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Lesson Plan Teaching Key Vocabulary Pre-Reading Stage of the Lesson

Classroom Setting
Level of Students: Conventional Graduates, BA Part-II

Classroom & Programme: EFL (A typical Pakistani classroom setting where English is taught as a foreign language) Kind of Instruction: Content-based (A type of content-based instruction wherein students learn language as well as content of a prescribed textbook) Reading Comprehension Vocabulary teaching/Anticipation to the Theme of the Lesson In this particular lesson plan, focus of the lesson is to prepare students for the theme of the lesson Two Wheels Over Nine Glaciers by stimulating their interest with the help of warm-up and pre-reading activities. Students will also be introduced to the key words of the lesson to help them understand the theme of the lesson. Two Wheels Over Nine Glaciers is a piece of travelogue in which Dervla Murphy narrates her adventures across some glaciers in Pakistan

Type of Lesson: Focus of the Lesson:

Pre-Lesson Inventory
At the end of this lesson, students will: (i) Know the meaning of these key words: Glacier, Precipice, Crevasse, Trail, Boulder, Peril, Torrent, Trek (ii) Have a clear idea of the theme of the upcoming lesson

Materials to take to class:

(i) Whiteboard Marker (ii) Textbook (East & West) (iii) Handouts showing pictures corresponding to the key words (iv) A wall-chart showing title pages of some travel books (v) Wall Chart showing some highest peaks of the world

Equipment needed for class

(i) A table (for placing teaching materials on)

Assignments to collect from students: No assignments Special room arrangement

Make students sit in such a way that Whiteboard is easily visible to them. Seat students so that they may do pair-work.

Before the class begins

(i) Have the table placed where it can not impede your movement during execution of the lesson plan. (ii) Place your teaching materials on the table in the order you intend to use them during the lesson. (iii) Ensure chairs are arranged the way you have shown them in your lesson plan. (iv) Have the whiteboard erased. (v) Wear a welcoming smile on your face and exchange pleasantries with the students.

Warm-up Activity:

Activation of Schemata

Time: 3 Minutes

(i) To tap students previous knowledge about travel genre especially a journey through glaciated lands. (ii) To warm students up to the theme of the lesson Two Wheels Over Nine Glaciers Objective Purpose will be achieved (i) By asking students questions about travel through mountains especially glaciers. (ii) By showing pictures of glaciers (iii) By showing Titles of Glacier Travel Books Procedure
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Ask students if they have ever travelled to any hill station on a picnic spree. Enquire students about a trip to Kaghan, Naran and Babusar Top. Ask students to name Northern Areas of Pakistan.(You may tell the names yourself if no response comes up such as Gilgit,Baltistan,Chitral,Sakardu etc) Ask students if they have heard about Siachen Glacier. Ask about any recent occurrence in this region.(Briefly narrate yourself the loss of lives of Pak army) After this question, use the word Dangerous to show that a glacier is a place full of perils for man and material. Elicit students response about famous mountain peaks. (Name few peaks yourself such as Everest, K2, Nanga Parbat, Tirich Mir, Rakaposhi)


(viii) (ix)
(x) (xi)

Hold up a chart in front of the class showing pictures of snow covered peaks(See Appendix A) Ask students if they have ever watched a documentary or movie on a journey through glaciers Ask students if any of them have read a travel book about glaciers. Show title pages of some travel books on the topic of Journey through Glaciers (See Appendix B) Ask students if it is possible to travel on a bicycle through a glacier

Type and source of feedback



Give oral feedback to encourage students at this stage of the lesson. In reply to every response, make few encouraging comments such as Oh, wonderful! You are lucky to have travelled at young age., beautiful, very well said, Its OK but we are still away from the correct answer., Can anyone else add to whatever Ali (Name the student) has just said?.

Before entering into next stage of the lesion (Pre-Reading Stage), say some transitional phrases such as: Well, we have had a very good session of experience sharing. Some of us have travelled to hill stations. We have seen the pictures of glaciers. We have also seen few titles of the books on Glacier Travel. Life in these coldest regions is quite tough. And traveling through glaciers is a very dangerous and risky adventure. We are going to have another interesting activity regarding Travel in a Glacier for which we need two volunteers.

Pre-Reading Activity Part-I


Introducing Key Words through a Word Splash (Semantic Field)

Time: 4 Minutes

To introduce key words of the lesson to the students ( Crevasse, Precipice, Trail,
Boulder, Peril, Torrent, Glacier)

b. To bring students closer to the theme of the lesson c. To set up expectations for the lesson Two Wheels Over Nine Glaciers Objective Purpose will be achieved: By creating a Word Splash (Mind-map) on the Whiteboard showing semantic field of Glacier or Travel in Glaciers Procedure (i) Draw an oval in the centre of the whiteboard (ii) Draw few spikes projecting outwards from the perimeter of the oval





On one spike, write the word danger and on another write the word snow. Ask two volunteers from the class to come to the whiteboard. Ask the class to brainstorm for all the possible words and phrases related to the group of words in the centre of the oval. Ask the volunteer students to put the prompts from the class on the spikes (using markers) When the class is creating word map, begin to insert key words on different spikes yourself if these words are not being suggested by the classroom.(See Appendix C) Ask volunteer students to take their seats.

Type and source of feedback

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Roam around the room and encourage students to speak up. When a student provides a prompt, say well done, good suggestion To sustain interest, say hurry up, time is going to be up and the word map is not complete as yet. At the end of the activity, appreciate the whole class for their contribution by saying What a wonderful class you are!

Before entering into the second part of this activity, say these words:

Well, look at your own creation in the form of the word-map on the white board. What a beautiful brainstorming session we have just had.(At this stage, read key words from the word splash by saying Some words are very important in the mind map. These words are: Crevasse, Precipice, Trail, Boulder, Peril, Torrent, and
Glacier. Now we are going to have another small activity in which words have been defined. You have to match the definition with the picture

Pre-Reading Activity Part-II

Purpose To teach key words to the students (Crevasse, Precipice, Trail, Boulder, Peril, Torrent,

Defining Key Words

Time: 3 Minutes

Objective Purpose will be achieved: By asking students to match pictures to the definition of the key words Procedure (i) Make students sit in pairs (Already sitting in four adjacent chairs.) (ii) Give each pair the handout having key words definition and pictures (see Appendix D) (iii) Ask students to read the definition, go to the picture and join picture and the definition (guessing meaning) by drawing a line.

Type and source of feedback

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Have a look at some of the sheets completed by students Read out the correct answers. Ask students to grade themselves Ask which group has performed well Praise the group

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