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Lyapko Applicator

Applicator structure
The applicators are elastic rubber plates or rollers with the needles fixed on them in a special way. The needles are made of metals necessary for human body (zinc, copper, iron, nickel and silver). Basic metals used for making the needles are copper (brass) and iron. All the needles of the applicator or only a part of them have coatings of other metals (the tips of the needles stay uncoated). The rubber base has restricting ledges around the needles and along the edges of the applicator, which increases steadiness and reliability of needles fastening and protects a patients skin from injury. The applicator family consists of many applicators which have different dimensions, shape, step (distance between the needles) and ways of fixation. The applicator step is selected according to individual cutaneous sensitivity and required intensity of stimulation; the patients sensations are also taken into accounts (one should feel comfortable). For children it is better to use the applicators with the denser step. The applicator plates and the applicator rollers produce the same effect so it is possible to use them by themselves and to combine in order to get more powerful effect.

The difference between the applicator-plates and the applicatorrollers.

The applicator-plates are intended for static stimulation, mainly of those parts of the body which have big curvature radius: back, abdomen, chest, lumbosacral area, palms, and feet. It is possible to lie on the flat applicators or to put them on the affected area of the body and press evenly with a little sack of sand or fix them with a bandage. Applying the plates does not require any assistance. The rollers are the applicators used for dynamic stimulation (needle shower). They can be applied to all the parts of the body. Applying the roller needs an assistants help to cover those parts of the body which are difficult to reach. With the applicator roller it is possible to warm the whole family after supercooling in 10 minutes. Children usually like to be rolled with the applicator, they just laugh with pleasure.

Features of Lyapko Applicator:

1. it enhances vitality and working efficiency, normalizes sleep and metabolism, raises spirits; 2. it renders assistance in curing and preventing disorders of gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems; 3. it eliminates sexual disorders with subsequent normalization of men and womens sexual functions; in treatment of gynecological diseases, it helps to cure disorders of ovarian-menstrual cycle; 4. it alleviates pain in the spinal column, joints and muscles, removes headaches; 5. it helps to normalize hormonal balance, metabolic processes during endocrinopathy (the obese lose weight, the emaciated gain the required kilograms); 6. it increases the efficiency of such methods as massage, auricular and classic acupuncture, manual and laser therapy, microwave resonance therapy (when used in combination with them or prior to their use) 2 to 3 times; 7. it renders assistance in quitting pernicious habits (alcoholism, tobacco smoking);

8. it makes it possible to reduce the amount of consumed drugs and eventually discontinue taking them altogether. Applicators can be utilized in medical institutions, sanatoria, and at home. Lyapko Applicators have no analogues in the world as they are unique in their multifactor character and treatment power as well as effectiveness and efficiency, their application being simple and reliable. The Applicator mobilizes inner resources, stimulates physiologically reasonable dosage of natural medicines production inside human organism and compensates the deficit of motive activity.

Ways and Mechanisms of Action of Metal-Needle Applicators

Metal-needle applicators with needles made of various metals (zinc, copper, iron, nickel, silver) inserted into the elastic rubber base are developed by Doctor Lyapko, a reflex-therapist, and are meant for wide treatment; as a prophylaxis means they improve and maintain health, enhance working efficiency and vitality, normalize sleep, mood and metabolism.

Applicators can be used in medical institutions, sanatoria and, self-dependently, at home. The use of applicators contributes to efficient treatment (non-medicinal or with a small amount of medicines) of various diseases and pathological conditions of the body. Oriental medicine considers vitality tone of the body to be dependent on two opposite powers yang and yin. The principle of opposition of the two powers is basic for interrelations of organs of the body and their links to the skin integuments. Biological balance of the body is maintained due to the energy counterpoising of yang and yin; breaking of the balance will consequently lead to diseases. Ju Lian, Director of Chinese Jen-Tsu Institute, explains the action mechanism of needle-reflex therapy in the following way: Its essence lies in acting through certain active points of the body onto internal organs which correspond to the points.

Moderate irritation of sensitive endings concentrated in certain points of the skin, muscles and other tissues brings to the norm strength, mobility and balanced processes of excitation and retardation. It doesnt remain within a certain area of a point or nerve, but often beneficially influences organs that are remote from the action place and the human body on the whole.

The most important statement which makes the base of the method of surface multiple acupuncture is a theory on points and zones of acupuncture action projection zones of the highest activity of the system of skin-organ interactions, existence of which was proved by many studies (Zakharyin-Ged zones, skinsegment-visceral reflexes, etc.). The point or zone of acupuncture covers not only a part of skin, but also the tissues which lie deeper hypodermic tissue, muscles, nerves and vessels. It has been determined that acupuncture points and zones differ from the surrounding skin biophysically, manifesting: - a higher level of electric potential and capacity; - minimum electric skin resistance; - a higher temperature, etc.

In counterpoising to the above mentioned zones, there exist mute zones with lower temperature, high skin electric resistance and disordered structures of tissues (degeneration zones).

Mechanisms of action
1. Reflex-mechanical action.

It involves multiple surface acupuncture (reflex reaction) and massage (mechanical action).

Reflex action of needles during the surface multiple acupuncture is directed onto active points of the channels (receptors) and causes local reaction, which manifests

itself in the change in blood influx of a skin area, high temperature and sensitivity, alteration of values of electric potential and resistance. The local reaction is a source of continuous pulsing to nerve centres. Reflected reactions of the body, which arise after that, affect, in their turn, the condition of peripheral receptors and tissues in the action zone. Participation of the vegetative nervous system in the process enables mobilization of the body resources for immediate action: performance of cardiovascular system is boosted, blood flow is redistributed. Into blood flow, there is injected a great number of additional vital substances (hormones, ferments, immune substances, etc.), which enhance resistance of the body to pathological factors of external and internal environment.

2. Galvanic-electrical action The human body is a complex bio-colloid, saturated with electrolytes, which contains both positive (cations) and negative (anions) ions. Intensity of galvanicelectrical action is regulated by the body itself, depending on the extent of saturation of tissues (skin layers, hypodermic tissue, underlying structures). Painful and inflamed skin area is oedematic, it contains a lot of liquid; at the contact with the applicator, the reaction is intensive, accompanied by generation of big amounts of warmth and sweat. When contacting with the skin, the surface of the applicator needles undergo numerous physical and chemical reactions connected with the action of direct current. As a result, oxide films are formed on the needles and galvanization effect (bioelectrical action on tissues) emerges. At this, pinpoint galvanic currents of maximum value appear on the needle tips (because of difference in potentials between the main metal of the needle and peripheral metal of the coating which are short circuited between each other (pinpoint currents 1, and inter-needle currents - 2); the value of the currents depends on conductivity of the skin and content of electrolytes in it.

3. Humoral action of the applicator. It manifests itself in electrophoresis of metals in liquid medium of the body, therapeutic effect of which lasts for several hours after application. During the treatment with the applicator, there appear local segmental and general reactions, intensity of which depends on the duration of action, dimensions of the zone treated with the roller, and on the size of the applicator. Various skin areas react to the application indifferent ways, which is conditioned by degenerative processes in internal organs, spinal column, spinal-brain roots and nerve tissue. On the skin surface these processes manifest themselves by a high or low temperature, blood filling and either reddening or pallid colour, changes in electric skin resistance and other factors. Normal reaction of the skin to the use of applicator is even reddening; in case of pre-disease (acute process), there appear skin areas of bright-red tint and high temperature; in case of chronic processes with signs of degeneration, it is typical to have skin areas of articulated pale colour, low temperature and sensitivity. During the next applications the pathogenic zones are restored. At it, one can observe recuperation of internal organs, which is accompanied by normalization of the colour on the skin areas that correspond to innervated zones of these organs.

Ways of action:
- Static, which involves action with flat applicators on a certain zone fro 15 to 30 minutes. Applicator dimensions range from 10 cm2 to 1000cm2; number of needles varies from 60 to 2500; needle spacing - 3,5 to 6,8 mm. - Dynamic action with rollers. Needle spacing is 3,5 to 5 mm; number of needles varies from 200 to 600. Duration of action 5 to 15 minutes. - Static-dynamic use of applicators fixed on the human body with the help of elastic ribbons, belts, corsets for free movement. Needle spacing 3,5 to 5,8 mm; number of needles 200 to 5000. Duration of action 15 to 30 minutes.

Application therapy developed by N.G. Lyapko was tested in Kyiv National Medical University, Kyiv Medical Academy for Post-Graduate Education and

positively reputed itself in Donetsk Regional Hospital for Veterans of Great Patriotic War (the town of Maryinka, Donetsk region), Donetsk Railway Hospital, in the reflex-therapy department of Maryinka Central District Hospital and in a number of other clinics, medical institutions, and Science-cum-Research Institutes of Reflex-Therapy of Ukraine and Russia.

How to apply the applicators

Flat static applicators and the applicators rollers are used to stimulate main, additional and subsidiary zones. The rollers are also applied to the zones located along the spine (zones of the sympathetic points location) to carry out the reflex diagnosis. Using the applicator plate as well as the roller it is possible to reduce pain, to restore working capacity, to get rid of stress and to make state of the nervous system normal, to achieve therapeutic effect for various morbid conditions in a short period of time. In 90% of cases it is necessary to stimulate the zone which causes troubles (the zones of pain), and to increase the efficiency of treatment the additional and subsidiary zones should be stimulated. The main zone (the zone of the spine) must always be included into general prescription. The additional and subsidiary zones are used when there are certain reasons which do not allow to stimulate the main zone. The additional and subsidiary zones may be located on the parts opposite to the location of the main zone. In order to increase therapeutic effect it is advisable to include into the formula of stimulation the symmetric zones located on the unaffected side. To achieve good therapeutic effect it is necessary: 1. To choose zones, rates and ways of stimulation correctly. 2. To lay the applicators correctly.

Even distribution of the body weight over the whole surface of the applicator is the main condition of the correct laying. Never lay the applicator on absolutely flat surface. To lay the applicators correctly it is necessary to model as precisely as possible the curves of the spine in its neck and loin areas using cushions or rolled up towels. For the first five minutes of association with the applicator there is a sensation of discomfort and pricking gradually turning into a sensation of powerful warmth and pleasant vibration, later there may be a feeling of drowsiness and general relaxation turning into healthy sound sleep. If a patient experiences discomfort for 10-15 minutes, it is necessary to take the applicators away and apply them again only in 5-10 hours or the next day, covering smaller area. The discomfort may be caused by the incorrect laying of the applicators, which means that the needles are loaded unevenly or by slipping of the applicators accompanied by scratching of the skin. To eliminate the problem a patient should rise, put a soft roller under his knees and lie on the applicator again.

Duration of the stimulation.

Duration of the stimulation depends on the symptoms you have and the problem you want to solve. For intensive pain, increased blood pressure, irritability, agitation, insomnia it is recommended to use the applicators in the second half of the day or before going to bed. The duration of the stimulation is 15-30 minutes (for the applicator roller 10-15 minutes). For hypotension, somnolence, weakness, decreased sensitivity and also with weakened patients and elderly people it is more effective to do the stimulation in the morning and in the first half of the day. The duration of the stimulation for the applicator plate is 7-10 minutes, and for the applicator-roller is 5-7 minutes, in certain cases considerable positive effect is achieved by means of long stimulation from 30 minutes to 1-2 hours. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. The treatment can be repeated in 2-4 weeks.

There is positive practical experience of long, for a few months running, everyday use of the applicators. As a result, there was steady improvement of general health, removal of chronic pain, increase of vitality and working capacity.

Table 1. Use of Lyapko applicator-plates and the applicator-rollers. Applicatorroller 3-7 min. Applicatorplate 7-10 min.

Purpose Toning up, reducing pain, increasing working capacity (morning, afternoon) Relaxation, removing chronic pain, soporific effect (mainly, before going to bed) The applicators must produce pleasant sensations only!

8-15 min.

20-30 min.

Indications for using the applicators

1. The locomotor system diseases and injuries: a) the nervous and muscle system overstrain; b) myositis; c) myalgia; d) tendovaginitis; e) injury of the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal cord and joints of the extremities; f) scoliosis; g) injuries, fractures, postoperative states. 2. The nervous system illnesses: a) recovery after craniocerebral injuries and insults; b) vertebral osteochondrosis neurological displays; c) lumbago; d) neuritis; e) neuralgia; f) myasthenia; g) flaccid and spastic paralysis; h) hysteria, neurasthenia, insomnia; i) sexual neurosis; j)nocturnal enuresis; k) migraine; l) Raynaud`s disease; m) infantile cerebral paralysis. 3. Heart and vessels illnesses: a) hypertension; b) hypotension; c) CHD - coronary heart disease (stenocardia, cardiosclerosis); d) hemorrhoids.

4. The respiratory organs diseases: a) rhinitis; b) angina; c) laryngitis; d) bronchitis; e) pneumonia; f) bronchial asthma; bronchial asthma of allergic origin. 5. The digestive organs diseases: a) gastritis; b) stomach hypotonia; c) stomach and duodenal ulcer; d) the bowel dyskinesia; e) colitis (constipation); f) the gallbladder dyskinesia; g) hepatic colic; h) pancreatitis. 6. Obstetrics: a) early toxicosis; b) hyper- and hypogalactia; c) maintenance of pregnancy; d) labor pain relief and labor regulation; postnatal recovery and recovery after cesarean section. 7. Female diseases: a) ovarian-menstrual cycle disorders (amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal); b) sterility; c) climacteric syndrome; d) adnexitis. 8. Urology: a) glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis; b) renal colic; c) cyctitis, cystalgia; d) prostatitis; e) prostate adenoma. 9. Cutaneous diseases: a) neurodermatitis; b) hives; c) cutaneous itch; d) eczema. 10. Stomatology: a) parodontosis, stomatitis; b) anaesthetization for stomatological manipulations; c) tooth-ache. 11. Endocrine disorders: a) hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism; b) diabetes mellitus; c) alimentary obesity. 12. The applicators can be used for alcoholism and smoking to remove abstinence syndrome. 13. The applicators help to restore vitality, working capacity and good mood.

Contraindications for using the applicators.

Relative contraindications for applying the applicator plates and rollers are the following: acute infectious diseases; chronic diseases exacerbation accompanied by temperature rise; the cardio-vascular system disorders, lungs, liver and kidneys illnesses in state of decompensation; acute thrombophlebitis; blood and hematopoietic organs illnesses in state of decompensation; abrupt emaciation; skin injuries: wounds, burns, frostbites. Schemes of stimulation with the applicator for different illnesses Stenocardia, cardialgia, osteochondrosis (a well as radiculitis, myositis, neuralga) of the medium and chest parts of the spine, bronchitis, mastitis, weak lactation Headaches, trifacial neuralgia, facial neuritis, facial sympathalgia, hearing and sigh disorders, toothache, catarrhal diseases

Gullet, stomach, liver and gall bladder illnesses; neurologic syndromes of pectoral osteochondrisis (as well as myositis, radiculitis of the lower chest part of the spine), obesity

Pharyngitis, laryngitis, angina colds, lugs and bronchi illnesses, cervical and pectoral ostechondrosis neurologic syndrome, cervical and humeral plexalgia, arthritis, neuritis

Stomach and duodenal ulcer, small intestine illnesses, kidneys illnesses,

Hypertension, hypotension, recovery after insult

renal colic, obesity

Small intestine illnesses, appendages and uterus inflammations, cystitis, urethritis, sigmoiditis, haemorrhoids, anal fissure impotence, frigidity, nocturnal enuresis

Neurologic symptoms of osteochondrosis in chest and lumbar parts of the spine (as well as myositis and radiculitis), arthritis and arthrosis of the upper extremities joints, obesity

Urolithiasis, renal colic, colitis, constipation, pregnancy saving (gentle stimulation).

Neurologic symptoms of osteochondrosis in lumbosacral part of the spine (as well as radiculitis and myositis in this region)

Injuries and fractures of the lower extremities

Injuries and fractures of the upper extremities

Allergy, neurodermatitis, skin itch

Diabetes mellitus

Main zones are the zones located along the spine. Additional and subsidiary zones are zones which make the effect of the main zone stimulation stronger.

Questions and answers

How to start self-treatment with the applicator? Set yourself as an object: I want to have excellent health. Remember, nobody can become healthy if he does not want it himself. People often entrust realizing their objects and performing their duties to somebody else. For example, a doctors object is to restore our health; his duty is to do treatment correctly and effectively. But a doctors efforts alone wont be enough. Remember: Your health in your hands. Read the instructions to the applicator carefully, underline the information you

need in the text and mark it in the picture. Take upon yourself an obligation to perform all the instructions correctly and fully. Take a note-book to record your feelings before and after the session of treatment. Write your object and your duties in capital letters on the note-book. Rule the notebook in the following columns: date, time and place the session, its duration, your feelings before and after the session, how long the therapeutic effect lasts. Later, analyzing your records, you will be able to see real results of the treatment and choose the way of applying Lyapko applicators that suits you best. When to apply the applicators and the rollers? If you do not feel well, if there are muscles or joints pains, if you are troubled with old injuries, if you have a headache, if you are nervous or under stress, rely on the applicator. Place it under the back or press to the painful area. The applicator will help you to forget about the pain! If you apply the roller, the needle shower will revive your tired nervous system, wash tension off your muscles, give a healthy look to your face and refresh your skin. Use the facial roller, standing on front of a mirror, and you will smile to yourself. As it is always pleasant to see fresh and healthy person in the mirror. If you make your back ready before the massage, by means of lying on the applicator or working the back up with the roller, the therapeutic effect will come sooner and will be more stable. You will, also, get much more pleasure. You can use the applicator any time you like. It is, also, possible to fix it on the painful area and wear as long as it is necessary to improve the condition. What do patient feel when they apply the applicator? For the first few minutes of applying the applicator a patient feels pricking, vibration and biting. Then there comes warms, painful sensations disappear, the patient feels pleasant relaxation which may turn into normal, healthy sleep. What happens during the session? The applicator stimulates the skin receptors, points and reflex zones, which causes adequate reactions of the body. It makes the immune system work and gives it

additional forces to fight with an illness successfully. Under the influence of the applicator powerful redistribution of energy takes place. Owing to the potential difference between the metals which the needles are made of, there appear galvanic currents, which cause microelectrophoresis of the metals into the internal environment of the body. Why does the pain disappear? The applicator restores the energy balance in the meridians going through the painful area, or in the zone of the diseased organ projection. Pathogenic (stagnant) energy is actively redistributed (taken away), and the weak place, where there is a lack of energy, gets it. So, when your body contacts with the applicator which consists of the needles made of different metals, it works like an accumulator: it makes up a deficiency of energy and removes its excess. The inflamed place is edematic, but when there is strong blood inflow it discharges, and pain disappears. At the same time, the weak place (if there are any dystrophic processes) gets necessary charge of energy. Moreover, the applicator stimulates biologically active points, located on the skin. They give signals to hypophysis to produce endorphines which are natural anaesthetics of the body. How to use the applicator plate and the applicator roller correctly? First of all, you should determine the result you want to achieve. Then, find the zones you will stimulate (main, additional and subsidiary). After that, choose an instrument of stimulation the applicator-plate, the applicator-roller or another one. You can lie on the applicator, following the instructions of the correct laying, or apply the applicator to certain area, pressing it with a little sack of sand. You can work up the zones with the roller yourself or with somebodys assistance. Stimulating the points and the zones, the applicator helps to restore and normalize both function of the certain organs and functions of the body as a whole. What effect does the applicator roller produce on the human body? The effect produced by the applicator-roller is equal to that produced by the

applicator-plate, but the result is achieved much quicker. Besides, with the roller you can reach any place of the body. It is possible to work up the whole body with the roller for 2-3 minutes: the body will burn, you will have needle shower consisting of a few millions of pricks. Using the roller, it is possible to warm the whole family after supercooling in 10 minutes. When you work with the roller you may need the assistant to help you work up the places which are difficult to reach. How does the applicator-roller work? The applicator has wide spectrum of influence, and the effect it produces is very potent. It is a universal device. Moreover, the roller is your home acupuncturist and diagnostician. Using it, you will find the points which have salutary influence on your body and are able to normalize its condition in the most effective way. Not every physician is able to find these points as precisely as the roller is. These points and zones are located on the body surface and have different configuration. When they are stimulated, unusual sensations appear both on the zone of stimulation and in other parts of the body. In addition to the general recommendations, according to which it is necessary to stimulate main, additional and subsidiary zones recommended for certain illnesses and morbid condition, it is advisable to stimulate with the roller the hypersensitive zones you have found, for 5-10 minutes. After such stimulation a patient feels much better, pains disappears, working capacity and general vitality increase, there are pleasant sensation both in the zone of application and in the whole body. It is necessary to work up the zones on the face, the neck, the head or the painful zones on the body and the extremities. In some cases, it can be very effective to stimulate the areas symmetric to the painful areas. For example, if you feel pain in the right leg or arm, stimulate the symmetric area located on the left leg or arm. How to apply the applicator for the thyroid gland illness? The pathology of the thyroid gland is always accompanied with the pathology of the neck part of the spine. That is why, it is necessary to stimulate this part of the spine with the applicator plate or the applicator roller. It is also effective to stimulate additional zones: sacrococcygeal zone and the zone of adrenal glands.

You should finish the session with the stimulation of the feet. You should pay particular attention to the region where the second phalanx of the big toe joins the foot, stimulate both the sole and upper sides of each foot. A child has a weak arm. Can the Lyapko applicator help? Yes of course. One of the possible causes of such situation is birth injury or an injury, sustained earlier in life, which caused joint displacement and nerve incarceration. Even if the problem has genetic origin, it is possible to help, to improve the nerve and the joint condition, to promote proper development of the muscles and the nerves. General condition of the body is always connected with the condition of the spine. It is necessary to stimulate the zones located paravertebrally in the neck and chest parts of the spine, and then apply the applicator to the hand, and then to the forearm and the shoulder on the affected arm. To make the effect more potent, it is advisable to stimulate the symmetric zones located on the unaffected arm and the feet. At the end of the session it is possible to apply segmental massage with the massager Pharaoh. To achieve positive dynamics, it is necessary to do treatment regularly and for a long time. After an elbow joint injury the hand has party lost its mobility. Is it possible to apply the applicator and how? It is just necessary to use the applicator for rehabilitation, as in consequence of the injury there has happened ulnar and radial nerves paresis. The integrity of the bones have been restored, they have knitted. But, it often happens that there appear pathological foci in the shoulder joint, the radial joint, and the neck part of the spine which is, also, damaged as there are displacement or stagnation processes caused by forced restriction of mobility. The only way to normalize and to restore the functions of the diseased organ, joint or part of the spine is to affect all the pathological foci. Applying the applicator, you can produce only positive effect, as the method is founded on the basic principle of medicine: Do not do harm, use natural healing abilities of the body. It is necessary to stimulate neck and bronchial plexus with the applicator. The

regions of the shoulder joint, the elbow joint, the forearm and the arm should also be included into treatment. To make the effect more potent, it is advisable to apply the applicators to the symmetric zones located on the unaffected side or on the foot. It is possible to do any harm, applying the applicator? No, it is not. Moreover, applying the applicator, you mobilize all the protective powers of the body to fight against an illness, and you win. You should simply be attentive to your feelings, and to apply the applicator correctly. There must be pleasant sensations only. Attentively read the section How to apply the applicator? again, how to lay the applicator correctly, what you should do if you experience discomfort for a long time. The treatment must bring relief, peace and relaxation. It must give you energy, increase working capacity, and restore harmony. How not to buy a counterfeit? The Lyapko applicator has become widely popular among various population groups. It is applied in different medical institutions. That is why there have appeared substandard articles which do not have any certificates. They are sold by dishonest operators who exploit our brand name, advertising materials, and, what is the most important, popularity and efficiency of our applicators. The process of the Lyapko applicator production is extremely labor-intensive and expensive, as we use original technology and raw materials of the best quality. True Lyapko applicator has a base made of high-quality medical rubber which can easily be distinguished from ordinary industrial rubber by its look, odor and elasticity. We use rubber of different colors. Every applicator is characterized by diversity of color and coloration. The applicator has a one-piece-cast base, which ensures its reliability and durability. Special bulges in the basic of the plate make it possible to fix the needles reliably: they neither come out nor tilt. Besides, the bulges protect the skin from pricking. All the needles and coatings are made of pure metals and satisfy al the requirements of Ukrainian Ministry of Public Health.

How to disinfect the applicator? The applicators, in the course of their use, contact with the skin without damaging it, so there is no contact with blood. In medical institutions they must be disinfected after a session of applications. It is possible to use: air method or chemical method disinfection (apply the preparations that do not contain chlorine). If the applicator is used individually (or by the members of a family) they do not need disinfection. Sanitary care of the applicator includes cleaning with detergent, washing with running water, and drying with a flow of hot air (with a hair-dryer). When you dry the applicator, hold the hair-dryer at the closest possible distance from the needles.

Applicator Belt Curing while moving double effect!

You are very busy and have no time to use the applicator? You cant take yourself away from watching your favourite TV show or from your computer? You would like to use the applicator, but youve got no time to lie on it? The applicator belt will solve all these problems.

Now the surface acupuncture procedure has become even simpler in design, convenient for patients and widely accessible. Due to reliable fixing locks the applicator is attached directly to the pain zone, the zone of reflected pain, the zone of pain irradiation or the projection zone of the affected organ, the zone of biologically active points and meridians.

The fixing locks ensure uniform pressure of the applicator against the surface of the body and enable a person to move freely, to go on with his/her work and to be treated at the same time. One can attach the applicator himself, without any assistance from outside the process of attachment is simple, quick and reliable onto any part of the body, extremities, and joints. This is facilitated by adjustable length of the belt.

Treatment sance duration depends on the type of action required: - toning 7 to 10 minutes; - relaxation 20 minutes to 2 hours; - elimination of acute pain 10 to 15 minutes; - alleviation of chronic pain 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Volshebnaya Lenta (Magic Ribbon) Applicator Belt is a specifically designed Lyapko applicator. It features numerous movable needle elements due to which the belt can be uniformly or selectively attached to the parts of the body that are quite different in size (perimeter), thus many times increasing the action zone and ensuring free movement (mobility). Properties Large action zone, active participation of practically all acupuncture points of the area treated in the recuperation process, adjustable pressure against surfaces, a possibility to move freely during a treatment sance without a risk of damaging skin.

Magic Ribbon Applicator Belt is an efficient means of eliminating pain, normalizing blood flow in cases of blood vessels disorders in extremities (varicosity, endarteritis, angiopathy), it improves microcirculation and trophism, eliminates lymph stasis, actively fights cellulites and obesity.

When the needle elements are moved like stones of the abacus, there appear several variants of action on the human body as far as efficiency and intensity of treatment are concerned:

1. Harmonized action is conducted by means of even bandaging of extremities or certain segments of the trunk. 2. Concentrated action is carried out by shifting maximum number of the needle elements of the ribbon towards each other on the minimal length in order to treat the required zones. 3. Diffused action is achieved by shifting the needle elements away from each other on the ribbon and attaching them to the trouble zones or to the zone of biologically active points, leaving some areas of the ribbon vacant. 4. Selective action is carried out by moving the needle elements towards each other, thus concentrating them in one zone and de-concentrating elsewhere.

If necessary, action zones can be changed without removing the applicator. Duration of action depends on the status of the pathological process involved: - in case of acute forms of illnesses 10 to 15 minutes, 1-2 times a day; - in case of chronic forms of illnesses 20-50 minutes, 1-3 times a day. Pharaon (Pharaoh) and Tetrakom massagers

Produced by Lyapko Company, Pharaon and Tetrakom massagers are made of ecologically pure material used in the sphere of medicine. The massagers can be applied by all the members of your family, disregarding the peoples age. One does not need any special habits to use the massagers. It will be quite satisfactory simply to refer to the instructions included.

Pharaon and Tetrakom massagers are a wonderful therapeutic means. They can ease pain in case of osteochondrosis, migraine, can remove muscle spasms and pains, improve blood and lymph flow, tone up the skin.

The massager will quickly remove your fatigue, will assist in relieving stress and improving the mood. With the help of Pharaon and Tetrakom massagers one can give classical, pointillage and anti-cellulites massage. The massagers allow to perform the main massaging modes: stroking, rubbing, both surface and deep kneading of muscles, vibration movements.

Pharaon and Tetrakom manual massagers are recommended for home utilization as well as in centres for massage and manual therapy, classes for therapeutic physical training, rehabilitation centres and other medical institutions.

Note. Unlike other existing massagers, Pharaon has significantly more pronounced massaging properties. Its four planes with different curvature radii of the working protrusions enable to give four kinds of general and segmental massage as well as five types of pointillage massage.

Alternate use of each side of the massager gives different sensations, which ensures universal qualities of the massager: selecting properties for any particular age, body weight, threshold of sensitivity, and for any specific problem. One cannot achieve this using any other massagers. Pharaon massager produces a beneficial effect on the energy condition of a person, which positively influences the immune system, and this, in its turn, stabilizes general health condition.

During massage and after it, the tissues generate good vibrations of high intensity which correct negative and weak vibrations of the impaired tissues making them vibrate with a proper rhythm.

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