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2.5 - The Hebrews.

As we have already mentioned, the account of the Great Flood found in the Old Testament and Torah finds its origins in Sumer-Akkad. However, there is another story about this event that is not found in the Bible or the Torah, but in another apocryphal book: The Book of Enoch. This amazing piece of literature is one that has left a great impression on me since I first read it, because it speaks of many things that the other Hebrew and Christian books never mention. One of these stories is related to the Great Flood, but it is told with a completely different perspective that is unparalleled in any other testimony. Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah, and he had many spiritual experiences or revelations about the destiny of mankind. Among the many visions that Enoch has, one of them is related to the catastrophe that his great-grandchild Noah would survive in the future. The real mystery that the Old Testament and Torah leave us wondering about right before it describes Noahs adventure with the Ark, is the fact that the Earth was populated by a race of giants called the Nephilim. The only description in the Bible about this is found in Genesis 6:4: There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of menand they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown. We must, however be careful with the English translation here, because it comes to us from the greek, not the original Hebrew. The word giants () is the greek translation of the Hebrew Nephilim. This is rather misleading because we hardly manage to avoid the association of the word giants to fairy tales and childrens bedtime stories. The truth is that Nephilim cannot be translated as giant just like that, because the story of these curious beings is much more interesting than most people know. In the Book of Enoch, it is also explained that before the Great Flood came, there were these mysterious Nephilim living with humans. Enoch explains that during his time, a people called Watchers came from the heavens and began to breed with human women. These Watchers, of which 20 are mentioned by name, and whos leader was Shemihaza, also taught humans the arts of civilization. And they [the Watchers] took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in to them, and mixed with them, and taught them charms and conjurations, and made them acquainted with the cutting of roots and of woods. And they became pregnant and brought forth great giants [nephilim] whose stature was three thousand ells. These devoured all the acquisitions of mankind till men were unable to sustain themselves. And the giants turned themselves against mankind in order to devour them. And they began to sin against the birds and the beasts, and against the creeping things, and the fish, and devoured their flesh among themselves, and drank the blood thereof. Then the earth complained of the unjust ones. And Azzl taught mankind to make swords and knives and shields and coats of mail, and taught them to see what was behind them, and their works of art: bracelets and ornaments, and the use of rouge, and the beautifying of the eye-brows, and the dearest and choicest stones and all coloring substances and the metals of the earth. And there was great wickedness and much fornication, and they sinned, and all their ways were corrupt. Amzrk taught all the conjurers and root-cutters, Armrs the loosening of conjurations, Baraqel the astrologers, Kkbl the signs, and Teml taught astrology, and Asrdl taught the course of the moon. And in the

destruction of mankind, they cried aloud, and their voices reached heaven.1 These beings, who we will speak of later on with further depth, are definitely not human. They seem to be the same kind of beings that the Judeo-Christian scriptures call malakhim or angels. The term, in both cases means messenger, and these Enoch relates how 200 of these messengers are the ones responsible for the Great Flood. The fact that they mingled with humans is accounted as the cause for the barbarism of humankind, and by which El (God) decided to send the Great Flood to end life on this planet. However, it is specifically stated that Azzl taught men how to build metal armor and weaponry, which later caused them do follow the path of war and death. It was Azael who was punished most severely for this very fact. According to Enoch, men began to follow a perverse conduct because of the very things that these messengers taught them. But the punishment that God or El sent to the Earth through the Great Flood,was also pointed at a mass extinction, not only of the human species, but also of interbred species that resulted from the mixing of human women and the messengers themselves. These are the Nephilim. These half-human beings were of large stature and it is precisely them who are the mighty men which were of old men of renown as the Old Testament describes. There is little doubt that Enoch, when he describes these things is not speaking in an apocryphal or a figurative manner. His Book of Dreams does use an apocalyptic language that we also find in the book of revelations, the book of Daniel, or in Isaiah. It is rather easy to distinguish between the two modes of literature, and the Book of Watchers, which describes this event, is definitely not using allegorical language. The book of Enoch is indeed a very interesting composition, that for obvious reasons was not included in the Bible and remained apocryphal. One of these reasons is that it contains an Astronomical Book that leads us to integrate astronomy or astrology into the Judeo-Christian scriptures: something that is rather revealing once we understand that many of the bizarre and most difficult pieces of the Bible are in fact encoding astronomical events. For example, knowing that Hebrew and Aramaic are Semitic languages, they have a common link to Akkadian. Hence, I decided to revise the Akkadian dictionaries available to see what the origin of Nephilim is. In Hebrew, the suffix lim or sometimes ohim denotes a plural. Therefore, when we say Nephilim we are speaking in plural terms. In Akkadian, the word niphu means disk, boss, blaze, heliatical rising, or sun-disk. However, when we take away the astronomical connotations, the only word remaining is boss. Hence, the Nephilim were the bosses, and they has some kind of association to the Sun or the Sun-Disk. This is very important to keep in mind, because we will later follow the Sun-Disk symbology and astronomical cults right back to our prehistory in search of its origins. But lets not get ahead of ourselves, because we are speaking of the Great Flood. The Book of Enoch doesnt provide many details that can lead us to discover when the event actually took place, but we can assume that the 3100 BC date we have been tracking down is very reasonable. It is rather interesting to note that metallurgy did in fact appear around 3100 BC in the Old World, because mainstream history teaches us that during that period, many cultures passed from the Neolithic, to the Bronze age, and this difference lies in the fact that we began to use Bronze, which is an alloy of copper and tin. Before that, we were using stone tools basically and no armor or weaponry based on metal existed at all, so this does provide a clue as to when Noahs flood could have occurred based on Enochs descriptions. We also find the interesting mention that Kkbl taught people the signs, which could very well mean that humans were beginning to understand and develop primitive forms of writing: another event that is known to have begun ca.3100 as we have already seen. Another interesting piece of information comes to us from Genesis 6:1-3, right before the scripture speaks of the Nephilim:

Book of Enoch, Book of Watchers, Chapter 7-8.

When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years. The interesting thing here is the mention to human life becoming 120 years long, because the Hebrew tradition, as well as the Akkadian, Sumerian, and Hindu ones, strees out the fact that people were living much longer in pre-diluvian times than later on. In the Old Testament, Noahs father, Lamec, is mentioned to live 777 years2, while Noah lives 950 years.3 However, Sem, who is one of the three children of Noah, lives 500 years, and a long description of the strange longevity of these Hebrew ancestors is mentioned in Genesis 11:10. Afraxad, who is the first to be born two years after the Great Flood, lives for 438 years. The longevity begins to decay from these 438 years all the way to Moses who is the first to live for 120 years of age. Cita con aclaracin de Longevity. It is only natural to remain skeptical about these figures, but if we pay attention to what has been said in Genesis 6:1-3, we will notice that, according to Gods words, it is clearly stated that after the deluge, human longevity is no higher than 120 years. This means that Enoch, Lamec, Noah, and everyone else who exceeds this amount are not precisely normal men. It seems that they too are Nephilim, for otherwise, they would not have been able to live as long as it is stated in the scriptures. We may suggest that these years are not precisely tropical years, but some other kind of astronomical cycle such as a month.4 So in this case, the years mentioned in the scriptures could be reduced significantly. However, there is a problem, because Afraxad is mentioned to have his child, Shela, at the age of 35, so Afraxad, according to the metonic correction would be only 35 months old when he has a son, which definitely not possible. Another suggestion is that someone made a mistake and multiplied the original amounts by 10. This seems rather interesting, because the extremely long periods given in the Sumerian tablets for the pre-diluvian kings would also be reasonable if we divided them by 100. We do not, however, fix the problem with Afraxad and other people who are mentioned to have their children at a fairly young age. It is also interesting to note that if we place the Great Flood in 3100 BC, and we start counting all the years mentioned in the scriptures back to Adam, we arrive at 11,325 BC: a date that is right at the end of the sandhi period between the two Krta Yugas. Diagrama. Since we know that Noah was 600 years old when the Great Flood came,5 travelling back in time to Adam leaves us in a point where the Krta Ages best period ends,a rather interesting coincidence with the fabled garden of Eden from which Adam and Eve were expelled from. Is this an allusion to how humans (or Nephilim) began to sink into the decadence of the devolving half or the precessional cycle?

2 3 4 5

Genesis 5. Genesis 9:29. By month we mean one full moon to the next, or a lunar phase. Genesis 7:11.

Whether Enochs version of our prehistory with an unexpected visit from these Watchers, is true or not is an issue we will approach later on, and even if these descriptions of longevity are only allegorical or merely inventions of a vivid imagination, it is rather interesting to note these parallels we have drawn. I found this account worth mentioning here precisely because of the inquiries they provoke. The Book of Enoch is indeed a very interesting story that we will expand later on and which find its own links to other events we will describe as we reveal many mysteries of the ancient world that remain apocryphal. And they do so, not only from religious texts such as the Bible or the Torah, but among our history books in general.

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