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The Sciences of the Quran

Imam Nadim Bashir

IAMC Colleyville Masjid

Introduction to
The different studies of the Quran
Knowledge of those studies that have a direct bearing on the
recitation, history, understanding and implementation of the

Benefits of studying
Familiarity with its history
The nature of the Quran
Clear and better understanding

Areas of

Stages of revelation
The first and last
Makki & Madni

Causes of Revelation
The compilation and
arrangement of the
The Different
Abrogation and
Abrogated verses
The Miracles

The definition of the Quran
Its descriptions
Status and Reward

The definition of the Quran

Where is the word Quran derived from?
Imam Shafis opinion
It is derived from
It is derived from

It is derived from

The Quran is the ARABIC speech of Allah

Claims that there are Non-Arabic words in the Quran

was Syriac for Mountain

meant To Intend in the Roman language

was hebrew for repentance.
was Persian for book
meant soft cloth in Hindi
was shining lamp in the Ethiopian
was small river in the Greek language

Names of the Quran

Mentioned 73 times

More frequent than Quran


Derived from

Comes from

Difference between Tanzeel and

Descriptions of the Quran

Quran vs Hadith Qudsi

Revealed in meaning and
Is a miracle in its wording,
style, content, and layout.
Has reached us through
Mutawaatir chains of
Recited in Salat

Revealed only in meaning,
NOT wording.
Is not considered as a
Most Ahadith Qudsi has
reached us through Ahad
chain of narrators.
CANNOT be recited in Salat.

How did the Sahabah differentiate between Quran and

Hadith Qudsi?

Wahy (Revelation)
Definitions of Wahy from a LINGUISTIC perspective
To communicate in a manner that no one can hear
nor feels that there is communication taking place.
To communicate in a manner that is not obvious nor
apparent to anybody else.
To communicate with symbols.
To describe human intuition, animal instincts, and evil
whispers of Shaytaan

The word Wahy used in Quran from a

Linguistic perspective.
1. The natural order and laws of nature.

2. Natural animal Instinct

3. Human intuition and emotion

The word Wahy used in Quran from a

)Linguistic perspective. (cont
4. Signals or gestures

5. Evil whispers of Shaytaan

The method of Wahy




WITHOUT an Intermediary
2. Through dreams.

1. Direct Speech from Allah

Our belief

Ibrahim & Ismael


THROUGH an intermediary
Through Jibraeel A.S.

Ringing of a Bell
Jibraeel in the form of a human
In the presence of the sahabah, he would not bring the Quran

Jibraeel appearing in his real form.

How was the Quran different from all previous
revealed books?

1st Stage: The Quran is written in the Lawh Al-Mahfoodh

2nd Stage: The Quran is revealed to the skies above the
3rd Stage: Quran is revealed in pieces over 23 years.

Why 23 years??
1. To strengthen the resolve of the Prophet against
the disbelievers.
2. To make memorization easy for the Prophet.
3. To prove that it is a miraculous book.
4. To reveal the Laws of Sharia in a gradual
5. To prove the truthfulness of the Prophet.
6. To ease the process of revelation on the Prophet

The first and Last to be revealed

1st The first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq
2nd The beginning verses of Surah Al-Mudatthir
3rd Surah Fatihah. (Revealed as an entire Surah)
Last Surah to be revealed: Surah Nasr
Last Verse to be revealed: Surah Baqarah

Makki & Madni Verses

A Surah is considered as Makki or Madni on the
basis of:

A. Time of Revelation

B. Place of Revelation
C. Addressees of the Revelation

Makki vs Madni Verses

Makki Surahs

The Idolators



Makki vs Madni Verses

Makki Surahs

Stories of the previous

ii. The Description of the
iii. Tawhid / Oneness of Allah
iv. Stories of the Prophets and
their struggles
v. Consoling the Prophet
vi. The praises, powers, glory,
attributes of ALLAH


Social, Cultural, Administrative

and other laws
Laws of Worship
The battles
Bani Israeel

Makki vs Madni Makki Surahs:

6, 7, 10-12, 14-21, 23,25, 26Classification of 31, 33-46, 50-56, 67-75, 77Makki and Madni 97, 100-End
TOTAL : 86 Surahs

Madni Surahs
are much
larger than
the Makki

Madni Surahs:
2-5, 8, 9,13, 22,24, 32, 47-49,
57-66, 76,98-99, 110
TOTAL : 28 Surahs

Style and Characteristics

of Makki & Madni
Makki Surahs:

Short verses
Style of Rhythm at the
end of verses
Eloquent Verses
Verses with

Surahs with
except for Surah Baqarah
& Aali Imran

Madni Surahs:

Long verses

The event or occurrence that was the direct cause of the revelation of a
particular verse or surah of the Quran

Ibn Masoods knowledge of Sabab un Nuzool

In respect of the Quran, can be categorized in two:
Revealed without a cause, for an example:

Revealed with a cause

Sources for Sabab un Nuzool

Sources for Sabab
un Nuzool

Hadith of the

Statements of
the Sahabah

Multiple Reasons for One Verse

1st Type.
Accepting authentic narration over the weak narration.

A. The Quraish ridiculed the Prophet
B. There was a dead animal

Multiple Reasons for One Verse

2nd Type
If both are authentic narrations, then both will be

Hilal ibn Umayyah and the Islamic concept of

and other Sahabah

Multiple verses for one reason

The complain of Umm Salamah

The preservation of the Quran during the

life of the Prophet
1. Proof that the Quran was not from the Prophet

The Arabs of Arabia

Superpowers but backward compared to other
Uncivilized and Uneducated
Lack of education made them rely on memory
Means of civilization was poetry
They would compete with one another
Superiority was shown through poetry
Annual competitions in Hajj

The preservation of the Quran during the

life of the Prophet
1. Proof that the Quran was not from the Prophet

The Prophet was sent to an illiterate nation.

The Prophet was also illiterate.

The preservation of the Quran during the

life of the Prophet
1. Proof that the Quran was not from the Prophet

Emphasis that He was Umme

The show that the Prophet is from the same civilization he was sent to.
The purpose of reading and writing is to acquire education. Communication
with Allah did not acquire that.
The doubt that the Quran was not Gods word but rather the Prophets word.

Allah revealed the Quran with the realization that:
Society was unlettered and illeterate
People would pay less attention to reading and writhing
They would rely mostly on memorization.

The preservation of the Quran during the

life of the Prophet
2. The earliest record of the Quran being written

The story of Umar R.A. and

his conversion to Islam in the
6 year of Prophethood.

The preservation of the Quran during the life of the

3. The Prophets concern to preserve the Quran

The Hadith of the Prophet where he read Surah Al-Baqarah, Aali Imran, and
Surah Nisaa in one Rakah.
The Hadith of Ubaadah bin Saamit regarding someone migrating to Madina.
Before Hijrah, the Prophet would send Ibn Umm Maktoom & Musab bin Umair
to Madina and after Hijrah, Muaadh bin Jabl to Makkah
The Prophets habit of reading the Quran to Jibraeel in the month of Ramadaan

Why did the Prophet NOT compile the

Quran during his time.
There was no pressing need because many
Sahabah had memorized the Quran
The continuity of Quran being revealed during the
lifetime of the Prophet. The last revelation came
nine days before he departed.

The arrangement of the verses could only been

done once all verses are revealed.

The first compilation

The number of Qurraa grew
The state of the Ummah after the demise of the
The Battle of Yamaamah and 70 Qurraa are
Umers concern
Zaid Bin Thabit
The first copy of the Mushaf in the possesion of
Abu Bakr and Umer R.A

The Uthmanic compilation

The spread of Islam and conversion of people
into Islam.
Hudayfah bin Yamaan conveys the message to
the Khalifah and his fear of the Quran
becoming similar to the books of the past.
Uthman hands over the responsibility to Zaid
along with Abdullah bin Zubair, Saeed ibn
Alaas and Abdul Rahman bin Al Haritha
If a difference arose, then the dialect and
writing will be done in the Qurashi style.

The classification of the Surahs

Surah Baqarah to Surah Tawbah

Surah Yunus to Surah Fatir

Often repeated Surahs. Surah Yaseen to

Surah Al-Hujuraat
Surah Al Hujuraat to Surah Naas

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