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1 attunement.
Germain Ian Henderson Marjo van Weenen


The Divine healing symbol.

Email:[email protected]

Updated May 2012

Shambhala Oneness 1st attunement

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Index Introduction Shambhala Oneness Shambhala oneness the 1st symbol What is oneness 5 consciousness levels A healing session Blockages Brain Balancing Speech Nelson Mandela What can you expect in the following attunements? 2 2 -3- 4 5- 6- 7 78 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - 15

Before we start with Shambhala oneness we wish to give recognition and thanks to those that went before us, Dr Usui and his work with reiki, then John Armitage for his work with Shambhala MDH and of course we cannot forget our dear friend St Germain for his love, perseverance and patience with us in bringing through this update bringing it in to the now moment more appropriate for where our collective consciousness is right now. Ian Henderson and Marjo van Weenen have added tips and tools to make humanities journey to ascension lighter and easier explaining many of the experiences humanity is going through right now and or will be in the near future. We have given it the name Shambhala Oneness and we are certain that you will find as you journey through the materials, films and images with us that it leads one to the doorway of Oneness. Shambhala Oneness is much more than just an attunement, it is also an education and most definitely an expansion of conscious awareness. During their journey in Shambhala MDH, Ian and Marjo have done more than a thousand attunements all around the globe. It is safe to say that because of their experiences they were being fully prepared to receive the materials for Shambhala Oneness from June 2009 right up until they were totally satisfied with it in November 2010 when they released the completed version (update) in Holland. We use the term attunement because in fact that is what happens. You are essentially being opened and attuned to another way of being. It will become intricately clear as you work through the course/attunement that they worked from the combined principle of electric and magnetic energies, fully balanced and connected to oneness energy. Having given so many MDH attunements in their own words: We have received so many gifts in the form of meditations, symbols, exercises and films because of all the work we did, we knew it was time to give it back to the world. At the beginning of each of the teaching materials/files, you will notice there are exercises, rituals, symbols or meditations that have been specifically given to empower the student to his/her maximal potential. The materials were provided by Master Germain, the Lords and Ladies of Shambhala and a whole host of light masters. There have been so many they chose to use the name T.E.A.M. and how appropriate because the abbreviation stands for: Together everyone achieves more. You will notice along the way that we always emphasize that the greatest growth potential is achieved by making sure you work through and with all the materials, symbols and videos before you make an appointment to receive the attunement.

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Everything you receive during the five attunements is designed to enter at a low level of consciousknowing and steadily expands towards the end. It will raise your vibrations, your insights and knowledge assisting you to understand and cope more with ascension while remaining in the physical body. Having said that, we are fully aware that all we are doing is sowing seeds. It is up to the student what he or she does with those seeds. Your own free will dictates how and when you integrate the materials. Being willing to do so will bring you awareness of at the very least your ego consciousness which we have learned is an essential part of the ascension path towards ONENESS. It is up to you the student and is YOUR responsibility as to what you do with these seeds. The whole course is designed to reach deeper than ever before and you will find it extremely educational. Having said that! We emphasize yet again that it is YOU, together with your guides that will be doing the work. We will take you by the hand and guide you along the way, but the end result will depend on you. The end result can deliver you mastery, kundalini awakening, your holy grail, divine alchemy, Christ consciousness and in the end balance with your holy trinity, leading you to oneness. We wish you a wonderful experience on your journey back to oneness. Note: In the materials you will often find we use the terms master and student. We feel that much of the materials are for so many so new, that you will find you are both the master and the student at the same time. Special Note: During the course of all these materials, you will indeed be tested, or perhaps we should say, your ego will be tested. It is important to always remember that we have purposely built these ego teasers into the materials. Just to provide you with a heads up on some of them: Small spelling mistakes, you are probably not used to two people leading a meditation, note mentally what happens when you come up against this and place your comments in the Forum. Any questions you may have during the course can always be placed in the Forum, we built it to assist you. Please use it. To receive the highest potential from the first attunement we strongly recommend you view the following videos as often as you need to in order to make them your own. As for the rituals, do those until you feel you have integrated them within yourself? This applies also to the materials and symbols. Introduction Shambhala Oneness. 1. 1a.

What it will do for you .

2. Listen the First time to the introduction so that you may gain the greatest understanding and advantage out of the exercise: Cutting negative or karmic ties: 2a. The exercise/ritual: Cutting negative ties 3. Listen first for the same reason to the introduction: The Crystaline temples
3a. The journey to the Crystaline temples of Shambhala.
4. The seven directions ritual: Feel energy flow through you perhaps for the First time ever. Do this before a healing session or an attunement and you will notice a huge difference in your energy.

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From Shambhala Multi Dimensional Healing to Shambhala Oneness.

Ian V. Henderson and Marjo van Weenen If you have already read the history file you will perhaps have noticed that in a relatively short space of time (apr: 200 yr) humanity has made huge steps forward in her evolution. You may also have noticed how Master Germain chose two earthbound beings in the form of Dr. Usui (reiki) and John Armitage. (Shambhala MDH) Humanity on a whole will forever be in gratitude for these two special energies. You will also have noticed having seen the differences between reiki and Shambhala MDH how rapidly humanity consciously and collectively on a whole has developed. If you take a close look at the two the differences are: Reiki is a more earth bound energy and more bound by rules and regulations which if you think about it for a moment and note the timeline and place in which it was given to us and initially introduced to the world is quite logical. Shamballa as it was originally brought through by John is much more about freedom and our Multi dimensional being. It also brings us a step closer to remembering who and what we truly are. Our gratitude is most definitely extended to these two grand earthly masters. We have created a special separate file that you will receive along with the first attunement material which we have appropriately called History. This file contains some history over reiki and Shambhala MDH. This history file is not an essential part of the attunement/course, we added it specifically for those that are curious about the history of these energies. Reading it does give a perspective on how rapidly humanity has evolved during the last hundred years and most definitely during the last 14 plus years since John brought Shambhala MDH into the world. And then! We have to admit that when Germain came to us with the request to upgrade the energies of Shambhala we were not very keen. We were extremely busy with our own projects at that time and didnt really feel like adding more to that workload. We first asked if he could perhaps find someone else to take on this responsibility. Fortunately Germain was patient with us and waited a short while until our resistance was at a lower ebb. It became quite obvious as we were reading through the materials we had for Shambhala MDH how much humanity on a collective level had grown since 1996/8. A lot of the material is/was out of date. In truth we were somewhat shocked how in the space of just over a decade how huge the leap our collective consciousness had made since John had channeled the MDH system. It also opened us up to be willing to take on the task and in a way it made our hearts sing with the confirmation that humanity is most definitely evolving very rapidly. It is also an awesome confirmation for us that we are indeed all working on returning to oneness. In a way it came as no surprise to us when Germain began to show us how we had been receiving symbols and materials, that we too were being prepared during the past 6 years or so to take on this task. Shambhala Oneness is yet again an evolutionary leap for humanity. Enough people have achieved the level of consciousness to be able to understand, accept and integrate the oneness material. According to Germain it is now possible to begin to spread these materials around the planet. What we have added to the wonderful energies that john brought through are; less, yet more powerful symbols, educational films that are more in line with the times we are now living and where we are headed. Germain is quite clear that all we have received in the past few years and what you will find in these materials have several purposes. First of all it is no longer just an attunement, it is also an ongoing education. By the end you will have for all intent and purposes have been upgraded, just like these

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materials. Hahahaha . At first it wasnt quite clear to us what Germain meant by this, now that we have completed the whole package we can clearly see his intentions. We are confident that you will too. During the course of receiving all the materials, he explained to us that it will assist the student to recognize ego consciousness, help them move into conscious consciousness and finally into God consciousness. There are several reasons why he makes this statement. All around we see the masses awakening and during this process it is clear to see how challenging it is to move away from old thought patterns and programming. In the years between Shambhala MDH from John and after those years of observing how humanity is making its evolutionary leap he came up with what you are receiving here. People who are in ego consciousness mostly still require clear guidelines and lack the trust to make the leap into conscious or intuitive consciousness. By the time you complete this journey with us, you will most definitely have much more trust and know how. This is one of the reasons he worked with us for so long to prepare this journey which is as we have mentioned not only an attunement, but most definitely also an education. Each symbol carries with it a clear explanation of what its use, power and purpose is. Every written document achieves the same and finally the videos. Each one is strategically numbered so that as each one is viewed the insight and vibrations of the student are continually being raised. Germain found that this had the highest potential to reach the greatest amount of people and had a potentially higher success rate. This is also one of the reasons we were asked to give the videos away as one of our free heart gifts. There is another very important new aspect within the Shambhala oneness materials and that is the balanced Goddess energies. This too is integrated in all the symbols, all the writings, meditations and most of the videos. During the attunement we no longer focus on the God energy or Christ consciousness, we also focus on the divine Goddess energy as it too is activated. You will most definitely find this in each of the symbols as they were given in such a way that all aspects within yourself are brought first into balance and then to ever higher levels of oneness. Oneness begins within and once it is balanced within it appears all around us. This is gradually raised so that it is never overwhelming for the student and the master. Inside these materials we also discover new ways to travel through timelines and dimensions. We discover how to work with our splinter selves and how we can work with those achieving yet another way of returning back to oneness. And now here you are, you have received the materials or are about to. Germain wishes to emphasize that Shambhala still represents freedom, though he does mention that the freedom we might imagine it to be could at first glance not appear as such. To achieve absolute freedom there are a few steps to be taken along the way. Some parts of the materials might not at first look like freedom. However, Germain emphasizes that the end result is a freedom that very few have experienced here on earth. You will see that new insights are offered for instance around personal responsibility that for many might appear somewhat strange. Here too he asks your indulgence until the end of the journey together and because we have had the privilege to witness this happening first hand, we are now in total agreement with him. We can absolutely see the results as we work together with the whole of our collective consciousness in mind. The 1st attunement. (There are five attunements in total in Shambhala Oneness.) In the First materials you will also receive the history file so that you may gain a greater understanding of how humanity has indeed taken huge leaps in her evolution. You learn the first steps to deeper levels of healing self and others simply by intention. You learn also the importance of balancing the electric (male) and the magnetic (female) self within you. The 2nd attunement. In the second attunement symbols and information is provided on how to work with distant healing. Ask your teacher for a separate session so that they can share more information on this. Later on in the

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master guidelines we provide more information and videos which your teacher should have in their possession. In this attunement we also delve deeper into the evolutionary leap around the goddess energy and the importance of her equal role within our ascension process. We guide first from within which results in the expansion outside ourselves and even worldwide. Here we show how balance is essential and how moving beyond duality into triality is achieved through it. We also provide a great deal of information around the ego and how to transform it into love. The 3rd attunement. In the third attunement more new symbols are provided along with educational films that achieve increasingly higher vibrational frequencies and inner truths. Gone are the times that responsibility can be denied both from the point of view from the student and the master. We also go much deeper into our energy systems in this attunement. The 4th attunement. In the old 4th attunement in Shambhala MDH it was said that we received 352 symbols. The 8 new symbols within Shambhala Oneness no longer make so many symbols necessary as they are now integrated in the new. You will experience that not only are these new symbols more powerful, they are a great deal easier to work with and work on more levels. In this attunement we also touch on the importance of communication, soul agreements and soul splinters. The 5th attunement. The 5th attunement is the masters level in Shambhala Oneness and contains more videos, insights and additional high vibrational information. It also is made abundantly clear why Germain chose this method of attunement/education. In this final attunement new symbols are added and all are activated within the system. It is the intention to also spend time showing the new student how to do attunements and healing sessions hands on. The 5th attunement is clearly more about transcending ego consciousness and remaining for longer periods in conscious consciousness and eventually making the leap into God consciousness. Information is provided so that you too can offer these attunements to others and though at the moment you might not feel you will want to; do not be surprised if it becomes a part of your journey. Namaste from Germain, Ian Victor Henderson and Marjo van Weenen.

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Shambhala Oneness (the first symbol).

By now you may well have watched the infinity symbol video at least a couple of times. The importance and power contained within this symbol will become very evident as you travel the journey of Shambhala Oneness. Also you only need to look at the outside World and even though there are a great many places in the World that are still run by the patriarchal dynasties there is evidence everywhere that it is changing. In the original plan for this universe it was intended that the male and female energies were to work together in harmony, balance and equality utilizing to the fullest both their qualities. Looking at the symbol as it was originally shown to us, you can clearly see that there is a dividing line.

When the infinity symbol was first shown in this form to Ian by Germain he was naturally curious why the little bar in the middle was present. Germain explained that energetically it was simply the state of being that humanity was in at this moment in time. He also made sure to mention that there are a great many people who understand and have remembered that it is necessary to integrate the two within ourselves. Many are now diligently working on balancing the male and female energies within them. Looking at the infinity symbol and seeing the one half as Gold (male) and the other half as Silver (female), then intending to allow the energies to flow around the infinity symbol the two mix and merge. It is where the two come together in the center that the magic begins. If one is able to see what is happening there on a multi-dimensional level (or with the inner eye), it appears that the bar disappears and instead a steady stream of beautiful blue sparks emanates from the center of the symbol. Though not much of an artist we have attempted via the following image to show how we see this happening.

The blue sparks merge back into the symbol eventually also becoming a part of the gold and silver flow. When these all begin to merge with each other it automatically raises the energy and one will eventually see how the total color flow has become a platinum energy. The more one works with this energy principle the more the energy is raised and the more the two halves come into a balanced state and the result is clearly felt within you. Although after the platinum, other colors can appear, this will vary from individual to individual. If you are willing to work with it until it changes to an opalescent color something quite magical takes place. Where in the beginning you started by working with the infinity symbol it will eventually unravel its self and

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become ONE whole opalescent circle. No beginning, no end; ONENESS in its most perfect state. The result of which, the more you can hold the circle the more you integrate the third part of you. Your God Creator BEING. Though of course it is not necessary it becomes more obvious why Ian and Marjo choose to do the attunements together. Ian represents the male god energy and Marjo the female goddess energy. This added another dimension to their attunements. Because Marjo and Ian have been doing them for a while now, they have found it a lot of fun to switch roles whereby Marjo will do the male god energy and Ian the female goddess energy. Even doing them alone and or still giving the old MDH attunements it has brought raised energies and frequencies because the goddess energy is now being added to the attunement. In the old MDH it was mostly about integrating the Christ-consciousness energy which meant that the energy was still patriarchal. Since John received the MDH system so much has changed and we are much more advanced on a collective level. Basically we are ready to integrate the male god and the female goddess energy together. When this is achieved within the individual they become much more aware of BEING the ONE. It initiates and expands the connection to the higher self helping the student to live their lives from the higher self. 5. Your experiences and growth within this new form of Shambhala will be greatly enhanced by working with the infinity symbol. We have also made a film to explain some of the aspects of the infinity symbol. A little further into the materials we have also added a written explanation. 5a. This video expands upon the previous infinity symbol video with new and added information.

What is Oneness?
Oneness is the knowing that we are all one, that everything is created from one unlimited energy source, God consciousness. For the evolution and expansion of the soul it was necessary to experience duality and so it was. God consciousness split itself further in two which became electric and magnetic energy. Two often total opposites and this became the principle of this universe. The yin-yang principle, male/female was birthed. To fully experience this it was also necessary to separate ourselves from God consciousness and so the veil of forgetfulness was created. We no longer remembered our connection to God consciousness. It no longer remembered oneness. It is now time to remember this oneness and return to (oneness) God consciousness. We are starting to remember more and more of who and what we are. Duality is moving continually closer to triality in which god consciousness is being experienced more regularly in Oneness and the veils of forgetfulness are slowly fading. Our souls have travelled a long journey and to make this a little more visible we will share the five consciousness levels visible as soul evolution.

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5 consciousness levels.
The consciousness level we refer to here is a way to measure the development of the soul and this on a personal, national and continental as a collective. It is a state of BEING in which men can measure where consciousness is at. Unconscious unconsciousness level: Totally disconnected from feelings/emotions. It will be generally found that people in this consciousness have no connections to their feelings or emotions. There is no concept of guilt or conscience. People living in this consciousness can be described as robot like following orders or thoughts devoid of emotion. Animalistic consciousness: Usually is not conscious of anything outside its self or own family or pack. Example, a human that is willing to kill another human just because it can is even lower in consciousness than animalistic consciousness. An animal will generally only kill to feed its self, family, defend its territory or to pass on its genes. This is also animal instinct. Of course we may not forget that there is another side to this consciousness which is generally found in our pets and they are a magnificent example of how unconditional love is given without reason and in many different ways. Ego-consciousness: In this consciousness everything generally revolves around the individual and or is a survival mechanism. Ego literally means I. Generally one is conscious of the self and not that it is a part of a larger plan. Everything is geared to the survival or betterment of the self. Ego consciousness rarely acknowledges: togetherness, equality, altruism, sociality, etc. It is predominantly focused on the self and is also a survival mechanism that comes forth from fear, for instance, lack, uncertainty, death, etc. In this state of being one is usually closed off from feelings and or the outside world. Conscious Consciousness: In this level of consciousness one is generally fully aware that we are all part of a larger whole. In this consciousness we acknowledge what the ego is and does. Because of this awareness one is able to make conscious choices that will almost always be for ones greatest good. In this consciousness state one is also very aware of duality, is often able to see both polarities and therefore more often than not able to make choices that will be for the greater good and experiencing oneness. God consciousness: In this level of consciousness we are fully aware that we are the creators of our experiences and accept our god self and are continually integrating and experiencing within this frame of reference. In this level one has generally totally released and or transformed the ego. All choices are made from the energy of love and are always geared towards collective consciousness on all levels and in all kingdoms. Video providing information on consciousness levels: 6. 7. Is a gift from Marjo and Ian containing a meditation to integrate the 3 most important levels.

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A healing session:
Two important guidelines: It is important that the person wishing the healing, requests it themselves. If that is not possible one can always connect to their higher self and ask permission. By asking one is verbally bringing forth in energy form (the voice) via the throat chakra which always empowers the healing. A statement such as: I now choose to change my circumstances; I wish to change my current experiences. Obviously it is also possible to request a healing on a specific area or goal. By verbally requesting the healing, it is also acknowledging that it is a conscious choice to heal. Verbally requesting is also adding energy, strength, power to it which will connect more powerfully on a soul level. As a Shambhala Oneness healer it is essential to remember that you are simply the conduit for the energies through which they may flow. In truth it is always the person requesting that is accepting the healing that is making the difference. Further on in the course we provide more information and videos on how we orchestrate healing sessions. If you ever receive a no when requesting whether or not you may do a healing? It is important that you acknowledge it. It may well be that the person you are requesting the healing for has desired on a soul agreement level to experience what it is that is happening to them. (We will be going into soul agreements in great detail later on in the attunements.)

Energy exchange:
The healing energy comes forth from the Universe and God. However, it is always recommended that a creative exchange from the recipient to the person whose time and services are being rendered for the healing. Giving something for nothing causes an imbalance by the unpaid obligation. An energy exchange maintains balance. Energy exchange can be anything from the stored concept of energy that we call money to any exchange of services between the healee and the healer. Shambhala oneness healers offering services on a professional level do establish a fee. This fee sets a value on the service, which is considered a concrete reality in the thinking of humankind. Wellness, likewise, has a value and ultimately reflects the feeling of worthiness and self-love of the person seeking to change their state of health. This first image shows how the cycle of energy This image shows how the cycle is completed, stops if there is no energy exchange. You see what either through receiving payment or through is happening here? Be creative with the energy creative use of the recipients skills, time, etc. The concept! energy cycle is completed.

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During our own journey with these energies we have created many completed cycles of energy. Some of the cycles were completed because we found a creative way the recipient could help someone else. We were happy with the exchange of energies, even though it did not come directly back to us, we know in our hearts that it will. Blockages. We have chosen to place this topic in the first attunement because it is only when we are aware of certain aspects of our behavior, habits etc that we can consciously choose to take steps to make changes. For the most part this section is about words and how we use them. Understanding this will serve you greatly as you experience the full course of Shambhala Oneness. A powerful example: Awareness is the beginning of the healing journey. When one fully understands what this statement means and the multiple meanings, you are well on your way. Often, without even realizing it we are creating barriers and blockages by the words, terminology we use in our daily reactions and interactions. It is important to remember at all times that the universe does not judge and we are always given what we ask for. Having said that, from the perspective of the soul or higherself we have found during many years of experience that it is not always the case that we get what we ask for. It is for instance in making statements such as: I do not want I cant . I wont . are just a few short examples. What the higherself or soul is hearing in these cases is: In the physical experience, I have not yet understood the power of my words. In this case you will be provided with more experiences along similar lines until one does learn. Another of our favorites is: YOU are the captain of your ship. In this we are referring to your words with regards to your physical body. Listen to people around you or even yourself when they/you talk about illnesses happening in their/your life. How often do they/you use the word my . It is always important to learn how you are communicating to the cells etc in your body, they will and do obey every command. This is just one example, but it relates in principle to you being the experience and also in a way owning the experience. Your thoughts/words are passing consciously or subconsciously commands to the cells. Knowing this, we encourage you to look at this and experiment with it. Enjoy this video as we give some examples of what happens within the physical body. 8. (Blockages)

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Brain balancing.
"Brain balancing" is a simple and effective technique. Brain balancing balances the energy between the two hemispheres of the brain. Brain balancing has been used to help ease headaches, to help control epilepsy, and to help with dyslexia. The technique of channeling energy one direction and then the other direction can be used on all parts of the body, to help ease pain and blocks. When you brain balance your partner, you become balanced in the process. 1. Work with a partner. You can sit comfortably on the floor with your back supported and your partner can put their head in your lap. Or, if you are working on a massage table, your partner can lay on their back and you can stand or sit at their head. Or, if your partner is sitting in a chair, you can stand behind the chair. You can brain balance someone almost anywhere. 2. Connect to the earth and start earth energy running through your arms and hands as described earlier (see Grounding, page 18 in History file) 3. Gently place the two or three middle fingers of each hand on your partner's head about one inch above their ears. You will feel a slight indentation where two skull bones meet (squamosal suture). 4. Now, channel earth energy through only one hand, through your partner's brain, into your other hand. Allow the other hand to be neutral and receptive, and notice when the energy you put into the brain comes out the other side. Notice the resistance (how easy or difficult it is to move the energy) in your partners brain. 5. Channel energy in one direction until you feel it in your receiving hand (until it gets through your partner's brain), then channel energy in the other direction. 6. Continue channeling energy through your partner's brain, switching directions when you feel the energy reach your receptive hand, until the resistance between your hands is the same in both directions. 7. Brain balancing takes about 3 to 5 minutes, and can be done every day or two. 8. When you brain balance someone, you become balanced in the process. Note. We personally find that by lying down on the floor, with our arms "resting" on the floor. We place our hands in a comfortable position approximately 2 to 3 inches away from our head, we were much more able and comfortable with this exercise when doing it on our self.

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Inauguration speech from Nelson Mandela.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Nelson Mandela 1994 Inaugural Speech Author: Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love.

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What we can expect in the following attunements in Shambhala Oneness. Shambhala Oneness 2.
Index Intro Shambhala Oneness 2nd attunement Working with the 2 original Reiki symbols Working with the ascended masters and the etheric medical team. Healing on a cellular level and ascension symptoms Signature cell healing method. What is the ego! Transformation of the ego What is Karma? Labels: Observing, judging or judgment. Acceptance and surrender. From negatives to positives. Soul agreements, reincarnation, resistance, struggle and surrender The result and goal of the 2nd Shambhala Oneness attunement

Shambhala Oneness 3.
Index Introduction into Shambhala Oneness, attunement 3 Hara-line Meridians Magnetic/Electric energy The four bodies Three Consciousness forms Living mindfully Living heartfully Our emotions and our inner child How to heal the inner child The chakras Heart meditation

Shambhala Oneness 4.
Index and introduction 4th Attunement Dimensions Time symbol Flower of completion Communication Example: birth contract Ian Example: birth contract Marjo Soul agreements with family Soul agreements with partners

Shambhala Oneness 5.
The Golden Flower of Life symbol The Oneness Symbol About the course

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Soul agreements Splinters Transparent fingers Competition 3 Special glands Kundalini Mer ka ba The Tree of Life The Tree of Life and Kabala The attunements Attunement instructions for all levels Symbols for visualisation and placement in the chakras Hands on Epilogue 12-pointed star

Shambhala Masters Guidelines.

Intructions for Shambhala Oneness Masters. Confirmations. How we do distant attunements? After the attunement. Shambhala Oneness. Why we chose many topics and often only touched upon them lightly! Responsibility. Fluidity. Advice. Questions and answers. Updates of the material: A copy of the certificate: Advertise yourself via the Shambhala Oneness masterslist. Advertisement you can use on your personal website for Shambhala Oneness. Extra advertising for the Shambhala Oneness website for you and us all. Valuable books, films, enz. Please remember that our central point for providing information and updates is the Forum: Become a member and help us to expand Shambhala Oneness:

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