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Work Instruction Number SL-03 DEL.

PROC Page 1 of 4 Date Issued Subject: 04/05/2005 DELETION FROM REGISTER PROCEDURE Supersedes Rev 3



Review 11/08/2008

/ Effective Date 11/08/2008

1. Purpose To give instruction to Maritime Registrar (MR) in the support activities necessary for the operation of SLISR. To give the necessary support to Regional Registrar (RR) and Registration Officer (Reg. Off.) to prepare the proper certificates and documentation. 2. Scope The following procedure applies to the Regional Registrar (RR), Registration Officer (Reg. Off.) nominated by MR to perform process of de-registration of ships from Sierra Leone flag. All officers should be fully aware about the procedures to be followed. 3. Deletion from Register - Process 3.1 Application for Deletion SL- APPL DELETION stating reason for deletion to be sent by letter/fax/email to MR along with required document as per Section 4. 3.2 RR/MR to provide a quotation- SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE. 3.3 - MR to review all documents, check if the ship has any loans/mortgage. MR should confirm if possible with previous flag the authentication of deletion certificate submitted and if documents are in order and once payment is received (or confirmation from RR that they have received payment), delete the ship from SL Register of Ships 3.4 MR issue deletion certificate and Hologram is affixed. RR must only release the deletion certificate only if they received Sl permanent certificate back from owner then RR to dispatch the original Deletion Certificate-Form SL-DC to RO, the Owner, Owners Agent or RR as appropriate 3.5 MR to make entries in the Registry for merchant ships and other information required to be recorded therein, as per Merchant Shipping Act of


Issued by: Leslie Mezzich Rev. 3 11/08/2008

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2003. MR should up date in SL web page, allowing the ships name to be available and will advise FairPlay about deletion of the ship under SL Flag. 3.6 - MR will save all the require documents received in the vessel data base folder.

4. Documentation to be submitted for the issuance of Deletion Certificate 4.1 Acceptance of quote SL-ACCEPT.QUOTE along with supporting bank transfer details. 4.2 - Application for Deletion Certificate which should include: Name of Vessel; IMO no. ; Name, Address and contact details of Owner(s). 4.3 - If the ship has Provisional Registration: - Copy of Notarized Bill of Sale; Copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Passport, as applicable - Original Deletion Certificate from the previous Registry, - Copy of Deletion CSR from Previous Flag, if applicable. - Confirmation from RAA that there are no outstanding amounts due by the owners 4.4 - If the ship has Permanent Registration: - Confirmation from RAA that there are no outstanding amounts due by the owners. 4.5 - If the ship is BBC In: - BBC termination agreement between owner and charter 4.6 - If the ship is in BBC Out : - BBC termination agreement between owner and charter - Original Deletion Certificate from previous flag 4.7 - If the vessel is equipped with INMARSAT : - INMARSAT de-activation procedure must be done by radio Accounting authority together with the deletion procedure - see SL-REG-08 4.8 if the vessel has mortgage - Original Notarized Letter confirmation from Bank that mortgage is cancelled signed by authorized person including his or her POA that person has authority do issue such letter.


Request of Deletion For Special Registration

5.1- Deletion for special registration can be issued if below requirements are submitted: If special registration is due to scrap need original letter from Shipyard that vessel has been beached. If special registration is due to single voyage we need copy of previous deletion CSR or previous original deletion certificate from previous flag. 5.2 MR should confirm with previous flag the authentication of deletion certificate submitted.


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6. Related Procedures and other Documents SL-MSA of 2003 Part III Section 20 and 21 Procedures No. SL- 01 PROV.REG SL- 02 PERM.REG SL- 10 CSR PROC SL HOLOG PROC Description of Procedure Provisional Registration Permanent Registration Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Hologram procedure


Description of Document Application for Deletion Certificate Certificate of De-Registration Permanent CSR Form 1 Acceptance of quote

7. The Registrar may, subject to service of notice, terminate a ships registration in the following circumstances. 7.1 - on application by the owner; 7.2- on the ship being destroyed by shipwreck, demolition, fire, sinking or in any other manner; 7.3 - if taken into account any requirements of this Act (including any regulations made under it) relating to the condition of the ship or its equipment so far as relevant to its safety or any risk of pollution or to the safety, health and welfare of persons employed or engaged in any capacity on board the ship, he considers that it would be inappropriate for the ship to remain registered; 7.4 - when a registered fishing vessel which has been licensed to fish ceases to be so licensed for a continuous period of six months or more; 7.5 - when a fishing vessel which requires a license to fish but at the time of registration did not have such a license and has not acquired such a license within six months of the issue of its certificate of registration; 7.6 - when a penalty imposed on the owner of the ship in respect of a contravention of any provision of this Act has remained unpaid for a period of


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more than three months and no appeal against that penalty is pending; 7.7 - when any summons for any such contravention has been duly served on the owner of a ship, but the owner has failed to appear at the time or place appointed for the trial of the information or complaint in question and a period of not less than three months has elapsed since that time. 7.8 Illegal Fishing or ship is found in illegal activities. 7.9 - When the Registrar terminates registration under paragraph (a) or (b) he shall : a) forthwith issue a closure transcript to the owner of the ship, and b) notify any mortgagees of the closure of the registration; 7.10 - On receipt of the closure transcript, the owner shall immediately surrender the ships certificate of registry for cancellation. 7.11 - The registrar shall not permit the deregistration of a ship without the consent in writing of all registered mortgagees of the ship registered under this Act.

End of procedures


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