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MASTER FUEL PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This Master Fuel Purchase and Sale Agreement (Master Agreement) is entered into this [____] day of [________], 2012 (the Effective Date) by and between The Dayton Power and Light Company (DP&L) and [_________________] ([_________________]). DP&L and [____] (each a Party and collectively, the Parties) may, but shall not be required to, enter into Transactions that will be governed by this Master Agreement. Any capitalized term used herein and not defined in the Article in which it appears shall have the meaning set forth in Article 11 hereof. DP&L and [____], in consideration of the premises, covenants and considerations set out herein, and for other good and valuable consideration the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: Article 1: Scope of Agreement and Procedures 1.1 This Master Agreement shall govern all transactions entered into between the Parties after the Effective Date of this Master Agreement unless otherwise expressly provided. This Master Agreement, Confirmations, annexes and exhibits shall form a single agreement between the Parties. Further, only those transactions entered into between the Parties prior to the Effective Date and shown on Exhibit B attached hereto (Existing Transactions) shall be governed by this Master Agreement, and in the event any terms of this Master Agreement and the Existing Transactions are conflicting or inconsistent, the terms of the Existing Transactions will control unless otherwise specifically set forth on Exhibit B. Any transactions entered into between the Parties prior to the Effective Date and not set forth on Exhibit B shall not be governed by this Master Agreement. 1.2 Transaction Procedures. (a) A Transaction shall be entered into by means of an offer to buy or sell Fuel by either Party to the other Party (through their respective agents and/or representatives) and acceptance of such offer by the other Party as provided herein this Article 1. Such offer shall be in writing. Any such Transaction shall be further evidenced in writing by a Confirmation (as hereinafter defined) as provided herein as soon as practicable. Each Party agrees that it shall be legally bound by the terms of a Transaction, as supplemented by this Master Agreement, from the moment on a particular date (Transaction Date) those terms are agreed. The manner of entering into a Transaction as described in this Article 1 is intended to be the exclusive manner of forming a binding agreement between the Parties regarding a Transaction. Facsimile signatures shall be considered as original signatures for all purposes under this Master Agreement. (b) Special Rule for Transactions of 30 Days or Less. A Transaction of 30 days or less may be entered into as the result of a telephone conversation, provided such conversation is recorded and retained as evidence of the Parties oral agreement (each Party hereby consents to such recording of such conversations without any further notice) and must contain the acceptance of such offer by the offeree (through their respective agents and/or representatives) in such telephone conversation, but only if such telephone conversation contains all the terms and conditions relevant to the Transaction that would be required in a Confirmation as set forth in Section 1.2 below. Any such Transaction shall be further evidenced in writing by a Confirmation (as hereinafter defined) as provided herein as soon as practicable. Each Party agrees that it shall be legally bound by the terms of a Transaction, as supplemented by this Master Agreement, from the moment on a particular date (Transaction Date) those terms are agreed.
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


1.3 Confirmations.


After agreement as to a Transaction, Buyer will execute and send (via facsimile, electronic mail or such other means as permitted by this Master Agreement) to Seller a written Confirmation memorializing the Transaction (Confirmation), which is substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A-1. Each Confirmation will be promptly executed by Seller, if it accurately sets forth the terms and conditions of the Transaction agreed to by the Parties, and returned to Buyer within three (3) Business Days of receipt. Each Confirmation will list the terms and conditions for the agreed Transaction not otherwise covered by this Master Agreement, including, without limitation, Buyer and Seller, Contract Quantity, Term, Nomination Period(s), Scheduling, Contract Price, Source(s), Delivery Point(s), loading capacities, Specifications (set forth in Exhibit A-1), Rejection Limits, quality adjustments, and, if the Transaction includes an Option, Option Quantity, Exercise Date(s), strike price(s) and any other relevant terms agreed to by the Parties, including any specific exceptions to the Master Agreement. Should Buyer fail to issue a Confirmation within three (3) Business Days after agreement as to a Transaction, then Seller may issue a Confirmation that will evidence the Transaction.


Except as otherwise provided in this Master Agreement, in the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Master Agreement and the terms set forth in a Confirmation, such Confirmation will prevail to the extent such inconsistency is specifically set forth for the purpose of the relevant Transaction only. Terms and conditions set forth in any fully executed Confirmation that are inconsistent with any oral terms and conditions shall be resolved in favor of the fully executed Confirmation, unless there is a manifest error.

(c) Each Confirmation shall supplement and form a part of this Master Agreement and shall be read and construed together with this Master Agreement and all other applicable Annexes and Exhibits, which constitute a single integrated agreement between the Parties, and all the Transactions contemplated in Confirmations shall be integral parts of this Master Agreement. All Transactions are entered into in reliance on the fact that this Master Agreement and all Confirmations form a single agreement between the Parties. 1.4 Representations. On the Effective Date hereof and on the Transaction Date of each Confirmation, each Party represents and warrants to the other that:

(a) It is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation; (b) The execution, delivery and performance of this Master Agreement and the relevant Confirmation have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or other organizational action on its part and do not violate or conflict with any law applicable to it, its organizational documents or any order or judgment of a court or other agency of government applicable to it or its assets; (c) Its obligations under this Master Agreement and each Confirmation are legally valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their terms, subject to any equitable defenses; (d) It has any and all necessary governmental and other third party permits, approvals and licenses required to fulfill all obligations undertaken pursuant to this Master Agreement and any Confirmation;

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT (e) There are no Bankruptcy Proceedings pending or being contemplated by it or, to its knowledge, threatened against it; and (f) There are no Legal Proceedings pending or, to its knowledge, threatened against it or any of its Affiliates that are likely to affect the legality, validity, enforceability or its ability to perform its obligations under this Master Agreement and each Confirmation.
Article 2: Term 2.1 Term and Survival of Provisions. The term of this Master Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until terminated by either Party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice; provided, however, that such termination shall not affect or excuse the performance of any Party under any provision of this Master Agreement that by its terms survives any such termination, and this Master Agreement and any relevant Confirmations shall remain in effect with respect to any Transaction(s) entered into on or prior to the date of the termination until each Party has fulfilled all of its obligations with respect to all such Transaction(s). 2.2 Termination Due to Operational Issues or Environmental Compliance. If, at any time during the term of a Transaction, Buyer determines, in its reasonable judgment, that any operational or environmental compliance problem has resulted from the components or characteristics of Seller's Coal or the products of its combustion (including, without limitation, nitrogen oxide emissions, mercury emissions, chlorine emissions, particulate emissions, and carbon emissions) or any other constituent or property of the Coal not otherwise specified herein, Buyer will give notice of such problem and have up to thirty (30) days to terminate the contract. Once Buyer has given notice, the Parties shall immediately enter into discussions in a good-faith effort to resolve the problem. If such discussions fail to resolve such problem in a manner that, in Buyer's judgment, is reasonable and would not impose an unreasonable additional expense on Buyer, then Buyer may terminate this Agreement by giving Seller written notice thereof, which shall specify the effective date of termination and shall be given at least ninety days prior to such date.

Article 3: Obligations 3.1 Obligations for Purchase and Sale of Fuel. During the Term of each Transaction and subject to all terms and provisions of this Master Agreement, Seller agrees to sell and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase, accept and pay for from Seller, the Contract Quantity of Fuel to be delivered at the Delivery Point as provided for in the relevant Confirmation. 3.2 Resale of Coal. Buyer may resell all or part of the Coal purchased under this Master Agreement to third parties. Buyer has the right to move Coal to its other operating units or jointly-owned units. Such moves to other operating units or jointly-owned units are not considered a resale of Coal. Buyers and Sellers obligation under this Master Agreement shall not be changed or affected by such resale of Coal except to the extent provided in this Section 3.2. Payments for Coal resold by Buyer shall be made to Seller by Buyer. Sampling, weighting and analysis of resold Coal pursuant to Article 4 shall be performed at Origin provided, however, a different location may be designated if Buyer and Seller agree. 3.3 Scheduling. Except as otherwise specifically provided in the relevant Confirmation, Buyer will advise Seller (in writing or via electronic mail, facsimile, telephone or other mutually acceptable means)
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


on or before the 15th day of each calendar month preceding scheduled shipments of the number of Unit Trains, trucks or barges it desires to load during the succeeding month to fulfill the Contract Quantity and Buyers desired loading dates and delivery schedule (Delivery Schedule). Seller will advise Buyer (in writing or via electronic mail, facsimile, telephone or other mutually acceptable means) no later than ten (10) days prior to the end of the calendar month preceding shipment of its Source mine(s)/loadout(s) for the scheduled monthly Shipment(s). The Parties will work together in good faith to agree on a reasonable and mutually acceptable Delivery Schedule within the Nomination Period and within each month during the Nomination Period. Once the Delivery Schedule is agreed there shall be no material changes except through mutual consent. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in the relevant Confirmation, all deliveries will occur in approximate ratable amounts over the Term of a Transaction and Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver the Fuel pursuant to the Delivery Schedule. 3.4 Delivery.

(a) Barge deliveries. For barge deliveries, the Fuel shall be delivered to Buyer FOB barge at the Delivery Point. Subject to the provisions of Section 5.2, title to and risk of loss of the Fuel will pass to Buyer when each barge, after being fully loaded and trimmed at the Delivery Point in accordance with this Master Agreement, has been delivered to the custody and control of, and has been accepted by, Buyer or its Transporter at the Delivery Point. Buyer or its Transporter shall furnish reasonably suitable barges for delivery of the Fuel and Seller shall provide or designate loading points that have adequate and accessible mooring and barge loading facilities sufficient to load the Fuel properly and within the appropriate loading time. Such barges shall be substantially compatible with the Sources Fuel loading facilities to be utilized by Seller and shall be properly prepared to receive Fuel. Fuel haulage or transportation equipment provided by either Seller or Buyer, as the case may be, shall be clean, dry and suitable for the transportation of Fuel. Seller agrees to inspect and to take all other reasonable and necessary steps so as not to permit Fuel to be loaded in barges that contain foreign material. Seller shall arrange for, remain responsible for, and shall pay all costs in connection with, transporting the Fuel to the Delivery Point and handling and loading the Fuel into barges to the proper draft and proper distribution in such barges and shall fully defend, indemnify and hold Buyer harmless against any Claim made against Buyer for any cost, expenses or damage (either liquidated or unliquidated) that may be asserted against Buyer arising out of or resulting from the delivery by Seller to Buyer of any Fuel under this Master Agreement. Should barges not be equipped with double sloped sheets inside the cargo box, Seller shall load Coal starting no less than approximately five (5) feet from the box end(s)/bulkhead(s) of the Barge. Buyer shall arrange for, remain responsible for, and shall pay all costs in connection with, transporting the Fuel by barge from the Delivery Point to its destination incurred after the transfer of title to and risk of loss of the Fuel to Buyer. Seller shall be liable for and shall pay Buyer for any transportation costs or demurrage charges incurred by Buyer that may be occasioned by the breakdown or failure of the barge loading facilities, by the failure of Seller to furnish and load Fuel at the Delivery Point, or, if Sampling Person is Seller or Sellers agent, by failure of Sampling Person to furnish sample to Analysis Person. If the Delivery Point is such that the Fuel will have been transported by barge prior to delivery, then title to and risk of loss of the Fuel will pass to Buyer upon the transfer of the custody and control of the barge(s) to, and the acceptance of the barge(s) by, Buyer or Buyers Transporter. (b)
Rail or truck deliveries. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Confirmation, for rail or truck deliveries, the Fuel shall be delivered to Buyer FOB Unit Train(s) or FOB truck(s) at the Delivery Point. Seller shall bear, remain responsible for and pay all expenses and costs associated with delivery of the Fuel FOB Unit Train(s) or FOB truck(s) and shall fully defend,

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


indemnify and hold Buyer harmless against any Claim made against Buyer for any cost, expenses or damage (either liquidated or unliquidated) that may be asserted against Buyer arising out of or resulting from the delivery by Seller to Buyer of any Fuel under this Master Agreement. For truck deliveries, title to and risk of loss of the Fuel will pass to Buyer upon completion of proper loading of such trucks at the Delivery Point in accordance with this Master Agreement. For rail deliveries, title to and risk of loss of the Fuel will pass to Buyer upon completion of proper loading of all railcars in each Unit Train at the Delivery Point in accordance with this Master Agreement and acceptance of the Unit Train by the railroad. Buyer or its Transporter shall furnish reasonably suitable Unit Trains or trucks for loading and delivery of the Fuel and Seller shall provide or designate loading points that have adequate access and loading facilities sufficient to load the Fuel properly and within the appropriate loading time. Such Unit Trains or trucks shall be substantially compatible with the Fuel loading facilities utilized by Seller and shall be properly prepared to receive Fuel. Fuel haulage or transportation equipment provided by either Seller or Buyer, as the case may be, shall be clean, dry and suitable for the transportation of Fuel. Seller agrees to inspect and to take all other reasonable and necessary steps so as not to permit Fuel to be loaded in railcars that contain foreign material. If the Delivery Point is such that the Fuel will have been transported by Unit Train or truck prior to delivery, then title to and risk of loss of the Fuel will pass to Buyer upon the transfer of the custody and control of the Unit Trains or trucks to, and the acceptance of such Unit Trains or trucks by Buyer, or Buyers Transporter. Seller shall be liable for and shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Buyer from any demurrage charges, excess freight charges, deficiency freight charges, or other transportation costs incurred by Buyer as a result of Sellers failure to satisfy any loading and/or shipping requirements. It is the sole obligation and responsibility of Seller to be aware of and conform to all rail carrier restrictions relating to maximum allowable gross railcar weights. If cars are found to be overloaded, Seller shall be responsible for any associated costs for reducing the weight of railcars to comply with the applicable rail carriers restrictions and shall be obligated to provide Buyer with corrected governing weight documentation. Seller shall be responsible for any damage resulting from overloaded cars. It is the sole obligation and responsibility of Seller to load trains to at least the minimum train weight as directed by and in compliance with the applicable transportation contract. It shall be the Sellers responsibility to verify minimum weight from the Buyers transportation coordinator before loading a Unit Train.

(c) Shipping Notices. For each delivery by barge, truck or rail, Seller shall supply Buyer with a shipping notice that shall include the Unit Train, barge or truck number, number of cars in a Unit Train, Source from which Fuel was supplied, Delivery Point, tonnage shipped, shipping date, destination, date and time loading commenced and finished, along with the analysis information required under Section 4.4 and any other information reasonably required by Buyer. Such analysis shall be provided in a format specified by Buyer. In the event that Buyers weights and analysis shall govern, Buyer shall supply to Seller a shipping notice that shall include the Unit Train, barge or truck number, number of cars in a Unit Train, Source from which Fuel was supplied, Delivery Point, tonnage shipped, shipping date, destination, date and time loading commenced and finished, along with the analysis information required under Section 4.4 and any other information reasonably required. In the event that Sellers weights and analysis shall govern, Seller shall, within twenty-four (24) hours of loading, send the shipping notice to Buyer by electronic mail or other means as agreed to between Buyer and Seller. Seller shall also promptly provide Buyer with a Bill of Lading for each delivery that shall include the name of Seller, contract number or purchase order number, Unit Train, truck or barge number, date loaded and Sellers delivered weights. Seller shall promptly notify Buyer of any loading deficiencies or delays in loading in writing or via telephone or through other electronic means. Any such
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


notification delivered via telephone or other electronic means shall be promptly followed by written documentation of the details of such notification. (d) Additives. Seller shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to treat the Coal with freeze control agents or other additives as directed by Buyer. Seller shall notify Buyer upon loading of the specific freeze control agents or additives applied. Buyer shall reimburse Seller for the actual cost of materials, including reasonable application costs as charged by the Source or Delivery Point, as applicable, for application of the freeze control agents, or other additives. Seller will invoice Buyer and Buyer shall pay Seller for such freeze conditioning in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement. Seller will provide to Buyer a copy of then current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

(e) Additional Costs. If a Party involved in a Transaction is charged for any increased transportation charges, penalties or other costs, including demurrage, attributable to the other Partys failure to timely and appropriately load or unload the Fuel in accordance with the terms of the Transaction or the timing and tonnage requirements of the Transportation Specifications, and if such failure is not due to Force Majeure, such failing Party shall promptly reimburse the other for such actual charges after written notice thereof. Upon request by either Buyer or Seller, such Transportation Specifications shall be made available for review by the requesting Party, provided that the disclosing Party shall not be required to disclose pricing information, but shall be required to disclose information sufficient to identify and validate the costs. The requesting Party shall sign an appropriate Confidentiality Agreement if requested by the disclosing Party. (f) Buyers Administrative Obligation. The Parties agree that some of Buyers obligations hereunder may be performed by Buyers Customer; nevertheless, Buyer shall remain liable for all of Buyers obligations hereunder and Seller shall remain liable for all of Sellers obligations hereunder. Buyer and Seller agree to the following:
(i) Buyer or its agent shall inform Seller at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of arrival of each Unit Train, truck or barge at the Sources mine/loadout, of the identification number of the Unit Train, truck or barge identification of Buyers Customer, and destination of such Unit Train, truck or barge. (ii) The loading of such Unit Train shall be in accordance with the loading provisions provided to Seller herein unless Buyer notifies Seller in advance of different loading provisions and such different loading provisions are in general accordance with general operating parameters in the mines/loadouts region, and do not, in Sellers reasonable opinion, impose an undue operating or economic burden on Seller. (iii) All information to be supplied by Seller to Buyer under this Master Agreement, including, without limitation, analysis, weights, train manifest and invoicing information, shall be supplied to Buyer and Buyers Customer, if any. 3.5 Title and Indemnity. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that at the time of delivery it will have good and marketable title to the Fuel, and will deliver the Fuel to Buyer, free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and other encumbrances. Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Buyer from any Claims arising from or related to claims of title, personal injury or death, property damage, costs, expenses, damages or other charges related to the Fuel or its delivery that are in connection with or relate to periods before title passes to Buyer.

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


3.6 Substitute Coal Source. If specifically permitted by the subject Confirmation, Seller shall, by giving ____ days written notice, have the conditional power, subject to Buyers prior written approval, to provide Coal from any alternative source Seller may select. Any such substituted Coal must comply with all Specifications for the Coal to be replaced and be otherwise acceptable to Buyer, and be otherwise subject to Section 2.2 above. Seller shall cooperate with Buyer in Buyers arranging for alternative transportation to allow the Coal shipped from the alternate source to be delivered to Buyer at the Delivery Point at the same time and at the same Contract Price on an equivalent $/mmBtu and SO2 adjusted basis (if SO2 adjustment is provided in the relevant Confirmations) as if delivery had been made to Buyer from the original Source. Seller shall be solely responsible for any increased transportation, handling, storage and other costs or fees, if any, incurred by Buyer resulting from Sellers provision of substitute Coal. A Confirmation that purports to provide the conditional power set forth in this section 3.6 and does not also recognize that such option is exercisable only after receiving Buyers prior written approval for the specific alternative source shall not be effective. 3.7 Taxes and Other Liabilities. Each Party shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to administer this Master Agreement and implement the provisions in accordance with the intent to minimize Taxes within the good faith parameters of the law. Seller shall be solely responsible as to any Transaction for all assessments, fees, costs, expenses and Taxes (including without limitation, New Taxes) imposed by governmental authorities or other third parties (collectively, Third Party Impositions) relating to the mining, beneficiation, production, sale, use, loading and delivery of Fuel to Buyer or in any way accrued or levied prior to, or related to periods before, the transfer of title to the Fuel to Buyer, and including, without limitation, all severance taxes, royalties, black lung fees, reclamation fees and other costs, charges and liabilities. Buyer shall be solely responsible as to any Transaction for Third Party Impositions relating to the Fuel solely accrued or levied subsequent to the transfer of title to the Fuel to Buyer, including, without limitation, all severance taxes, royalties, black lung fees, reclamation fees and other costs, charges and liabilities. The risk of any change in such Third Party Impositions shall be borne solely by Seller unless a specific Confirmation expressly allows for pass through of such items or otherwise provides therefore. If either Party is exempt from taxes, it shall provide a certificate of exemption or other reasonably satisfactory evidence of such exemption. Each Party shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to cooperate with the attempts by any other Party to obtain any pass through, exemption from or reduction of any Tax. Each Party shall indemnify, release, defend and hold harmless the other Party from and against any and all Third Party Impositions with respect to the Fuel that are the responsibility of such Party pursuant to this Section 3.7.

Article 4: Specifications, Weighing, Sampling and Analysis 4.1 Specifications. Seller shall cause all Fuel delivered to Buyer pursuant to any Transaction to comply with the Specifications set forth in the relevant Confirmation and be substantially free from any extraneous materials (including, but not limited to, mining debris, bone, slate, iron, steel, petroleum coke, earth, rock, pyrite, wood or blasting wire), be substantially consistent in quality throughout a Shipment, and meet the size required. 4.2 Unit Train or Truck Weighing. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in the relevant Confirmation, Shipments delivered into Unit Trains or trucks shall be weighed at Sellers expense (such expense to include any associated costs of testing and certification of such weighing system or scale) by means of a certified batch weighing system or certified track or truck scale or, in the absence of a batch weighing system or track scales for rail weights, official railroad weights at a Source approved by Buyer.
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


Any such weighing system or scale shall be maintained and operated in accordance with procedures acceptable to Buyer. The weights determined thereby (absent manifest error) will be the basis on which invoices will be rendered and payments made hereunder.

(a) Testing. Seller shall cause the Source, at no cost or expense to Buyer, to test, calibrate, and certify its scales at the Source at least every six (6) months to maintain them at a scale accuracy in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the NIST Handbook #44. Seller shall promptly notify Buyer at least two (2) weeks prior to the date and time for such testing and calibration, and Buyer shall have the right, but not the duty, to witness such testing, calibration, and certification of Sellers scales. Seller shall provide, upon receipt, all documentation of such testing, calibration and certification. Failure of Buyer to exercise this right shall not relieve Seller of its obligations hereunder. (b) Inoperative Scales. If the weighing systems or scales at the Source are determined to be inoperative or inaccurate to a degree exceeding plus or minus one-quarter (1/4) of a percent (0.25%), and if the Source is a Western Mine, then the weight of such Fuel delivered shall be determined by averaging the lading weight per railcar of the last five (5) Unit Trains of like equipment under this Master Agreement weighed at the Source prior to such breakdown or inaccuracy. If less than five (5) Unit Trains of like equipment under this Master Agreement were weighed at the Source prior to the breakdown or inaccuracy, the weight per railcar shall be determined by averaging the weight per railcar of the Unit Train(s) of like equipment under this Master Agreement weighed at the Source prior to the breakdown or inaccuracy as well as the lading weight per railcar of Unit Train(s) of like equipment under this Master Agreement first weighed at the Source after the weighing systems or scales are operable and accurate, so as to comprise a five (5) Unit Train weighted average. If the weighing systems or scales at the Source are determined to be inoperative or inaccurate to a degree exceeding plus or minus one-quarter (1/4) of a percent (0.25%), and if the Source is an Eastern Mine, the weight of such Fuel delivered shall be determined by railroad weights. If railroad weights are not available, the procedure for Western Mines shall be utilized. If the weighing systems or scales at a Source are inoperative or inaccurate, Seller shall promptly notify Buyer of the same and no subsequent Shipments shall be made from such Source, without Buyers prior consent. (c)
Observation. Buyer shall have the right to have a representative present at its own risk and expense at any and all times to observe weighing of the Fuel. If either Party should at any time question the accuracy of the weighing systems or scales at the Source, such Party may request a prompt test and adjustment of such track scales or batch weighing system at its expense by an entity mutually agreed upon by Buyer and Seller. Failure of Buyer to exercise this right shall not relieve Seller of its obligations hereunder.

4.3 Barge Weighing. Unless otherwise specifically agreed by the Parties in the relevant Confirmation, Shipments delivered by barge(s) shall be weighed at Buyers expense by means of a certified belt scale (such certification to be not older than twelve (12) months from the date of loading) or if not available by draft survey taken by Buyers agent by method specified by Buyer taken at the Delivery Point prior to the departure of the barge(s) from the Delivery Point. The weights thereby determined (absent manifest error) will be the basis on which invoices will be rendered and payments made hereunder. All such draft surveys at the Delivery Point shall be conducted by Buyers agent unless otherwise specifically stated in the relevant Confirmation.

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


4.4 Sampling and Analysis.


Basis. If origin weight and quality for payment is to be used then the following applies. (i) The Sampling Person, the Buyers agent unless otherwise specified in the relevant Confirmation, shall cause a representative sample of the Fuel loading into each barge, Unit Train or truck to be taken by mechanical sampler that has been approved in advance of loading by Buyer. The mechanical sampler is to have been dynamically bias tested within twelve (12) months prior to delivery by an independent certified third party. Samples shall be taken at the point of loading into barge, Unit Train or truck, and all sampling and sample preparation shall be performed in accordance with then current published applicable ASTM standards.

(b) In the event that Sellers mechanical sampling system ceases to operate properly, Sampling Person shall promptly notify Buyer to determine the course of action to be taken concerning shipments of Fuel under this Master Agreement. In such an event Buyer and Seller shall select an alternative location to sample or of such alternative location is not feasible, Buyer and Seller may at Buyers option agree to use the monthly weighted average of the prior months deliveries from Seller to Buyer. Where the ability is available, destination weights and analysis will govern. (i) Seller shall repair such sampling system as soon as practical. (c) The Sampling Persons samples of Fuel representing each Shipment and the analysis thereof as set forth above, shall be used to determine quality adjustments pursuant to Section 5.1 and any rejection rights pursuant to Section 5.2 or suspension rights pursuant to Section 5.3. (d) Each sample shall be divided into four (4) parts in accordance with then current ASTM standards and placed in separate airtight containers. (i) One (1) part of each sample shall be sent by Sampling Person (at Sampling Persons expense) on the day of loading, or within eight (8) hours, whichever is later, to the Analysis Person which will analyze such sample in accordance with Section 4.4(e) below. The Contract ID number from the relevant Confirmation shall be provided to the Analysis Person with the sample. (ii) One (1) part shall be retained by the Sampling Person for the benefit of Seller for a period of forty-five (45) days (if Seller is not the Sampling Person) or shipped as Seller directs. (iii) One (1) part shall be retained by the Sampling Person for the benefit of Buyer for a period of forty-five (45) days (if Buyer is not the Sampling Person) or shipped as Buyer directs. (iv) One (1) part shall be retained by the Sampling Person for a period of forty-five (45) days to be used for a referee analysis. (e) Analysis shall be performed by the Analysis Person, designated on the relevant Confirmation, which shall be an independent laboratory chosen in good faith by Buyer. (f) Samples shall be analyzed on an as-received basis in accordance with then current published applicable ASTM standards. The Analysis Person shall perform a short proximate analysis on an as-received basis, which shall include total moisture, ash, Btu, sulfur and such
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


other data as may be required by the applicable Confirmation. At the request of either Buyer or Seller, and at the expense of the requesting Party, additional analyses may be performed. (g) The Sampling Person shall report, or shall cause to be reported, the results of the short proximate analysis to be reported to Buyer, along with train I.D. number, barge I.D., weight and shipping data (Shipping Notice) by e-mail (with confirmation of receipt) as soon as available, but in any event within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the loading of each Shipment. (h) By notice to the Sampling Person within twenty-four (24) hours after delivery of the Shipping Notice and in any event prior to unloading of the Fuel at the destination, Buyer or Seller may object to the analysis (the Objecting Person), and if so, the Sampling Person shall submit the retained referee sample to an independent testing laboratory selected by and unaffiliated with the Objecting Person for an independent analysis. (i) If the results of the independent analysis are within ASTM (interlaboratory) Reproducibility Limits, the original short proximate, and any other specification analysis as required in the applicable Confirmation, as appropriate, shall control and the costs of the independent analysis shall be paid by the Objecting Person. If such results for any Specification are not within such Reproducibility Limits, the results of the independent analysis using the referee sample shall govern and the costs of the independent analysis shall be borne by the nonObjecting Person. (j) All analyses shall be performed in accordance with then current published applicable ASTM standards. (k) In the event the Buyer believes the sample collection process is not being performed in accordance with ASTM standards, then the Parties will meet to review the process, to ascertain if a problem exists and, if so, to determine what steps shall be taken to address the problem. If it is determined that the sample collection process is not being performed in accordance with ASTM standards on the basis of objectively verifiable evidence, then sampling will be performed at the Destination Plant in accordance with the foregoing provisions until the problem is resolved. 4.5 Representative Presence; Inspection. Each Party has the right to have a representative present, at such Partys sole risk and expense, at the Delivery Point during the loading, weighing and sampling of the Fuel. Buyer representative shall have the right to delay or stop Fuel loading for Buyers account in the event that Sellers weighing or sampling system malfunctions. Seller shall pay all costs or expenses incurred by Buyer as a result of any weighing or sampling system malfunction. Loading will be resumed when weighing or sampling system repairs are completed to the satisfaction of Buyer or when mutually agreed by the Parties. Buyer or its representative shall have the right at all reasonable times to enter upon the appropriate location to inspect and examine the method, equipment and manner of mining, producing, storing, washing, blending, crushing, loading, unloading, transporting, sampling, analyzing and other handling of Fuel to be sold and delivered under the Master Agreement, and to take samples of Fuel for Buyers analyses. No inspection by Buyer or failure to inspect by Buyer shall be deemed a waiver of any of Buyers rights or relieve Seller of any obligation or duty imposed by this Master Agreement.

Article 5: Quality Adjustments; and Rejection Rights 5.1 Quality Adjustments. If Fuel delivered in connection with a Transaction varies from the Guaranteed Specifications in respect thereof, and Buyer does not exercise its rejection rights under
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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Section 5.2, quality adjustments shall be calculated pursuant to the formula(s) set forth in the relevant Confirmation. Within ten (10) Business Days after the end of each month during the Term for each Transaction, the quality adjustments for each Transaction as specified in the relevant Confirmation, if any, shall be netted against each other and the net quality adjustment, as appropriate, for all Shipments during such month shall be determined by Seller, and Buyer shall pay Seller the net positive adjustment, if any, or Seller shall credit Buyer the net negative adjustment, if any, on the next invoice (or pay such amount to Buyer in the event no further invoices are due) in accordance with the billing and payment terms of Article 6. The adjustments provided in this Section 5.1 are in addition to Buyers other rights and remedies provided in this Master Agreement, by law or in equity. Any adjustment pursuant to this Section 5.1 with respect to any Shipment of Fuel under this Master Agreement shall not waive such other rights and remedies with respect to that Shipment of Fuel or any future Shipment of Fuel under this Master Agreement. 5.2 Buyers Rejection Rights. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant Confirmation, if any quality characteristic of any Shipment of Coal, determined in accordance with the sampling and analysis procedures set forth herein, is above or below, as applicable, any of the Rejection Limits specified in the Confirmation (a Non-Conforming Shipment), Buyer shall have the option, exercisable by notice to Seller within one Business Day of Buyers receipt of the Sampling Persons short proximate analysis and additional analysis, if any, of the Fuel provided pursuant to Section 4.4, of either (a) rejecting such NonConforming Shipment at the Delivery Point or in route or (b) accepting any Non-Conforming Shipment with a Contract Price reduction mutually agreed to by Buyer and Seller. If Buyer fails timely to exercise its rejection rights under this Section 5.2 as to a Shipment, Buyer shall be deemed to have waived such rights to reject with respect to that Shipment only. In addition, any waiver pursuant to the foregoing sentence shall not constitute a waiver of Buyers rights under Section 5.3. With respect to any Non-Conforming Shipment rejected by Buyer, title to and risk of loss of the Fuel automatically will transfer back to Seller upon such rejection, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing by the Parties. Seller shall be responsible, at its expense, for promptly transporting any rejected Fuel to an alternative destination determined by Seller and, if applicable, promptly unloading such Fuel and shall reimburse Buyer for all costs and expenses associated with the transportation, storage, handling and removal of the Non-Conforming Shipment. Seller shall replace the rejected Fuel within a reasonable period of time (but in no event later than thirty (30) days) unless Buyer gives written notice to Seller of Buyers desire not to replace the rejected Fuel within forty-eight (48) hours after rejection of the NonConforming Shipment. 5.3 Buyers Suspension Rights. In addition to the rejection rights set forth in Section 5.2 above, Buyer shall have the right to suspend Shipments of Fuel immediately by giving verbal or written notice to Seller in the event that:


Seller loads two (2) consecutive trainloads for delivery to Buyer for rail to barge shipments, or four (4) consecutive bargeloads for delivery to Buyer that fail to meet one or more of the Individual Shipment Rejection Specifications; or Sellers shipments on a weighted average Tonnage basis fail to meet the Guaranteed Monthly Average Specifications (excluding BTU) in any month.


After receipt of such notice, Seller shall immediately take action to correct such deficiencies. After Seller has determined that Fuel is in compliance with this Master Agreement, Seller shall so notify Buyer, and an inspection and/or a test Shipment of Fuel may be scheduled or other determination of compliance provided, at Buyers option and at Sellers expense. If compliance is not demonstrated,
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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Buyer shall have the option to allow further determination of compliance or to cancel the Transaction and seek any and all remedies in connection therewith.

Article 6: Settlements; Security 6.1 Billing and Payment.

(a) Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, within seven (7) days after the end of each shipment month during the Term for each Transaction, Seller shall provide to Buyer, an invoice, setting forth, as appropriate, (i) the aggregate Contract Price owed to Seller for the Fuel actually delivered to and accepted by Buyer at each Delivery Point during the applicable month; (ii) any quality adjustments and supporting calculations determined pursuant to Section 5.1; (iii) any transportation or other charges owed by Buyer or Seller to the other pursuant to this Master Agreement; (iv) any liquidated damages payments pursuant to Section 8.3 and (v) any Early Termination Payment pursuant to Section 8.2. Subject to the provisions of Section 6.1(c) below, no later than ten (10) Business Days after receipt of a Partys invoice or the 15th day of the month, which ever is later, (or if such day is not a Business Day, the immediately following Business Day), the receiving Party shall pay, by electronic transfer in immediately available United States funds, the amount set forth on such invoice along with the necessary information enabling reconciliation to the relevant Shipment to the applicable payment address provided in Exhibit C. (b) With respect to financial bookout transactions, all such invoices shall provide for payment no later than ten (10) Business Days after receipt of an invoice or on the 25th of the month of the scheduled delivery, whichever is later (or if such day is not a Business Day, the immediately following Business Day). (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if the receiving Party in good faith reasonably disputes an invoice, it shall provide a written explanation specifying in detail the basis for the dispute and pay any undisputed portion no later than the due date. If any amount disputed by the receiving Party is subsequently determined to be due, it shall be paid within five (5) Business Days along with interest accrued at the Interest Rate from the original due date until the date paid. If, after such determination, any Party fails to pay amounts under this Master Agreement when due, unless such amount is excused by Force Majeure under Article 7 hereof, in addition to the rights and remedies provided in this Master Agreement, the aggrieved Party shall have the right to: (i) suspend performance under this Master Agreement until such amounts plus interest at the Interest Rate have been paid, and/or (ii) exercise any remedy available at law or in equity to enforce payment of such amount plus interest at the Interest Rate.
6.2 Rounding and Significant Digits. All calculations will use floating decimals with the final operation being rounded to the significant digits to the right of the decimal place as follows: Btu/lb. will be zero (0) Grindability will be zero (0) Emission Allowances will be zero (0) Tons will be two (2) Dollars for payment will be two (2) Moisture % will be two (2) nn,nnn. nn. n,nnn. nn,nnn.nn nnn,nnn.nn nn.nn%

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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Ash % will be two (2) Sulfur % will be two (2) Sodium % will be two (2) SO2 lbs./MMBTU will be two (2) Dollars per ton will be three (3) Quality Dollars per ton will be three (3) nn.nn% nn.nn% nn.nn% .nn lbs/MMBTU nn.nnn / Ton n.nnn / Ton

Items not specified above will use the industry standards for significant digits to the right of the decimal place. Rounding to the next higher value will occur when the significant digit to the right of the last decimal place is five (5) or greater 6.3 Netting and Setoff. If, under any Transaction under this Master Agreement, the Parties are required to pay any amount on the same day or in the same month, then such amounts with respect to each Party may be aggregated and the Parties may discharge their obligations to pay through netting, in which case the Party, if any, owing the greater aggregate amount may pay to the other Party the difference between the amounts owed. Each Party reserves to itself all rights, setoffs, counterclaims, combination of accounts, liens and other remedies and defenses that such Party has or may be entitled to (whether by operation of law or otherwise). The obligations to make payments under this Master Agreement and/or any Transaction may be offset against each other, set off or recouped therefrom. 6.4 Audit. Each Party shall maintain accurate records relating to Fuel sales and purchases made pursuant to this Master Agreement or any Transactions hereunder. Such records shall be retained for a period of at least two (2) years after completion or termination of the relevant Transaction. Each Party (and its representatives) has the right, at its sole expense during normal working hours and upon reasonable advance notice, to examine and make copies of the records of the other Party, but only to the extent reasonably necessary to verify the accuracy of any statement, charge or computation made pursuant to this Master Agreement or a Transaction. If requested, a Party shall provide to the requesting Party statements evidencing the quantities of Fuel delivered or received at the Delivery Point. If any such examination reveals any inaccuracy in any statement, the necessary adjustments in such statements and the payments thereof will be promptly made and shall bear interest calculated at the Interest Rate from the date the overpayment or underpayment was made until paid; provided, however, that no adjustment for any statement or payment will be made unless objection to the accuracy thereof was made in writing, in reference hereto, prior to the lapse of two (2) years from the rendition thereof; and provided further, that for the purpose of such statement and payment objections, this Section 6.4 will survive any termination of a Transaction or this Master Agreement. 6.5 Reasonable Grounds for Insecurity. Reasonable grounds for insecurity under Section 2-609 of the Uniform Commercial Code shall be deemed to occur with respect to either Party or either Partys credit support provider, if one exists, if (i) for an entity without a credit rating established by a nationally recognized rating agency, there is any material adverse change in the financial conditions, net worth, assets, properties or operations from that which exists on the date hereof, which, taken as a whole, can reasonably be anticipated to impair the ability of such Party or such Partys credit support provider to fulfill its obligations; or (ii) for an entity that has a credit rating established by a nationally recognized rating agency, there is: (x) a downgrade with respect to such entity, (y) its new rating is at or below the level of the other partys credit rating, and (z) there is any material adverse change in the financial conditions, net worth, assets, properties or operations from that which exists on the date hereof, which, taken as a whole, can reasonably be anticipated to impair the ability of such Party or such Partys credit
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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support provider to fulfill its obligations; or (iii) there are other reasonable grounds to believe that its ability to perform under this Master Agreement has been materially impaired; or (v) unless excused by Force Majeure or Buyers unexcused failure to perform, Seller fails to deliver the quantity of Fuel in accordance with the applicable Transaction and this Master Agreement; provided , however, that a NonConforming Shipment shall not constitute a failure by Seller to deliver the quantity of Fuel so long as Seller complies with Section 5.2; or (v) unless excused by Force Majeure or Sellers unexcused failure to perform, Buyer fails to accept delivery of the quantity of Fuel in accordance with the applicable Transaction and this Master Agreement (each a Reasonable Ground for Insecurity). Any determination that Reasonable Grounds for Insecurity exist must be made upon objective criteria and must be expressly set forth in the written notice demanding Adequate Assurance that is to be sent in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.5. 6.6 Adequate Assurance. To the extent that (a) a party (the Demanding Party) has Reasonable Grounds for Insecurity with respect to the other partys or the other partys Credit Support Providers creditworthiness or performance under this Agreement (such other party, the Providing Party) and (b) the Demanding Party has delivered to the Providing Party notice requesting Adequate Assurance in a form and or amount determined by the Demanding Party in a commercially reasonable manner, the Providing Party shall deliver such Adequate Assurance to the Demanding Party within 3 Local Business Days after such notice. As used in this Agreement, Adequate Assurance means financial security in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Demanding Party. If Adequate Assurance is not provided in a form and amount satisfactory to the Demanding Party, or maintained according to the request of the Demanding Party this will constitute a default under the Agreement and the Demanding Party will be entitled to the remedies set forth in Article 8. If the Providing Party provides Adequate Assurance and maintains such according to the request of the Demanding Party it is understood that the Providing Party shall not in fact have defaulted under this Master Agreement.

Article 7: Force Majeure 7.1 Force Majeure. If a Party to a Transaction is delayed in or prevented from performing, in whole or in substantial part, any of its obligations under a Transaction due to Force Majeure, and such Party promptly gives oral or written notice and full details of the Force Majeure to the other Party after the occurrence of the event of Force Majeure, but in no event later than twenty-four (24) hours after such event (such notice, if oral, to be confirmed in writing as soon as reasonably possible, but in no event later than three (3) days after the event of Force Majeure), then during the pendency of such Force Majeure but for no longer period, the obligations of the Parties under such affected Transaction (other than obligations to make undisputed payments then due) shall be suspended, but only to the extent required by the Force Majeure event. The Party declaring the Force Majeure shall remedy the Force Majeure with all reasonable dispatch and will keep the other Party advised as to the continuance of the Force Majeure event, the remedy of the Force Majeure event and such Partys resumption of performance; provided, however, that this Article 7 shall not require Seller to deliver, or Buyer to receive, the Fuel at points other than the Delivery Point for the authorized Source including allowable substitutions under the Transaction. The Party not declaring Force Majeure shall have the right, at its own risk and at its sole cost and expense, to inspect the facility of the Party declaring Force Majeure to the extent that the cause or event that resulted in such declaration is located at or related to said facility. Any deficiencies in the delivery or receipt of Fuel caused by Force Majeure may be required to be made-up at the option of the Party not declaring the Force Majeure, which option shall be exercised by a notice to the declaring Party to be
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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provided in writing within 14 calendar days after the declaring Party has provided notice of the end of the Force Majeure. The price for such make-up deliveries shall be the Contract Price in effect at the time of the Force Majeure. The time period for such make-up deliveries shall not exceed three times the term of the Force Majeure event unless the non-declaring Party agrees to an alternative schedule. 7.2 Force Majeure Defined. For the purposes of this Master Agreement, Force Majeure shall mean any event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of a Party and without the fault or negligence of the Party affected thereby, and which event or circumstance, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been prevented or avoided by such Party and provided that such Party is unable in good faith to obtain a substitute therefore, if applicable. Examples (without limitation) of Force Majeure are the following: acts of God, war, riots, civil insurrection, acts of the public enemy, strikes, lockouts, natural disasters, breakdown or damage to Buyers coal unloading system equipment, and transportation delays, but only if and to the extent that (a) such event or circumstance is beyond the reasonable control of the Party affected, (b) such event or circumstance occurs without the fault or negligence of the Party affected, (c) such event or circumstance, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been prevented or avoided by the Party affected, and (d) the Party affected is unable in good faith to obtain a substitute therefore, if applicable. Transportation delays shall be considered to be Force Majeure only to the extent declared by a third party for reasons that would be within the definition of an event of Force Majeure as listed in the preceding sentence. For all purposes of this Master Agreement, the term Force Majeure shall also include Buyers voluntary or involuntary reduction or elimination of its use of Fuel that is to be purchased under this Master Agreement in the event that any federal, state or other governmental law, regulation or order, or interpretation thereof, directly or indirectly affecting Buyer is enforced or imposed upon, or becomes applicable to, Buyer: (1) regarding the purchase, sale, burning, or use of Fuel to be transported under this Master Agreement, or the reduction of emission limitations or the sulfur, NOX (NO and NO2), carbon, mercury or other chemical content of the Fuel to be burned at any facility of Buyer below the standard deemed in effect on the Effective Date; or (2) relating to the sulfur, NOX (NO and NO2), carbon, mercury or other chemical content of the Fuel and/or stack emission limitations at facility of Buyer. Force Majeure does not include: (i) the loss of Buyers markets; (ii) a change in market conditions including, without limitation, the ability of Seller to sell fuel at a higher price; (iii) Sellers inability to economically produce or obtain the Fuel; (iv) the ability of Buyer or Buyers Customer to buy Fuel at a lower price, whether or not foreseeable; (v) regulatory or contractual disallowance of the pass-through of the costs of Fuel or other related costs; (vi) the development or existence of economic conditions that may adversely affect the anticipated profitability of the mining activities of Seller hereunder; (vii) geologic conditions affecting mining; or (viii) reduced productivity of labor. 7.3 Pro Rata Reductions. If: a) Seller claims an event of Force Majeure with respect to this Master Agreement or any Transaction under this Master Agreement; and b) solely as a result of such event of Force Majeure is unable to meet all of its sale obligations under an affected Transaction; and c) such event of Force Majeure is also a force majeure event with respect to any other of its Fuel sales agreements involving fuel of a similar type and quality as the Fuel, then any reductions in Sellers deliveries shall be allocated on a pro rata basis among the affected Transaction(s) and such other fuel supply agreements involving fuel of the same type and quality. If: a) Buyer claims an event of Force Majeure with respect to this Master Agreement or any Transaction under this Master Agreement; and b) solely as a result of such event of Force Majeure is unable to meet all of its purchase obligations under an affected Transaction; and c) such event of Force Majeure is also a force majeure event with respect to any other of its Fuel purchase agreements involving fuel of a similar type and quality as the Fuel, then any reductions in

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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Buyers purchases shall be allocated on a pro rata basis among the affected Transaction(s) and such other fuel purchase agreements involving fuel of the same type and quality. 7.4 Termination Rights. If an event of complete or partial Force Majeure persists for a continuous period of sixty (60) days, then the Party not claiming Force Majeure shall have the option, upon three (3) days prior written notice, to terminate the affected Transaction to the extent affected and the associated obligations of the Parties thereunder (other than obligations to make undisputed payments then due). 7.5 Settlements and Capital Expenditures. It is understood and agreed that significant capital expenditures and settlement of strikes and lockouts shall be entirely within the discretion of the Party declaring Force Majeure, and that the above requirement that any Force Majeure shall be remedied with all reasonable dispatch shall not require significant capital expenditure or settlement of strikes and lockouts by acceding to the demands of the opposing party when such course is inadvisable in the discretion of the Party declaring the Force Majeure.

Article 8: Events of Default, Remedies and Limitation of Liability 8.1 Events of Default. An event of default (Event of Default) with respect to a Party (the Defaulting Party) shall mean any of the following:


the failure of the Defaulting Party to pay when due any undisputed payment and such failure is not remedied within five (5) Business Days after written notice thereof (provided the payment is not subject to a good faith dispute as described in Section 6.1(c));

(b) the failure of the Defaulting Party to comply with its other material obligations under a Transaction covered by this Master Agreement and such failure continues uncured for five (5) Business Days after written notice thereof, provided that if it shall be impracticable or impossible to remedy such failure within such five (5) Business Day period, the cure period shall be extended for an additional period reasonably necessary to remedy such failure (but in no event longer than thirty (30) days) subject to the condition that during the additional period, the Defaulting Party shall be diligently pursuing a remedy for the failure; (c)
the Defaulting Party shall be subject to a Bankruptcy Proceeding;

(d) any representation or warranty made by a Party herein shall prove to be untrue in any material respect when made; or
(e) One or more of the following events occur with respect to a Partys Guarantor, if a guaranty was required: (i) if any representation or warranty made by a Guarantor in connection with this Agreement is false or misleading in any material respect when made or when deemed made or repeated; (ii) the failure of a Guarantor to make any payment required or to perform any other material covenant or obligation in any guaranty made in connection with this Agreement and such failure shall not be remedied within three (3) Business Days after written notice; (iii) a Guarantor becomes Bankrupt;

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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(iv) the failure of a Guarantors guaranty to be in full force and effect for purposes of this Agreement (other than in accordance with its terms) prior to the satisfaction of all obligations of such Party under each Transaction to which such guaranty shall relate without the written consent of the other Party; or

(v) a Guarantor shall repudiate, disaffirm, disclaim, or reject, in whole or in part, or challenge the validity of any guaranty.
8.2 Early Termination. Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default as to the Defaulting Party described in Section 8.1(a) or 8.1(d) above, the other Party (the Non-Defaulting Party) may, in its sole discretion, (a) accelerate and liquidate the Parties respective obligations under this Master Agreement and/or all Transactions by establishing, and notifying the Defaulting Party of, an early termination date (which shall be no earlier than the date such written notice is received and no later than twenty (20) days after the date of such notice) on which this Master Agreement and/or all Transactions shall terminate, and/or (b) withhold any payments due to the Defaulting Party until such Event of Default is cured, and/or (c) suspend performance of its obligations under this Master Agreement and/or any Transactions until such Event of Default is cured. If the Event of Default is one described in Section 8.1(b) above, the Non-Defaulting Party, in its sole discretion, may establish an early termination date and choose to terminate only the Transaction(s) that gave rise to such Event(s) of Default (in which case, this Master Agreement shall remain in effect as to all Transactions not then terminated, without prejudice to the Non-Defaulting Partys other rights under this Section 8.2). If the Event of Default is one described in Section 8.1(c) above, this Master Agreement and all Transactions under it shall automatically terminate and the termination date shall be the date upon which such Event of Default occurred. If notice of an early termination date is given under this Section 8.2, the early termination date will occur on the designated date, whether or not the relevant Event(s) of Default is then continuing. Any rights of a Non-Defaulting Party under this Section 8.2 shall be in addition to such Non-Defaulting Partys other rights under this Article 8. Early Termination Payment. If an early termination date is established pursuant to Section 8.2 (an Early Termination Date), the Non-Defaulting Party shall in good faith calculate its Gains or Losses, and Costs, resulting from the termination of the terminated Transaction(s), aggregate such Gains or Losses, and Costs, with respect to all terminated Transactions into a single net amount, and then notify the Defaulting Party of the net amount owed or owing. If the Non-Defaulting Partys aggregate Losses and Costs exceed its aggregate Gains, the Defaulting Party shall, within ten (10) Business Days of its receipt of such notice pay the net amount to the Non-Defaulting Party, including interest at the Interest Rate from the Early Termination Date until paid. If the Non-Defaulting Partys aggregate Gains exceed its aggregate Losses and Costs, if any, resulting from such early termination, the Non-Defaulting Party shall pay the net amount to the Defaulting Party in accordance with Section 6.1 hereof. The Non-Defaulting Party shall determine its Gains or Losses, and Costs, as of the Early Termination Date. If an Event of Default occurs, the Non-Defaulting Party may (at its election) set off any or all amounts that the Defaulting Party owes to the Non-Defaulting Party (or any Affiliates of the Non-Defaulting Party) under this Master Agreement against any or all amounts that the Non-Defaulting Party (or any Affiliates of the Non-Defaulting Party) owes to the Defaulting Party under this Master Agreement. The Non-Defaulting Party shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to mitigate any Costs and damages that it is entitled to hereunder and act at all times in a commercially reasonable manner. The Defaulting Party shall have the right to audit (through a third party independent auditor mutually agreed to by the Parties) the calculation of all such Gains, Losses and Costs.
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.


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Disputes With Respect to Termination Payment. If the Defaulting Party disputes the Non-Defaulting Partys calculation of the Termination Payment, in whole or in part, the Defaulting Party shall, within two (2) Business Days of receipt of Non-Defaulting Partys calculation of the Termination Payment, provide to the Non-Defaulting Party a detailed written explanation of the basis for such dispute; provided, however, that if the Termination Payment is due from the Defaulting Party, the Defaulting Party shall first transfer Performance Assurance to the Non-Defaulting Party in an amount equal to the Termination Payment. 8.3 Remedies. The remedies set forth in this Section 8.3 shall be the Non-Defaulting Partys exclusive monetary remedies for the Defaulting Partys failure to perform as described below under a Transaction prior to the Non-Defaulting Partys early termination of such Transaction due to an Event of Default pursuant to Section 8.1:


(a) As an alternative to the damages provision below, if the Parties mutually agree in writing, the Non-Defaulting Party may schedule deliveries or receipts, as the case may be, pursuant to such terms as the Parties agree in order to discharge some or all of the obligation to pay damages. In the absence of such agreement, the damages provision of this Section 8.3 shall apply. (b) Unless excused by Force Majeure or Buyers unexcused failure to perform, if Seller fails to deliver the quantity of Fuel in accordance with the applicable Transaction and this Master Agreement, Seller shall pay to Buyer an amount for each Ton of Fuel of such deficiency equal to (i) the market price at which Buyer is able, or at the time of Sellers breach, would be able (FOB Delivery Point) to purchase or otherwise receive comparable supplies of Fuel of comparable quality on an equivalent /mmBtu, SO2 adjusted basis, plus (i) costs reasonably incurred by Buyer in purchasing such substitute Fuel and (ii) additional transportation charges, if any, reasonably incurred by Buyer as a result of taking delivery of substitute Fuel at a location other than FOB the Delivery Point (Replacement Price) minus (ii) the Contract Price agreed to for the specific Transaction; except that if such difference is zero or negative, then neither Party shall have any obligation to make any deficiency payment to the other. (c) Unless excused by Force Majeure or Sellers unexcused failure to perform, if Buyer fails to accept delivery of the quantity of Fuel in accordance with the applicable Transaction and this Master Agreement, Buyer shall pay to Seller an amount for each Ton of Fuel of such deficiency equal to (i) the Contract Price agreed to for the specific Transaction minus (ii) the market price at which Seller is able, or would be able (FOB Delivery Point), to sell or otherwise dispose of the Fuel at the time of Buyers breach, deducting from such proceeds any (i) costs reasonably incurred by Seller in reselling such Fuel and (ii) additional transportation charges, if any, reasonably incurred by Seller in delivering such Fuel to the third party purchasers (Sales Price); except that if such difference is zero or negative, then neither Party shall have any obligation to make any deficiency payment to the other. (d) (e)
Both Parties shall be subject to a commercially reasonable good faith obligation to mitigate any damages hereunder.

Payment of amounts, if any, determined under paragraph (b) or (c) of this Section 8.3 shall be made in accordance with Section 6.1. All such determinations shall be made in a commercially reasonable manner and the Non-Defaulting Party shall not be required to enter into any actual replacement transaction in order to determine the Replacement Price or Sales Price as appropriate.

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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CONFIDENTIAL DRAFT (f) If a Party obligated to make a payment under this Section 8.3 timely makes such payment to the other Party, the failure to perform that brings about the remedies described in this Section 8.3 shall not constitute grounds for an Early Termination pursuant to Section 8.2.
8.4 Damages Stipulation. Each Party stipulates that the payment obligations set forth in this Article 8 for the damages incurred are a reasonable approximation of the anticipated harm or loss and acknowledges the difficulty of estimation or calculation of actual damages, and each Party hereby waives the right to contest such payments as unenforceable, an unreasonable penalty or otherwise. Quantification of the damages, if disputed, shall be subject to the arbitration procedure in Article 9 of this Master Agreement. 8.5 Expenses. The Defaulting Party will, on demand, indemnify and hold harmless the Non-Defaulting Party for and against all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including Legal Costs, incurred by the Non-Defaulting Party by reason of the enforcement and protection of its rights under this Master Agreement or any Transaction by reason of an Event of Default or an early termination of a Transaction or this Master Agreement, including, without limitation, costs of collection. 8.6 Limitation of Liability. THE PARTIES CONFIRM THAT THE EXPRESS REMEDIES AND MEASURES OF DAMAGES PROVIDED IN THIS MASTER AGREEMENT SATISFY THE ESSENTIAL PURPOSES HEREOF. FOR BREACH OF ANY PROVISION FOR WHICH AN EXPRESS REMEDY OR MEASURE OF DAMAGES IS HEREIN PROVIDED, SUCH EXPRESS REMEDY OR MEASURE OF DAMAGES SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, THE LIABLE PARTYS LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED AS SET FORTH IN SUCH PROVISION, AND ALL OTHER REMEDIES OR DAMAGES AT LAW OR IN EQUITY ARE WAIVED UNLESS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN THIS MASTER AGREEMENT. IF NO REMEDY OR MEASURE OF DAMAGES IS EXPRESSLY HEREIN PROVIDED, THE LIABLE PARTYS LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO DIRECT ACTUAL DAMAGES ONLY. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION IN THIS MASTER AGREEMENT OR IN ANY TRANSACTION, NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION DAMAGES, WHETHER BY STATUTE, IN TORT OR IN CONTRACT, UNDER THIS MASTER AGREEMENT, ANY TRANSACTION, ANY INDEMNITY PROVISION OR OTHERWISE.

Article 9: Arbitration Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Master Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. With respect to any arbitration, the number of arbitrators shall be three, each Party having the right to appoint one arbitrator who shall together then appoint a third neutral arbitrator within thirty (30) days in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules. The third arbitrator shall be a person who has five (5) years or more experience in the coal industry. None of the arbitrators shall have been previously employed by either Party or have any direct interest in either Party or the subject matter of the arbitration, unless such conflict is expressly acknowledged and waived in writing by both Parties. The place of arbitration hearings shall alternate between the office of Buyer and Seller, the first being held at Buyers office. It is expressly agreed that the arbitrators shall have no authority to award consequential, special, indirect, or exemplary, or punitive damages of any type under
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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any circumstances regardless of whether such damages may be available under applicable law, or federal law, or under the Federal Arbitration Act, the Parties hereby waiving their rights, if any, to recover consequential, special, indirect, exemplary, and punitive damages with respect to this Master Agreement. Any award reached by the arbitrators may be vacated pursuant to Section 12 or modified pursuant to Section 13 of the Uniform Arbitration Act (adopted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 1955), as amended. The Parties agree that all arbitration proceedings conducted hereunder and the decision of the arbitrators shall be kept confidential and not disclosed, except as required by applicable law or to the Parties Affiliates, accountants, lawyers and regulatory bodies to the extent necessary to enforce the decision.

Article 10: Miscellaneous 10.1 Successors and Assigns; Assignment. This Master Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. However, no Party shall assign this Master Agreement or any Transaction or any of its rights or obligations hereunder or under any Transaction without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Party may, without the need for consent from the other Party (and without relieving itself from liability hereunder and under any Transaction), (a) transfer, sell, pledge, encumber or assign the accounts, revenues or proceeds under this Master Agreement and/or any Transaction in connection with any financing or other financial arrangements; (b) transfer or assign this Master Agreement and/or any Transaction to an Affiliate of such Party so long as the Affiliate has a credit rating equal to or higher than the original Party and only if and during the time that the Affiliate remains affiliated with the original Party and if such affiliation subsequently ends, the Master Agreement and/or any Transaction shall revert to the original Party; (c) transfer or assign this Master Agreement and/or any Transaction to any creditworthy person or entity, as such creditworthiness is determined by the non-assigning party using reasonable commercial practices, succeeding to all or substantially all of the assets of such Party by way of merger, reorganization or otherwise; or (d) in the case of Buyer, transfer or assign this Master Agreement and/or any Transaction to any creditworthy person or entity, as such creditworthiness is determined by the non-assigning Party using reasonable commercial practices, succeeding to all or substantially all of the generation assets of such Party by way of a sale of such assets, merger, reorganization or otherwise; provided, however, that no such assignment shall in any way relieve the assignor from liability for full performance under this Master Agreement and the Transactions unless a written release is provided by the non-assigning Party. Any such assignee, in writing, shall assume and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement and such Transactions. Any transfer in violation of this Section 10.1 shall be deemed null and void. 10.2 Warranties. OTHER THAN THOSE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS MASTER AGREEMENT OR IN A CONFIRMATION, SELLER MAKES NO OTHER REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, WRITTEN OR ORAL, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF FUEL HEREUNDER. ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED. SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY CONCERNING THE SUITABILITY OF FUEL DELIVERED HEREUNDER FOR USE IN ANY FACILITIES.

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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10.3 Notices. All notices, requests, communications, statements, consents or payments shall be made to the addresses specified in Exhibit C hereto. Unless expressly provided otherwise, notices, requests, communications, statements and consents shall be in writing and delivered by letter, electronically, by facsimile or other documentary form (with request for assurance of receipt in a manner typical with respect to communications of that type). Notice by facsimile, electronic means or hand delivery shall be deemed to have been received by the close of the Business Day on which it was transmitted or hand delivered (unless transmitted or hand delivered after close of the Business Day, in which it shall be deemed received at the close of the next Business Day). Notice by overnight mail or courier (expenses prepaid) shall be deemed to have been received one (1) Business Day after it was sent. A Party may change its address by providing notice thereof in accordance with this Section 10.3. 10.4 Confidentiality. No Party shall disclose, without the prior written consent of the other Party, the terms of this Master Agreement or any Transaction to a third party (other than a Partys and its Affiliates employees, lenders, counsel, consultants or accountants, who shall agree in writing to be bound by the provisions of this Section 10.4) except in order to comply with any applicable law, order, regulation or exchange rule; provided, however, that each Party shall notify the other Party of any proceeding of which it is aware that may result in disclosure and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to prevent or limit the disclosure; and provided further that such Party will be responsible for any breach of the confidentiality provisions hereunder by any of the foregoing to whom such Party has disclosed such information. 10.5 Governing Law. THIS MASTER AGREEMENT AND EACH TRANSACTION AND THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE PARTIES ARISING HEREUNDER AND THEREUNDER SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED, ENFORCED AND PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OHIO WITHOUT GIVING EFFECT TO PRINCIPLES OF CONFLICTS OF LAWS. EACH PARTY WAIVES ITS RESPECTIVE RIGHT TO ANY JURY TRAIL WITH RESPECT TO ANY LITIGATION ARISING UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. ANY ACTION ARISING UNDER THIS MASTER AGREEMENT AND ANY TRANSACTION THAT IS BROUGHT BEFORE A COURT, SHALL BE BROUGHT BEFORE A COURT LOCATED IN OHIO. 10.6 Entire Agreement; Amendments; Interpretation. This Master Agreement, the Schedules, Annexes, Exhibits and Appendices hereto and made a part hereof, if any, and each Transaction and Confirmation, constitute the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter contemplated by this Master Agreement and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or representations affecting the same subject matter. Unless otherwise specified, any references in this Master Agreement to this Master Agreement include this Master Agreement, the Schedules, Annexes, Exhibits and Appendices hereto, if any, and each Transaction and Confirmation to the extent applicable. No amendment, modification or change to this Master Agreement shall be enforceable unless reduced to a writing executed by the Party against whom such amendment, modification or change is sought to be enforced and specifically referencing this Master Agreement. 10.7 Counterparts; Severability; Survival. This Master Agreement and each Confirmation may be executed in several counterparts (including by means of facsimile signatures), each of which is an original and all of which together constitute one and the same instrument. Any provision or Article hereof that is declared or rendered unlawful by any applicable court of law or regulatory agency, or deemed unlawful because of a statutory change, will not otherwise affect the lawful obligations that arise under this Master Agreement or a Transaction. In the event any provision of this Master Agreement is declared unlawful, the Parties will promptly renegotiate to restore this Master Agreement or such Transaction as near as
THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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possible to its original intent and effect. All indemnity and audit rights shall survive the termination of this Master Agreement in full for a period of two (2) years (except with respect to audit rights as to Third Party Impositions, which shall survive for the applicable statute of limitations, including any extensions thereof). 10.8 Non-Waiver; Duty to Mitigate; No Partnership or Third Party Beneficiaries. No waiver by any Party of any of its rights with respect to any other Party or with respect to any matter or default arising in connection with this Master Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any subsequent right, matter or default whether of a like kind or different nature. Any waiver shall be in writing signed by the waiving Party. Each Party agrees that it has a duty to mitigate damages. Nothing contained in this Master Agreement or in any Transaction shall be construed or constitute any Party as the employee, agent, partner, joint venturer or contractor of any other Party. It is further agreed that each Party shall employ, direct, control, manage, supervise, discharge, and pay its own employees and that neither Party shall have control of or supervision over any of the other Partys employees. This Master Agreement and each Transaction is made and entered into for the sole protection and legal benefit of the Parties, and their permitted successors and assigns, and no other Person shall be a direct or indirect legal beneficiary of, or have any direct or indirect cause of action or claim in connection with this Master Agreement or any Transaction. 10.9 Forward Contract. The Parties acknowledge and agree that all Transactions constitute forward contracts within the meaning of the United States Bankruptcy Code. 10.10 No Presumption Against Drafter. Each of the parties hereto has jointly participated in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement. In the event of an ambiguity or a question of intent or interpretation arises, this Agreement shall be construed as if drafted jointly by each of the parties hereto and no presumptions or burdens of proof shall arise favoring any party by virtue of the authorship of any of the provisions of this Agreement.

Article 11: Definitions Adequate Assurance means financial or other appropriate security in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to the Requesting Party. Affiliate means, with respect to any person, any other person (other than an individual) that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such person. For this purpose, control means the direct or indirect ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding capital stock or other equity interests having ordinary voting power. Analysis Person means the person or entity specified in the relevant Confirmation that will pay for and perform, or cause to be performed, analysis of the Fuel pursuant to a Transaction. ASTM means the American Society for Testing and Materials. Bankruptcy Proceeding means with respect to a Party or entity, such Party or entity (a) makes an assignment or any general arrangement for the benefit of creditors, (b) files a petition or otherwise commences, authorizes or acquiesces in the commencement of a proceeding or cause of action under any bankruptcy or similar law for the protection of creditors, (c) has such a petition filed against it and such petition is not withdrawn or dismissed within ninety (90) days after such filing, (d) otherwise becomes

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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bankrupt or insolvent (however evidenced), or (e) admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they fall due. Bill of Lading means with respect to a truck delivery, a certified truck scale weight, and with respect to a train delivery, a certified rail weight certificate, and with respect to a barge, a certified terminal or barge survey weight. Btu means the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one (1) pound of pure water one (1) degree Fahrenheit from 59.5 Fahrenheit to 60.5 Fahrenheit at a constant pressure of 14.73 pounds per square inch absolute. Business Day means a day on which Federal Reserve member banks in New York City are open for business unless such day is a Holiday; and a Business Day shall open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Prevailing Time. Buyer means the Party to a Transaction who is obligated to purchase and receive, or cause to be received, Fuel during the Term of the Transaction. Buyers Customer means the party that Buyer has contracted to sell the Fuel purchased from Seller under a Transaction. Claims means all claims or actions, threatened or filed and whether groundless, false or fraudulent, that directly or indirectly relate to the subject matter of an indemnity, and any losses, damages, liabilities, expenses, attorneys fees and court costs, whether incurred by settlement or otherwise, and whether such Claims or actions are threatened or filed prior to or after the termination of this Master Agreement. Coal means any and all of the coal to be sold by Seller and purchased by Buyer, the quality of which conforms to the Specifications and which does not trigger Buyers rights under Section 5.2 or 5.3, or is otherwise accepted by Buyer under this Master Agreement or any Transaction, and which contains no synthetic fuels, is substantially free from any extraneous materials (including, without limitation, mining debris, bone, slate, iron, steel, petroleum coke, earth, rock, pyrite, wood or blasting wire), is substantially consistent in quality throughout a Shipment, and meets the size required. Commercially Reasonable Efforts means the taking by a Person of such action as would be in accordance with reasonable commercial practices as applied to the particular matter in question to achieve the result as expeditiously as practicable; provided, however, that such action shall not require that such Person incur unreasonable expense. Contract Price means the price in $U.S. per Ton (unless otherwise specified in the Confirmation) to be paid by Buyer to Seller for the purchase of Fuel and any other proper charges pursuant to a Transaction. Contract Quantity means the quantity of Fuel that Seller agrees to sell to (or if applicable, exchange with), or cause to be delivered to, Buyer, and that Buyer agrees to purchase and receive, or cause to be received, from Seller, pursuant to a Transaction, as specified in a Confirmation. Costs means any brokerage fees, commissions and other transactional costs and expenses reasonably incurred either by the Non-Defaulting Party as a result of terminating any hedges or other risk management contracts and/or entering into new arrangements in order to replace the early terminated Transaction(s), and Legal Costs incurred by the Non-Defaulting Party. Delivery Point means the agreed point(s) of delivery and receipt of the Fuel pursuant to a Transaction. Eastern Prevailing Time means Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time in effect in New York, New York, as the case may be.

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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Eastern Mine means a coal mine that is located east of the Mississippi River. Exercise Date means the agreed date (as specified in the relevant Confirmation for an Option) prior to or on which the Option Buyer must notify the Option Seller that the Option Buyer has elected to purchase or sell, as applicable, the relevant Option Quantity, if any, under a Transaction. Unless otherwise specified in the Confirmation, the Exercise Date will be on or before the first Business Day of the month preceding an Exercise Period. Exercise Period means the period of time covered by an Option. FOB shall have the meaning given to such term in the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of Ohio. Fuel means either Synfuel or Coal, as applicable, as specified in each Transaction. Gains means, with respect to a Party, an amount equal to the present value of the economic benefit, if any, (exclusive of Costs) to it resulting from the termination of its obligations with respect to a terminated Transaction, determined in a commercially reasonable manner. Holiday means a day recognized as a holiday in the State in which the Delivery Point is located. Interest Rate means, for any date, two percent (2%) over the per annum rate of interest equal to the prime lending rate as may from time to time be published in the Wall Street Journal under Money Rates; provided, however, that the Interest Rate shall never exceed the maximum rate allowed by applicable law. Legal Costs means, with respect to a Party, the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by it, including legal fees, by reason of the enforcement and protection of its rights under this Master Agreement or any Transaction. Legal Proceedings means any suits, proceedings, judgments, rulings or orders by or before any court or any governmental authority. Losses means, with respect to a Party, an amount equal to the present value of the economic loss, if any, (exclusive of Costs) to it resulting from the termination of its obligations with respect to a terminated Transaction, determined in a commercially reasonable manner. New Taxes means any taxes, fees or assessments enacted and effective after the Transaction Date of the relevant Transaction, including, without limitation, that portion of any taxes or New Taxes that constitutes an increase. Nomination Period shall mean the agreed calendar term for scheduling Fuel within the applicable Term with respect to a Transaction as specified in a Confirmation. Option means the right, but not the obligation, which one Party grants to the other Party under a Transaction to either sell or purchase the Option Quantity under that Transaction. Option Quantity means the quantity of Fuel that is covered by an Option and that, upon the proper exercise of such Option by the Option Buyer, is required to be sold and delivered (and purchased and received) pursuant to the Transaction. PRB means the Powder River Basin located in the States of Montana and Wyoming. Rejection Limits means the quality characteristics for the Fuel pursuant to a Transaction as specified in the relevant Confirmation that if exceeded give rise to a rejection right of Buyer pursuant to this Master Agreement.

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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Sampling Person means the person or entity specified in the relevant Confirmation that will pay for and perform, or cause to be performed, sampling and analysis of the Fuel pursuant to a Transaction. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in a Confirmation, the Sampling Person shall be Buyer for sampling purposes and the Sampling Person shall be deemed to be Buyer for analysis purposes. Seller means the Party to a Transaction who is obligated to sell and deliver or cause to be delivered Fuel during the Term of the Transaction. Shipment means, as applicable, one Unit Train load, one barge load, or the tonnage delivered by truck within a payment period, as specified in the Confirmation. SO2 means sulfur dioxide and lbs. of SO2 per mmBtu means sulfur dioxide per million Btu. Source means the mine(s), mining complexes, loadout, river dock(s) or other point(s) or origin that Seller and Buyer agree are acceptable origins for the Fuel for a Transaction as specified in the Confirmation. Specifications means the quality characteristics for the Fuel subject to a Transaction on an as-received basis, using ASTM standards, specified the relevant Confirmation. Synfuel means any and all synthetic coal based product or, at Sellers option, Coal, the quality of which conforms to the Specifications and that does not trigger Buyers rights under Section 5.2 or 5.3, or is otherwise accepted by Buyer under this Master Agreement or any Transaction, is substantially free from any extraneous materials (including, without limitation, mining debris, bone, slate, iron, steel, petroleum coke, earth, rock, pyrite, wood or blasting wire), is substantially consistent in quality throughout a Shipment, and meets the size required. Taxes means any or all ad valorem, property, occupation, severance, generation, first use, conservation, Btu or energy, utility, gross receipts, privilege, sales, use, consumption, excise, lease, transaction , and other taxes, governmental charges, licenses, fees, permits and assessments, or increases therein, other than taxes based on net income or net worth. Term means the period of time from the date a Transaction is to commence to the date a Transaction is to terminate or expire or is complete. Ton means 2,000 pounds. Transaction means a particular transaction agreed to by the Parties relating to the purchase, sale or exchange(s) of Fuel, or an Option relating thereto, subject to this Master Agreement. Transportation Specifications means the agreement(s) made by Seller, Buyer or any Partys designee with its respective Transporter(s), as amended from time to time, covering the requirements for each Shipment, which agreements, including the timing and tonnage requirements thereunder, shall be no more restrictive than typical agreements for transport of Fuel on rail lines, highways or barges transporting Fuel to or from the Delivery Point(s) for third parties or to and from other delivery points in the vicinity of the Delivery Point. Such Transportation Specifications, or relevant portions therein, shall be made available upon request to the extent authorized within the relevant transportation agreement and shall be no more restrictive than typical agreements for transport of Fuel on rail lines, highways or barges transporting Fuel to or from Delivery Point(s) for third parties or to and from other delivery points in the vicinity of the Delivery Point. Transporter means the entity or entities transporting Fuel on behalf of Seller to and at the Delivery Point or on behalf of Buyer or Buyers designee from the Delivery Point.

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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Unit Train means a train with capacity sufficient to hold the number of Tons of Fuel for delivery from the Source(s) as specified in the relevant Confirmation. Western Mine means a coal mine that is located West of the Mississippi River. * * * * * * *

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties, by their respective duly authorized representatives, have executed this Master Agreement effective as of the Effective Date. This Master Agreement shall not become effective as to either Party unless and until executed by both Parties. The Dayton Power and Light Company By:_______________________________ Name:____________________________ Title:_____________________________ Date: _____________________________

[_________________________________] By:_______________________________ Name:____________________________ Title:_____________________________ Date: _____________________________

THIS DOCUMENT IS A WORKING DRAFT, SUBJECT TO ONGOING NEGOTIATIONS. This document does not in any way whatsoever obligate any of the parties to enter into any agreement or to proceed with any possible relationship or transaction. Each party may terminate discussions and/or negotiations regarding this document at any time. The terms and conditions set forth in this document are subject to negotiations, completions and incorporation into and the execution by the parties of a definitive agreement.

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EXHIBIT A-1 TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION THE DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Transaction Confirmation Seller: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Buyer: The Dayton Power and Light Company Address: 1065 Woodman Drive Dayton, OH 45432 Phone: (937) 259-7225 Fax: (937) 259-7250 Email: [email protected]

This Transaction Confirmation (Confirmation) confirms the agreement between Buyer and Seller (each a Party and collectively the Parties) with respect to the transaction described below, and incorporates by reference the terms and conditions of the Master Fuel Purchase and Sale Agreement (Master Agreement) entered into on ___________________. This Transaction Confirmation and the Master Agreement constitute all of the terms and conditions of the binding agreement regarding this transaction. Seller agrees to deliver and Buyer agrees to purchase Coal of the quality and quantity and at the price stated in this Transaction Confirmation, subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement1. Transaction Date: Product: Confirmation ID: Crushed, bituminous coal containing no synthetic fuels, substantially free from any extraneous material and debris, with no intermediate sizes to be added or removed and otherwise meeting the Specifications of this Agreement (hereinafter Coal).

Contract Term: Contract Price: Contract Quantity: Tonnage Flexibility: Delivery Point: FOB barge at Shipment). dock (MP _____ on the ______ River) (each barge a _______________ tons

Source: Specifications: Seller shall tender Coal that: (1) on an individual barge or train basis conforms to each of the Individual Shipment Reject Specifications set forth below; and (2) on a monthly weighted average basis conforms to the Guaranteed Monthly Average Specifications set forth below.monthly weighted average basis conforms to the Guaranteed Monthly Average Specifications set forth below.

Quality Specifications: Guaranteed Monthly Average Specifications Individual Shipment Reject Specifications < > > * < 2 x 0 % >%*

Characteristics: BTU/lb. (Min.) % Ash % Sulfur % Moisture Grind (HGI) (Min.)* Volatile Matter (Min.) Size %Fines (Max.)* -passing a screen REDUCING ATMOSPHERE Initial Deformation Softening (H=W) Softening (H=1/2 W) Fluid


* The following Quality Specifications will only be tested upon advance request by either party and prior to loading: Grind (HGI) and %Fines. Seller agrees to allow Buyer periodic testing at any time Buyer requests. Payment Terms: Seller shall provide to Buyer an invoice for each commodity type ten (10) days prior to payment date. Buyer shall pay Seller no later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each calendar month for shipments during the preceding month, provided that an invoice has been received. Buyers invoice shall include information detailing the purchase order or contract ID number, commodity type, tonnage, price, quality adjustments (including cost per ton), invoice number, payment terms, date loaded, barge or train number, loading point, and subtotals for the quality adjustments and commodity type. Invoicing correspondence shall be sent to Buyer at: [email protected] Governing Weights: Governing Samples: Seller Seller at Delivery Point

Governing Laboratory: Buyer (Mineral Labs, Inc.) Sampling Person: Analysis Person: Quality Adjustments: BTU Price Adjustment: [(As Received BTU/lb. Guaranteed BTU/lb.)] / Guaranteed BTU/lb.] * Contract Price Seller Seller

SO2 Price Adjustment: The adjustment is $0.30 per ton per every 0.1 lbs. SO2/MMBtu above Guaranteed SO2/MMBtu. [(As Received SO2 - Guaranteed SO2) * 10] * $0.30 Insurance: During the proposed term, respondent shall provide and/or cause its transloading operators at the barge loading points to procure and maintain the following minimum insurance coverages: 1. Statutory Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act Insurance and/or statutory Workers Compensation Insurance or Jones Act (Maritime Employers Liability), whichever is applicable, covering all the workers at the barge loading points; and 2. Marine Liability insurance (in any combination of primary and excess policies) including but not limited to Protection and Indemnity Liability, Jones Act (Maritime Employers Liability), Pollution Liability, Full Collision Liability, Marine Operators Liability, Marine Contractual Liability, Wharfinger Liability, Towers Liability, Hull and Cargo Legal Liability and Cost of Removal of Wreck and Cargo (including voluntary or statutory), as applicable, covering DP&L and/or transloading operators, as applicable, motor vessels, docks and fleets operations at all barge loading points in an amount not less than $10,000,000 per occurrence. This Transaction Confirmation will not be a binding Transaction until it is signed by Seller and returned to Buyer by mail, facsimile or mutually acceptable electronic means. Seller: Buyer: The Dayton Power and Light Company

By: ____________________________________ Title: __________________________________ Date: __________________________________

By: _______________________________ Title: _____________________________ Date: ______________________________



EXHIBIT C TO MASTER FUEL PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT NOTICES AND PAYMENT Notices & Correspondence The Dayton Power and Light Company Overnight mail: 1065 Woodman Drive Regular mail: 1065 Woodman Drive Dayton, OH 45432 Attn: Manager Contract Administration Fax No.: (937) 259-7250 Phone No.: (937) 259-7854 [____________________] Overnight mail: [_______________] Regular mail: [_______________] [____________________] Attn: [_______________] Fax No: [_______________] Phone No.: [_______________] Invoices The Dayton Power and Light Company Overnight mail: 1065 Woodman Drive Regular mail: 1065 Woodman Drive Dayton, OH 45432 Attn.: Settlements Fax No.: (937) 259-7926 Phone No.: (937) 259-7890 Email: [email protected] [____________________] Overnight mail: [_______________] Regular mail: [_______________] [____________________] Attn.: [_______________] Fax No.: [_______________] Phone No.: [_______________] Email: Payments The Dayton Power and Light Company Attn: JP Morgan Chase ABA Routing No.: 44000037 Account No.: 628705048 [____________________] Attn: [_______________] ABA Routing No.: [_______________] Account No.: [_______________]

or to such other address as The Dayton Power and Light Company or [____________________] shall from time to time designate by notice properly addressed and given to the other Party.

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