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CHAPTER 6 KAPLAN original OUTLINE Ethan Yakhin Period 4 3/19/13

5 key parts of the time period -revolution -nationalism -industrialization -imperialism -emancipation


A chain of events caused by the high costs of war and subsequent debts let loose a chain of events that led to deteriorating relations between England and American colonists (still subjects of England). -make sure you know what taxation without representation means

The declaration of independence listed a long list of abuses by the British king and claimed that all men were created equal. -In 1783, the Peace of Paris formally recognized Americas independence -In reality there was no equality. Women couldnt own land, and slaves and indigenous people had no rights.

The difference between American and French revolution as the French simple wanted to replace the old order with completely new structures for every aspect of society Consequences: -war debt -large tax burden on peasants -an ever-increasing gap between rich and poor Estate 1st estate 2nd estate 3rd estate Who Roman Catholic clergy Nobility Peasants, Townsfolk Numbers 100,000 400,000 24 million % of pop. <1% of pop 2% of pop 98% of pop % of land-ownership 10% of land 20% of land 70% of land Taxes paid No taxes No taxes Extensive taxes

Reign of terror was instigated by the committee for public safety led by Maximilien Robespierre. Austria, Britain, and Russia combined to defeat France Napoleon named himself -first consul -then consul of life -and finally emperor He issued his moderate civil code in 1804, which affirmed POLITICAL and LEGAL equality of all ADULT MEN. However, he also limited free speech.

Napoleonic era lasted from 1803 to 1814. In 1812, it tried to take on Russia and failed. Victors met at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to
-restore the French monarchy and -protect old regimes.

-the island of Hispaniola (in the Caribbean) was a major center of sugar production. When the French Revolution broke out in 1979, it led to civil war between the Spanish and French sides of this island. -during this time, a slave revolt occurred in August of 1791. The slaves succeeded in their efforts because they were led by a guy named Toussaint Louverture, who built a strong and disciple army and by 1979 controlled most of the French half of the island.

Latin America As a result of independence movements, the Creoles became dominant class. Otto van Bismarck was the chancellor of Prussia. He had a vision of a United Germany and so engineered a series of war s with Denmark and Austria to consolidate the territory needed. They used Frances declaration of a war on them as an excuse that was needed for German domains to band together and become a nation. Consequences- noticeable shifts in balance of power in Europe. Example


I-Theodore Herzl, a Jewish reporter, D- organizer of the Zionist movement. E- see chart A- also see chart Simon bolivar was an independence fighter that fought for the independence of a lot of south American nations.
-Caudillos were regional commanders. -catholic church remained strong in south America

Preconditions for industrialization

Adam smiths proposal of "laissez-faire" became the inspiration for these changes

new global division of labor emerged. increase of men's status

(because industrial work was considered far more important than domestic work)

advocated overthrow of the moneyed classes Example Socialist thinker:Karl Marx

working class women and children entered work force as cheap factory laborers. increased demand of raw materials. -slavery decline radically altered gender roles, global trade, and traditional social structures, all of which ahave been proven by bullets above. new financial institutions developed to support the new industrial products
more complex corporate structures stock markets -insurance arrangements


-possesion of natural resources investment capital -a stable and capitalist minded goverment.

advocated better wages and working conditions Which led to EXTREME TENSIONS and CONSIDERABLLe bloodshed E-factories fought to stop workers from banding together, and workers fought to remain unified

created a new class of "upper middle class business men"

Reactions to Industrialization

financial institution

-technical knowledge and invention -a large pop. to serve as workforce

Global Effects of industrialization


Factors of Industrialization

Note: due to lack of time time and impending notecards due date, I will not go too in depth with the stuff about ottomans, japan, etc

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