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P. RATNA PRAKASH BABU ( 109277702043)








SIR CATTAMANCHI RAMALINGA REDDY COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF PG MANAGEMENT STUDIES MBA PROGRAMME -2009-2011 Affiliated to Andhra University, Visakhapatnam Approved by AICTE, Accredited at A level by NAAC,BANGLORE. ELURU 534 007



Human resource management means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals of the organization, individual and the society.
Features of HRM: 1 HRM is concerned with employees both as individuals and as a group in attaining goals. It is also concerned with behavior, emotional and social aspects of personnel. 2 HRM covers all levels (low, middle, and top) and categories (unskilled, skilled, technical, professional, clerical and managerial) of employees. It covers both organized and unorganized employees. 3 It is a continuous and never ending process. 4 Individual employee-goals consist of job satisfaction, job security, high salary, attractive fringe benefits, challenging work, pride, status, recognition etc. 5 It is the central sub-system of an organization and it permeates all types of functional management. 6 It is concerned mostly with managing human resources at work. Functions of HRM: These are broadly classified in to two categories 1. Managerial functions Managerial Functions Managerial functions of personnel management involve a. Planning: It is a predetermined course of action. b. Organizing: An organization is a means to an end. It is essential to carry out the determined course of action. 2. Operative functions

c. Directing: The basic function of personnel management at any level is motivating, commanding, leading and activating people. d. Controlling: It involves checking, verifying and comparing of the actual with the plans, identification of deviations if any and correcting of identified deviations. Operative Functions: The operative functions of HRM are related to specific activities of personnel management viz., employment, development, compensation and relations. All these functions are interacted with managerial functions. Employment: It is concerned with securing and employing the people possessing the required kind and level of human resources necessary to achieve the organizational Objectives: - It covers functions such as job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction and internal mobility. 1. Job Analysis: It is a process of study and collection of information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. 2. Human Resource Planning: It is a process for determination and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper times, performing jobs which would meet the needs of the organization and which provide satisfaction for the individuals involved. 3. Recruitment: It is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization. 4. Selection: It is the process of ascertaining the qualifications, experiences, skills, knowledge etc., of an applicant with a view to appraising his/her suitability to a job. 5. Placement: Right Person in Right Job in Right Time 6. Induction and Orientation: Induction and Orientation are the techniques by which a new employee is rehabilitated in the changed surrounding and Introduced to the practices, policies, purposes, people etc., of the organization.

Recent Trends in HRM: HRM has been advancing at a fast rate. The recent trends in HRM include: 1 Quality of Work life 2 Total Quality in human resources 3 HR accounting, audit and research and 4 Recent techniques of HRM. Recruitment is the process concerned with the identification of sources from where the personnel can be employed and motivating them to offer themselves for employment. SELECTION Selection can be conceptualized in terms of either choosing the fit candidates, or rejecting the unfit candidates, or a combination of both. Difference between Recruitment and Selection At this stage, it is worthwhile to understand difference between recruitment and selection as both these terms are often used together or sometimes interchangeably. GOALS OF RECRUITMENT To attract highly qualified individuals. To provide an equal opportunity for potential candidates to apply for vacancies. GOALS OF SELECTION To systematically collect information about to meet the requirements of the advertised position. To select a candidate that will be successful in performing the tasks and meeting the responsibilities of the position.

To engage in hiring activities that will result in eliminating the under utilization of women and minorities in particular departments.

1. Advertisement -: Advertisement is the most effective means to search potential employees from outside the organization. 2. Employment Agencies -: Many organizations get the information about the prospective candidates through employment agencies. In our country, two types of agencies are operating: public employment agencies and private employment agencies. Public Employment Agencies: There are employment exchanges run by the government almost in all districts. Private Employment Agencies : There are many consultancy and employment agencies like ABC consultants, Personnel and productivity services, etc., 3. On campus Recruitment -: Many organizations conduct preliminary search of prospective employees by conducting interviews at the campuses of various institutes, universities and colleges. 4. Employee recommendations -: Employee recommendation can be considered to the lower levels. 5. E Hiring -: Many organizations conduct preliminary search of prospective employees through the internet service. 6. Gate Hiring -: The concept of gate hiring is to select people who approach on their own for employment in the organization. Selection process A selection process involves a number of steps. The basic idea is to solicit maximum possible information about the candidates to ascertain their suitability for employment. 1. Screening of Applications -: Prospective employees have to fill up some sort of application forms. These forms have variety of information about the applicants like their personal bio-data, achievements, experience, etc.

2. Selection Tests -: Many organizations hold different kinds of selection tests to know more about the candidates or to reject the candidates who cannot be called for interview, etc. 3. Interview -: Selection tests are normally followed by personnel interview of the candidates. The basic idea here is to find out overall suitability of candidates for the jobs. 4. Checking of References -: Many organizations ask the candidate to provide the names from whom more information about the candidates can be solicited. 5. Physical Examination -: Physical examination is carried out to ascertain the physical standards and fitness of prospective employees. 6. Approval by appropriate Authority -: On the basis of the above steps, suitable candidates are recommended for selection by the selection committee or personnel department. 7. Placement -: After all the formalities are completed, the candidates are placed on their jobs initially on probation period may range from three months to two years. NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY The need of the project is to analyze and find the factors, which satisfy the needs and wants of various client organizations. This study deals with the topic Recruitment and Selection in the organization and kind of different Selection procedures being followed in Selection of an individual into the organization The important reason for studying the Recruitment and Selection procedure is to know the recruitment practices undertaken by the organization. Recruitment process involves lot of work in getting positive profiles or people. Recruiter uses many sources to understand the best source to identify the right Candidate so there arises need to understand the best source to be opted for maximum efficiency and to maximize productivity.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY PRIMARY OBJECTIVES How does right recruitment process helps in creating overall efficiency, cost reduction, on time delivery with reference to external customer. Developing human resources in consonance with broader corporate horizon and long range vision of the organization. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES To collect the findings, information & analyze to draw conclusion of recruitment process. To explain the documentation used at the various stages of the recruitment & Selection process. To involve employees in creating an environment of openness, trust, fun & pride. To highlight the area where recruitment and selection programs needs improvement. Is the current recruitment process in line with the employees future career planning and his potential? METHODOLOGY OF THE SUDY DATA COLLECTION Data collection is one of the important tasks of the research, which is based on PRIMARY and SECONDARY DATA Primary data: - The primary data are those data, which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in character. There are some important methods: Observation method Interview method Through questionnaires Through Schedules

Secondary data: - It means data that are already available i.e., they refer to the data, which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else. There are some important methods: Sample Size: In population of 300 I took 92 as sample size. SCOPE OF THE STUDY It makes to understand about the complete Recruitment and selection process in INDIA INFOLINE Ltd. Whether right kind of Recruitment and selection process in all levels? It defines deliverables, functionality data, and technical structures. Data collection is for understanding the Recruitment and selection process. Personal interaction is to understand the efficiency of the Performance Appraisal. To help the company to determine how they make their Performance Appraisal more effective. To determine various parameters to collect information through questionnaire of employees. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The topic was such that it required vast and thorough study necessitating complete enumeration of the organization and analysis of several issues. Following are the limiting factors: Collecting information from people during the working hours was difficult. Due to work shifts it was difficult to approach the employees. Most of the employees were hesitant in giving frank opinions and answer during personal interview. Books, magazines and newspaper Reports prepared by Internet

Time constraint is one of the limiting factors (8 weeks for a project)


Here in project chapters deal with following topics. Chapter 1 explains about the Introduction Objectives of the study, Scope of the study, Methodology of the study, Limitations of the study, Need and Importance of the study. Chapter 2 Explains about Industry profile and company profile. Chapter 3 Explains about the conceptual frame work about the industrial Performance Appraisal. Chapter 4 Explains about the data analysis and interpretations. This is taken from INDIA INFOLINE Ltd. workers. Chapter 5 Explains about the Findings, conclusion, recommendations and suggestions for INDIA INFOLINE Ltd. workers. Project also contains the annexure which contains of questionnaire and bibliography.

Summary: Recruitment and selection process is a key role of Human Resource Department of any organization. Recruitment is the process concerned with the identification of sources from where the personnel can be employed and motivating them to offer themselves for employment. Selection can be conceptualized in terms of either choosing the fit candidates, or rejecting the unfit candidates, or a combination of both. At this stage, it is worthwhile to understand difference between recruitment and selection as both these terms are often used together or sometimes interchangeably. This process used To attract highly qualified individuals, provide an equal opportunity for potential candidates to apply for vacancies, systematically collect information about to meet the requirements of the advertised position, select a candidate that will be successful in performing the tasks and meeting the responsibilities of the position, To engage in hiring

activities that will result in eliminating the under utilization of women and minorities in particular departments.

Most of the employees are satisfied with the recruitment and selection process initiated by the company. Most of the employees are satisfied with the Induction process they receive in the company. Most of the employees think that their training needs are well aligned with their job profile. Employees feel that the Induction programs are carefully designed and appropriately match with the expectation of the new joinee. Employees are happy with the Recruitment evaluation rounds adopted by the company.

Recommendations INDIA INFOLINE Ltd. should recruit more technical and qualified candidates for their required job. More emphasis should be laid on the practical aspects of recruitment and selection. Recruitment and selection process should be fair without any personal biases. Employee reference scheme can be effectively used as a means in recruitment and selection. Psycho metric test and competency mapping can be effectively used.

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