The Pursuit of Privacy in A World Where Information Control Is Failing

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ADAMTHIERER* INTRODUCTION ..............................................................410 I. NORMATIVECONSIDERATIONS: THECHALLENGEOFDEFININGPRIVACY ............414 A. PrivacyandthePursuitof Happiness.....................................................414 B. OntheProblemofCreepiness astheStandardofPrivacyHarm ................417 C. IncreasingTensionsBetween PrivacyRightsandOnlineFreeSpeech .....421 II. ENFORCEMENTCOMPLICATIONS: CONTROLLINGINFORMATIONFLOWS .................424 A. MediaandTechnologicalConvergence .....425 B. Decentralized,Distributed Networking ....................................................426 C. UnprecedentedScaleofNetworked Communications ...........................................427 D. ExplosionoftheOverallVolumeof Information.....................................................427 E. UserGeneratedContentand SelfRevelationofData .................................429 F. Synthesis:InformationWants toBeFree(EvenWhenWeDontWant IttoBe) ............................................................431 G. Corollary:SilverBulletSolutions WontWork....................................................433 III. CONSTRUCTIVESOLUTIONS ..................................436

*Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center, George Mason University. The au thor wishes to thank Jerry Brito, Larry Downes, Adam Marcus, and Ryan Radia forhelpfulfeedbackonthispaper.




A. Education,AwarenessandDigital Literacy ...........................................................437 B. EmpowermentandSelfRegulation ...........440 C. OnSimplifiedPrivacyPolicies andEnhancedNotice....................................446 D. IncreasedSection5Enforcement, TargetedStatutes,andtheCommon Law ..................................................................449 CONCLUSION ................................................................454 INTRODUCTION Online privacy has become one of the most contentious infor mation policy debates of recent times.1 Many academics, activist organizations, and average consumers are clamoring for greater privacy protections as they realize it is easier than ever for per sonalinformationtobewidelysharedwhetherintendedornot.2 Targetedorbehavioralonlineadvertisinganddatacollection practicesareunderparticularlyintensescrutiny.3Policymakersat all levelsstate, federal, and internationalare responding to these concerns with an array of proposals, many of which aim to expand regulation of the Internet, social networking sites, online

1.See Dennis D. Hirsch, The Law and Policy of Online Privacy: Regulation, Self Regulation, or CoRegulation?, 34 SEATTLE U. L. REV. 439, 440 (2011). See generally OmerTene,Privacy:Thenewgenerations,1INTLDATAPRIVACYL.15(2011). 2.See Nicole A. Ozer, Putting Online Privacy above the Fold: Building a Social Movement and Creating Corporate Change, 36 N.Y.U. REV. L. & SOC. CHANGE 215, 22021 (2012) (Surveys performed over the past decade have consistently shown that a large percentage of the American public is concerned about their online privacy.). Some of these fears may be motivated by ancient animosities toward advertising, which some critics have often decried as manipulative and unneces sary, even though advertising has an unsuspected power to improve consumer welfare and is an efficient and sometimes irreplaceable mechanism forbringing consumersinformationthatwouldotherwiselanguishonthesidelines.SeeJOHN E. CALFEE, FEAR OF PERSUASION: A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON ADVERTISING AND REGULATION 96 (1997); Adam Thierer, Advertising, Commercial Speech, and First AmendmentParity,5CHARLESTONL.REV.503(2011). 3.SeegenerallySladeBond,DoctorZuckerberg:Or,HowILearnedtoStopWorrying and Love Behavioral Advertising, 20 KAN. J.L. & PUB. POLY 129 (2010); Chris Jay Hoofnagle et al., Behavioral Advertising: The Offer You Cannot Refuse, 6 HARV. L. & POLYREV.273(2012).




advertising and marketing services, data aggregators, and other informationtechnologyservices.4 ThisArticlewhichfocusesnotonprivacyrightsagainstthe government, but against private actorscuts against the grain of much modern privacy scholarship by suggesting that ex pandedregulationisnotthemostconstructivewaytogoabout ensuring greater online privacy. The inherent subjectivity of privacy as a personal and societal value is one reason why ex panded regulation is not sensible. Privacy has long been a thorny philosophical and jurisprudential matter; few can agree onitscontoursorcancitefirmconstitutionalgroundingforthe rights or restrictions they articulate.5 Part I discusses some of the normative considerations raised by the debate on privacy right and argues that there may never be a widely accepted, coherent legal standard for privacy rights or harms here in the UnitedStates. This Article does not dwell on that widely acknowledged controversy. Instead, a different complication is introduced here: Legislative and regulatory efforts aimed at protecting privacy must now be seen as an increasingly intractable infor mation control problem. Part II considers the many enforce ment challenges that are often ignored when privacy policies are being proposed or formulated. Most of the problems poli cymakers and average individuals face when it comes to con trollingtheflowofprivateinformationonlinearesimilartothe challengestheyfacewhentryingtocontrolthefreeflowofdig italizedbitsinotherinformationpolicycontexts,suchasonline safety,cybersecurity,anddigitalcopyright. Because it will be exceedingly difficult to devise a fixed legal standard for privacy that will be satisfactory for a diverse citi zenry (not all of whom value privacy equally), and because it will be increasingly difficult to enforce that standard even if it can be determined, alternative approaches to privacy protec tion should be considered. This approach is particularly ap
4.Grant Gross, US Lawmakers Call for Online, Mobile Privacy Legislation, PCWORLD, June 19, 2012, _call_for_online_mobile_privacy_legislation.html;EdwardWyatt,F.T.C.andWhite House Push for Online Privacy Laws, N.Y. TIMES, May 9, 2012, onlineprivacylaws.html. 5.Fred H. Cate & Robert Litan, Constitutional Issues in Information Privacy, 9 MICH.TELECOMM.&TECH.L.REV.35,37(2002).




propriate here in the United States, which, relative to Europe, places greater significance on both free speech rights and the importanceofonlinecommerceandinnovation.6 This conclusion does not mean that privacy is unimportant or that society is entirely powerless to address it through legal or regulatory means. It does, however, mean that individuals who arehighlysensitiveabouttheironlineprivacywilllikelyneedto devise new strategies to shield it as the law will not likely play asgreataroleduetobothnormativeandpracticalconstraints. ThebestwaytoprotectpersonalprivacyintheUnitedStates, therefore, is to build on the approach now widely utilized to deal with online child safety concerns, where the role of law has been constrained by similar factors. A socalled 3E solu tion that combines consumer education, user empowerment, and selective enforcement of existing targeted laws and other legal standards (torts, antifraud laws, contract law, and so on), has helped society achieve a reasonable balance in terms of ad dressing online safety while also safeguarding other important values, especially freedom of expression.7 That does not mean perfect online safety exists, not only because the term means very different things to different people, but because it would be impossible to achieve in the first instance as a result of in formation control complications. But the 3E approach has the advantage of enhancing online safety without sweeping regulations being imposed that could undermine the many benefits information networks and online services offer indi viduals and society.8 This same framework can guide online

6.TERENCE CRAIG & MARY E. LUDLOFF, PRIVACY AND BIG DATA 17 (2011) (Put simply, the U.S. system weighs privacy issues through a liberty and free market filter.); James Q. Whitman, The Two Western Cultures of Privacy: Dignity Versus Liberty, 113 YALE L.J. 1151, 1219 (2004) (What is at stake are two different core sets of values: On the one hand, a European interest in personal dignity, threat ened primarily by the mass media; on the other hand, an American interest in liberty,threatenedprimarilybythegovernment.). 7.See ADAM THIERER, PARENTAL CONTROLS & ONLINE CHILD PROTECTION: A SURVEYOFTOOLSANDMETHODS195(2009), 8.Kent Walker, The Costs of Privacy, 25 HARV. J.L. & PUB. POLY 87, 8788 (2001) (Legislatingprivacycomesatacost:morenoticesandforms,higherprices,fewer free services, less convenience, and, often, less security. More broadly, if less tan gibly, laws regulating privacy chill the creation of beneficial collective goods and erode social values. Legislated privacy is burdensome for individuals and a dicey propositionforsocietyatlarge.).




privacy decisionsboth at the individual household level and thepublicpolicylevel.9 This Article also discusses the recent actions of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which has been increasingly active on privacy issues in recent years.10 Specifically, in two major recent privacy reports11 and public statements by agency offi cials,12 the FTC has been pushing for industry adoption of a Do Not Track mechanism, a browserbased tool that tells advertisersandotherthirdpartiesnottofollowyouaroundthe Internet.13 Legislative proposals to mandate the creation of Eraser Buttons to help users delete their past web histories willalsobeexamined. ThebattleoverDoNotTrackhasprovenparticularlyconten tious, and its future remains unclear.14 The struggle over
9.See Tom W. Bell, Pornography, Privacy, and Digital Self Help, 19 J. MARSHALL J. COMPUTER & INFO. L. 133, 133 (2000) (The same arguments that have helped to strike down statutory limits on Internet speech thought harmful to its readers (because indecent or harmful to minors) argue against enacting new statutory limits on speech thoughtharmful to its subjects(becausewithinorbycommercial entities and about Internet users). In both cases, self help offers Internet users a less restrictive means of preventing the alleged harms caused by free speech than legislation does. In both cases, the alternative offered by digital self help makes regulation by state authorities not only constitutionally suspect but also, from the moregeneralpointofviewofpolicy,functionallyinferior.). 10.See, e.g., Josh Dreller, A marketers guide to the privacy debate, IMEDIA CONNECTION, Dec. 8, 2011,; Alex Howard, FTC Calls on Congress to enact baseline privacy legislation and more transparency of data brokers, STRATA, Mar. 27, 2012, 03/ftccallsoncongresstoenact.html. 11.FTC, PROTECTING CONSUMER PRIVACY IN AN ERA OF RAPID CHANGE: A PROPOSED FRAMEWORK FOR FOR BUSINESSES AND POLICYMAKERS (2010) [hereinaf ter FTC PRELIMINARY PRIVACY REPORT], 101201privacyreport.pdf; FTC, PROTECTING CONSUMER PRIVACY IN AN ERA OF RAPID CHANGE: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BUSINESSES AND POLICYMAKERS (2012) [hereinafter FTC FINAL PRIVACY REPORT], 120326privacyreport.pdf. 12.Sara Forden, FTCs Leibowitz Foresees DoNotTrack Privacy Option in 2012, BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK, Mar. 29, 2012, news/20120329/ftcsleibowitzforeseesdonottrackprivacyoptionin2012; Wyatt,supranote4. 13.Jeff Blagdon, Do Not Track: an uncertain future for the webs most ambitious pri vacy initiative, THE VERGE, Oct. 12, 2012, 3485590/donottrackexplained. 14.See Kevin J. OBrien, Privacy Advocates and Advertisers at Odds Over Web Tracking, N.Y. TIMES, Oct. 4, 2012, technology/privacyadvocatesandadvertisersatoddsoverweb tracking.html?pagewanted=all.




whether to adopt Do Not Track results from both the complex definitional issues pertaining to what constitutes online track ing,as well as businessrelated concerns about how Do Not Track might undermine online sites and services that depend uponadvertisinganddatacollectiontosurvive.15 This Article will argue that, from a practical enforcement perspective, schemes like Do Not Track and the Eraser Button might have some value at the margin, but neither should be considered a silverbullet solution to privacy concerns. Only a layered approach built on the 3E model can strike a reason able balance between information sharing, online commerce, and personal privacy in an information marketplace character ized by rapid technological change and constantly evolving socialnorms.16 I. NORMATIVECONSIDERATIONS: THECHALLENGEOFDEFININGPRIVACY A. PrivacyandthePursuitofHappiness

Do Americans have a right to privacy, and, if so, what does that right entail? The debate over this question has raged for decades and remains contentious.17 Most people believe they havesomeprivacyrights,evenifthoserightsremaindifficultto define and find limited grounding in the plain language of the Constitution. Professor Daniel J. Solove has noted that privacy has long been a conceptual jungle and a concept in disar ray.18 [T]he attempt to locate the essential or core charac
15.Berin Szoka, Privacy TradeOffs: How Further Regulation Could Diminish Con sumer Choice, Raise Prices, Quash Digital Innovation & Curtail Free Speech, FTC PRIVACY ROUNDTABLES, Dec. 7, 2009, privacyroundtable/54450600035.pdf. 16.Rachel OConnell, An Evolution in Internet Use, HUFFPOST TECH, (Oct. 25, 2012, 10:35 AM), evolutionininternet_b_2014499.html?utm_hp_ref=tw (What is required is a more holistic and balanced approach to educating families as to how to support youngchildrenintheiruseoftheInternetanapproachwhichviewstheInternet as a positive tool and communicates educational messages to parents, from apar ents perspective, about both the opportunities and challenges that the Internet offers.). 17.See generally Daniel J. Solove, Conceptualizing Privacy, 90 CALIF. L. REV. 1087 (2002). 18.DANIELJ.SOLOVE,UNDERSTANDINGPRIVACY196(2008).




teristics of privacy has led to failure, he says.19 Privacy has really ceased to be helpful as a term to guide policy in the United States, argues Professor Woodrow Hartzog, because privacy means so many different things to so many different people.20 For these reasons, some scholars, most notably Pro fessor Helen Nissenbaum, have argued that privacy must be thoughtofinahighlycontextspecificfashion.21 Ofcourse,privacyhasalwaysbeenahighlysubjectivephiloso phical concept.22 It is also a constantly morphing notion that evolves as societal attitudes adjust to new cultural and techno logicalrealities.23Forthesereasons,Americamayneverbeableto achieveacoherentfixeddefinitionofthetermordeterminewhen itconstitutesaformalrightoutsideofsomenarrowcontexts. Even if agreement over the scope of privacy rights proves elusive, however, everyone would likely agree that citizens have the right to pursue privacy. In this sense, we might think about the pursuit of privacy the same way we think about the pursuit of happiness. Recall the memorable line from Amer icas Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are en dowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.24
19.Id.at8. 20.Cord Jefferson, Spies Like Us: Were All Big Brother Now, GIZMODO, Sept. 27, 2012, 21.See HELEN NISSENBAUM, PRIVACY IN CONTEXT: TECHNOLOGY, POLICY, AND THE INTEGRITY OF SOCIAL LIFE (2010); see also Cate & Litan, supra note 5, at 61 (A meaningful evaluation of the constitutionality of privacy laws requires that those laws be examined in contextnot just the context of other issues and values, but alsothespecificcontextinwhichaconstitutionalchallengeisraised.). 22.See DAVID BRIN, THE TRANSPARENT SOCIETY: WILL TECHNOLOGY FORCE US TO CHOOSE BETWEEN PRIVACY AND FREEDOM? 77 (1998) (When it comes to pri vacy,therearemanyinductiverules,butveryfewuniversallyacceptedaxioms.); Cate & Litan, supra note 5, at 60 ([T]he term can mean almost anything to any body.); Jim Harper, Understanding Privacyand the Real Threats to It, CATO POLICY ANALYSIS, Aug. 4 2004, at 1, (Properly defined, privacy is the subjective condition people experience when they have power to control information about themselves.); Betsy Masiello, De constructing the Privacy Experience, IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY, JulyAug. 2009, at 678 (On the social Web, privacy is a global and entirely subjective qualitywe eachperceivedifferentthreatstoit.). 23.See Cate & Litan, supra note 5, at 61 (The publics expectations of privacy are changing, as are the many influences that shape those expectations, such as technology,law,andexperience.). 24.THEDECLARATIONOFINDEPENDENCEpara.2(U.S.1776).




Consider the importance of that qualifying phraseand the pursuit ofbefore the mention of the normative value of happiness. Americas Founders obviously felt happiness was animportantvalue,buttheydidnotelevateittoaformalposi tive right alongside life, liberty, physical property, or even freedomofspeech. Thisframeworkprovidesausefulwayofthinkingabout pri vacy. Even if we cannot agree whether we have a right to pri vacy, or what the scope of any particular privacy right should be, the right to pursue it should be as uncontroversial as the right to pursue happiness. In fact, pursing privacy is probably an important element of achieving happiness for most citi zens.25 Almost everyone needs some time and space to be free with their own thoughts or to control personal information or secrets that they value. But that does not make it any easier to define the nature of privacy as a formal legal right, or any eas ier to enforce it, even if a satisfactory conception of privacy couldbecraftedtosuiteverycontext. The most stable and widely accepted privacy rights in the United States have long been those that are tethered to unambi guous tangible or physical rights, such as rights in body and property, especially the sanctity of the home.26 Moreover, these rightshavebeenfocusedonlimitingthepowerofstateactors,not private parties.27 By contrast, privacy claims premised on intangi bleorpsychologicalharmshavefoundfarlesssupport,andthose claimshavebeen particularly limitedfor private actors relative to the government.28 All this will likely remain the case for online privacy. Importantly, if privacy is enshrined as a positive right even in narrowly drawn contexts, it imposes obligations on the government to secure that right. These obligations create corre

25.See Harper, supra note 22, at 3 (Only empowered, knowledgeable citizens can formulate and protect true privacy for themselves, just as they individually pursueotherconditions,likehappiness,piety,orsuccess.). 26.See CRAIG & LUDLOFF, supra note 6, at 16 (In general, the American view of privacy is focused on the home and on the person.); Whitman, supra note 6, at 1214 (What matters in America, over the long run, is liberty against the state withintheprivacyofoneshome.). 27.See Whitman, supra note 6, at 1211 (Suspicion of the state has always stood at the foundation of American privacy thinking, and American scholarly writing andcourtdoctrinecontinuetotakeitforgrantedthatthestateistheprimeenemy ofourprivacy.). 28.Seeid.at1215.




spondingcommitmentsandcoststhatmustbetakenintoaccount sincegovernmentregulationalwaysentailstradeoffs.29 Therefore, even as America struggles to reach political con sensus over the scope of privacy rights in the information age, it makes sense to find methods and mechanismsmost of which will lie outside of the lawthat can help citizens cope with social and technological changes that affect their privacy. Part III will outline some of the ways citizens can pursue and achievegreaterpersonalprivacy. B. OntheProblemofCreepinessasthe StandardofPrivacyHarm

Precisely because the scope of privacy rights is so difficult to delimit, defining what constitutes harm in the context of in formation sharing and collection is similarly complicated. Some scholarshaveattemptedtobetterdelineatethenatureandscope of privacy harms, but consensus remains elusive.30 The recent FTCreportsoffernoclarificationonthemattereither.31 This Part focuses on the problems associated with one par ticular alleged privacy harm commonly associated with new information technologies and practices: creepiness. Practi cally every new information technology launched today is ini tially labeled creepy and creepiness is often the primary (or only) alleged harm thatis cited as the basis of much online pri

29.See Thomas M. Lenard & Paul H. Rubin, The FTC and Privacy: We Dont Need No Stinking Data, THE ANTITRUST SOURCE, Oct. 2012, at 3, nard_10_22f.authcheckdam.pdf(Itseemsclearthatgreaterprivacyprotectionswill involve tradeoffscosts to Internet businesses, as well as to consumers. The com mercial use of online information produces a range of benefits, including advertis ing targeted to consumers interests, advertisingsupported services (such as email, search engines, and fraud detection), and a reduction in other threats, such as mal ware and phishing. More privacy, in the current context, means less information available for the marketplace and therefore fewer of these benefits to consumers. Even if the services are still offered, they will be of lower quality as providers will havelessmoneyandlessdatatouseinprovidingservices.)(footnotesomitted). 30.See, e.g., M. Ryan Calo, The Boundaries of Privacy Harm, 86 IND. L.J. 1 (2011); Joel R. Reidenberg, Privacy Wrongs in Search of Remedies, 54 HASTINGS L.J. 877 (2003);DanielJ.Solove,ATaxonomyofPrivacy,154U.PA.L.REV.477(2006). 31.SeeLenard&Rubin,supranote29,at4(NeitherFTCreportcontainsanydata on any harm, however defined. Demonstrating, and to the extent feasible quantify ing, harm is important because it can be the starting point for assessing benefits, whicharethereducedharmsassociatedwithincreasedprivacyprotection.).




vacy regulation.32 Recently, for example, in various filings to the government as well as countless news stories, advocates of expanded privacy regulation have stressed the creepiness factor associated with targeted (or behavioral) advertising and the online data collection that makes such ads possible.33 Con cerns about creepy uses of wireless geolocation technologies arealsoincreasinglycommonplace,eventhoughthepublichas simultaneously demonstrated an insatiable appetite for these newmobilenetworksandapplications.34 Finally, creepiness is a common lament heard whenever new social networking sites and services are launched. Jim Adler, Chief Privacy Officer and General Manager of Data Sys tems at Intelius, notes that [w]ith increasing volume, creepy has snuck its way in to [sic] the privacy lexicon and become a mainstay in conversations around online sharing and social networking.35 How is it possible, he wonders, that we use thesamewordtodescribeFrankensteinandFacebook?36 But why should creepiness be the standard by which poli cymakers judge privacy harms at all? Although there will al ways be subjective squabbles over what constitutes harm as it
32.Forexample,whenGoogleNowwasreleased,thenewswithgreetedwith accusations of it being too creepy. See Rebecca Greenfield, Confirmed: Googles SiriEsque Personal Assistant Is Creepy, THE ATLANTIC WIRE, July 2, 2012, esquepersonalassistantcreepy/54117; Evan Selinger, Why Do We Love To Call New Technologies Creepy?, SLATE, Aug. 22, 2012, technology/future_tense/2012/08/facial_recognition_software_targeted_ advertising_we_love_to_call_new_technologies_creepy_.html. (Creepy is the go to term for broadcasting how technology unsettles us.); Jenna Wortham, Will Googles Personal Assistant Be Creepy or Cool?, N.Y. TIMES BITS, (June 28, 2012, 8:06 PM), creepyorcool. 33.See Peter Suciu, EPIC Worries Facebook Could Follow You to the Mall, E COMMERCE TIMES, Sept. 25, 2012, WorriesFacebookCouldFollowYoutotheMall76243.html (noting that many feel that using data from social networking sites like Facebook is creepy and makessomefeeluncomfortable). 34.See Adam Thierer, Apple, The iPhone and A Locational Privacy TechnoPanic, FORBES.COM, May 1, 2011, 05/01/appletheiphoneandalocationalprivacytechnopanic (Last weeks reve lation that Apple iPhones and Google Androidbased smart phones were retain inglocationalinformationgeneratedhowlsofprotestfromprivacyadvocatesand governmentofficials.). 35.Jim Adler, Creepy Is As Creepy Does, JIMADLER.ME, Dec. 13, 2011, 36.Id.




relates to online privacy, and while many consumers will un doubtedly describe much online marketing and advertising as creepy,37 law must be more concrete than the amorphous creepiness standard permits. Creepiness is simply too openended and subjective, and creating new privacy rights cannot be justified simply because people feel vague unease.38 [C]reepiness isnt necessarily a sign that something is amiss and [a]s the history of technology shows, sometimes feelings areoutofsyncwithreasonableresponses.39 If privacy harm is reduced to creepiness, or even annoy ance, such an amorphous standard for policy analysis or legal andregulatoryactionleavesmuchtotheimaginationandopens the door to creative theories of harm that may not actually rep resent true harm at all and could be exploited by those who ig norethecomplextradeoffsatworkwhenweattempttoregulate information flows online.40 Creepiness is a hopelessly open ended, eyeofthebeholder standard that is no better than an I knowitwhenIseeit standard for speech regulation: It would provide zero guidance to companies or courts when they are attempting to make privacy determinations. Employing a creepiness standard to gauge supposed privacy harm makes economic costbenefit analysis virtually impossible, as policy considerations become purely about emotion instead of any thing empirical.41 After all, one persons creepy could be an others cool or killer app. Personalized online shopping ex
37.Blase Ur et al., Smart, Useful, Scary, Creepy: Perceptions of Online Behavioral Advertising5,CarnegieMellonUniv.CyLabPaperNo.CMUCyLab12007,2012), available at ScaryCreepy.PerceptionsofOnlineBehavioralAdvertising.pdf. 38.Solveig Singleton, Privacy as Censorship: A Skeptical View of Proposals to Regu late Privacy in the Private Sector, CATO POLICY ANALYSIS, Jan. 22, 1998, at 3, 39.Selinger,supranote32. 40.See Berin Szoka & Adam Thierer, Targeted Online Advertising: Whats the Harm&WhereAreWeHeading?,16PROGRESSONPOINT,June2009,at34. 41.Adam Thierer, On Creepiness as the Standard of Review in Privacy Debates, TECH. LIBERATION FRONT, Dec. 13, 2011, creepinessasthestandardofreviewinprivacydebates/. Here is another way to think about it: There are plenty of people we come in contact with in this world that we might describe as creepy, but that does not mean they are harmful. Most of us would draw a distinction between creepiness and the potentially harmful nature of various individuals, and likely reserve judgment on the latter question until we had more evidence. That standard is the same one we should useforprivacymatterswhentheyareelevatedtothelevelofpolicyconcerns.




periences, for example, might be considered too invasive by some,whereasothersmightgreatlyappreciatethebenefitsasso ciated with tailored recommendations.42 Indeed, more often than not, the creepy factor will go away without the need for intervention, notes Larry Downes, because [o]ver time, con sumers eitheradjusttowhatisanessentially inertnew informa tionuse,oractthroughthemarkettochangethepractice.43 For example, when Google launched its Gmail service in 2004, it was greeted with hostility by many privacy advocates and some policymakers.44 Rather than charging some users for more storage or special features, Google paid for the service by showing advertisements next to each email contextually tar geted to keywords in that email. Some privacy advocates wor ried that Google was going to read users email, however, and pushed for restrictions on such algorithmic contextual tar geting.45 But users enthusiastically embraced Gmail and the service grew rapidly. By the summer of 2012, Google an nounced that 425 million people were actively using Gmail.46 Users adapted their privacy expectations to accommodate this new service, which offered them clear benefits (free service, generous storage, and improved search functionality) in ex changefortoleratingsometargetedadvertising. If creepiness were the standard by which information collec tion and distribution activities were regulated, it raises the question whether services like Gmail, and the entire commer cialInternetforthatmatter,cancontinuetoexist.Onlineadver tising and data collection are the fuel that powers the modern information economy.47 If claims of creepiness are converted
42.Scott Brave, Personalization and Privacy, FORBES.COM, Oct. 22, 2012, personalizationandprivacy. 43.Larry Downes, Customer Intelligence, Privacy, and the Creepy Factor, HBR BLOG NETWORK (Aug. 15, 2012, 12:00 PM), customer_intelligence_privacy.html. 44.See Adam Thierer, Lessons from the Gmail Privacy Scare of 2004, TECH. LIBERATION FRONT, Mar. 25, 2011, fromthegmailprivacyscareof2004. 45.Letter from Chris Jay Hoofnagle et al. to Bill Lockyer, Atty Gen. (May 3, 2004),availableat 46.Dante DOrazio, Gmail now has 425 million active users, THE VERGE, June 28, 2012, 47.SeeBerinSzoka&AdamThierer,OnlineAdvertising&UserPrivacy:Principles toGuidetheDebate,PROGRESSSNAPSHOT,Sept.2008,at4.




into actionable legal trumps on commercial online activities, advertisinganddatacollectionwillnolongerbeabletosustain onlinesitesandservices.48Asaresult,thoseonlineserviceswill either need to raise prices significantly (most of them charge nothing today), cut back services, limit further innovation and investment, or go under entirely.49 Regulationespecially arbi traryregulationofthissortisnotacostlessexercise. C. IncreasingTensionsBetweenPrivacyRights andOnlineFreeSpeech

Strong conceptions of privacy rights can also come into con flict with more welldefined and constitutionally protected speech and press rights. This problem will grow more acute if the formal contours of online privacy rights are greatly en hanced, especially if the law comes to treat personal informa tionaspropertymuchlikecopyrightedcontent. This tension has long been a fixture of privacy debates. Pro fessor Samuel D. Warren and thenProfessor Louis D. Brandeiss famous 1890 Harvard Law Review essay The Right to Privacythe law review article that gave birth to modern American privacy lawwas heavily influenced by copyright law.50 Stewart Baker has noted that, Brandeis wanted to ex tend common law copyright until it covered everything that can be recorded about an individual. The purpose was to pro tect the individual from all the new technologies and busi nesses that had suddenly made it easy to gather and dissemi natepersonalinformation.51 ThenProfessor Brandeis and Professor Warrens call for such a regime was driven in part by their desire to control the press. The press is overstepping in every direction the obvious bounds of propriety and of decency, and column upon col umn is filled with idle gossip, which can only be procured by intrusion upon the domestic circle, they argued.52 So angered
48.Seeid. 49.See Adam Thierer & Berin Szoka, The Hidden Benefactor: How Advertising In forms,Educates&BenefitsConsumers,PROGRESSSNAPSHOT,Feb.2010,at6. 50.See Samuel D. Warren & Louis D. Brandeis, The Right to Privacy, 4 HARV. L. REV.193(1890). 51.STEWART BAKER, SKATING ON STILTS: WHY WE ARENT STOPPING TOMORROWSTERRORISM319(2010). 52.Warren&Brandeis,supranote50,at196.




wereBrandeisandWarrenbyreportsindailypapersofspecifics from their own lives53 that they concluded that, modern enter prise and invention have, through invasions upon his privacy, subjected [man] to mental pain and distress, far greater than could be inflicted by mere bodily injury.54 Although it remains unclearhowonecouldhavegreaterpainanddistressinflicted bywordsthanbymerebodilyinjury,asBrandeisandWarren suggested, it follows that they would want fairly draconian con trols on free speech and press rights if they felt this strongly abouttheinjurythepresscouldpotentiallyinflict. Taken to the extreme, however, giving such a notion the force of law would put privacy rights on a direct collision course with the First Amendment, and press rights in particu lar.55Forinstance,ProfessorEugeneVolokhhasarguedthat:
The difficulty is that the right to information privacymy right to control your communication of personally identifi able information about meis a right to have the govern ment stop you from speaking about me. We already have a code of fair information practices, and it is the First Amendment, which generally bars the government from controlling the communication of information (either by di rect regulation or through the authorization of private law suits),whetherthecommunicationisfairornot.56

If privacy rights could trump speech and press rights in the fashionBrandeisandWarrensuggested,ajournalistwouldnot be allowed to conduct her daily business without fear of run ning afoul of government regulation. Good reporting requires that journalists gather and report facts, many of a personal na ture. If privacy rights were treated like intellectual property, robust privacy rights could trump free speech rights, even when the information being collected or distributed was truth ful. Such a situation would raise significant First Amendment
53.See Dorothy J. Glancy, The Invention of the Right to Privacy, 21 ARIZ. L. REV. 1, 6 (1979). 54.Warren&Brandeis,supranote50,at196. 55.Cate & Litan, supra note 5, at 51 ([T]o the extent that privacy laws restrict expression,evenifthatexpressioniscommercial,theFirstAmendmentimposesa considerable burden on the government to demonstrate the need and effective nessofthoselaws.). 56.Eugene Volokh, Freedom of Speech and Information Privacy: The Troubling Im plications of a Right to Stop People from Speaking About You, 52 STAN. L. REV. 1049, 105051(2000)(footnoteomitted).




issues,57 even when mere data collection and dissemination are beingundertaken.58 This issue may come to the fore if the debate over the so called Eraser Button concept advances here in the United States.In2011,RepresentativesEdwardMarkeyandJoeBarton introduced the Do Not Track Kids Act of 2011, which pro posed the expansion of the Childrens Online Privacy Protec tion Act of 1998 (COPPA) and other new regulations aimed at enhancing the privacy of teens online.59 The MarkeyBarton measure also required online operators to the extent techno logically feasible, to implement mechanisms that permit users ofthewebsite,service,orapplicationoftheoperatortoeraseor otherwise eliminate content that is publicly available through the website, service, or application and contains or displays personal information of children or minors.60 The hope was that these socalled Eraser Buttons could help minors wipe outembarrassingfactstheyhadplacedonlinebutlatercameto regret. The Eraser Button concept was modeled loosely on a similar idea beingconsideredin the European Union, a so calledrighttobeforgottenonline.61 Though wellintentioned, the Eraser Button conceptlike the right to be forgottenraises clear First Amendment issues by limiting the right of others to speak freely or to collect, analyze,

57.Others have pushed back against Volokhs assertions and the general argu ment that the First Amendment poses a significant barrier to expanded privacy regulation. See, e.g., A. Michael Froomkin, The Death of Privacy?, 52 STAN. L. REV. 1461, 15061523 (2000); Neil M. Richards, Reconciling Data Privacy and the First Amendment, 52 UCLA L. REV. 1149 (2005); Paul M. Schwartz, Commentary, Free Speech vs. Information Privacy: Eugene Volokhs First Amendment Jurisprudence, 52 STAN.L.REV.1559(2000). 58.See Sorrell v. IMS Health Inc., 131 S. Ct. 2653, 266566 (2011) (An individ uals right to speak is implicated when information he or she possesses is sub jected to restraints on the way in which the information might be used or dis seminated.)(citingSeattleTimesCo.v.Rhinehart,467U.S.20,32(1984)). 59.Do Not Track Kids Act of 2011, H.R. 1895, 112th Cong., (2011). The measure also proposed applying Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPS) to teenagers via a Digital Marketing Bill of Rights for Teens and also proposed limits on collectionofgeolocationinformationfrombothchildrenandteens.Id.5. 60.Id.7(b). 61.See VIKTOR MAYERSCHNBERGER, DELETE: THE VIRTUE OF FORGETTING IN THE DIGITAL AGE (2009); Franz Werro, The Right to Inform v. the Right to be Forgot ten: A Transatlantic Clash, in HAFTUNGSRECHT IM DRITTEN MILLENNIUM [LIABILITY INTHETHIRDMILLENNIUM]285300(AureliaColombiCiacchietal.eds.,2009).




or redistribute information they find online.62 For example, indi viduals might be able to claim a right to be forgotten or ask to hit the Eraser Button when a journalist or historian pens an arti cle about them, something [t]hat would be a direct affront to the First Amendment since journalistic freedoms apply even whenminorsarethesubjectofreportsorhistories.63 II. ENFORCEMENTCOMPLICATIONS: CONTROLLINGINFORMATIONFLOWS

This Part considers the formidable challenges that await any effort to clamp down on the flow of information on digital networkseven if such regulation is pursued in the name of protecting consumer privacy. The administrative and enforce ment burdens associated with modern information control ef fortsareasimportantasthenormativeconsiderationsinplay. Information control has always been complex and cost ly.That observation was equally true in the era of media and information scarcity, with its physical and analog distribution methods of information dissemination. All things considered, however,thechallengeofcontrollinginformationintheanalog era pales in comparison to the far more formidable challenges governments face in the digital era when they seek to limit in formationflows. The movement of binary bits across electronic networks and digital distribution systems creates unique problems for infor mationcontrolefforts,evenwhenthatcontrolmightbesocially desirable.64 In particular, efforts to control spam, objectionable mediacontent,hatespeech,copyrightedcontent,andevenper sonal information are greatly complicated by five phenomena unique to the Information Age: (1) media and technological
62.Jeffrey Rosen, The Right to Be Forgotten, 64 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 88, 88 (2012), forgotten ([Do Not Track] represents the biggest threat to free speech on the In ternet in the coming decade.); Emma Llans, Do Not Track for Kids Act: Good Idea Raises Real Challenges, CTR. FOR DEMOCRACY & TECH., MAY 16, 2011, 63.Adam Thierer, Kids, Privacy, Free Speech & the Internet: Finding the Right Bal ance 7 (Mercatus Ctr. at George Mason Univ., Working Paper No. 1132, 2011), availableat 64.Walker, supra note 8, at 88 (Information flows in subtle and nuanced ways, and wellintentioned regulations can easily go awry. After all, enforcing privacy restrictsthefreeflowofinformation.).




convergence; (2) decentralized, distributed networking; (3) un precedented scale of networked communications; (4) an explo sion of the overall volume of information; and (5) unprece dentedindividualinformationsharingthroughusergeneration ofcontentandselfrevelationofdata.Eachofthesephenomena is facilitated by the underlying drivers of the information revo lution: digitization, dramatic expansions in computing and processing power (also known as Moores Law65), a steady drop in digital storage costs, and the rise of widespread Inter netaccessandubiquitousmobiledevicesandaccess.Therami fications of these practical enforcements considerations for pri vacypolicyareitemizedbelow.66 A. MediaandTechnologicalConvergence

First, content platforms and information distribution outlets are rapidly converging. Convergence means that information is increasingly being unbundled from its traditional distribution platformandcanfindmanypathstoconsumers.67Itisnowpos sible to disseminate, retrieve, or consume the same content and informationviamultipledevicesordistributionnetworks.When copying costs are essentially zero and platforms are abundant, information can flow across communications and media plat forms seamlessly and instantly. As such, content flowing over modern digital communication tools and networks can more easily overcome the distributionbased limitations that encum beredcontentanddatadisseminationinthepast. For example, a piece of personal information voluntarily uploaded to any site can be reproduced instantaneously on
65.Moores Law refers to a statement by Intel cofounder Gordon Moore re garding the rapid pace of semiconductor technology. Moore stated, The number of transistors and resistors on a chip doubles every 18 months. Definition of Moores Law, PC MAGAZINE ENCYCLOPEDIA, encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=Moores+law&i=47229,00.asp (last visited Jan. 29, 2013). 66.The following Part is adapted from ADAM THIERER, PUBLIC INTEREST COMMENT ON PROTECTING CONSUMER PRIVACY IN AN ERA OF RAPID CHANGE, (2011), consumerprivacyerarapidchange. 67.HENRY JENKINS, CONVERGENCE CULTURE: WHERE OLD AND NEW MEDIA COLLIDE 2 (2006) (defining convergence as the flow of content across multiple media platforms, the cooperation between multiple media industries, and the migratorybehaviorofmediaaudienceswhowillgoalmostanywhereinsearchof thekindsofentertainmentexperiencestheywant.).




other blogs, social networking sites (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or MySpace), and content hosting services, sent to Twitter (where it could be reTweeted countless times), or sent directly to many others via email or text messages. The information being transmitted can be reproduced across countlesssitesinamatterofseconds. In this way, technological convergence complicates efforts to create effective information control regimes. This has im portant ramifications for privacy policy, just as it does for other regulatory efforts such as speech controls, copyright policy,andcybersecuritymeasures. B. Decentralized,DistributedNetworking

Second, information creation, curation, storage, and dissemi nation are all increasingly highly decentralized and distributed in nature.68 For example, shutting down a website, blog, or so cial networking site to control information flows will often be ineffective since the information in question could be hosted in multiple places and might have been copied and reproduced by countless individuals who perpetuate the process by up loadingitelsewhere.69 By contrast, controlling information in the past could have been accomplished by destroying a printing press, cutting power to a broadcast tower, or confiscating communications de vices. While imperfect, such measuresor even less extreme regulatorymeasureswereoftenreasonablyeffectiveatcontrol

68.MILTON L. MUELLER, NETWORKS AND STATES: THE GLOBAL POLITICS OF INTERNET GOVERNANCE 4 (2010) ([T]he Internet protocols decentralized and dis tributed participation in and authority over networking and ensured that the de cisionmaking units over network operations are no longer closely aligned with politicalunits.). 69.MANUEL CASTELLS, COMMUNICATIONPOWER113 (2009) ([S]hortof unplug ging the Internet, it is difficult to control its networking capabilities because they can always be redirected to a backbone somewhere else on the planet. True, it is possible to block access to some designated sites, but not the trillions of email messages and the millions of web sites in constant process of renewal....[T]he bestgovernmentscandotoenforcetheirlegislationistoprosecuteafewunfortu nate culprits who are caught in the act, while millions of others enjoy their merry rideovertheweb....[W]hileafewofthemessengersarepunished,themessages goon,mostofthemsurfingtheoceanofglobal,seamless,communication.).




ling information flows.70 This system, though, was facilitated by the highly centralized nature of those analogera systems and networks. Because modern digital technologies are far more de centralizedanddistributed,effortstocentralizeinformationcon trolmustnecessarilybemorecomplicatedthanthoseofthepast. Accordingly, hierarchical or topdown regulatory schemes must contend with the atomization of information and its mercurial naturewithinthesemoderndigitalsystems. C. UnprecedentedScaleofNetworkedCommunications

Third, in the past, the reach of speech and information was limited by geographic, technological, and cultural or language considerations. Today, by contrast, content and data can flow across the globe at the click of a button as a result of the dra matic expansion of Internet access and broadband connec tivity.71Commentary and personal informationthatappears on ablogorsocialnetworkingsiteinonecorneroftheglobeisjust as visible everywhere else. Offshore hosting of content also makesithardertoknowwherecontentoriginatesorisstored.72 While restrictions by government are certainly still possible, the scale of modern speech and content dissemination greatly complicatesgovernmenteffortstocontrolinformationflows.73 D. ExplosionoftheOverallVolumeofInformation

Fourth, the volume of media and communications activity taking place today also complicates regulatory efforts. There existsvastlymorecontentandcommunicationforregulatorsto police today than in the past. Since 1995 the sheer volume of informationpersonally identifiable and otherwisethat has become digitized and can be cheaply transported around the world has grown by orders of magnitude, notes Larry Dow

70.See, e.g., David Pike, Censorship in SovietOccupied Germany, in THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMUNIST REGIMES IN EASTERN EUROPE, 19441949, at 217 (NormanNaimark&LeonidGibianskiieds.,1997). 71.CRAIG&LUDLOFF,supranote6, at 20 (Data, in and of itself,hasno country, respectsnolaw,andtravelsfreelyacrossborders.). 72.HAL ABELSON ET AL., BLOWN TO BITS: YOUR LIFE, LIBERTY, AND HAPPINESS AFTER THE DIGITAL EXPLOSION 68 (2008) (The bits are everywhere; there is sim plynolockingthemdown,andnoonereallywantstodothatanymore.). 73. TRANSNATIONAL CULTURE IN THE INTERNET AGE 3 (Sean A. Pager & Adam Candeubeds.,2012),([T]heInternethasrevolutionizedscale.).




nes.74 Professor Milton Mueller concurs, noting: The sheer volume of transactions and content on the Internet often over whelms the capacity of traditional governmental processes to respondtodevelopmentsinthisspace.75 A February 2011 study by Professors Martin Hilbert and Priscila Lpez of the University of Southern California, calcu latedTheWorldsTechnologicalCapacitytoStore,Communi cate, and Compute Information, and found that in 2007, hu mankind sent 1.9 zettabytes of information through broadcast technology, such as televisions and GPS.76 Thats equivalent to everypersonintheworldreceiving174newspaperseveryday, they claim.77 A 2010 report by the International Data Corpora tion also found that by 2020, our Digital Universe will be 44 timesasbigasitwasin2009.78Finally,theGlobalInformation IndustryCenterreportsthat:
In 2008, Americans consumed information for about 1.3 tril lion hours, an average of almost 12 hours per day. Con sumption totaled 3.6 zettabytes and 10,845 trillion words, corresponding to 100,500 words and 34 gigabytes for an av eragepersononanaverageday.Azettabyteis10tothe21st powerbytes,amillionmilliongigabytes.Theseestimatesare from an analysis of more than 20 different sources of infor mation, from very old (newspapers and books) to very new (portable computer games, satellite radio, and Internet vid eo).Informationatworkisnotincluded.79

This volume problem for information control efforts includingprivacy controlswillonlygrowmoreacutein com ing years, especially when the difficulties considered in the nextPartaretakenintoaccount.

74.LARRY DOWNES, THE LAWS OF DISRUPTION: HARNESSING THE NEW FORCES THATGOVERNLIFEANDBUSINESSINTHEDIGITALAGE69(2009). 75.MUELLER,supranote68,at4. 76.Martin Hilbert & Priscila Lpez, The Worlds Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information, SCIENCE, Feb. 10, 2011, at 60, 63 77.Id. 78.JOHN GANTZ & DAVID REINSEL, THE DIGITAL UNIVERSE DECADEARE YOU READY? 1 (2010), available at digitaluniverseareyouready.pdf. 79.ROGER E. BOHN & JAMES E. SHORT, HOW MUCH INFORMATION? 2009 REPORT ON AMERICAN CONSUMERS 7 (2009, updated 2010), howmuchinfo_research_report_consum.php.

No.2] E.

ThePursuitofPrivacy UserGeneratedContentand SelfRevelationofData


Finally, modern digital systems make it increasingly easy for anyone to be a oneperson publishing house or self broadcaster. As such, restrictions on information sharing, ag gregation, and reuse will become increasingly difficult to de vise and enforce.80 This phenomenon is particularly relevant to any discussion of privacy regulation, as individuals are cur rently placing massive volumes of personal information onlineboth about themselves and others. We live in what one might call the Peeping Tom society, argues Professor Lawrence M. Friedman, in that [n]ew technology puts power ful tools for invading privacy into the hands of ordinary peo ple.81 The rapid rise of data selfrevelation leads many schol ars to puzzle about the existence of a socalled privacy paradox, which refers to the fact that [p]eople value their privacy,butthengooutoftheirwaytogiveitup.82 Regardless, slowing such information flows through public policywillberemarkablychallengingbecausemanypeoplecon tinue to voluntarily release and widely distribute their personal information. Moreover, because of the highly connected nature of social networks and the sheer volume of information sharing that takes place across them, absolute privacy control becomes animpossibletask.Forexample,in2011,Facebookreportedthat its userssubmittedaround650,000 comments onthe100 million piecesofcontentservedupeveryminuteonitssite.83AndHilbert and Lpez found that humankind shared 65 exabytes of infor mation in 2007,84 the equivalent of every person in the world sending out the contents of six newspapers every day, they es
80.YOCHAI BENKLER, THE WEALTH OF NETWORKS: HOW SOCIAL PRODUCTION TRANSFORMS MARKETS AND FREEDOM 4 (2006) (The material requirements for ef fective information production and communication are now owned by numbers of individuals several orders of magnitude larger than the number of owners of the basic means of information production and exchange a mere two decades ago....Individualscanreachandinformoredifymillionsaroundtheworld.Sucha reachwassimplyunavailabletodiverselymotivatedindividualsbefore....). 81.LAWRENCE M. FRIEDMAN, GUARDING LIFES DARK SECRETS: LEGAL AND SOCIALCONTROLSOVERREPUTATION,PROPRIETY,ANDPRIVACY259,269(2007). 82.DOWNES,supranote74,at79. 83.Ken Deeter, Live Commenting: Behind the Scenes, FACEBOOK ENGINEERINGS NOTES (Feb. 7, 2011, 1:00 PM), 496077348919. 84.Hilbert&Lpez,supranote76,at63.




timate.85 Not all of that shared information was personal infor mation,ofcourse,butmuchofitprobablywas. This problem will be exacerbated by the increasing ubiquity of mobile computing and communications devices that capture and reproduce information instantaneously.86 For example, mostadultsandmanyteenagerstodaycarryapowerfuldigital sensor or surveillance technology with them at all times: their mobile phones.87 Individuals use these technologies to record audioandvideoofthemselvesandtheworldaroundthemand instantaneously share that data with many others. They also use geolocation technologies to pinpoint the movement of themselvesandothersinrealtime.88 Meanwhile, new digital translation tools and biometric tech nologies are becoming widely available to consumers. Tools such as Google Goggles, available for many smartphones, let users snap pictures of anything they see and have it identified by Googlessearchengine,withtheresultsprovidedalmostinstantly to the user.89 Eventually, these technologies will merge with wearable computing technologies that will, for example, let the buttons on our shirts feed live streams of our daily movements andinteractionsintosocialnetworkingsitesanddatabases.90Peo
85.Id. 86.JONATHAN ZITTRAIN, THE FUTURE OF THE INTERNETAND HOW TO STOP IT 221(2008)(Cheapsensorsgenerativelywiredtocheapnetworkswithcheappro cessorsaretransformingthenatureofprivacy.). 87.JOHN PALFREY & URS GASSER, BORN DIGITAL: UNDERSTANDING THE FIRST GENERATION OF DIGITAL NATIVES 62 (2008) (Young people are turning to mobile devices in droves. They use them to post more information about themselves and theirfriendsintotheether.);JenniferValentinoDeVries,TheEconomicsofSurveil lance, WALL ST. J. DIGITS BLOG (Sept. 28, 2012, 10:30 PM), (quoting Col. Lisa Shay, a professor of electrical engineering at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, who notes that nowadays cellphones are sensors, and yourenowcarryingapersonalsensorwithyouatalltimes). 88.See, e.g., About Foursquare, FOURSQUARE.COM, (last visited Jan. 30, 2013) (Foursquare is a free app that helps you and your friends make the most of where you are. When youre out and about, use Four square to shareand save the places you visit.And, when youre looking for inspi ration for what to do next, well give you personalized recommendations and dealsbasedonwhereyou,yourfriends,andpeoplewithyourtasteshavebeen.). 89.Google Goggles, GOOGLE, (last visitedJan.30,2013). 90.See, e.g., Memoto Lifelogging Camera, MEMOTO, (last vis itedJan.30,2013)(TheMemotocameraisatinycameraandGPSthatyouclipon and wear. Its an entirely new kind of digital camera with no controls. Instead, it




ple will use such tools to record their lives and play them back later, or perhaps just to instantly scan and recognize faces, items, andplacesincasetheywanttorememberthemlater. Such technologies and ubiquitous informationsharing activi ties are growing rapidly and will become increasingly common placethroughoutsociety.Asaresult,mountainsofintimatedata will be created, collected, collated, and cataloged about us, and by us, on a daily basis.91 In other words, [i]ts not the govern mentspyingonallthecitizens,itsthecitizensthemselves.92 When combined with the other four factors discussed above, the unprecedented individual information sharing and user generation of content makes information control efforts especially privacy control effortssignificantly more difficult. Digital marketing professional Bhavishya Kanjhan notes that in creasingly itistheaction of a user rendering...privacy controls ineffective.Thehumanelementistheweakestlinkinthechain.93 F. Synthesis:InformationWantstoBeFree (EvenWhenWeDontWantittoBe)

Taken together, the end result of these five phenomena is that [o]nce information is out there, it is very hard to keep track of who has it and what he has done with it.94 The unset tling reality for privacy in the information age is that, as Stew ard Brand once famously said, information wants to be free

automatically takes photos as you go. The Memoto app then seamlessly and ef fortlessly organizes them for you....As long as you wear the camera, it is con stantly taking pictures. It takes two geotagged photos a minute with recorded orientationsothattheappcanshowthemuprightnomatterhowyouarewearing the camera....The camera and the app work together to give you pictures of every single moment of your life, complete with information on when you took it andwhereyouwere.Thismeansthatyoucanrevisitanymomentofyourpast.). 91.ZITTRAIN, supra note 84, at 221. (The central problem is that the organiza tions creating, maintaining, using, and disseminating records of identiable per sonal data are no longer just organizationsthey are people who take pictures and stream them online, who blog about their reactions to a lecture or a class or a meal, and who share on social sites rich descriptions of their friends and interac tions. These databases are becoming as powerful as the ones large institutions populateandcentrallydene.). 92.Jefferson,supranote20. 93.Bhavishya Kanjhan, Online privacy is dead and it is a good thing, SOC. MEDIA TODAY,June14,2010, 94.DAVID D. FRIEDMAN, FUTURE IMPERFECT: TECHNOLOGY AND FREEDOM IN AN UNCERTAINWORLD62(2008).




andthatisatleastpartlyduetothefactthatthecostofgetting itoutisgettinglowerandlowerallthetime.95 Only recently have individuals begun to realize that this in sight applies to all types of information flows. Though they might have appreciated the implications of this truism in other contexts, where many wanted digitized data to flow freely, they are only beginning to understand the uncomfortable real ity of what it means for efforts to control their own informa tion. When this idea was applied to online music sharing, it was cool in a fight the man! kind of way, says computer sci entist Ben Adida.96 Unfortunately, information replication doesnt discriminate: your personal data, credit cards and medi cal problems alike, also want to be free. Keeping it secret is really,reallyhard,henotes.97Again,thisobservationholdsfor all classes of informationintellectual property, pornography, hatespeech,statesecrets,andevenpersonalinformation. As Konstantinos Stylianou argues, there are indeed tech nologiessodisruptivethatbytheir verynaturetheycauseacer tainchange regardlessof other factors,andtheInternet isoneof them.98Comparedtopreviouscommunicationstechnologies,the Internet is qualitatively different from the telegraph, the tele phone, the radio, and the television. It is innately resistant to control in a way that those previous technologies were not, and that reality must be factored into public policy considerations. Asaresult,thecatandmousechasegamebetweenthelawand technology will probably always tip in favor of technology. It may thus be a wise choice for the law to stop underestimating the dynamics of technology, and instead adapt to embrace it.99 Observes science journalist Matt Ridley, [t]he implication is

95.Roger Clarke, Information Wants to be Free, ROGERCLARKE.COM,,2013). 96.Ben Adida, (your) information wants to be free, BENLOG (Apr. 28, 2011, 12:46 AM), 97.Id. 98.Konstantinos K. Stylianou, Hasta La Vista Privacy, or How Technology Termi nated Privacy, in PERSONAL DATA PRIVACY AND PROTECTION IN A SURVEILLANCE ERA: TECHNOLOGIES AND PRACTICES 44, 46 (Christina Akrivopoulou & Athana siosEfstratiosPsygkaseds.,2011). 99.Id.at54.




that, short of arresting half the planets people, we could not stopthemarchoftechnologyevenifwewantedto.100 G. Corollary:SilverBulletSolutions WontWork

In light of these information control considerations, seeking a simple solution to a complex problem such as online privacy protectionisquixotic.Inthissense,theDoNotTrackandEraser Button schemes fall into a long line of proposed silverbullet or universalsolutionstocomplicatedtechnologicalproblems. When it comes to such information control efforts, there are not many good examples of simple fixes or silverbullet solu tions that have been effective, at least not for very long. Con sider the elusive search for a universal solution to controlling access to online pornography.The experience of the World Wide Web Consortiums (W3C) Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS)101 and the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA)102 is instructive in this regard. Around the turn of the century, there was hope that voluntary metadata tagging and content labeling could be used to screen objectionable content on the Internet,103 but the sheer volume of material to be dealt with made that task almost impossible.104 The effort was even tually abandoned.105 Of course, the effort did not have a gov ernment mandate behind it to encourage more widespread adoption,butevenifithad,itishardtobelievethatallpornog

100.Matt Ridley, Why Cant Things Get Better Faster (or Slower)?, WALL ST. J., Oct. 19, 2012, 0488396776.html. 101.PICS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), WORLD WIDE WEB CONSORTIUM,,2013). 102.About ICRA, FAMILY ONLINE SAFETY INST., (last visitedJan.30,2013). 103.See, e.g., Joris Evers, Net labels mean choice, not censorship, PC ADVISOR, Oct. 23, 2001, choicenotcensorship/. 104.See PHIL ARCHER, ICRAFAIL: A LESSON FOR THE FUTURE 9 (2009), (The problem with a safety system that has a labelatoneendandafilterattheotheristhatunlabelledsitescanonlybetreated as a single group, i.e. you either block them all or allow them all. Since the num beroflabelledsiteswasverysmall,blockingallunlabelledsiteswouldeffectively shutoffmostoftheWeb.). 105.FAMILYONLINESAFETYINST.,,2012).




raphyorotherobjectionablecontentwouldhaveproperlybeen labeledandscreened. In a similar way, the CANSPAM Act106 aimed to curtail the flowofunsolicitedemailacrossdigitalsystems,yetfailedtodo so. Private filtering efforts have helped stem the flow to some extent, but have not eliminated the problem altogether. Royal Pingdom estimates that in 2010, 89.1% of all emails were spam.107 Spam pages are also a growing concern.108 In Janu ary 2011, Blekko, a new search engine provider, created a Spam Clock to track new spam pages and found one million newspampageswerebeingcreatedeveryhour.109 Similarproblemsawaitinformationcontroleffortsinthepri vacy realm, even if a mandated Do Not Track mechanism re quired the reengineering of web browser architecture or stan dards or both.110 Also, Do Not Track does not address mobile or app data, nor any data created outside a traditional web browser, notes Michael Fertik, CEO of At the same time, the growth in technology and understanding canrendercurrentsolutionsinadequate.Aprivacyruletolimit behavioral advertising today might not work in the future whenmoredataisavailableandtherearemore powerfulalgo rithmstoprocessit,hesays.112Thereisnoreliablewayofen suring this technology is being used, says Sidney Hill of Tech
106.Controlling the Assault of NonSolicited Pornography and Marketing (CANSPAM) Act of 2003, Pub. L. No. 108187, 117 Stat. 2699 (codified at various sectionsof15and18U.S.C.). 107.Internet 2010 in Numbers, ROYAL PINGDOM, Jan. 12, 2011, 108.Spam pages are useless pages that contain only a nugget of relevancy to your query and are slathered in ads. Caleb Johnson, Spam Clock Claims 1 Million Spam Pages are Created Every Hour, Jan. 10, 2011, SWITCHED.COM, 109.SPAMCLOCK, (last visited Jan. 30, 2013); see also Danny Sullivan, Blekko Launches Spam Clock To Keep Pressure On Google, SEARCH ENGINE LAND.COM, Jan. 7, 2011, spamclocktokeeppressureongoogle60634. 110.Steve DelBianco & Braden Cox, NetChoice Reply Comments on Department of Commerce Green Paper (Jan. 28, 2011), available at comments/101214614061401/comment.cfm?e=1EA9854223A44822BECD 143CD23BB5E9 (Its a single response to an overlysimplified set of choices we encounterontheweb.). 111.Michael Fertik, Comments of, Inc. to the U.S. Department of Commerce (Jan. 28, 2011), available at 31/reputationcomcommentscommercedepartmentprivacygreenpaper. 112.Id.




News World.113 Ensuring compliance with antitracking rules will become even more difficult as more users turn to mobile devicesastheirprimarymeansofconnectingtotheWeb.114 Importantly, Do Not Track would not slow the arms race in this arena as some have suggested.115 If anything, a Do Not Track mandate will speed up that arms race and have many other unintended consequences.116 Complex definitional ques tions also remain unanswered, such as how to define and then limittrackinginvariouscontexts.117 Insum,inlightoftheglobal,borderlessnatureofonlinespeech and data flows, the Do Not Track and Eraser Button schemes likely will not be effective.118 The regulatory experience with spam, objectionable content, and copyrighted content suggests seriouschallengeslieaheadfortopdownregulatoryefforts.

113.Sidney Hill, Internet Tracking May Not Be Worth the Headaches, TECH NEWS WORLD, Dec. 29, 2010, MayNotBeWorththeHeadaches71543.html. 114.Id. 115.See Rainey Reitman, Mozilla Leads the Way on Do Not Track, ELEC. FRONTIER FUND, Jan. 24, 2011, wayondonottrack (The headerbased Do Not Track system appeals because it calls for an armistice in the arms race of online tracking.); Christopher Soghoian, What the US government can do to encourage Do Not Track, SLIGHT PARANOIA, Jan. 27, 2011, encourage.html. ([O]pt out mechanisms...[could] finally free us from this cycle of arms races, in which advertising networks innovate around the latest browser privacycontrol.). 116.ABELSON ET AL., supra note 72,at 159 (Toooften, wellintentioned efforts toregulatetechnologyarefarworsethantheimaginedevilstheywereintended toprevent.). 117.Lauren Weinstein, Risks in Mozillas Proposed Firefox Do Not Track Header Thingy, LAUREN WEINSTEINS BLOG (Jan. 24, 2010, 12:09 AM), 118.Many behavioral targeting companies are based outside the USmaking legislation ineffective, says Doug Wolfgram, CEO of IntelliProtect, an online privacymanagementcompany.TonyBradley,WhyBrowserDoNotTrackFeatures Will Not Work, COMPUTERWORLD, Feb. 10, 2011, CASTRO, art.cfm?id=ACE91A0E1A646A71CE2572C981C0204A; DANIEL POLICYMAKERS SHOULD OPT OUT OF DO NOT TRACK 1, 3 (2010), files/2010donottrack.pdf (Another problem with Do Not Track is that it does not scale well on the global Internet....[T]o be effective, the proposal would re quire a federal mandate calling for substantive modifications to networking pro tocols, web browsers, software applications and other Internet devices. Besides raising costs for consumers, it is unclear how effective such a mandate would be outside of the U.S. borders or how well the proposal would be received by inter nationalstandardbodies.).


HarvardJournalofLaw&PublicPolicy III. CONSTRUCTIVESOLUTIONS


If the effectiveness of law and regulation is limited by the normative considerations discussed in Part I and the practical enforcement complications discussed in Part II, what alterna tives remain to assist privacysensitive individuals? The ap proachAmericahasadoptedtodealwithconcernsaboutobjec tionableonlinespeechandchildsafetyoffersapathforward. The current debate over protecting online privacy shares much in common with the debate that has taken place over the past two decades about ensuring greater child safety online. First,thesamedebatesoverthescopeofrightsandharmshave raged for decades in the child safety context.119 Specifically, the definitions of indecency, obscenity, hate speech, harassment, andexcessivelyviolentcontenthavebeenboggeddowninsub jective political squabbles120 and endless First Amendment related court battles over the constitutionality of regulatory en actments.121 At the same time, enforcement challenges in the onlinesafetycontexthavemultipliedrapidly.122Becauseofthe setwofactors,legalandregulatoryeffortsaimedatlimitingthe flowofobjectionablecontenthaveprovenlargelyfutile.123 Lacking solutions that were practical or could achieve political orjudicialconsensus,avarietyoflessrestrictivealternativeshave developed both on the child safety and privacy fronts. These al ternativescanbelabeledthe3EApproach,whichreferstoedu cation, empowerment, and targeted enforcement of existing legal standards. In the online safety context, I have documented how thisframeworkworksatmuchgreaterlengthelsewhere.124 Compared to the more topdown regulatory proposals being considered today, the 3E Approach is more bottomup, multi

119.See Robert CornRevere, Moral Panics, the First Amendment, and the Limits of SocialScience,28COMM.LAW.1(2011). 120.See Margaret A. Blanchard, The American Urge to Censor: Freedom of Expres sion Versus the Desire to Sanitize SocietyFrom Anthony Comstock to 2 Live Crew, 33 WM.&MARYL.REV.741,848(1992). 121.See Adam Thierer, Why Regulate Broadcasting? Toward a Consistent First AmendmentStandardfortheInformationAge,15COMMLAWCONSPECTUS431(2007). 122.COMPUTER SCI. AND TELECOMM. BD., NATL RESEARCH COUNCIL, YOUTH, PORNOGRAPHY,ANDTHEINTERNET47(2002). 123.THIERER,supranote7,at1820. 124.Id.




faceted, and evolutionary in nature.125 It does not imagine it is possible to craft a single, universal solution to online safety or privacyconcerns.Itaimsinsteadtocreateaflexibleframework thatcanhelpindividualscopewithaworldofrapidlyevolving technological change and constantly shifting social and market normsastheypertaintoinformationsharing. Importantly,thisapproachassumesanddependsuponacer tain amount of personal and parental responsibility in order to be effective. It is not unreasonable to expect privacysensitive consumerstoexercisesomedegreeofpersonalresponsibilityto avoid unwanted content or communications for themselves and their families, just as they must in the context of objection ablecontentoronlinechildsafety.126ThisPartdiscussesthe3 Eapproachinmoredetail. A. Education,AwarenessandDigitalLiteracy

Aswithonlinechildsafety,educationandmedialiteracymust be the first line of defense in ongoing efforts to better protect personal privacy in the information age. In recent years, many child safety scholars and child development experts have worked to expand traditional online education and media liter acy strategies to place the notion of digital citizenship at the coreoftheirlessons.127OnlinesafetyexpertAnneCollierdefines digital citizenship as [c]ritical thinking and ethical choices
125.ONLINE SAFETY & TECH. WORKING GRP., YOUTH SAFETY ON A LIVING INTERNET 7 (2010) (Government should avoid rigid, topdown technological mandates and instead enhance funding and encourage collaborative, multifac eted, and multistakeholder initiatives and approaches to enhance online safety viainnovationandcooperation.). 126.PALFREY & GASSER, supra note 87, at 70 (The person who can do the most to protect her privacy over the long run is the Digital Native herself. She is not in a position to solve the problem completely, but she can sharply mitigate any po tential harm through her own behavior. Common sense is the most important aspect of any solution to the privacy problem.); Harper, supra note 22, at 5 (Pri vacy is not a gift from politicians or an entitlement that can be demanded from government.Privacyisaproductofpersonalresponsibility.). 127.Anne Collier, From users to citizens: How to make digital citizenship relevant, NET FAMILY NEWS, (Nov. 16, 2009, 2:23 PM), fromuserstocitizenhowtomake.html; Larry Magid, We Need to Rethink Online Safety, HUFFINGTON POST, Jan. 22, 2010, magid/weneedtorethinkonline_b_433421.html; Nancy Willard, Comprehensive LayeredApproachtoAddressDigitalCitizenshipandYouthRiskOnline,CTR.FORSAFE & RESPONSIBLE INTERNET USE (2008), available at




about the content and impact on oneself, others, and ones com munity of what one sees, says, and produces with media, de vices, and technologies.128 Common Sense Media, a prominent U.S.based online safety organization, notes that [d]igital liter acy programs are an essential element of media education and involve basic learning tools and a curriculum in critical thinking andcreativity.129DigitalCitizenship,thegroupnotes:
means that kids appreciate their responsibility for their con tent as well as their actions when using the Internet, cell phones, and other digital media. All of us need to develop and practice safe, legal, and ethical behaviors in the digital media age. Digital Citizenship programs involve educa tional tools and a basic curriculum for kids, parents, and teachers.130

Digital citizenship education can also alleviate anxieties among parentsandpolicymakersaboutnewinformationtechnologies.131 These same principles and strategies can help us address privacy concerns for both kids and adults. Again, the solution iscriticalthinkinganddigitalcitizenship,arguesonlinesafety expert Larry Magid.132We need educational campaigns that teach kids how to use whatever controls are builtin to the browsers,howtodistinguishbetweenadvertisingandeditorial content and how to evaluate whatever information they come across to be able to make informed choices.133 Teaching kids smarter online hygiene (sensible personal data use) and Neti quette (proper behavior toward others) is vital.134 Children
128.Anne Collier, A definition of digital literacy & citizenship, NET FAMILY NEWS, (Sept. 15, 2009, 8:04 AM), literacy.html; see also Anne Collier, Literacy for a digital age: Transliteracy or what?, NET FAMILY NEWS, (Sept. 20, 2012, 4:52 PM), ?p=31427. 129.COMMON SENSE MEDIA, DIGITAL LITERACY AND CITIZENSHIP IN THE 21ST CENTURY: EDUCATING, EMPOWERING, AND PROTECTING AMERICAS KIDS 1 (2009), 130.Id. 131.STEPHEN BALKAM & NANCY GIFFORD, CALMING PARENTAL ANXIETY WHILE EMPOWERING OUR DIGITAL YOUTH (2012), resources/calmingparentalanxietywhileempoweringourdigitalyouth.pdf. 132.Larry Magid, Digital citizenship & media literacy beat tracking laws & monitor ing, SAFEKIDS.COM, Aug. 29, 2011, literacycriticalthinkingaccomplishmorethanmonitoringtrackinglaws. 133.Id. 134.Willard, supra note 127, at 12 (specifying that responsible digital citizens: (1) understand the risks: they know how to avoid getting into risk, detect if they




must be taught the dangers of oversharing personal informa tionaboutthemselvesandothers.Theycanalsobeencouraged todeleteunnecessaryonlineinformationoccasionally.135 Corporations and governments can help facilitate digital citi zenship. The FTCs OnGuard Online, a collaborative effort with other federalagencies, representsasavvyapproachto rais ing awareness about various legitimate online threats, including spyware, phishing, laptop security, and identity theft.136 The agency also has many other data security education initiatives underway.137 Many companies and trade associations are also taking steps to raise awareness among their users about how they can better protect their privacy and security.138 Other non profit organizationssuch as Privacy Rights Clearinghouse139 and the ACLU of Northern California140offer instructional websites and tips for how privacysensitive consumers can take stepstoprotecttheirpersonalinformationonline. While much of this mentoring will be conducted within schools, digital citizenship ultimately begins at home with pa rentalguidanceandmentoring.141Theempowermentstrategies

are at risk, and respond effectively, including asking for help; (2) are responsible andethical:theydonotharmothers,andtheyrespecttheprivacyandpropertyof others; (3) pay attention to the wellbeing of others: they make sure their friends and others are safe, and they report concerns to an appropriate adult or site; and, (4)promoteonlinecivilityandrespect). 135.Anne Collier, Delete Day: Students putting messages that matter online, NET FAMILYNEWS,(May6,2011,2:41PM), 136.ONGUARDONLINE,,2013). 137.See, e.g., Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on Data Security Before the H. Comm. on Energy & Commerce, H. Subcomm. on Commerce, Mfg. & Trade, 112th Cong. 57 (2011) (statement of Edith Ramirez, Commr, Fed. Trade Commn), (de scribingtheagencyseducationaleffortstoaddressdatasecurityconcerns.). 138.Trustworthy Computing Initiative, MICROSOFT, about/twc/en/us/default.aspx (last visited Jan. 30, 2013); Yahoo! Privacy Center, YAHOO!, (last visited Jan. 30, 2013); Pri vacyPolicy,GOOGLE,,2013). 139.FactSheets,PRIVACYRIGHTSCLEARINGHOUSE, privacyrightsfactsheets.(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 140.Its Time to Demand Your dotRights!, ACLU OF N. CAL., html(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 141.OConnell,supranote16(Fosteringcommunicationbetweenparentsabout their childrens use of the Internet is an important strategy that will help to nor malise [sic] discussion about how to reconcile the conflicting views about the val ue and the risks associated with Internet use. Empowering parents to educate their children to be able to navigate the Internet in a way thats fun and safe is




discussed in the next Part can supplement, but not replace, thoseefforts.142 B. EmpowermentandSelfRegulation

The market for digital selfhelp tools and privacy enhanc ing technologies (PET) continues to expand rapidly to meet new challenges. These tools can help users block or limit vari ous types of advertising and data collection and also ensure a more anonymous browsing experience. What follows is a brief inventoryofthePETsandconsumerinformationalreadyavail ableonthemarkettoday:
The major online search and advertising providers offer ad preference managers to help users man age their advertising preferences. Google,143 Micro soft,144 and Yahoo!145 all offer easytouse optout tools and educational webpages that clearly explain to consumers how digital advertising works.146 Meanwhile, a relatively new search engine, Duck DuckGo, offers an alternative search experience that blocksdatacollectionaltogether.147 Major browser providers also offer variations of a private browsing mode, which allows users to turn on a stealth browsing mode to avoid data col lection and other forms of tracking. This functional ityisavailableasamenuoptioninMicrosoftsInter

key, as is ensuring they are keeping pace with the rapidly changing patterns of useoftechnology.). 142.ONLINESAFETY&TECH.WORKINGGRP.,supranote125,at7. 143.AdsPreferences,GOOGLE, Jan.30,2013). 144.AdChoices,MICROSOFT, Jan. 30, 2013); Personalized Advertising, MICROSOFT, AdvertisementChoice/Default.aspx.(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 145.Ad Interest Manager, YAHOO!, opt_out/targeting/details.html.(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 146.Privacy, MICROSOFT,; (last visited Jan. 30, 2013); Yahoo! Privacy Center, YAHOO!, privacy/us/yahoo; (last visited Jan. 30, 2013); Privacy Policy, GOOGLE,,2013). 147.Privacy, DUCKDUCKGO, (last visited Jan. 30, 2013); see also, Jennifer ValentinoDeVries, Can Search Engines Compete on Privacy?, WALL ST. J. DIGITS BLOG (Jan. 25, 2011, 4:02 PM), digits/2011/01/25/cansearchenginescompeteonprivacy.


net Explorer (InPrivate Browsing),148 Googles Chrome (Incognito)149 and Mozillas Firefox (Pri vate Browsing).150 Firefox also has many addons available that provide additional privacyenhancing functionality.151 With just a little effort, notes Dennis OReilly of CNET, you can set Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome to clear out and block the cookies most online ad networks and other Web trackers re lyontobuildtheirvaluableuserprofiles.152


There are also many supplemental tools and add onsthatuserscantakeadvantageoftobetterprotect their privacy online by managing cookies, blocking web scripts, and so on. Like the marketplace for pa rental control technologies, a remarkable amount of innovation continues in the market for privacy em powerment tools, so much so that it is impossible to document all of them here. However, some of the more notable privacyenhancing tools and services include: Ghostery,153 NoScript,154 Cookie Monster,155 Better Privacy,156 Track Me Not,157 Collusion,158 and the Targeted Advertising Cookie OptOut or

148.InPrivate Browsing, MICROSOFT, internetexplorer/products/ie9/features/inprivate(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 149.Incognito mode (browse in private), GOOGLE, support/chrome/bin/,2013). 150.PrivateBrowsingBrowsethewebwithoutsavinginformationaboutthesitesyou visit, MOZILLA, (last visitedJan.30,2013). 151.AddOns, MOZILLA, (lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 152.Dennis OReilly, Add do not track to Firefox, IE, Google Chrome, CNETNEWS.COM,Dec.7,2010, 153.Ghostery AddOn, MOZILLA, addon/ghostery(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 154.No Script AddOn, MOZILLA, addon/noscript(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 155.Cookie Monster AddOn, MOZILLA, addon/cookiemonster(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 156.BetterPrivacy AddOn, MOZILLA, addon/betterprivacy(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 157.TrackMeNot AddOn, MOZILLA, addon/trackmenot(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 158.Collusion AddOn, MOZILLA, (last visitedJan.30,2013).




TACO159 (all for Firefox); No More Cookies160 (for Internet Explorer); Disconnect (for Chrome);161 AdSweep(forChromeandOpera);162CCleaner163(for PCs); and Flush164 (for Mac). New empowerment so lutions are constantly turning up.165 Many of these toolsbuildaroundtheDoNotTracknotionandfunc tionality that the FTC has been encouraging. For ex ample, Reputation.coms new MyPrivacy service letsusersremovetheirinformationfromvarioussites and helps them create the equivalent of a Do Not Track list for over 100 online networks.166 New tools from Priveazy167 and Privacyfix168 offer similar func tionalityandallowuserstoadjustprivacysettingsfor several sites and services at once. Finally, online pri vacy company Abine offers a Do Not Track Plus, which it claims blocks more than 600 trackers.169 Abine also sells a PrivacyWatch service, which alerts Facebook users to privacy policy changes on the site,170 as well as a DeleteMe service that helps

159.Targeted Advertising Cookie OptOut (TACO) AddOn, MOZILLA, (lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 160.No More Cookies, CNET.COM, Cookies/30002144_410449885.html(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 161.DISCONNECT,,2013). 162.AdSweep AddOn, OPERA, details/adsweep/2.0.33/?display=en(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 163.CCleaner, PIRIFORM, (last visited Jan. 30, 2013). 164.Flush, MACUPDATE, (last visitedJan.30,2013). 165.David Gorodyansky, Web Privacy: Consumers Have More Control Than They Think, HUFFINGTON POST, Dec. 30, 2010, gorodyansky/webprivacyconsumershav_b_799881.html. 166.My Privacy, REPUTATION.COM, (last visitedJan.30,2013). 167.PRIVEAZY,,2013). 168.PRIVACYFIX,,2013). 169.Do Not Track Plus, ABINE, (last visited Jan.30,2013). 170.PrivacyWatch, ABINE, (last visitedJan.30,2013).


users erase personal information from various other onlinesitesandservices.171


The success of one particular tool, AdBlockPlus, de servesspecialmention.AdBlockPlus,whichletsusers blocks advertising on most websites, is the most downloadedaddonforboththeFirefoxandChrome webbrowsers.172AsofOctober2012,roughly175mil lion people had downloaded the Adblock Plus add on for the Firefox web browser.173 Incidentally, both Adblock Plus and NoScript, another of the most popular privacyenhancing downloads for Firefox, supporttheDoNotTrackprotocol.174 Finally, pressured by policymakers and privacy ad vocates, all three of those browser makers (Micro soft,175 Google,176 and Mozilla177) have now agreed to include some variant of a Do Not Track mecha nism or an optout registry in their browsers to complementthecookiecontrolstheyhadalreadyof fered.MicrosofthasevendecidedtoturnonDoNot Track by default, although it has been a controver

171.DeleteMe, ABINE, (last visitedJan.30,2013). 172.ADBLOCKPLUS,,2013). 173.Statistics for Adblock Plus AddOn, MOZILLA, US/firefox/addon/adblockplus./statistics/?last=30(lastvisitedJan.30,2013). 174.XDoNotTrack support in NoScript, HACKADEMIX, 2010/12/28/xdonottracksupportinnoscript(Dec.28,2010,5:31PM). 175.Dean Hachamovitch, IE9 and Privacy: Introducing Tracking Protection, MICROSOFT IE BLOG (Dec. 7, 2010, 1:10 PM), b/ie/archive/2010/12/07/ie9andprivacyintroducingtrackingprotectionv8.aspx; Dean Hachamovitch, Update: Effectively Protecting Consumers from Online Tracking, MICROSOFT IE BLOG (Jan. 25, 2011, 2:43 PM), ie/archive/2011/01/25/updateeffectivelyprotectingconsumersfromonline tracking.aspx. 176.Peter Bright, Do Not Track support added to Chrome, arriving by the end of the year, ARS TECHNICA, Sept. 14, 2012, technology/2012/09/donottracksupportaddedtochromearrivingbytheend oftheyear; Sean Harvey & Rajas Moonka, Keeping your optouts, GOOGLE PUB. POLY BLOG (Jan. 24, 2010, 12:00 PM), 2011/01/keepyouroptouts.html. 177.SeeJuliaAngwin,WebToolOnFirefoxToDeterTracking,WALLST.J.,Jan.24, 2011, 6.html;StephenShankland,Mozillaoffersdonottracktooltothwartads,CNETNEWS DEEPTECH,Jan.24,2011,




sial move.178 These developments build onindustry wide efforts by the Network Advertising Initiative andtheSelfRegulatoryProgramforOnlineBehav ioral Advertising179 to make opting out of targeted advertising simpler. The resulting Digital Advertis ing Alliance is a collaboration among the leading trade associations in the field, including: American Association of Advertising Agencies, American Ad vertisingFederation,AssociationofNationalAdver tisers,BetterBusinessBureau,DigitalMarketingAs sociation, Interactive Advertising Bureau, and Network Advertising Initiative.180 Their program uses an Advertising Option Icon to highlight a companys use of targeted advertising and gives consumers an easytouse optout option.181 It was accompanied by an educational initiative,, which offers consumers in formation about online advertising.182 The inde pendent Council of Better Business Bureaus will en force compliance with the system.183 Selfregulatory efforts such as these have the added advantage of being more flexible than government regulation, whichtendstolockinsuboptimalpoliciesandstifle ongoinginnovation.

Again,thissurveyonlyscratchesthesurfaceofwhatisavail able to privacysensitive web surfers today.184 Importantly, this

178.Natasha Singer, Do Not Track? Advertisers Say Dont Tread on Us, N.Y. TIMES, Oct. 13, 2012, trackmovementisdrawingadvertisersfire.html?_r=1&. 179.SelfRegulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising, DIGITAL ADVERTISINGALLIANCE,,2013). 180.Press Release, Network Advertising Initiative, Major Marketing/Media Trade Groups Launch Program to Give Consumers Enhanced Control over Col lection and Use of Web Viewing Data For Online Behavioral Advertising (Oct. 4, 2010) [hereinafter Major Marketing], Associations104release.pdf. 181.Id. DIGITAL ADVERTISING ALLIANCE, 182.SelfRegulatory Principles,,2013). 183.MajorMarketing,supranote180,at2. 184.There are many other mundane steps that users can take to protect their privacy. See, e.g., Kashmir Hill, 10 Incredibly Simple Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your Privacy, FORBES, Aug. 23, 2012, sites/kashmirhill/2012/08/23/10incrediblysimplethingsyoushouldbedoingto protectyourprivacy.




inventory does not include the many different types of digital securitytoolsthatexisttoday.185 What these tools and efforts illustrate is a wellfunctioning marketplace that is constantly evolving to offer consumers greater control over their privacy without upending online mar kets through onerous topdown regulatory schemes. Policymak ers would be hardpressed to claim any sort of market failure exists when such a robust marketplace of empowerment tools existstoservetheneedsofprivacysensitivewebsurfers.186 Importantly, it is vital to realize that most consumers will never take advantage of these empowerment tools, just as the vast majority of parental control technologies go untapped by most families.187 This is due to a number of factors, most nota bly that not every individual or household will have the same needs and values as they pertain to either online safety and digitalprivacy. Therefore, the fact that not every individual or household uses empowerment tools should not be used as determination ofmarketfailureortheneedforgovernmentregulation.Nor should the effort or inconvenience associated with using such tools be viewed as a market failure.188 What matters is that the setoolsexistforthosewhowishtousethem,nottheactualup take or usage of those tools or the inconvenience they might posetodailyonlineactivities. Government officials can take steps to encourage the use of PETs, but it is even more essential that they do not block or

185.Onlinesecurityanddigitalprivacyarerelated,butarealsodistinctinsome ways. For example, technically speaking, antivirus and other antimalware tech nologies are considered security tools, but they can also help protect a users pri vacybyguardinginformationshewishestokeepprivate. 186.Lenard&Rubin,supranote29,at2(TheCommissionandStaffReportsdonot providearigorousanalysisofwhethermarketfailuresexistwithrespecttoprivacy.). 187.AdamThierer,WhoNeedsParentalControls?AssessingtheRelevantMarketfor Parental Control Technologies, PROGRESS ON POINT, Feb. 2009, at 46, 188.The Supreme Court has held as much in the context of child safety. See United States v. Playboy Entmt Grp., 529 U.S. 803, 824 (2000) (It is no response that voluntary blocking requires a consumer to take action, or may be inconven ient, or may not go perfectly every time. A court should not assume a plausible, less restrictive alternative would be ineffective; and a court should not presume parents,givenfullinformation,willfailtoact.).




discourage their use.189 For example, limitations on encryption technologies or mandates requiring that web surfers use online age verification or identify authentication technologies would undermineusereffortstoshieldtheirprivacy.190 C. OnSimplifiedPrivacyPolicies andEnhancedNotice

Many privacy advocates191 and the FTC192 have stressed the benefits of simplified privacy policies. The FTC has also complained that the noticeandchoice model, as imple mented,hasledtolong,incomprehensibleprivacypoliciesthat consumerstypicallydonotread,letaloneunderstand.193 Nodoubt,moreclearlywordedprivacyanddatausepolicies would be a welcome development. As Google has noted in a filing to the Department of Commerce, [c]onsumers are ill servedbyaregulatoryregimethatvaluesrotecomplianceover innovation, or pressures companies to overlawyer their pri vacy policies and notices or lock in litigationtested messaging and delivery mechanisms rather than experimenting with new content or new ways to inform and empower consumers.194 There are other considerations that must also be taken into ac countwhendebatingprivacypolicies,however. First, simply because consumers do not necessarily read or understandeverywordofacompanysprivacypolicydoesnot mean a market failure exists. Consider how other disclosure policies or labeling systems work. It is unlikely that consumers read or fully understand every proviso contained in the stacks
189.Froomkin,supranote57,at1529(Sometimesoverlooked,however,arethe ways in which existing law can impose obstacles to PETs. Laws and regulations designed to discourage the spread of cryptography are only the most obvious examplesofimpedimentstoprivacyenhancingtechnology.). 190.Adam Thierer, Social Networking and Age Verification: Many Hard Questions; No Easy Solutions, PROGRESS ON POINT, Mar. 2007, at 3, sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=976936. 191.AleeciaM.McDonald&LorrieFaithCranor,TheCostofReadingPrivacyPol icies,4I/S:J.L.&POLYFORINFO.SOCY543(2008);OmerTene&JulesPolonetsky, To Track or DoNot Track: Advancing Transparency and Individual Control in Online BehavioralAdvertising,13MINN.J.L.SCI.&TECH.281,34247(2012). 192.FTCPRELIMINARYPRIVACYREPORT,supranote11,at19,26,70. 193.Id.atiii. 194.PabloL.Chavez,CommentsofGoogle,Inc.totheU.S.DepartmentofCommerce 7(Jan.28,2010), cfm?e=10FE3003691B4E2E968587D7DB413C1D.




of paper placed in front of them when they sign a home mort gage (even with Truth in Lending Act195 disclosure require ments in place). The same is true for life insurance policies, whicharefullofincomprehensibleprovisionsandstipulations, eventhoughregulations governthosepoliciesaswell.Itisalso unlikely that consumers read and understand every provision of their car loan or warranty. The same is also true of manda toryFoodandDrugAdministrationdisclosuresonpharmaceu ticals. In each of these cases, far more is at stake for consumers than whatever risk they face by not fully comprehending online privacy policies. Accordingly, a certain amount of ra tional ignorance about privacy policies should be expected. Consumers will never be perfectly informed.196 Although in creased notice and transparency should always be encouraged, users value their time and often ignore data collection and pri vacypoliciesforavarietyofreasons.Increasedsimplification of privacy policies is not going to magically make consumers start reading them or care any more than they currently do abouttheirprivacy. Second, the highly litigious nature of Americas legal culture will likely not permit companies to radically simplify their pri vacy policies. By its very nature, simplification likely entails less specificity about the legal duties and obligations of either party. Consequently, some companies will rightly fear that a move toward more simplified privacy policies could open them up to greater legal liability. If policymakers persist in the effort to force the simplification of privacy policies, therefore, they may need to extend some sort of safe harbor provision to site operators for a clearly worded privacy policy that is later subject to litigation because of its lack of specificity. If not, site operatorswillfindthemselvesinadamnedifyoudo,damned if you dont position: Satisfying regulators desire for simplic ity will open them up to attacks by those eager to exploit the lackofspecificityinherentinasimplifiedprivacypolicy. Nonetheless, efforts to make privacy policies more compre hensible will continue, as will efforts to institute privacy by de

195.Pub.L.90321,82Stat.146(1968). 196.Harper, supra note 22, at 4 (Unfortunately, there is no horn that sounds when consumersaresufficientlyaware,orwhentheirpreferencesarebeinghonored.).




sign.197 This term refers to efforts by organizations to embed privacy into the architecture of technologies and practices.198 There already have been amazing strides made in this regard, and progressthough slowwill continue. The signs are al readybeginningtoappear,saysAnnCavoukian,whoiswidely creditedwithcoiningtheterm,thatmarketleadersareembrac ingPrivacybyDesign,andare,inturn,reapingthebenefits.199 The growthof privacy by designefforts reflect a renewed fo cus on evolving industry selfregulation and codes of conduct, as was discussed in the previous Part. Policymakers and the general public are increasingly demanding that privacy profes sionals be present in informationgathering institutions and take steps to better safeguard private information flows. The rapidly expanding ranks of the International Association for Privacy Professionals (IAPP) reflects that fact.200 The IAPP was formedin2000andhasrapidlygrownfromjustafewhundred members to almost 10,000 members in 70 countries by 2012.201 Membershipwasexpectedtoreach12,000bytheendof2012.202 As a result, a growing class of privacy professionals exists throughout the corporate world, as Professors Kenneth A. Bamberger&DeirdreK.Mulligansummarize:
The individuals managing corporate privacy have an appli cant pool of trained professionals to draw from. There is on going training, certification, and networking. A community

197.Ira S. Rubinstein, Regulating Privacy by Design, 26 BERKELEY TECH. L. J. 1409 (2011);PeterSchaar,PrivacybyDesign,3IDENTITYINFO.SOCY267(2010). 198.AnnCavoukian,2011:TheDecadeofPrivacybyDesignstartsnow,ITBUSINESS (Jan. 15, 2011, 6:00 AM), privacybydesignstartsnow. 199.Id. 200.Kenneth A. Bamberger & Deirdre K. Mulligan, New Governance Chief Pri vacy Officers, and the Corporate Management of Information Privacy in the United States: An Initial Inquiry, 33 L. & POLY 477 (2011); Tene & Polonetsky, supra note 191,at34849. 201.About the IAPP, INTL ASSN OF PRIVACY PROFLS,,2013). 202.Deborah M. Todd, CMU introduces new masters program for technological pri vacy certification, PITTSBURGH POSTGAZETTE, Oct. 16, 2012, technologicalprivacycertification657737.




ofcorporateprivacymanagershasemerged.Readyevidence suggeststhatsubstantialeffortismadetomanageprivacy.203


IncreasedSection5Enforcement,TargetedStatutes, andtheCommonLaw

Despite the challenges of enforcing privacy law that were summarized in Part II, regulators and courts will continue to playaroleatthemarginofthisdebate. As noted above, policymakers can encourage the continuous improvement of corporate privacy policies, ensuring that they areaccompaniedbyclearernoticeaboutspecificdatacollection practices, and then hold companies to the promises they make to their customers.204 As former FTC Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch has argued, if there is anything wrong with the notice model, it is that we donot enforce it stringentlyenough.205 He argues that, to the extent that privacy notices have been bur ied, incomplete, or otherwise ineffectiveand they have beenthe answer is to enhance efforts to enforce the notice model,nottoreplaceitwithanewframework.206 The agencys broad powers under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act should be more than adequate to ac complish that task.207 The FTCs authority to police unfair and deceptive practices under Section 5 provides the agency with a remarkably sweeping consumer protection tool to address privacy and data security matters.208 The FTC has noted that it
203.Kenneth A. Bamberger & Deirdre K. Mulligan, Privacy on the Books and on theGround,63STAN.L.REV.247,260(2011). 204.PALFREY&GASSER,supranote87,at7374.(Thestatedoesneedtoprovide a crucial backstop, and in the United States it already does. If a company says it will do one thing, and it does another, then the Federal Trade Commission can holdthecompanyresponsibleforitsactions.). 205.FTC PRELIMINARY PRIVACY REPORT, supra note 11, app. E, at E6E7 (Con curringStatementofCommrJ.ThomasRosch).,atE2. 207.Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act prohibits businesses from engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce. 15 U.S.C. 45(a); see also J. Howard Beales, III, The FTCs Use of Unfairness Authority: Its Rise, Fall, and Resurrection, FED. TRADE COMMN (June 2003),,2012). 208.Bamberger&Mulligan,supranote198,at273([T]heFederalTradeCommis sion has actively used its broad authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, to take an active role in the governance of privacy protection, ranging from issuing guidance regarding appropriate practices




has already brought and settled many cases involving its Sec tion 5 authority to police privacy and data security matters.209 In its March 2012 Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change report, the FTC noted that, using its Section 5 authority and other powers, the agency has carried out many privacy and data securityrelated actions just since December 2010.210 Specifically,theCommissionreportedthatithad:
BroughtenforcementactionsagainstGoogleandFa cebook. The orders obtained in these cases require the companies to obtain consumers affirmative ex press consent before materially changing certain of their data practices and to adopt strong, company wide privacy programs that outside auditors will assess for 20 years. These orders will protect the more than one billion Google and Facebook users worldwide. Brought enforcement actions against online adver tising networks that failed to honor opt outs. The orders in these cases are designed to ensure that when consumers choose to opt out of tracking by advertisers,theirchoiceiseffective. Broughtenforcementactionsagainstmobileapplica tions that violated the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act as well as applications that set de fault privacy settings in a way that caused consum erstounwittinglysharetheirpersonaldata. Brought enforcement actions against entities that sold consumer lists to marketers in violation of the FairCreditReportingAct. Brought actions against companies for failure to maintainreasonabledatasecurity.211

The FTC brought several other privacy and data security related cases using its Section 5 powers after the 2012 report

forprotectingpersonalconsumerinformation,tobringingenforcementactionschal lenginginformationpracticesallegedtocauseconsumerinjury.). 209.FTCFINALPRIVACYREPORT,supranote11,ati. 210.Id.atii. 211.Id.




was released.212 In essence, the agency is using its Section 5 powers to hold companies to the privacy and data security promisestheymaketotheirconsumers.Theneteffectofthese privacyenforcementactionshasbeentocreateacommonlaw ofconsentdecreesthatdictateswhatprivacyviolations,includ ing data security lapses, constitute a violation of the FTC Act, concludes privacy attorney Christopher Wolf.213 This has pro duc[ed] a set of data protection rules for businesses to fol low.214 The FTC has also issued industry guidance for mobile app data collection and privacy practices215 as well as facial recognitiontechnologies.216 Tort,217 property,218 and contract law219 will also continue to play a role in privacy enforcement and data security. The four privacy torts are public disclosure of private facts, intrusion upon seclusion, false light, and appropriation of name or like ness.220 Although privacy torts evolved fairly recently com
212.FTC Finalizes Privacy Settlement with Myspace, FED. TRADE COMMN, (Sept. 11, 2012),; FTC Halts Computer Spying, FED. TRADE COMMN, (Sept. 25, 2012), 09/designware.shtm;TrackingSoftwareCompanySettlesFTCChargesThatitDeceived Consumers and Failed to Safeguard Sensitive Data it Collected, FED. TRADE COMMN, (Oct.22,2012), 213.CHRISTOPHER WOLF, TARGETED ENFORCEMENT AND SHARED LAWMAKING AUTHORITY AS CATALYSTS FOR DATA PROTECTION 7 (2010), E4/26451/Consumer_WOLFDataProtectionandPrivacyCommissioners.pdf. 214.Id.at2. 215.FTC Publishes Guide to Help Mobile App Developers Observe Truthin Advertising, Privacy Principles, FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, (Sept. 5, 2012), 216. FTC Recommends Best Practices for Companies That Use Facial Recognition Technologies, FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, (Oct. 22, 2012), opa/2012/10/facialrecognition.shtm. 217.See JIM HARPER, THE PRIVACY TORTS: HOW U.S. STATE LAW QUIETLY LEADS THE WAY IN PRIVACY PROTECTION (2002), Torts_Report.html. 218.See Harper, supra note 22, at 3. (Real property law and the law of trespass mean that people have legal backing when they retreat into their homes, close their doors,andpulltheircurtainstopreventothersfromseeingwhatgoesonwithin.). 219.See id. (Contract law, for example, allows consumers to enter into enforce able agreements that restrict the sharing of information involved in or derived from transactions. Thanks to contract, one person may buy foot powder from another and elicit as part of the deal an enforceable promise never to tell another soulaboutthepurchase.)(footnoteomitted). 220.PALFREY&GASSER,supranote87,at79(Thelawshouldmakeitclearwhat it means for an actor who collects personally identifiable information to be negli gent in terms of computer security. Lawyers call this area of the law torts. Com




pared to other common law torts, it is possible that these pri vacy torts will continue to evolve in response to technological change in ways that will provide more avenues of recourse to plaintiffsseekingtoprotecttheirprivacyrights. State governments and state attorneys general also continue to advance their own privacy policies, and those enforcement efforts are often more stringent than federal law.221 For exam ple,inJuly2012,CaliforniaAttorneyGeneralKamalaD.Harris announcedthecreationofthePrivacyEnforcementandProtec tionUnittoexpandprivacyenforcementthroughcivilprosecu tion of privacy laws.222 States also have a variety of targeted privacy laws such as data security breach notification rules, Peeping Tom statutes, confidentiality laws, and anti blackmail laws.223 Again, the effectiveness of many of these laws and regulations are limited by new enforcement chal lenges,buttheycontinuetoplayabackstoprolethat,ifnothing else, puts companies on notice about their data policies. There are strong reputational incentives at work here since data breaches or privacy violations can be a major public relations setbackforcompanieshandlingconsumerinformation. Not to be forgotten is that fact that the United States, has a vibrant privacy litigation industry, led by privacy class ac

paniesthatstoreinformationaboutusersshouldbeheldtoareasonablestandard, under the law, for maintaining the security of their data collection and storage systems. In theevent of adatabreach, an individual or classof persons should be able to hold companies accountable for the breach. If companies do not meet this reasonable standard for security, they should be held liable.); see also FTC PRELIMINARY PRIVACY REPORT, supra note 11, app. D, at D1 (Concurring State mentofCommrWilliamE.Kovacic). 221.WOLF,supranote213,at3.(Atthestatelevel,legislatureshavebecomethe proving grounds for new statutory approaches to privacy regulation. Some of these developments include the enactment of data security breach notification well as highly detailed data security laws, enacted largely in response to databreaches. This partnership has resulted in a set of robust standards for the protectionofpersonaldata.). 222.Press Release, Cal. Dept of Justice, Office of the Atty Gen., Attorney Gen eral Kamala D. Harris Announces Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit (July 19, 2012), announcesprivacyenforcementandprotection. 223.See,e.g.,FinancialDataProtectionandConsumerNotificationofDataSecu rity Breach Act of 2006, NEB.REV. STAT. ANN. 87801 (LexisNexis 2012); Peeping Toms, GA. CODE ANN., 161161; Confidentialcommunications between hus band and wife, W. VA. CODE ANN., 5734 (LexisNexis 2012); Blackmail; aggra vatedblackmail;penalties,WYO.STAT.ANN.62402(2012).




tions.224Classactionlawsuitactivity isremarkablyintensefol lowingmajorprivacyviolationsordatabreaches225andthereis evidence that [h]ow federal courts define the damages people suffer from data breaches is broadening dramatically, leaving unprepared companies at greater risk of big payouts in class action lawsuits.226 This disciplines firms that violate privacy and data security norms while sending a signal to other online operatorsabouttheirdatapoliciesandprocedures.227 Meanwhile, other targeted statutes and regulations already existtoaddressspecificprivacyordatasecurityconcerns.Onits website, the FTC itemizes the many privacy laws and consumer protection regulations it already enforces.228 They include: the Truth in Lending Act,229 the Fair Credit Billing Act,230 the Fair CreditReportingActof1970,231theElectronicFundTransferAct of1978,232theChildrensOnlinePrivacyProtectionAct(COPPA) of 1998,233 and the Health Breach Notification Rule (2009),234
224.Peter Fleischer, Privacylitigation: get ready for an avalanche in Europe, PETER FLEISCHER: PRIVACY...? (Oct. 26, 2012, 10:00 AM), 225.Id. (Within hours of any newspaper headline (accurate or not) alleging any sort of privacy mistake, a race begins among privacy class action lawyers to find a plaintiffandfileaclassaction.Mostoftheseclassactionsaresoondismissed,orsettled asnuisancesuits,becausemostofthemfailtobeabletodemonstrateanyharmfrom theallegedprivacybreach.Butasmallpercentageofprivacyclassactionsdoresultin large transfers of money, first and foremost to the class action lawyers themselves, whichisenoughtokeepthewheelsofthelitigationmachineturning.). 226.Antone Gonsalves, Courts widening view of data breach damages, lawyers say, CSO ONLINE, Oct. 29, 2012, wideningviewofdatabreachdamageslawyerssay. 227.For example, in October 2012, the web analytics company KISSmetrics agreed to settle a classaction lawsuit associated with its use of supercookies, which tracked users online without sufficient notice or choice being given before hand. The firm agreed to pay each consumer who was part of the suit $2,500. See Wendy Davis, KISSmetrics Settles Supercookies Lawsuit, ONLINE MEDIA DAILY, Oct. 19, 2012, settlessupercookieslawsuit.html#ixzz2A306a5mq. 228.See FED. TRADE COMMN, ADVERTISING AND MARKETING ON THE INTERNET: RULES OF THE ROAD, (2000), marketinginternetrulesroad; Legal Resources Statutes Relating to Consumer Protection Mission,FED.TRADECOMMN,,2012). 229.15U.S.C.16011667(f)(2006). 230.15U.S.C.16661666(j)(2006). 231.15U.S.C.16811681(u)(2006). 232.15U.S.C.1693(2006). 233.15U.S.C.6501(2006). 234.16C.F.R.318.1(2012).




among others. Many other federal consumer protection and pri vacy laws exist and are enforced by other agencies or courts, such as the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984,235 the Video Privacy Protection Act of 1998,236 and the Health Insur ancePortabilityandAccountabilityAct(HIPAA)of1996.237 In sum, a plethora of privacy laws, data securityrelated stat utes, and other consumer protection policies already exist. Before adding new laws and regulations, more focused enforcement ef forts should be pursued using existing legal authority, which is already extremely broad in scope. Of course, all of these legal ef forts will be encumbered by the enforcement challenges detailed in Part II, meaning that ultimately they will be no substitute for a moreeducated,empowered,andresponsiblecitizenry. CONCLUSION Not every complex social problem can be solved by state ac tion. Many of the thorniest social problems citizens encounter in the information age will be better addressed through efforts that are bottomup, evolutionary, educationbased, empower mentfocused, and resiliencycentered. That framework is the bestapproachtoaddresspersonalprivacyprotection.Evolving social and market norms will also play a role as citizens incor porate new technologies into their lives and business practices. What may seem like a privacyinvasive practice or technology oneyearmightbeconsideredanessentialinformationresource the next.238 Public policy should embraceor at least not un necessarily disruptthe highly dynamic nature of the modern digitaleconomy. This approach is even more relevant today when it comes to protecting privacy in an age of ubiquitous sharing and quick silver information flows. To some extent, the technological ge nieisoutofthebottleand,asuncomfortableasitmaybe,indi viduals will need to adjust some of their privacy expectations to account for these new realities. Attempting to put the infor mation genie back in the bottle is impossible absent extreme
235.47U.S.C.551(2006). 236.18U.S.C.2710(2006). 237.HealthInsurancePortabilityandAccountabilityActof 1996, Pub. L. 104 191,110Stat.1936(1996). 238.Downes,supranote43.




steps that would entail massive costs on the free flow of infor mationandtechnologicalfreedom.239 Americas privacy regime must, therefore, be flexible and evolutionaryespecially if we hope to preserve the many ben efits of an economy built on the free flow of information.240 Regulationeven wellintentioned regulation aimed at pre servingprivacyisnotacostlessexercise.241 Whether it is online child safety or online privacy protection, the consistent and principled position can be simply stated: Personal responsibility and user empowerment should be the firstorder solution for both these issues. The state ought not help those who can better help themselves.242 Governments should only intervene when clear harm can be demonstrated and user empowerment truly proves ineffective. Conjectural fears and hypothetical harms should not drive Internet regula tion.243 Although there are many legitimate online safety pri vacy concerns today, less restrictive means of dealing with them can be tapped before policymakers consider greatly ex pandedcontrolsforcyberspaceandtheinformationeconomy.

239.L. Gordon Crovitz, Optimism and the Digital World, WALL ST. J., Apr. 21, 2008, (The uncertain ties and dislocations from new technology can be wrenching, but genies dont go backintobottles.);AdamThierer,Copyright,Privacy,PropertyRights&Information Control: Common Themes, Common Challenges, TECH. LIBERATION FRONT, Apr. 10, 2012, informationcontrol. 240.HOWARD BEALES, THE VALUE OF BEHAVIORAL TARGETING (2011), 241.Kent Walker, Where Everybody Knows Your Name: A Pragmatic Look at the Costs of Privacyand the Benefits of Information Exchange, 2000STAN. TECH. L.REV. 2, 50 (2000) (A premature insistence on regulatory control over market approaches to the problem may distort or prevent the evolution of initiatives that produce lower prices, increase convenience, provide more secure records, and foster new andwidelybeneficialcivicandpoliticalinterchange.). 242.Tom W. Bell, Free Speech, Strict Scrutiny, and SelfHelp: How Technology Up gradesConstitutionalJurisprudence,87MINN.L.REV.743,743(2003). 243.AdamThierer,Technopanics,ThreatInflation,andtheDangerofanInformation TechnologyPrecautionaryPrinciple,14MINN.J.L.SCI.&TECH.309(2013).

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