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@John Jay News and Events of Interest

to the College Community

February 18, 2009

Worth Noting Gazing into the Crystal Ball

February 23 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM Symposium Looks at Criminal Justice Challenges on the Horizon
Making (Much) Better Sense A two-day conference intended, in the words
of the Culture of Black Men of its organizer, to produce more light than heat,
the Fourth Annual Harry Frank Guggenheim
in Crisis Symposium on Crime in America returned to
Dr. Alford Young Jr.
John Jay on February 2-3, with journalists,
University of Michigan
academicians and practitioners from across the
Co-sponsored by the Department of
United States taking a nuanced look at recent
Sociology, Department of African-
and impending changes in criminal justice.
American Studies, Gender Studies
“This symposium has become a meeting
Program, the John Jay Black Male Initiative
place for people in criminal justice, a field that’s
and the Center on Race, Crime and Justice.
changing even as we speak,” said Stephen
Gerald W. Lynch Theater Lobby Handelman, Director of the Center on Media,
Crime and Justice, which organized the event,
with funding from the Harry Frank Guggenheim
February 24 6:00 PM Foundation.
Lloyd Sealy Lecture Focusing on the theme “A New Beginning?
Leadership in Police Equity: Exploring the Criminal Justice Challenges Over
Using Research to Reduce Racial Bias the Next Four Years,” the symposium wasted
Dr. Tracie L. Keesee no time before diving into one of the thorniest
Denver Police Department issues currently on the American agenda, as
Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff panelists discussed the nation’s distressed Distinguished Professor Todd Clear makes a point during a panel discussion on “The Sentencing and Corrections Challenge”
University of California-Los Angeles economy and its relationship to crime trends. during the Guggenheim symposium. Also on the panel were (from left) Beryl Howell, a member of the U.S. Sentencing Com-
Crime trends, like economic conditions, are mission, and U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner of Massachusetts.
Gerald W. Lynch Theater Lobby
characterized by volatility, observed Professor police, particularly against young black males. of education; the prosecution of certain juvenile
Richard Rosenfeld of the University of Missouri- Col. Dean Esserman, the Police Chief of offenders as adults; and the need to provide
February 27 8:30 AM St. Louis. While Rosenfeld’s research showed Providence, RI, called on the assembled journal- alternatives to criminal justice, such as youth
Prisoner Reentry Institute similar patterns between crime trends and ists to “tell the story” that America is losing its courts or restorative justice. “This is the time for
Occasional Series on consumer confidence, he said that an increase in children to violence. “We bury our children or we all of us who care about justice in this country to
crime is not inevitable despite the recent sharp arrest them. Where’s the moral outrage?” Esser- roll up our sleeves and get to work,” Kaye said.
Reentry Research Steven Brill, founder of American Lawyer
reversals in the economy. “After all,” he said, man said. “The story is not being told.”
Incarceration and Sexually Transmitted
“crime did not increase substantially during the Keynote speaker Judith S. Kaye, who recently magazine, Court TV and Verified Identity Pass
Infections: A Neighborhood Perspective
Great Depression.” retired after 15 years as Chief Judge of the New Inc., served as keynote speaker for the sympo-
James Thomas
Professor Delores Jones-Brown, Director of York State Court of Appeals, was introduced by sium’s awards luncheon, and reminded the audi-
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
the Center on Race, Crime and Justice said the President Jeremy Travis as “one of my heroes ence of his rule for covering the justice system:
Gerald W. Lynch Theater Lobby Obama Administration must deal with the “lack in this world.” Kaye, who was making her first “Skepticism is an absolutely essential virtue.”
of legitimacy for police in communities of color.” public appearance since stepping down from the “The real challenge for us as reporters is not
February 27 9:00 AM With the economic downturn, she added, people bench, urged attendees to focus on the “crucial to be anyone’s lapdogs,” said Brill.
19th Annual may seek out jobs in law enforcement solely but thoroughly unfulfilled job of educating the The symposium also included sessions on
for the pay and benefits, rather than for public- public about criminal justice matters.” “solutions-oriented” crime coverage, privacy
Malcolm/King Breakfast service reasons, thereby increasing the potential Among the issues that Kaye pointed to were and civil liberties, the future of forensics, and the
Keynote speaker: online world and crime.
for incidents of excessive or lethal use of force by the cost of incarceration compared to the cost
The Hon. Malcolm A. Smith
Majority Leader, New York State Senate
Dr. James Malone
College Salutes Reporters’ Quest for Justice
Professor of Counseling A newspaper need not be big to achieve big Post-Intelligencer, for their series “The Strong
RSVP to 212-237-8764 things, as was proven by Christine Young, a Arm of the Law,” which exposed Seattle police
Gerald W. Lynch Theater Lobby reporter for the 80,000-circulation Times Herald- bias in arrests for obstruction of justice and the
Record of Middletown, NY, one of the 2009 win- questionable handling of complaints against
ners of John Jay College’s Excellence in Criminal police for wrongful use of force.
February 28 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Justice Reporting Awards. “This year’s winning news stories show that
Law Day @ John Jay Young was honored at a luncheon on Febru- newspapers large and small take seriously their
ary 3 for her investigative report on the 1989 commitment to reporting on criminal justice
Including the Samuel and Anna Jacobs
conviction of Lebrew Jones, who has spent 20 issues,” said President Jeremy Travis.
Foundation Lecture on the Law and the
years in prison for the murder of a Manhattan Honorable-mention citations were awarded to
Legal Profession
prostitute. Young’s article, “I Didn’t Do That Mur- Steve Weinberg of Miller-McCune magazine, for
Speaker: The Hon. Juanita Bing Newton
der,” prompted the Manhattan District Attorney’s his exploration of wrongful convictions around
Deputy Chief Administrative Judge
Office to open a new investigation into the case. the United States; Lomi Kriel and John Tedesco of
for Justice Initiatives
The awards are presented annually in the San Antonio Express-News, for their critical
Criminal Court of the City of New York
conjunction with the Harry Frank Guggenheim examination of the San Antonio police Tactical
RSVP to Symposium on Crime in America. Response Unit, and Geoff Dutton and Mike
Various locations, Haaren Hall A second award was presented to Eric Nalder Wagner of the Columbus Dispatch, for their
Award winners Christine Young and Eric Nalder are joined
and the investigative team from the Seattle series on Ohio’s DNA inmate testing program. by keynote speaker Steven Brill, founder of Court TV.

Deadlines Loom for Scholarship Aid to Qualified Students

Deadlines are looming for qualified John Jay employees, research- pdf. Many also require things like academics, public service and activities
students to apply for hundreds of thousands minded students essays and/or letters of outside of academics, and then support them
of dollars in scholarship funds, and dozens of and more. Many recommendation. once they’re on campus, keeping them active in
awards for graduating seniors. scholarships at both For a list of the larger John Jay community.”
“We have no shortage of highly qualified the undergraduate and scholarships that are Scaduto noted that a “representative” 11-
students at the College, and we’re always graduate levels have currently available, member scholarship committee, chaired by
looking for more,” said Vice President for March 2 deadlines, and including descriptions Saulnier, has been working proactively to inform
Enrollment Management Richard Saulnier. still others have March and eligibility criteria, students about available scholarships and
“We’re trying to ensure that institutional 23 closing dates. go to encouraging them to apply. “We develop criteria,
scholarship funds are being spent for the Scholarship select candidates and set application deadlines,”
purposes they were intended, which is why we Coordinator Michael php. Information is also he said.
are encouraging as many qualified students as Scaduto pointed out available in the Office A new Web feature allows students to sign
possible to apply.” that most scholarships The Office of Scholarship Services is taking a strategic ap- of Scholarship Services, up for the “John Jay College Scholars Network”
proach to finding qualified candidates for scholarship aid.
The College offers scholarships for freshmen, require completion and Room 1285N. to receive information about new and current
sophomores, upper-division and graduate submission of the John Jay Scholarship General “We’re taking a more strategic direction with scholarships, application information and
students as well as some specifically aimed at Application form, available online at regard to scholarships,” said Scaduto. “We want deadlines, invitations to workshops and seminars,
women, international students, law enforcement to recruit and retain qualified students, based on and other relevant updates.
Study Abroad Experience
to Go Farther Afield in 2009
Flush with the success of John Jay’s first
faculty-led study abroad programs last summer,
four new courses will be offered by the College
in 2009, in such locales as Korea, Greece, Mexico
and the Dominican Republic.
The new study abroad programs are:
¶ “Caribbean Cultural Criminology,” taught
by Professors Luis Barrios (Latin American and
Latino/a Studies) and Douglas Thompkins
(Sociology), meeting in Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic.
¶ “Religious and Cultural Co-existence Among
Christians, Jews and Muslims in Greece,” taught
by Professor Effie Cochran (English), meeting in
Thessaloniki, Greece.
¶ “Korean Art and Culture,” taught by
Professor Thalia Vrachopoulos (Art and Music),
meeting in Seoul and selected other cities in
¶ “Women in Mexico: Labor, Violence and
Social Change,” taught by Professor Natalie J.
Sokoloff (Sociology), meeting in San Miguel de The White Tower, one of Thessaloniki’s most famous archi-
tectural landmarks.
Allende, Mexico.
Ken Lewandoski, the Director of International local persons of interest.
Studies and Programs, noted that the study Housing arrangements will vary from one
abroad programs provide John Jay College program to the next, including apartments,
academic credits, and qualify under the Study/ dormitories or living with indigenous families.

Hometown Heroes Travel Opportunities for CUNY Students (STOCS)

program, through which participating students
All students will be required to attend a
pre-departure orientation, and to share their
The John Jay baseball program gave a tip of the collective cap on January 24 to two prominent members of the local base- can receive $750 to $1,500 in financial aid. (The experiences with the broader John Jay College
ball scene, at the annual Lou DeMartino Memorial Dinner. John Brant, a member of the John Jay Athletics Hall of Fame and deadline for STOCS applications is March 16.) community upon their return, Lewandoski said.
three-year team co-captain in the late 1970s, was presented with the Distinguished Baseball Alumni Award. Brant, a summa “These programs are academically rigorous,” Application dates for the four courses vary.
cum laude graduate of John Jay and a decorated lieutenant with the Port Authority Police Department, told guests at the
Lewandoski said. “They are all designed to For more information on the study abroad
fundraising dinner that “playing at John Jay was one of the greatest points of my life.” Lou Santos (right), a longtime figure
in sandlot baseball and youth baseball instruction, was honored with the Lou Demartino Lifetime Achievement Award. Dan
enhance a student’s chosen course of study.” The opportunities, contact the appropriate faculty
Palumbo, John Jay’s head baseball coach and interim Director of Athletics, presented the awards and served as the dinner’s four-week programs include classroom lectures program directors, or Lewandoski at 212-484-
master of ceremonies. and discussions, field trips and presentations by 1339, email [email protected].

CUNY FIRST Application Package Packs a Lot of “Wow!”

CUNY FIRST, a comprehensive array of toward making the College a more paperless human resources system. In addition, the Personal information can only be viewed by the
applications that will streamline and enhance operation. University receives more than 10,000 job individual in question and authorized College
finance, personnel and student service processes, “I can’t wait for the PAF bonfire,” she said, applications a year. officials.
is coming to John Jay, and members of the referring to the personnel action forms that The Talent Acquisition Management (TAM) The new system’s potential for doing mass
Department of Human Resources are hoping to would be phased out by the creation of an online module of CUNY FIRST will be used to help reappointments as opposed to processing
share with the rest of the College the various reappointment process. streamline the hiring process, and then a Human them individually, and its “Quick Hire” function
“wow! moments” they say are built into the Praveen Panchal, John Jay’s Chief Information Capital Management (HCM) module will come for speeding the process of hiring college
system. Officer, moderated the gathering and pointed into play, handling a broad range of personnel assistants and adjuncts, were among the “wow!
Addressing a Town Hall meeting on January out that existing CUNY systems are “archaic, functions such as time and leave, reappointment, moments” noted by Colón, who underscored
29, Christel Colón, the College’s Director of difficult to maintain and failing every day. The and changes in personal information or status. her own excitement with CUNY FIRST by adding
Human Resources, said the implementation of lack of information in the existing systems, The two modules will be the first human that “I came into HR for the people, not the
CUNY FIRST – which stands for Fully Integrated Panchal said, leads to enormous redundancy and resources components to roll out, with an paperwork.”
Resources and Services Tool – will be “a change inaccuracy. implementation target date of summer 2009. CUNY FIRST is being launched in stages, with
for the better, the faster, the easier, the more According to Panchal, CUNY has more than The entire system, Panchal emphasized, is the entire system expected to be operational by
accurate.” It will also represent a major step 35,000 employees, with no comprehensive designed with privacy and security in mind. the winter of 2010-2011.


ON BOARD be presented by the Mystery Writers of America and “International Courts and Conflict Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Strobl was
BEN JORGENSEN (Physical Education and on April 30. Resolution: Toward a New Normative Framework, nominated for her paper “The Women’s Police
Athletics) was named as the College’s new Social Justice and New Debates,” at the annual Directorate in Bahrain,” which appeared in the
head men’s tennis coach. Jorgensen, who has DAVID BROTHERTON (Sociology) had meeting of the Southern Political Science International Criminal Justice Review Journal.
been a tennis instructor for more than 15 years, his book Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Association, held in New Orleans, LA, in early
was the top singles player as a member of the Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today January. She also chaired a panel on Domestic NISHAN PARLAKIAN (Communication and
men’s tennis team at New York University in (Columbia University Press) cited as “Outstanding Implications of International Law and served as a Theatre Arts, emeritus) received the St. Vartan
1989 and 1990. He is also a working actor who Academic Title for 2008” by Choice, the review discussant on a panel on Pedagogy and Research. Award from the Diocese of the Armenian Church
has appeared in several films and daytime soap magazine of the American Library Association. of America (Eastern), for his lifelong achieve-
operas. Brotherton co-edited the book along with Philip PEER REVIEW ments in the performing arts. Archbishop Khajag
Kretsedemas of the University of Massachusetts. STACI STROBL (Law, Police Science and Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese, said, “It is
BETWEEN THE COVERS Criminal Justice Administration) is one of the through individuals like [Parlakian] that the future
KIMORA (Law, Police Science and Criminal finalists for the Richard J. Terrill Paper of the of Armenian theater will remain vibrant among
Justice Administration) will have her article titled Year Award to be presented in March by the the next generation of Armenian Americans.”
ADINA SCHWARTZ (Law, Police Science
“The Correctional Educator: A Nontraditional and Criminal Justice Administration) made a
Occupation” published in the May/June 2009 Continuing Legal Education presentation on
issue of Offender Programs Report, a publication “Daubert Challenges to Firearms Identification”
from the Civic Research Institute that is on January 10 at the Fifth National Seminar on
devoted to “innovative programs, management Forensic Science and the Law, sponsored by the
strategies and legal developments in offender Office of Defender Services of the Administrative
rehabilitation.” Office of the U.S. Courts.

SIMON BAATZ (History) had his book, For the ELLEN BELCHER (Library) presented a paper
Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb and the Murder that titled “Is there a Halaf Bead and Pendant
Shocked Chicago (HarperCollins), chosen as a Typology? A Look at the Evidence” at the Bead
finalist for the Edgar Allen Poe Award for Best Technology Workshop hosted by the British
Non-Fiction Crime Book in 2008. The award will Museum in London, England, on January 12-13.

@ John Jay is published by the JANE KATZ (Physical Education and Athletics)
Department of Institutional Advancement conducted one-day clinics on “Swimming for
John Jay College of Criminal Justice Total Fitness and Swim Basics” at the Jewish
899 Tenth Avenue,
New York, NY 10019 Community Center in Tucson, AZ, on January 4 and The Club for Women, an all-women health
Editor Peter Dodenhoff club in Phoenix, on January 6.
Submissions should be faxed or e-mailed to:
Office of Communications
fax: (212) 237-8642
presented two papers, “Cooperation against
Research A student pauses to take in the latest gallery display in the lobby of Haaren Hall, an
eight-panel salute to student-faculty research efforts. The exhibit features faculty mem-
Transnational Crime: Lessons from the Balkans” under Glass bers and students representing a broad range of disciplines, from hard science to the
humanities, from criminal justice to computing.

educating for justice

@John Jay News and Events of Interest
to the College Community
January 28, 2009

Worth Noting New Center Focuses on the Private Sector’s

February 2-3 8:30 PM
4th Annual Guggenheim
Changing Security-Preparedness Needs
Since 9/11, John Jay has aggressively focused Cavanagh observed.
Conference on Crime on developing programs to meet the changing “It incorporates a lot
in America security imperatives of the private sector. The of different elements,
A New Beginning Exploring the Criminal opening of the Center for Business Preparedness ranging from routine
Justice Challenges for the Next Four Years. is the latest addition to this strategy. This security management
Presented by the Center on Media, Crime research hub will be led by a recognized to business continuity
and Justice. Includes presentation of expert in corporate security and business risk and disaster recovery.
the annual John Jay Excellence in management. At John Jay, we will
Journalism Awards. Thomas E. Cavanagh, whose appointment was be able to draw on
announced by President Jeremy Travis on January an extensive body of
Room 630, Haaen Hall 22, comes to John Jay from The Conference expertise on protection
Board (TCB), where he was Senior Research management,
February 3 7:30 PM Associate, having joined TCB’s research staff in emergency response, Thomas E. Cavanagh (left), director
1998. cybercrime and of John Jay’s new Center for Busi-
Happy Birthday, “With corporate security expert Tom terrorism to create a ness Preparedness, and the cover
Felix Mendelssohn! Cavanagh as its director, the Center on dynamic and exciting of one of his recent reports for The
Conference Board.
A concert celebrating the 200th Business Preparedness will be able to offer program on business
birthday of the Romantic composer. a comprehensive program of research and preparedness. preparedness standards have been implemented.
Narrated by Eli Wallach. networking opportunities that will keep “John Jay has a tradition of effectively The project will also gather and report data on
practitioners abreast of the latest developments integrating top-quality research with practical corporate procedures for emergency response,
Gerald W. Lynch Theater
and enable them to benchmark their efforts experience, so it is an excellent home for disaster recovery and crisis management.
against the prevailing standards,” Travis said. this new program, and I look forward to the
The research will be funded by a grant from
February 20 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Cavanagh, who holds bachelor’s and master’s challenge of developing it,” Cavanagh said.
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to
degrees from Yale University, has served as As a research and information clearinghouse,
Forensic Linguistics for The Conference Board.
principal investigator for a number of major the Center for Business Preparedness will explore
Investigative Practitioners reports on corporate security and preparedness, best practices, preparedness standards and “We’re delighted to see that the work we
A workshop presented by the Center for including “Corporate Security Management: procedures, and analyses of public safety and began here will continue in partnership with
Modern Forensic Practice and Organization and Spending Since 9/11,” corporate security strategies. Its first initiative, John Jay, and we congratulate them on the
the John Jay Department of English. “Navigating Risk: The Business Case for Security” undertaken in conjunction with The Conference establishment of the Center,” said David J. Vidal,
RSVP to [email protected]. and the forthcoming “Preparedness in the Private Board, will be an in-depth examination of founder of The Conference Board’s security and
Room 630 Haaren Hall Sector.” preparedness in the private sector. Researchers preparedness research programs and director
“The field of business preparedness is will interview corporate security executives of its Center for Corporate Citizenship &
February 23 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM relatively new and is evolving very rapidly,” to determine the extent to which specific Sustainability.

Making (Much) Better Sense

of the Culture of Black Men
in Crisis
College Says Bravo! to Latest Group
Dr. Alford Young Jr.
University of Michigan
Co-sponsored by the Department of
of Employees Who Go the Extra Mile
Sociology, Department of African American Twenty-two employees were honored as the core values of this institution.” Ashton Franklyn (Criminal Justice Center), Susy
Studies, Gender Studies Program, CUNY the latest winners of the Bravo! Employee The third semiannual group of divisional Mendes (Office of Sponsored Programs);
Black Male Initiative and the Center on Recognition Awards on December 19. Bravo! award winners were recognized for their Student Development: William Altham
Race, Crime and Justice. “I don’t often get a chance to say to a group “new and creative ideas, innovative problem- (Health Services), Ma’at Lewis Coles (Counseling
of employees like the ones we have here how solving and superior customer service,” said Center), Premwati Sukhan (Office of Internships
Gerald W. Lynch Theater Lobby appreciative I am of all your hard work,” said Robert Pignatello, Senior Vice President for and Cooperative Education);
President Jeremy Travis. “You have strengthened Finance and Administration. Pignatello went Finance and Administration: Yagris Diaz
on to note that a new wellness and work life (Bursar’s Office), Christine Johnson (Human

Music, Drama and More initiative will soon be unveiled at John Jay, as
an outgrowth of the successful Bravo! Summer
Institute launched in 2008.
Resources), Ynes Leon (Facilities Management),
Cadelie Neat (Business Office), Louie Perillo

Fill the Theater’s Spring Bill

(Department of Information Technology), Shirley
The College’s vice presidents were called to Robinson (Mailroom), Barbara Wala (Security);
the podium in alphabetical order to introduce the Enrollment Management: Crystal Brathwaite
A great college, like a great city, deserves a from April 21-25, takes an imagined look at employees in their units who were to receive the (One-Stop Center), Ariel Del Rosario (One-Stop
great performing-arts program, and with that the plight and fate of the New Testament’s Bravo! awards. The winners were: Center), Dawn Layne (Registrar), Mariela Nuñez
in mind, John Jay’s Gerald W. Lynch Theater has most notorious sinner in a trial of “God and the Academic Affairs: Priscilla Acuna (Graduate Admissions), David Primak (Registrar),
unveiled its Spring 2009 Series of concerts, plays Kingdom of Heaven and Earth v. Judas Iscariot.” (Interdisciplinary Studies Program), David Barnet Sara Scaldaferry (Registrar);
and other events. The Spring 2009 Series also includes: (Office of Educational Partnerships), Esperanza Strategic Planning: Gail Hauss (Institutional
The season commences on February 3 with ¶ Water, Our Most Precious Resource, a Lopez-Herrera (Department of Government), Research).
a 200th birthday salute to Felix Mendelssohn, narrated free concert of traditional spirituals,
who is perhaps best known for his “Wedding gospel and folk music to celebrate World Water
March,” originally composed as incidental music Day on March 22;
for a production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer ¶ “Killadelphia,” the latest work from
Night’s Dream. The free concert narrated by actor award-winning playwright and performer Sean
Eli Wallach will include selections from the string Christopher Lewis, which runs April 29, 30 and
octets Mendelssohn wrote as a youth, arias from May 1, and uses hip-hop and documentary
his oratorio “Elijah,” and his Trio for Piano in D theater techniques to tell the story of murdered
Minor. teaching fellow Beau Zabel;
Another bicentennial — that of the death ¶ Culturefest!, a weeklong festival of
of composer Joseph Haydn — will be marked performances and events from March 2-5 to
in a series of performances beginning February celebrate John Jay’s cultural diversity;
18, as the Gotham Chamber Opera presents ¶ Ballet Academy East presenting the spring
the New York City stage premiere of Haydn’s performance by its Pre-professional Division, May
L’isola Disabitata (Desert Island). The production, 22-24, with works choreographed by leading
directed by acclaimed choreographer Mark artists of the dance world;
Morris, will also be presented on February 21, 25, ¶ Barnes & Noble Storytelling Hour, on
27 and 28. February 4, March 18 and April 8, a special story
Theatre, theology and the judicial process time for children and caregivers.
collide when the Department of Communication Complete details of coming events, including
and Theatre Arts, in conjunction with the times and ticketing information, are on the
APACHE Project, presents The Last Days of Judas theater Web site, E-
Iscariot, directed by Professor Dana Tarantino. mail [email protected] to get regular updates The newest recipients of the Bravo! Employee Recognition Awards, joined by Senior Vice President Robert Pignatello and
The serio-comic play, which will be performed about events. President Travis, have plenty of reason to smile after they were honored on December 19.
Welcome to the College Experience

Students show off the research projects they created as part of their Freshman Opportunity class taught by Professors Kimberly Helmer and Marco Navarro. “A year ago, as a senior in high school, I never would’ve dreamed I’d be doing this,” said Heidy
Ramirez (at left in photo above right). The students will undertake new team-based research projects in the spring semester, choosing from a broad palette of course options.

Brady Scores, Inauguration Provides Study

On and Off Opportunity of a Lifetime
the Court As scholarship students go, Michael Yusupov
is more fortunate than most. During the midyear
Gary Brady, a shooting guard with the John
Jay men’s basketball team, knows how to
break in January, while classmates were enjoy-
“pay it forward,” and prominent media ing a respite from their studies, Yusupov was
outlets have taken notice. Brady, a junior on in Washington, DC, participating in a 10-day
the team that last year won the first CUNY academic seminar tied in to the historic inaugura-
Athletic Conference championship in program
tion of Barack Obama as the nation’s 44th Presi-
history, was the subject of a feature report
on the MSG network on December 20, which dent on January 20.
focused on his work at the same group home The Campaign 2008 Presidential Aca-
in the Bronx where he grew up. His story demic Seminar Series comprises four separate
has also been told on the Web site d3hoops.
academically tailored seminars in conjunction
com, which covers Division III collegiate
basketball. Brady was just 9 years old when
with the 2008 presidential campaign, of which
he began living at the Andrus group home, the Presidential Inauguration session is the last.
and he is now in his third year as a counselor Sponsored by the Washington Center for Intern-
at the facility, working an overnight shift ships and Academic Seminars, the series has The seminars “are designed for the elite col-
four nights a week. His days are filled with a
been held every four years since 1984. lege or university student who has or yearns for
full-time class load, studying and homework,
and during basketball season, practices and The highly competitive seminar offered a heightened sense of civic engagement and will
games. He credits his success to the guidance Yusupov a backstage look at the 2008 presi- enjoy interacting with internationally recognized
provided by his own counselors, mentors dential inauguration, focusing on the new figures including politicians, journalists, profes-
and coaches, who he says “made time for
president and the formation of his administra- sionals and many more,” according to the Web
everything.” Brady now makes the same
time as mentor for scores of youngsters in
tion, and the impact of the media on American site
the same situation he once faced. The cable politics. Through a combination of lectures, site “This is a first-rate program, with many learn-
TV report appeared on MSG Network’s visits, tours, and special events, Yusupov and the ing opportunities, culminating in the inaugura-
“Aéropostale College Basketball Weekly” other participating students and faculty explored tion itself,” President Jeremy Travis said in an
show. A link to the MSG video will appear
the critical issues surrounding the transfer of e-mail to Yusupov, a senior BA/MA student in
soon on the John Jay Athletics Web site, For the d3hoops power, the political processes involved, and how public administration. “We are so proud that
online article, “Mature Beyond His Years,” the nation’s leaders are responding to the out- you have been selected for this scholarship
visit come of the 2008 elections. opportunity.”


BETWEEN THE COVERS JANE KATZ (Physical Education and Athletics) by the Federal Secretariat of Public Safety. He
SIMON BAATZ (History) had his book, For had her article “Joint-Friendly Water Workout” addressed the Social Cabinet of the Province
the Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb and the Murder published in the October/November 2008 issue of Santa Fe on policies of social inclusion in the
that Shocked Chicago (HarperCollins) chosen of Arthritis Health Monitor. Her article on “The field of crime control; spoke at the Universities
by USA Today as one of its 10 Best Books for Healthy Swimmer” appeared in the November/ of Buenos Aires and Rosario on his recent book
2008. Jonathan Yardley, the book critic for The December issue of USMS Swimmer magazine. The Vertigo of Late Modernity; and presented his
Washington Post, chose For the Thrill of It as one research on multiagency crime prevention to the
of the Top 15 Books for 2008, and R.V. Scheide ADINA SCHWARTZ (Law, Police Science and U.N. Development Program on local initiatives
of The Sacramento News & Review selected Criminal Justice Administration) published Parts in this area. While there, he also had productive
Baatz’s book as one of the year’s Best 55 Books. 1 and 2 of her article “Challenging Firearms meetings with the National Director of Criminal
and Toolmark Identification” in the October and Policy and the director of the U.N. program
JOCK YOUNG (Sociology) had his new book, November/December issues of The Champion, regarding future research on crime and social
Cultural Criminology: An Invitation, written with the journal of the National Association of exclusion.
Jeff Ferrell and Keith Hayward, published by Criminal Defense Lawyers. Part 1 was the cover
Sage. The book was launched in November at story in the October issue. The articles are also JANE KATZ (Physical Education and Athletics)
the American Society of Criminology meeting in scheduled to be reprinted in The California presented a talk on “Health and Exercise Through
St. Louis. Defender. the Holidays” on December 17 as part of the
David Rogers Health Policy Colloquium at New
JILL STAUFFER (Philosophy), who is currently on PRESENTING… York Weill Cornell Medical Center.
fellowship in residence at the Graduate Center, MICHAEL PFEIFER (History) presented a
has had her new book, Nietzsche and Levinas: paper titled “The Midwestern Making of Racial HOWARD PFLANZER (Communication and
“After the Death of a Certain God,” published by Lynching: The Lynching of African-Americans Theatre Arts) had readings of his plays UFO
Columbia University Press. The volume was co- in the Civil War and Reconstruction” at the Story and The Flowers Sing: Strindberg’s Dream
edited with Bettina Bergo. American Historical Association meeting in presented by the Living Theatre in Manhattan on
New York City on January 3. Pfeifer previously December 2.
presented a paper, “Lynching, Law, and Sectional
@ John Jay is published by the Identity in the Antebellum Border States” on PEER REVIEW DUANE GREEN (Facilities Management) won
Department of Institutional Advancement October 25 in Louisville, KY, at the Filson Institute KIMORA (Law, Police Science and Criminal the heavyweight title in the biennial Tournament
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
899 Tenth Avenue, Academic Conference on Abraham Lincoln and Justice Administration) was appointed to the of Champions amateur boxing competition held
New York, NY 10019 Jefferson Davis. board of directors of OPEN Inc. (Offender at Nassau Coliseum in December. Green, who Preparation & Education Network, Inc.), a trains at the Young Boxing Association (YBA)
Editor Peter Dodenhoff JOCK YOUNG (Sociology) gave a series of correctional service agency founded in Dallas, TX, gym in the Bronx, chalked up two technical
Submissions should be faxed or e-mailed to: six lectures during a recent visit to Argentina. in 1979. “We are thrilled Dr. Kimora has agreed knockouts and one decision en route to the
Office of Communications
He was the introductory plenary speaker at to serve on our board,” said the organization’s championship. In the first round, he scored a
fax: (212) 237-8642
e-mail: the international seminar on “Rethinking the executive director, Ned Rollo. “She brings a TKO over the fighter who had defeated him for
Role of the State in Crime Prevention,” hosted national and academic perspective to us.” the title two years ago.

educating for justice

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