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Michael Joll Father Rauli Creative writing II 10/6/11 The Quiet One (Parable) I have found the root

of evil and it has a name, Damien. Damien was a bitter individual who fed off the fear and pain of others. His interest was watching a person turn to ruins at there most vulnerable state. His talents incorporated the ability to manipulate and over power anyone in his path, and with no motive. I called him a beast, but most people would call him a bully. When he strolled through the halls of west Summerville high all the students parted to either side like Moses parting the seas. The look of him made all cower in panic and his despicable expression turned faces of happiness and joy to ones of misery and horror. From shoving kids in the locker to the constant verbal abuse, Damien was not to be messed with. The worst part of all this was that like a bullet exploding out of a weapon he could not be stopped or controlled. From his parents being called in on a daily basis to countless suspensions; nothing ever came to be a serious consequence due to the panic he put in all he gazed his fiery eyes upon. No one was ever brave enough to actually reveal the truth and something that I have learned at a young age is that it is not what took place, but rather what can be proved. His name was Dean. Also known as the target. He was the worst of all victims at west Summerville high. No one ever pondered upon the thought for Damiens reasoning for making dean his personal prey of choice. Dean was

weak, not popular or very liked by the student community, and worst of all he was alone. Dean lived in a foster home due to his parents leaving him as a baby and even a blind man can see that he had to care for himself. It was being isolated from everyone else without any control of the situations Damien put him in that Damien fed off most. I took pity on Dean, but I like the rest of my school was too much of cowards to befriend him. It was because of that that Dean was very mysterious. All we really did know that that he was extremely bright. He always had a book on him; his favorite being murder mystery novels, but what I also knew was that Dean was strong. He continued to come to school everyday and attempt to live the normal life what we take for granted. This cruelty became a normal thing for west Summerville high. Out of sight was out of mind and whether dean being at the vacant corner table in the cafeteria or taking his daily beating from Damien he sure wasnt a thought of mine. The day then came. It started off as a normal school day. The classes were endless and the work was infinite. Towards the end of the day as I was passing the school playground and saw a group of students all around Damien like ants to a crumb of food. As I began to approach the flock of people I started to hear pounding like a hammer to tail, chills begin to creep up my spine and then CRACK. All went silent. Everyones faces now emotionless. Frozen like ice. There laid Dean, cowering; not knowing when it will end. I will never forget the image of dean with tears in his eyes and blood on his face and Damien standing over him with pride. We were all shocked and speechless. Not knowing what to do we left. We left like deserters, in fear that that might be us. The next day was gloomy and dark. No one could look at each other in the face because of how ashamed we were. As the school day went by Dean was nowhere to be found. All types of gossip went around and no one was sure of why he wasnt in until the entire school

was called to an assembly. There we were told that Dean has been hospitalized. It was explained that this is now a serious matter and for someone to come forward. To reveal the monster who did this, but no one came.

Feeling horrible about myself for not doing anything I went to see Dean in the hospital. On my way there I was trying to think of what to say or do. I just didnt know how to react or answer when we asks me if I was there watching over him as he was tortured. Or how I let that happen and just walk away. I walk into the hospital and there lies Dean. I almost didnt recognize him and at thought I may have been directed to the wrong room. After talking to him for a few minutes it was to my amazement that he seemed to be care free of the traumatic event that had taken place. He explained that his leg had been broken but will able to attend school. I couldnt believe the words passing through my ears. I then gave him my best and left for him to finish his murder mystery novel and said ill see him at school. There he was walking through the halls with his chin up high and care free. It turned out that Damien was out of school that day. So the entire school figured someone told on him, the days went on and Dean started to seem better and better. The odd thing was Damien, the root of all evil, the almighty beast, the monster, was never seen again. I suppose Dean really can take care of himself.

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