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Tamil poets and writers gathered periodically to publish their work at what
was called Sangam, according to legends. This happened ages ago around
200 BC. The period was called Sangam Period and the literature of this time
is still referred to as the Sangam literature. Sangapalagai was the name given
to the platform where Tamilians shared their highly creative ventures and
recieved acclamation from literature lovers. Sangapalagai was also an
accreditation platform. All new creations were evaluated by a team of
critiques before they could find a place on Sangapalagai.

Sangam means a group of people who are united with a common interest.
Palagai means a platform.

Sangapalagai is coming to life once again in this digital world. We aim to

connect Tamilians all over the world virtually through the new Sangapalagai.
A double purpose can be served by Sangapalagai.

1. Provide an avenue of expression for Tamil writers and publishers.

2. Fulfill a basic need of Tamilians all over the world.

The basic need that unites the Tamilians all over the world is the need to be
connected to their root while remaining in touch with the latest developments.
Tamilian parents abroad want their children to be in touch with Tamil
language and culture. They make it a point to inspire in their children the love
for Tamil and Tamilians, right from childhood.

Millions of Tamilians all over the world take pride in being known as
Tamilians wherever they are. Sangapalagai wants to be a tamil online ebook
store linking publishers and readers all over the world. Age old concept is
being remixed for the present generation.

eDigital Platform to Unite Tamilians in the Virtual World

Wherever they go Tamilians would like to be in touch with their culture,

religion, unique characteristics and above all Tamil. Sangapalagai will
address the needs of the community worldwide by disseminating quality
writings in Tamil found in magazines, short stories and novels through a
digital platform.

No. 1 Raman Street, T Nagar, Chennai - 600017

Phone : 2815 8345 email: [email protected]
Sangapalagai Project
Sangapalagai will be a Tamil online ebook store.

Sangapalagai will unite customers, publishers, authors and advertisers

on a multimedia platform with web 2.0 provisions.

By coming together they enrich themselves, strengthen the age old links and
benefit through the team building. The project will be a profitable one for all
parties concerned.

Project Rationale

We have conducted research on available Tamil Magazines online.

There is none like Sangapalagai.

Sangapalagai will make magazines readable as easily and comfortably as you

read a printed magazine. A special reader has been developed using which
you can read your favourite magazines and turn the pages with a click of a
mouse. You can zoom and read the important sections and enjoy

Key Features

Specially designed Reader software

Full IP / Copy right Protection
Anti Piracy Initiative
Bringing together “Tamil people all over the world”
Bridging the Digital Divide

Publishers Advantage

No Paper / Printing Involved

No number of pages restriction
More Advertisement Revenue
International reach
Circulation track by click of a Mouse
New area of revenue generation
Instant Delivery

No. 1 Raman Street, T Nagar, Chennai - 600017

Phone : 2815 8345 email: [email protected]
Customers Advantage

Timely access
Affordable price
Demand led content
More content

Distribution Mechanism

Sangapalagai will be a membership based site. Members can sign up to read

their favourite magazine by paying a required subscription.

They can subscribe for one or more magazines. We will also be selling books
new and old.

Sangapalagai will only make the Digital provision available to members.

And no print copies of magazines will be posted to subscribers’ physical

Sangapalagai takes the responsibility to provide the market, the great works
of the present day Tamilians deserve.

The writers / publishers can reach millions of readers without spending any
extra cost, as there is no paper / printing involved. Hence this will be a very
novel idea of reaching the world with no extra effort.

By joining Sangapalagai you can reach the world, and you will be paid
lucrative royalty in accordance with the reader's circulation of your
contribution. We hope that you would like to be part of this digital
Sangapalagai, which is sure to gain the respect and importance of the ancient

For further details contact

M A Parthasarathy (Maps)
Phone : 2815 8345
Mobile : 94443 25535
email : [email protected]
web :

No. 1 Raman Street, T Nagar, Chennai - 600017

Phone : 2815 8345 email: [email protected]

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