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Topical Heading

Program Title

Technology Innovation Challenge Grant

Also Known as
Challenge Grants, TICG
CFDA # (or ED #)
Administering Office
Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII)
Who May Apply (by category)
Local Education Agencies (LEAs)
Who May Apply (specifically)
Applications are no longer accepted. Applicants were LEAs on behalf of a consortium that included
at least one LEA with a high percentage or number of children living below the poverty line.
Consortia also included other LEAs, state education agencies (SEAs), institutions of higher educa-
tion (IHEs), businesses, academic content experts, software designers, museums, libraries, and
other appropriate entities.
Current Competitions
None. This program is no longer authorized.
Type of Assistance (by category)
Discretionary/Competitive Grants
Fiscal Year 2004 $6,667,427
Fiscal Year 2005 $0
Fiscal Year 2006 $0
Fiscal Year 2006 Awards Information
Note: The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.
Number of New Awards Anticipated: 0
Legislative Citation
This program was not reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Continuation
costs for existing grantees were funded by the appropriation for Educational Technology State
Grants, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title II, Part D, Sec.
2411(a)(1)(C). (See Enhancing Education Through Technology Programs, # 84.318, under this
same topical heading.) Previously authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965, as amended by the Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA), Title III, Part A, Subpart
2, Secs. 3136–3137; 20 U.S.C. 6846–6847 (2000).
Program Regulations
EDGAR; 34 CFR 299
Program Description
This program provided grants to LEAs to build capacity and improve teaching and learning
with technology.

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Types of Projects
Grants were five-year development and demonstration projects. Each consortium developed a plan
to begin start-up activities in year one, including initial trials of new learning content and sustained
professional development for teachers. Years two and three were devoted to refinement and expan-
sion of the new applications of technology. Years four and five supported systemwide adoptions that
could become self-sustaining after the fifth year.
Education Level (by category)
K–12, Postsecondary
Subject Index
Academic Achievement, Curriculum Development, Distance Education, Professional Development,
Technology, Telecommunications
Contact Information
Name: Donald Fork
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Mailing Address: U.S. Department of Education, OII
400 Maryland Ave. S.W., Rm. 4W219, FB-6
Washington, DC 20202-5980
Telephone: (202) 205-5633
Fax: (202) 205-5720
Links to Related Web Sites

432   Technology

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