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Generating Fire Without Matches / Also a Power Spell Take a white candle and rub olive oil on it while

chanting : "Power, power come to me" Visualize the area in which you want the power. Do this for 10 mins. Repeat with a black candle. Light them both and let them burn down. Next morning you should be able to generate fire/power that is required.

Energy Exercize Practice putting on the energy of______. If you want to have more money, practice putting on the energy of abundance. Visualize yourself in a cloak that is filled with the energy of abundance, or whatever else you want to experience in your life. If you want to be more gregarious, imagine putting on a cloak that makes you friendlier. Practice putting on various forms of positive energy. Practice feeling emotional energy fields around you. Notice all the details and all the sensations that your mind would normally filter out about the events around you.

Spell To Charge Tea With Power

Over your cup of tea, move your hand in a clockwise direction 3 times and say: "I am the tool you are the fire fill this cup with all I desire." Swirl the tea in the cup and drink it.

A Spell To Gain Energy

Materials: bright red or orange candle spicy incense glass of clear pure cold water

bowl of sea salt

If is sunny out you may want to start the spell by going outside for a few minutes and breathing in some fresh air. Sit in front of the candle and say: "Give me energy to happily complete the task I have been given to do. I will feel better for having done it. The completion of the task will be my reward." Sprinkle the sea salt around the candle and say, "Give me strength, O sacred Earth." Pass your hand near the candle and say "Give me strength O sacred Fire." Pass your hand through the smoke of the incense and say, "Give me strength, O sacred Air." Drink the water down and say "Give me strength O sacred water." Now immediately get up and go do your task.

Capricorn Energy Spell For a spell to tap into the Capricornian urge to build, you will need an 8 * by 11inch piece of graph paper and a pencil or a pen. On a Sadation that you need to create. Draw the symbols of Saturn (V) and Capricorn (a) on the paper, then write a list of your ancestors on the back of the paper. Each day, fill in one line of boxes by coloring them in with colored pencils as your burn your favorite incense. Repeat your intentions mentally or aloud as your work on the paper. After you complete each line, fold the paper into a square and place under a bowl that contains salt and dirt. When your desire manifests, bury the paper, the salt, and the dirt in your backyard.

Spell For Removal Of Negative Energies This is to help you rid yourself of other people's negative energies that might have rubbed off on you. Visualize a tiny hole in the small of your back. Move the negative energy down toward the hole and let it drain out into the Earth. Continue to do this until you feel it all drain out. Close the hole and embrace yourself. Visualize white light all through your body.

Spell For Clarity Of Thought And Mind Make or buy a small cotton draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in equal parts of each of the following: Rosemary Lavender Camomile Quartz. During the Full Moon, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge it. Inhale the scents when you feel stressed or overwhelmed. These herbs will act to soothe you if you are feeling stressed or frazzled and will help you focus your mind to deal with the problem at hand.

Spell To Cleanse A Home From Negative Energy These are especially good measures to take when moving into a new place, beginning ritual activities in a new space, or to release bad feelings when an inhabitant has been sick or has died. To cleanse a single room - on top of a newspaper, set a blue candle. Surround with a circle of salt. Burn a little sage in the room. Light the candle, making sure it won't tip over. Close the door and let the candle burn down. When finished, take newspaper, salt, and candle leaving and bury far from your home. To cleanse a house - select four corners. set four candles: north - black, east - white, south - purple or dark red, west blue. Sprinkle a little salt at each doorway and window. Burn sage in each room, paying special attention to windows and doors. Strew fragrant herbs (rosemary, basil, lavender, others you like or consult a reference) and sweep them up with the salt. Cast the swept herbs out your front door. You may want to sweep them off your porch so they aren't on your property anymore.

Spell Binder This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell. This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy. It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself. Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's energy: By the Pentagram I wear, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air, Ruled by Spirit as All should be As I speak So Mote It Be!

A General Charge For Spell Work The following chant is a good all purpose chant that can be used for just about any spell:

Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade, Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic's made. Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here, to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near. Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way, Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay. Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast, empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last! So Shall it Be!

Spell To Gain Control Over A Situation Items Needed: purple candle pen and paper vegetable oil fireproof dish cayenne pepper

Inscribe the candle with your name, then draw the infinity symbol (a horizontal figure 8), both above and below your name. Anoint the candle with vegetable oil and roll it in cayenne pepper. Write a brief description of the situation on the paper and place it under the candle holder. Light the candle and say: "Wax and herb, now bring me power That grows with every passing hour. Bring control back unto me. As I will, so mote it be! Let the candle completely burn down, then burn the paper in the fireproof dish. Flush the ashes down the toilet, or bury them under a tree.

Spell To Get Out Of A Situation Begin this nine day ritual on a Monday. Using a White Candle (charge/anoint the candle for all intent and purpose) I cleanse, anoint, then charge my candle with this incantation: "Cleansed and Blessed Are Thee, Now to Perform Thy Service for Me" Having prepared yourself according to your custom: Repeat nine times this spell: Foolish I was, Wise I Now Am. A Light of Hope I See Which Stands Before Me; It's Flame Releases Me From This Predicament. O Lady, I am Grateful O Lady, I Thank Thee I Am Free. I Am Free; O Lady, I Thank Thee. Alternatively, you may also read Psalm 119 Verses 49 to 56 (only) ... (18) eighteen times. If the Predicament was rather a large blunder or error in judgement a copy of the two is most effective to get release from the situation.

An All Purpose Spell To Effect Another This simple spell can be used for any purpose - whether it be to empower a person, to heal them, to bind them etc. Simply choose the appropriate color candle and scribe the person's name and your intent upon it. Anoint it with an appropriate oil. Light the candle and while watching it burn, repeat the following chant, focusing upon your intent as you do so. Powers that be, Powers of 3, Let ________ be all I see.

Spell To Boost Productivity To improve your own work productivity, during the waxing Moon place one hematite in a small basket or tray and enchant it by saying: "Ground and heal, magnetic one; bring me clarity on this day." Add a quartz crystal to the contained and say: "Bring boundless energy to me; may it last through this day."

Add a calcite and say: "Stone of joy and yellow light, help me sort through my work today." Place the container of stones on your desk and say: "Help me work through this day; bring me inspiration. And when the day is done, may the labor be finished."

Magic Charm For Inner Strength Empower an acorn with the following chant & carry it on your person during difficult times. "Little seed with cap so fine, Grant your strength & make it mine. Make me as sturdy as your tree. As I will, so mote it be!"

SELF EMPOWERMENT SPELL This is a fairly simple spell, and of course you should change it according to your tastes. white candle mirror

The candle should be cleansed before you begin, and could be infused with white energy, the energy of love and strength. Meditate upon your intentions before you begin. why do you need to empower yourself? Is it because you wish to realize the beauty within yourself, or you wish others to see the beauty or strength you know that lies within you. This spell also works best if you do a cleansing of yourself, whether it is bath or shower or just visualize all of the negativity that you are carrying with you washing away. The candle should be placed in front of the mirror, and the mirror should face you. Light the candle. Feel the positive energy emanating from the candle. If you worship a deity, call upon them to help you. Chant or say a prayer. This is an example: I walk in beauty with the Goddess. I am strength. I am beauty. I am will. I am love. She is within me. All who see me, know Her. Magic Inner Power Pouch

Ingredients: Purple bag or cloth Vervain Dragon's blood resin Rosemary Frankincense Galangal or ginger root High John oil, personal power oil or Dragon's blood oil 1 Clear quartz crystal A personal talisman Purple Candle

Directions: I suggest making up your own directions and spell for this one because it is a very personal pouch. Add ingredients or objects that have meaning to you. One suggestion: Try to sew on some small semi-precious stone chips or a stitched personal symbol.

Spell To Cleanse A Home From Negative Energy These are especially good measures to take when moving into a new place, beginning ritual activities in a new space, or to release bad feelings when an inhabitant has been sick or has died. To cleanse a single room - on top of a newspaper, set a blue candle. Surround with a circle of salt. Burn a little sage in the room. Light the candle, making sure it won't tip over. Close the door and let the candle burn down. When finished, take newspaper, salt, and candle leaving and bury far from your home.

Magick Herb Jar To Enhance Your Powers Physically And Mentally

Fill one jar with the following: Cinnamon [for dream Magick] Nutmeg [for good luck] Allspice [healing] Ginger [lunar Magick] Basil [protection] Fennel seeds [spiritual healing] Garlic [spiritual purification] Marjoram [protection] Sage [spiritual purification]

Cloves [protection] Mustard seed [protection]

Before you do any scrying or any kind or psychic work, inhale the scent deeply and shake the jar gently.

Magic Hematite Grounding Hematite is the all-purpose grounding (energy-balancing) stone, not to mention a beautiful ornament. Tell, or charge all your troubles to or into the rock, then put it on the ground overnight, so that the negative energy will soak into the Earth and become neutral.

Protection From Negative Energies Spell

1 black candle Caraway a small mirror Cast a circle and light the candle. Sprinkle the caraway on the candle's flame (be careful!) and on the mirror. Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by a magic shield... imagine the negative energies bouncing off your shield and returning to where they came from. Open your eyes and stand facing North. Hold the mirror out in front of you, the reflective side pointing outward. Say these words: "Mirror of Protection, Stop the flow of negative energy in my direction! May the energy be sent back to its source, Let it harm none along its course!" Now turn East and repeat the words for Air. Repeat for Fire and Water. Close the Circle.

Magic Chant Of Elemental Invocation

Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit open your hands to me

Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit open your hearts to me Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit open your souls to me Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit lend your power to me (repeat as many times as necessary)

Releasing Negative Energy Spell Time: During the seven days of the Full of the Moon. When and Where: Outside, Barefoot, facing east. Clothing: white cotton. Bathe and meditate while using this breathing method. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. When through, visualize the negative energy flowing out through the drain. Go outside and face east. Place the left arm straight down to the side. Palm flat against the body. Right arm straight out and palm side up. Bring up until the Full Moon rests on your palm as a crystal ball would rest. Meditate again using the Ohm meditation as you would a musical scale. When you are still and feeling the energy. Repeat the following: O Great Mother Goddess and Father God You who are all yet nothing. Beyond explanation and understanding. I ask thee to grant my request this night. I ask that you take the negativity that was sent to me And send it swirling into the Universe. Let it be sent back to the sender three fold And as a lesson of what is right and wrong. Let the residual energy be sent to me three fold With loving, caring healing positive energy. I ask that you grant this request. I also thank Thee for your kindness and caring attention.

I ask this in the power of three So Mote it Be!

Strength Spell

1 Red candle 1 White candle

Cast circle normally, anoint the red and white candles and say: North, East, South, West Earth, Air, Fire, Water Give me STRENGTH The gift of power to move from the earth. The gift of strength from the air. The gift of determination from the fire inside me. And the gift of energy from the water. Bless the Lord & Lady for these gifts. Thank you for the power to move, thank you for the strength, thank you for the determination, and thank you for the energy you gave me. So Mote it be. Or, if you need strength and energy while you are doing something outside of the circle, say the chant to yourself.

Bath Spell For Negativity Place 1/2 cup vinegar, a bunch of fresh rue and 1 tablespoon of salt in your bath. Light a white and a blue candle. Imagine yourself surrounded by blue light, giving you positive energy. Visualize all of the negative energy leaving your body through every pore.

A Magic Request To The Lady For Stronger Power

Lady Moon has spread her fingers of night over my patch of reality, And she watches me as I stand beneath her encompassing gaze Away from those who would cloud my vision. Her sister stars glitter through the sky and sing for the night. Mother, please fill me with your beauty and reveal to me the mysteries of your silent domain. My heart holds naught but love for you, My soul wishes to sing in harmony with its sisters within your embrace. In love and respect I come before you And I ask to be blessed with the power of Lady Moon.

A Full/Waxing Moon Spell To Revive A Witches Magickal Powers At the Full or Waxing moon phase just before midnight anoint a PURPLE candle with real VANILLA essential oil or extract. Raise energy by tightening yourself up and pumping your hands, fingers to palms, up and down, and envisioning the moonlight as entering your body and flowing to the candle whilst you anoint it. Do this outside or before a window opened to the moonlight. Place the candle on the ground or windowsill and light it. Say:"Fair Selene, Goddess of the Moon, love and light, I ask you to send me your magickal powers this moon lit night, By the power of the myriad starlight above me. And your moonlit heavens, so shall it be! " Visualize your outstretched arms as soaking up the moonlight and the moonbeamsbeing absorbed into you. You will feel the Goddess giving you her awesome power.Snuff, (NEVER blow out) your candle and leave it overnight on your altar or where it is. Either at the sunrise, or just before midday. Place the candle in the same place and stand arms outstretched towards the sun soaking up the energy of its heat and sunbeams, Say: "Great Ra, Lord of the sky and solar power, Lend your fiery magick to me. Let this witches powers be reawakened and be as powerful as the forces of the cool Moon and burning sun, By soil, wind, flame and sea,

Grant my desire. So mote it be! " Now your Magickal powers and your desire to use them will have been reawakened. Take your snuffed out candle to your altar and relight it there to burn out as a mark of respect to the God and Goddess. Spells are far more powerful if you write them yourself.

Spell For Banishing Negative Energies And Elements From Your House The idea is to lie in your token meditational spot - you know where it's nice, cozy, silent and you're sure not to be disturbed for at least half an hour. and build up some processional energy, try burning some frankincense incense or whatever works for you. No circle is required. when you think you've reached a highly charged, powerful state envision a cone of power going anti-clockwise (for banishing) like a cyclone above your house, slowly bring the cone (which I think is supposed to be upside down - as in big part on the bottom) down into your house and envision all the little nasty energies being taken up into the cyclone squealing and kicking and being enveloped by the giant cone. Drive the cone down below your house and deep into the earth and let all the little nasty creatures out there, once you are sure nothing is clinging take the cone back up into your house and go through the process again, a little bit stronger and more determined this time, so as any smart little things can be washed out in the rinse cycle.Empty them deep into the earth again and let the cone rise out of your house and disperse - Relax and feel the positive energy and the lack of negativity in your house. Focus on these thoughts and keep the negative thoughts far from your head or they will feed on it and possibly come back.

Black Opal Magic Charm The black opal is widely known as the "Witches Stone" and is prized for its magick enhancing properties. To increase your magickal power, charge the stone with the following chant and place it on your altar. "Opal black, of burning fire Add the power that's required To make my magick hit its mark, By light of day, or night so dark."

Spell Binder

"Water to water, a witches' spell. Cast I now to speed this well. Focus and powers from out of the night Gather within and give my spell flight."

Spell Binder This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell. This adds a certain "Oomph" to the releasing of energy. It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself. Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's energy: By the Pentagram I wear, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air, Ruled by Spirit as All should be As I speak SO MOTE IT BE!

A SPELL FOR WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE Time: best done on a full moon. Cast a circle your normal way, but with an altar facing to your corresponding direction. (i.e. October birth=east watchtower) have at hand dragon's blood, sandalwood and rain mist incense. Burn them as you call upon the Goddess and the God. Explain to them your situation and ask for wisdom, courage, strength, and knowledge to be bestowed upon yourself. Once you have done this, do a chant of thanks. Thank the Goddess and God for their assistance then close the circle thanking all deities that assisted in your endeavors. Sit there and meditate on your request a little longer whilst allowing the incense to burn out naturally. Once this is done thank yourself and the area that was bestowed upon you to allow you to perform such a nurturing ritual.

Magic Gemini Energy Powder You can use this magical Mercury powder by itself, or add the powder to other forms of magick - such as at the bottom of a candle or in a cauldron- to find information and encourage communications. To start, find and mix the following ingredients with a mortal and pestle:

dried white rose petals silver glitter, blue powder dried Vervain, and dried orris root. With your finger or a pencil, draw the symbol of Mercury and the symbol of Gemini in the powder. Hold your hands over the powder, asking that the mixture be instilled with the dynamic energies of Gemini. Store the powder in a plastic bag that contains a moonstone. To put to use, place a teaspoon of the Mercury powder in the palm of your hand and blow off your fingers as you ask the element of air to speed your request and return the necessary details to you as quickly as possible.

Magic energy work spell

To be effective at energy work it is of great value to know how to ground and center yourself connecting with the spiritual heart of the earth and Source and calling yourself together aligning your thoughts and personal entirety in a solid focused state. this is a frequent basic practice in virtually all forms of spiritual work , healing, meditation, manifestation , protection releasing and is of itself often profoundly healing not only should every one learn to ground in the way they feel most comfortable with. Seeing that the person you are treating knows how to ground may be the most valuable part of healing and energy work sessions.

Sensing Energy Spell

Many people find that if they rub their hands together vigorously first they can feel energy more easily . After rubbing your hands together vigorously to sensitize them if this helps you be more aware of energy, Run your hands over your own body or that of the being wanting a treatment holding your hands about an inch away from the physical body. Feel for hot and cold spots in the energy field. Pull out and throw away anything you feel intuitively that you should pull out and envision healing light filling any place where you remove blocks or that feels empty or that you feel needs it. combing and fluffing the aura with your fingers as though combing hair can also help clear and lighten the aura. You can also feel for the energy of the Chakra and encourage them to be open and clear and be well seated in the central energy channel. If you feel sticky or dark energy as you do this you can give it to Spirit, the Light, Earth to be transformed. In addition to pulling out blocks and overcharges in the energy field. Visualize and allow

spiritual healing energy to flow freely and fill and charge the person or other, being treated do not try to do anything just allow it to happen you are not using your own personal chi because while many healers do use it you could drain yourself if you did and create illness in your self. Using the universal spiritual chi is more effective in any case.

Magic Power Meditation

You should begin by considering your own body, particularly your breathing. This is not difficult, merely finding yourself a comfortable chair in which you can sit without falling asleep. You should try to find a place where you will not be disturbed. Not because disturbances are dangerous, but because you may find yourself enjoying the relaxed state so much that being brought suddenly out of it by an offending family member may cause you to lose your temper. Once you have found your spot, sit quietly for about 10 minutes at a time. That is how you start. Just by sitting and doing nothing, and while sitting try to notice how your body reacts. Notice that twitch you have? Feel your lungs filling with air, rising and falling, pushing out our rib cage and letting it fall back in. As you sit, notice all of these things. Your body has certain places that are naturally tense. You will hear things you normally ignore. That is not really so strange. Everyone experiences it when they are falling asleep at night (i.e.. the creaking of the house). Pay very close attention to all of these things and you will discover something interesting. The more you listen to your own body, the less you are bothered by the thoughts of the day. This is because your conscious mind can only handle one piece of data at a time. If you are studying intently, you are unaware of what is going on around you. The more you practice, the more effective your mind becomes at blocking out unwelcome stimuli.

Magic Power Spots

Just as humans have power points, the earth also has areas where energy varies. These are called power spots. Places like Stonehenge, and the Valley of the Dead are examples of power spots. Just as human beings have areas where their energy is more concentrated, so does the earth. Most of the older churches and temples were built on power spots, where it is much easier to connect with the spiritual realms. When you approach a sacred place, you can feel it's power and the strength that lies there. These places can be used to intensify your personal power and to assist you in connecting more fully with your spiritual center. Whenever you enter a room you automatically gravitate toward a place that feels comfortable.

The place that you feel most comfortable in is often your personal power spot. It is the place that balances most closely with your own energy. As you stand or sit in this spot, your energy is magnified; it is like putting jumper cables on a car battery. The ability to consciously find these power spots can greatly enhance your sensitivities to energy and your own process. Being able to find these is like many of the other exercises in this book; they all allow you to know a little more about yourself than you did before. In any given location, there is a place that fits you better energetically than any other location. There are also places that can drain your energy and make you feel and act less effectively. It is important to be able to tell the difference. One spot may energize you while another weakens you and can actually make you sick. There are three major types of power spots. One type gives you energy and is healing. Another type of spot actually drains energy from anything within its boundaries. There are also power spots that are tricksters. They confuse people and trick them into giving up their power and sanity. It takes practice to be able to differentiate between them. The easiest way to tell between the types is by how you feel. It is important to trust how you feel and what you sense as you explore the energy levels of the different types of power spots. These spots affect you whether you are consciously aware of them or not. Begin by calling upon your protector and ask the universe for guidance. Relax and focus on your breathing. Slowly look around the area. Does one spot "look" brighter than the other? See how each section feels as you stand in it. Feel from your heart. Do some feel lighter and some heavy? Do you feel confused as you stand in some places? Now slowly walk around the area. Take time to stand in any place that attracts you. compare how each one feels to you. Notice the plants and grasses in the various areas. Do they look healthier in one place, greener and more alive? Let your self look intuitively where your power place is. Now sit down and begin to meditate. How do you feel as you sit in that spot? Does the energy feel loving and peaceful? If it feels rough or unsettling, move. Soon it will become second nature; you will automatically sit in your power spot. Avoid listening to your mind during this process. Trust the inner knowing. Your inner knowing, your sacred self, will never lie to you.

Magic Power Points

Scattered over the surface of an individual's aura are various power points. These points are areas where a person's energy varies in density or form, appearing either thicker or thinner than the rest of his or her energy field. Energy can be channeled into these points so the person can experience healing or have his/her consciousness pushed into another reality. The human aura is actually a complex web of energy fibers. Power points are areas where these fibers intersect or join. By manipulating these points you can rearrange the fibers to adjust the person's energy field.

Moving these fibers can change the person on an emotional, spiritual, or physical level. This in turn can heal a person of physical diseases or emotional turmoil. It can also bring him/her closer to the sacred self. As with any technique, learning how to sense power spots will take patience and diligence. It is something we learn to do intuitively, not intellectually. You will have to work with a partner. One person should sit comfortably in a chair while the other person practices locating that person's power points. To locate your partner's power points, stand behind the person and relax. Allow yourself to go into a light meditative state. As much as possible release your mind. In order to feel another person's power points, you must see with your spiritual eyes, you don't see as much as feel; you sense at a deep level of you being. After you are relaxed, slowly begin to move your hands over the other person's body, being sure not to touch the body. Place your hands about six inches from the body and notice how it feels. Place all you attention to the area between your hands and the person's body. Close your eyes and breathe deeply; let your mind relax. What do you see? What can you sense? Allow your hands to become sensitive to the temperature and texture of the person's body. Move your hands in and out as well as over the surface of the body's energy field. Stay relaxed and breathe deeply. Don't try too hard. Simply allow yourself to really feel from deep within your being. Instead of thinking with your head, feel with your heart. Ask the universe for help in sensing this person's power points, and let your sacred self guide you. At first, as you move your hands over a certain spot you may feel a strange pulling or tugging at your hands. This is a power point. It may feel like a slight shift in temperature. A particular spot may feel warmer or cooler. Certain areas may feel sluggish or sticky or you may feel static electricity. Allow yourself to be sensitive to any change in sensations. Trust your inner knowing. Don't debate it with your mind. If you think it is a power point, it is a power point. Once you find a power point, ask the person how it feels as you move your hand over it. Without touching the individual, ask him/her where you are working. Both of you then can build the sensitivity. Take turns practicing until you can easily locate at least several points on each other. The locations of the power points varies from person to person, and from one day to another. Be patient with yourself. Learning how to feel and sense on these levels is a new experience for your mind. You have been trained most of your life to filter out any information you receive from these levels. When you learned to walk as a child, you fell down often. If you had given up, you would still be in your crib or crawling around on your hands and knees. Be patient with yourself. Let yourself learn how to walk through these new levels. Have fun and enjoy the process.

Magic Power Moves

Power moves are movements that we make with our bodies that assist us in concentrating and directing the energy. Most martial art use power moves to one degree or another. When people dance from their hearts, they are doing power moves, allowing the power to speak through their bodies. Power moves are a dance of power. Tai Chi is an ancient example of power moves. Whenever you handle energy, you receive it with your left hand and send it with your right hand. Your left hand acts as an antenna and your right hand broadcasts the energy you have received. If you are open to its direction, power will instruct you-it will "tell" you what to do. Flowing with that energy can be a powerful and centering experience. It can also be distressing when you fight it or cannot control it. This dance of power begins as you relax and become mentally centered. Stand quietly with your legs shoulder-width apart. Mentally give the power permission to flow through you and ask it to guide you. Raise your hands and hold them in front of you. Let your hands and body move as you feel guided. Your movements will be smooth and rhythmic, almost like a ballet. Power moves are a form of moving meditation. They are relaxing and energizing. As you do them, you collect a great deal of power in your body. They are healing to both mind and body. If it feels appropriate, you can play gentle music or light a candle. Relax and let the energy move your body. Notice how it feels as it flows through you. After you have relaxed into the energy, allow it to move you for about fifteen minutes and then stop. Gently sit down and close your eyes. Ask the universe how to use the energy you have collected. If you don't get a specific answer, send the energy to Mother Earth so it can heal the planet, yourself, and the people you love. Allow yourself to bathe in the joy of that energy. If you are having a difficult time feeling the guidance of the energy, start with your hands. Hold them in front of your face and move your right hand clockwise and your left hand counter- clockwise. Move them slowly and rhythmically in and out. Gently notice how it feels. Then while you are sitting in a chair, begin moving your legs in a circular motion, noticing how it feels. After you are comfortable with those movements, stand up and again begin with your hands. First move one hand out and away from you and then step rhythmically out with one of your legs. Next do the same with the other hand and leg. Slowly begin moving around the room. Notice your body and let yourself enjoy its movements. Allow the process to be sensual and rhythmic. Be gentle with yourself as you practice allowing your awareness to expand. Enjoy the process. EXERCISES: 1. Practice finding power spots wherever you go. 2. Find your special power spot. We all have places on this earth that are sacred to us.

Take time to find your sacred place. Once you find it, spend some time there. Let that place heal you and fill you with its love. Let your heart guide you to that place. It will call to you if you are willing to listen. 3. Buy a packet of seeds and divide it in half. Do some power moves and then sit quietly with half of the seeds. Allow yourself to feel their life energy and then slowly begin channeling energy to them. Mentally see them growing big and strong. Plant each group of seeds in separate pots and give them equal care. Notice how much healthier the energized group is.

Spell To Lose Your Troubles

Take a handful of earth and gaze into it. Put all your troubles and thoughts of distress into it. State exactly what it is that's troubling you. When finished, throw the dirt behind you and walk away without turning around to look at it. Also works with rocks.

Invisibility Spell

This spell is intended to make you invisible in the sense that people will not notice you. It will not work if you decide to deck someone. If you touch someone or talk to them, the spell will wear off. Close your eyes and imagine a sphere of white light around you. Imagine that the light begins to get blurry It then takes on the shapes and colors of the environment around you. Visualize yourself fading into the light, becoming part of it until you completely disappear into the camouflage of the light.

Light As A Feather Levitation Spell You need 4 candles (yellow or white do not mix colors) You need a quiet place to begin. You need a down feather ( The smaller the better)

First you must place the candles in a circle one in each direction. Perform a cleansing ritual and center yourself. Hold the feather in your non dominate hand (left if you are right handed, right if you are left handed). Feel it's life force its gift of lightness. light the candles. Start in the East and work Sun-wise (clockwise). Enter the Circle and sit in a comfortable position. Facing the north. Now, you must chant the following 9 times: In the light I see, In the dark I am blind. In the world I walk, In the circle I fly.

Next call to your spirit guide or God to aid you. Then clear your mind the feel the feather float in your open hand and lift with it and now you levitate. Helpers to the Spell - Performed at dawn - Performed outside Add your own components and touch to the spell (it is just a guideline)

Lift To The Light Levitation Spell You need a rod or staff - You need a place YOU can focus best in - You need a Crystal (white quartz or obsidian) First perform a cleansing ritual. place the crystal on the ground in front of you. Hold the staff or rod out in front of you horizontally. Recite the following spell. As stone is to earth So staff is to stone. Death and rebirth Heart and bone. May light fly, I call away stone. I summon you sky. Call me on. visualize as you see fit the pushing and pulling. And now you levitate. Helpers to the Spell - Performed at dusk - Performed outside Use a staff and stone special to you . Add your own touches to the spell (it is just a guideline) The previous spells are hard at first but in time you will soar with eagles. Be Careful not to forget the Cleansing It is very important.

Be Invisible Spell Chant this nine times: bright light, dark night, cloak me in light

as dark as night. this is especially useful at night time if you don't want to be seen.

Spell For Invisibility

1 part Fern leaf, dried 1 part poppy seed 2 parts slippery elm powder 1 part Myrrh 1 part Marjoram, dried 3 parts Dillweed, fresh if possible

Grind all together, mix well. Add 9 drops almond extract, w/ enough spring water to make everything barely moist. place in ceramic bowl spread thinly as possible and dry the mixture over low heat, stir occasionally until lightly browned. Grind again chanting: Things seen, and things not seen, Let me walk here between. When finely powdered store in glass container. it will keep for years. Sprinkle A little bit on yourself, objects or in a place to be made invisible.

Those Pesky Traffic Lights Spell This is when you come upon a stale green light. It should make it stay green just long enough for you to get through it. Count of one, this spells begun, Count of two, all lights in tune, Count of three, all lights stay green for me Tap your seat three times and say: So mote it be

Magic Formula For Invisibility

if you follow this formula, you will become invisible in that people will not notice you are there, they will look right through you. Relax and become conscious of your body. Feel your skin. Relax, and feel the light hitting your skin, a rain of warmth. Chant: Light pass through me and around me Nobody can see me. Feel the light start to pass around and then through you until you dont feel it anymore.

Invisible Shielding Spell This is a good technique to use when you want to quietly fade into the background, such as when you have to walk through a group of cat-calling yobs, or you're at work and the boss is on the warpath and looking for someone to pick on.It's a simple procedure. Ground and centre yourself. Start with creating a shield, with whatever technique you find most comfortable. Then visualise that the shield is a little bit fuzzy, so you seem a bit blurry to anyone watching. Gradually blur the shield, and begin to blend it, and yourself, into the colours and shapes of your surroundings. It's a bit hard to explain, but it's like visualising yourself as changing colour to suit your surroundings like a chameleon. The shield acts like a veil which makes you less visible because you don't stand out from your surroundings as much. If you normally like a mirrored shield, you can make it bounce back light so it mirrors your surroundings visually.

Eye Glamour Spell You Will Need: One or more candle(s) of the color you want your eyes to be, a pentacle Light the candle(s) and sit in front of it. Clear your mind and chant three or more times "1 2 3 change for me, 1 2 3 (current color) to (color you want your eyes to be)" Once again, clear your mind and chant three or more times "By the power of three, Let it be seen" The more candles you use the better the spell will work.

Eye Color Spell Sit comfortably where you won't be distracted. Clear your mind and start by thinking about what color you want your eyes to be. I get an idea of what color I want and I think of my face like a mask I am holding up about 5 inches from my eyes so I can see behind it. Then I think of a light (like a flashlight) shining through the eyeholes of the mask. It starts dim but it gets really bright and he light is the color I want my eyes to look I try to hold that idea for as long as I can I see the eyes of the mask fill up with that color and then I visualize putting the mask on and absorb it under my skin so my eyes become that color. I don't chant or anything since I find it to take most of my concentration to visualize it and make it stick. I do burn a little incense sometimes but it doesn't really matter what I burn it's just to relax my mind. Mine last about an hour and a half for most of them. Which for the most part I'm only doing them for special occasions (like parties) so I don't need them for much longer if I do I can do a touch up in the bathroom (same Idea as makeup touch up just visualize a quick zap)

Spell To Change Eye Color Make sure it is night when you do this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink candle. Close your eyes. (You must have complete focus and be concentrating on the spell only.) Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for about five minutes. Then picture the color you want. Chant: ''Become of me,' 'three times.Repeat this whole process two times and you will see changes through the day.

Spell To Change The Color Of Your Eyes


1 pink rose 1 large red candle.

"This is to touch (touch rose) This is to be (put hand above candle) Shape and forment for all to see, By the powers of 3 times 3 (put hands over eyes) As I will it, so shall it be"... SPELL TO MODERATELY CHANGE APPEARANCE

Look into the flame of a pink candle while chanting Blazing Fire as you dance, Call upon my sacred glance. Call upon my second sight, Give me, __a one or two word description of what you want__,with your sacred light. Blazing fire shining bright, Give me now my second sight.

Spell To Change Your Eye Color

For the magic practitioner wishing to test their skill, there is a way to do this. You must be relatively advanced as a witch to use the magical method, but once you learn it's fun and entertaining. This type of magic is commonly called a glamour. It is really just a matter of taking a desire and making it surface so that it is visible to other people. Close your eyes. You must have complete focus and be concentrating only on changing the eye color, any other distractions must be cleared from the mind. Now fill your mind with the color your eyes are, right now, naturally. Now see that color slowly change to the color you wish your eyes to become. See it overpower your natural color. Imagine that the color shines like a ray of light from inside your mind out through your eyes. Visualize your eyes becoming that color as the light passes through them. (This process should take at least 15 minutes the first few times, and you will have to repeat it after awhile. Glamours fade as you " forget" them.) Upon opening your eyes, you may or may not be able to see the change in the mirror.

For a more accurate check of whether it worked, ask someone what color your eyes are. If they know you really well they may see past the glamour. (Your parents may see past it, and often spouses or very close friends, because they know you too well.) The stronger you develop the talent to throw a glamour, the more people it can trick. It will take you practice.

A Magic Herbal Beauty Charm Spell You can use this charm to "fluff up" the glamour in your aura. This combination of herbs works to give you not only radiance, but also increased attractiveness and self-confidence. Keep the sachet on your altar or near your bed where you can see it daily. To make it you will need: 1 six-inch square of golden cloth 1 seven-inch square of green lace (dye some) 1 teaspoon of witch hazel bark or tincture 1 teaspoon of cardamom seeds (look in Grocery shop) 1 teaspoon grains of paradise (or use paprika) 1 teaspoon basil (Grocery or garden store) 1 teaspoon caraway seeds (Grocery store) 1 inch piece of dried ginger root and one of powdered icing sugar 1 inch piece of cinnamon stick (Grocers) 13 apple seeds (greengrocers or garden) 1 piece of rose quartz 1 garnet Red ribbon to make tiny red ribbon roses.

Lay out the gold cloth squarely on top of the lace. In the center sprinkle the witch hazel, cardamom, grains of paradise, basil, and caraway. Hold the sugar ginger in your hands and focus on your inner beauty; see it as ray of light making its way into your aura. Place the sugar ginger on top of the herbs. Add the cinnamon stick, the apple seeds, the rose quartz, and the garnet. Bring the corners of the cloth and the lace up to a bundle; wrap three times with the ribbon. Tie three knots. Put the ribbon rose stems directly over the ribbon and wrap the ribbon ends three more times, tying three more knots to secure the ribbon roses to the sachet. Trim any ragged ends. Raise energy and charge the sachet, saying: "Treasures without, Treasures within the glamour comes from my heart, Beauty without, Beauty within,

Never from me to part. " It is done.

Spell To Keep Beauty From Fading When all your face appears most fair, When the comets and meteors gild your hair, And in your eyes the moon and sun Contest, surrender, and burn as one, When ivory Venus smoothes your brow, And Mars recurves your lips' red bow, Make haste to utter this binding verse And hold the stars on their kindest course... "Figure of fire, That shifts and changes, Planets that move By heaven's hinge, Be siged and fixed Forever here, And close my image Within thy sphere" Measure a yard of golden string Loose from your fingers let it swing, Then tie it in thirteen sturdy knots, Hide it among your scents and pots.

Spell Of The Comb and Mirror Purify area, cast circle, etc. Burn a white candle for yourself, and say: "O Lady of shimmering beauty, For whom the stars are shining jewels And the Universe Her creation and plaything, Weaver of destinies and Protectress of things wild and free Make me now, I do ask, to be thy daughter Make me one with thee and grant me thy far-flung power

Grant to this, thy Witch and Sorceress Strength within and without. As eternal as the boundless sea, The calm assurance of my powers To make any do my bidding, And the winds, waters, and fires, The hills themselves lend willingly themselves to me. Give to me, who am of thy ancient Craft The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons, Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark. Grant me beauty ever more perfect That I may reflect thee better. Build magic within me, build power within me. Power be drawn and power come. And make me one with thee. Make me greater, make me better Grant me strength and grant me power. O Goddess who is my friend and mother, I give you love and thanks O Beautiful One, may the magick I have summoned Return the stronger when I have need of it So mote it be!"

A True Beauty Spell Prepare:

A dish full of earth (good soil, not dry, dusty dirt). A yellow candle A full-sized mirror Olive, patchouli, jasmine, or cinnamon essential oil A small flower pot A flower or plant seed

Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen. Place it in the center of the dish of earth. Light it and sit down with it between you and a mirror. Look deeply into the mirror, concentrate on your reflection. Without being vain, consider the things you find most beautiful about yourself- not just physically but mentally. What is your inner beauty, what is your outer beauty? It's important that you never think of what you feel must be "changed", be as positive about the beauty that you have already. Perform this ritual 3 nights in a row. Once the entire candle has burnt down, remove the wax from the dish. Place the earth from the dish inside a small flower pot and plant a seed inside it. Water it and care for it so that it grows properly. You will soon find that your beauty will grow, flourish, and shine brighter than ever before- just as the plant grows before you, emerging from its seed.

Moonshine Starshine Glamour Spell On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside. (if you can't then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror) Take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing) Place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say: "Moonshine, Starlight, let the wind carry your light, let your glow cover my body, and let your shine cover every eye." Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, Then say... "Moonshine, Starlight, shape and mould my body, as a rose is granted beauty, let me blossom in your light, the light that brings me beauty, and grant me beauty three times three"

Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or some flower scented incense.

Glamour to Appear Beutiful You will need the following: 1 rose quartz crystal six rose petals small bottle of witch hazel

Look at your face in a mirror and all of its flaws. Visualize your face changing into the face you want and desire. Rub the rose quartz lightly over the problem areas and say the following: "Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love, Erase imperfection as I rub, Bring to me the face I see, As I will so mote it be" Open then the bottle of witch hazel and insert the rose quartz. Take the six rose petals in your right hand and say... "Venus, One of beauty rare. I offer you these petals fair. Bless them with your loveliness and bring the beauty I request." Rub the petals over any line, wrinkle, imperfection etc. Then drop them in the witch hazel. Cap the bottle tightly and give it six good shakes a day for a week. At the end of the week, use it everyday as a toner after face washing. As you apply it say... "Imperfections, go away. Beauty of Venus, come forth this day."

Inner Beauty Spell

Look into the flame of a pink candle and say 3 times:

Earth air fire sea let the goddesses beauty shine though me Repeat as often as needed.

Glamour And Beauty Spell The best time to perform this spell is during the Full Moon, although, you can also do it on a Friday during the Waxing Moon. Ingredients/Tools: Bowl of spring water herbs for beauty, such as lavender and catnip, a white rose that has been separated from the stem mirror.

A ritual bath or purification ritual is recommended before performing this spell to sort-of 'clean the slate' and allow magic to start anew. Cast the circle and become calm and centered. Sit or stand facing the West. Pour the spring water into the bowl and hold it up to the Western corner. Say: I hail to the West and the forces of Water. Hear and aid me in this magick tonight. Grant me your beauty, Shape and form this face and body and let me radiate with self-love. With harm towards none, and for the free will of all, So mote it be. Set afloat the rose on top of the water and stir it with your fingers three times round in a clockwise motion. Take the flower out of the water and hold it in your hands. Say: By the powers of the West, The forces of Water, I charge this flower with love.

Beauty is here, It shines with the power. Beauty is here, Contained in this flower. Keep the flower in a box along with catnip and/or lavender to remind you of your true beauty. If a friend or loved one needs the power of love and beauty, tell them the story of the rose you have blessed and give them the rose to continue it's power.

Glamour And Beauty Spell Mix a tea of roses, Damiana, Ginger, Dong quai, Coriander, & Primrose flowers Place the dry herbs in a green glass jar and place on your altar. On a night of Venus (Friday), take a bath in Lovage roots and Rose petals, dry yourself and rub Musk oil into your skin. Go to your altar nude and light a pink candle anointed with Venus Oil or Rose oil or perfume and burn some Aura of Enchantment Incense. Place a small mirror on thealtar, gaze into it deeply and say, "Soft, my skin as Diana's Smoldering eyes as Aradia, Sensuous as a Goddess. Figures of fire that shift and change, Change me, now, To a creature of beauty, Blessed b the Goddess of Love. Repeat each night for 7 nights, leaving the tea on the altar until the spell is finished, then drink a cup daily and wash your face with rose water upon waking.

Irresistible Beauty Spell

When: on a Tuesday night Where: in your bathroom

Items needed: brand-new bath oil or body wash which ever scent you like: lavender, jasmine, musk, or ylang ylang a chopped-up carrot(to represent earthiness and tastiness) three small orange candles

Draw a super-hot bath--double the amount of bath stuff you usually use. Let steam fog up the mirror. With your fingertip write "(your name) is the BOMB!" in the mirror. Chop the carrot into 3 pieces and float it in the bathwater. Light the candles-don't get in yet it's too hot. chant: "In this water so from the heat bathe me in water head to feet" (repeat three times) When the bath as cooled a bit, hop in relax and breathe in the scented bath stuff, for at least 20 min. Blow out the candles and bury the carrot outside afterwards, and continue using the scent in the shower or bath every night.

Spell To Be Seen More Attractively Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words: Earth, Air, Fire, Sea Let the Goddess' beauty Shine through me

Moulin Rouge Glamour Spell For when you need to make a big entrance! For this spell wear colorful clothes, flamboyant and luscious! However if you can't bear to venture out in anything but black make sure you wear opulent jewelry - stones of topaz, sapphire and ruby. Stand in the center of four lit red candles that have been anointed with cinnamon oil. You need to invoke the blessings of the night when glamour and mystery abound. "Guardians of the night Bless me so that I radiate a beautiful light and bewitch all held in my sight." In your minds eye see the flames leap up and join above your head, spiraling into the cosmos and know that you are the center of all beauty and glamour in the universe.

A Spell For Beauty It is said that this spell was used by many Witch's long ago. The origin of this spell was probably based more on myth than fact. Hand mirror, never used by you. Vervain, 1/4 cup Eye Bright, 1 pinch. Yerba Santa Leaves, 1 pinch Spring water, 1/4 cup. A piece of red velvet in which to wrap the mirror.

This Spell is done under the waxing Moon or the full Moon. In your chalice, mix the herbs and spring water, stirring with your Athame, singing the Song For Beauty. Paint the mirror with this potion, taking care that you do not catch your reflection in it. Capture in the magic mirror the reflection of Hathor, the Goddess of Beauty, or any other form of person you wish to resemble. Wrap the mirror in the red velvet and take it with you to a starlit river or lake. When the surface is calm, look at your reflection and cast the magic Mirror in the water, shattering your reflection. Say: "Aphrodite, born of Sea, Let thy power transfigure me. Grant to me thy rounded breast, Slender limb and all that's best Of hair and eyes and nose and chin, A smooth, unwrinkled, silken skin To catch the eye and turn the head Of any man, that I be wed* For no man's proof against the Arts That, through his eyes, reach to his heart. O Goddess of the form divine, Make my appearance like to thine!"

Then do a dance upon the shore, to Hathor-Aphrodite, or sing to the stars, Songs of Beauty. *The line "Of a man, that I be wed" may be changed to "Of him whom I desire to wed" or "I'll not be scorned but choose instead" or "Of lovers I desire to bed".

Spell To Be Seen More Attractively Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words: Earth, Air, Fire, Sea Let the Goddess' beauty Shine through me

Eternal Beauty Spell 1 wine glass of water 1 pinch of salt 1 red candle 1 light blue candle 1 red rose (no scars or imperfections for best results) 1 round hand-held mirror

Drop the pinch of salt into the glass of water saying Beauty be within me Beauty now set me free Carve the symbol of sex into the red candle. Carve a mirror symbol into the light blue one. Light the two candles, first the light blue one and then the red. Lay the mirror between the two candles and scry into your reflection. Drop the rose petals, one by one onto the mirror. After this is done, drink the water and say, Beauty, beauty come to me Beauty, beauty set me free. Let the candles burn down all the way.

Spell For Beauty

Mix a tea of roses, Damiana, Ginger, Dong quai, Coriander, & Primrose flowers. Place the dry herbs in a green glass jar and place on your altar. On a night of Venus (Friday), take a bath in Lovage roots and Rose petals, dry yourself and rub Musk oil into your skin. Go to your altar nude and light a pink candle anointed with Venus Oil and burn some Aura of Enchantment Incense. Place a small mirror on the altar, gaze into it deeply and say, "Soft, my skin as Diana's Smoldering eyes as Aradia, Sensuous as a Goddess. Figures of fire that shift and change, Change me, now, To a creature of beauty, Blessed be the Goddess of Love. Repeat each night for 7 nights, leaving the tea on the altar until the spell is finished, then drink a cup daily and wash your face with rose water upon waking.

Venus Aphrodite's Magic Mirror Bath To be done on Friday (Venus' day) at 7:00. Best done on a Waxing moon, or when the sun or moon is in Libra or Taurus. Draw a romantic bath for one. Decorate your bathroom with pale green candles and a single red rose. Run the bath as hot as you can comfortably stand it. Add to the bath water a mixture of myrtle, and clover oil to honor Venus. Add one cup of sugar for sweetness, one cup of pink wine for heady intoxication, and a dash of sandalwood perfume. Enjoy your bath with a special facial and relax. After you have bathed and washed off the facial, dry your hair, and give the old hundred strokes hairbrushing routine a magical twist. Let your hair hang down before you. Sweep a natural boar-bristle brush from your scalp to the ends of your hair. Have your hand follow the brush as it works its way through. Focus your attention on your hand, and imagine that you are impregnating your hair with power. Think, feel, and exude magnetic attraction to your hair with every stroke. Now, make yourself comfortable and take several deep, relaxing breaths. Surround yourself with vibrant green light and picture yourself beautiful. Really get into the image. This is who you are-your magical self-and if you can visualize it, you can become it. Note what you might do to make the astral you a reality and affirm to do it. Finally get dressed up in your best clothes, wear emerald, turquoise jewelry (Venus stones) for extra luck in love. Then hit the town!

Hair Magick To Make Yourself Attractive Need: a mixture of lemon juice and lavender .Wash your hair in this mixture and let it air dry before an important meet!

Magic Flea Repellant Pillows 2 parts pennyroyal 1 part thyme 1 part wormwood

Herbs may be cut or whole; construct a pillow for your pet to sleep on and then stuff it with the pennyroyal, thyme, wormwood. This makes a nice gift for those favorite dogs in your life. These herbs help to repel fleas naturally and without harsh chemicals.

Magick Insect Repellent Sachet

Combine together in a bowl: 4 parts Tansy 4 parts patchouli 2 parts lavender 1/2 of 1 part powdered orris root.

Mix the ingredients together fill cloth bags made from remnants. Tie off with a bow. These make great craft show items, inexpensive gifts or neat items for gift baskets.

Basil: Properties And Uses Basil is a stimulating and antidepressant oil which relieve mental fatigue, clears the mind, and improves concentration. It is expectorant and antiseptic, used for all types of chest infections, also good for congested sinuses, chronic colds, head colds and whooping cough. The antispasmodic and carminative properties of basil help to relieve abdominal pains, indigestion, and vomiting. It works well on tired muscles, especially in massage oil used after hard physical work or strenuous exercise, it also eases arthritis and gout. It is reputed to be one of the best nerve tonics among all essential oils.

MAGIC JEWELWEED SALVE RECIPE First make an infused oil using the Jewelweed. 2 ounces of dried herb or 4 ounces fresh herb and 2 cups of any vegetable oil- (you can use olive oil, almond oil, sesame oil, soy oil). combine ingredients in a

double-boiler on low heat and let the herb "cook" for 1 to 2 hours. Strain into a sterilized jar. (If your not going to use the oil right away to make salve, then add 1/4 tsp. Vitamin E oil or Tincture of Benzoin for preservative). To make the salve: Gently heat 4 ounces of the infused oil in the top of a double-broiler type pan. Add approximately 1 Tbsp of beeswax or paraffin. Let melt. Add 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon Vitamin E oil or Tincture of Benzoin to act as a preservative. Mix well. Pour or spoon into a jar. Let cool and cap. This is great stuff! You can purchase dried Jewelweed Herb from a Health-Food Store or by mail-order.

Herbs For Every Sign

Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a "recipe" that's just right for each of us. Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and well-being, using the herbs that correspond with that sign alone can be a tremendous help in times of stress or illness. Here's a short list of herbs that seem to be tailor-made for each of the signs, due to their associations with both the planetary ruler and the positive qualities of that sign.

Aries - Mars Allspice, basil, cayenne, garlic, ginger, mustard, onion, pepper. It's no secret that Aries is the astrological equivalent of a bullet. It's a red-hot burst of energy that's capable of overcoming any obstacle by charging straight for it. The ruler of Aries is Mars, the "red" planet, the ancient god of war who was known for his equally fiery temperament. No wonder, then, the herbs that correspond with your sign are also a bit "hot" to the taste. Use them in cooking to raise your endorphins, the substance Mars loves best. Taurus - Venus Apple, apricot, blackberry, cherry, heather, hibiscus, raspberry, rose. Taurus is the sign that's fondest of the pleasures that life inside these bodies can provide. Whether it's a blazing sunset, a symphony by Mozart, or a delicious meal, you folks are experts at enjoying the physical delights of the senses. It's no surprise that the herbs you'll enjoy most are the sweet ones, since your planet, Venus, is the purveyor of sweetness. Use each of them to satisfy that sweet tooth.

Gemini - Mercury Clover, eyebright, fennel, lemongrass, lemon verbena, marjoram, parsley. Your quickwitted, fleet-footed energy just loves variety - in fact, the expression "variety is the spice of life" was

written with you in mind. Each of these herbs provide a different type of taste, and most can be combined in a light, aromatic tea you can sip on the run. Use clove or slippery elm to protect against gossip and to keep your thoughts and actions grounded.

Cancer - Moon Aloe, lemon balm, chamomile, mimosa, lavender, lilac. Nurturing is your business, Cancer, and you distribute your soothing touch to one and all. There's nothing you like better than a home that smells good, too, whether it's because there's something wonderful simmering on the stove, a vase of fresh flowers on the dining room table, or a warm, fragrant bubble bath waiting for you upstairs. Each of the herbs listed above are known for their ability to calm, heal, or bring a wonderful aroma to the environment. Use aloe to soothe burns and scrapes and chamomile for a wonderful bedtime tea.

Leo - Sun Chicory, cinnamon, goldenseal, rosemary, St. John's Wort, sandalwood. Your planet is the Sun, Leo, the source of life and warmth that keeps us all alive and provides us with the energy we need to keep pursuing our life's quest. It makes perfect sense, then, that the bright, cheerful sunflower would be the perfect representation of your equally bright and happy sign. Herbs like goldenseal and St. John's Wort are tailor-made for you, too, since their ability to keep the body resistant to illness and depression are well known. Mix a bit of chicory with your morning coffee to help remove any obstacles that come up.

Virgo - Mercury Caraway, dill, eyebright, horehound, lily of the valley, marjoram, savory. Your quick-thinking meticulous sign likes nothing better than a mental challenge, Virgo, whether it's organizing a pile of papers at the office, solving a puzzle, or learning a new skill. The herbs listed above are all well known for their subtle abilities to strengthen the mind, and many can be mixed together in teas to give you a boost you often need at the end of a long day. The lily of the valley seems perfect for you, too, with its subtle, "clean" scent and delicate flowers.

Libra - Venus Catnip, passion flower, persimmon, rose, sugar cane, violet. There's no sign as fond of pleasing others as yours, Libra, whether it's by saying just the right thing to bring warring factions together, or by using your polite charm to draw the object of your desires closer. Of course, catnip is famous for its effects on our feline friends, but its also traditionally used in conjunction with rose petals to bring loving relationships that last forever. Since you're ruled by Venus, you're capable of being every bit as sweet as

the sugar cane - but if you need a bit of help to attract a beloved, use this potent plant (sugar cane) that's long been used to conjure love - sweetly.

Scorpio - Pluto/Mars Ginseng, dill, patchouli, pomegranate, saffron, vanilla. As fond as you are of intensity and intimacy, Scorpio, it's no wonder the herbs you'll love best are famous for their use in stirring up passion. Drink ginseng tea (or offer some to your beloved) to induce a magnetic physical attraction. Wear patchouli to arouse lust and silently conjure the magic of the Beltane rituals. Present the object of your desire with a pomegranate, the fruit traditionally associated with seductive Pluto, your ruling planet.

Sagittarius - Jupiter Anise, clove, fig, hyssop, mugwort, myrtle, nutmeg, rosemary, sage. There's no sign that hangs on to youth with more fervency and determination than yours Sagittarius. To keep that youthful appearance and disposition going as you travel the world in search of yet another experience, drink a tea made of anise, rosemary, and Vervain. To aid in making your dreams more prophetic than they already are, use mugwort. Burn clove incense to attract the wealth you'll need to pay for your travels.

Capricorn - Saturn Comfrey, horsetail, mint, poppy, sassafras, woodruff. You've always been described as a very "focused" sign, Capricorn, intent on self-sufficiency and material success. The influence of your planet, Saturn, gives you the ambition and self-discipline to attain those goals, and to ensure success and prosperity in business matters, too. Each of the herbs mentioned above are known for their ability to attract that success, and most can be mixed together in a tea.

Aquarius - Uranus/Saturn Anise, bittersweet, citron, dandelion, lemon verbena, rosemary, sage. Your sign is a cerebral one, Aquarius, and your ability to turn "odd" or eccentric ideas into strokes of genius is well known. Since communication (and mass communication in particular) is your specialty, the herbs above are all associated with the air principle, which rules the intellectual side of life. To increase your already powerful intuition, use citron, clover, or rosemary. Above all else, listen to that intuition. It will seldom prove to be wrong.

Pisces - Neptune/Jupiter

Aloe, bay, cotton, eucalyptus, lavender, Norfolk Island pine, rue. As the most sensitive and psychic of all signs, Pisces, yours is the one that requires help to ward off the adverse thoughts and intentions of others. Since you have no boundaries to keep you separate from others, you also need protection against negative influences. To that end, use rue, a powerful herb known to ward off ills of every kind. To stay positive and healthy keep a lavender plant growing either outside or inside your home.

Lavender Lavendula officinale or L. vera Gender-masculine Planet-mercury Element-Air Powers-love, protection, sleep, chastity, longevity, purification, happiness, peace. Magical uses-love spells and sachets.

Place lavender in clothes draws or attach to clothes to attract love. A piece of paper rubbed with lavender is excellent for writing love notes. The scent of it often attracts men (the essential oil was once worn by prostitutes). It also protects from the cruel treatment at the hands of a spouse if worn. The flowers are burned or smoldered to induce sleep and are scattered around the home to maintain its peace. It is so powerful that, if when you are depressed, you gaze upon the plant, and all sorrow will depart. The odor is conducive to long life, smell it often if this is a concern to you. It is also used for healing, carried to see ghosts, and to protect against the evil eye.

Some Snappy Supermarket Spell Ingredients

Chocolate is excellent for money. Spinach can help you get a job. Bitter foods will make you work harder, sweet foods will ease the pressure on a workaholic (try honey, not junk food). Apples are sacred to Aphrodite, so cut one in half and give it to your lover to enrapture them. Get the one you want out of your life out of it by serving them a bowl of turnips. They'll leave you-you won't have to do a thing. Ginger tea, or bathing with ginger will relieve stress. Oat in a sock, popped in the bath, promotes gentleness and soft beauty.

Herbs ANEMONE: Protects against sickness ANGELICA: Lengthens life, protects from disease, exorcises evil BASIL: Protects from evil, aids love

BORAGE: Generates courage, lifts spirits CARAWAY: Guards against theft, promotes love CEDAR CHIPS: Attracts money CINQUEFOIL: Brings love, aids in divination, protects from evil CLOVER: Brings luck, wealth, prosperity COMFREY: Aids healing CORNFLOWER: Promotes good eye-sight DILL: Protects from evil FENNEL: Purification MARJORAM: Ensures happiness in the afterlife MUGWORT: Alleviates female disorders, shows the future, protects from wild beasts MYRTLE: Love and peace PARSLEY: Protects from poison, promotes long life PLANTAIN: Cleanses and purifies ROSEMARY: Loyalty, devotion, love, strength SAGE: Promotes long life ST. JOHN'S WORT: Exorcisms, dispels evil SOLOMON'S SEAL: Heals Wounds SUNFLOWER: To find a thief THYME: Courage, chivalry VALERIAN: Restores peace, harmony, togetherness VERVAIN: Reconciles enemies, protects from harm, ensures fidelity WILD THYME: Protects against nightmares.

Dracena NAMES: Dragon's Blood - Dragon Lily Dracena means female dragon. MAGIC: Planet: Mars

For : protection, inner power, love spells, exorcism, male sex magic Woody-stemmed plants of the tropical eastern hemisphere. They have orange or yellow roots, a crown of leathery Leaves, and bloom with clusters of small white flowers. Propagated by cuttings or stem sections, they need moist roots and a warm climate. There are many varieties, some of which yield a red juice which, when thickened, is said to resemble the blood of dragons. Most varieties can be grown indoors.

Dracena draco - Dragon Tree MAGIC:

Exudes dragon's blood, a dark red resin that burns with a bright flame. Large palm-like tree of the Canary Islands that grows to 70 feet tall and 45 feet around. The trunk and lower branches are bare; a rosette of thick, stiff, rigid, pointed fleshy leaves grows from the top of the tree. The leaves, with translucent edges that are sometimes outlined in red, grow to 2 feet long. It blooms with greenish-white flowers that look like clusters of lilies. The fruit is an orange berry. Dragon's blood seeps from cracks in the trunk of the tree. Propagated by seed, it dislikes isolation and excessive humidity. Dragon trees live very long; a tree in Tenerife was reputed to be over 6000 years old. Ancient trees have a slight fragrance. It can be grown as a houseplant. MEDICINE: The tree has medicinal applications USES: Resin is used to color varnishes

Dracena marginata- Madagascar Dragon Tree Branching, slow-growing, tree-like plant with slender, twisting, cane-like trunks that grows to 12 feet. It has rosettes of fleshy, deep olive green leaves that are edged in red.

Dracena ombet NAMES: Arabic: Om Beit (Mother of the House) Small tree-like plant with sword-shaped leaves. The stem and branches are forked. It blooms with pannicles of delicate pink flowers. The fruit is a round berry.

Dracena goldieana NAMES: Dragon Queen - Queen of Dracenas African plant with thin canes that grows to 10 feet. It has a rosette of glossy, deep green, leathery leaves with pale green markings. Dragon Queen blooms at night with fragrant white flowers. It needs porous soil and a humid climate.

Dracena fragrans - Dragon Lily Rare plant that grows in the mountains near Sudan. It is often cultivated as a houseplant.

Dracena goddsefiana - Gold Dust Dracena

Shrubby plant with whorls of thin, leathery, deep green leaves that are glossy and have yellow spots. It blooms with greenish-yellow flowers. The fruit is a red berry.

Rose Dew Dew should be collected from organically grown roses. Non organic roses are frequently sprayed with highly toxic chemicals, some will cause allergic reactions or worse! They aren't safe even if you have never seen them being sprayed either, systemic poisons are injected or placed around the roots of the plant and will result in the same exposure to these toxins. Even organically grown roses are occasionally sprayed with sulfur and other solutions to keep fungi at bay, so this will affect the working. Sulfur will actually oppose this working with its repelling tendencies. Ideally, the roses will be your own, or from a garden you are familiar with so you know that it has been at least two weeks since any sprays have been applied. To collect the dew, have a very clean, well wrung out, natural sea sponge or color-free cellulose sponge. Armed with your sponge and a small bottle, go to the roses late at night or very early in the morning, during the waxing moon is best. Dab the dew from the flowers and some leaves and occasionally wring the sponge out into the bottle. This shouldn't take long, maybe 15 minutes to collect what is needed, (depending on the humidity in your area) but get extra as long as you are there for future use. Separate the excess from what you will be using for any immediate workings. To the bottle that you will be putting up for storage add: 3 drops of ethyl alcohol, brandy, or rubbing alcohol or 9 drops of commercial vanilla extract and a small pinch of sea salt. This will keep it fresh for several months, and refrigerate as well. Exposure to light will ruin the solution, as with many extracts and infusions, so keep it in the dark or in an amber or cobalt glass vial. If you cannot collect Rose Dew in this manner, substitute rose water in your spells. Rose water can be readily purchased from most grocers, drug stores or Mediterranean food markets.

Some Herbs And Their Uses For Increasing Luck ALLSPICE is burned as an incense to attract money or luck, and is also added to such mixtures. ALOE is hung over houses and doors in Africa to bring good luck. BAMBOO placed over the door is lucky, since its wood never changes color. BANYAN TREES bring good luck when sat under or looked at. BLUEBELL brings luck when it is picked up and the following words recited: Bluebell, bluebell, bring me some luck before tomorrow night. Slip it into your shoe to seal the spell. CALAMUS brings good luck to the gardener when grown. COTTON, placed in a sugar bowl will attract good luck, as it will if cotton is thrown over the right shoulder at dawn. In the latter case, the good luck will come before the day is over.

DAFFODIL plucked and worn next to the heart will bring good luck. FERN brings good luck to the person who breaks the first fern frond of Spring. HOLLY is carried to promote good luck, especially by men, since the holly is a 'male' plant. (Ivy is the corresponding plant for women.) It is also hung around the house for good luck at Yule. IRISH MOSS is carried or placed beneath rugs to increase luck and to ensure a steady flow of money into the house or pockets of the person. JOB'S TEARS: Three seeds are carried for good luck. KAVA-KAVA tea is drunk to offer protection against evil and to invite in good luck in Polynesia. LUCKY HAND (hand of Power, Hand Root, Helping Hand, Salap) is the root of an orchid plant and is one of the most famous New Orleans magical botanicals. It has long been placed in sachets and conjure bags for luck and general success... MOSS, taken from a gravestone and carried in your pocket, is a good ensure of luck, especially financial luck. OLIVE leaves, worn, bring luck. ORANGE peel is added to prosperity powders, incenses and mixtures, and the Chinese have long considered oranges symbols of luck and good fortune. PERSIMMON: If you wish to have good luck, bury green persimmons. PINEAPPLE, dried, is placed in bags and added to baths to draw good luck to the bather. STRAW is lucky, hence it is often carried in small bags. For a home luck talisman, take a used horseshoe and some straw, sew up into a small bag, and place it above or below the bed. VETIVERT is carried to attract luck. VIOLET flowers are carried to bring changes in luck and fortune. WOOD ROSE is carried to attract good luck and fortune. Also place some in the home to ensure it is lucky as well.

About The Common Herbs

Aloe (Aloe vera) : Called the "Burn Plant" because of its effect on burns of all types. It is the best herb for sunburn. Aloe is also effective in spells for preventing accidents involving fire or heat. A charged Aloe growing in your kitchen affords not only it's healing properties, but also protection against kitchen burns and fires.

Anise (Pimpinella anisum) : A daily cup of anise tea will preserve youth. Anise burned on charcoal before bed will promote prophetic dreams.

Balm (Melissa officinalis) : Bathe in a bath of Balm to attract love. Add to incense and sachets for love and to promote healing.

Barley (Hordeum spp.) : Sprinkle Barley around the perimeter of your yard [or on windowsills] to ward off evil. A few grains under your doormat will offer protection and repell negativity and evil that would enter.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) : Basil oil rubbed on a green candle before burning will attract wealth. The incense smoke is beneficial for the same, plus banishing, exorcising and for protection. It also makes one hell of a spagetti sauce!

Blackberry (Rubus villosus) : To work your way through a bramble of blackberries is damn near impossible - but it is rumored to dispell, and protect from, all disease and evil.

Caraway (Carum carvi) : Use in your wedding cake, and throw caraway seeds after the ceremony. It promotes lust and fidelity. Of course - it doesn't have to be your wedding night/cake.

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) : Well, we've seen it's effect on our feline friends... giving your cat this herb can help create the psychic link needed for a familiar. Add catnip to your sachets to attract love [but keep it away from your cat].

Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) : Eat a meal hot with cayenne before a night of Bacchanalian celebrating it will curb drunkeness.

Chamomile (Anthemsis nobilis) : Ancient Egytians assiciated Chamomile with Ra for its healing powers. Even other plants in your herb garden will benefit from this herb, as it repells insects & promotes healing. Chamomile also has the properties of attracting wealth.

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) : First cultivated and used in the East, Cinnamon was burned to purify the temple. It also promotes health, vigor and libido.

Clove (Caryophyllus aromaticus) : burned smoked or ingested, clove promotes visions.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) : If you see a puff off a dandelion, but there's no wind, rain is on the way. Also used to make a great wine, or tea.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) : Ingested, Fennel promotes virility, fertility, and libido in general. Also acts as a protective herb.

Garlic (Allium sativum) : Ropes of garlic are used to ward off evil. Garlic is also known as a lustful herb when ingested.

Lavendar (Lavendula officinale) : Especially useful in attracting men. Lavendar promotes happiness and harmony in the home, whether burned or simply used in potpourri and sachets.

Marigold (Calendula officianis) : Use as a visionary herb. Burn when doing a divination for love.

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) : Use to dispel negativity and promote love & happiness.

Onion (Allium cepa) : Ingested, onions can promote prophetic visions and dreams. Onion also promotes virility and libido.

Parsley (Retroselinum sativum) : Promotes communion with the Maternal Aspect.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) : Burn before bed for phrophetic dreams. Peppermint tea aids in divination.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) : Increases memory and protects against evil. It has been used in conjunction with juniper berries for centuries to purify the air.

Sage (Salvia officianus) : Promotes strength, courage, longevity and wisdom. It also banishes negativity and evil.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) : Burn when asking advice of loved ones who have passed on.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) : The herb of Witches. Use for cleansing and self-purification. Ingest with care. This can have side effects, and can make some people ill.

Vervain (Verbena officinalis) : One of the Seven Sacred Herbs of the Druids. Aids in visionary work. The Welsh called it 'llysiaur hudol' - or enchanting herb. It promotes love, lust and sexual fulfillment. Use when performing sexual magic. An herb of artists - use before any artistic performances.

Willow (Salix alba) : An herb of immortality.

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) : Use to remove jinx. Also good for protecting children.

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginica) : Excellent for making divining rods - which can be used to find more than just water.

Herbs And Their Properties The following is a list of common witches' herbs and magickal properties: ACACIA: divination ADDER"S TONGUE: divination ANGELICA: excorcism, healing, and protection against evil influences. AVENS: soul purification. BASIL: exorcism, love spells and protection against evil influences. BAY: clairvoyance, healing, good luck and protection against evil influences. BERGAMOT: prosperity. CAMPHOR: divination.

CATNIP: love spells. CARNATION: psychic healing. CEDAR: healing, prosperity and sanctification. CHAMOMILE: sleep potions. CINNAMON: clairvoyance, healing and love spells. CINQUEFOIL: prosperity. CLOVES: diviation, exorcism, love and spiritual purification. CLOVER: anti-sorcery, counterspells and protection against evil influences. CORIANDER: love spells. DILL: anti-sorcery and protection against evil influences. DRAGON'S BLOOD: exorcism and love spells. ELDER: aphrodisiac, love spells and prosperity. FENNEL: healing and purification. FERN: exorcism and spells to attract rain. FRANKINCENSE: consecration, divination, exorcism, healing, love spells and spiritual purification. GARDENIA: healing and love spells. GARLIC: exorcism, protection against evil influences and purification. GINGER: aphrodisiacs and love spells. HAWTHORNE FLOWERS: clairvoyance and divination. HAZEL: aphrodisiacs and love spells. HONEYSUCKLE: divinaton. HOPS: healing and sleep potions. JASMINE: aphrodisiacs and love spells. JUNIPER: aphrodisiacs, exorcism, healing, love spells and protection against evil influences. LAVENDER: aphrodisiacs and love spells. LEMON BALM: healing and love spells. LEMON GRASS: divination. LILAC: exorcism. LOVAGE: aphrodisiacs and love spells. MACE: divination. MALLOW: exorcism. MANDRAKE ROOT: aphrodisiac, cursing enemies, love spells, protection against evil influences and spells to ncrease psychic powers. MARJORAM: prophetic dreams and protection against evil influences. MINT: exorcism and healing. MUGWORT: astral projecton, clairvoyance, divination, prophetic dreams, and Spells to increase psychic powers. MYRRH:consecration, exorcism, healing and meditation. MYRTLE: sleep potions. NUTMEG: divination and healing.

ORRIS ROOT: clairvoyance and divination. PASSION FLOWER: sleep potions. PATCHOULY: invocation of elemental powers. PEONY ROOT: anti-sorcery and protection against evil influences. PINE: prosperity. ROSE: divination, healing and love spells. ROSEMARY: counterspells, healing, love spells and purification. RUE: exorcism and hexing of enemies. SAFFRON: love spells. SANDALWOOD: consecration, healing and protecting against evil influences. SASSAFRASS: prosperity. SERPENTARIA ROOT: aphrodisiacs and love spells. SOLOMON'S SEAL: exorcism. THISTLE: exorcism. THYME: divination and healing. TONKA: love spells and prosperity. VERVAIN: anti-sorcery, astral projection and sleep potions. VIOLET: Healing and love spells. WILLOW: healing. WOOD ALOE: prosperity. WOODRUFF: prosperity. WORMWOOD: clairvoyance, divination and good luck. YARROW: divination, exorcism, love spells, prophetic dreams,and spells to increases psychic powers. YERBA SANTA: healing.

Dangerous Plants NEVER EAT OR INGEST ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Avoid experimenting with ANY the following plants. Some of them possess highly potent medical properties and should only be used by the truly experienced witch or herbalists. Many are poisonous in part or in whole and cause serious illness or death if not used properly. Aconite Bittersweet Black nightshade Blue flag Burning bush Calabar bean

Calico bush Camphor Castor oil plant (seeds) Celandine Christmas rose (root) Cowbane Daffodils Deadly nightshade Dog's mercury Elkweed Ergot Flag lily Foxglove Gelsemium Hemlock Henbane Holly (seeds) Honysuckle (vine and fruits) Horse balm Ilex Impatiens Pallida Indian arrowroot Inkberry Jack-in-the-pulpit (root) Jerusalem cherry Jimsonweed Laburnum (seeds) Laulel (seeds) Mandrake Mayapple (roots, leaves, seeds) Monkshood (fine as a rub - The smallest amount is deadly if used internally) Mistletoe (seeds) Poisetta Poison Dogwood Flag Hemlock, Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Poke root Rose Bay Springle tree (seeds)

Spurge Swallow wort Thorn apple Tobacco (Believe it! This IS a deadly poison if concentrated and eaten) Wahoo Wake-robin Water dropwort White hemlock White bryony Winter rose Wood anemone (seeds) Yellow jasmine Yew (seeds and berries)

Herbology Definitions Alterative - Producing a healthful change without perception Anodyne - Relieves pain Anthelmintic - A medicine that expels worms Aperient - Gently laxative without purging Aromatic - A stimulant, spicy Astringent - Causes contraction and arrests discharges Antibilious - Acts on the bile, relieving bilousness Antiemetic - Stops vomiting Antileptic - Relieves siesures Antiperiodic - Arrests morbid periodic movements Anthilic - Prevents formation of stones in urinary organs Antirheumatic - Relieves rheumatism Antiscorbutic - Cures or prevents scurvy Antiseptic - aims at stopping putrification Antispasmodic - Relieves or prevents spasms Antisyphilitic - Having affect or curing STD Carminative - Expels gas in the bowels Carthatic - Evacuating from the bowels Cephalic - Remedies used in diseases of the head Cholagogue - Increases flow of bile Condiment - Improves flavor of food Demulcent - Soothing, relieves inflammation Deobstruent - Removes obstruction Depurative - Purifies the blood

Detergent - Cleansing to boils, ulcers, wounds etc Diaphoretic - Produces perspiration Discutient - Dissolves and heals tumors Diuretic - Increases flow of urine Emetic - Produces vomiting Emmenagogue - Promotes menstruation Emollient - Softens and soothes inflamation Esculent - Eatable as food Expectorant - Facilitates espectoration Febrifuge - Abates and reduces fever Hepatic - For diseases of the liver Herpatic - Remedy for skin diseases of all types Laxative - Promotes bowel action Lithontryptic - Dissolves calculi in urinary organs Maturating - Ripens or brings boils to a head Mucilaginous - Soothing to all inflammations Nauseant - Produces vomiting Nervine - Acts specifically on nervous system, stops nervous excitment Opthalmicum - For eye diseases Parturient - Induces and promotes labor at childbirth Pectoral - For chest infections Refrigerant - Cooling Resolvent - Dissolves boils and tumors Rubifacient - Increases circulation and produces red skin Sedative - Nerve tonic, promotes sleep Sialogogue - Increases secretion of saliva Stomachic - Strengthen stomach, relieves indigestion Styptic - Stops bleeding Sudorfic - Produces profuse perspiration Tonic - Remedy which is invigorating and strengthing Vermifuge - Expels worms from the system

Herbal Preparations Decoctions A decoction is herbs that have been simmered in water. It is the best method for drawing the healing elements from tough plant parts such as bark roots, stems and heavy leaves. To make a decoction use 1 ounce of dried herbs to 1 pint of water that has been brought to a boil. Keep water just below boiling for about 30 minutes and let herbs simmer. Simmering may take up to 1 hour, depending on plant used. A higher heat than infusions is necessary because of the toughness of the plant parts. Decoctions should

always be strained while hot, so that the matter that separates on cooling may be mixed again with the fluid by shaking when the remedy is used. Use glass, ceramic or earthenware pots, or clean, unbroken enameled cast iron. Do not use plain cast iron with astringent plants. Electuary When powders are mixed with syrup, honey, brown sugar, or glycerin to produce a more pleasant taste or to make them easier to use internally, they are called electuarys. These are rarely prepared in advance, but are done when needed. Different substances need different proportions of syrup. Light vegetable powders usually require twice their weight, gum resins 2/3 their weight, mineral substances about half their weight. If an electuary is made up in advance and it hardens, add more syrup. If it swells up and emits gas, merely beat it in a mortar. Extracts Extracts are solid substances resulting from the evaporation of the solution of vegetable principles. The extract is obtained in three ways: by expressing the juice of fresh plants, by using a solvent such as alcohol, or simmering a plant tea and reducing it to a thickened state. The last is done by simmering a plant and by repeating the process until most of the water used has evaporated, making a decoction. This gives a distillation of the most active principles in the plant. Add 1/4 teaspoon of alcohol (brandy, gin or vodka will do), glycerin, or tincture of benzoine to preserve the extract. Fomentations A fomentation is a strong herbal tea in which a clean cloth is dipped. The cloth can be filled with herbs. The cloth is then applied to the affected part. Infusions This is the origin of the idea of witches potion. It is a process of soaking herbs in water. Hot Infusion To make an infusion boil water. Add the boiled water to 1 teaspoon dried herb. Cover and let steep for 9-13 minutes. Strain, cool. Infusions are drunk as teas, added to bath, rubbed into furniture and floors, and to anoint body. Powdered Bark, root, seeds, resin and bruised nuts, seeds, bark and buds may be used in hot infusions. Cold infusion Steep in cold water or cold milk for several hours. Wet, mashed herbs can be used internally as a tea or ad poultices on body.

Oils Aromatic oils and rectified alcohol can be combined. The oils seep into the alcohol to produce an essence. Oils may be captured by evaporation from flower petals. Vegetable, nut, or fruit oils can be used as a medium for steeping aromatic plants to extract volatile oils. Aromatic oils can also be steeped in alcohol to extract essence. To make an oil, pick your own fresh herbs or purchase dried herbs form a reputable source. Pack a large jar with the chosen herb and pour in any favorite monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oil. Use enough to cover the herb. Close tightly. Label the jar and place in a sunny place for several weeks. Strain out the herb by pouring through cheesecloth into a fresh jar. Hold the cheesecloth over the opening of the jar containing the herbs and secure with a rubber band. Invert the jar and pour the infused oil through the cheesecloth. Before discarding the herbs, squeeze all the oil out of them. Repeat the entire procedure. Repack a clean jar with more of the same herb. Add the infused oil, plus enough additional oil to cover the herbs. Store again in sunlight. Strain again through cheesecloth. Pour the oil into a labeled jar and store until needed. Syrups Medicinal syrups are formed when sugar is incorporated with vegetable infusions, decoctions, expressed juices, fermented liquors, or simple water solutions. Sometimes tinctures are added to a simple syrup, and the alcohol is evaporated. The tincture is sometimes combined with sugar and gently heated, or exposed to the sun until the alcohol is evaporated. The syrup is then prepared with the impregnated sugar and water. Refined sugar makes a clearer and better flavored syrup. Any simple syrup can be preserved by substituting glycerin for a certain portion of the syrup. Always make syrups in small quantities. To make an herbal syrup, add 2 ounces of dried herb with 1 quart water in a large pot. Boil down and reduce to 1 pint, then add 1-2 tablespoons of honey. If you want to use fresh fruit, leaves, or roots in syrups, you should double the amount of herbs. Store in refrigerator for up to a month. Honey-based syrups are simple and effective way to preserve healing qualities of herbs. Syrups can soothe sore throats and provide some relief from coughs. Teas Home-made herbal teas are much more potent than the store bought teas. Their flavor can be quite strong and sometimes unpleasant. To make a tea, boil 1 pint of water. Add 1 ounce of dried herb tops ( leaves flowers, stems) steep 3 -5 minutes. Tinctures Tinctures are solutions of medicinal substances in alcohol or diluted alcohol. To make a tincture, grind plant parts with mortar and pestle (or a blender). Add just enough high-quality vodka, whiskey or grain alcohol to cover herbs. Let sit for 21 days then add a small quantity of glycerin (about 2 tbs per pint) and about 10 % volume of spring water. Strain and store in airtight amber colored glass. If kept cool and dry it will last for up to 5 years. Dose is usually 20 drops in a cup of tea or warm water, 4 times a day.

For a stronger tincture place herbs in a cone-shaped piece of parchment paper. Pass alcohol repeatedly through the powdered or cut herb. Catch the slow drippings in a jar. When it has passed once, you may use it, but the more you repeat the process, the stronger the tincture will be. It is acceptable to dilute any alcohol tincture with water. Add 4 ounces of water and 1 teaspoon of glycerin for every pint of alcohol. The glycerin is optional, it is an additional preservative. Non Alcoholic Tincture Alcohol is a near perfect preservative of plant attributes. If for some reason you wish to evaporate the alcohol, add the tincture dose to a cup of water then add 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of boiling water. Some herbs can be steeped in milk to make a milk tincture. Strain out the herbs, and store in a labeled jar in the refrigerator. Ointments An ointment is a soothing, healing, slightly oily or fatty substance into which the essence of a healing plant has been dissolved. This is done by heating the fat or oil with the plant until it loses its normal color and the oil or fat has absorbed the healing chemical principles. the plant is then strained out, and beeswax is added to harden the ointment. Preservatives such as drops of tincture of benzoin, poplar bud tincture, or glycerin are optional additions. If you make ointments in small batches and keep them tightly closed with paraffin wax, they don't decompose. The traditional folk, herbal, and pharmaceutical base for ointments is pork lard. Purify it by simmering and straining. It has healing abilities even without the addition of herbs, but so do a lot of fats and oils. It is said to have great drawing power. Purified, liquefied anhydrous lanolin is also used as a base for ointments. Lanolin is the substance washed from the wool of sheep. It comes in many levels of purity, so the results vary depending on the product. This oil is the closest to skin oil. Almond oil, cocoa butter, wheat germ, and vitamin E are neutral bases for ointments. If no other product is available, Vaseline may be used, but is listed here in case nothing else is available. All ointments must contain one substance that will thicken the final product. Lanolin is a thickener, as is cocoa butter. Both are non sticky and mix well with most other oils. Other useful but sticky thickeners are glycerin, honey, or liquid lecithin. Also, various powdered resins and gum swell up and thicken when first soaked in cold water, then simmered in gently boiling water, and added to preparations. Agar-agar and Irish moss are seaweed thickeners. Green apples provide and excellent acid fruit pectin that is a good addition to creams and ointments. While any of the above sticky and non sticky thickeners will help swell a product and keep it emulsified, you will still need some wax to harden a cold cream or ointment. Beeswax is perfect, although expensive. It may be combined with paraffin wax.

Poultices A poultice is a raw or mashed herb applied directly to the body, or applied wet directly to the body, or encased in a clean cloth and then applied. Poultices are used to heal bruises, putrid sores, soothe abrasions, or withdraw toxins from an area. They may be applied hot or cold, depending on the health need. Cold poultices(and compresses) are used to withdraw the heat from an inflamed or congested area. Use a hot poultice or compress to relax spasms and for some pains. To make a poultice, use fresh or dried herbs that have been soaked in boiling water until soft. Mix with enough slippery elm powder to make poultice stick together. Place on affected part then wrap body part and poultice with clean cloth. Vinegars Herbs that are soluble in alcohol are usually soluble in vinegar, and are useful for salad vinegars, cosmetic vinegars, some liniments and preventive sickroom "washes". Waters Steeped herbs, water, and alcohol and steeped herbs plus honey and other fruits are often called waters. Sometimes extracts or spirits of various herbs, such as lavender, are also called waters.

Herbal Remedies GOLDENSEAL Studies show that this herb has antibiotic action. how to: For tea, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon powdered root per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per day. ROSEHIPS The "hip" is the part that remains when the petals fall off the flower. Rose hips contain vitamin C. how to: For tea, 2 to 3 teaspoons per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Drink as needed. CHAMOMILE This popular beverage herb can calm jangled nerves, relieve stomach distress, prevent ulcers, speed their healing, and help fight infection. how to: For tea, 2 to 3 heaping teaspoons per cup, steeped 10 to 20 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day. GARLIC When chewed or chopped, garlic is a potent natural antibiotic; it also has anti-viral properties. It reduces cholesterol and helps prevent the formation of internal blood clots that trigger heart attacks. how to: In food, season to taste. For tea, steep 6 cloves in a cup of cool water for 6 hours.

SLIPPERY ELM BARK Historically used to soothe sore throats, coughs, and upset stomachs, this beneficial bark is still available in bulk and in herbal cough drops and throat lozenges. how to: For tea, 1 to 3 teaspoons of powdered bark per cup, boiled and simmered 15 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day. GINSING Ginseng stimulates the immune system, helps protect the liver from toxics, and increases stamina. In one animal experiment, it also increased sexual activity. how to: Follow package directions for teas, capsules, tablets, and tinctures. DANDELION Despised as a weed, dandelion can help relieve premenstrual bloating. Preliminary studies suggest possible anti-inflammatory effects. how to: For tea, 1/2 ounce dried leaf per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day. FEVERFEW Several studies confirm feverfew's value in preventing migraines. how to: Chew two leaves a day, or take a pill or capsule containing 85milligrams of leaf material (feverfew is quite bitter). For tea, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per cup, steeped 5 to 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per day. RASBERRY LEAF This premier pregnancy herb is widely used to treat morning sickness and uterine irritability, and to help prevent threatened miscarriage. how to: For tea, 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day. SPEARMINT/PEPPERMINT For indigestion, try a cup of mint tea after eating. how to: For tea, 1 teaspoon fresh or 2 teaspoons dried per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Reheat if desired. Up to 3 cups per day. For a relaxing bath, fill a cloth bag with a few handfuls of dried or fresh leaves, and run water over it. COMFREY This plant contains allantoin, which promotes the growth of new cells and gives it value as a wound treatment. how to: Place a bruised leaf on clean cuts or scrapes. Cover with a bandage. Warning: Do not use internally.

SENNA This herb is a powerful laxative. Senna tastes terrible, so most herbalists recommend a tincture or a commercial product. To avoid abdominal distress, do not take more than the package directions specify. UVA URSI Research has shown that this bitter herb has diuretic and urinary antiseptic effects. Use it in addition to mainstream medical treatment. how to: One teaspoon per cup, boiled 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day. GINGER Ginger prevents motion sickness and may help prevent the internal blood clots that trigger heart attacks. how to: For motion sickness, take 2 to 3 capsules of 500 milligrams 30 minutes before departure. For tea, 2 teaspoons powdered or grated root per cup, steeped 10 minutes. Up to 3 cups per day. CHINESE EPHEDRA commonly used to treat colds and asthma, Chinese ephedra (Ma Huang) can also raise blood pressure and cause insomnia and other problems. warning: Prior to using Chinese ephedra, seek advice from a health care practitioner, especially if you arepregnant or nursing. It should not be given to children under 13. LICORICE Licorice can soothe sore throats and treat ulcers. how to: For sore throat, add a pinch of root to tea. For ulcers, 1/2 teaspoon of powder per cup, boiled 10 minutes. Up to 2 cups per day. warning: Large doses can be dangerous.

A Witch's Magickal Herbal Spell There are many herbs that can be used for magickal purposes; Herbs are wonderful for magick they can be burned or tied up in sachets or made into amulets to wear. (Not recommending that you ingest any of these herbs) Anise: purification, protection, keeps away nightmares Basil: purification, protection, exorcism, love, prosperity Chamomile: prosperity, meditation, calmness Cinnamon: psychic powers, protection, success, healing, clairvoyance, prosperity Dill: seeds draw money and protection, the flowers are used for love

Hazel: mental powers, hazel nuts are used in fertility amulets or spells Lemon Balm: health, success, love Mugwort: divination, clairvoyance, psychic powers, protection, strongest when picked on a full moon night Nutmeg: clairvoyance, prosperity Parsley: purification, protection Peppermint: healing, purification Rosemary: protects from negativity, blessing, consecration, aids memory, protection rituals of all kinds Sage: healing, prosperity, wisdom Thyme: burn for purification, protection from negativity, clairvoyance Yarrow: for a happy marriage, defense, protection

Magic Herbal Smoking Mixtures Medicinal Uses Herbs for the Lungs Mullein, Verbascum thapsus Mullein is a fine medicinal for the lungs, even when you smoke it. It soothes inflamed or infected lungs, and prevents coughing until infection or inflammation is broken. Then it aids in expectoration, helping to break up congestion and promote "effective" coughing. It was smoked to stop the coughing of tuberculosis years ago. It is wonderful for any kind of lung cleansing. Very gentle and non-toxic, you can use it anytime. If you are a smoker, and you are sick and can't stop coughing from a cold, you can smoke some Mullein instead of Tobacco. It may help you to stop coughing, and you will have smoked one less cigarette. If you are not a smoker, stick with tincture (extract) or Mullein tea. After all, there's no need to smoke when you're sick in your lungs. It also has almost no flavor and is a very light smoke. Crispy dried crushed Mullein is a lousy smoke. Be sure to keep it ever so slightly moist. Dried Mullein should be rubbed for the best results. It will become very fluffy and puffy. This fuzzy rubbed Mullein will burn evenly when smoked in a paper or pipe. It will hold other herbs that are in the form of small pieces and powder, and keep them evenly distributed. And it has no flavor! Ideal for a smoking base; I use it in almost every smoking mixture. I like the light green baby leaves found in the center of the first year basal rosette, but it's a matter of personal choice. Any leaf will work.

Horehound, Marrubium vulgare, and Coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara These commonly used smoking ingredients are expectorants. They promote coughing and aid in the upward flow of mucus. Let me relate to you a story I have heard more times than I can count on my hands and my feet. The person hears that Coltsfoot was smoked by the Native Americans. They run to the health food store, roll up a cigarette of dried raspy Coltsfoot, and proceed to smoke it as if it was marijuana. After they cough a piece of their brains out, they decide that perhaps this wasn't such a good idea. However, the difference between poison and medicine is dosage. If used properly, these herbs are very effective healthful herbs. Mix these herbs in medium amounts with other herbs. If the mixture makes you cough too much, use less of the expectorant. They are ideal for a general lung cleanse, for the ending of respiratory flus and colds, when you're quitting Tobacco, and to get the crud out of you lungs in general. Do not use them when you are coughing up blood or if it hurts when you breathe. See a qualified health professional if this is the case. Also, do not use them when you can not stop coughing. If this is the case, stick with Mullein. Ideally theses mixtures should not make you cough incessantly, but just cough effectively once in a while, bringing up some of that excess phlegm. Jimson Weed Seeds, Datura One good reason to smoke an herb as a preferred method of ingestion is regulation of dosage. You can smoke an herb that is very strong and regulate the dosage safety. The difference between medicine and poison is dosage. Many plants are too strong to take internally safely. If you take a tea, it may take half an hour or more before you can tell how strong of a dosage you took. At that point it is too late to take less. When you smoke an herb the effects or side effects become apparent quickly. If the herb doesn't agree with you, you can stop before overdosing. Jimson weed is definitely a strong hallucinogen, poison, medicine any way you look at it. The dosage is all important. I do not recommend internal use of Datura without guidance. The use of Datura for a high by pimply adolescents looking for some fireworks is deplorable. Too many of them end up as newspaper reports. People have landed in the hospital for extended stays because of this plant. Used in the proper dosages, Datura can be a very effective treatment for a variety of problems. Smoke the crushed seeds only. The seeds are the mildest part of the plant. Just a few puffs will anesthetize your throat and lungs. This could be very helpful with some lung problems. You will not feel psychological effects from this small a dosage. I have used this method of taking this herb and will guarantee that you will not get high from two puffs. This plant does not agree with some people. If you feel light headed or nauseous, then stop smoking it. In some oversea countries, you may find that the cigarettes still contain Datura leaf. Datura has been used as smoking mixtures in a variety of cultures. Generally this is for their hallucinogenic effect and doesn't concern us in this book.

Herbs to Quit Smoking Tobacco Let's face it, herbal smoking mixtures will not cause you to quit Tobacco. Only you can cause you to stop. Smoking mixtures can aid in the process if you are ready. A variety of mixtures can be helpful. At first, a thick bodied flavorful smoke with Lobelia and calming herbs is indicated. After the physical withdrawal is finished with, drop the Lobelia smoke and use a calming smoke with lots of astringent herbs for a heavy "Tobacco" smoke. In reality, no herbal smoking mixture tastes as "thick" as Tobacco. Be sure to add some Mullein and possibly some expectorants to aid in the cleansing process. Finally, you may wish to cut the astringents and just go with the very light Mullein alone. Mullein is so light it will feel as you aren't really smoking anything, and you will eventually lose interest in it. This regimen is an example, and can be modified to your own personal needs. Other herbs, taken as tea or tincture, may be helpful during the withdrawal process. A liver stimulant like Oregon Grape Root or Goldenseal may help your body remove the nicotine quicker. This won't make the withdrawal symptoms easier, but it will just speed it up. Salicylate herbs, like Willow and Oak, can help with headaches. Calming herbs like Skullcap, Valerian, and Parrot's Beak, are definitely indicated. After the physical addiction is broken, it's up to you to break the psychological addiction. Lobelia, Lobelia inflata Lobelia is another example of a strong herb whose dosage can be regulated by smoking. It is a very strong muscle relaxant and tranquilizer that should not be mixed with any other pharmaceutical tranquilizers or alcohol. It also is an expectorant. As an added bonus it is an alterative that increases your body's own natural defense mechanisms. All this makes it ideal as an herb to stop smoking with. Your body sees Lobelia's main ingredient, lobeline, as nicotine. Certain receptors in your body are waiting to be filled with nicotine and so you feel nicotine fits. Lobeline is the same shape as nicotine and fits into these receptor sites, fooling your body into thinking you've been smoking Tobacco. Lobeline, however, is not addictive when used properly for the short term. The prescription chewing gums that doctors prescribe to quit smoking have lobeline as the main ingredient. The important thing to remember about Lobelia is that it is so strong. When making tea, use a teaspoon per 1/2 gallon of water mixed with other herbs. For a smoking mixture add a pinch to a bag of other herbs. If you do take too much Lobelia will make you throw up over 90% of the time. Unfortunately, if you do not throw up, you can have respiratory failure from the sedative effects. This is a very difficult thing to do because you'll feel so wretched long before it's dangerous. In the United States Lobelia is illegal to sell for internal consumption. Certainly official reasons include the possibility of poisoning. Strangely enough Lobelia is extremely effective for a significant amount of asthmatics. For some people the tincture is useful in place of inhalers. I am sure that the powerful

pharmaceutical companies losing a significant percentage of inhaler business has nothing to do with this law. When I was a pimply adolescent looking for psychic pyrotechnics, I found this ad in the back of High Times for legal highs. My friends and I purchased some Lobelia touted as a mild LSD type feeling. Leaving our parents and going on a camping trip, we promptly rolled thick joints of Lobelia which we smoked endlessly. After puking our guts out, we were left with headaches and not so vague feelings of depression. We were so bummed out we canceled the camping trip. The difference between poison and medicine is dosage. Personal note: almost all of the 15 or so herbs we tried during that time period had similar results. Lobelia is the herb for stopping smoking with its calming, expectorant, alterative, and nicotine mimicking effects. When making your mixture, add a pinch of Lobelia. If it's not satisfying, add more.


ANGELICA G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. magical Attributes: Psychic self-defense, inner vision, ritual baths, healing incense, longevity. History/Uses: In the Middle Ages, angelica was believed to bloom on May 8th, the feast of St. Michael, and thus was given into the care of the angels. A decoction of roots or seeds will aid an upset stomach, and relieve insomnia and headaches (one teaspoon plant to one cup water). Culpeper believed this plant should be harvested when the moon was in Leo for greatest potency.

BASIL G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire. Magical attributes: Protection, love, wealth (if carried in your wallet), healing relationships, courage, fertility. History/uses: In Italy, a pot of basil on your balcony means you are ready to receive suitors. In India, the herb is dedicated to Vishnu and is given to the dead to help ensure their entrance to the afterlife. As a medicinal herb it is good as a tea for calming the nerves, settling the stomach, and easing cramps. In tincture form, it also makes good hair rinse for brunettes.

BLOODROOT G/P/E: Masculine, Venus or Mars, Fire. Magical attributes: To draw love, vitality, healing incense. History:? Uses: Bloodroot was an official botanical drug between the years of 1820 and 1926, after which time it was found to have certain negative side effects. In small quantities when used by a qualified herbalist, it still has value in tincture form to treat wounds. However, it is best suited to making dyes for cloth from its deep red sap.

CINNAMON G/P/E: Masculine, sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Spiritual quests, augmenting power, love, success, psychic work. History/Uses: Cinnamon is one of the frequently mentioned herbs in the Bible, having been used in Egypt for embalming and in the East to purify the temples, bringing improved concentration of focus. medicinally, it is recommended as a skin astringent and digestive aid in tea form. it is an excellent aromatic and makes a good anointing oil for any magical working.

CLOVE G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter or Uranus, Fire. Magical attributes: Dispel negativity, protection, money, incense against gossip, vision. History/Uses: This intense aromatic was introduced to Europe by traders in the fourth and sixth centuries. It has a mild antiseptic quality for toothaches, or in tea form it is an expectorant for colds. most commonly, though, the clove has been employed to ward off moths and disease because of its pungent nature.

CORIANDER G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire. Magical attributes: Protection of home, peace, good in ritual drinks, incenses for longevity and love, security.

History/Uses: Coriander has been a predominant herb in the perfume and cosmetic industry, having been cultivated for 3000 years. It is one of the predominant herbs in the Hebrew Passover ritual and considered to insure immortality by the Chinese. If added to wine, it makes a serviceable love potion for two consenting parties.

FENNEL G/P/E: Masculine, Mercury, Fire. Magical attributes: Purification, protection, healing, money. History/Uses: The ancient Chinese believed that fennel could cure snake bites, and the Romans used the herb frequently in salads. Fennel comes from the Greek word meaning "to grow thin," and is sometimes employed as an appetite suppressant and digestive aid. If you place a bit of fennel in a keyhole, it is said to keep ghosts away. Fennel was one of nine sacred herbs of the medireview people, believed to cure the nine causes of disease.

GINGER G/P/E: masculine, Mars, Fire. Magical attributes: Power, success, love. History? Uses: Back to Egypt in the time of Cheops, people were making gingerbread; 4400 years ago, the Chinese were importing this herb for the same reason, and to act as an aid to indigestion or colds (tea form). Carry the root of ginger in your purse to ensure prosperity, or make it into a fine drink for summer days.

GINSENG G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Love, wishes, beauty, desire. history/Uses: mentioned in China as early as 5000 years ago as a stimulant, tonic, and agent for prolonged life. it is used today by Russian astronauts to prevent infection in space. It is also a mild painkiller, and improves blood circulation. In tea form it helps to relieve stress and moderate disease.

GARLIC G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire. Magical attributes: Protection, healing, good weather, courage. History/Uses: Garlic comes to us from Asia. It was distributed daily to the workers at Cheeps to give them strength and protection for their sacred work. The Greeks call garlic the "stinking rose" due not only to its smell but general usefulness to cooking and medicine (as with the rose). In Sweden, people sometimes place garlic around the necks of livestock to protect them from trolls. Generally speaking, having garlic in your diet serves to lower tension, ease colds, and improve circulation. Garlic vinegar can be used to disinfect wounds and sooth rheumatic pain (made from one liter of vinegar and ten cloves of crushed garlic steeped for at least ten days).

HAWTHORN G/P/E: masculine, Mars, Fire. Magical attributes: Happiness, prosperity, protection, to attract Faeries, protection from lightning. History/Uses: The history of hawthorn is rich with lovely folklore. At wedding feasts in Athens, guests often carried a sprig to ensure joy for the new couple. In Rome, a twig of hawthorn was often attached to the cradle of a newborn to protect it, and in time of the Crusades, a knight would offer his lady a bit of this tree with a pink ribbon tied to it as a token that he would live, hoping for his return to her. In Christianity it is believed that the crown of thorns was made out of hawthorn. The therapeutic properties of this tree are no less magnificent. It is a great regulator of blood pressure and has excellent sedative effects. The infusion proportions are one teaspoon of fresh petals per cup of water twice a day (or just at night for insomnia). It is said where oak, ash, and hawthorn grow together, you can see Faeries!

MARIGOLD G/P/E: Masculine, Sun Fire. Magical attributes: prophesy, legal matters, the psychic, seeing magical creatures. History/Uses: In the time of King henry IV, it was suggested that his subjects fill their gardens with marigolds because they kept flowering well into winter. The homeopath today, however, is much more grateful for their remedial qualities. For internal use the flowers are prepared by infusion and recommended for the flu, fever, rheumatism, jaundice, and painful menstruation. Externally, buds are made into compresses for the treatment of burns. In England and Germany, the flowers are also used in soups, to color butter, and as a hair rinse.

NETTLE G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire. magical attributes: To avert danger; protection, healing. History/Uses: During the Bronze Age, nettles were used to create a sturdy fabric. To the Anglo-Saxon herbalist, they were believed to be an effective counter-poison. Today we know the nettle to be high in vitamin C, and when made into a tea can ease asthma.

OAK G/P/E: masculine, Sun or Jupiter, Fire. Magical attributes: Power, luck, health, long life; the acorns if used as spell components - money. History/Uses: The Greeks and Romans used the sound of wind through oak leaves as oracles, and the Druids took their name from the Celtic word deru, or oak. Thus, it was a sacred tree to these peoples. Bark collected and prepared in a decoction may be used as a gargle or douche. Leaves prepared in infusion are recommended for dysentery, and the acorns when roasted may be used as a non-caffinated coffee.

OLIVE G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Wisdom, peace, luck, to end arguments. History/Uses: To the Greeks the olive was a symbol of wisdom, to the Romans an icon of peace. The carrying of an olive branch, like a white flag, is recognized as a message that hostilities are ceased. Ancient peoples made use of olive oil in food, care of the body, for warmth, and for medicine. For constipation, a tablespoon of olive oil taken in the morning or with soup will ease the problem. This is also believed to ease colic. Externally, when mixed with egg white the oil makes a good treatment for burns or bites. Chopped olive leaves in tincture form have been shown to help control diabetes and hypertension.

POMEGRANATE G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire.

Magical attributes: Wishes, divination, health, creativity. History/Uses: The Egyptians used pomegranates in their barter system, and the Greeks sometimes picture Zeus holding this fruit. For magical writing, pomegranate juice makes good ink. For health, it can be used to moderate fevers and as a mild astringent.

ROSEMARY G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Improve memory, sleep, purification, youth. History/Uses: The Romans considered this an herb which would bring peace after death and joy during life, therefore it appeared in almost every ceremony in between! Besides its more popular use in meats and sauces, rosemary promotes healing of wounds, acts as an antiseptic, and can be a mild stimulant. Because of this it is a good ingredient for teas treating flu, stress, and headaches. When leaves are soaked in wine for two weeks, small glasses may be taken as a digestive aid. Oil of rosemary is excellent in hair conditioners, and the flowers of this herb may be added to lotion recipes to improve the complexion.

SAINT JOHN'S WORT G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Love, divination, protection against ghosts joy. History/Uses: Take care not to step on this Faerie weed, lest you be carried off for a day by the wee folk! For magic, St John's Wort is best cultivated during midsummer celebrations. In this form it may be hung over any altar to bring fertility to your projects. It has little benefit medicinally today due to negative side effects; however, the tops may be used for an excellent yellow dye.

WITCH HAZEL G/P/E: Masculine, Saturn or Sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Protection, chastity, healing the heart. History? Uses: Witch hazel derives its name from an Old English word for "pliant," mainly because of its flexibility and use in archery bows. In tincture form it is good as a mouth rinse and to ease hemorrhoids. As a compress, witch hazel can be applied to insect bites and other skin irritations.

Replacement Herbs Use these herbs fr replacing others in certain magickal recipies o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ACACIA, GUM-Gum Arabic ACONITE-Tobacco ARABIC, GUM-Frankincense; Gum Mastic AMMONIAC GUM-Asafetida ASAFOETIDA-Tobacco; Valerian BALM OF GILEAD-Rose Buds; Gum Mastic BELLADONNA-Tobacco BENZOIN-Gum Arabic; Gum Mastic CAMPHOR OIL-Eucalyptus Oil; Lavender Oil CARNATION-Rose petals anointed with a few drops of Cinnamon Oil CASSIA-Cinnamon CASTOR BEANS-A few drops Castor Oil CEDAR-Sandalwood CINQUEFOIL-Clover; Trefoil CITRON-Equal parts Orange Peel and Lemon Peel CLOVE-Mace; Nutmeg CLOVER-Cinquefoil COPAL-Frankincense; Cedar COWBANE-Tobacco CYPRESS-Juniper; Pine Needles DEERS TONGUE-Tonka Bean; Woodruff; Vanilla DITTANY OF CRETE-Gum Mastic DRAGON'S BLOOD-Equal parts Frankincense and Red Sandalwood EUCALYPTUS OIL-Camphor Oil; Lavender Oil EUPHORBIUM-Tobacco FRANKINCENSE-Copal; Pine Resin GALANGAL-Ginger Root GRAINS OF PARADISE-Black Pepper GUM AMMONIAC-Asafetida GUM BDELLIUM-Copal; Pine Resin; Dragon's Blood HELLEBORE-Tobacco; Nettle HEMLOCK-Tobacco HEMP-Nutmeg; Damiana; Star Anise; Bay HENBANE-Tobacco HYSSOP-Lavender IVY-Cinquefoil JASMINE-Rose JUNIPER-Pine

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

LAVENDER-Rose LEMON GRASS-Lemon Peel LEMON PEEL-Lemon Peel LEMON VERBENA-Lemon Grass; Lemon Peel MACE-Nutmeg MANDRAKE-Tobacco MASTIC, GUM-Gum Arabic; Frankincense MINT-Sage MISTLETOE-Mint; Sage MUGWORT-Wormwood NEROLI OIL-Orange Oil NIGHTSHADE-Tobacco NUTMEG-Mace; Cinnamon OAKMOSS-Patchouli ORANGE-Tangerine Peel ORANGE FLOWERS-Orange Peel PATCHOULI-Oakmoss PEPPERMINT-Spearmint PEPPERWORT-Rue; Grains of Paradise; Black Pepper PINE-Juniper PINE RESIN-Frankincense; Copal RED SANDALWOOD-Sandalwood mixed with a pinch of Dragon's Blood ROSE-Yarrow ROSE GERANIUM-Rose RUE-Rosemary mixed with a pinch of Black Pepper SAFFRON-Orange Peel SANDALWOOD-Cedar SARSPARILLA-Sassafras SASSAFRASS-Sarsaparilla SPEARMINT-Peppermint SULFER-Tobacco; Club Moss; Asafetida THYME-Rosemary TOBACCO-Bay TONKA BEAN-Deerstongue; Woodruff; Vanilla Bean TREFOIL-Cinquefoil VALERIAN-Asafetida VANILLA-Woodruff; Deerstongue; Tonka Bean VETIVERT-Calamus WOLFSBANE-Tobacco WOOD ALOE-Sandalwood sprinkled with Ambergris Oil WOODRUFF-Deerstongue; Vanilla WORMWOOD-Mugwort

o o

YARROW-Rose YEW-Tobacco

Herbal Infused Oil Quick Method o o o 2 - 3 oz. dried herbs or 3 - 4 oz. fresh 1 1/4 cups unblended vegetable oil (preferably sunflower or olive) A heat-proof container with a tight-fitting lid (jam jars work well)

Chop the herb and put it in the container with all the oil. Put the container in a pan filled with water to within 1 inch of the top of the container of oil. Simmer slowly for 2 hours. After 2 hours, allow the oil to cool, and strain well. Discard the spent herbs (makes lovely compost). Refill the canister with the remaining herbs and return to the water bath (remember to replace the lid). Simmer for another 2 hours. Be sure to check the water level occasionally so as to not burn the oil. When the oil has cooled enough to work with, pour it through a jelly bag or sieve lined with cheesecloth. If using fresh herbs, there may be a watery liquid at the bottom of the oil. This must be separated and discarded, or else it will spoil the oil over time. This oil can be used as a base for ointments, creams, or salves, or as a massage oil.

Magic Full Moon Oil o o o 13 drops of sandalwood essential oil 9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract 3 drops of jasmine essential oil 1 drop of rose essential oil

Mix prior to a full moon. Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full moon. Use to anoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel like you need the moons energy.

Moon Magick

Spells and rituals honoring or involving the element of fire should be done when the Moon is in either Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Spells and rituals honoring or involving the earth or earth healing should be done when the Moon is in either Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. Spells and rituals honoring or involving the element of air should be done when the Moon is in either Gemini, Libra or Aquarius.

Spells and rituals honoring or involving the element of water should be done when the Moon is in either Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. The circle is a sacred place in which magic is worked, where Wiccans can meet with the god and goddess. The word circle, may be misleading though. It is actually a sphere made of energy that encompasses all the participants and the altar. The magic circle defines the ritual area, holds in personal power and shuts out all distractions and negative energies. You can use objects on the ground to show the boundaries of the circle, such as stones, flowers, branches and candles, or crystals. It is formed of personal energy which is visualized as streaming from the body to form what looks like a bubble made of mist. Some Wiccans use tools such as the Athame, to direct this power, some use their hands. Once the energy is flowing through your fingertips or chosen tool, walk the circle three times clockwise, envisioning the mist, or light or energy, whatever, trailing outward from you to form the sphere. When the circle is complete, shut off the energy flow by shaking your hand or pulling it back into your tool.. Once the circle is cast, you are ready to perform your ritual, or magic. The Moon continually moves through the Zodiac, and each sign has its own significance: Aries - Good for starting things, but lacks staying power. Things occur rapidly, but quickly pass. Taurus - Things begun now last the longest, tend to increase in value, and become hard to alter. Gemini -Things begun now are easily changed by outside influence. Cancer - Pinpoints need, supports growth and nurturance. Leo - Showmanship, favors being seen, drama, recreation and happy pursuits. Virgo - Favors a complishment of details and commands. Libra - Increases self-awareness, favors self-examination and interaction with others. Scorpio - Increases awareness of psychic power. Ends connections. Sagittarius - Encourages flights of imagination and confidence. Capricorn - Increases awareness of the need for structure, discipline. Aquarius - Favors activities that are unique and individualistic. Pisces - Energy withdraws from the surface of life, hibernates within, secretly reorganizing and realigning.

Moon Phase Correspondences

Waxing Moon The new moon through first quarter; spells involving healing, love, good luck, sex related and any positive magick. Full moon: Spells involving fertility, spirit conjuring, increase psychic ability and dream spells. Waning moon: The full moon through the last quarter; destructive spells, hexes, reverse love spells, ending bad relationships and undoing negative forces.

Moon in Aries: Spells involving authority, willpower and rebirth. Moon in Taurus: Spells involving love, real estate, and money. Moon in Gemini: Spells involving communication, public relations and travel. Moon in Cancer: Spells involving domestic life and honoring lunar deities. Moon in Leo: Spells involving power over others, courage, child birth. Moon in Virgo: Spells involving employment matters, health and intellectual matters. Moon in Libra: Spells involving court cases, partnerships and artistic matters. Moon in Scorpio: Spells involving secrets, power and psychic growth. Moon in Sagittarius: Spells involving publications, sports and the truth. Moon in Capricorn: Spells involving career, political matters and ambition. Moon in Aquarius: Spells involving science, freedom, personal expression, problem solving and friendship. Moon in Pisces: Spells involving music, telepathy and clairvoyance.

Moon Magick Waxing Moon: Fertility Magic, Health Magic, Planting Herbs, Beginnings The waxing moon goes from black (new) to full. As the moon grows, she will excert a magnetic pull on all things - strengthening energies. Waning Moon: Undoing Magic, Banishing, Receding, Separations and eliminations, Best time to cut herbs and flowers. The waning moon is from full to black (new). This is the time for ending relations with unwanted partners or situations. This is a time for the inward journey of self, preparing for rebirth. Full Moon: High tide of psychic powers. Helpful in all types of magic This is a powerful time where energy is in an abundance. Magical rites are amplified as energy is in it's zenith. Full moon magic works best in a seven day cycle - three prior, the night of, and three after. Black (New) Moon: No magic should be performed .This is a witches Sunday of rest if you will. We respect the moon cycle and the power she instills by resting on the Black Moon.

Create Your Own Moon Spells Because of the very nature of Magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding the basics of Spell Construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire. Preliminary planning is necessary. The very first step is to decide precisely what your desired end result is to be. Before you can start, you must decide where you are going. You must be very explicit.

It is important, also, that you choose your time carefully. You should take into consideration all Astrological implications, energy currents and Moon phases. The Moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, it is very important to choose a time when the Moon is in an astrological sign which is appropriate for your working. For example: Aries/Action - Enthusiasm, Taurus/ Renewal - Sensuality, Gemini/Communication - Curiosity, Cancer/ Emotion - Nurturing, Leo/Vitality - Determined, Virgo/Organizing - Studious, Libra/Balance -Cooperation, Scorpio/Sexual - Philosophical, Capricorn/Authority - Ambitious, Aquarius/Innovation - Social, Pisces/Sensitivity - Idealistic. Bear in mind that magickal workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the Moon is Waxing (from Dark to Full); when the Moon is Waning (from Full to Dark)- it is time for magical workings of decrease or sending away. The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magical workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick.

FULL MOON OIL 13 drops of sandalwood essential oil 9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract 3 drops of jasmine essential oil 1 drop of rose essential oil

Mix prior to a full moon. Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full moon. Use to anoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel like you need the moons energy.

Healing By The Moon Waxing Moon The waxing phase of the Moon is the best time to build the body up. This is when I use nurturing herbs and tonics to strengthen the body's natural immunities. Raspberry leaf is an excellent tonic for female reproductive organs; hawthorn berries are good for the cardiovascular system; nettle is a great blood tonic; marshmallow root is a soothing tonic for the urinary tract; astragalas is a wonderful immune

system tonic; burdock is a good liver tonic; red clover builds fertility; oat straw is good for the nervous system; and alfalfa is a fantastic all-around nutritive tonic. These herbs are simple and gentle. They are best taken in a cup of tea, three to five times a day. During the waxing phase I also like to increase water intake to avoid water retention. The more water we ingest, the less water our bodies attempt to retain. This is also a good time to apply medicinal salves and to take therapeutic baths. Most importantly, I work during the waxing Moon to ensure that the body has all the nutritional support it needs. This is the body's building time, and it needs a good supply of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids to be healthy. I would also not attempt to fast or to lose weight during the waxing Moon. Use energy healing techniques to strengthen and reconnect with the earth. Be careful to ground and center when healing so that you never use up your own life force energy. The universe is full of energy to use, and by tapping into it you will be able to help many more people than you could by using just your energy alone.

Full Moon The Full Moon lasts about three days. It is a very intense phase. Many women still ovulate with the Full Moon. This is the time to apply the most powerful herbs. Use cayenne capsules to treat infections of any kind. Goldenseal is a well-known herbal antibiotic. Echinacea and lomatium are anti-viral. Dong quai is an excellent herb for female hormonal fluctuations. Energy healing work during the Full Moon is very powerful. On the energetic level, it acts like a magnifying mirror. The strong lunar energy pulls everything out of hiding and reflects it back at us. This is often the time during an acute illness when people feel their worst. The Full Moon intensifies whatever else is going on. Often people aren't even aware that they're sick until the Full Moon hits. This is also an excellent time for psychological therapy. Emotions seem closer to the surface than usual and social inhibitions melt away. Agendas that have been simmering under the surface tend to come out under the light of the Full Moon. This is a time to strengthen relationships and reaffirm bonds. Never underestimate the healing power of simply holding someone's hand and listening. This is not the time for isolation or introspection . The Full Moon draws all of life toward it. Even the solid ground rises several inches when the Full Moon passes overhead! Waning Moon The waning Moon is the best time to employ therapeutic fasts. Avoid drastic fasting. There is usually no need to starve the body to heal it. However, it may be helpful to limit your intake to juices and soups for a few days during the waning Moon, particularly when struggling with the flu. Use purifying herbs in

moderation at this time. Sage, usnea, ginger, lemon, thyme, lavender, and peppermint are all cleansing and clearing herbs. The waning Moon is also a good time to do sweats and diaphoretic (sweat producing) baths. In addition, if you are trying to kick a habit, do it during the waning phase. Use energy healing techniques to sever unhealthy bonds and strengthen boundaries. New Moon The New Moon is as powerful in its own way as the Full Moon. It is a time for taking stock. It is a phase of hibernation, retreat, and contemplation. Avoid crowds and gatherings and seek a little time for yourself. Rest is crucial during the New Moon. Simple foods and quiet times are powerful healers. Many women menstruate with the New Moon. It is natural to want to curl up in bed with a good book and nice cup of chamomile tea. Stronger nervines (relaxing herbs) are skullcap, hops, catnip, oatstraw, and valerian. After the New Moon ends and that first crescent appears, then the healing lunar cycle begins all over again. Most acute diseases do not last a full lunar cycle. The information in this article is only intended to be an educational tool, not a prescription. It is always wise to consult with your health care provider when experiencing any illness or discomfort. Awareness of the rhythms of nature can assist you and your health care provider in determining the best course of treatment at any given time. Naturally, some conditions will require that you apply therapies that don't necessarily "fit" with the phase of the Moon.

Moon Magick Waxing Moon: the waxing Moon is the best time to do a spell for growth, beginning new projects, initiation and enhancement. Waning Moon: during the waning Moon, do spells to banish evil influences, lessen or remove obstacles and illness, neutralize enemies, and to remove harm. New Moon: three days after the New Moon are the most powerful times to work spells for growth and beginnings which should manifest at the Full Moon. Full Moon: the days just before the Full Moon are the most powerful times for fruition and completion. Remember that even though the Moon looks Full Moon in the sky for two or three nights, it is only EXACT at the time posted on your calendar. Anything after that time is a waning influence. Do your Full Moon spell before the exact time listed. Moon Quarters: The First Quarter is the mid-point between the New Moon and the Full Moon. The Last Quarter is the mid-point between the Full Moon and New Moon.

Lunar Phases And Magickal Work

Moon Myths When people lived with Nature, the changing seasons had a great impact on religious ceremonies.The Moon was seen as a symbol of the Goddess. Because of this, the light of the Moon was considered magical, and a source of energy. Wiccans often practice magic at a Full Moon to tap into this energy thought to exist at this time. Plutarch once said "Egyptian priests called the Moon the "Mother of the Universe," because the moon, "having the light which makes moist and pregnant, is promotive of the generation of living beings.." The Gnostic sect of Naassians believed in a primordial being known as "the heavenly horn of the moon." The Moon was the Great Mother. Menos meant "Moon" and "power" to the Greeks. To the Romans, the morality of the Moon Goddess was above that of the Sun God. In many cultures the Moon Goddess and the Creatress were the same. Polynesians called the Creatress Hina, "Moon." She was the first woman, and every woman is a wahine, made in the image of Hina. Scandinavians sometimes called the Creatress Mardoll, "Moon Shining Over the Sea." Ashanti people had a generic term used for all their deities, Boshun, meaning Moon. Sioux Native Americans call the moon The Old Woman Who Never Dies. Iroquois call her "Eternal One." Rulers in the Eritrean zone of South Africa held the Goddesses name "Moon." The Gaelic name of the Moon, gealach, came form Gala or Galata, the original Moon-Mother of Gaelic and Gaulish tribes. Britain used to be called Albion, the milk-white Moon-Goddess. The Moon was called Metra, which means Mother , "whose love penetrated everywhere." In the Basque language, the words for deity and moon are the same. The root word for both "moon" and "mind" was the Indo-European manas, mana, or men, representing the Great Mother's "wise blood" in women, governed by the Moon. The derivative mania used to mean ecstatic revelation, like lunacy used to mean possession by spirit of Luna, the Moon. To be Moon-Touched or Moon-Struck meant to be chosen by the Goddess. When patriarchal thinkers belittled the Goddess, these words came to mean craziness. Orphic and Pythagorean sect viewed the Moon as the home of the dead, a female gate known as Yoni. Souls passed through on the way to the paradise fields of the stars. Greeks often located the Elysian Fields, home of the blessed dead, in the moon. The shoes of Toman senators were decorated with ivory crescents to show that after death they would inhabit the Moon. Roman religion taught that "the souls of the just are purified in the Moon." Wearing the crescent was "visual worship" of the Goddess. That was why the prophet Isaiah denounced the women of

Zion for wearing lunar amulets. Because the moon was the holder of souls between reincarnations, it sheltered both the dead and unborn, who were one in the same. If a man dreams of his own image in the Moon, he would become the father of a son. If a woman dreamed of her own image in the Moon, she would have a daughter. The Moon Goddess created time, with all its cycles of creation, growth, decline, and destruction. This is why ancient calendars were based on phases of the moon and menstrual cycles. The Moon still determines agricultural work in some parts of India. India and Egyptn moon priestesses were responsible for finding the right phase of the moon for every undertaking. The Moon was to have been the receptacle of menstrual blood by which each mother formed the life of her child. This sacer, taboo moon-fluid kept even the Gods alive. The moon was "the cup of the fluid of life immortal, quickening the vegetable realm and whatsoever grows in the sub-lunar sphere, quickening also the immortals on high." The Moon was supposed to rule life and death as well as the tides. People living on the shores were convinced that a baby could only be born on an incoming tide and a person could not die until the tide went out. It was often said birth at a full tide or a full moon means a lucky life. Girls in Scotland refused to wed on anything but a Full Moon. Witches invoked their Goddess by "drawing down the Moon." It is said to be a rite dating back to moon worship in Thessaly, centuries before the Christian era.

Esbats Lunar holidays are also known as Esbats, but any Wiccan ritual held at any time other than a Sabbat is an Esbat. Due to the rotation of the earth, the Wiccan calendar contains 13 Full Moons and 8 Sabatts, also known as Days of Power. A full moon happens every 28 1/4 days. Full Moon energy is used for banishing unwanted influences, protection and divination. A Full Moon is also a good time for planning, releasing and working backwards in time. Full Moon Magic can be done for seven days, three days before the full moon and three days after the full moon. There are thirteen Full Moons. Each has a traditional name. Wolf Moon January Storm Moon February Chaste Moon March Seed Moon April Hare Moon May Dyad Moon June

Mead Moon July Wyrt Moon August Barly Moon September Blood Moon October Snow Moon November Oak Moon December Blue Moon variable The New Moon is used for personal growth, healing, the blessing of a new project etc. Between the New Moon and Full Moon is the phase called Waxing Moon. Magic for this phase includes attraction magic, increasing, growth, and gain. Between the Full Moon and New Moon is the phase called the Waning Moon. Magic for this phase includes banishing magic, such a loosing negative emotions, bad habits etc. Three days before the New Moon is known as the Dark Moon, as it is not visible in the sky. Traditionally, no magic is performed at this time. It is a time for rest.

Meanings Of The Lunar Phases Every time the Moon enters a new phase -- lasting for about 3-1/2 days each -- there's a shift in the electro-magnetic field of Earth. Learn the characteristics of each phase and you'll be guided into taking appropriate action, whether in personal or business relationships. The power and consciousness behind each lunar phase is awesome. Let the Moon support you. It will show you how to stay emotionally and physically balanced and also put money in your pocket. The Moon governs the general public, sales, and business in general. The overall cycle of the phases governs the acceleration or deceleration of growth and momentum. Ideally, start projects and build them when the Moon is increasing in light -- "waxing" -- from New Moon to Full Moon. From the Full Moon to the oncoming New Moon, the Moon is decreasing in light -- "waning" -- and this is when you want to bring whatever activities you can to a completion. Keep this ebb and flow of energy in mind and you'll have an invaluable tool to help you flow with the tide of events, rather than against them. Each phase represents a segment of time within the monthly lunation cycle as a whole. With practice you will begin to see how each phase is not an isolated period within itself, but rather a consequence of the previous phase and a preparation for the following one. In other words

"Space is Curved." Whatever you send out will come back to you at the appropriate time, and it's a good idea to know where you stand in the overall cycle. Understanding the lunar rhythms will also save on panic and worry, as you realize that everything in life unfolds in exactly the right moment. New Moon - "Beginnings." Subjective-Inner awareness starts to open; new seed-ideas begins to unfold in the inner consciousness. Expand into the world of ideas, allow the outrageous wanderings of the mind, open to unlimited possibilities, watch the birthing of the idea into thought. Let it unfold in the quiet. Crescent - "Growth." The research phase. Ask the big questions - the why? Shape, mold, dance with the newly realized seed-idea. Ask yourself: How can I bring my vision into the material world? Gathering knowledge prepares you to take future action. First Quarter - "Action." Take action in the outer world. Pick up hammer and nails and build new structures. There's an urgency about facing the challenge of the moment. Move forward, or be buried in the past. Stand up or sit down, but don't wobble. Gibbous - "Analysis." Make adjustments to clarify your sense of direction. Without expecting absolute perfection, continue to move toward self-improvement. Be comfortable with yourself. Assess and analyze projects. You have a better idea where you're headed. Full Moon - "Illumination." The outer structure is complete and ready to be filled with content. The completion is the culmination of the seed-idea of the New Moon. Sense where you fit into the overall scheme of life. These 3-1/2 days represent the beginning of maximum fruitfulness. Favors public exposure and events. Disseminating - "Networking." Give something back to the community. You are now ready to make a contribution. What you know has value even if you may have doubts about its worth. Find common ground through discussions. You can make a powerful mental impression on others because of your ideals and vision. Last Quarter - "Results." Enjoy the harvest of your labors. This can be the most productive time for completions and gaining results. Success in business and personal affairs. The next question is: "Now that I've achieved what I want, what do I do with it?" Begin to let it go. Balsamic - "Releasing the Past." Turn away from thought and drop into the quiet. Emptiness is the fertile ground that recognizes and encourages the presence of the new seed. Regeneration. A time of cleansing. Inner time and reflection bring you back into emotional, physical and spiritual balance.

Lunar Phases The lunar phase is important in determining the best time for magick. There are basically two lunar phases: waxing moon (ideal time for positive magick) and waning moon (ideal time for banishing/negative magick, study, and meditation). In between you'll have the dark moon (the time of greatest power for banishing and negative magick) and the full moon (the time of greatest power for positive magick). Most witches and pagans work around these lunar phases. However, others suggest a much more complicated subdivision of the moon phases. New Moon Magic (from the day of the New Moon to 3 1/2 days after)Timing: The magic should be performed between dawn and sunset for the best use of this magic. Conjuring: beauty, health, and self-improvement; farms and gardens; job hunting; love and romance; networking

Crescent Moon Magic (from 3 1/2 days after the new moon through the 7th. day) Timing: The moon rises at mid-morning and sets after sunset. Conjuring: animals, business, change, emotions, matriarchal strength

First Quarter (Waxing Moon) Magick ( from 7 to 10 days after the new moon) Timing: Sunset is the prime time for waxing moon magic. Conjuring: courage, elemental magic, friends, luck, motivation

Gibbous Moon Magick (from 10 to 13 days after the new moon) Timing: It's a wonderful time for working around 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. Conjuring: patience

Full Moon Magick (14 days after the new moon) Timing: Midnight is the best hour to work.

Conjuring: artistic endeavors; beauty, health, and fitness; change and decisions; children; competition; dreams; families; health and healing; knowledge; legal undertakings; love and romance; money; motivation; protection; psychism; self-improvement

Disseminating Moon Magick (3 to 7 days after the full moon) Timing: The time of souls is at 3:00 a.m. Conjuring: addictions, decisions, divorce, emotions, stress, protection

Last Quarter (Waning Moon) Magick (7 to 10 days after the full moon) Timing: The moon rises at midnight and sets at noon. Conjuring: addictions. divorce, health and healing (banishing disease), stress, protection

Dark Moon Magick (from 11 to 14 days after the full moon) Timing: As odd as this may sound, the strongest pull of the dark moon is around 10:00 a.m. Conjuring: addictions, change, divorce, enemies, justice, obstacles, quarrels, removal, separation, stopping stalkers and theft.

Lunar Eclipses Eclipses represent the perfect union of sun and moon. Any type of magick is acceptable. There are 2 types of lunar eclipse: Partial eclipse Penumbral eclipse of the moon

Moon Void of Course It's said that the moon is void of course before it enters a new moon sign (Cancer, Leo, Virgo...). There is a sort of dead space when this is happening. The rule here is to avoid doing any important magick work while the moon is avoid of course. Don't do any major magick work. Don't complete any magick work.

Moon Wobbles

A Moon Wobble is generally an unsettling time of sudden ups and downs, increased accidents and violence, unusual or extreme weather, greater incidence of earth activity, e.g. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and intense, often volatile emotional behavior. People feel more restless and are more likely to over-react to problems. Anything begun during a Moon Wobble is usually short-lived because of the unstable energy--on average lasting 3 months to one year. Moon Wobbles have benefits, too. They can be very stimulating times, bringing new contacts, innovative ideas, heightened creativity, and unexpected opportunities. Use them to gather information and consider different options, but wait until they are over to make final agreements and actually begin new ventures. This powerful cycle was first recognized, then researched and named by noted American mathematician and astrologer Carl Payne Tobey. He found that these cycles of intensified energies occur when the transiting Sun makes contact with the Lunar Nodes (the Lunar Nodes are where the orbit of the Moon intersects the orbit of the Earth around the Sun). There are usually 3.5 to 4 Moon Wobbles a year; however, occasionally there are 5, as in 1996. The focus for Moon Wobble phenomena varies according to the sign the Moon Wobble is occurring in; however, there are some general "rules of thumb" that apply to all Moon Wobbles. Try to AVOID: Buying a home or moving Starting a new job or project Having important medical work done Having major car or home repairs done Taking long-distance trips: If you do travel, BE FLEXIBLE! Having arguments or confrontations with the closest people in your life. They can easily escalate out of proportion and be very difficult to resolve.

REMEMBER to: Remind yourself it is a Moon Wobble when difficulties arise. Try to ACT not REACT in dealing with problems. Be flexible and roll with the punches. Drive with extra care. Expect the unexpected!

Moon Phase Magick

New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.

Waxing Moon Magick: From seven to fourteen days after the new moon. The waxing moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health.

Full Moon Magick: From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healings for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.

Waning Moon Magick: From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. The waning moon is used for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.

Dark Moon Magick: From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for dealing with attackers, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.

Plants That come Especially under the Dominion of the Moon The whole plant world is especially subject to the moon.

Especially strongly lunar are:

Acanthus mollis: acanthus Agnus castus: monk's pepper Atriplex silvestris: atriplex, orache, all-seed, notchweed Bellis perennis: daisy Brassicae: all kinds of cabbage, brassicaceous plants Cardamine pratense: lady's smock, cuckoo flower Carica papaya: papaya Cheiranthus cheiri: wallflower Cucumis sativus: cucumber Cucurbita Pepo: pumpkin, gourd Curcuma longa: turmeric Galium aparine: galium, cleavers, goose grass Hieracium pilosella: hawkweed, mouse-ear

Hyssopus officinalis: hyssop Iris florentina: Florentine iris (with Saturn) Iris germanica: German iris (with Saturn), dark blue flowers Iris pallida: pale iris (with Saturn), pale blue flowers Lactuca sativa: cabbage-lettuce Lenticula palustris: duckweed Ligustrum vulgare: privet Lilium album: white lily Lysimachia nummularia: moneywort Myristica fragrans: nutmeg Nasturtium officinale: watercress Nymphaea alba: water lily Papa ver rhoeas: corn poppy (with Saturn) Papaver somnifrruni: opium poppy (with Saturn) Ruta lunaria: moonwort Salices: all kinds of willows Saxifraga: saxifrage Sedum acre: sharp stonecrop, wall-pepper Sedum telephium: orpine Stellaria media: chickweed Telephium vulgare: sedum Tilia: lime-tree (with Venus) Trapa natans: water chestnut Veronica officinalis: speedwell Vinca minor: myrtle, periwinkle

Therapeutic effect of the lunar plants: many food plants, alternative, cooling, moisturizing, enzymic, and promoting fermentation.

Love Potion You'll need a few large apples, cinnamon, yarrow, spring water, salt, and an enameled or cast-iron saucepan. These are often associated with love and passion. If it is to your orientation, it is often helpful to bless or consecrate these components. Concentrate on your goal while preparing this potion: Slice the apples place them into the saucepan, coat with cinnamon, and cover with yarrow. Put in enough water to submerge the contents and add a

small sprinkling of salt. Stir clockwise on low heat, incanting a love charm of your own making. Bring to a simmer for about 90 minutes, strain and place into a dark jar. Put a few drops into your favorite aftershave or cologne and wear it every 4 days. The magick stays after the scent fades.

Protection Potion 2-4 Cups of Spring Water, as a base 1 Tble. Powdered Iron or Iron Shavings 1 tsp. Vervain 2 Tble. Sea Salt 2 Tble. of each frankincense & Myrrh

A pinch of Wolf's hair from a live, shedding Wolf (ask a local Zoo keeper)

Wishing Powder Anything else you feel you need to personalize your wish. You will need to craft the wishing powder ahead of time. You can either do this at home in a Circle or, if you don't mind taking your mortal and pestle along with you, you can make it outside where you plan to use it. 2 parts sage 1 part sandalwood 1 part Tonka beans

Grind, mix, and empower. If you're feeling adventurous, customize your wishing powder to the wish you'll be making. (Example: Crushed rose petals for bringing love into your life). Find a spot to make our wishes from. Take a handful of the wishing powder and begin concentrating on your wishes. A wish is just as powerful whether it's made standing on a rock on the side of a steep hill or standing in a field). Put your energy and wish into the powder you are holding. When it feels like you can no longer hold the energy, let it fly. As the powder settles to the ground, visualize your wishes joining with the Earth, gaining power and strength. After putting the energy out there, it's impossible to call it back. Remember the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, you may get it." If you are worried about where to get Tonka Beans (as needed for the above wishing spell). You can do an easy search for them through any search engine to find them. Vanilla Beans/pods are a Substitute

Love Potion Tea

1 pinch of rosemary 2 teaspoons of black tea 3 pinches thyme 3 pinches nutmeg 3 fresh mint leaves 6 fresh rose petals 6 lemon leaves 3 cups pure spring water Sugar to taste Honey

To make another person fall in love with you, brew this tea on a Friday during a waxing moon. Place all ingredients in an earthenware or copper tea kettle. Boil three cups of pure spring water and add to the kettle. Sweeten with sugar and honey, if desired. Before drinking, recite this magical rhyme: By light of moon waxing brew this tea to make [lover's name] desire me. Drink some of the tea and say: Goddess of love hear now my plea Let [lover's name] desire me! So mote it be On the following Friday, brew another pot of the love potion tea and give some to the person you want to love you. He or she will soon begin to fall in love with you.

Lust Potion

6 drops of Patchouli oil 6 drops of Sandalwood oil 6 drops of Rose oil 6 drops of Clove oil 6 drops of Nutmeg oil 6 drops of Olive oil

Wear as a perfume whenever you'll be in the presence of the person you're trying to attract. Be careful, this stuff is really potent. And don't be surprised if you find others eyeing you as well. I find it's pretty

effective for getting a man's attention. Its would probably suggest substituting amber oil for the rose oil in order to attract a woman.

Love Me Madly Spell

If you are madly in love and wish it to go full steam ahead into handfasting (Wiccan Marriage) make him this excellent supermarket-ingredient love potion. Get yourself some orange juice, some spring water, some rose water and a dash of nutmeg-oranges are very potent symbols of love-if your partner brings you one you can be sure he adores you. Anyway, blend a beautiful refreshing drink from the above (don't overdo the nutmeg) and drink it with your lover-you don't have to tell him what it's for. Look into his eyes-you'll see the truth there about your future once he's downed this powerful concoction. This spell also work male to female.

Employment Potion

One part sandalwood oil One part patchouli oil One part clove bud oil One part frankincense oil One part nutmeg oil

You will also need a green candle, parchment, a pen and dragon's blood ink. You may also use a green or gold ink pen. On the waxing or full moon, fold all the herbs into the cloth and tie a ribbon around it and place it on your altar. combine the oils together and place the bottle on your altar. On the parchment draw the symbol for Jupiter, a money symbol (like a dollar sign or the symbol for the pound or a rune for prosperity). Also make a general list of all the things you'd like to gain from your new job. Take the green candle and with a pen, tack or crystal, carve the word "Prosperity" into the wax. Anoint the candle with some of the oil and allow it to burn out. Wear the remainder of the oil as a perfume, add it to a bath or put a drop or two on your application or resume. Sleep with the sachet under your pillow for at least a week. You should see results in 1-3 months.

Moon Priestess Perfume

1 Drop Queen of the Night Oil 3 drops rose oil 1 drop lemon verbana oil 4 fl. oz white spirit

Blend the three oils in a bottle. Add the white spirit, and shake all vigorously. A cologne can be made by adding another 1 FL. oz of white spirit and 3 fl. oz of distilled water.

Moon Priest Cologne

1 fl.oz lemon verbena or Lime oil 2 fl.oz coriander oil 1/2 fl.oz. camphor or myrrh oil 1/4 fl.oz. white spirit 3 3/4 fl.oz. distilled water

Blend the oils in a bottle, add the spirit and water and shake all vigorously. Increasing the myrrh oils gives a darker perfume; increasing the camphor, a lighter and more spicy one. All perfumes 'behave' differently on different skins, so it is worth experimenting to find your own balance.

Earth Mother Perfume

Musk oil Patchouli oil Rose Oil

Blend in equal parts, bottle and shake well.

Sun Goddess Perfume Cinnamon Oil Lemon Verbena Oil Ylang-Ylang Oil

Blend equal parts, bottle and shake well.

Art Of Perfumery

oz. oil of lavender 60 drops essence of musk 30 drops essence of ambergris 30 drops oil of bergamot 8 oz. spirit Mix by agitation. Then add: 22 drops oil of cloves 8 drops oil of cinnamon 8 drops essence of ambergris

Solid Lavender Perfume

4 ounces beeswax cup sweet almond oil 1 tablespoon Lavender essential oil

Melt beeswax into the oil using a double boiler. Remove from heat. Stir in essential oils and keep stirring for about a minute. Pour into containers and let cool completely until solid.

Lavender Water

Fragrance Family: Floral Single Note: Floral The recipe is simple and very easy to follow. The alcohol in the recipe serves as a preservative and prolongs the shelf life of the lavender water from eight months to a year. Apply by hand or spray to relieve aching legs, to relax, refresh and calm emotions. The scent is distinctly soft and delicate to the wearer. Ingredients:

1 clean airtight container or jar 1 clean spoon 1 cup distilled water 2 tablespoons vodka (a good brand) 20 drops lavender fragrance oil cup lavender flowers (fresh or dried will do)

For later: 1 coffee filter or cheese cloth 1-2 airtight bottles to store cologne

Mix. Fill container or jar with lavender flowers. Pour water and vodka over flowers and stir with spoon gently. Add lavender fragrance oil, stir again. Seal container and set in cool, dark place for one week, stirring every few days. One week later: Strain liquid through coffee filter or cheese cloth and discard lavender. Bottle lavender water immediately. It can be stored in a dark bottle and kept up to one year.

Flower Power Cologne This is a light, fresh toilet water that combines two favorite garden scents - rose and lavender with fresh herbs and citrus peel for an irresistible scent, perfect for splashing on throughout the day. 2 tablespoons fresh rose petals 2 tablespoons fresh lavender flowers Peel of 1 lemon (zest only) 1 tablespoon fresh Rosemary 1 tablespoon fresh Peppermint 2 Cups water 1 cups vodka

Place the flowers, peel, and herbs in a small saucepan and cover with the water. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes but do not boil. Cool completely and add the vodka. Pour the mixture into a clean container with a tight-fitting lid and place in a cool, dry location for 2 weeks. Strain off all solids and bottle your cologne in a pretty bottle. Yield: 16 ounces.

Lavender Water

1 cup lavender flowers cup ethyl alcohol at room temperature.

Steep for 6 days in a screw-top jar, shaking vigorously each day. Strain and Decant into a dark glass bottle.

Lavender Beeswax Soap

4 ounces unscented, clear glycerin soap 1 teaspoon grated beeswax teaspoon lavender fragrance oil Violet food coloring -- (or one drop each blue & red)

Melt the soap over low heat until liquefied. Add beeswax and stir until melted. Remove from heat and add the fragrance oil and food coloring. Stir until blended. Pour into mold and let set for 3 hours.

Deodorant Recipe

4 ounces 100 proof grain alcohol 28 ounces purified water 1 cup of dried lavender flowers tsp. dried thyme leaf cup witch hazel leaf 2 teaspoon Lavender essential oil

In a large jar, combine herbs. Mix alcohol and water and pour into jar with herbs to fill. Screw cap tightly on jar. Let steep, shaking occasionally for a full moon cycle. Strain liquid through muslin cloth. Return liquid to clean jar, add essential oils, Screw cap tightly on jar, shake vigorously. Let set and shake thrice more over the course of a day. Shake well before decanting into spray bottles.

Slave Maker

10ml unscented body lotion 2 drops lemon 1 drop geranium 1 drop sandalwood 20 drops of pre-diluted rose oil Blend well and massage into your hands. Now, if you shake somebody's hand they'll do anything for you.

Love Tea Spell A love tea spell can be made on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday during a waxing moon. You Will Need: 3 candles (red, pink, and green) 4 caraway seeds 4 fennel seeds 1 tea bag 3 rose hips 5 edible rose petals.

If you cannot get rose petals, buy rose water or dried roses from a herbal shop. (Be sure that the roses have not been sprayed with pesticides and are safe for brewing into a tea). Light the candles and place them on the stove near the teapot. Bring two cups of spring water to a slow simmer. Add the other ingredients with the tea. As the love tea is steeping, pass your hands over the steam three times, and concentrate on the feelings of love. Pour a cup and sit in a cheerful place. If you have a photo of an intended lover, place it where you can see it as you drink the tea. Recite this spell: "I lift this cup to my lips, I drink it slow with tiny sips, Rose, tea, caraway, And fennel cause love to stay."

Rose Dew Dew should be collected from organically grown roses! Non organic roses are frequently sprayed with highly toxic chemicals, some will cause allergic reactions or worse! They aren't safe even if you have never seen them being sprayed either, systemic poisons are injected or placed around the roots of the plant and will result in the same exposure to these toxins. Even organically grown roses are occasionally sprayed with sulfur and other solutions to keep fungi at bay, so this will affect the working. Sulfur will actually oppose this working with its repelling

tendencies. Ideally, the roses will be your own, or from a garden you are familiar with so you know that it has been at least two weeks since any sprays have been applied. I spray mine with a mixture of comfrey, manure, compost, and baking soda, fermented together and made into a tea, and NO WAY would I recommend collecting dew off of them for a couple days after the spray! To collect the dew, have a very clean, well wrung out, natural sea sponge or color-free cellulose sponge. Armed with your sponge and a small bottle, go to the roses late at night or very early in the morning, during the waxing moon is best. Dab the dew from the flowers and some leaves and occasionally wring the sponge out into the bottle. This shouldn't take long, maybe 15 minutes to collect what is needed, (depending on the humidity in your area) but get extra as long as you are there for future use. Separate the excess from what you will be using for any immediate workings. To the bottle that you will be putting up for storage add: 3 drops of ethyl alcohol, brandy, or rubbing alcohol OR 9 drops of commercial vanilla extract AND a small pinch of sea salt. This will keep it fresh for several months. Exposure to light will ruin the solution, as with many extracts and infusions, so keep it in the dark or in an amber or cobalt glass phial. If you cannot collect Rose Dew in this manner, substitute rose water in your spells. Rose water can be readily purchased from most grocers, drug stores or Mediterranean food markets.

Delicious Spicy Love Potions (Mulled Wine) Mortar and pestle red wine beautiful glasses for serving the wine 1 red candle 1 stick of incense saucepan 3 types of love herbs, 1 teasp of each (check that the herbs you chose are not poisonous )

Prepare your altar, light the incense and candle. Grind the herbs in your mortar and pestle (If you have used it for grinding poisonous herbs, then either buy a new one for cooking, or use a food processor ), charge the herbs for your magical purpose. Put enough wine in the saucepan, simmer, then add herbs slowly. As you do it, feel your intention for love, stir in herbs, keeping your focus. For best results, do on the waxing of the moon and chose herbs that suit your taste. Some herbs and spices do have a very strong taste.

Spellbound Love Potion

filtered water, 2 cups of red wine 1 teasp of each of the following: Cumin, mint and peppermint

Mix herbs together in a pot, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 mins. Serve.

Charms For Luck

Place dried seaweed under the busiest portion of the house to draw luck and prosperity to you. To change your luck, add one tablespoon of nutmeg to six cups of boiling water. Steep for three hours. Use for body anointing or add to a ritual bath.

Happiness Simmering Potpourri

This just does something to people and I can't figure out what it is. They totally love the scent and go absolutely wild over it. It works in almost anything and is simple to make. --1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon and a half of rose oil --1 teaspoon and a half of lavender oil --One chamomile tea bag (empty the bag into your bowl) --4 good shakes of cinnamon 1 teaspoon of coriander 1 bowl 1 spoon

Measure out all the dry ingredients into your bowl. Add your energy into them by mixing the ingredients with your fingertips. When you feel they are well mixed and you are content, add the oils and other liquid ingredients and mix with a spoon until all dry ingredients are damp. Use as needed...simmer with water as potpourri or..use it however you wish. When I made this I simply couldn't get the smell off my hands. Not for days. No matter how many times I washed. But when I made it into bath salts and soap the smell hardly showed up at all. It only seems to show up when you seem to need it and then a person can't get enough of it and they smell it and smell it until it's ALL they smell.

Pain Releiver Salve Mix together 1 oz of chickweed (reduces inflammation and aids in healing), 1 oz of wormwood (a great pain reliever), and 1 ounce of yarrow (an anti-bacterial agent that also helps relieve pain). The yarrow plant contains achillein and achilleic acid. These substances reduce the clotting time of blood, so they help stop any bleeding. Yarrow also has pain-killing and anti-inflammatory properties that are similar to aspirin. Add the mixture of herbs to 2 pints of olive oil and simmer 3 hours. Strain and add 3 ounces of beeswax and 1 teaspoon of tincture of benzoin. est for consistency before pouring into wide mouth containers.

Balm Of Gilead Salve Place 1 ounce of the buds in 1 pint of hot olive oil and allow to simmer, covered, 3 hours. Strain and add 1-1/2 oz of beeswax and 1/2 tsp. tincture of benzoin to the strained mixture. Test for consistency and place in sterile jar. This is a good salve to use on burns, scratches, swelling injuries. Also good for any skin eruptions. The signature of balm of Gilead is the resin exudation covering the buds. It contains salicin, which is also found in aspirin. It has some of the same pain-killing and anti-inflammatory properties as aspirin.

Do It Yourself Floral Water

Base: Grain alcohol, witch hazel, glycerin Add herbs and/or essential oils: Some suggested herbs - Floral herbs such as: Lavender flowers, rose petals; Citrus herbs such as: orange or lemon peels Instructions: Basically, you're making a weak tincture of herbs that either smell nice together, or are beneficial to the skin. Choose your herbs, just enough to loosely fill the bottom of a jar, pour grain alcohol and/or witch hazel to cover the herbs. Cover and place in a dark fairly cool place. Shake the jar once or twice a day for 2 - 3 weeks. Strain out herbs; if desired add eo or fo. Add distilled water to fill the remainder of the jar, shake to mix well, and decant into a dark glass bottle.

Fiery Passion Powder Red candle Red and gold talc Patchouli mandrake musk.

This postion increases your sexuality and lends aid in the bedroom. While you blend the botanical material together, light the red candle and focus on drawing passion and power into your mixture. Add to the talc and store in an air tight container.

Water Of Tranquility

To be added to scrub water, or as a method of ritual consecration. Crush 1/2 oz of white rose petals in 16 oz of spring water. Let the rose petals steep for three days, strain and bottle the liquid for use.

Fire Of Lust Potion

Items needed: --1 ounce bourbon 1 ounce vodka 3 ounces sloe gin orange juice 1 pinch allspice

Add the first three ingredients in order to a tall glass of ice. Fill the glass with orange juice and add a pinch of allspice. As you stir, chant: "Fire of lust and fire of passion Bring to me some satisfaction Lust unbridled I desire, Bring me now what I require" Share the drink with the person you desire.

Money Powder Mix equal amounts of the following herbs together: Chamomile, marigold, hyssop, jasmine, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, cinquefoil. combine all herbs with your hands empowering them with your energy and your need. Sprinkle in your purse, wallet, mailbox, anywhere you might expect to receive money. Rub It on your money before you spend it to call it back to you. Create a money spell, using green candles and this money powder on your altar.

Traditional Witches Soap

4 parts of lard 3 ounces of lye 5 cups of water 1 tablespoon of lavender oil 1 tablespoon of patchouli oil 1 cup of fresh strawberry juice 1/4 cup of dried soap bark herb

Soap made from jewelweed juices removes all itches.

Brew For Exorcism

4 tbsp. Boneset 3 Sprigs of Holy Thistle Handful of Angelica 4 oz. Horehound Pinch of Salt 3 parts Sandalwood 3 Roots of Mandrake

Brew and sprinkle to all four corners of the House to drive away Evil.

Protection Brew

4 part Rue 6 oz. Rosemary 3 oz. Vetivert 2 tbsp. Hyssop Sprig of Mistletoe

Don't Drink This! Brew these ingredients and anoint each window and door of the house. Sprinkle the rest on the four corners of the house to prevent Evil from coming.

Potion For Inducing Slumber

2 oz. Agrimony Pinch of Belladonna Root of Mandrake 2 oz. Cinnamon 1 oz. Peppermint 4 oz. Chamomile

Relieve Muscle Pain combine: 1 TBS cayenne powder 1 TBS wormwood 1 TSB tansy flower 8 ounces vinegar

Warm gently to dissolve the powders, then cool and strain through cheesecloth. Next, add 1/2 oz of spirits of camphor and 8 oz of turpentine to the herbal/vinegar mixture. You now have a super liniment. Its secret is in its potency as a rubefacient, or substance that stimulates the blood flow to the surface of the skin.

Perfumed Inks

Can be used when you want to intensify a spell. Simply purchase a bottle of ink, either black or colored, and add 2 or 3 drops of appropriate essential oil to the bottle. Let the bottle of ink set on your altar overnight. This is best done on the Full Moon for positively-charged ink. Can be done on the Dark Moon for negatively-charged ink. You can add steeped lavender flowers to blue ink and add a drop of red coloring dye to make lavender ink for love spells.

Dragon's Blood Ink 1 part dragon's blood powder 15 part alcohol 1 part Arabic

Fragrant Dragon's Blood Ink Dragon's Blood resin (powered if possible) colorless alcohol (vodka works well) tightly sealable jar 1 cinnamon stick (chipped) or 15 clovers or 1 vanilla bean (chipped or crushed) 9 coffee beans

Pour the resin and spices into jar. Pour in just enough vodka to cover the resin/spices mixture plus 10% more. Seal the jar. The resin will reach it's color into the alcohol, faster if it is a powder than if it is resin chunks. The spices well leach their scent into the ink at the same time. When you think it is dark enough, dip a sterile toothpick into the liquid, and test on the paper you intend to use it on. Let dry: if it is dark enough or does it need more steeping? Continue testing. When it is done, strain to remove the resin and spices. Put in bottle, use for writing. It should not be used for things that will spend time in the sun.

Doves Blood Ink

1 part dragon's blood 2 drops cinnamon 2 drops bay 10 parts alcohol 1 part gum Arabic 2 drops rose oil

Dove's Blood Ink is typically used for love spells. Mystical Inks are traditionally used for the writing of spells, magickal requests, petitions, wished, and the inscription of Mystical Seals. You can use Dove's Blood Ink for writing in your Book of Shadows, or for writing love spells. It is also used for thanking the Higher Powers for their assistance or aid. Dragon's Blood is an herb, and used for incense spells and make ink.

Potion To Rid Nervousness Valerian Wine -red or white wine with valerian root or leaves infused for a month and drained 2 handful valerian roots 1 clove 1 Orange rind 1 rosemary twig 1 liter of dry white wine

Cut valerian root into small pieces, and place them in a large clear glass container. Add the clove, the grated orange rind, and rosemary twig. Pour the dry white wine over the dry mixture. Seal the container tightly and allow to steep for one moon cycle (28 days). Then strain through gauze cloth, store in a bottle and seal tightly. Drink 1 liqueur glass three times daily. Also recommended for faintness.

Spells To Relieve Stress Ingredients: Ginger Sugar Sea Salt Lemon Cardamom Chamomile Tea

There are several ways to utilize this spell: 1. Draw a bath and add three chamomile tea bags, a whole ginger root, three fistfuls of sugar, three fistfuls of salt, a teaspoon of cardamom seeds, and the juice of a whole lemon. Relax and soak in the tub. 2. Brew a cup of chamomile tea add a pinch of salt, cardamom, and ginger. Then add lemon and sugar to taste. Drink tea before, during or after a stressful situation.

3. This preparation is used as a massage therapy for muscle tension in the body. Brew the tea as described above, but do not add the salt. Fill an empty mayonnaise jar with sea salt and then pour the tea over it. Shake well. You now have a salt rub to use on specific areas of your body that hold tension and stress.

Magic Violet Liason Brew

1 Lemon, sliced 1 Qt Spring water 1 Orange, sliced 2 whole Cloves 1/2 cup packed Violet petals

Place first four ingredients in a pan. Heat liquid until tepid, but not hot. Add the violet and simmer until they are almost see-through. Strain and serve hot or cold in one glass with two straws to share with your loved one.

Magic Love Tea For Two

2 tsp. Rose petals 1 tsp. Spearmint herb 1 tsp. Licorice root (ground) 1 tsp. Hawthorn herb

A pinch of the following: coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg Vanilla or Ginger Honey to taste Bring 3 cups of water to a boil. Place the herbs and spices listed above in the hot water; simmer on low for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to steep for 5 minutes longer. Strain tea before serving.

Magick Aphrodesiac Passion Drink

1 pinch Rosemary 2 pinches Thyme 2 tsp. Black Tea 1 pinch Coriander

3 fresh Mint leaves (or 1/2 tsp. dried) 5 fresh Rosebud petals (or 1 tsp. dried) 5 fresh Lemon tree leaves (or 1 tsp. dried Lemon peel) 3 pinches Nutmeg 3 pieces Orange peel

Place all ingredients into teapot. Boil 3 cups of water, then add to the teapot. Strain; sweeten with honey, if desired. Serve hot.

Magic Essence Of Louisiana Van Van Oil Used as a sprinkling solution to attract good luck and power of all kinds when used in full strength. Add to scrub water to wash down the floor and steps of a home or business to get rid of negativity. Put 1 1/2 oz of Louisiana Van Van oil in 16 oz of alcohol. Shake well before each use.

Magic Nontoxic Flying Ointment

1 part Dittany of Crete 1 part Cinquefoil 1 part Mugwort 1 part Parsley Prepare using the formula for making an ointment in the herbal section and anoint the body prior to an Astral Projection session.

Magic Nontoxic Flying Ointment

2 drops Sandalwood Oil 1 drop Jasmine Oil 1 drop Benzoin Oil 1 drop Mace Oil

Add these essential oils to the ointment base and anoint the body prior to an Astral Projection session. The Gazing Technique - This is to be done when going to bed. You need something to focus on; if it is in view the moon, the stars, a crystal, a favorite doll will work well...Use whatever you like. This method involves the body falling asleep, and you should never leave anything that burns unattended. Place the object within your view and lie down in your bed.

Just stare at the object as you doze off. The first few times may be frustrating. You may just fall asleep and that's it. Keep staring at the object. As your eyelids become heavy, keep staring. Eventually your eyes will close, but you will still be able to see the object. You will still be staring at the object. Sit up or stand up, and don't be surprised to see your physical body sleeping peacefully in your bed! When you are out of your body, do whatever you wish.

Magic Four Thieves Vinegar This is used as a hexing agent. The name of the person you wish to curse is written on a piece of paper. The paper is soaked in the vinegar. The paper is then allowed to dry and then is burned. It is the ashes of this paper you use in the ritual. Four Thieves Vinegar can be sprinkled on an enemy's door step to break up their home. To a gallon of strong cider vinegar add a handful of the following: Rosemary Wormwood Lavender Rue Sage Mint

Add one ounce of powered camphor gum. Tightly close the container with the cider vinegar and herbs in it. Place this container in a pan of water and heat until the water begins to boil. Always shake this mixture before heating. Heat daily for four days. Strain the herbs from the liquid, bottle and keep tightly closed.

Magic Healing Herbal Balm Herbs: Calendula (Calendula officinalis) and Plantain (Plantago major) This sweet-smelling balm soothes and protects cuts and scrapes. And it's so gentle you can even use it on diaper rash. Calendula and plantain are known for their ability to speed skin healing. Both soften skin, relieve pain, and are antibacterial. How to make it: This is a two-step process. First, you'll make an herb-infused oil: In a large glass jar, combine 2 tablespoon each of crushed Calendula flowers and dried plantain leaves with 1/3 c of extra-virgin olive oil. Leave uncovered, and place in a pan filled with enough water to cover the lower half of the jar. Set the burner on very low heat and simmer gently for about 4 hours.

Check the oil periodically to be sure it's not scorching; don't let it boil. (You can also make the infused oil in a Crock-Pot set on very low without a lid.) After the allotted time, remove the oil from the heat and allow it to cool completely. Strain away the herbs through several layers of cheesecloth and discard. To make the balm,combine the infused oil with 1 or 2 tablespoon of grated beeswax and put it into a small stainless steel bowl; set the bowl into a pot of water and heat just until the beeswax melts, stirring gently to help the melting. To test the consistency, insert a cool metal spoon into the balm and check the balm that sticks to the spoon; it should be spreadable but firm. If it's too oily, add another few shavings of beeswax. At this point, you can add a natural preservative to your balm to prevent spoilage. Vitamin E, squeezed from capsules, works very well. Rosemary extracts or oil might improve the aroma and antiseptic properties as well. You'll need about 1/4 tsp. (two capsules) to preserve this much balm. After you've blended in the vitamin E, transfer your final product to a sterile glass jar. Use a clean spoon or small spatula to transfer the balm to avoid introducing bacteria to the jar. How to use it: Apply the balm to rashes, scrapes, and other small or superficial abrasions (don't use it on deep cuts). You can also apply it regularly to help heal chronically chapped skin. Stored in a cool, dark place, the balm should keep for up to a year. Discard if it smells rancid.

Magic Flying Ointment

1/2 Cup shortening 3 drops dragon's blood 3 Tbsp. mugwort

Melt shortening over low heat. This is your base. Add mugwort and dragon's blood to base. Visualize your intent while stirring. Steep for 9 minutes. Strain into glass jar.

Magic Bat's Blood Ink

2 parts dragon's blood resin 1/2 part myrrh resin 2 drops cinnamon oil 2 drops indigo color 12 parts alcohol

1/2 part gum Arabic

No instructions are given, although I suppose you steep the ground resins in the alcohol until dissolved, then add the cinnamon oil, indigo, and ground gum Arabic. Filter and bottle.

Magic Dove's Blood Ink

1 part dragon's blood resin 2 drops cinnamon oil 2 drops bay oil 10 parts alcohol 1 part gum Arabic 2 drops rose oil

Magic Dragon's Blood Ink

1 part dragon's blood resin 15 parts alcohol 1 part gum Arabic

Magic Drive-Away Salt Drive-Away salt, also known as Get Away Salt, is essentially Hot Foot Powder made with ordinary table salt replacing the talcum powder.

Magic Easy Life Powder Gum Mastic Cloves Ginger Lemon peel Orange peel Cassia color: Brown

A special blend which allows you to relax while others do your work. Sprinkle on any person you wish to gain control over. Lets you dominate their thoughts.

Magic Easy Wrath Powder

Ashes Red Pepper Rose Jasmine Sandalwood color: Blue

Toss on any person who is angry over something you have done. Eliminates all feelings of animosity. Also good for overcoming hatred.

Magic Chinese Wash Start with whatever combination of essential oils of Oriental Grasses you normally use for compounding Van Van oil concentrate (e.g. citronella grass, lemongrass, Gingergrass, Palmarosa grass, Khus Khus grass, and Vetivert grass, singly or together). Cut a bunch of broomcorn straws (from a natural broom, or from broomcorn plants, if you happen to grow them) and place the straws in a bottle. Add a good squirt of Van Van oil concentrate and a small lump of frankincense gum, then top with your own (or any commercial) preparation of liquid oil soap (e.g. Murphy's Oil Soap). Dilute Chinese Wash in water before use, of course.

Magic Four Thieves Wine -- Four Thieves Vinegar This formula dates from the fifteenth century, when it was developed as a healing formula. As an inoculation against epidemic diseases it actually works. Its use in magic came about much later, as with many other substances it became useful in the magical arts. While the Bubonic plague raged through southern France in the 1450s the number of bodies so overwhelmed the grave diggers that they called upon the municipal authorities for assistance. Four thieves who had been jailed together were released on the condition that they assist in burying the dead. They agreed, and served so well at their gruesome task that they were later pardoned on the condition that they left town. One of the magistrates asked them how they had managed to appear to remain so healthy, even though they have been burying those who had did of the plague. They told him the secret of the four thieves vinegar, which was made from bottles of cheep wine, which begins to turn to vinegar in a few days if left opened. They filled the wine bottles with garlic, and allowed it to stand for a while, and then drank a wineglass (2 Oz) with every meal. They continued this for a bit over the three or four months that they had been engaged in burying the dead.

Four Thieves Vinegar is made in the following way: Burgundy (red) wine is divided between two bottles, and both bottles are filled with peeled, and occasionally crushed, garlic cloves. The bottles are placed in the refrigerator or spring house for a week. Then two ounces of the wine (possibly on the way to becoming vinegar) are taken twice or three times a day. During the 1917 flu epidemic my grandfather used it on all his family, beginning as soon as he heard of the epidemic. None of the family became ill, although the neighbors on both sides of them had deaths in their families. In magic it is used for getting rid of people. It works there as well. put about two ounces in a bath, soaking for about five minutes in the tub. It has a variety of other uses, in both magic and healing, as well.

Magic Four Thieves Vinegar Ozarks Variant

The major difference between our recipes for Four Thieves Vinegar is that it must have four spices in it, one for each thief -- the four additives being garlic (crushed or whole) red pepper (crushed) black peppercorns (whole) black mustard seed (whole) apple cider vinegar, not red wine vinegar.

This is probably a regional variant based on the fact that wine vinegar is uncommon in the Ozarks, where I learned to mix up this blend. I like red wine vinegar much better; however, either way, it tastes great! In addition to providing personal protection from disease and magical attack, Four Thieves Vinegar is used to send away unwanted people or to make a family quarrel and fall out among themselves. It can be sprinkled or dashed against an enemy's doorsteps, but it can also be served to an enemy family as a condiment, which to me justifies the "thieves" part of the name -- it is a sneaky way to protect yourself while you get them out of your life.

Magic Harveys Necromantic Floorwash This preparation is used to clean and prepare areas and tools used in Necromancy. Hyssop [herb] Florida Water Kolonia 1800

Sandelo (Sandalwood cologne) 5 hot peppers [herb] Thyme [herb] Vervain [herb] Lemon Juice Sugar, a pinch Kananga Water [floral cologne] Mullein [herb] Mistletoe [herb] Black Pepper [herb] Ammonia, a few drops Olive Oil, a few drops Fey Kapab [twigs] (aka Florida Boxwood: used a lot in Haitian magic) Nutmeg [powdered spice] Cinnamon [powdered spice] Allspice [powdered spice] 3-4 cups spring water

Magic Separation Powder

Chili Powder Cinnamon Galangal Black Pepper Iron Filings Vetivert Pinch Bitter Aloes or Vetivert

Use when you desire to break any relationship. Creates animosity between lovers and business associates. Forces an eventual separation.

Magic Flying Ointment

Damiana Hemlock celery seed juniper berries

kava kava root white oak bark.

You can burn these ingredients as an incense, or use bees wax and oils and "cook" it up into an ointment. Apply it to pulse points (wrists, neck and ankles)

Magic Lust Bath Salts

1 cup Epsom salts 2/3 cup table salt 1/3 cup baking soda 14 drops orange oil 14 drops lime oil 10 drops rosemary oil 8 drops cinnamon oil color: orange

Magic Lust Bath Salts

3 parts sandalwood 2 parts patchouli 1 part cardamom Color: red

Magic Riches Ointment

4 drops patchouli, 1 drop clove oil, 1 drop basil, 3 drops Oakmoss bouquet Mix with oil and anoint body and hands daily.

Magic Hex Breaking Ointment

3 parts Galangal, 2 parts Vetivert, 1 part thistle, 2 parts dried ginger root Steep herbs in shortening, strain, cool and anoint body at night.

Magic Love Perfume To Make Him/Her Fall For You

Need: perfume ground rosemary ground mugwort

Stand unobserved where your love lives/will be and blow powders, don't wipe off from your hands-add perfume/cologne and rub your hands to generate heat and add more powders then blow and say: "wandering wind carry my spell, make ________ love me well, herbs and scent make ______ mine _____ shall see me, make his/her love turn to me". Wear this perfume whenever you will be near them.

Spell To Attract

Need: 1 cup of river/ocean wate powdered hot pepper powdered rosemary 5 drops Jasmine oil few drops of your blood in a bowl never used before.

Sprinkle speaking forth your desire, in or near their home.

Magic Do It Yourself Bath Salts

Base Ingredients: Epsom salt Sea salt Baking soda

Optional ingredients: Finely powdered herbs, powdered oatmeal, powdered milk, food coloring Fragrance: Essential oil blends or Fragrance oils as desired

Directions: All ingredients must be water soluble, or be in such a finely powdered state that it is invisible in the water. Also, if your salt is a large crystal type, grind your salt first in a food processor until it is finely ground. combine all dry ingredients in a large zip-lock bag; mix well. Add fragrance and/or coloring slowly, squinch up the bag and really mix well. Keep mixing. Mix some more. Pour into a glass container - plastic will eat up any fragrance you put in.

Magic Perfumed Inks Perfumed inks can be used whenever you want to intensify a spell. If burning a candle, write out your objective on a small piece of paper and place it under the burning candle. If doing a spell that calls for burning the paper, this ink will strengthen what you are writing. Perfumed inks are also great for writing notes and letters to your loved ones. The making of perfumed ink is very easy. Simply purchase a bottle of ink, either black or colored, and add 2 or 3 drops of the appropriate essential oil to the bottle. Let the bottle of ink sit on your altar overnight. This is best done on the Full Moon for positively-charged inks, on the Dark Moon for negatively-charged inks. My tip for a love letter is to mix red and blue Indian or types of inks together and add some lavender essential oil or some diffused lavender essence or just leave the lavender petals in the inks and put in the sun or airing cupboard for a week and then strain. It is supposed to be the thing for writing love letters and spells. As good as the Doves blood ink!

Magic Love/Lust Powder

5 oz. Talc 1/4 oz. Cinnamon

1 oz. Sandalwood 1/2 tsp. sweet basil 10 drops frankincense oil 8 drops jasmine oil 6 drops patchouli oil 1 tsp. myrtle oil

Magic Money Soap The easiest way to do it would be to take a bar of pure olive oil soap, or if you can't get that, a bar of glycerin soap, and cut it into shavings. Melt this slowly in a double boiler, or in a pan over boiling water, and mix the shavings with a bit of water so they don't stick together in the pan. When you have a nice, smooth consistency to work with, you can add empowered ingredients. Good ingredients to add would be: -money herbs and oils, such as patchouli, mint, basil, cinquefoil, ginger, sage, Tonka, nutmeg, oak moss and lemon balm. -empowered gold glitter -Green vegetable coloring (or whatever color you correspond money and prosperity with) Once you have added your ingredients, let the mixture cool slightly until you can start forming it in your hands. You can now roll it into balls, wrap them up in some cheesecloth or muslin, and let them harden. An easier way to make a quick money soap is to purchase some melt & pour glycerin from a craft store . It's sold in blocks. Melt the blocks in glassware over the stove or on the microwave until it is liquid. Add your empowered ingredients quickly, as melt & pour sets fast. Next, pour the mixture into a mold (these can be purchased also, or you can make molds from just about anything from margarine tubs to juice cans to empty toilet paper rolls with foil on one end) and let the soap set. Melt and pour soap is easier to work with, because you can add your ingredients much easier, and you don't end up with so much soap afterwards. You can also make bars that are individual to your needs. For example, try pouring half the mixture into the mold, add a toy coin or a plastic dollar sign which you have empowered, then pour the rest into the mold. When hardened, you will have a soap with an empowered item in the middle of it. You could even put a charged stone in the middle of the soap. Creating the soap with your individuality only makes it more powerful. The best part? The above directions can be used for any magickal goal, not just money! One more thing, when using your soap, concentrate clearly on your intentions and visualize! For money, visualize the soap attracting the money to you. For illness, visualize the soap cleaning the illness out of you.

Holy Water Ingredients: 1 tsp. of rose water 3 tbsp. sea salt or Kosher salt 1 small bowl of spring water 1 clean glass container 1 new compact mirror 1 small storage glass bottle

Note: You can buy the bottled water as long as you know that it's really spring water. But it's best if you get the water from a running stream or other "live" body of water that you know the water is clean. The bottle should be either green or blue in order to keep its magic. Before the Rite: Cleanse and sterilize the bowl and the glass container with boiling water. Time: Midnight during a Full Moon phase. Place: Out of doors under the moon, or near a window that will reflect the light of the moon. Procedure: Ground and center. Cast your magic circle. Hold your arms outstretched in the Goddess position (arms out at the sides like you're cradling the Universe, palms up). Say: In the cloak of the midnight hour I call upon the Ancient Power I seek the presence of the Lady and Lord To bless this water that I will pour. At this point, you should feel the energy of Earth Mother and Sky father move abut your feet and head. Feel your own energy expand around your navel and then unite with Divinity. Take your time; no need to rush. Add the rose water to the spring water. Pick the bowl of water, hold it toward the light of the Moon, and say: In my hands I hold the essence of the Goddess. I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water to Divinity that it may be used for positive acts only

and may aid me in my magical works. Feel the energy of the Moon Goddess pulsate down into the water. Imagine her silver light descending from the heavens and impregnating both the water and yourself. You will feel a "glowy" sensation. Set the water down and pick up the salt. Feel the power moving in your arms as you raise the salt toward the moon. Say: In my hands I hold the essence of Earth Mother, She whose bounty sustains all living creatures. I hereby consecrate this salt to Divinity that it may be used for positive acts only and may aid me in my magical work.

Magic Healing Herbal Balm Herbs: Calendula (Calendula officinalis) and Plantain (Plantago major) This sweet-smelling balm soothes and protects cuts and scrapes. And it's so gentle you can even use it on diaper rash. Calendula and plantain are known for their ability to speed skin healing. Both soften skin, relieve pain, and are antibacterial. How to make it: This is a two-step process. First, you'll make an herb-infused oil: In a large glass jar, combine 2 tablespoon each of crushed Calendula flowers and dried plantain leaves with 1/3 c of extra-virgin olive oil. Leave uncovered, and place in a pan filled with enough water to cover the lower half of the jar. Set the burner on very low heat and simmer gently for about 4 hours. Check the oil periodically to be sure it's not scorching; don't let it boil. (You can also make the infused oil in a Crock-Pot set on very low without a lid.) After the allotted time, remove the oil from the heat and allow it to cool completely. Strain away the herbs through several layers of cheesecloth and discard. To make the balm, combine the infused oil with 1 or 2 tablespoon of grated beeswax and put it into a small stainless steel bowl; set the bowl into a pot of water and heat just until the beeswax melts, stirring gently to help the melting. To test the consistency, insert a cool metal spoon into the balm and check the balm that sticks to the spoon; it should be spreadable but firm. If it's too oily, add another few shavings of beeswax. At this point, you can add a natural preservative to your balm to prevent spoilage. Vitamin E, squeezed from capsules, works very well. Rosemary extracts or oil might improve the aroma and antiseptic properties as well.

You'll need about 1/4 tsp. (two capsules) to preserve this much balm. After you've blended in the vitamin E, transfer your final product to a sterile glass jar. Use a clean spoon or small spatula to transfer the balm to avoid introducing bacteria to the jar. How to use it: Apply the balm to rashes, scrapes, and other small or superficial abrasions (don't use it on deep cuts). You can also apply it regularly to help heal chronically chapped skin. Stored in a cool, dark place, the balm should keep for up to a year. Discard if it smells rancid.

Spell To Break The Powers Of A Spell

You Need: black candle, water and a black bowl Place the candle into the black bowl, fix the candle to the bowl using the wax drippings from the candle so that it stands alone. Fill the bowl to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the wick. Breathe deeply and meditate for a few minutes. When your mind is clear, light the candle. Visualize the power the spell cast against you as living within the candles flame. As the candle burns down, it will sputter and go out as it touches the water. As it is extinguished by the water, the spell is broken. Finally, dig a hole into the ground, pour the water into it, then bury the candle.

A Spell To Remove Curses From Yourself

light 1 pink candle, 1 green, and a black candle. Be sure that nobody else can see you (close all curtains, doors, windows, etc.) Now, get a bowl full of water and put 3 drops of green dye in it. Now that you've done that, slowly tip the bowl over each candle allowing them to be extinguished while at the same time chanting: "Juina Shelt Fonsed." You must do this very slowly and imagine the spell being lifted from your body and all the good luck and fortune that will soon come to you and the evil that will go to the person that placed the hex/curse upon you.

Spell To Remove A Hex / Reverse A Jinxed Condition

Although it is relatively rare that someone is truly hexed, it does happen. Also, it is important to note that the mind has a very powerful effect on the body, so if you believe yourself to be hexed, in effect, you are... This spell will remove any hexed or jinxed condition, whether real or imagined. Fashion a poppet out of white felt or other white material. Stuff the poppet with vetivert herb, and place on your altar. Inscribe your name on a purple candle and anoint the candle with an appropriate oil (I use patchouli, but there are other formulations on the market, such as uncrossing oil, or go away oil which will work just fine). Visualize as strongly as possible the hex upon you...feel its power and the strength it has had over you...Now take a handful of garlic powder and sprinkle it over the poppet, while strongly visualizing the hex/jinxed condition being broken. Put as much feeling and emotion into this process as relax...allow the candle to burn down completely. It is finished...the hex is mote it be.

Spell To Undo A Spell

Time: After Midnight any night, waning moon Incense: benzoin Herb: angelica Anoint candles with rosemary oil use white candles-as many as you like. You Need: one bead from a necklace you own (preferably a pearl-faux or not) A small patch of black cloth, some string for tying. Incantation: "I cast a spell asking , I now ask the favor of having the spell removed. I understand to take back a spell means giving up something of my own to show my spirit is true and my intentions are good, I give this pearl/bead from a necklace I own. I transfer the spell into the and render the spell dormant. No harm may come from the cancellation of this spell. No further power shall it have. This is my will -so be it." Place the pearl/bead in the black cloth - add your angelica herbs - tie up tightly in the string until you have wrapped the pearl/bead entirely in the cloth. Dribble a bit of wax from the candles on your final knot you tie and Then throw the small package away far from your home. Close circle and give thanks.

Spell For Breaking A Love Curse If you think you have been cursed, and that is why you are unlucky in love, you need to make a supplication to Aphrodite, asking her to intervene. This supplication should be done on a Thursday evening at dusk. Light 1 purple candle and 1 pink one. Burn 7 pine needles in a bowl or brazier. Offer the goddess three red roses, 1 for each stage of a woman's life (Maiden, Mother and Crone). Then ask her to bless you in love and to break any curse that may exist. Pour your heart out to her. Ask forgiveness for any and every thing you have ever done to hurt another who loved you. Offer to make amends by doing something in Aphrodite's name. Make a commitment to showering your future partners with love and romance. Vow never to be unfaithful, etc. Be respectful when addressing Aphrodite and be honest. Do not make empty promises or break the ones you make. If you say you will do something, do it. If you do not, you may not like the result. There is no spell for this one, no incantation. You simply speak from the heart and if you are sincere, she will answer. Aphrodite can be a generous, loving goddess, guiding us towards bliss. Or she can be a vengeful harridan. Be warned, if the reason you are "unlucky" is because you have been unfaithful, abusive, cruel, or otherwise wasteful of Love's gifts, you will face her wrath unless you agree to immediately change your ways, and then do so.

Spell For Sending Bad Stuff Away

To the Goddess, I do pray Grant me power, strength to flay This one's curse With these words, I hold thee at bay.

A Spell To Break The Power Of A Spell

If you believe a spell has been cast against you, place a large Black candle in a cauldron (or a Large Black Bowl). The candle must be tall enough to extend a few inches above the cauldrons rim. Affix

the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that the candle will not tip over. Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle's wick. An inch or two of the candle should remain above the water. Deep breathe, meditate, clear you mind, and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing with the candle's flame (yes, the power against you). As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water. the spell will be dispersed. Break your visualization of the spell's power: see it explode into dust, becoming impotent. Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle.

Breaking A Binding Spell Some binding spells can cause physical manifestations. You feel as if invisible strands of hair or thin strings are wrapped around you. You can't see them but you can feel them and nothing you do can make that sensation stop. Here is a way to dispel a binding. Cut a bit of your own hair and set it in a small bowl. Light 3 candles, 1 red, 1 white and 1 green. In a fire safe bowl or incense brazier, light a piece of charcoal and add some myrrh, patchouli and sandalwood incense (powdered kind not cone or stick). Take a sterile needle or pin and prick your right index finger. Squeeze three drops of blood into the smoldering incense. As you drop the hair onto the lit incense repeat these words: With blood, candle and scent times three No longer shall this binding be Free to live and free to soar Let me leave the house once more. As I burn this hair, a part of me Let my heart and soul be free! And for those who doth cast despair Binding me with sightless hair I send to them this well-earned curse

Let their evil spell reverse! Teach them mercy and love's sweet gift Once learned, this simple spell shall lift. As is my will, so mote it be! Let the incense burn out and scatter the ashes outside. Lifting the binding spell should take care of the problem. Keep an eye on those around you. Someone who wished you ill will start to experience the torment they put you through. Once they understand that what they did was wrong, then the sensation will fade and they will be back to normal.

Spell To Undo A Love Spell You need: Picture of both parties together or write the names on a piece of paper A burning dish

Cut the paper between the two of you and say: As I cut their tie let the bond between them be broken. Burn both halves of the paper apart. Say: As I burn the tie let the bond be ever severed. So Mote it be! Thank the deities and dismiss the circle if you have used one. Bury or scatter the ashes.

Spell To Reverse Spells Cast With Candle Magick Light two black candles and chant: In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark And the Gods of the Netherworld And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me Let them suffer their own curse Let these candles be their candles

This burning be their burning This curse be their curse Let the pain they have caused me and mine Fall upon themselves Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each night hant the spell until the candles are spent.

Spell For Breaking Ties/Banishing A Person From Your Life

This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business relationship that you no longer wish to be in. It is a fire spell. To work it, gather herbs of protection and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.) -Something written in their own hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or a personal object will also do. Put everything into a fireproof container - iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever - and set fire to it as you perform the spell. It should make a very satisfactory blaze that reduces to ashes. The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain. Flush them down a toilet if you are very angry. Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters, photographs, etc. t is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move house if you have to. Be careful with this spell. It's permanent, so don't use it unless you really mean forever. It's also powerful. "by basilisk and bloodstone by the garlic in the fields by the poppies and what they yield invisibly I make my shield to detect thee and deflect thee By dragon's blood and salamanders by horses when their hooves strike sparks by the dragon breathing flames from the Book of Life I erase thy names

I cut the cords and unlock the chains I sever all the ties by which we were bound and with impenetrable walls myself I surround against thy power and its source against thy evil and its source Vesta, Pele, Lilith Kali Kali Kali I banish thee forever from me and any harm from thee to me doubles back and tables turned thou shalt by thyself be burned Lilith, Vesta, Pele Kali Ma Kali Ma by the power of three times three I banish thee, I banish thee, I banish thee I am set free So mote it be! "

Spell To Change A Situation From Bad To Good Burn 7 white candles at 7pm on a Friday evening. Place another shorter candle into a pot of soil. After 10 minutes, blow out the white candles in turn and allow the shorter candle to extinguish itself in the soil.

Breaking Up An Argument Spell To be done after an argument has occurred between you and a loved one. Draw two figures on separate sheets of paper-one representing you and the other representing the other person. Personalize the figures as needed (e.g.. Draw yellow on the head for blond hair, draw glasses , etc.) Place an unbroken bay leaf on one figure and lay the other figure face-down on top, creating a sandwich type thing. Say: "Let the bay leaf take the energy and anger that is between us." Separate the figures. Pick up the bay leaf and crumple it in the palm of your hand. While doing so, say: " As this leaf is broken and blown away, Let the anger contained within also break and blow away."

Place the figures again on top of each other and say, "Now there is no anger between us." Blow the leaf to the wind. Wrap the figures up with a pink ribbon and put in safe place.

Unraveling Spell Needs: White candle Scissors Small knitted clothing article Inscribe the candle with your problem, then draw a question mark beneath the inscription. Light the candle and say: "Problem, problem, melt away. Solutions come to me today." Snip a thread at the edge of the knitted piece and pull the yarn to unravel it. Say: "Knitted thread, as you unwind, Problems can no longer bind." Wind the yarn into a ball saying: "As I smooth you to a ball, Solutions rise come one and all." Alternate unraveling and winding with the appropriate chants. The solution will come by the time all the yarn is wound.

To Undo A Love Spell

You need: Picture of both parties together or write the names on a piece of paper A burning dish

Cut the paper between the two of them and say: As I cut their tie let the bond between them be broken Burn both halves of the paper apart. Say: As I burn the tie let the bond be ever severed. So Mote it be!

Thank the deities and dismiss the circle if you have used one. At last, bury or scatter the ashes.

Spell To Reflect Negativity You will need your magic mirror or a consecrated small round mirror, a wide-mouthed glass jar, ashes, vinegar, a knife or something else sharp like a razor blade or piece of broken glass, and an apple. After sundown, set the jar before the mirror and place in it some ashes. Fill it up about 2/3 of the way with vinegar. Take the apple and carve into it something that will represent the person or the negativity which follows or attacks you. Try and make it as clear as you canwhile you carve, infuse the apple with all of the negativity you perceive around you. Raise the apple above the jar and say: "Evil send must come to rest Reflect it back to who knows best Energy spent for evil and bane, Go back now from whence you came Far away I send you this hour May all your attempts to harm turn sour!" Place the apple in the jar-for best results do this spell for three consecutive nights.

Lemon Uncrossing Spell To get rid of negative energy. At the alter: A cup of salt, A fresh lemon, Athame Light white candles and protection incense. Anoint brow, heart and throat with oil. Put the lemon in the center of your alter and cut it into 4 slices (round). Chant: "All spells against me congregate in this lemon, that's your fate. Sour spell to sour fruit, you must go there cause it's your suit. Bound to this lemon evermore. Each spell against me that's your store.

All in this lemon, now I see, and as my will so mote it be!" When you feel that the chant has captured the negative thought forms in the lemon, begin to sprinkle the salt on the lemon. Chant: "Uncrossed! Uncrossed! This salt for me breaks up the attacking energy. As lemon dries in salt and air, I'm freed from harm and all despair. Uncrossed and happy now, you see! And as my will so mote it be" Use lots of salt and when you are finished, thank all the elements. Leave the lemon near your alter where you can watch it. If it dries out, your work is done. If it should mildew, repeat the ritual.

Reverse Magick When one feels under psychic assault or if concerned that they are the recipient of adverse magick, one solution is to use reverse magic. One effective method of implementing this is utilizing candle magic. A reverse candle is one that reverses whatever the individual who is attempting to harm may be doing. If there is a specific individual in mind (an ex-spouse, an ex-lover, an ex-employer, etc.) then write his/her name on the candle (red on top half, black on bottom half) using permanent markers or some other indelible method. Each night for three nights, burn about a third of the candle. While the candle is burning, visualize positive outcomes (such as a move to a new location for the other party, a move to a new location for you, successful mediation of a problem, etc.) and how the situation can get reversed for the good of you and any other individuals who may be involved (children, elderly parents, etc.) including the individual who's name is inscribed on the candle. When the candle is burned down to a stub dispose of it immediately by taking it to a body of fresh water. Once the candle is in the water, turn and walk away. If it is winter or if you can't get to fresh water then bury it in the earth (not near your home) or dispose of it in a dumpster or some other waste area as far away from your home as possible. When you return to your home after the disposal, return by a different route from the one you took to get there. It is critical to think positively during the process. Negativity will bog the process down. Upon your return home create a positive spell outlining what you want the situation to be -- use a white candle or one that represents the positive to you.

How To Break A Jinx Or Get Uncrossed If you have been crossed or jinxed, or someone has put roots on you, you may not know who did it, but you may suspect and even be able to remember how it was done. One common way to cross someone is to sprinkle Crossing Powder, Hot Foot Powder, or Goofer Dust across their trackway or doorstep, or dress their socks or shoes. I have even heard of women who will dress their own privates so that a man will drag himself in it and lose his nature or jinx up his love life. Another way to fix a person is to get something personal of theirs and stop it up in a bottle with roots and nails, pins, or needles. Your hair may have been gotten this way, or a piece of your clothing, or your personal concerns. This trick may have been done to you by an enemy to control you, dominate you, or get revenge on you by destroying your happiness in love and money matters. First, if you have been having bad luck for a long time or are suffering from an unnatural illness but you have no known enemy and no one has ever openly declared themselves against you, check around your home and see if you can find something that anyone could have secretly put there to jinx you, like burying something in your front yard. If you find something, like a bottle with personal effects, roots, or hairs in it, dig it up and burn it or throw it away in running water. If you can't find such a thing, you may have been fixed with some mess sprinkled on your food or on your shoes. You need to get 2 white offertory candles for uncrossing and some Uncrossing oil to dress them. Also, and this is important, before lighting the candles, I want you to take a bath in some purifying herbs or Uncrossing type bath preparation. The hyssop herb bath is something you can make up yourself from hyssop leaves or you can buy ready-made Uncrossing Bath Crystals with Hyssop, or -- for a really strong job -- you can use the 13 Herb Spiritual Bath, which contains hyssop and 12 other uncrossing herbs. Many folks use 13 packets of 13 Herb Spiritual Bath and take a bath every morning for a total of 13 days to clear away a really bad jinx. Hyssop is what is recommended in the Bible for purification. (Look up the 51st Psalm; this is the one that tells you how to use the hyssop bath. If you are not a Christian, you can still use the hyssop herb; it is traditional for uncrossing in any case.) To prepare the bath, you either brew up the herbs into a tea and strain it or dissolve the mineral crystals in warm water. Then you recite the 51st Psalm (or an uncrossing spell of your choice) as you pour the bath water over your head. If you are taking the 13 Herb Bath, you pour the water and recite the 51st Psalm 13 times for each morning's bath. When you have finished the bath, step out of the tub and light the 2 white candles that have been dressed with Uncrossing Oil. Stand between the candles. Do not dry yourself with a towel -- let the bath water dry on you in the air as the candles burn. Now recite the 37th Psalm, the one folks call "The Uncrossing psalm." This is the one that begins "Fret not thyself with evildoers..."

Pinch out the candles (don't blow them out) if you intend to work this spell for the full 13 days. If you do will only be doing it for one day, just let the candles burn until they go out, no matter how long that takes. If you are not a Christian, then instead of the 37th Psalm, just voice your request in your own words that the jinx be lifted and the one who put it on you be struck down. After taking this bath, some people then use the remaining bath water to wash down their floors and especially the doorstep of the house. Mix the bath water into a bucket with some Chinese Wash or Van Van Oil to make it stronger. Wash from the back of the premises to the front. Sweep out the front doorway area while the floor is still wet. Once you are done with the wash water, carry whatever remains out of the house and pour it on the ground outside (not down the drain). Do this every morning upon awakening -- bathing, praying, lighting the white candles, and washing down the house -- for 13 days and this will bring you relief from crossed conditions. If you know who has put this crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the spell onto them, burn a black candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath an overturned saucer under the candle) or carve their name on the candle. If you use a black candle in the figure of the Devil and carve their name on it, dress it with Cast Off Evil Oil and things will go harder with them. If you don't know the name of the person who did this trick to you, carve the words "My Enemy" on the candle. Burn the black candle on the toilet tank, a little bit each night, pinching it out between burnings. Burn it while the moon is growing smaller -- and on the dark of the moon, the darkest night of the month, turn the burning black candle upside down and extinguish it in the toilet bowl, saying "Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!" Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads -- or into the yard of the person who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.

Spellto Reverse Negativity Or Hexes Try this spell to reverse any negativity or hexes being sent your way. Visualize all blocks in your life-path being removed. Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink: All blocks are now removed. Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray, or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and its elemental spirits by repeating three times: Firedrakes and salamanders, aid me in my quest, protect me from all evil forms, turn back the negativity being sent. After the third repetition say: So mote it be.

Breaking Glass Spell

Visualize anger, hatred, and all other bad emotions into a glass. Making sure you're far back enough as to where you won't be hit, hurl the glass into a wall or on the floor as hard as possible. Good for stress.

Reflection Deflection Spell 1 black candle Bowl of salt Your favorite 'protective' incense chalice or bowl of water (whichever your preference) A picture of the person from whom the energy is coming from A mirror (this mirror shouldn't be like a scrying mirror. It should have a reflective surface, and should only be used for magical purposes and should be magically cleansed before and after each use to get rid of any magical 'residue' and it's best if it's small and can stand up).

Cast your circle as you normally would (invoking Elements, the Goddess, the God, etc.) At this point, I would normally cleanse the mirror of anything, physically AND magically. Next, light the black candle. The picture of the person should be face up in front of you. Pick up the picture and look at it. Say the person's name three times to get their image firmly in your mind. Take the picture and run it through the incense smoke, saying: "What ye send forth comes back to thee, By Air and the Law of Three!" Next run it through the flame of the candle (not enough to catch it on fire) and say: "What ye send forth comes back to thee, By Fire and the Law of Three!" Sprinkle water on the picture (only needs to be a little... unless you caught it on fire): "What ye send forth comes back to thee, By Water and the Law of Three!" Sprinkle a little salt on it: "What ye send forth comes back to thee,

By Earth and the Law of Three!" Next, place the picture facing the mirror; the black candle should be behind the mirror, but still able to cast light upon the picture of the person. Visualize a mirror-like surface surrounding you, reflecting energies back towards the person. "What you send at me goes back! Three times light, three times black! What you reap, so shall you sew! From above and from below! No harm will come, unless you send. No loss will come, if ye be friend. No harm to me, by mirror's shine, For I reflect, by what is mine! Earth and Air, Water, Fire, Help reflect, by my desire! I invoke the Law of Three! This is my Will, and it shall be!" Allow the candle to burn down, and close the circle as you normally would, allowing the candle to burn itself out. After the candle has burned itself out, be sure to cleanse or dispose of the other materials used. For example I would ritually cleanse the mirror, and burn or bury the picture, depending upon the circumstance.

Spell To Break A Streak Of Bad Luck Go for a walk and pick up seven twigs from the ground, one to represent each day of the week. Traditionally the twigs should be ash for Monday, beech for Tuesday, elm for Wednesday, oak for Thursday, horse chestnut for Friday, yew for Saturday, and elder for Sunday. Take them home, snap them into pieces, and burn them in the hearth or bonfire. Say: Ill luck is broken, As these words are spoken.

Mirror Spell (this is a spell to send bad vibrations back to their source). Needed: Hand Mirror, Black Candle, Incense, Black string, Bell. Call the Spirits to witness the rite using the bell. Say: "I am immune to their hate, their malice. I will not accept their guilt or their intolerance. Their words and thoughts are no bane to me."

Hold the mirror behind the candle and say: "As this mirror reflects back the light of this candle so shall these things be reflected back to their sender(s) and as the mirror neither adds or detracts from the reflection I shall add no malice to nor subtract any from that which I send back. As it comes to me so shall it return to them." Tie the black string in three knots. As you tie each knot say: "With this string I bind this spell, As I will it, So mote it be." Dismiss the spirits. Let the candle and incense burn out on their own. Place the string in a special box set aside for spells and leave it there always.

Cutting The Cord Spell When one has been involved (either Emotionally, Physically or Spiritually) with another person it can create an 'Etheric Link' that resembles a red cord binding between you. When the friendship or relationship ends it is often difficult to move on, as you are still linked to this person. The Cutting of the Cord Spell is ideal in dissolving the bonds between people allowing them to move on. You Will Need: 2 Red Candles, Length of Red Cord A photograph of you and your friend or ex (or a picture to represent you both drawn) A pair of scissors.

Preparation: Bathe & Cleanse yourself before starting, set out materials, and Cast a Basic Magickal Circle.

Mark the first Candle with your name and the second Candle with the other person's name. Charge the Candles with Anointing Oil, starting from the center moving outwards (sending energy out), seeing the person named on the Candle as you anoint it. Take the first Candle in your hand hold it over your Altar Candle visualizing it being Charged with energy to do your bidding, then present the Candle to the Altar saying: As the Goddess gave form and substance to our spirits,

I give form and substance to this candle, As She named us Her children, I name this Candle as (insert name). As this Candle is wax and wick, So it is also flesh and blood, So Mote it be! Repeat with second Candle. Sit in meditation and think of the joy this person brought you, picture your favorite memory. Visualize the link between your hearts as a thick red cord joining you from heart Chakra to heart Chakra. Tie an end of the cord to each candle, joining you together, as you are joined in spirit. Place the photo or picture over the center of the cord saying: As the Goddess links us in Spirit, I link these forms together, As above, so below, As within, so without! Again sit in meditation, and think of the reasons you want to cut all ties to this person, think about the events that have lead up to this decision. Face any doubts that you may have and see them for what they are, fear. Know in your heart that the Goddess wants only the best for you and She wants you to want the best for yourself. When you are ready visualize yourself telling the other that it is over and that you are moving on, then see yourself turn and walk away - not looking back! Cut through the Cord that binds you to each other (as well as through the picture symbolizing your togetherness) and say: By my free will, with harm to none, I sever the cord that binds me to (insert name), As we once chose to share the road we walked, Now we choose to walk a different path, Although we still journey to the same destination, No longer do our steps move in time you are no longer my friend (or lover), I release the (insert name) from all ties to me As I am released from thee, As I do will, so mote it be! Take the candle, 1/2 the cord and 1/2 the picture (the part representing your ex) in a heatproof bowl, tip a little 'goodwill incense' over it all, with a little mentholated spirits, then as you light it say: As this smoke rises and drifts away, So do all my bonds to you... So mote it be!

Place 'your' candle on your Altar to burn when you find yourself wishing 'what if'. Clean up and Close Circle, then bury everything else except your candle.

Revocation Spell To throw back evil or ill that is being done to your home or self. INGREDIENTS Camphor blue dye white votive candles brown paper cup plate turpentine. reverse oil run devil run oil arassa con todo oil against my enemies oil 3 small nails cigar & rum Florida water rubbing alcohol

(you can get these materials in your local store or your local botanica) Cast a circle or smoke the area you are going to work in with the cigar-blow the smoke in the four corners of the room. Fill the cup with luke warm water and add the blue dye-make sure the water is heavily dark w/the dye. Put the Florida water and the oils, as well as the turpentine and alcohol- put a little bit of everything and while doing this ask the owner of the roads - Eleggua - to send back whatever evil or ill that is being done to you. Blow cigar smoke and rum to the cup-suppose to amplify or electrify what you are doing-and place the 3 small nails. Write the name of your enemies or who is doing wrong to you on the brown piece of paper (or a piece of brown paper bag) with a pencil. Blow cigar smoke and rum on the paper and think of that person or people that are trying to bring you down and place it on the plate. Place the camphor cube in the cup and continue to pray to eleggua that he may reverse all ill that is being done to you. Grab the plate and place it over the cup --with quickness and grip grab the cup and hold the plate at the same time and turn it over and while doing this picture all the bad going back to them--the way it looks the cup is upside down on the paper and plate.

Put it near the main doorway of your house or room-preferably where a lot of people enter in. Put the white votive candle on the cup and spray cigar smoke and rum again and while staring at the light of the candle picture the bad going back and ask eleegua to send whatever evil back where it came from. Knock on the floor three times or on your altar and call it a day. Should be done on the waxing of the moon or when its full. Very strong and highly effective.

Uncrossing And Crossing Spells If you have been having bad luck for a long time or are suffering from an unnatural illness but you have no known enemy and no one has ever openly declared themselves against you, you may have been crossed or jinxed, or someone has put roots on you. You may not know who did it...but you may suspect and even be able to remember how it was done. One common way to cross someone is to sprinkle Crossing Powder, Hot Foot Powder, or Goofer Dust across their trackway or doorstep, or dress their socks or shoes. Another way to fix a person is to get something personal of theirs and stop it up in a bottle with roots and nails, pins, or needles. Your hair may have been gotten this way, or a piece of your clothing, or your personal concerns. This trick may have been done to you by an enemy to control you, dominate you, or get revenge on you by destroying your happiness in love and money matters. If you want to undo this sort of work, it helps to know who put the jinx on you so you can call their name back at them, but even if you don't know who did it or how it was done, there are things you can do to take off the jinx. Check around your home and see if you can find something that anyone could have secretly put there to jinx you, like burying something in your front yard. If you find something, like a bottle with personal effects, roots, or hairs in it, dig it up and burn it or throw it away in running water. Even if you can't find such a thing, you may have been fixed with some mess sprinkled on your food or on your shoes. You need to get 2 white offertory candles for uncrossing and some Uncrossing oil to dress them. Also, and this is important, before lighting the candles, take a bath in some purifying herbs or Uncrossing type bath preparation. The hyssop herb bath is something you can make up yourself from hyssop leaves or you can buy ready-made Uncrossing Bath Crystals with Hyssop, or -- for a really strong job -- you can use the 13 Herb Spiritual Bath, which contains hyssop and 12 other uncrossing herbs. Use 13 packets of 13 Herb Spiritual Bath and take a bath every morning for a total of 13 days to clear away a really bad jinx. Hyssop is what is recommended for purification. Call upon the deity of your choice. To prepare the bath, you either brew up the herbs into a tea and strain it or dissolve the mineral crystals in warm water. Then you recite an uncrossing spell of your choice as you pour the bath water over your head. If you are taking the 13 Herb Bath, you pour the water and recite your prayer13 times for each morning's bath. When you have finished the bath, step out of the tub and light the 2 white candles

that have been dressed with Uncrossing Oil. Stand between the candles. Do not dry yourself with a towel -- let the bath water dry on you in the air as the candles burn. Recite voice your request in your own words that the jinx be lifted and the one who put it on you be struck down. Pinch out the candles (don't blow them out) if you intend to work this spell for the full 13 days. If you do ill only be doing it for one day, just let the candles burn until they go out, no matter how long that takes. After taking this bath, some people then use the remaining bath water to wash down their floors and especially the doorstep of the house. Mix the bath water into a bucket with some Chinese Wash to make it even stronger. Wash from the back of the premises to the front. Sweep out the front doorway area while the floor is still wet. Once you are done with the wash water, carry whatever remains out of the house and pour it on the ground outside (not down the drain). Do this every morning upon awakening -- bathing, praying, lighting the white candles, and washing down the house -- for 13 days and this will bring you relief from crossed conditions. If you know who has put this crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the spell onto them, the best thing to hope for is to find the mess they put down -- whether that be powders, a doll, or a bottle spell. If you find it, just burn it all up or throw it into running water. Not only will this take the root work off of you, it will send it back to the one who sent it. Most times, unfortunately, you will not be able to find what they put down to hurt you. In that case, one well-known way to reverse their work back onto them is to burn a black candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath an overturned saucer under the candle) or carve their name on the candle. If you use a black candle in the figure of the Devil and carve their name on it, dress it with Cast Off Evil Oil and things will go harder with them. If you don't know the name of the person who did this trick to you, carve the words "My Enemy" on the candle. Burn the black candle on the toilet tank, a little bit each night, pinching it out between burnings. Burn it while the moon is growing smaller -- and on the dark of the moon, the darkest night of the month, turn the burning black candle upside down and extinguish it in the toilet bowl, saying "Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!" Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads -- or into the yard of the person who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.

A Simple Reversing Spell For this spell you need: 1 black and red reversing candle or you may use 3 red household candles with the bottom portion dipped in black wax 1 bag of reversing bath salts (or you may use solar sea salt which you have consecrated for this purpose)

1 bag of reversing incense, 1 piece of virgin parchment 1 vial of reversing oil India ink that had been consecrated quill pen

First you must bathe in water with the bath salts, allowing yourself to air dry after. Next, you dress your candle with the oil; anoint the candle starting in the center and rub the oil towards each end (If using a jar candle anoint the top of the wax in a counter-clock-wise circular motion, starting at the center and out). Write upon the parchment that which you desire to be directed away from you in this case psychic attacks (if you know the source, write that too). Light the incense and pass the parchment through the smoke, then place the parchment under the candle. Light the candle while visualizing a white ball of light forming above it. Then say with all of the force of emotion that you can muster: "By incense' smoke and candles' flame, Away from me I send all bane; By cleansing water and power of salt, Let any harm come to naught. To any who would wish me pain, May all their curses be in vain; All that blocks me from success, With this spell I lay to rest. Harm to None and Good to all, Lord and Lady hear my call; As I do will, So Mote It Be!" Repeat this chant three times As you say the chant, imagine the small white ball above the candle growing and expanding until it encompasses you and anyone else who you desire to protect. Imagine that any negative energy that meets this ball of light will be reflected off, never touching you at all. After the candle has burnt out (about 6 or 7 days for a jar), take the jar and any wax left over, and the parchment and place them in a brown paper bag. Take them to a remote location and break the jar inside the bag and dispose of it. As you dispose of it say: "Return to the elements from which thou came!" As you may have guessed, this is also a success spell in the form of reversing any negative energies which may be blocking you from the success you desire, whatever form that success will take. As for the

form of the success; leave that to the Gods. Oh, and if you are using household candles, remember to repeat the spell three nights in succession, burning each candle and disposing of the remaining wax after all three have been burnt. This spell will bring you much success and protection if done in the right way.

Reversing Crossed Conditions With A Black Candle If you know who has put a crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the jinx onto them, burn a black candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath an overturned saucer under the candle) or carve their name on the candle. If you don't know the name of the person who did this trick to you, carve the words "My Enemy" on the candle. Any black candle will do, but if you use a black candle in the figure of the Devil, carve their name on it, and dress it with Cast Off Evil Oil, things will go harder with them. Burn the black candle on the toilet tank, a little bit each night, pinching it out between burnings. Burn it while the moon is growing smaller -- then, on the dark of the moon, the darkest night of the month, turn the burning black candle upside down and extinguish it in the toilet bowl, saying "Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!" Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads -- or into the yard of the person who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.

Egg Jinx Removing Spell For many years the ancient Voodoo priests have used the power of eggs to help combat the power of evil spells and bad luck. They believe that the egg possesses strong magical powers and in the right hands can cause bad luck or good luck depending on the will of the practitioner. If you are plagued by evil spells and bad luck, then do this powerful ancient Voodoo egg spell to help you remove any negative conditions from your life. 1. You must purchase a brown fresh egg before noon of that day. Make sure that you start this when the moon is waning. It is very important that this egg be fresh. Place this egg in a brown bag and tie the neck of the bag with a black cloth string. Place this bag under your bed. 2. Each night before retiring to bed, you must open this bag and take the egg out and rub it all over your body. When done, put the egg back into the bag, take a deep breath and blow three times into the bag. When you are blowing into the bag, you must imagine that all the bad luck is leaving your body, via your breath. When done, place the bag back under your bed. Do this for nine days. At the end of nine days, take the bag with the egg and dispose of it outside your home.

3. Note: Each time that you blow into the bag, you must immediately tie it back up. If by the end of seven days you notice that your bag is moving on it's own. Stop, and dispose of the bag immediately. DO NOT LOOK INTO THE BAG. Make sure that the bag is secure. Do not play with this. Only do this if you are serious about destroying the bad luck in your life.

Hex Breaking Ointment

3 parts Galangal 2 parts Vetivert 1 part thistle 2 parts dried ginger root

Steep herbs in shortening, strain, cool and anoint body at night.

Unbinding Spell Note: This spell cannot be turned and there is no spell that will rebind the person once unbound. Their power will come back; their body will be free. I would not try to make a spell to undo this; there is no spell which will achieve this and people that tried have been bound themselves as a result. It should also be noted that this spell does not help those who become bound as a result of trying to break it. Needs: Two White candles Two Black candles Movements: Take the person that is bound and place him or her on his or her back looking up. Place the two black candles at his feet and the two whites at his head. Light them and then start the spell. Spell: I call on the gods and goddesses of the old days as well of those of the new. Break this spell that they call a binding with your power. Gods of light move about this man or woman's body. Allow your power to break the holds on him or her. Goddesses come down and wake his or her body. Allow the power that you have given this person to be woken.

I call on the East gate. Break the binding spell that was placed on this person. Let it be removed for good. Do not allow a spell of binding be placed on he or she that is before me. Movements: Place your hands to his or her chest and speak once more Spell Continues: Gods and Goddesses and the East gate, help me within my workings. Allow your power to move within my hands and allow the binding that was put upon my friend to be removed and never to come within him again may he live or die. I call on the element of the East, the element of water, to fill these hands and move within this body to allow the walls that hold him or her fall. I call on the gate of the West, the gate of fire, come forth and burn these walls that hold him or her from awaking and burn the walls that hold back his or her power. I call on the gate of the South, break the walls down with your power so my friend may awaken as well his power. I call on the gate to the North to come and let the winds move air within my friend's body. Unlock the binding that was placed on my friend and awaken his or her power and body to never be locked again.

Movements: Move your hands down the sides of his or her body and say this. Spell Continues: O great gods and goddesses and the gates that hold the elements within, Send your power within my hands and break free my friend from this binding. I call on my friend; within your walls, break that which holds you. Open your body to my power and break the walls that hold you. come to me, my friend. O great gods and goddesses, do not allow the binding to work on this person any longer. The power of both sides, of the Light and Dark, Your onus is broken and you are free once more. As the day and night, so shall you be of both this day, and not just one. Movements: Back away once getting to his feet and dot move close tell you see the light of light come over him or her and then the light of Dark come over him then see his eyes move little. Then you may go to him or her to hold and help him.

A Reversing Spell You want to get three red candles, and (if possible) 1 black candle. (if you can't get a black candle without raising eyebrows, go ahead and get a brand new black permanent marker. Do not use this marker for anything else but this type of spell if you can help it.) Also. if you have access to any essential oils, get some rue oil or get hold of some bulk rue ... and a small bottle of olive oil.

A small candle holder and a clean piece of paper and a red pen to write with are the next things.(again, a new pen if possible, saving it for this type of spell. A good thing to do is to get a variety of colored pens to save for doing specific spells.) Melt the black wax of the candle in a double boiler and dip the lower half of the red candles in it, making the black wax coat the bottom half. Or, if you must, cover the lower half of the red candles with the black magic marker. On a night where you can block everyone out for a while, take a bath with either sea salt or regular salt (1 tsp. is enough) and a bit of rue oil or rue (cut or ground, doesn't matter). Do not towel dry yourself, go ahead and air dry. (You can wear whatever you normally wear to do spells, but you definitely want to air dry.) Then, get out the rue oil or, in a small bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of ground or cut rue and 1 1/2 tablespoons of olive oil. Coat one candle with the oil or oil-herb mixture, anointing from the middle out, going counter clockwise. Do the bottom half first, then the top. You'll be doing this spell over three consecutive nights, so save the rest of the candles and the oil in a safe place. On the piece of paper, write down what you'd like to see reversed from you; i.e. bad luck in love, financial problems, trouble from an enemy, inability to find what you need in your life, etc. Get thoughtful and make sure it's something you really want to send away. Place the piece of paper under the candle holder (it would probably be smart to put this in a pie plate or some other fireproof container), charge the candle with your desire to see these things or trends gone, and light the candle, using a lighter only (no matches). Do this again for the next two nights, and once you're done, burn the piece of paper, seeing your life as if a weight lifted from it. If there's any leftover wax, collect it in a brown paper bag and bury that someplace far from you, or throw in a trash can across town! Then forget about it, don't worry over it, just know it worked. You can do this whenever you feel the things in your life are not going the direction you'd wish, and different candle colors can be used for specific reversals. This is for general, overall reversals.

Spell For Breaking A Magical Bond With Another Person Second, if a person wanted to try a link-break, they would have to evoke the bond again [to break it] ... They could use a simple sorcerous ceremony to evoke the link. ... Get a private room, and draw a diagram on a surface you can stand and walk around on. They'd diagram out a central circle one pace in diameter. Then they'd draw another circle about one pace in diameter. Then they'd connect the two circles with a line. On one side of the line would be written the person's name. One the other side of the line would be written the other person's name. Next two effigies would be prepared. A photograph with a name written on it is nice. People with old fashioned leanings can make them out of clay or wax.

With some caballa one could make them out writings on sheets of paper. One effigy is for the person linked to. It's put in a bowl or something that cooking wine can burn safely in, like an aluminum kitchen bowl. The second effigy is of the donor. That can be put into an ordinary kitchen bowl as well. Next a series of things in a backwards-seeming order is performed. First, holding the effigy of the other person, the characteristics of the other person are invoked into it. It's then stuck into its bowl and sealed in its circle; let's call it circle B. Then the donor's effigy has the donor's characteristics invoked into it and it is sealed into circle A. The link connecting the two persons is then *evoked* from inside the donor, with them calling it forth and projecting it into the line connecting the two circles. Then with some convenient wand or kitchen spoon or something, tap the line connecting the two circles, invoking the line to represent the bond between the two. Then after walking three times around the whole contraption, counterclockwise and make drawing gestures with the wand, kitchen spoon, laser pointer, etc. the force linking the two is commanded to decouple and withdraw from the line into the separate sealed circles. Then the line is broken physically with the wand, laser pointer, whatever and the link is commanded to break and not reform. Remaining are two potentized effigies in separate sealed circles. It's finished up by taking salt water (Epsom salts are nice) and banishing any connection that the donor effigy has with the donor by pouring the salt water over it without breaking the circle A, while commanding any connection be dissipated harmlessly. Then cooking wine is poured into the other bowl in circle B and a match is tossed in and the command is given for any link that the effigy has with the other person to be cleanly and harmlessly consumed by the flame . Then the mess is cleaned up in a normal way. If you should happen to do this, you do it at your own risk, and are fully responsibility for whatever happens. It's a good idea to experiment with cooking spirits beforehand in a controlled manner to determine what kind and amount and lighting technique is most advisable in individual circumstances.


When we share intimate relationships with people, often we unconsciously take on some of our partner's traits and visa versa. In a close relationship this can deepen the connection and allow two people to function and relate more easily as one. However this condition is not desirable because it ultimately weakens both parties involved. Pieces of your soul become artificially incorporated into other people and visa versa. So if the relationship breaks by any circumstance, both parties may feel as though they're missing parts of themselves, and also are haunted with some of pieces of the other's behaviors, thinking and

emotional patterns, etc. Now, your soul is linked to you no matter where it has been stretched to. There are always threads leading back to the source which can never (or only with deliberate effort) be wholly severed. So by breathing with those threads, it is possible to retract the lost parts of yourself, and release the parts which are not yours to keep. Do this as follows. Meditation Locate your center. Reach within and locate what is not you. Exhale and release this out back into the world. Reach out and feel the scattered bits of yourself. Inhale and feel those pieces retract back into your center. Repeat until ending of meditation. Center yourself again and sit for a minute to relax. Do this daily until you feel whole again and not psychically attached to any external persons. You will find that there are far more than just one single person who has bits of you out there, and far more than just one other person who you've detained within. It's a form of psychic parasitism that almost all people unconsciously partake in on a continual basis (some consciously as well). By doing the above exercise you will reconsolidate yourself. After this has happened you will become better rooted with a much stronger sense of personal boundaries, and you can thus better protect yourself from future occurrences.

Spell To Use When Cursed By Unknown Person Spell and magick be gone (say this three times) That has been placed on me by person(s) known or unknown to me Go back from whence you came Remain with whom you came from Be with who you were sent by Then visualize a pyramid going over you. I am under universal light and universal protection Nothing less then universal perfection can touch me were I am The forces of this spell do leave So mote it be.

Spell To Bless A New Relationship Bake a fresh loaf of bread. Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the bread as well as the relationship. Break off a piece of the bread for your partner, as well as one for yourself as well. As you

share time together, share the bread as well. Do not cut the bread with a knife or any other cutting tool. Just break off the pieces with your hands. Adding butter or jam might be a good idea to help sweeten things up a bit.

Spell For Blessing A New Home, Home Cleansing Home-cleansing methods are of great importance in African-American hoodoo folk-magic. Here is a simple procedure for blessing a new home and ridding a house of any unwanted spiritual influences. Wash down the wood work and floors with Chinese Wash (or Van Van Oil in water) from back to front and out the front door and throw the remaining wash water out the front door or in the front yard. If there is no front yard, carry some of the wash water to the nearest street intersection or crossroads and throw it to the East. Then use a brand new broom to sweep the house from back to front and out the front door. Some folks also like to sprinkle Van Van Powder at the front threshold and sweep that away from the house. After cleaning as above, put down pinches of salt in the corners of each room or, if you are in a hurry, four pinches of salt at the four outside corners of the house.

Magick Book Of Shadows Blessing Preparation: At the time of the Full Moon, take your Book of Shadows (one that hasn't been written in yet) and some incense (pennyroyal, anise or rue) outside. Ritual: Under the light of the Full Moon, draw a pentagram on the first page and under this write the following information: date, time, place, your magical name (and sigil if you have one), the moon's phase and any other info you feel is important. Hold the book up to the Moon and say: "Here as the Full Moon shines upon me, Bless this Book I've made tonight. I humbly ask this of thee, Underneath your most sacred light."

Spell To Honor Your Household Spirits When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense, candles or what not you can say this little chant: "Wraith of the house, Take heart and live,

To every chamber This light I give, To every corner This breath I send Approve and favor my willing hand."

A Magic Home Blessing Pentagram compass Rosemary Lavender Snap lock bag

Glue the Pentagram to the compass, "Spirit" point north. Place everything into bag, and bury in center of building or middle of door. Pentagram pointing north. Cast a circle, Chant the spell. Goddess and God bless this house, Keep it free from bug or mouse. For good or bad, dark or light, Those unwelcome will feel thy might. Protect me as I do thy will, here you are master for good or ill Goddess and God hear my prayer So Mote it Be! Concentrate on the Spell until you feel the power flowing, Then open the circle and finish.

Magic Book Blessing

I will serve the Great Goddess, And give reverence to the Great God, I am a Pagan, A stone in the ancient circle, Standing firmly, Balanced on the earth, Yet open to the winds of heaven, And enduring through time, May the old gods witness my words

Magic House Blessing Find the center point of the house. If there is more than one level, then use the stairs as the center. Take a cup of red wine and take a sip at each turn. Drain the cup at the end Face the East saying: Lady of Love and power and all blessings, breathe Love into this house. Fill the air with good. Through you and in you, I bless this house. Face the South saying: Lady of Love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort. Make whole its hearth. Through you and in you, I bless this house. Face the West saying: Lady of tide and time and all blessings, let every hour flow sweetly in this house. Make pure its tides. Through you and in you, I bless this house. Face the North saying: Lady of earth and stability and all blessings, plant security within this boundary. Make strong its defences. Through you and in you, I bless this house. Turn to all four points twice more and repeat each time: You are blessed

Magic Blessing Of Water

" Oh Great Ones, My Goddess and my God, I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.) Bless this water, With you power, With you purification, With you healing powers, Bless this water (put bowl down, and now use the water for power, purification and healing) With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, So mote it be and blessed be ."

Magic Home Blessing Bread is offered to the household guardians as a libation, and the salt is kept in the heart of the home to ground any evil that might enter. After you do this, burn a purifying or protecting incense such as frankincense, cinnamon, or pepper moving it from room to room while you visualize any negativity fleeing from your home. As you go, chant over and over your words of power: Smoke of air and fire and earth Cleanse and bless this home and hearth Drive away all harm and fear Only good may dwell in here

Magic Dwelling Blessing

Dwelling of Stone, Metal, Wood and Earth Silent One, Protective One, you of the four winds Dwelling of Health, Wealth Joy and Peace: Guardian Sustained you of the Earth Dwelling of Stone Metal Wood and Earth Secure One Peaceful One You of the Guarded and protected you be Cleansed and pure you be Peaceful and loving you be It is finished in Beauty It is finished in Beauty It is finished in Beauty

Magic Witches Ladder For Comfort And Blessing If you want to do a spell to comfort [a sick friend], try making a witch's ladder. Take a long blue cord or ribbon, and collect 7 symbols to hang from it -- things like Grey feathers for protection during sleep, sprigs of healing herbs, garlic for healing and protection, small talismans, conjure bags, charms you get the idea. The important thing is that the symbols should represent comfort, protection, and healing. Tie them to the cord and charge it with comforting power.

Magic Blessing Oil 1 to 4 lavender blossoms 2 drops each sage, basil, patchouli essential oil Carrier oil (can be olive used for protection, almond, sunflower, etc.)

Choose a small dark vial. Place all but the oil in the vial together, then add enough oil to fill the bottle. Shake thoroughly. Use for anointing ritual candles, self, consecrating tools, etc. Lavender is there for purification, happiness, love, and peace; Basil brings protection and love; Sage brings purification, protection, healing, wealth, longevity; Patchouli brings prosperity, wards off evil and negativity, aids divination. All of these are desirable generic attributes so makes a good blend for general purposes. Great for keeping on your personal altar for magical workings.

Magic House Blessing Prepare your home and yourself for the onset of spring by first cleaning house the conventional way. As you do, meditate on the mental debris you need to clean out as well. Then, when you're ready, take up your ritual broom, start at the front door and sweep all around the house, visualizing all unwanted things being swept away by your magickal broom. When you return to the front door, open it wide and sweep this stuff away. Now light a white candle and carry it around your home. Visualize a light of peace and newness spreading around you and your home. Make a circle of light before each window and door, asking the blessings of the Goddess and the God on your home and all who dwell within it.

Magic Blessing For The Body To convert the senses This blessing gives the body more connection with the spirit. It may also help with your readiness to channel. To be done at night in the moon's view. Extravagance is not appreciated. Light a large white candle. Burn sandalwood and basalm and pine. Prepare a bowl of water sprinkled with salt. Put this before you and touch it to each part of your body.

To the eyes Bless my eyes that I might have clarity of vision To the mouth Bless my mouth that I may speak the truth To the ears Bless my ears that I may hear all that is spoken and not To the heart Bless my heart that I may be filled with love To the uterus Bless my womb that I may be in touch with my creative energy that stems from the universe To the feet Bless my feet that I may find and walk my own true path Fill yourself with understanding, and from that love. Extinguish candle when done (can be used for other purposes).

Magic Book Blessing

Hearken as the Witch's word Calls the lady and the lord Moon above and earth below Sky's cool blue and sun's hot glow In this right and ready hour Fill these pages with thy power May no unprepared eye to see The secrets which trusted be To I who walk the hidden road

To find the hearthstone's calm abode Guardians from the four directions Hear me and lend thy protection May these truths of Earth and skies Shaded be from prying eyes But to the witches whose map this be May the way be plain to see And through all the coming ages May we find home in these pages So mote it be!

Magic Home Blessing

Who comes to me, I keep. Who goes from me, I free. Yet against all I stand who do not carry my key. Use this as an inscription over a threshold with three pine cones hung loose to blow in the wind.

Magic Blessing Of The Book Of Shadows

Hearken as the witch's word calls to all, a gulf to ford. Bridge the vast realities. An it harm none, do as ye please. Elements, protect and guard this book, from wandering eyes and prying looks. Fill it with thine ancient powers, in this right and ready hour. Powers of the North, the East below, help me to live, to learn, to grow. Lend your strength and stability, to practice the Craft and with love be free.

Powers of East, the wind, the Sky, watch over these pages with thine eye. Your wisdom and knowledge, for these I do ask, that this book be worthy of the Craft and its task. Powers of South, Fire, and hearth, help these Shadows to prove their worth. Infuse them with all your healing and passion, so only good comes from the work that is fashioned. Powers of West, the Water and sea, change and growth are granted by thee. Bless these pages with all that you know, that righteous readers may learn and grow. And to the unschooled eye that see, confusing words and sophistry, lead them from these sacred pages, and bless their passage through the ages. For free will of all, and harm none, as I have willed it, it is now done. So mote it be!

Spell To Bless In All Ways Envision the person you intend to bless, concentrating upon this with your eyes closed, and speaking rhythmically, feeling each part of the blessing as you think it. "For you, through the power of the Lady, a helmet of light. For you, through the power of the Lady, strength that is growing, Strength to strength, and ease and easeful sleep, and gladness spreading, Thankfulness spreading through all of your body, all of yourself, in the power of the Lady, By the power of the Lady, through the power of the Lady."

Magic Blessing New Home Chant

Touch the lintel and touch the wall, nothing but blessings here befall!

Bless the candle that stands by itself, Bless the book on the mantle shelf, Bless the pillow for the tired head, Bless the hearth and the light shed. Friends who tarry here, let them know a three-fold blessing before they go. Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow Faith in yesterday and tomorrow. Friends who go from here, let them bear the blessing of hope, wherever they fare. Lintel and windows, sill and wall, Nothing but good, this place befall.

Magic Blessing Pens In the phase of a new moon, stand where it shine directly onto you, keep with you a bowl of consecrated water, some crushed rose petals, a pinch of salt, and any protection incense, also your pen of choice. Sprinkle all the things you have gathered into the water, and say times three: 'Ink so black as the night blessed be times three said times three with moon light blessed be. serve me right serve only me through good and bad so mote it be! If using a red or blue pen, just change 'black' to whatever it may be, and change 'night' to whatever may be fitting.

Magic Car Blessing Before leaving on a lengthy journey, bless your car. Walk around it clockwise and examine the body, the windows, the wheels, and so on. Imagine yourself storing up more and more energy within yourself with each breath that you take, then breathe out all of the energy, fixing it in each of the car's part. Say aloud, "May the protection of the Lord and the Lady be in and about this vehicle, that it may deliver us safe to our destination. So mote it be!"

I'm Blessed To Have You Spell

This spell is worked to build appreciation and thankfulness for the loving Goddess and Spirits who have brought you together with the one you love. Take a white candle. Clean it for ritual use. Anoint it with Gratitude or I'm Thankful Oil. Light it every night or morning as part of your daily prayer or meditation time holding the thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude for all that you have including the love in your life. When finished, take the wax and sprinkle it with salt. Rinse in running water. Place in white bag with pinch of salt and dispose of it.

Basic Candle Spell Depending on your goal, you will need to choose a candle color that is appropriate for your task. Different colors represent different things, for example, if you want to use this spell to gain money, you choose a green candle, because green represents money (as well as other things). If you wanted love, you would use a pink candle (or red if it's actually lust you want). Take the candle and make 7 notches in it, all equally apart. Using virgin olive oil, dress the candle, rubbing the oil on it from the middle to the bottom, Then the middle to the top. Place the candle in a sturdy candle holder (preferably metal, glass may shatter) and light the candle. Concentrate on your task while the candle burns down to the first notch. Burn the candle each night to the next notch until it has completely burned out. Look at any god correspondence chart on a wiccan website to see which color you want for the different types of spells you could adapt the above basic one to. You can also write out what you want in rhyme and burn it after saying it like an incantation. 3x3 times works well. Keep any ashes and wax and make into a ball as a Talisman or keep in a spell box in case you wish to reverse the spell.

Magic Candle Rituals Candle rituals have been around for centuries. You light the candles, maybe close your eyes while repeating a spell or that which you wish for and visualizing it coming true. It is a combination of the need or desire, and the ability to visualize the outcome. Candle burning spells and rituals are very easy to do and to have success with if they are done correctly and you truly believe. The different colors of candles each have their own symbolism. Here is a table of the colors and their meanings. White: truth, purity Red: love, health, sex, strength Green: money, luck, fertility Black: discord, evil, negativity, confusion Brown: neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation Pink: love, morality, honor

Purple: power, business progress, ambition Orange: attraction, stimulation Greenish Yellow: jealousy, anger, discord Gray: neutrality, stalemate, negativity Light Blue: tranquility, patience, health Dark Blue: depression, changeability

Candle spells can be very easy or complicated. It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual. It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to me. It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with the repositioning of the candles each day. The choice is always yours. The first thing you want to do is get the appropriate color candles for your particular desire. Then you need to anoint the candle with oil. Olive oil will do fine. You need to rub the candle with the oil from the middle outward to the ends. As you are doing this you need to be thinking of your desired goal. Then sit and meditate on your desire after lighting the candles, then read your spell or chant your appropriate mantra. You don't need some elaborate spell with a bunch of big words or words you don't even know how to pronounce. You can make your own spells or rituals. Think of your desire then make a simple little rhyme that tells about your desire in it. It doesn't even have to rhyme. This is all about will power, the power of positive thinking, and creative visualization. If you can do these things then you will send those vibrations out into the universe and eventually they will materialize.

Friendship Candle Spell

Pink Candle Good Luck/Friendship Oil Pink silk ribbon White Silk Ribbon

Cast the Circle, Arrange altar, Invoke Goddess and God You will want to anoint the pink with Good Luck oil all the while thinking of the friends you want to make. Imagine yourself laughing with them, going out with them. Really see yourself with them. After your candle has been anointed, you may light it. At this point you may call out the things that are important to you in a friend: honesty, trust, open mindedness, humor, whatever. As you light the candle, see the flame as being the energy that burns between any two close friends.

When this is completed, take your two pieces of silk ribbon and weave them together. Simply winding them around each other will do. While you do this, think of bringing that friend closer to you. This binding process is reminiscent of pagan handfasting rituals. You are binding that friend to you, making them loyal to you, a way any good friend should be. You do not want to bind a specific person to you, as that kind of magic is harmful since is harms the other person's free will. Only bind the idea of the perfect friend to you. Once you have done this, tie the ribbon to the base of your candle as best as you can. The candle's light is a beacon to bring friendship to you and another person. When this is done, you may wish to sit and meditate on the spell that you have just cast, sending your energies out to bring that perfect friend to you. When you feel that your spell has been completed, then it has. Let your candle burn all the way out and release your circle, thanking the Goddess and the God.

Love Spell Light a candle and place it by the window sill at night. This is you calling out to your love.

Cast A Witch's Lucky Candle Spell Take an orange candle anointed with cinnamon oil, clove, or lotus oil. Light the candle and say 3 times: "brimstone, moon, and witch's fire, candlelights bright spell, good luck shall I now acquire, work thy magic well. Midnight twelve, the witching hour, bring the luck I seek. By wax and wick now work thy power as these words I speak. Harming none, this spell is done. By law of three, so mote it be!" Do this spell at midnight.

Candle Spell To Stop Harassment Timing: During the waning moon. Use a brown candle (an image candle, if you can) to represent the person who is harassing you. Write the person's name on the front and back of the candle. On a small piece of parchment paper, write: 'From now on, (name) will say nothing but sweet words about me and to me. By the power of Aradia, so mote it be!' Put a drop of honey in the middle of the paper and roll it into a ball. Heat a knife, pin or your athame, make a gash in the candle (in its mouth, if it's an image candle) and stuff the paper ball into it. Let the candle burn a little while every night for an odd number of nights, to a maximum of nine nights. Throw the remnants into flowing water, but save some candle drippings or ash to sprinkle in the path of your oppressor.

White Candle Spell For Blessing Get a white candle -- either a plain one (offertory, pillar, or taper) or a figural one in the gender of the person you want to bless. Carve the person's full name on the candle, then dress it with Blessing Oil or Holy Oil. For more power, you may place a name-paper of the person, or a photo, or some personal item of theirs (such as a bit of hair or a snippet of clothing) either under the candle or next to it. One easy way to do this is to place the paper or personal concerns under an overturned saucer and put the candle on top of the saucer. Burn a portion of the candle every day for seven days, pinching it out between burnings. As you light it each day, say this [Name], may you be blessed May all good things come to you May nothing whatsoever harm you May your heart be light May your travels be safe May your health be good May your mind be sound May your friendships sustain you May you be blessed in every way If you have a special request for this person (such as that they find a lover, get a good job, come home safely from a war, or whatever), just add it to the list. Some people use a large pillar-type candle and

keep it going for longer than seven days. They may make a habit of burning such a candle every day -- or once a week, on Sundays -- for as long as their friend or relative needs help, even doing so for months at a time. If the candle is large and it is to be burned in this way, it should be re-dressed with Blessing Oil or Holy Oil once a week: after the initial dressing, you can drop a tiny bit of oil into the "well" or hole in such a large candle just before lighting it each time.

A Magick Candle Binding Spell Get a large white candle, the kind that drips wax, and set it up on a tray. Affix to it a photograph or other image of the person you wish to bind. Make a ring of sea salt around it. Make a second ring with protective herbs. Some dried rosemary from the kitchen will not break your bank. Or use sage if you like. Fill the rest of the tray with images that represent what you are binding the person from: pictures of your family, keys to your house, legal documents, whatever. If the problem is too complex for images, write what the person is bound from on slips of paper and place them around the candle. Maybe they are gossiping and making your life a misery. Write it down and explain what you want stopped. Papyrus, or good thick paper made from cotton or linen work best for this. Use red ink if you are angry, purple ink if you are sad. Wrap the candle and the image with black thread (use cotton tread or linen or even wool, if possible). Invoke Isis and "Linda the Binder With Linen Thread." Say out loud what you are Binding the person from. Light the candle and leave it burn until the wax begins to drip over the thread and image. Burn it every day for a week, until the image is thick with wax. Use this as a meditation device to direct your will to Binding the person. You will have direct results if you have a just reason for this spell. You can also Bind a person from harming themselves.

Spell To Reverse Spells Cast With Candle Magick Light two black candles and chant: In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark And the Gods of the Netherworld And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me Let them suffer their own curse Let these candles be their candles

This burning be their burning This curse be their curse Let the pain they have caused me and mine Fall upon themselves Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each night chant the spell until the candles are spent.

Basic Candle Spell This type of candle magic is very basic, yet quite effective. This is a good time to iterate how closely Karma and ethics are intertwined. You choose your own color of magic, not once, but each time you practice. Some traditions believe in Karma as "What you do comes back to you". Keep in mind that for any magic it is best (though not necessary) to do calling magick, such as money, love, health, luck or anything that brings something to you, during the waxing moon (first quarter) to the full moon. Banishing magic, such as bindings, quitting bad habits, curses or anything pushing energy away should be done during the waning moon (last quarter) to the new moon. These are optimal times, but you cannot always base your magick around the moon. Basic candle magic deals only with two colors, white and black Correspondence tables at good Wiccan sites. Envision the white candle as the waxing to full moon and the black candle as the waning to new moon. For any calling purposes, use the white candle. For any banishing purposes, use the black candle. (Note: Always use candles that are one solid color throughout. Scratch some wax off to test this if you are not certain.) You Will Need: One white or black candle Candle holder Matches or lighter Olive oil

Basic Candle Magic Spell For white candle: Rub oil from the tip of the candle towards the base, while humming and visualizing your reason for doing this spell. Continue humming and visualizing for about five minutes. For black candle: Rub oil from the base of the candle towards the tip, while humming and visualizing your reason for doing this spell. Continue humming and visualizing for about five minutes. Continue for

either candle. Place the candle into the holder and light it. Chant your chant for as long as you can while visualizing your purpose. To chant, use a monotone humming voice.(You should create a specific chant for your purpose.) It can be as simple as one word or as complex as you wish.) (Examples: "Money, money, come to me", "bring love", or "Protection surround me, complete serenity".) When you cannot chant and visualize any longer, put the candle out and repeat the spell the following night (or day). After you see the first glimpse of the results of your spell, let the candle burn all the way out. Remember, after the completion of any spell or ritual, say: "So mote it be."

Candle Magick Spell Depending on your goal, you will need to choose the candle color that is appropriate for your task. Different colors represent different things, for example, if you want to use this spell to gain money, you choose a green candle, because green represents money (as well as other things). If you wanted love, you would use a pink candle (or red if it's actually lust you want). Take the candle and engrave it from top to bottom with what it is your need, using the back side of the blade of a dull knife. (Yes, you can use your athame, but a common butter knife works if you don't have one). Engrave the first and last initials of the person you want to cast the spell on (your own initials if it's for yourself) on the bottom of the candle in the same manner. After you have engraved your candle, rub incense ashes all over the candle. This means bottom, base, middle, tip, and wick. If you wish, the ashes of the incense may also correspond with your goal. Place the candle in a sturdy candle holder (preferably metal, glass may shatter) and light it. Leave the candle to burn in a safe place. In order for this to work, the candle must be left to burn all the way down. (Optional) If you think it would help, sit in front of the candle for a few minutes and concentrate on your goal. Meditate on it. Before you leave your candle to finish burning, repeat a few times what it is your wish for the spell to accomplish. After the candle had burned out, clean the excess wax away from the candle holder, and throw it away. It should take about 24 hours to start working, depending on the goal.

Magic Candle Correspondences

WHITE: Protection, cleansing, divination, healing, contacting the gods, and clear vision. GOLD: Worldly achievement, wealth, recognition, and long life.

SILVER: Divination, awakening different psychic powers (clairvoyance, telepathy, etc...), astral projection, invoking the goddess, intuition, and repressing unwanted psychic powers or visions. RED: Courage, increase life force, determination, astion, sexual passion and potency, survival, physical health, strength, pleasure, and willpower. ORANGE: Fertility, creative growth, self-esteem, confidence, abundance of all things, and energy. YELLOW: Mental excersize, gaining someone's approval, improve memory, increase concentration, and sharpen logic. GREEN: Healing, gardening, tree magic, growth, good harvest, prosperity, money, and good luck. BLUE: Create confidence, discover truth, expand mental horizons, success, and protection. PURPLE: Meditation, past-life work, divination, astral travel, psychic protection, prevention of nightmares, and remembrance for parted loved ones. PINK: Love, romance, friendship, affection, quiet sleep, rekindling trust, and attracting new friends or lovers. BROWN: Locating lost objects, home protection, pet protection, money, ideas, and balance. GRAY: Reaching compromises, invisibility, and settling negative emotions. BLACK: banishing, leaving a relationship, acknowledging grief, and forgiveness.

Spell To Change A Situation From Bad To Good Burn 7 white candles at 7pm on a Friday evening. Place another shorter candle into a pot of soil. After 10 minutes, blow out the white candles in turn and allow the shorter candle to extinguish itself inthe soil.

Witch's Healing Candle Spell To help speed a recovery from illness, write the sick person's name upon a white human-shaped candle of the appropriate gender. As you anoint it with three drops of myrrh or mint oil, visualize healing energy in the form of white light flowing from your hands into the candle and say: In the divine name of the Goddess Who breathes life into us all I consecrate and charge this candle As a magical tool for healing. Place the candle on top of a photograph of the sick person and then light the wick. As the candle burns down, concentrate upon the person in the photograph, willing him or her to be well again, and chant the following incantation:

Magick mend and candle burn, Sickness end; good health return.

Spell To Change Fate (the wishing candle spell) Be forewarned, changing may make some parts of your life stronger, yet other parts weaker. Materials: A special candle chosen especially for the spell A pentacle with corresponding symbols like Saturn and symbols of what you wish to change written on it. 4 black candles smaller than the special candle (wishing candle)

Set up altar with the four candles in each corner, and in the center put the pentacle and the wishing candle over it. Wait to do the spell until the full moon, and then make sure you do it at night and where the stars are in full view. On the new moon, look unto the sky for the 7 brightest stars. Hold up a lighter and say/chant: "I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish this night. For change of ______ this night I ask, and by the flame, I ask it last. Seven brightest stars in the sky, light the flame I hold high." With this light your lighter, light the wishing candle, and light the little candles in it's flame. Now go about business as usual.

Spell for Prosperity Goddess Candle God Candle Incense Green Candle Good Luck Oil Black Candle Banishing Oil Petitioner Candle

Build your altar. Place the Petitioner candle beneath the Goddess candle and place the green and black candles beneath the God candle. Light the incense. Anoint the black candle with banishing oil and say, empower this candle to absorb all negative forces acting upon me. As this candle burns, let it's powers engulf all obstacles in my way, leaving my path clear for success." Light the black candle. Anoint green candle with good luck oil and say, "I empower this candle to bring me good luck, prosperity and success in acquiring a new and better job. As this candle burns, so might it be a beacon for good fortune and prosperity." Light the green candle. You need not anoint the petitioner candle, but focus strongly on this person (if it is yourself, see yourself in your new job) as you light it, saying, "As this candle represents {name}, let it be a beacon for positive forces and energies. As this candle burns bright, so does the light of {names}'s heart burn bright with ambition and desire for a new, better job." Concentrate firmly, directing your power to the petitioner candle, which is receiving the energy from the green candle that is burning. After ten minutes or so of concentration, extinguish the candles in the reverse order in which you lit them. Each day, repeat the spell, moving the green candle two inches closer to the petitioner. Your spell is complete when the two candles touch.

Candle Spell To Get A Job This spell should be used only after you have submitted your resume or application. With a pin or sharp knife, write the name of the company(s) you want to work for on the side of a large green candle. On a red candle, you need to carve the victory rune (Tiwaz, it looks like an arrow, pointing up) and your full name. Burn both candles for 30 minutes on Thursday after the sun sets, while visualizing yourself getting the kind of job you want. At the end of the 30 minutes, snuff the candles (do not blow them out). Burn them each Thursday after that for 15 minutes until they burn out, or until you get the job. Dispose of the candles and leave a small bowl of milk outside overnight as an offering. Magic Sinus-Clearing Candle

This is a candle you can make easily with household items. It's good for clearing sinuses, and I've seen the aloe portion cure colds. This is an effective form of aromatherapy. Take a small votive candle holder, enough green candles to melt into the holder, a large amount of fresh garlic, a spike from an aloe plant, (ask permission first,) and a handful of cloves. Melt all these into the candle carefully. Leave overnight for the wax to dry. Then, burn.

All Purpose Magic Candle Anointing Oil 1 cup rose petals 1 cup violets 1 cup water 1 cup olive oil 1 tbsp clove oil teaspoons powdered cinnamon 1 tablespoon powdered myrrh 1/4 cup wild fennel seeds

Gather rose petals and violets at sunrise. Place them in a clean ceramic crock. Cover with water (fresh rain water, preferably) and let crock sit in a sunny location for three days until an oily film (the essential oil of the flowers) is seen floating on top of the water. Remove oil from water by carefully absorbing it into a small cotton ball. Squeeze out oil into a clean, long-necked glass bottle. Add olive and clove oils, and swirl gently in a clockwise direction to slowly agitate oils. Next, add cinnamon, myrrh, and fennel seeds. Seal bottle tightly and store it in a dark, cool place. After four weeks, strain through cheesecloth and use to anoint candles.

Color Correspondences For Candle Magick Light, like all things, vibrates. Every color vibrates at a different speed. The different vibrations of various colors can be used by our brains in the rituals we perform for healing, meditations, magic, or any thing we wish. This is called practical magic because we are using an Element, this time Light. Each color represents a principle or value.

Red - Energy, Strength, Passion, Courage, Element of Fire, Career Goals, Fast Action, Lust, Blood of the Moon, Vibrancy, Driving Force, Love, Survival Orange - Business Goals, Property Deals, Ambition, Career Goals, General Success, Justice, Legal Matters, Selling, Action

Copper - Passion, Money Goals, Professional Growth, Fertility in Business, Career Maneuvers Gold - Wealth , The God, Promote Winning, Safety and Power of the Male, Happiness, Playful Humor Yellow - The Sun, Intelligence, Accelerated Learning, Memory, Logical Imagination, Breaking Mental Blocks, Selling Yourself Pink - Romantic Love, Planetary Good Will, Healing of Emotions, Peace, Affection, Romance, Partnerships of Emotional Maturity, Caring, Nurturing Green - Earth Mother, Physical Healing, Monetary Success, Abundance, Fertility, Tree and Plant Magic, Growth, Element of Earth, Personal Goals Blue - Good Fortune, Opening Blocked communication, Wisdom, Protection, Spiritual Inspiration, Calm, Reassurance, Gently Moving, Element of Water, Creativity Purple - Influencing People in High Places, Third Eye, Psychic Ability, Spiritual Power, Self Assurance, Hidden Knowledge Silver - Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Psychometry, Intuition, Dreams, Astral Energies, Female Power, communication, The Goddess Brown - Influence Friendships, Special Favors Black - Protection Repelling Negativity, Binding, Shapeshifting White - Spirituality, The Goddess, Peace, Higher Self, Purity, Virginity (which means that the woman's mind is her own, and not controlled by a man) white may also be substituted for any other color.

Dressing A Candle For Ritual Chose type and color of candle appropriate for ritual. Cleanse the candle prior energies: you may use water, salt, pure soap, or baby oil (all previously blessed and consecrated). Bless and consecrate oil to be used, appropriate to ritual. State and engrave (if you wish) what the candle is to represent. Anoint the candle with oil and focus on desire (purpose of ritual). For ritual of achievement: anoint oil from the top of the candle to the middle in a downward motion, then from the bottom of the candle to the middle in an upward motion. For ritual of banishment: anoint oil from the middle of the candle to the top in an bottom of the candle in a downward motion. Bless and consecrate the candle. Meditate on desired outcome. Some do not use matches to light candles, the sulfur is considered unclean. If you feel this, use an incense starter or stick to light your candles.

To extinguish a candle, snuff it out or wave your hand over it hard enough to make a breeze to put it out. Do not blow or pinch it out. Blowing a candle out blows desires away, and pinching a flame pinches out desires. Planetary Candle Correspondences Monday is ruled by the Moon-use white candles Tuesday is ruled by Mars-use red candles Wednesday is ruled by Mercury-use purple candles Thursday is ruled by Jupiter-use blue candles Friday is ruled by Venus-use green candles Saturday is ruled by Saturn-use black candles

If you wish to add more power to your candle magic, anoint your candles with an appropriate oil before burning them. As you are doing this, visualize your need and focus your energy towards that. Love: rose, apple blossom, gardenia, jasmine, ylang-ylang Sex: cinnamon, patchouli, lavender, clove, musk, vanilla, tuberose Luck-basil, bayberry, vervain Protection-bergamot, cinnamon, cinquefoil, sandalwood Prosperity-mint, basil, vervain, hyssop, bergamot Purification-frankincense, benzoin, sandalwood, myrrh Divination-nutmeg, lemon grass, acacia, lilac, lotus, narcissus Banishing-carnation, rue

Candle Spell Against Psychic Attack white candle red candle black candle

Imagine a blue ball of energy inside the candles. Caress the candles as you chant:

Goddess of Three, I call upon thee, To protect from those who wish to harm me Keep them from using the gift from thee Keep them from using thy gift to harm me When you finish chanting, imagine the blue ball exploding into lines of blue. Imagine the lines surrounding you and wrapping you in warm blue energy. See the blue light as a shield. Know that it is unbreakable. Think about how it is the Goddess' Light protecting you. Then put the candles someplace where they can burn undisturbed and let them burn themselves out, sending all the energy into your shield. This spell is best performed during the full moon. For longer effects you can make it a seven-day spell.

Adoration Candle Magick On your altar, place two red candles at either end. Before doing this, rub the two candles with rose essential oil. Again, on Friday, the day of the week devoted to the Goddess Aphrodite, perform this task to attract your beloved. Write your name on one candle, and your beloved's on the other. If you do not know his or her name, simply write "my beloved" or "my true love". Again try to use language that will ensure positive magic. If you simply write "handsome" you may well end up with someone gorgeous, but who is harmful for you in some other way. Each evening at seven, light the candles and move them slightly closer together. Carve into your candle a word of special significance to you, perhaps taken from your insights when you performed the wishful thinking task. Perhaps the word "devoted" should be carved into your beloved's candle. On your own, write the same. Meditate on this quality for several minutes, then snuff out the candles. Repeat this for seven nights, using a different quality each time, until on the seventh, the following Friday, both candles are finally standing as close together as possible. Light them and let them burn down and out. If any wax remains, scatter it before you as you walk through a beautiful place, wishing it to bring good fortune to others hoping for love.

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