View resources on the right side of the inventory screen.

scavenGer Bots
Scavenger Bots are devices designed to help you locate resource caches. Resource caches emit an audible ping; listen closely to the sounds around you to know when to equip the Scavenger Bot. To equip a Scavenger Bot, simply press K. Right-click and hold to aim with the Scavenger Bot and look for resources. The Scavenger Bot screen acts as a type of compass, so arrows that point up or down are an indication that you need to ascend or descend floors. The radar informs you if youre facing the correct direction. When youre close to resources, the Scavenger Bot display pulses and signals audibly. Left-click to release the Scavenger Bot and let it locate the resources for you. The resources will automatically be available the next time youre at a Bench. Placing a Scavenger Bot away from the target area results in a smaller bounty of resources. To check the status of a Scavenger Bot, open the RIG Display and select the Scavenger Bot screen.

The inventory screen displays items such as Med Packs and ammo clips in the central inventory section, with weapons and key items on the left and resources on the right. Select any item and choose MOVE or DROP to give it a new home in your inventory or eliminate it and make space for more items. If you want to consume a Med Pack instantly to increase health, select it and choose USE. You can also choose GIVE to hand your items to your partner in coop games.

The Mission screen lists primary objectives on the left and optional missions on the right. The lower portion of the screen displays the personal journal, which details the story and reminds you of the logical next move, such as using the locator to find the next RIG coordinates. Select any objective to make it the active objective for your Locator.

The Database lets you view your entry logs and artifacts. These help you keep track of your progress in each chapter and remind you of what to do next. Scroll to the far right to view Tutorials.

resource InteGratIon Gear

The Resource Integration Gear (RIG) helps you keep tabs on your health and Stasis recharge.

scavenGer Bots
The Scavenger Bots screen keeps you up to date on what each of your Scavenger Bots is doing. Scavenger Bots still in your possession are waiting to be deployed. Once released, a bot appears with a timer indicating when it will return. After it has located resources, it can be reacquired at the next Bench you visit.


The spinal display glows to reveal your overall health, with a full bar indicating good health. As you take damage, the bar shortens and changes color. Yellow means that you have less than half of your health. Red means that you have less than a quarter of your health and are in critical condition. Use a Med Pack to restore some health. When you die, the game automatically reloads from your last checkpoint.


The Bench is a workspace for you to build weapons from parts or blueprints, upgrade existing weapons with Circuits, craft items such as Stasis Packs, and view your inventory. This is also the only place you can access your Safe Inventory. Weapon Crafting Modify and upgrade an existing weapon or build a new weapon from scratch. Blueprints Weapon Upgrades Craft Items Safe Select a default blueprint or custom blueprint to instantly create a weapon, using available scavenged parts. Add Circuits to upgrade an existing weapon. Create items such as ammo clips, Med Packs, Stasis packs, and Tungsten Torque Bars, to give you an edge in and out of combat. View and manage equipment in the RIG Inventory and Safe Inventory.

Your current stock of Stasis is indicated by the half-circle on Isaacs back to the right of his spinal column. When full, the half-circle is colored blue and completely filled in. As you use Stasis, it decreases in size and changes color. Press C to recharge your Stasis and consume an item.

Inventory/rIG dIsPlay

The Inventory/RIG display lets you view your weapons, key items, and resources. Press I to view your inventory and use the number keys to see your Mission objectives, Database, and Scavenger Bots. Opening the RIG display does not pause the game. You can continue moving Isaac with this translucent display open or press F to exit the display. Aiming with right-click also closes the display.

BuIldInG a weaPon
selectInG a fraMe

Circuits give your weapon bonuses to reload, rate of fire, damage, or clip. To begin adding Circuits, select an empty Circuit slot and select one of these features from the menu that appears, then add any Circuit you have found, or craft a new one by selecting CONSTRUCT NEW CIRCUIT. Each Frame comes with a specific number of Circuit slots. If your weapon has fewer than eight Circuit slots, you can unlock more with Tungsten. Some Circuits have a single boost, such as +2 Damage, while others have two, such as +1 Reload +1 Rate of Fire. If you see a Circuit with minor structural flaws, noted in the description on the right side of the screen, it means the Circuit has a bonus at the expense of another feature. For instance, +2 Rate of Fire -1 Damage gives you a faster firing speed at the expense of damage dealt.

Design your own weapons to customize your combat style. At the Bench, select WEAPON CRAFTING to design a weapon from scratch using Resources and parts, or select BLUEPRINTS to instantly assemble a weapon from an existing blueprint. To create a customized weapon, select CRAFT NEW WEAPON from the Weapon Crafting menu at the Bench. When frame options appear, choose what type you want. A Compact frame creates a one-handed weapon, while a Heavy Frame creates a two-handed weapon.

Every gun has an Upper Tool and a Lower Tool, so it can deal two different types of damage. This makes you a more versatile fighter, ready for all situations and enemies at any range. After selecting a frame, choose an Upper Tool from the new menu. This is your primary fire. The next screen you see serves as a customization menu. Below Upper Tool, select LOWER TOOL to choose your alternate fire option. You can also choose a melee Tool here, in case enemies get too close.

coMPletInG constructIon
When youre finished designing your weapon, you have the option of creating a blueprint for it (to share with your friends in co-op games) or simply constructing it and using it yourself.

Tips modify the firing based on the Tools you choose for your gun, so these options do not become available until youve selected your Tools. For instance, if your Upper Tool is a Plasma Core, your Upper Tip options let you select exactly how you want to blast enemies with kinetic or charged energy. Pay attention to changes to damage, reload, clip, and speed on the lower right-hand side of the screen, which vary by Tip. Each Tip also has a range and accuracy rating, so you can customize your weapon to your combat strengths and weaknesses.

ModIfyInG a weaPon

At the Bench, select WEAPON CRAFTING and choose a weapon to modify or upgrade it. This takes you to the weapon construction menu, where you can change or add Tools, Tips, Attachments, and Circuits to your weapons. If you only want to upgrade a weapon with Circuits, select WEAPON UPGRADES from the Modify Weapons menu to skip the entire weapon construction menu.

craftInG IteMs

An attachment gives you an extra bonus for your weapons stats or capabilities. You can apply two attachments to each weapon. Depending on your combat needs, choose an attachment that subtly boosts the damage you deal with a new feature, such as fire damage or Stasis, or select an attachment that increases clip size for yourself and your partner, automatically reloads your weapon, or heals a partner when you consume a Med Pack.

Crafting items using resources adds valuables to your inventory when you cant find enough in containers. Craftable items include ammo clips, Med Packs, Stasis packs, and Tungsten Torque Bars. Each item in the list has a number on the right that tells you how many you already have in your Inventory. All of the items you craft take up room in your inventorythough you can add an unlimited number of Tungsten Torque Bars because they stack in a single slot. To sell an item and gain resources as payment, select it from the list and press T. Just remember that the resources you receive for selling an item are typically only half of the resources that go into crafting the item in the first place. You can also share items by pressing R in co-op games.

safe Inventory

The Bench gives you access to your Safe Inventory, so you can move items from your Safe to the RIG Inventory for use. To view your inventory at the Bench, select SAFE from the Bench menu. To move an item from the RIG Inventory to the Safe Inventory or vice versa, select the item. Once an item is in your Safe Inventory, you cannot access it until you are at a Bench. To sell an item, press T.


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