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ASHA gets new life


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31October 2007 FORTNIGHTLY



Khirod Ch. Malick

91+663 2533597(O)




The Link B I S W A At-Danipali

An unwed mother gave birth to a girl child in the HQ hospital, Sundergarh in a rain stormed night of November 2006.Next day, early in the morning the baby was found deserted. Fortunately a sadhu observed the whole event ,as he was recovering from a bout of fever there that night.Soon after he was discharged from the hospital ,he took the baby and proceeded on his pious expedition.Once again he fell sick and it was difficult on his part to take care of himself.So he left the baby at the door step of a nearby house . By then the baby was ill and fighting for her survival .As a matter of fact she was hankering for mothers love and attention.Ultimately she was handed over to an orphanage, Sahayata Ashram, being run by BISWA.She was named as Asha in the Ashram. On the other hand, Mrs.Mamata Pattanaik &
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Mr.Subash Nayak, school teachers at Kansabahal in Sundergarh district, were in search of a child for adoption,as they could not be parents. They came in contact with Mr.K.C.Malick, Chairman, BISWA and came to know about the orphanage managed by this organization. So the organization requested District Child Welfare Committee with providing all details for favor of consideration. At last on 12th October 2007 the couple got a chance to adopt Asha , after it was cleared by the committee.On that occasion Asha was handed over to her new parents for her secured future in presence of Chairman, BISWA and Chairman, Dr.Diptibala Pattanaik & Mr.S.P.Meher members of Child Welfare Committee and others.


Pitabasa Sethi Ajoy Shroff Jogeswar Majhi Shiv Prasad Meher Aurobinda Mahapatra


In this Issue...
Editorial Kafe khusi arrives in Sambalpur !! Other news of BISWA

The Link
Chief Editor Debabrata Malick Editor Muralidhar Sethy
Central Office
BISWA At-Danipali, P.o-Budharaja Dist-Sambalpur, PIN-768004 Tele fax- +91-663-2533597 Email:[email protected], [email protected]

this initiative and come on over to Kamili Bazar and sample the fare! BISWA has envisaged to address the gross unemployment problem in Orissa.It has fixed its own target to create one million employment opportunities with its own resources, as it is the only way to erase the stigma as the poorest state in the country. As per the envisaged vision it has created altogether a new pillar micro-enterprise in its organizational structure. Hence the whole effort could be seen as a step in that direction.Fortunately ITC has a similar type of programme to address urban unemployment problem all over the nation.Thus this initiative of BISWA got a sponsorship from ITC to make it a full circle.

State Offices
ORISSA Gada Gopinath Colony, In front of High School, Plot No. E/7 PO: Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar-751010 CHHATTISGARH C-243, Kuber Griha Society Rohinipuram, Raipur-492010, Telephone No: 0771-6451927

Monday, the 29 th October was a bright sunny day in Sambalpur; it was a fine start for members from SHG Sambalpur 1; for on that day they opened Kafe Khushi at Kamli Bazar, opposite Patenswari Temple, Sambalpur.One of an intended 100 such kiosks throughout Orissa Kafe Khushi is a part of the BISWA initiative to create economic livelihoods in urban areas. Sponsored by ITC Limited one of Indias top ten corporate enterprises, this is first time in Sambalpur follows three in Bhubaneswar. There will be two further kiosks in Sambalpur before Christmas and three will be opened in Rourkela this year. Selling a range of packed foods includ ing Sunfeast biscuits, Bingo chips, cakes, snacks and confectionery Kafe Khushi will also offer bakery products, hot or cold, and freshly prepared food and tiffin. Cold drinks and ice cream are also available.

Printed and Published by Debabrata Malick, Chief Editor. The Link, at BISWA Computer Section, Danipali, Budharaja, Sambalpur. PIN- 768004 Ph. No- 0663-2533597, email: [email protected]

Formal inauguration of the kiosk was celebrated in the presence of the Mr.Girish Patel,Chairman of Sambalpur Municipal Council, which has provided a rent-free site at Kamili Bazar, representatives of ITC Limited and BISWA management. A number of invited guests were present .Mr.S.P.Meher, Public Relation Manager,BISWA presided over the inaugural function and was flanked with Mr.Harish Chandra Das,Chief Monitoring officer Mr.Arun Das ,Project M a n a g e r, M r. S u b a s Misra,Asst.Project Manager and Mr.Mihir Nath, Sambalpur District Coordinator. Officials from ITC,Mr.B.K.Padhi,Mr.Suresh Jacob,Mr.Ujjal Ganguli,Mr.Nitin Gupta and Mr.Sushant also participated in it. Each kiosk will provide self-employment opportunity for three people as a part of BISWAs programme to create employment opportunities. So why not support
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Kapil Kaul visits BISWA

India,a country with population over one billion, has its own problems and one of its worst problems is unemployment in a massive scale. It has been established that no government has capacity to address the problem on its own. In such a scenario, the responsibility is bound to be shared by private sectors in general and NGOs in particular. Hence BISWA has taken of this task voluntarily and fixed a target by itself to create one million employment opportunities by end of March 2011.Though it looks a Herculean task, but BISWA has its own strategy to achieve it. All possible opportunities are being pondered. With its SHG members strength being closed to four lacs, the taken up task is no more undaunted. All possibilities are being worked out with exploiting all available resources. In this connection our collaboration with ITC to create some employment opportunity in the urban areas is meaningful step, of course. Incidentally the CSR policy of ITC is closely matching our needs. As a result of it Project Kafe Khushi got launched at Sambalpur on 29th October 2007. To our happiness, the local urban body Sambalpur Municipal Council provided piece of land as a support to this project. Though it looks like a humble step, but its prime important cannot be undermined. We may boast to say that this is an ideal example of public privat p a r t n e r s h i p ( P P P ) .

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Some of the highlights of the Scheme are: lesser premium, no role of third party and camp office with officials from the Company to function at BISWA Head Office. This will ensure quick settlement of claims. Besides, there is a provision for transportation allowance and compensation for the insured SHG member in case of hospitalization. Claim procedure is simple and claim documents are not too many. These points were elaborated by Mr. Ajoy Kumar Shroff, Manager Insurance, BISWA. Mr. Shroff spelt out the need of awareness among the SHG members. He requested the District Coordinators to give equal importance to timely information, submission of documents and follow up for early settlement of the claims. Mr. Das assured them all possible cooperation from the Company. He sought timely submission of the documents for early settlement of claims. The meeting ended with his vote of thanks.

Training on Good Governance in Voluntary Organization

A training programme on Good Governance in Voluntary Organizations was organized by the Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, Regional Center Guwahati from 9th October to 12th October 2007. In this training programme participants from Assam, Manipur, Tripura, West Bengal and Orissa participated actively. BISWA also participated in it. On behalf of BISWA, Mrs. Bani Mahapatra attended the training programme. The four days training programme contained need for good governance in voluntary organizations, norms, ethical standards and processes towards good governance, role and responsibilities of board members in good governance, HR policies, frame work of effective HR policies, importance and need of human resource development for voluntary organization, project preparation, group discussion on good governance, financial, accounting & budgetary system in good governance, financial review, monitoring and reporting for maintaining of good governance, good governance and sustainability of programme, annual report, the different strategies adopted for sustainability of programme, legal frameworks for good governance in voluntary organization, registration & income tax laws, other legal compliance for good governance, documentation, necessity of documentation in the organizational development. In the concluding session, feed back on evaluation was taken from the participants and they were awarded with certificate from the Regional Director Mr. P.K.Bhattacharjee.


Mr.Kapil Kaul ,Country Head of Helpage India paid a visit to BISWA for two days,on 30th &31st of October 07 along with Prof. Bhagaban Prakash,Advisor to BISWA.They came from New Delhi & were received at Biju Pttanaik Air port,Bhubaneswar by Prafulla Dhal on behalf of BISWA.The two days visit of the guests was co coordinated by Mr S.P.Meher, Public Relation Manager. Mr.Mihir Nath Dist.Coordinator, Sambalpur organized their visit to village Kuturajuri in Maneswar block, where at they met office bearers and members of BISWA SHGs.They interacted with them and tried to know the details of how SHGs of BISWA are functioning at grass root level. From there they visited village Bausenmura the same day and looked over of Vita Goat project, being installed there. In the afternoon they visited central office complex of BISWA and observed the operational process of the organization. In the evening they visited Dhanakauda federation office of BISWA. There they interacted with the federation office bearers and gathered information on how federation, formed by BISWA, are functioning . Next day in the morning they visited Hatibari Health Home and took notes of its various operationalised projects. The same forenoon they were made a visit to common facilities centre at Rengali to look into its production system and discussed with artisans present there. In the afternoon they attended a staff meeting of BISWA at BTI hall. Mr. K.C.Malick, Chairman, BISWA appraised them about various aspects of the organization and operation system. Both the guest-Mr.Kaul & Prof. Prakash expressed their utmost satisfaction over the formation and functioning of BISWA. In a review meeting of the District Coordinators; Mr.K.C.Malick, Chairman, BISWA declared that TATA AIG LIFE Insurance Policy will be extended to 21 more BISWA operational Districts. He further said, We are progressing in a very strategic manner with TATA AIG Insurance. To strengthen the initiative the maximum contribution would be your efforts and commitments. This is in the interest of the future of the organization. So we are supposed to work in a professionally manner with more commitments. Recently, Mr. Manish Lalwani, Senior VP and Zonal Business Head (East) and Mr.Joydeep Kar, Tata AIG Life Chief Distribution Officer had been to Bhubaneswar and addressed a press conference there in this connection. Mr. Lalwani said, Micro insurance penetration has increased significantly in Orissa with Tata AIG partnering BISWA, one of he countrys largest MFIs( Micro Finance Institutions ), to provide savings-linked micro insurance cover to microfinance customers. Within period of 4 months of the partnership, over 7000 policies have been issued and the plan envisages providing 20,000 additional policies by the year-end. His statement clearly endorses viewpoint of Mr.K.C.Malick, Chairman, BISWA,as he said let us work together to achieve the target.

ORIENTAL LAUNCHES HEALTH INSURANCE It is now well known that BISWA is a corporate agent of Oriental Insurance Company Limited. It has tied up with the Company for insurance of its assets. Recently, the company has entered into Health Sector insurance also. The Health Insurance Scheme for BISWA was formally launched in the Monthly Review Meeting of the District Coordinators in the Head Office at Sambalpur on 02-11-07. Mr.R.N.Das, Sr. Divisional Manager, Mr. Prasanjit Hazra, Assistant Divisional Manager and Mr.Jamil Ahmed, Development Officer from Sambalpur Branch Office of Oriental Insurance Company Limited were present in the meeting. Mr. Dharmendra Padhi, State Coordinator, Chhattisgarh introduced the officials and outlined the purpose. Then Mr. Hazra welcomed all and spoke about the Oriental Health Scheme. Then followed the interactive session. Several queries were raised and were clarified by Mr. Das and Mr. Hazra.
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Health camp and rally at Chhamunda

A health camp was organized by BISWA at Chhamunda school premises of Chhamunda Gram Panchayat on 31st October 07, with this a rally also was organized there. School students took part in this rally and made it successful. Dr. Dhabaleswar Choudhury, Additional Chief District Medical Officer joined as the Chief Guest. Physician Dr. Usharani Mishra of Jujumura hospital checked up the patients. On behalf of BISWA Mr. Surya Narayan Mahapatra, project co-ordinator, distributed medicine at free of cost to the patients. Mr. Bhabani Shankar Mishra spoke about health issues to the students, participated in the rally. More than 200 patients were treated in the camp.Mr.Sanjay Dhal, Mr. Hansadhwaja Gadia,Mr. Prasant Rana,Ms Rasmi Mahapatra,CFO-NRHM and Ms. Binodini Swain attended the camp on behalf of BISWA.

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