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SEPARATION AGREEMENT (name and address) referred to herein as Husband and ____________________________________________________________ (name and address) referred to as Wife, agree: The parties were lawfully married on ___________________ (month & day), _________ (year), at ___________________________________________ (name and location). Difficulties have occurred between the parties, and they have agreed to live separate and apart, terminating all activities and matters of a married couple. The parties nevertheless desire to resolve certain issues and consequently, have entered into this agreement. The parties shall not take a legal course of action to one another that may prevent the dissolution of marriage, as well as for any financial or personal activities or matters that one or the other may take part of that will violate the marriage contract between one another. The parties have made a complete disclosure to one another of financial matters and each is satisfied that they have had sufficient disclosure of the parties individual and joint finances. The parties have each been advised by counselors of their own choice regarding their legal rights and any disclosures made herein.

The husband shall assume the following debts and shall not hold the wife responsible for the same: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ The wife shall assume the following debts and shall not hold the husband responsible for the same: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Neither party shall incur any further debts which may result in joint liability. In the event that either party incurs a debt on joint credit of the parties, that party shall be responsible for the total amount of that debt. The parties agree that this agreement is intended to be a final disposition of the matters agreed upon herein. This agreement may be introduced into evidence and incorporated in a final decree of dissolution of marriage. In the event that any disputes occur regarding this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees regarding such enforcement.

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_________________________ (Signature of Husband) _________________________ (Signature of Wife)

__________ (Date) __________ (Date)

_________________________ (Witness for Husband) _________________________ (Witness for Wife)

__________ (Date) __________ (Date)

________________________ (Notary Public)

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