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Rsprlncod from: THE AMEMChN PSYCHOLOGIST Vol. A5 No.

2 Ftbnmy 1960


THOMASs. swsz


State Universily




Upstate MediccJ Center, Syracuse

trists, physicians, and other scientists hold this there . such a thing as mental view. ~0Xis position impIies that people cannot M iUness? and to argue that there is not. have troubles-+xxpressed in what are now calkd Since the notion of mental is e.xtremeIy mental illnesses-because of differences in perwidely used nowadays, inquiry into the ways in sonal needs, opinions, social aspirations, values, and which this term is employed would seem to be es- so onj AU ~oblems in Itiing are attributed to pecia!Iy indicated. Mental illness, of course, is not physicochemical processes which in due time wiII literally 3 thing-or physical object-and hence be discovered by medicaI research. it can exist onIy in the same sort of way in which Mental illnesses are thus regarded as basically other theoretical concepts exist. Yet, fa;nti no different than all other diseases (that is, of the theories are in the habit of posing, sooner or Iater body}. The only Werence, in 0.G.s viem, betxeen -at least to those who come to believe in them mental and bodily diseases is that the former, af--as objective truths (or*facts). i During cer- fecting the brain, manifest themselves by means tain historical periods, explanatory conceptions such of mental symptoms; mhereas the fattey, Getting as deities, witches, and microorganisms appeared other organ systems (for example, the skin, liver, Rot only as +theories but as self-evident causes of etc.), manifest *hemselves by means oi syrnptorns a vast number of events.1 1 submit that today reierabie to those parts of the body. This viem mental illness is widely regarded in a somewhat rests on and expresses what are, in my opinion, similar fashion, that is, as the cause of innumerable two fundamental errors. diverse happenings. \In the 5rst place, what central nervous s;ystem As an antidote to the complacent use of the notion of mental illnesssymptoms would correspond to a STYLIeruption or whether ss a self-evident phenomenon, theory, or a fracture?) It would not be some emotion or h meant complex bit of behavior. &Rather, it rrould Se bKndcause---let us ask this question: mat when it is asserted that someone is mentaIIy iII? ness or a paralysis of some part of the body. iThe In That ro!low~ I shall describe briefly the main crux oi the matter is that a disease of t>e brain, uses to ;vhicb the concept of menta1 illness has been 3n3Iogous to a d&ease of the skin or bone, is a put. I shall argue that this notion has outlived neurologicrtf defect, and not a problem in living. whatever use!uIness it might have had and that it For example, a cieject in 3 persons visu3.l field may now functions merely 3s a convenient myth. be satisfactorily e.xpiained by corre!at@ it with certain definite Iesions in the nervous system. On &kNTAL ILLNESS AS A %.w OF BIUIN DISUSE: the other hand, a persons i5e&j---whether this be a in Communism, or in the The notion oi mentaf ilIness derives it main sup- belief in Christianity, idea that his internai organs are roiting and port from such phenomena as syphilis of the brain that his body is, in fact, already dead--cannot or deiirious conditions--into.xications? for instance be explained by 3 defect or disease of the nervous -4.12 which persons are known to manifest various system. E.xplanations of this sort of occurrencepeculiarities or disorders of thinking and behavior. CCorrectly speaking, however, these are diseases of assuming that one is interested in the beiiet itself the brain, not of the mind.) According to one and does not regard it simply as a symptom or school of thought, all so-called mental illness is of expression of something else that is male tjrterestifr: this type. The assumption is made that some -must be sought along different lines. f,,The second error in regarding complex pqcioneurologicai defect, perhaps a very subtfe one, wiII uitimately be found for all the disorders of thinksociaI behavior, consisting of communications about ing and behavior. lMany contemporary psychiaourselves and the world about us, as mere symptoms tion Is 113

Y aim in this essay is to raise the ques-


THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST identify or describe m,me feature of an individuals so-caUed personality.\ Mental illness-as a deformity of the personality, SO to speak-is then regarded as the CQZM of the human disharmony.) It is implicit in this view that so&I intercourse between people is regarded as something inherently harmonious, its disturbance being due soIely to the presence of mental illness in many people. This is obviously fallacious reasoning, for it makes the abstraction mental illness into a CW.W, even though this abstraction was created in the first place to serve only as a shorthand expression for certain types of human behavior. It now becomes necessary to ask: What kinds of behavior are regarded as indicative of mental illness, and by whom? The-concept of illness, whether bodily or mental, implies deaiation from some clearly defined norm. In the case of physical illness, the norm is the structural and frrnctionai integrity of the human body. Thus, although the desirability of physical health, as suc5, is an ethical value, what health is can be stated in anatomical and physiologicA terms. What is the norm deviation from which is regarded as mental illness? This question cannot be easily answered. But whatever this norm might be, we cm be certain of only one thing: ,&xneIy, that it is a norm t-hat must be stated in te*&s of psychoso&l, ethical, and legal concepts. j For example, notions such as excessive repression or acting out an unconscious impuIse illustrate de use of psychologicji concepts for judging (so-&M) mental health and illness. The idea that chronic hostility, vengefulness, or divorce are indicative of mental illness xould be ZIustrations of the use of ethical norms (that is, the desirabitity of Iove, kindness, and a stabie marriage relationship). Fin~lly, the widespread psychiatric opinion that only a mentaIIy ill person would commit homicide ilIustrates the use of a legal concept as a norm of. mental hcdth. [The norm from which deviation is measured whenever one speaks of a mental ihess is a psycjrroso&Z and ethical on& Yet, the remedy is sought in terms of mediizal measures which-it is hoped and assumed-are free from wide differences of ethical vafue. The deiinition of the disorder and the terms in which its remedy are sought are therefore at serious odds with one another. The practical sign&axe of this covert conflict between the aIIeged nature of the defect and the remedy can hardly be e.xaggerated. Having identified the norms used to measure

of neurological functioning is e$.~fCmoZu&aL) In other words, it is an error pertaining not to any mistakes in observation or rezoning, as such, but rather to the way in which we organize and express our knon-Iedge. ! In the present case, the error lies in msking a symmetrical dualism between mental and physical (or bodily) sqxptoms, a dualism which is mereIy a habit of speech and to which no knovin observations can be found to correspond3 Let us see if this is so. In medical practice, when re speak of physical disturbances, we mean either signs (far exampIe, a fever) or symptoms (for esample, p3in). We speak of mental symptoms, on the other hand, Then rre refer to a patients CUMmwticatiom about himself, others, and the world a6o-U him. He might state that he is Napoieon or that he is being persecuted by the Communists. These rrould be considered mental symptoms only ii the observer believed that the patient was nut Napoleon or that he was not being perseucted by the Communists. [This makes it apparent that the statement that X is a mental symptom involves rendertig a judgment. The judgment entails, moreover, a covert comparison or matching of the patieats ideas, concepts, or beliefs with those of the dbser<e: &nd the society in which they IiveJ The x~ii~n of ,nentaI sq-mptom is therefore inextricabiy tied to the so&:I (including efhical) cant& in ~Sch it is made in much the same xay as the notion oi bodily symptom is tied to an anatomical and gexefic cantext (Szasz, 1957a, 1957b).3 To sum up what has been said thus far: I have tried to show that far those who regard me:ltaI symptoms as signs 0f brain disease, the concept of .mentsl illness is unnecessary and .misleading. For ~-hat they mean is that people so labeled suffer from diseasesof the brain; and, if that is what they mean? it would seem better for the sake of clarity to say that and not something else.
REXAL ItLx~ss x3


FOR PR0Bi.~3fs

The term mental illness is widely used to describe something which is very different than a disease of the brain. Many people today take it for granted that living is an arduqus process. &s hardship for modern mzn, moreover, derives not so much from a struggle for biological survival as from the stresses and strains inherent in the social intercourse of complex human personalities> In this context, the notion of mental illness is u&d to



deviations in cases of mental illness, we will now To recapitulate: In actual contemporary social turn to the question: Vho defines the norms and usage, the finding of a mentaI illness is made by hence the deviation? \ Two basic answers may be establishing a deviance in behavior from certain offered: (a) It may be the person himself (that is, psychosocial, ethical, or Iegal norms. The judgthe patient) who decides that he deviates from a ment may be made, as in medicine, by the patient, norm, For example, an artist may believe that the physician (psychiatrist), or others. Remedial he suffers from a work inhibition; and he may action, finaify, tends to be sought in a therapeutic implement this concIusion by seeking heIp for him- -or covertly medical-framework, thus creating a self from a psychotherapist. (b) It may be some- situation in which psychosocial, ethical, and/or one other than the patient who decides that the Eegal deviaGuns are ciaimed to be correctibIe by Iat ter is deviant (for example, reIatives, physicians, (so-caIIed) medical action. Since medical action legal authorities, society generally, etc.& In such is designed to correct only medical deviations, it a case a psychiatrist may be hired by others to do seems IogicaIIy absurd to e-xpect that it wiI1 help something to the patient in order to correct the soIve probIems whose very existence had been dedeviation. fined and established on nonmedicaf grounds. I These considerations underscore the importance think that these considerations may be fruitfuliy of asking the question Whose agent is the psy- appbed to the present use of tranquilizers and, more chiatrist? and of giving a candid answer to it generaily, to what might be expected of drugs of (Szasz, 1956, 1958). The psychiatrist (psycholowhatever type irr. regard to the amelioration or gist or nonmedical psychotherapist), it now de- sohrtion of problems in human Iiving. veIops, may be the agent of the patient, of the TXE ROLE OF ETHICS IN PSYCB~A~Y relatives, of the school, of the miiitary services, of a business organization, of a court of law, and so -2nytbing that people CA+-in contrast to thing5 forth. In speakkg cf the p-;chi2ttist as the agcrt that happen to them (Peters, 1958)-takes place of these persons or organizations, ii is not impled in a contest of value. In this broad sense, no that his values concerning norms, or his ideas and human activity is devoid of ethical implications. aims cbncerning the proper nature of remedial ac- When the values underlyiig certain activities are tion? need to coincide exactIy with those of his widely shared, those who participate in their puremployer. For exampte, a patient in individual suit may Iose sight of them altogether. The dixipsychotherapy ma~~hekve-Aat his salvation Iies pline of-medicine,- both as a pure science (for--~-in a new marriage; his psychotherapist need not ampfe, research) and as a technology (for example, share this hypothesis. As the patients agent, how- therapy), contains many ethicat considerations and ever, he must abstain from bringing social or Iega.I judgments. Uniortunate!:Y-, these are often denied. force to bear on the patient which would prevent minimized, or merely kept out of Eocus; for the him from puttin, g his beiiefs into action. If his ideal of the medical proiession as wei as of the cantract is with the patient, the psychiatrist (psypeopie whom it serves seems to be having a syschotherapist) may disagree with him or stop his tem of medicine (aiIegedI_v) free of ethical vatlue. treatment; but he cannot engage others to obstruct This sentiment4 notion is expressed by such things the patients aspirations. Similarly, if a psychiatrist as the doctors wiIIingness to treat and heip patients is engaged by a court to determine the sanity of a irrespective of their religious or poiiticai beliefs, crimina!, he need not fufly share the legal authoriwhether they are rich or poor, etc. \T;hiIe there ties values and in ten tions in regard to the criminal may be some grounds for this belief-albeit it is a and the means available for dealing with him. But view that is not impressiveIy true even in these the psychiatrist is expressly barred from stating, for regards-the fact remains that ethicai considerations example, that it is not the criminal who is insane encompass a vast range of human affairs. By makbut the men who wrote the Iaw on the basis of ing the practice of medicine neutral in regard to which the very actions that are being judged are some specific issues of value need not, and cannot, regarded as criminal. Such an opinion could be mean that it can be kept free from al1 such values. voiced, of course, but not in a courtroom, and not The practice of medicine is intimately tied to ethics; by a psychiatrist who makes it his practice to assist and the first thing that we must do, it seemsto me, the court in performing its daily work. is to try to make this cIear and explicit. I shall

-. .-._.



let this matter rest here, for it does not concern is meant by such words as real and objective. I suspect, however, that what is intended by the us specificslly in this essay. Lest there be any vagueness, however, about how or mhere ethics proponents of this view is to create the idea in the and medicine meet, let me remind the reader of popuIar mind that mental illness is some sort of such issues 3s birth controi, abortion, suicide, and disease entity, like an infection or a malignancy. euthanasia as only a few of the major areas of If this xere true, one could catch or get a mental current ethicomedical controversy. illness, one might have or harbor it, one might Psychintry, I submit, is very much more intitransmit it to others, and finaIIy one could get rid mate&- tied to probIems of ethics than is medicine. of it. In my opinion, there is not 3 shred of eviI ue the Ivord psychiatry here to refer to that dence to support this idea. r To the contrary, all contemporary discipline Fhich is concerned with the evidence is the other $3~ and supports the frobl~~rs ia king (and not nith diseases of the view that That people now call mental illnesses brain,, which 3re problems for neurology). Probare for the most part ~communkations expressing lems in hum3.n reI3tions c3n be analyzed, interunacceptable ideas, often framed, moreover, in an preted. and given meaning onIy mithin given social unusual idiom. l;The scope of this essay allows me and ethical contexts. Accordingly, it dues make a to do no more than mention this afternative theodiiierecce-arguments to the contrary nottithretical approach to this probIem (Szasz, 1957c). st2!x%lg -Ehat the psychiatrists socioethical oriThis is not the place to consider in detail the entations iappen to be; for these will influence his simiiarities and differences between bodily and ideas on nhat is wrong tith the patient, what mental iIInesses. It shall sufEce for us here to dezen-es comment or interpretation, in what pos- emphasize only one important difference between Gb!e directions change might be desirabfe, and so them: namely, that whereas bodily disease refers forth. Even in medicine proper, these factors play to public, physicochemical occurrences, the notion a rc!e, as ior instance, in the divergent orientations of mental 2.Ines.s is used to codify relatively more D-Z& ph;-sicians, depending on their religious private, sociopsychological happenings of, which the ~i5iIia:ions. have tomard such things as birth con- observer (diagnostician) forms a part., In other tr~l and tkrapeutic abortion. Can anyone really words, the p-qxhiatrist does not stand apart lrom b&7.-e ihzt a psychotherapists ideas concerning re- what he observes, but is, in Harry Stack Sullivans figi0LS beliei, slavery: or other similar issues pIay apt words, a participant observer.) This means -no rcle in his practicsl work? If they do make a that he is committed to some pictuie of what he difference, That are xe to infer from it? Does it considers re&ty--and to what he thinks society not szem reclsonablethat we ought to have different considers real+-and he observes and judges the ps:--.iz~f.:ric :herapies-each ercpressiy recognized for patients be&ior in the Iight of these considerathe e;hicai positions which they embody-for, say, tions. This touches on Our earlier observation that C~~hclics nnd Jews, religious persons and agnostics, the notion of mentaI symptom itself implies a I->rr.ocratsand communists, white supremacists and comparison between observer and observed, psyIIczroes. and so on? LIndeed, if we look at how chiatrist and patient. This is so obvious that I i~5;,TIii3tiJ- is actuafly practiced today (especially Let may be charged Tith beisboring trivialities. in the United States), we find that peopIe do seek me therefore say once more that my aiin in prepsychiatric help in 3ccordance with their social Tenting this argument wirs expressly to criticize and status Ed ethic31 belieis)(HolIingshead & Redlich, :ounter a prevailing contemporary tendency to deny 1953). This should x&y not surprise us more 1the moral aspects of psychiatry (and psychotllnR being told th3t practicing Catholics rarely fre:herapy) nnd to substitute for them allegedly valuequent birth control clinics. Psychotherapy, for Free medicai considerations. The foregoing position which holds that conxunple, is being widely practiced as though it enkr-pmry pqVchother3pists de31 with probIems in .aiIed nothing other than restoring the patient from IiLk:. rather than with mental illnesses and their L state of mental sickness to one oi mental health. CLI~CS,stands in oppocition to a currently prevaIent rlnile it is generally accepted that mentai illness CJaim, according to which mental iilness is just as c has something to do with mans social (or interre31 and objective as bodily illness. This is a personaI) relations, it is paradoxic;tlIy maintained confusing claim since it is never known exactly what that problems of values (that is, of ethic-s) do not





arise in this processl-. Yet, in one sense, much of psychotherapy may revolve around nothing other than the elucidation and weighing of goals and values-many of which may be mutually contradictory-and the means whereby they might best be harmonized, realized, or relinquished. The diversity of human values and the methods by means of which they may be realized is so vast, and many of them remain so unacknowiedged, that they cannot fail but lead to cor&Iicts in human relations. Indeed, to say that human relations at all levels-from mother to child, through husband and wife, to nation and nation-are fraught with stress, strain, and disharmony is, once again, making the obvious explicit. Yet, what may be obvious may be also poorly understood. This I think is the case here. For it seems to me that-at least in our scientific theories of behavior-we have failed to accept the simple fact that human relations are inherentiy fraught with diifrculties and that to make thea even relatively harmonious requires much patience and hard work. I submit that the idea of ,mentaI illness is now being put to work to obscure certain d%culties which at present may be inherent-not that they need be unmodifiable-in the social intercourse of persons. If this is true, the concept functions as a disguise; for instead of calling attention to conff icting human needs, aspira- tions, and values, the notion of mental iI.Iness provides an amoral and impersona1 thing {an illness) as an e.xplanation for problems in Ziuing (Szasz, 1959). We may recall in this connection that not so long ago it was devils and witches who were held responsibIe for mens probIems in social Iiving. The belief in mental iIIness, as something other than mans troubIe in getting along with his feIIow man, is the proper heir to the belief in demonology and witchcraft. hlental illness exists or is real in exactly the same sense in which witches existed or were real.


While I have argued that menta1 illnesses do not esist, I obviously did not imply that the so&A and psychological occurrences to which this label is currently being attached aIzo do not exist. Like the personai and social troubles ;rhich people had in the JliddIe -4ges, they are real enough. It k the IabeIs we give them that concerns us and, havin; Iabelled them, That we do about then. \J%i!e 1 cannot go into the ramified impIication; of thi,probIem hereiit is worth noting that a demonofogic conception of problems in living gave rize to therap) along theologfcal lines. Today, a belief in menta1 illness implies--nay, requires-therapy along medical or psychotherapeutic lines. 1 . 1Vhat is implied in the line of thought set forth here is something quite different. I do not intend to offer a new conception of psychiatric ilInes3 JIy aim is more nor a new form of therapy. modest and yet aI:o more ambitious. It is to suggest that the pheno.mena now cziled mer,taI iiinesses be looked at afresh and more simp1y: tLzit key be removed from the category of illnesses, ar.d that tiey be regarded as the expressions of mans struggle with the problem of AOZ he shou!d Eve. The last mentioned prob!em is obviously a vast one. its enormity redecting not only mans inabiiity to cope with his environment, but even xore hi; increasir.2 self-reff ectiveness. By problems in Gin,, u then, I refer to that truly explosive chain reaction n-&A bez3n nith znans fall from divine grace by partaking of the fruit oi the tree of knowledge. Mans awareness of himseif , and of the rrorld about him see.mAto be 3 steadily e,upandin,o one, brixqing in its wake an ever Iarger

bltrden of uttdersranding (an espresion borrolsed

from Susanne Langer, 1953). This bltrdE72, then, is fo be cxpccted and mr~st trot be misilrterpr&&d. Our only rationat means for Iightening it is more understanding, and appropriate acfion based on sxch w&rstanding. The main akernative lies in * Freud went so far as to say that: 1 coxider ethics acting as though the burden were not what in fact to be taken for granted. Actually I have ncwr done a we perceive it to be and taking refuge in an outmean thicg (Jones, 1957, p. 237). This surely is a strange thing to say for someone who has studied man as moded theologicn1 view of man. In the Tatter view. a social being as closely as did Freud. I mention it here man does not ixhion his life and much of his TorId to show hoxv the notion of Wncss (in the case of psy?hoabout him, but merely Iives out his fate in a \yorld an3Iysis, psychopathology, or mcnfa1 illnessf was used created by superior being>; This n;ay Iogic~ll~ lead by Freud-xnd by most of his followers-as 11zxans for to pleading nomcsponsibility in &he face of seemcIassifying certain forms of human behavior as falling ingly unfathomabIe probiems and dificulties. Yet, tvithin the scope of medicine, and hence (by ,iclt) outside th3t of ethics! if man fails to take increasing responsibility for his


THE AMERICANPSYCHOLWIST well-being on a hitherto unimaginably large scaIe, and not just for a seiect few, is possible. This goal coufd be achieved, however, oniy at the cost of many men, and not just a few being wiIIing and able to tackle their personal, social, and ethical conflicts. This means having the courage and integrity to forego waging battles on fake fronts, finding solutions for substitute problems-for instance, fighting the battle of stomach acid and chronic fatigue instead of facing up to a marital conflict. Our adversaries are not demons, witches, fate, or mental illness. We have no enemy whom we can fight, exorcise, or dispel by cure. What we do have are @.&ems in living-whether these be biologic, economic, political, or sociopsychoIogica1. In this essay I was concerned only with problems belonging in the Iast mentioned category, and within this group m+y with those pertaining to moral values. The field to which modern psychiatry addresses itself is vast, and I made no effort to encompass it all. My argument was limited to the proposition that mentai iIIness is a m-yth, whose function it is. to disguise and thus render more palatable the bitter pill of moral confficts in human relations.
REFEREXCES HOLIJXGSEEAD,A. B., & RZXJCH, F. C. S&al ctats and mental illness. New York: Whey, 1958. JOKES,E. The life and wark of Sigmund Freud. Vol. III----New York: Basic Books, 1957. LAXGB, S. K. Philosophy in a new Rey. Xem York: Mentor Books, 1953. PETERS,R. S. Tlte concept of motivation. London: Routledge & Regan Paul, 19%. SZASZ,T. S. XaIingering: Diagnosis or so&I condemnation? AM.4 .irch LVeurol. ?:ychiat., 1936, 76, 432443. SZASZ,T. S. Pain and pleasun-: A study of bodi!!y feelings. NCW York: Basic Boo~.s, 1957. (a) SLU, T. S. The probIem of psychiatric nosology: A contribution to a situational an2Iysi.s cf psychiatric operai. Psychia?., 135i, 114, 405-413. (b) tions. .frrcr. SLW, T. S. On the theory of psychoawIytic treatment. Int. 1. Psychodnal., 1957, 38, 166-182. (c) SW, T. S. Psychiatry, ethics and the criminal Iaw. Columbia law Rev., 19.58,58, 133-198. Swsz, T. S. MoraI condict and psychiatry, Yale Rev., 1959,!.npress.

actions, individualIy as well as collectively, it seems unlikely that some higher power or being would assume this task and carry this burden for him. Moreover, this seems hardly the proper time in human history for obscuring the issue of mans responsibility for his actions by hiding it behind the skirt of an all-expIaining conception of mental illness. CONCLUSIONS I have tried ;o show that the notion of mental illness has outlived whatever usefulness it might have had and that it now functions merely as a convenient myth. As such, it is a true heir to refigious myths in general, and to the belief in witchcraft in particular; the role of all these beliefsi-stems was to act as social tran&ZiZers, thus end couragicg the hope that mastery of certain specific problems may be achieved by means of substitutive (symbolic-magical) operations. The notion of mental iiIness thus serves mainly to obscure the everyday fact that life for most people is a conkuous struggle, not for biologic4 survival, but for a pixe in the sun, peace of mind, or some other L :I:man vaIue. For man aware of himseff and of :ke TorId ahout him, once the needs for preserving the body (and perhaps the race) are more or Iess sztissfied, the problem arises as to what he should do n-ith kimself. Sustained adherence to the myth of mental iIIress aIIo?;cs people to avoid facing this problem, behevin g that mental health, conceived as the absence of mental iIInes.s, automatically inmres the making of right and safe choices in ones conduct oi life. But t-he facts are al1 the other way. it is the making of good choices in Iife that others regard, rctrospectiveI_v,as good mental he&h!


The m>.th of mental iIlness encourages us, moreover, to believe in its logical corollary: that social
intercourse 57;ould be harmonious, satisfying, and

the .+xurtt basis of n good life were it not for the tlisrupting inL?l.:ences of mental iI!ness or psychopnthh~y. The potentiality for universal human hnppit~ess, in this form at least, seems to me but another csample of the I-wish-it-were-true type of fantasy. I do rrrt be!ieve that human happiness or

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