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June 2002

RE: Direct Loan Tools for Windows, Version 2.0

Dear DL Tools Users:

We are pleased to announce the availability of Direct Loan (DL) Tools for Windows, Version
2.0. DL Tools is a multi-cycle application designed to help you perform the following tasks:
• Rebuild loan and disbursement data in EDExpress using an automated process
• Compare the 732 and/or SAS reports to loans and actual disbursements recorded in
EDExpress or an external file, and/or compare the reports to the DL Tools Cash Database
• Print the 732 and/or SAS reports in readable formats
• Track cash receipts (drawdowns) and returns of excess cash for Direct Loan
This release of DL Tools was developed to process data for multiple cycles. Version 2.0
contains Rebuild and Cash Management functionalities for the 2000-2001, 2001-2002, and 2002-
2003 cycles, and Compare functionality for the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 cycles. All Direct
Loan schools can use the Compare and Cash Management functionality. The Rebuild process is
for schools to rebuild an EDExpress database in the Direct Loan module. DL Tools has the same
"look" and "feel" of EDExpress.
Important Installation Note: DL Tools for Windows, Version 2.0 is an upgrade to Version 1.0.
If you had installed Version 1.0 previously, Version 2.0 must be installed as a Custom Install
without the Database, NOT a Full Install. If you perform a Full Install of Version 2.0 and
Version 1.0 exists on your system, you will overwrite your Version 1.0 database.

How to Get the Software and Documentation

We are distributing DL Tools via the Internet. You can download the software and the related
user documentation from the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid Download
(FSAdownload) Web site located at
The “Downloading Software/Paper Documentation” chapter of the Direct Loan Tools for
Windows Installation Guide provides complete installation instructions.
If you have trouble using the FSAdownload Web site, contact CPS/WAN Technical Support at
800/330-5947 or via e-mail at [email protected].
Note: Some organizations restrict their users from downloading from FTP sites. If you have
trouble downloading, try again later. If you are still unable to download, contact your technical
support staff to ensure you have full FTP download rights.

If You Have Technical Support and Policy Questions
If you have SFA technical support questions and subscribe to SFATECH, you can post a
message on the SFATECH listserv. Information about subscribing to the SFATECH listserv can
be found at the following URL:
Note: Make sure you include both your TG number and your telephone number in your message.
Department staff or the financial aid partner responsible for the system will research your
question and post a response to the listserv so that everyone can benefit from the information.
If you have questions regarding DL Tools such as installation issues, software problem
resolution, software functionality, and technical assistance, you can call CPS/WAN Technical
Support. You can reach them Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. (CT), at 800/330-5947.
You can also e-mail inquiries, comments, or suggestions 24 hours a day to [email protected].
A representative will respond within 24 business hours.

CPS/WAN Technical Support

DIRECT LOAN TOOLS FOR WINDOWS VERSION 2.0...................................................... 4

PRODUCT ENHANCEMENTS.................................................................................................. 5
School Account Statement (SAS) ....................................................................................... 5
Compare .............................................................................................................................. 5
External Disbursement Detail Import ................................................................................. 5
Cash Management ............................................................................................................... 5
Disbursement Measurement Tool Report ........................................................................... 6
Cash Report ......................................................................................................................... 6
Reports ................................................................................................................................ 6
System Setup ....................................................................................................................... 6
Rebuild ................................................................................................................................ 6
Browse................................................................................................................................. 6
DL TOOLS SUPPORTS THESE PRINTERS ........................................................................... 7

DL TOOLS BENCHMARKING RESULTS.............................................................................. 7

Imports ................................................................................................................................ 7
Reports ................................................................................................................................ 8
REMINDERS ................................................................................................................................ 9
New Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................. 9
Back Up Your Database Weekly ........................................................................................ 9

Direct Loan Tools for Windows Version 2.0
This release of DL Tools adds functionality for program year 2002-2003. This release also
contains the functionality for program years 2001-2002 and 2000-2001 that were available in DL
Tools Version 1.0.
Important Installation Note: DL Tools for Windows, Version 2.0 is an upgrade to Version 1.0.
If you previously installed Version 1.0, Version 2.0 must be installed as a Custom Install without
the Database, NOT a Full Install. If you perform a Full Install of Version 2.0 and Version 1.0
exists on your system, you will overwrite your Version 1.0 database.

Cash Management Changes in DL Tools v2.0 for Program Year 2002-2003 Only
As a result of differences in how Cash data is reported on COD’s SAS Report for 2002-2003 vs.
how Cash data is reported on LOC’s 732 Report for 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 there are changes
in Cash Management functionality when working in Program Year 2002-2003. Because the SAS
Report sent by COD reports both Cash Receipts and Returns of Excess Cash as positive values,
you will enter these values as all positives in Cash Management “Transaction Amount” for 2002-
2003. The negative sign (-) is not enabled in the “Transaction Amount” field in 2002-2003 only.
Transaction amounts will also display in the Cash Management grid as all positive values to
reflect how the SAS Report reports them.
A field labeled “Reversing Transaction Indicator” has been added to the Cash Management
dialog for Program Year 2002-2003 only. This field is selected for rare situations when it
becomes necessary to change the typical, default sign (+/-) of Cash transaction amounts. For
example, if you made a drawdown of funds from GAPS in an incorrect program year for which
you or a CSR made a subsequent manual adjustment to have it recorded in the correct program
year, it will be reported on the SAS Report with an opposite (+/-) sign than is typical. When
2002-2003 is active, selecting the indicator will reverse and store the opposite of the typical
positive/negative sign for the transaction type. Cash Receipts, typically positive values, will be
reversed and stored as negative values and Returns of Excess Cash, typically negative values,
will be reversed and stored as positive values.
There is no change to how 732 Report values are entered in Cash Management for prior years
(2000-2001 and 2001-2002), i.e., Cash Receipts are entered as positive values and Returns of
Excess Cash are entered as negative values. Transaction amounts will also display in the Cash
Management grid as positive and negative values to reflect how the 732 Report reports them.

Product Enhancements
The following product enhancements have been incorporated into Direct Loan (DL) Tools for
Windows, Version 2.0.

School Account Statement (SAS)

• The new SAS report can be imported into DL Tools. Once imported, DL Tools can print
the data on the SAS report, compare the SAS report with loan and disbursement detail in
EDExpress, loan disbursement, and cash detail imported from an external system, and
cash detail records in DL Tools.

• A Disbursement Detail Comparison report has been added to allow comparison of the
schools disbursement records to the disbursement records imported on the SAS.
• A field containing the number of school disbursements has been added to the Loan Detail
Comparison report.

External Disbursement Detail Import

• An External Disbursement Detail import has been added. External disbursement records
can be compared to disbursement records imported on the SAS.

Cash Management
• A field labeled “Reversing Transaction Indicator” has been added to the Cash
Management dialog for Program Year 2002-2003 only. This field is selected for rare
situations when it becomes necessary to change the typical, default sign (+/-) of Cash
transaction amounts. For example, if you made a drawdown of funds from GAPS in an
incorrect program year for which you or a CSR made a subsequent manual adjustment to
have it recorded in the correct program year, it will be reported on the SAS Report with
an opposite (+/-) sign than is typical. When 2002-2003 is active, selecting the indicator
will reverse and store the opposite of the typical positive/negative sign for the transaction
type. Cash Receipts, typically positive values, will be reversed and stored as negative
values and Returns of Excess Cash, typically negative values, will be reversed and stored
as positive values.
• The label “GAPS Control#/Check#/Memo” has been renamed “Notes” on the Cash
Management dialog.
• The Save button and Delete button are disabled when you open Cash Management. Once
you select the Add or Retrieve button, the Save and Delete buttons will be active. This
prevents unintentionally overwriting an existing cash management record.
• The system will now allow entry of future-dated transactions.

Disbursement Measurement Tool Report
• The Disbursement Measurement Report has been moved from EDExpress to DL Tools.
The Disbursement Measurement Tool report has been modified to indicate the booked
date at the loan level (not the disbursement level). This report is only available to
EDExpress users.

Cash Report
• The Cash Summary Report for all program years has been renamed the Cash Report.
This report now includes the option to include/exclude Cash Detail records.

• When 2002-2003 is active, the print dialog has been modified to allow for a blank school
code. If the school code is blank and the data to be printed includes multiple school
codes, a separate report will be created for each school code.

System Setup
• A Setup option has been added to allow the user to select a default program year. This
year will be displayed on the Toolbar and in the title bar of all dialog boxes. The initial
default will be the most recent program year.
• The Default Report Destination has been added to System Setup. The destination
selected will be the default on the Print and Import dialogs.
• Fields for the Tolerances to be used in the Disbursement Measurement Tool Report have
been added to System Setup.
• School Code under Tools | Setup | System will be a non-required field.

• A Rebuild import for 2002-2003 has been added. This will rebuild your Direct Loan
origination and disbursement records in EDExpress v8.x. The message class will be
CODRBFOP. (The message class for 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 will remain
• For all program years, Rebuild Request Type 02 = Date Range is now supported by DL
Tools. You may now specify a date range for your rebuild file containing 2000-2001,
2001-2002, and 2002-2003 origination and disbursement data.

• A Disbursement Detail browse grid has been added.

DL Tools Supports These Printers
We tested the following printers that are Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows Me, and
Windows 2000 compatible:
• HP8150 • HP4000N • HP8000N
• HP4 • HP4M • HP4MPlus
• HP3Si • HP4Si • HP5Si

DL Tools Benchmarking Results

We performed benchmarking tests on DL Tools to determine how it operates in certain operating

The benchmarking results for DL Tools import files are as follows.
• These tests were all completed on a Pentium 1000 with 512 MB RAM.
• Files were imported into an empty database.
• The Time Elapsed column indicates the measurement of time starting when the user clicks
OK in the Import dialog box and the import process begins until the import statistics are

Operating Benchmarking Time

Component System Volume Elapsed
Rebuild Win NT 4.0 1000 orig/4000 disb 2 minutes
45 seconds
Rebuild Windows 98 1000 orig/4000 disb 3 minutes
19 seconds
Rebuild Windows 2000 1000 orig/4000 disb 2 minutes
51 seconds
Rebuild Windows Me 1000 orig/4000 disb 3 minutes
11 seconds
School Account Win NT 4.0 2 Cash Summary/ 192 Cash Detail/ 3 seconds
Statement (SAS) 840 Loan Detail
School Account Windows 98 2 Cash Summary/ 192 Cash Detail/ 4 seconds
Statement (SAS) 840 Loan Detail
School Account Windows 2000 2 Cash Summary/ 192 Cash Detail/ 3 seconds
Statement (SAS) 840 Loan Detail
School Account Windows Me 2 Cash Summary/ 192 Cash Detail/ 4 seconds
Statement (SAS) 840 Loan Detail

The benchmarking results for DL Tools reports and lists are as follows:
• These tests were all completed on a Pentium 1000 MHz with 512 MB RAM.
• The Average Time Elapsed column indicates the length of time starting when the user clicks
OK in the DL Tools Print dialog box and when the operating system (Windows
NT/98/Me/2000) print dialog appears.
• The Benchmarking Volume is the number of records and approximate number of pages that
were printed in the test.

Operating Time Elapsed

Component System Benchmarking
2002-2003 Cash Report Win NT 4.0 192 Cash/3876 Disbs/ 3 seconds
5 pages
2002-2003 Cash Report Windows 98 192 Cash/3876 Disbs/ 4 seconds
5 pages
2002-2003 Cash Report Windows 2000 192 Cash/3876 Disbs/ 3 seconds
5 pages
2002-2003 Cash Report Windows Me 192 Cash/3876 Disbs/ 4 seconds
5 pages
Loan Detail Comparison Win NT 4.0 33 loans/5 pages 2 seconds
Loan Detail Comparison Windows 98 33 loans/5 pages 2 seconds
Loan Detail Comparison Windows 2000 33 loans/5 pages 2 seconds
Loan Detail Comparison Windows Me 33 loans/5 pages 2 seconds


New Hardware Requirements

The U.S. Department of Education produced a document titled "Analyzing your FSA Computing
Needs to be more Productive and Save Money" which is available on IFAP at the following
We suggest you read through this document to get a better idea of your school's computing needs
and what your processing requirements may be.

Back Up Your Database Weekly

You should back up your Direct Loan Tools for Windows database file (DLTools.mdb) regularly
so you do not lose your data. We recommend that you back up your files at least once a week.
Direct Loan Tools does not include a backup utility. You must use your own backup software.
Be sure to test your backup software to verify that it can reliably restore your backups.

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