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Valedictory Speech for St.

Nicholas de Myra School Delivered on March 28, 2011

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. To our Honoured Guest, Mr. Emmanuel L. Resurrection, OIC Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, City Schools, Division of Dasmarias. To our Guest Speaker, Atty. Florante A. Zagada and to our very own School Directress/Principal Mrs. Gloria E. de Gracia. Dear parents and loving families, faculties & staff, friends and to my fellow graduates. We are gathered here today to celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2011. In behalf of the Seniors, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate everybody, who in some way had a part in our success. Our success is your success, for you have given us the freedom to dare, the courage to excel and the belief that we can achieve our best. You have been there for us with support and care; you had faith when we doubted ourselves. For all these things, we, sincerely thank you. To the Lord Almighty, thank you so much for everything. You are the reason, why we are here. To our Parents and family, who were there since we started, thank you for giving your whole support when we were there questing for knowledge. I would also like to express my heart-felt gratitude to the person, who, in spite of her busy and hectic schedule, still managed to accompany me today. To my super mom, through the years, Ive witnessed your struggles and Im really sorry for causing you heartaches sometimes. Thank you so much for being strong for me. I know being my mother and at the same time being my father was not easy. This taste of victory is yours, mom. To our dear teachers, who taught us not only the lessons in our books, but also real lessons in life, thank you so much. Thank you for the friendship, patience, companionship, and efforts that youve exerted for the past years. Maam, Sir, we are really sorry if sometimes we may seem not to be interested in your lectures, but deep inside us, we are grateful for every knowledge that youve shared to us. This school year will end, but we are looking forward for the friendship to grow and continue. To our class advisers through the years, Ms. Ma. Rodez Sto, Domingo, To our mama nayin, Ms. Ginalyn Siguenza and to our very own Mrs. Janice Corpuz. Thank you so much! Time flew so fast. In few minutes, we are officially leaving our Alma Mater and well be living a new chapter of our lives.

To my dearest classmates, we were Freshmen then. Trying to know about everything in High School. Then Sophomore year came. Our Junior year seemed to be slipped by the blaze. What I can say, I enjoyed those moments. All of a sudden it was our Senior year. It felt like the pressure was on. Now memories flood me as I'm about to leave. To my dear Seniors, thank you for the joys and happiness, the sadness, the tears and drama, the experiences and for those picture-perfect moments. Thank you for the great Camaraderie. Surely, I will miss you all. I hope you can make the best of everything. May you have the best of luck with your future endeavours. Whichever path we choose, we will forever share a common bond! Of being the 2011 graduating class of St. Nicholas de Myra School. Once again, Thank you and Congratulations !

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