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Anatomy- Study of body structure Physiology- study of how the body functions, how the body parts accomplish

their functions Division of human anatomy Gross Anatomy (Macroscopic) Histology (microscopic) Developmental anatomy (Embryology) Neuroanatomy

Cell -fundamental unit of structure of all living things Tissue specialized group of cells Epithelial connective vascular Muscular nervous Organ- group of fundamental tissues bound together perform a given function System Group of organs similar in origin & structure united together perform a given function

Body Systems A. Integumentary system: Skin & its appendages hair, nail, sweat glands, sebaceous glands cutaneous sense organs. - Function: Protection, sensation, thermoregulation B. Muscular system: Skeletal muscle, Connective tissue - Function: Movement by contracting & maintain posture, generates heat C. Skeletal system: Basic framework of the body 200 bones and joints cartilages and tendons - Function: support and protection, motion, stores minerals, cavities provide a site for blood formation D. Respiratory system: Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs - Function: provide oxygen, get rid of excess CO2 E. Circulatory system: Heart, blood and blood vessels - Function: supply & transport of nutrients, maintain homeostasis F. Digestive system: mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, accessory structures ( teeth, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas) -function: ingestion, digestion, absorotion of food, elimination of waste products G. Lymphatic / Immune system: lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils -function: houses cells that act in immune response to protect body from foreign substances, cleanses blood of pathogens & other debris. H. Urinary system: Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra -function: regulation of acid-base balance elimination of waste product I. Nervous system: Brain, spinal cord, nerves special sense organs -function correlate nerve impulses in the sensory centers & to coordinate nerve impulses in the motor centers


Endocrine system: thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, adrenals, thymus, Islands of Langerhans in the pancreas, pineal gland, ovaries, testes -function: contribute body fluids, specific substances which affect activity of other cells & organs K. Reproductive system: genitals & internal structures -function: perpetuation of human specie- concerned with the production of offspring

All these systems--- interrelated & dependent on One another SKELETON does not SUPPORT unless assisted by the MUSCULAR, NERVOUS, CIRCULATORY & other systems.

Body Processes Metabolism- sum of all the chemical & physical changestake place within the body, enable continued growth & function Catabolism- complex substances digested food nutrients> broken down> simple compounds> release energy Anabolism- simple compounds growth, function & repair of tissues

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Adenine, ribose, 3phosphate groups Occurs in cells; energy currency Energy obtained from breakdown of nutrients

EXTRACELLULAR FLUID = body fluid outside the cell ----- INTERACELLULAR FLUID = body fluid inside the cell-----------

60% of adult weight

HOMEOSTASIS= physiologic process by which internal systems of the body are maintained at equilibrium. E.g.: blood pressure, body temp. acid- base balance.

ANATOMICAL POSITION .body standing erect facing observer .arms hanging at the side .palms facing forward .feet together flat on the ground

Descriptive terms in relation to position Superior= above; higher position Inferior= below Ventral & anterior= located toward the belly Dorsal & posterior= nearer the back Cranial= nearer the head Caudal= nearer the sacral region of the spinal cord (tail- in lower animals) Medial= nearer midline of the body Lateral= farther from the midline, toward the side Proximal= nearer the point of origin of a part Distal= farther from the point of origin of a part Superficial= toward or on the surface of the body Deep= away from the surface of the body

SURFACE ANATOMY Anterior body landmarks

Abdominal, femoral, pelvic, antecubital, inguinal, peroneal, axillary, mammary, pubic, buccal, manus, sternal, carpal, nasal, tarsal, cervical, oral, thoracic, acromial, orbital, umbilical, digital, brachial, patellar Posterior Body Landmarks

Cephalic-head Scapular- shoulder blade Lumbar- between the ribs & hips; loin Vertebral-spinal column Popliteal- back of the knee Gluteal- buttocks or rump Sural- calf or posterior surface of leg Occipital- posterior aspect of head or base of skull Fundamental Planes Sagittal= vertical line, divides body into R & L unequally. Mid-Sagittal= Median; R & L equally Frontal= Coronal, Divide body into anterior (front) & posterior (Back) parts. Transverse= Horizontal; Cross section, Divide the body into superior & inferior parts. Hypochondriac (TOP) Lumbar (MID) Iliac (BOTTOM) Epigastric (TOP) umbilical (MID) hypogastric (BOTTOM)

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