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In Road Reserves

Melton Shire Council Version: 1.4

Date of issue: August 2012



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Introduction Document hierarchy Public lighting components 3.1 Types of luminaires and lamps 3.2 Types of poles Public lighting P Category in Urban Areas Minimum requirements regarding locations of luminaires on curves and at intersections Minimum design area for illuminance of a pedestrian refuge Minimum design area for illuminance of roundabouts Minimum design area for illuminance of management devices other than roundabouts Public lighting V Category in Urban Areas Location of luminaires on P Category roads relative to Intersections with roads illuminated to V Category Location of public lighting poles in Urban standard roads Configuration of public lighting poles 12.1 All roads except cul-de-sacs 12.2 Cul-de-sacs Public lighting in Rural roads Process and Responsibility for unmetered public lighting 14.1 Ownership and management of standard unmetered public lighting 14.2 Ownership and management of non-standard unmetered public lighting Council requirements for submission of public lighting plans Council requirements for issuance of the Statement of Compliance Glossary References Appendix A

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1.0 Introduction
The intent of this document is to provide guidance to designers and the land development industry regarding the requirements for public lighting within road reserves as well as processes in Melton Shire Council. Councils role with respect to public lighting has increased in recent times, from a passive one where we just paid for the electricity consumed and the maintenance charges, to a more active role. That is, with the growing number of decorative public lighting fixtures available, it is Councils role to manage and approve these assets with a view to providing a sense of place for the community whilst minimising the cost impost associated with maintenance of these Council owned assets. Council is also required to nominate a public lighting category for all installations and assess public lighting plans to ensure there is adequate illuminance to meet the needs of all road users whilst taking into account the different land uses adjoining the road reserve. Lowering greenhouse gas emission in connection with public lighting is a key driver both for Council and the land development industry and therefore energy efficient lamps are encouraged. Councils Public Lighting Policy and Australian Standards (AS 1158) as well as other documents referred to in Section 2.0 must be considered in conjunction with these guidelines.

2.0 Document hierarchy

Engineering Design and Construction Manual Non Standard Public Light Fittings Policy Australian Standards AS1158

Road Asset Management Plan

Greenhouse Action Plan

Public Lighting Guidelines in Road Reserves

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3.0 Public lighting components

Street lighting in local and sub-arterial roads contain fundamentally the same basic components as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 Street lighting components

3.1 Types of Luminaires and lamps:

The type of lamp and luminaire must comply with Melton Councils current Public lighting policy. Council only approves lamps and luminaires that have an OMR status with the relevant Electrical Distribution Business. The following are examples of lamps and luminaires that are either approved or not approve by Council. 80 Watt mercury vapour lamps are no longer used for new developments. Council may allow decorative lamps and luminaires within Activity Centres nominated in Precinct Structure Plans.

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2x14 Watts T5 lamp and luminaire

32W & 42W Compact fluorescent lamp and Suburban Eco luminaire

150W & 250W High Pressure Sodium lamp and Roadster luminaire

Decorative top or side entry type luminaire

Coach lamp type luminaire

Figure 2 Examples of lamps and luminaires

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3.2 Types of Poles:

The type of public lighting pole must comply with Councils current Public lighting policy.

Approved standard light poles

Approved decorative types or equivalent: Promenade Manningham Lincoln Albert Park

Examples of light poles not approved by Council

Figure 3 Examples of public lighting poles Melton Shire Council | Engineering Services Page 6

Slip-based and Impact-absorbing poles are to be used only on Arterial Roads. Also, where there is high pedestrian activity, only Impact-absorbing poles can be used.

Slip-based poles Impact-absorbing poles

Figure 4 Slip-based and Impact-absorbing poles

4.0 Public lighting - P Category in Urban Areas

Description Selection Criteria Pedestrian/cycle Risk of activity crime Medium Low Low Low Need to enhance prestige Medium N/A Lighting Category Minimum Pole height (m) 5.5 5.5

Local Roads includes Access Streets, Places and Lanes

P3 P4*

* P5 may only be used in exceptional cases in existing established areas where P4 cannot be met.

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5.0 Minimum requirements regarding locations of luminaires on curves and at intersections (Figure 3.1 of AS1158)

Figure 5 -

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6.0 Minimum design area for illuminance of a Pedestrian Refuge (Figure 3.3 of AS1158)

Figure 6 -

7.0 Minimum design area for illuminance of roundabouts (Figure 3.7 of AS1158)

Figure 7 Melton Shire Council | Engineering Services Page 9

8.0 Minimum design area for illuminance of traffic management devices other than roundabouts (Figure 3.8 & 3.9 of AS1158)

Figure 8

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9.0 Public lighting V Category in Urban Areas

Description Arterial Roads Trunk Connector Roads (7000 12000 vpd) Connector Roads (< 7000 vpd) Lighting Category V3 V3 V5 Minimum Pole height (m) 8.0 8.0 8.0

10.0 Location of Luminaires on P Category roads relative to intersections with roads illuminated to V Category (Figure 3.2 of AS1158)

Figure 9 Melton Shire Council | Engineering Services Page 11

11.0 Location of public lighting poles in urban standard roads

o All public lighting poles are to be located a minimum 1m offset from the back of kerb, as per Figure 9.

Figure 10 Location of public lighting pole

Public lighting poles must not be located within indented parking bays

Figure 11 -

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Public lighting poles must not be located within parking lanes

Figure 12 o Public lighting poles must not be located within footpaths and shared paths

Figure 13 -

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Have a minimum 0.5m clearance from shared paths and bicycle paths

Figure 14 o Be located near the mid-point of a lot frontage to ensure adequate clearance from vehicle crossings (2m desirable; 1m - minimum).

Figure 15 o Have 2m desirable (1m minimum) clearance from pram crossings

Figure 16 -

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12.0 Configuration of public lighting poles:

12.1 All roads except cul-de-sacs

Figure 17 Public lighting configuration

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12.2 Cul-de-sacs (Figure 3.4, 3.5 & 3.6 of AS1158)

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Figure 18 Public lighting configuration

13.0 Public lighting in rural roads

There are no specific public lighting standards for rural roads. Council will need to be contacted to determine where street lighting is required, the location of any dedicated public lighting poles, the category and any other requirements. The guiding principle that Council will consider is safety of road users, in particular at road intersections, bends and other areas where night visibility is required to negotiate the section of road.

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14.0 Process and responsibility for unmetered public lighting

14.1 Ownership and management of standard unmetered public lighting

Developer or Council proposes lighting scheme

Standard pole and standard luminaire proposed

Electrical Distribution Business (EDB) approves pole and luminaire types

Approval of public lighting design plans by EDB and Council

Installation of street lights

Audit and sign off by EDB. Street lights operational

Council pays for electricity usage and OMR charges for street lights

EDB responsible for maintenance and replacement of the street lights

Figure 19 -

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14.2 Ownership and management of non-standard unmetered public lighting

Developer or Council proposes lighting scheme

Non standard pole and standard or non-standard luminaire* proposed

Electrical Distribution Business (EDB) and Council to approve pole and luminaire types

Approval of public lighting design plans by EDB and Council

Installation of street lights

Audit and sign off by EDB. Street lights operational

Council pays for electricity usage and OMR charges for standard components of the street lights

Council responsible for maintenance and replacement of non-standard components of the street lights. Maintenance contractor engaged by Council to be approved by the EDB

* Non-standard luminaire may be approved by Council only in Activity Centres outlined on the Precinct Structure Plans. Figure 20 -

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15.0 Council requirements for submission of public lighting plans

o All submissions to Council to be directed to the Infrastructure Planning Coordinator: By mail PO Box 21 Melton 3337 By email o o Email address to be obtained from Melton Shire Council

Filled checklist form (see Appendix A) The public lighting plans must be consistent with the approved road and drainage engineering plans Layout plan containing public lighting details

Figure 21 Melton Shire Council | Engineering Services Page 20

Submission of the light spacing table

Figure 22 o Submission of isolux diagrams for intersections and other critical areas

Figure 23 Melton Shire Council | Engineering Services Page 21

16.0 Council requirements for issuance of the Statement of Compliance

o Copy of the approved public lighting design plans from relevant Electrical distribution business Confirmation from the Electrical Distribution Business that public lighting is operational

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17.0 Glossary

Electrical Distribution Business (EDB) Council AS 1158 Public lighting pole Lamp Luminaire Public lighting fitting Standard

A person or company that holds a licence to distribute and supply electricity granted under the Act. Melton Shire Council Australian Standards Lighting for roads and public spaces An unmetered light pole that is located within a road reserve A source made in order to produce an optical radiation An apparatus that distributes, filters or transforms the light transmitted from a lamp. Comprises the lamp, luminaire, public lighting pole and ancillary components. Any of the following public lighting components acceptable to a distributor - lamp, luminaire, public lighting pole and ancillary components Any of the following public lighting components not acceptable to a distributor lamp, luminaire, public lighting poles and ancillary components Operations, Maintenance and Replacement. Standard public lighting components that come under the responsibility of the distributor for operation, maintenance and replacement. A road that is classified to provide direct access from one district to another A road that is classified to provide connection through and between neighbourhoods A road that is classified to provide local residential access A road that is closed at one end; a dead-end road Master plans for whole communities which are usually between ten to thirty thousand people. PSPs lay out roads, shopping centres, schools, parks, housing, employment and the connections to transport.


OMR OMR status Arterial road Connector road Local road Cul-de-sac Precinct Structure Plans (PSP)

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18.0 References
1. Australian Standards AS1158 (2005) 2. Sustainable Public Lighting Guidelines City of Moonee Valley (2011) 3. Street Lighting Management Guidelines Campbelltown City Council (2003)

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19.0 Appendix A

Form for Public Lighting Design Submissions

Item Tick box

1. Applicant has read and understood Melton Shire Councils current Non-standard public lighting fittings policy 2. Design plans comply with Melton Shire Councils current Non-Standard Public Light Fittings Policy 3. Design plans comply with Melton Shire Councils current Public Lighting Guidelines 4. Design plans are consistent with Approved engineering plans

5. Layout plan clearly display the type of light pole and luminaire

6. Light pole spacing table provided

7. Isolux diagrams provided, where applicable

Applicant: Company Contact Details: Mailing Address:

....................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................

Phone: Signed: Date:

................................. .................................................................. ..................................

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