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A Season for the Spirit

You are invited to join this Lenten season as

the adult Sunday class begins a journey
guided by the devotional book entitled
A Season for the Spirit. We will meet
every Sunday morning from March 1st to April
5th. The author of our study is Martin L.
Smith, and it is published by Seabury Classics.
These daily readings begin on Ash Wednes-
day. You are highly encouraged to obtain the
book by then. If you have any questions,
please contact Linda Houston (310-329-6444)
or Pastor Steve. It is not necessary to attend
all the classes to benefit. You are welcome to
any and all.
As a community of faith, we need each other
and each person’s unique experience. You are
welcome to come at any time as we share this
journey. This may sound very serious and
solemn, and it is. But the Good News is that
we all know how this story ends, so come and
walk with us toward Easter!

February 12, 2009

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Disciples Women’s Ministry


Even so – it is business as usual for the Disciples Women – with just
a few less days to work with – but we can do it! We started the month
off with an adventure to the…..

Islamic Center Outing….

On February 1st, 15 women of the church and our Pastor Steve at-
tended a tour of the Islamic Center in Los Angeles. Arranged by Sa-
kura Koontz, we carpooled down some pretty empty freeways, thanks
to the Super Bowl, and were privileged to tour the facility, observe a
prayer service, and through a short talk, gain a better understanding of the Muslim
religion and community. It was a very enlightening cultural exchange. We finished
up the tour with a delicious (and not too spicy!) Indian luncheon. It was a great after-
noon, and those present agreed we should have more outings like this one. Do you
agree? Let the DWF Board know if you are interested.

March Regional Convocation – February Registration Deadline Extended…..

If you were planning on going to the March 7th and 8th Regional Convocation, and
thought it was too late – good news! The registration deadline has been extended,
so contact Chery Carew right away for all the information and join the FCC group for
a wonderful faith-filled weekend.

February Luncheon Meeting

Everyone is in for a real treat on February 22nd at 12 noon in Sippel Hall. We are
again fortunate to welcome the Pottery Lady, Carole Wolaver, as our guest speaker
for the afternoon. Having shared her wonderful and inspiring presentation in the
past, we promise you a special treat. Carole’s presentation is based on Isaiah 64:8
“Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay. You are the Potter, we are all the
work of Your hand.”

Her personal ministry for many years has been to share her experience
of being clay in the gentle hands of the Father, the Master Potter. She
tells the story of “The Master’s Pieces” as she works her wheel, and
molds the clay into beautiful pieces of pottery. Carole’s pottery will be
on display at the meeting, along with order forms should you wish to
purchase some of these beautiful works of art.
Page 2
The Love Circle will be cooking a special lunch, and Jill Foster will offer
our Worship presentation. Our Service Project for February is Fresh
Start, a 501 (C3) nonprofit organization which provides free reconstruc-
tive plastic surgery and related medical services to disadvantaged chil-
dren. Fresh Start is an old friend to FCC, for they were part of our “Ellie”
experience of a few years ago. Many of you took part in the transportation that was
needed to take Ellie to Carlsbad for treatments. Come and hear the exciting things
this wonderful group is doing, and see what your donation can do.

Looking Ahead to the Easter Season

Ash Wednesday services will just about finish up February. Wednes-
day evening, February 25th, there will be an Ash Wednesday service at
7:00 p.m. Look for more information elsewhere in the Newsletter. This
will start a busy season for all of here at First Christian Church, a time
of sharing for the Disciples Women, as they start planning for the Holy Week meals
and the wonderful activities that Easter always brings. February’s going to be short
- but it’s going to be fun – and busy! Have a Happy Valentine’s Day – a Happy
President’s Day – or two. We celebrate Black History Month also – what a month!

Week of Compassion Offering – “Where Is Your Treasure?”

Week of Compassion is the relief and development fund of the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ) and serves as a faithful and effective way for
Disciples congregations, members and friends to channel their resources
and concerns to the humanitarian needs of suffering people in the world.

Wherever there is need in the world, Week of Compassion is there, whether in the
aftermath of ice-storms in Kentucky, or in aiding refugees in Darfur, Africa, or in
easing the suffering of dozens of other crises unseen on the evening news.

The theme for this year’s Week of Compassion Special Offering asks “Where Is
Your Treasure?” (Matthew 6:19-21) and invites us to think of ourselves as “treasure
tenders for God” in the care of the least among us.

Gifts may be given to Week of Compassion at any time, but we will have our spe-
cial emphasis on February 15 and 22.

Page 3
We want to acknowledge and thank John and Phyllis King for their recent gift to the Endow-
ment Fund in memory of Hilda Corless. Phyllis was part of the original committee that helped
establish the Fund and she has always been an active supporter. For this we are indeed grate-
The First Christian Church Endowment Fund was created approximately five years ago and is
designed to accept gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, property, bequest in wills and trusts, and oth-
ers. The assets are managed by directors chosen from and approved by the congregation. In
addition, the assets are held separate from the operating budget of our church and the intent is
to invest these assets in a responsible way and periodically distribute a portion of the capital
gains and/or income earned for use by our church here in Torrance. Currently the value of our
accounts is a little less than $100,000. It is invested in two different funds with the Christian
Church Foundation in Indianapolis.
Like everyone, we look forward to the time when our economy will strengthen and steady
growth will begin to occur. Despite the drop in value we are looking forward and have confi-
dence in the management in Indianapolis and have no plans to make changes at this time. We
continue to hope that people will remember our church in their estate planning and might
choose to honor someone’s memory, birthday, anniversary or other special event by means of
a donation to the Fund.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact one of the di-
rectors listed below.
Thank You
Doug Crawford Lee Sebaugh Andrea Whobrey Gene Wiehe Doris Wilson

Baptism Class
Pastor Steve will be offering four classes as preparation for our celebration of
baptism on Easter Sunday (April 12). Classes will be geared for children fourth-
grade and up who have not previously been baptized.

Interested children and their parents are invited to meet briefly on March 1 after each worship
service, so that we may coordinate calendars, and hand out materials. Plans are to hold class
Sunday afternoons, March 8, 15 and 29, and on Saturday morning, April 4.
Page 4
Jack Rogers is awaiting the results of a spinal tap, which is to discern
whether or not he may have bone cancer.

Marlen and Francisco Sanchez’s son, David, who lives in Michigan, is doing well after an
emergency appendectomy.

Gene & Doreen Jackson are happy to report the birth of a great-granddaughter, Hope
Carylyn, on January 23. Mother and baby are doing well.

Prayers are asked for safe travels, including Pat Brown, who is returning to England, and
Lilian Asomugha, who has returned from Hawaii after watching her son play in the Pro-

Karen Jackson and a friend avoided serious injury after Karen’s car suffered a high-impact

Susan Babcock’s beloved canine companions are in our prayers: Shiloh has received a ter-
minal diagnosis after the removal of a cancerous growth; Pumpkin had a growth removed
from the parathyroid, but tests show that it was not malignant.

Judy Rickabaugh’s in-law, Elena Martin, died recently after a long illness.

Ruthie Totes spent time in the hospital after suffering face and head lacerations in a car ac-
cident. None of her injuries are life-threatening, but she needs prayer for comfort and

Michele Wood is doing better with the nerve-damage pain caused by a blood draw—the
hope is that she can now be weaned from medication.

Kim Larson’s grandfather, Paul, who lives in Colorado, will need surgery after breaking
both arms in a fall.
Aron Fried was in a car accident and suffered a stroke. The left side of his body is very
Officer Steve Kroesen, a co-worker with Carol Wilk, had to be put in an induced coma for
a while, as he was at risk of massive organ failure. He is doing better now, but still grave.
Prayers are asked for the many families, some within our church, who are being impacted
by job or pay cuts.

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February 2009 (Revised
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurs

8:30 and 10:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am

1 2 3 4

8 9 10 11

Bible Study 10:00 a.m.

Disciple Women’s
Cabinet Meeting 7:00 Cho
Chi Rho 12:00 Newsletter Board
7:00 p

15 16 17 18
Week Of Compassion
Love Group 9:30 a.m.
Congregation Meeting
Faith Group 1:30 p.m.
(after each service) Church Office Closed Cho
Elders 7:00 p.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m.
Youth Adventure President’s Day 7:00 p

22 23 24 25

Week of Compassion Bible Study 10:00 a.m

CYF 12:00 Newsletter Ash Wednesday 7:00 p
Women’s Lunch 12:00 Worship 7:00 p.m.
Page 6
sday Friday Saturday

February Birthday’s
Michael Gonzalez (6)
Marie Wood (6)
John Galyardt (7)
Carole Colby (10)
Brent Foster (10)
Doreen Jackson (11)
Jean Richards (12)
Carol Rimmey (12)
Ted Oden (13)
Connie Gonzales (17)
Barbara Myers (17)
Shirley Johnson (20)
5 6 7 Cheryl Crawford (22)
Ruth Singleton (24)
John Beecher (27)
Jeff Wood (28)
Bob Rogers (28)
Bob Thomas (28)

12 13 14

Feb. Camp 13-16

19 20 21

oir Jeff & Michele Wood (12)
CMF 8:30 a.m.. Stan & Chery Carew (24)

26 27 28

Page 7
Education Notes & News
“Called to Fellowship”
There’s still time if you are interested in participating in our Loch Leven All-
Church Retreat. Our theme comes from 1 Corinthians 1:9: “God is faithful; by
Him you (all) were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
We will be focusing on this scripture and participating in activities and learning
experiences that will be appropriate for all ages, from the young to the old. There will also be
plenty of time for relaxation, hiking, a campfire, exploring and maybe even a trip to the snow.
What: Weekend retreat for the entire church family
Where: Loch Leven Camp and Conference Center located in the San Bernardino mountains
When: Friday evening March 20th-Sunday morning March 22nd
Cost: $90 for adults, $67 for ages 4-12, free for children 3 and younger
Financial assistance is available. See Samantha Lubrani to reserve your spot.

February-March Youth Calendar

February 15
12:00 Youth Adventure Valentine Party (grades3-5)- Light lunch provided. Bring a dessert and a
Valentine for your friends. Don’t forget your journal.
CYF group at Feb-Camp in Pilgrim Pines so no meeting today.
February 22
No Chi Rho meeting today.
12:00 CYF (grades 9-12)
March 1
12:00 Youth Adventure-Walk to the park for games. Bring a sack lunch.
12:00 CYF
March 8
12:00 Chi Rho (grades 6-8)
12:00 CYF
Saturday, March 14
CYF will be taking a trip to the LA Food Bank to help package food for distribution to other food
banks in the city. They will be leaving the church at 8:00 a.m. and return sometime after noon. Must
wear closed toes shoes. See Jimmy Koontz for more information.
Sunday, April 5
Save the date for our annual Easter Eggcitement party. More details to come, but lunch and fun to be
provided immediately following second service!
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Bible Explorers
Our second set of workshops is starting on the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. The class
schedule is below and everyone from preschool though grade 5 is invited to join us Sun-
day mornings from 9:30-10:15. Come check out our new Sunday morning program.
Supplies Needed: Thank you so much for the scraps of material you have already donated
and we now have plenty for our upcoming projects. We are still asking for empty 2 liter
plastic soda bottles, and small size containers with lids (to be turned into banks). Drop
them off in the Donation Box located in room 2. Thanks for your support!
If you are in Junior High School and want to learn about becoming a Shepherd for this
program contact Jill Foster, Chery Carew or Shirley Woodman.

Date Class Workshop Room #

Jesus Feeds the 5000
2/15 PRE K-1 Media 4
2-5 Storytelling 3
2/22 PRE K-1 Storytelling 3
2-5 Media 4
The Garden of Gethsemane
3/1 PRE K-1 Media 4
2-5 Science 2
3/8 PRE K-1 Science 2
2-5 Media 4
Don’t forget that our High School Class also meets at this time in Room 8 under the lead-
ership of Kristen Hammel.

Pastor’s Class
It is a tradition at our church that a Pastor’s Class is offered to fourth graders who are
ready to make the decision to be baptized. This class is also available for older children
who are ready to take this step in their spiritual lives. Pastor Steve Fietz will be leading a
4 week class to help prepare the children for baptism on Easter Sunday. See page 4 for
more information and please see Pastor Steve if you or your child is interested.

Page 9
Upcoming Sermons
February 15 – “At the Cross Roads” (Acts 8:26-40)
God has given many gifts, and in great variety—the church’s mission exists at the intersec-
tion of our gifts and the world’s needs.
February 22 – “A Noisy Symbol” (1 Corinthians 12:31—14:1a)
God’s gifts are meant to be used in love—and love is meant to be enacted through the use of
our collective gifts.
March 1 – “Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There” (Psalm 1)
On this first Sunday in Lent, we begin a sermon series on Spiritual Practices—things we can
do regularly (religiously!) that help strengthen our faith and our connection to God. We’ll
begin the series by considering the practice of Meditation.

Sunday Morning Adult Class on Spiritual Gifts

What is a “spiritual gift”? Is it different than a skill or talent? How do we discern our gifts,
and how do we know how to use them?
For the month of February, Ted Oden and Steve Fietz are facilitating a study and discussion
of Spiritual Gifts as part of our Sunday Morning Adult Class. Everyone is invited and en-
couraged to participate.
We meet in Sippel Hall, at the regular time of 9:30 a.m

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Our Wednesday Morning Bible Study will finish a series on spiritual gifts on Feb-
ruary 25. This study is meant to compliment our Sunday Morning focus in Febru-
ary, but one need not come to one in order to attend the other.
Starting March 4, we will begin a study of Psalms appropriate to the season of Lent.
Bible Study is in Sippel Hall every Wednesday morning from 10 to 11:30.

Ash Wednesday Worship – February 25

We will begin the reflective season of Lent on February 25, Ash Wednesday, with a
quiet time of worship, including songs, prayers, communion, and, for those who
wish, the “imposition of ashes.”
Our theme will address the tension between life’s immediate urges, and the importance of
taking time to reflect and refocus. If you wish, you may read Mark 1:9-20 to prepare.
We will gather for worship in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm.
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I have an old “Frank & Ernest” cartoon that has one of the guys telling the other one,
“For Lent, I’m giving up my New Year’s resolutions…”
First of all, I’d be impressed with anyone whose New Year’s resolve lasted two
months. And secondly, of course, the cartoon plays on the common image of Lent as a
season of sacrifice, where one “gives up” chocolate, or lying, or some other daily sta-
ple. Because it runs so contrary to our “have-it-all” culture, the discipline of denial is
good fodder for jokes. But we do well to acknowledge, especially in a world where so
many luxuries have become necessities, that there is some value in deliberately doing
without—so as to better focus on life’s deepest priorities.
Still, I’d like to invite us to add something for Lent. Yes, I know how hectic our mod-
ern lives are—but I believe our Lenten additions can help subtract some of the stress
and overload.
So consider this: find fifteen minutes each day—you have it somewhere, really you do:
a little less TV, one less internet article. Once found, I invite you to use that quarter-
hour to pray (keep a list), or to read a devotional (I can make suggestions, or offer
loaners). You might even—God forbid!—use the time to just sit.
Finally, consider adding worship to the beginning of the season—get your ya-yas out
on Mardi Gras, and then come to church for our Ash Wednesday worship, a quiet time
of reflection and focus that we hope will set the tone for the coming weeks.
However you approach it, may this holy season prove to be a blessing in your life.

Shalom, Steve Home phone: 310-212-5950 email: [email protected]

“Messy Spirituality” – a Discussion Series for Lent

Do you ever hear those messages from inside, the ones that say, “I don’t
pray enough…I don’t understand the Bible very well…I don’t share my
faith…I guess I’m not a very good Christian…”?
If so, you may want to explore “Messy Spirituality” as part of our Sunday
Evening Lenten Discussion Series. Based on a wonderful book by Mike Yaconelli, we will
consider what one reviewer calls “the antidote to spiritual perfectionism.”
The Discussion Series will be held each Sunday evening in Lent, starting on March 1. We will
serve a simple meal at 5:00 pm, followed by a discussion-oriented time around the evening’s
theme. Please let Pastor Steve know if you can help with one of the meals—and remember
“simple”—perfect meals will not be allowed…!
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(Disciples of Christ)

2930 El Dorado Street

Torrance, CA 90503
(310) 328-2820 Fax 310 328-2929
E-mail - [email protected]
Web address -
Sunday Schedule
8:30 a.m. - Worship - Informal
9:30 a.m. - Church School for all ages
10:30 a.m. - Worship - Traditional
Children’s Worship - Ages Pre-school through
2nd Grade
(During the Traditional Worship Service)
Nursery Provided
For birth through age 3 during Sunday School
and the Traditional Service
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Steven Fietz, Senior Pastor
Ted Oden-Minister of Contemporary Worship
Administrative Assistant– Camelia Olloque
Choir Director - Ken Potter
Nursery Attendant - Sherril Wiechmann
The Christian Messenger

Chair - Doug Crawford

Vice Chair - Don Zukas

2930 El Dorado Street

First Christian Church

Torrance, CA 90503

Treasurer– Bill Wysong


Financial Secretary - Moggy Emmen

Clerk– Chery Carew

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