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1050 E. Piedmont Road, E135 Marietta, GA 30062 T 770-508-7817 F 770-485-4187 [email protected]

February 5, 2013 Sent via: Email

Turn Around Schools

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]


Linda Ellis is the author of the poem, The Dash and works derivative of The Dash (collectively, the Poem.). She owns the copyright for the Poem which is registered in the Library of Congress, Registration Certificate: TXu 858-108, and she licenses its use to Lindas Lyrics. Lindas Lyrics also owns the trademarks filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the marks, LIVE YOUR DASH and LIVE YOUR DASH MAKE EVERY MOMENT MATTER (collectively, the Mark). Linda Ellis makes her living as an author and inspirational speaker. She has devoted much of her adult life to creating Poem, derivative works of the Poem and delivering the messages embodied in the Poem. She has invested countless hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars in her brand, LIVE YOUR DASH. Ms. Ellis feels incredibly fortunate to make a living by providing inspiration, power and self-determination to the public. However, the primary means by which she makes her living (enabling her to deliver her message) is from the sales and licensing of books and products containing her Poem. When others make unauthorized uses of the Poem, Ms. Ellis and her company, Lindas Lyrics, LLC are damaged especially since each unauthorized posting of her copyrighted work perpetuates its continuing illegal distribution. Our current rate for unauthorized use and distribution of this registered, copyrighted work is $7,500.00 (US). Unauthorized publications such as yours (no matter how well-intentioned) significantly impede Ms. Ellis ability to provide her message. They are unfair not only to Ms. Ellis, but also those who legitimately pay the license fee. Why pay if you can just copy and paste it for free? Furthermore, unauthorized uses of the Poem and Marks on websites and other materials in connection with other people and business confuse the public. They also dilute the impact of the publics connection of the Mark and Poem with Ms. Ellis and her company, Lindas Lyrics, LLC. For instance, publication of the Poem on your website makes it less likely that a potential consumer will visit our website,, based on an internet search for the Poem. In

other words, it diverts traffic and business that would otherwise go to her website, to your website, promoting you and/or your organization, not the Poems creator, Ms. Ellis. In order to foster creative development, intellectual property (such as art, literature, brands, etc.) must be protected. There would be little incentive to create works of art and literature and develop brands if others were allowed to freely use them. However, unlike other forms of property, intellectual property is very easy to take, particularly with todays technology. A few clicks on a keyboard and just about anyone can post any copyrighted work or trademarked brand to their internet site. Accordingly, federal copyright and trademark law affords copyright and brand owners, such as Lindas Lyrics, the exclusive right to reproduce their works and use their brands in any medium. Unauthorized publications of The Dash in connection Turn Around Schools, including its publication on (the Website) constitutes federal copyright and trademark infringement pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 202 and 15 U.S.C. 1111, et. seq. It is also a violation of state unfair competition laws. Because of the ease of infringement, federal law authorizes copyright owners, like Ms. Ellis, to automatically recover statutory damages of up to $30,000.00 for each copyright violation in addition to the automatic recovery of all attorneys and costs involved in pursuing the copyright violation. 17 U.S.C. 504(c)(1) and 505. If a court determines the infringement intentional or willful, the law authorizes a court to award statutory damages of up to $150,000.00 per cop yright violation. 17 U.S.C. 504(c)(2). Courts will find willful infringement when someone continues to publish copyrighted material after receiving a letter like this from the copyright owner requesting its removal. As long as you take the below steps and cease all infringing uses of the Poem and Mark within ten (10) days of the date of this letter, we will assume you did not act with the requisite intent necessary to impose willful infringement and will not seek to impose damages for willful infringement. Take the Poem and any uses of the Mark down from the Website and any other website in which you own or have control; Destroy any marketing or other literature in your possession, custody or control which contains any material portion of the Poem and or the Mark on the Website or any other website(s) that you own or have control.

We must also request a reasonable amount of compensation for the infringement. Paying attorneys and staff to enforce our copyrights is expensive. We could not afford our enforcement efforts if we did not recover a reasonable sum from those who have infringed. Moreover, it is not fair to those who we authorize to make use of the Poem for a royalty to not require those who do not have permission to pay a fair amount for their unauthorized use.

Based on your unauthorized use and contributing to the perpetual unlawful distribution of registered copyrighted work of the Poem, we ask that you pay $7,500.00 to resolve our claims of trademark and copyright infringement. We do not enjoy lawsuits and hope to not have to resort to the courts; however, Ms. Ellis has proven that she has, and will, protect the value and integrity of her copyrighted works. In the case of Ellis v. Aronson, filed in the Northern District of Georgia, Ms. Ellis received a judgment the amount of $269,000.00.1 This letter is sent as a compromise to resolve our claims of trademark and copyright infringement based on the information we have gathered to date. Please contact me at the number or email below to resolve this issue. If we are not able to reach a mutually agreeable resolution, Linda Ellis and Lindas Lyrics reserves all rights to pursue this matter in the courts to the maximum extent authorized under the law. Please contact me via email, [email protected], or telephone, 770-508-7817 within ten (10) days to resolve this matter. We look forward to your timely response. Sincerely,

John W. Jolin Intellectual Property Coordinator Linda's Lyrics 1050 E. Piedmont Road, Suite E-135 Marietta, GA 30062 PHONE: 770-508-7817 FAX: 770-485-4187

Ms. Ellis received a damage award for $150,000.00 plus attorneys fees of $119,000.00 for a total award of $269,000.00. against the Defendant, Eric Anderson.

Screen Capture: February 5, 2013

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