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Svenskt Marinetekniskt Forum


MAN Diesel & Turbo LNG as fuel

Ren Sejer Laursen Promotion Manager, ME-GI E-mail: [email protected]
RSL/ December 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo <1>




1145 1245

1245 1400

Kaffe Frelsning MAN B&W ME-GI motorn Lunch Visning av produktionen samt promenad till Test centre Visning och testkrning av motorn Transport till Diesel House Kaffe, krning av motorn (om mjligt live krning, annars video) Buss Diesel House Gteborg
MAN Diesel & Turbo <2>

1500 1515

1515 1645



RSL/ December 2010

Market Shares Contracting Four Quarter Moving

Ships Larger than 2,000 DWT/GT

December Updated end RSL/ February 2011 2010
Source: IHS Fairplay

MAN Diesel & Turbo


Market Shares

Contracting Four Quarter Moving

MAN B&W Propulsion Engines

Ships Larger than 2,000 DWT/GT

December Updated end RSL/ February 2011 2010
Source: IHS Fairplay

MAN Diesel & Turbo


Marine Engine Programme 2010 Prefered for Tier II Compliance

Two-stroke Propulsion Electronically controlled

All ME Engine Types available as Dual Fuel Designated ME-GI

( fuel: NG ) or

ME-LGI ( fuel: LPG or DME )

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo


New G-engine type of engine Also available as dual fuel

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MAN Diesel & Turbo


ME-GI Many Applications

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo


LNG has Become HOT as Future Fuel

LNG fuel supply system


LNG tank

ME-GI main engine Reduction with Reduction with ME-GI ME-GI + WHR

Reduction with ME-GI + WHR+EGR

33% 80% 97% 48%

CO2 (gram per tonne mile) NOx (gram per tonne mile) SOx (gram per tonne mile) Particulate matter (mg per m3)
RSL/ December 2010

23% 13% 95% 37%

35% 13% 95% 37%

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Coming LNG Terminals Around the Baltic Region

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo


ME-GI From Gas Tank to Engine

ME GI Engine

300 bar and 45 oC

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 10 >

MAN B&W ME-GI/ME-LGI Engines Powered by NG, HFO, MDO and LPG

Simple modifications enable two-stroke gas injection Proven engine design High fuel efficiency 50% High fuel flexibility High reliability

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 11 >

ME-GI Concept Fuel Injection System

Product basis:

12K80MC-GI-S, Chiba (1994-2003) 6L55GFCA, Navion Viking,

VOC System

ME-GI Concept NEW!

Window function Leakage detection Safety concept / PMI-online

Minimizing pilot oil

Stable low load operation on gas Performance optimization Design review (reliability and cost)

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 12 >

New components

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 13 >


RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 14 >

Dual Fuel High Pressure Gas Injection Engine ME-GI/ME-LGI


Dual fuel experience since 1994 Well-proven ME technology

4T50ME-GI ready for type approval test 2011

New components

Double wall gas pipes Gas Injections valves Large volume accumulators ELGI valves Control and safety system

Modified components

Cylinder cove

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 15 >

ME-GI Concept Fuel Injection System

Low pressure fuel supply Fuel return Measuring and limiting device. Pressure booster (800-900 bar) Position sensor Injection

Gas supply


Bar abs Pilot oil pressure

300 bar hydraulic oil. Common with exhaust valve actuator

FIVA valve

ELGI valve

400 200 0

Control oil pressure

The system provides: Pressure, timing, rate shaping, main, pre- & post-injection
RSL/ December 2010







40 45 Deg. CA
< 16 >

MAN Diesel & Turbo

ME-GI Concept Gas and Pilot Oil Injection

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 17 >

ME-GI Mechanical Design

Windows/Shut Down valve

Gas control block

Gas accumulator volume Connection piece

Design Specification of 7S60ME-C8-GI finished summer 2010

Pilot fuel oil valve ELGI valve Purge & blow-off valve Control valves

Non-return valve Gas inlet Gas injection valve

Indicator valve

Same design used for gas test rig in Copenhagen and on our test engine Q4, 2010
Face for gas control block
3336990.2010.05.07 RSL/ December 2010 (SUK/LEL) MAN Diesel & Turbo < 18 >

Gas Injection Valve (a pilot oil and a gas injection valve)

Control oil inlet

Gas injection valve

Sealing oil inlet

Cylinder cover Connection to the ventilated pipe system Control oil Sealing oil Gas inlet Gas valve spindle

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 19 >

ME-GI Service Tests

Gas injection valve temperature/deposit resistance: Test carried out in order to evaluate gas injection valve condition during long term HFO operation. Gas injection valve showed excellent condition after 1600 hours testing, installed on a 7S50MC, without deposits or thermal overload. Next inspection will take place after 6000 hours. Same result is expected.

Gas injection nozzle

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

<20 20 > <

The double wall pipe Support & Flange connection

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 21 >

ME-GI/ME-LGI Gas Injection - Engine Control Syst.

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MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 22 >

Auto-tuning: Potential Fuel Reduction. Additional benefit free of charge.

Reduction in fuel oil consumption / CO2 emission
1 bar increase in average pmax => 0.20-0.25 g/kWh decrease in fuel oil consumption

Reference pmax Potential


Pure pmax level increase Potential 5-10 bar Potential 1-2.5 G/kWh

Balancing + pmax level increase Potential additional 2-5 bar Total potential 1.4 3.75 g/kWh Gain even with engines already being operated within recommended limits

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

<23 23 > <

ME-GI User Interface

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MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 24 >

Visualization with light sensor and high speed imaging

Movie: pilot approx. 3.4% of MCR fuel/stroke

Atomizer Spray 1

Fuel nozzle 2 cut-off during imaging to enhance the view of the flame from nozzle 1
RSL/ December 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo < 25 >

ME-GI/ME-LGI Concept
Fuel oil only mode:

Operation profile as conventional standard engine

Gas mode "Minimum fuel"

Fuel %

Dual fuel operation modes:

Gas mode Minimum fuel



Full operation profile available Full load acceptance available Full power range available Load variation is governed by gas injection Pilot fuel can be MDO, MGO or HFO Minimum pilot fuel used at load > 25 % (5 => 3 %) Increased pilot fuel at loads < 25% load Dynamic mix. of gas and fuel at loads < 25% load
Mixed mode Specified gas

Fuel/Pilot oil
Load %

Fuel % Mixed mode "Specified gas


Full operation profile available Amount of gas fuel is specified on Gas MOP Load variation is governed by fuel oil injection
RSL/ December 2010

Fuel/Pilot oil
Load %
MAN Diesel & Turbo < 26 >

ME-GI 4T50ME-GI-X Design

Gas installation on 4T50ME-GI-X:

ME-GI Components designed and delivered

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 27 >

ME-GI Fuel Gas Supply System (Cryostar)

Process flow diagram

NG Damper Cryogenic LNG tank HP Pump


ME-GI Engine


LNG Vaporizer

Cool down & mini flow line

LNG Storage Tank

FGS System


LEE4/RSL RSL/ December


MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 28 >

HP Pump from Cryostar

High Pressure Pump HPP3 60/110 Triplex

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 29 >

ME-GI Engine
Example of the power consumption for a LNG pump
Engine type: 8S90ME-C8.2-GI Output : 45.760 kW LNG Flow is based on 100% load and a LCV value of 50.000 kJ/kg
HP fuel gas supply LNG Flow 5587 kg/h HPP

200 kW

Less than 0,5% efficiency reduction

RSL/ December 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo < 30 >

ME-GI FGS System Layout from DSME

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 31 >

ME-GI FGS System photos

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 32 >

5 Different Gas Supply Systems available.

LNG Pump System

Burckhardt Compression
Laby-GI Compressor

LNG Tank & Pump System

LNG Tank & Pump System

Hamworthy Gas System

LNG Tank & Pump System

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 33 >

ME-GI Tier III EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation)

Engine Integration

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 34 >

Tier III EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 35 >

ME-GI Tier III EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation)

EGR service test on Alexander Maersk installation

Installed EGR unit scrubber, cooler and blower

RSL/ December 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo < 36 >

ME-GI Tier III solution EGR operating cost

ME-GI Tier III solution : Fuel Optimised Main Engine
Fuel optimised engine NOx 21.0 g/kWh NOx request NOx reduction Area g/kWh g/kWh % 17.60 84% ECA Tier III 3.30 Non ECA - Tier II 14.40 6.60 31% EGR % % 42% 16% SFOCgain g/kWh 3.30 3.30 SFOCpenalty g/kWh 2.10 0.79 SFOCchange g/kWh -1.20 -2.51

Also requires extra electrical power consumption, additional maintenance, and possibly a small amount of NaOH, depending on the sulphur content of the fuel. For operation on GAS the NOx emission is in comparison to HFO approx 15% lower . The EGR recycle and SFOC figures will therefore become better than shown in the table. Actual figures will be measured during the scheduled ME-GI test. For operation on GAS the sulphur content is zero except for the sulphur coming from the pilot oil. Consumption of the NaOH is therefore neglectable.

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 37 >

9000 teu Gas Fuelled Container Ship DNV & MDT Quantum 9000 Teu project

LNG tanks
Dual Fuel ME-GI

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 38 >

Low pressure tank Fuel Gas Supply System HiVAR Solution from DSME
Schematic Diagram - HiVAR

HP Vaporizer

BOG Compressor LNG Storage Tank NG HP Cooler

HiVAR comprises HP Pump, Vaporizer and Recondenser HiVAR is Efficient and Cost-effective solution for HP Fuel Gas Supply.

Recondenser HP Pump

Very Competitive compared with HP Compressor (less power, less capital cost)
BOG is Recondensed. (Reliquefaction plant is not necessary)

FG Pump

HiVAR: High Pressure Pump, Vaporizer and Recondenser

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo


< 39 >

170,000m3 LNG Tanker

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 40 >

Propulsion Power Demand

DFDE Solution
Power requirement at propeller = 25,265 / 2 = 12,633kW
12,633kW 12,633kW 13,981kW

Propulsion Motor 96.5%

Frequency Converter 98.5%

Transfomer 99%

Switchboard 99.5%

Generator 96.5%

Aux Engines

12,633kW 12,633kW 13,981W

Propulsion Motor 96.5%

Frequency Converter 98.5%

Transfomer 99%

Switchboard 99.5%

Generator 96.5%

Aux Engines

Engine power requirement including transmission losses = 2x 13,981kW

load as shown)

(includes losses at 100%

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 41 >

Propulsion Power Demand

ME-GI Solution
Power requirement at each propeller = 25,265 / 2 = 12,633kW


5S70ME-C8.2-GI 12,760kW




5S70ME-C8.2-GI 12,760kW


DF Gensets with ME-GI Main engines 2x 5S70ME-C8.2-GI Engine power requirement for propulsion = 2x 12,760kW (including 1% shaft loss)
RSL/ December 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo < 42 >

LNG Carrier with fulll fuel flexibility

Hybrid System (Cryogenic pump + BOG compressor) BOG 3 stage compressor with 100% reliquification capacity Cryogenic heat exchanger N2 compander Separator Low pressure pump High pressure cryogenic pump Optimiser Vaporiser Brine heater Brine pump

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 43 >

LNG Carrier with fulll fuel flexibility

Fuel Gas Supply System (BOG compressor & LNG pump)

Hamworthy process diagram

RSL/ December 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo < 44 >

Shipowner Considerations
Annual Operating Costs US $
$ 9.000.000

$8,65 M
$ 8.500.000

$ 8.000.000

Annual Lube oil

$7,49 M
US $ $ 7.500.000

Annual Maintenance Annual FC$ Annual Operating

$ 7.000.000

$ 6.500.000

$ 6.000.000 3x 12V50DF 2x 5S70ME-C8.2-GI

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 45 >

Shipowner Considerations
Fuel prices & consumption Maintenance Lube oil Emission Control Area (NOx) ME-GI requires EGR operation for NOx compliance in :
i. ii. Transit 50km x2 at 5kn = 17.5hrs ECA 370km x2 at 18kn = 22.2hrs 200nm in ECA


Assume 4x per year

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 46 >

Shipowner Considerations
Fuel prices & consumption Maintenance Lube oil Emission Control Area (SOx) ME-GI requires MGO for SOx compliance in:
i. ii. Transit (MGO only) 50km x2 at 5kn = 17.5hrs ECA (MGO as pilot oil) 370km x2 at 18kn = 22.2hrs


200nm in ECA

Assume 4x per year

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 47 >

Shipowner Considerations
Annual Operating Costs US $
$ 9.000.000

$8,65 M
$ 8.500.000

Extra 41tons only of MGO required for ECA SOx compliance with described profile
Annual ECA SOx

$ 8.000.000

$7,49 M
US $ $ 7.500.000

Annual ECA NOx

$7,51 M

Annual Lube oil Annual Maintenance Annual FC$

$ 7.000.000

Annual Operating

$ 6.500.000

$ 6.000.000 3x 12V50DF 2x 5S70ME-C8.2-GI 2x 5S70ME-C8.2-GI ECA

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 48 >

Shipowner Considerations
Fuel prices & consumption Maintenance Lube oil Emission Control Area (NOx)

Emission Control Area (SOx)

First Cost (USD)

3x 12V50DF Main Engine Gensets EGR Electrical systems 100% Reliquification Fuel Gas Supply system (tanks not included) Total budget price USD CPP (option) Gearbox (option) 18.9M 10M 11.5M ~3M $43.4M +1M +1.5M 2x 5S70ME-C8.2-GI 7.8M 6.5M 1.1M 11.5M 3.8M $30.7M

Redundancy (option)
SCR (option)
RSL/ December 2010



MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 49 >

ME-LGI engine powered by LPG

550 bar at 35 oC

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 50 >

LPG is a by-product of LNG production, so LPG production is not driven by demand

30% Increase of LPG production is expected in 2013.

How will this affect the LPG price?

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 51 >

Press Release LOI for a DME fuelled ME-LGI engine

RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 52 >

Liquid Gas Supply Station Guiding Specification for LPG, DME etc.

General Data for Liquid Gas Delivery Condition: Pressure: Nominal 550 bar Max. value 600 bar Pulsation limit 3 bar Set point tolerance 5% Temperature: Approx. 25oC -> 55oC / tolerance

10 oC


RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 53 >

ME-LGI Injection system for LPG or DME operation

Low pressure fuel supply

Fuel return
Measuring and limiting device. Pressure booster (800-900 bar) Position sensor


LPG/ DME supply

Gas control block


Bar abs Pilot oil pressure

LPG/DME supply Pressure 550 bar

300 bar hydraulic oil. Common with exhaust valve actuator

FIVA valve

ELGI valve

400 200 0

Control oil pressure

The system provides: Pressure, timing, rate shaping, main, pre- & post-injection
RSL/ December 2010 3336598.2010.01.30 2140/RSL








< 54 >

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Gas Injection Valve & Valve Block incl. accumulator

RSL/ December 2010 3336596.2010.01.30


MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 55 >

Gas Ssupply System from HGS Using LPG as Fuel

RSL/ December 2010

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 56 >

On Board auto-thermal process

High-pressure pump

Methanol or ethanol

At start-up only!!


Hot alcohol

Return from the common-rail OBATE fuel

cold fuel mixture

Hot mixture alcohol/water/ether

The process is auto-thermal: the OBATE fuel has the same heating value than the original fuel!!
RSL/ December 2010 RSL / Dec-2010



H 2O

MAN Diesel & Turbo

< 57 >

Conclusion ME-GI for short sea operation

Over all efficiency.


Operational cost
Reliability Emission

Better with gas price of today

Unchanged Fulfilling Tier II /alt. Tier III with EGR/SCR

Load response Pilot oil amount

95% reduction on SOx

Unchanged during gas operation Improved during coming test

Gas operation
Auto Tuning Gas Supply system

Gas operation during full load

Available 5 different solutions available

Power range
RSL/ December 2010

Down to below 3 MW.

MAN Diesel & Turbo < 58 >



Thank you for your kind attention

Ren Sejer Laursen Promotion Manager, ME-GI E-mail: [email protected]

RSL/ December 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo < 59 >

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